21st Century Music [10078993] Music: Q3 3D Research [10057676] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Software: Q3 3L: LANGUAGE LINGUISTICS LITERATURE [10033303] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 4OR-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH [10009377] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Management Information Systems: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 AACN ADVANCED CRITICAL CARE [10038993] Critical Care Nursing: Q2 Emergency Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AANA JOURNAL [10042812] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AAO JOURNAL [10079432] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q4 AAPG BULLETIN [10000655] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geology: Q1 AAPG MEMOIR [10037205] Economic Geology: Q3 AAPS JOURNAL [10002853] Pharmaceutical Science: D1 AAPS PHARMSCI [32168] Pharmaceutical Science: D1 AAPS PHARMSCITECH [10005393] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Aquatic Science: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 AATCC REVIEW [32169] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ABA Bank Marketing [10078750] Marketing: Q4 ABACUS-A JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING FINANCE AND BUSINESS STUDIES [10007319] Accounting: Q3 ABB REVIEW [10029609] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 ABCD-ARQUIVOS BRASILEIROS DE CIRURGIA DIGESTIVA-BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF DIGESTIVE SURGERY [10071373] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q3 ABDOMINAL RADIOLOGY [10065084] Gastroenterology: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 Urology: Q1 ABHANDLUNGEN AUS DEM MATHEMATISCHEN SEMINAR DER UNIVERSITAT HAMBURG [2151713] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS [10009503] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 ABU Technical Review [10075345] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ACADEME - AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS [4517] Education: Q4 ACADEMIA-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE ADMINISTRACION [10011933] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10593] Emergency Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Academic Journal of Cancer Research [10080303] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING [10014270] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF SECOND MILITARY MEDICAL UNIVERSITY [10036451] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Academic Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University [10068441] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Academic Leadership [10050207] Education: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 ACADEMIC MEDICINE [10005394] Education: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ACADEMIC PEDIATRICS [10022881] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY [37909] Education: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ACADEMIC QUESTIONS [10070872] Education: Q4 ACADEMIC RADIOLOGY [10595] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 ACADEMY OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL STUDIES JOURNAL [10035642] Accounting: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Academy of Banking Studies Journal [10080060] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 ACADEMY OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP JOURNAL [10059072] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT ANNALS [10015886] Business and International Management: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [4515] Business and International Management: D1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT LEARNING AND EDUCATION [10007320] Education: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES [10007321] Business and International Management: D1 Marketing: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT REVIEW [4516] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 ACADEMY OF MARKETING STUDIES JOURNAL [10069815] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Marketing: Q3 ACADEMY OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10031518] Business and International Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 ACADIENSIS [10000012] History: Q2 ACARINA : RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ACAROLOGY [10073634] Insect Science: Q1 ACAROLOGIA [6] Insect Science: Q2 ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION [4518] Human Factors and Ergonomics: D1 Law: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 ACCOUNTABILITY IN RESEARCH-POLICIES AND QUALITY ASSURANCE [10022882] Education: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS RESEARCH [10011934] Accounting: Q2 ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE [10011935] Accounting: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Finance: Q2 ACCOUNTING AND THE PUBLIC INTEREST [10019551] Accounting: Q3 ACCOUNTING AUDITING & ACCOUNTABILITY JOURNAL [10032924] Accounting: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 ACCOUNTING EDUCATION: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10031040] Accounting: Q2 Education: Q2 ACCOUNTING FORUM [10052139] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q2 ACCOUNTING HISTORIANS JOURNAL [10019553] Accounting: Q4 ACCOUNTING HISTORY [10072030] Accounting: Q3 History: Q1 ACCOUNTING HISTORY REVIEW [10078994] Accounting: Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 History: Q1 ACCOUNTING HORIZONS [10015039] Accounting: Q1 ACCOUNTING IN EUROPE [10079434] Accounting: Q2 Business and International Management: Q1 Finance: Q2 ACCOUNTING ORGANIZATIONS AND SOCIETY [4519] Accounting: Q1 Applied Psychology: D1 Information Systems and Management: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 ACCOUNTING PERSPECTIVES [10078995] Accounting: Q4 Finance: Q4 ACCOUNTING RESEARCH JOURNAL [10069484] Accounting: Q4 Finance: Q4 ACCOUNTING REVIEW [4520] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH [7] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ACCREDITATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE [20955] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 ACDI Anuario Colombiano de Derecho Internacional [10080778] Law: Q4 ACE: ARCHITECTURE, CITY AND ENVIRONMENT [10074648] Architecture: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 ACI MATERIALS JOURNAL [9] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 ACI STRUCTURAL JOURNAL [10] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 ACM Communications in Computer Algebra [10042123] Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS [11] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 ACME: AN INTERNATIONAL E-JOURNAL FOR CRITICAL GEOGRAPHIES [10063734] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 ACM Inroads [10074882] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 ACM JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ALGORITHMICS [10016572] Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 ACM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING AND CULTURAL HERITAGE [10066983] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Conservation: Q1 Information Systems: Q3 ACM JOURNAL ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS [10011234] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Software: Q2 ACM SIGCOMM COMPUTER COMMUNICATION REVIEW [10000731] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Software: Q2 ACM SIGPLAN NOTICES : A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES [10082228] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing [10079889] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON ALGORITHMS [10006329] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED PERCEPTION [10011235] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON ARCHITECTURE AND CODE OPTIMIZATION [10011236] Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Software: Q3 ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing [10078996] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS AND ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS [10011237] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Software: Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL LOGIC [10009504] Computational Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Logic: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATION THEORY [10042872] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER - HUMAN INTERACTION [10011238] Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER SYSTEMS [12] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTING EDUCATION [10065090] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DATABASE SYSTEMS [13] Information Systems: Q1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON DESIGN AUTOMATION OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS [10000657] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON EMBEDDED COMPUTING SYSTEMS [10011239] Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON GRAPHICS [14] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: D1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEM SECURITY [10011240] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS [15] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY [10032925] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTERACTIVE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS [10070060] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET TECHNOLOGY [10011241] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data [10022883] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10051624] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Management Information Systems: Q1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE [16] Applied Mathematics: D1 Software: D1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MODELING AND COMPUTER SIMULATION [10009505] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA COMPUTING, COMMUNICATIONS, AND APPLICATIONS [10009506] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS [17] Software: Q1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON RECONFIGURABLE TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMS [10022884] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS [10006229] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY [32188] Software: Q1 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING [10027997] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON STORAGE [10028273] Hardware and Architecture: Q2 ACM TRANSACTIONS ON THE WEB [10011242] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 A CONTRARIO: REVUE INTERDISCIPLINAIRE DE SCIENCES SOCIALES [10025798] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ACORN [10079435] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q3 ACOUSTICAL PHYSICS [18] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 ACOUSTICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10005289] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q3 ACOUSTICS AUSTRALIA [10011243] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 ACOUSTICS BULLETIN [10043025] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q4 ACROSS LANGUAGES AND CULTURES [10008494] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 ACTA ACADEMIAE MEDICINAE SINICIAE [10044346] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA ACADEMIAE PAEDAGOGICAE AGRIENSIS SECTIO MATEMATICAE / AZ ESZTERHÁZY KÁROLY FŐISKOLA TUDOMÁNYOS KÖZLEMÉNYEI. TANULMÁNYOK A MATEMATIKAI TUDOMÁNYOK KÖRÉBŐL [10031838] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Acta Academica [10080061] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Acta Acustica [10052333] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q4 ACTA ACUSTICA UNITED WITH ACUSTICA [10005397] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 Music: D1 ACTA ADRIATICA [10011245] Oceanography: Q3 ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA SECTION A-ANIMAL SCIENCE [20] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Food Animals: Q3 ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA SECTION B-SOIL AND PLANT SCIENCE [21] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Soil Science: Q3 ACTA AGRICULTURAE SLOVENICA [10008985] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 ACTA AGRONOMICA [10035137] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 ACTA AGRONOMICA HUNGARICA: A QUARTERLY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES : AN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL IN AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE [1300176] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA / ZUOWU XUEBAO [10020755] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 ACTA ALIMENTARIA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE [22] Food Science: Q3 ACTA AMAZONICA [10045398] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA BELGICA [10011121] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA [23] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ACTA ANALYTICA [10012379] Philosophy: Q1 ACTA ANATOMICA SINICA [10037441] Anatomy: Q4 Embryology: Q4 Histology: Q4 Structural Biology: Q4 ACTA ANGIOLOGICA [10049852] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 ACTA ANTIQUA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE [1379170] Archeology: Q4 Classics: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE [25] Applied Mathematics: Q2 ACTA ARACHNOLOGICA [10022762] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ACTA ARCHAEOLOGICA [10047552] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 ACTA ARCHAEOLOGICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE [2006825] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 ACTA ARITHMETICA [26] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 ACTA ASTRONAUTICA [27] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 ACTA ASTRONOMICA [5944] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 ACTA BALTICO - SLAVICA [10022381] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA [15519] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ACTA BIOCHIMICA POLONICA [5945] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA BIOETHICA [10028275] Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 ACTA BIOLOGICA COLOMBIANA [10039620] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA BIOLOGICA CRACOVIENSIA SERIES BOTANICA [5946] Plant Science: Q3 ACTA BIOLOGICA HUNGARICA (1983-2018) [10004579] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology: Q3 ACTA BIOLOGICA SZEGEDIENSIS [1277209] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA BIOMATERIALIA [10002858] Biochemistry: Q1 Biomaterials: D1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 ACTA BIO-MEDICA DE L ATENEO PARMENSE [1178876] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA BIOQUIMICA CLINICA LATINOAMERICANA [15523] Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 ACTA BIOTHEORETICA [30] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Philosophy: Q1 ACTA BOREALIA: A NORDIC JOURNAL OF CIRCUMPOLAR SOCIETIES [10034884] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ACTA BOTANICA BRASILICA [10015058] Plant Science: Q2 ACTA BOTANICA CROATICA [2148624] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 ACTA BOTANICA GALLICA [31] Plant Science: Q4 ACTA BOTANICA HUNGARICA [1023037] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 ACTA BOTANICA MEXICANA [10011247] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 Acta Botanica Venezuelica [10079890] Plant Science: Q4 ACTA CARDIOLOGICA [33] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA CARDIOLOGICA SINICA [10011249] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 ACTA CARSOLOGICA [10011248] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 ACTA CHIMICA SINICA [36] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA CHIMICA SLOVENICA [26532] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA CHIROPTEROLOGICA [10000015] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 ACTA CHIRURGIAE ORTHOPAEDICAE ET TRAUMATOLOGIAE CECHOSLOVACA [10010976] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 ACTA CHIRURGICA AUSTRIACA (1968-2001) [10012477] Surgery: Q3 ACTA CHIRURGICA BELGICA [37] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q3 ACTA CHIRURGICA IUGOSLAVICA [10021752] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA CHROMATOGRAPHICA [10000016] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA CIENTIFICA VENEZOLANA [40562] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA CIRURGICA BRASILEIRA [10011250] Surgery: Q3 Acta Classica [10072441] Classics: Q2 ACTA CLINICA BELGICA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND LABORATORY MEDICINE [38] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA CLINICA CROATICA [10013943] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Acta Clinica Croatica, Supplement [10075355] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA COLOMBIANA DE PSICOLOGIA [10043709] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA COMENIANA [10012176] Cultural Studies: Q3 Education: Q4 History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Acta Conventus Neo-Latini [10080779] Classics: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION A: FOUNDATIONS AND ADVANCES [10036661] Biochemistry: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Structural Biology: Q2 ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION A-FOUNDATIONS OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY [39] Biochemistry: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Structural Biology: Q2 ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION B-STRUCTURAL SCIENCE [40] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY [10063591] Structural Biology: D1 ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE [1413510] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY AND CRYSTALLIZATION COMMUNICATIONS [10006456] Biochemistry: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS [10065246] Biochemistry: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 ACTA CYBERNETICA [10004911] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Software: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 ACTA CYTOLOGICA [43] Histology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 ACTA DERMATO-VENEREOLOGICA [44] Dermatology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ACTA DERMATOVENEROLOGICA ALPINA, PANNONICA ET ADRIATICA [10013640] Dermatology: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA DERMATOVENEROLOGICA CROATICA [10011251] Dermatology: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 ACTA DIABETOLOGICA [45] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ACTA ENDOCRINOLOGICA-BUCHAREST [10011252] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q4 Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 ACTA ENDOSCOPICA [1405661] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 ACTA ENTOMOLOGICA MUSEI NATIONALIS PRAGAE [10022886] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Insect Science: Q2 ACTA ETHNOGRAPHICA HUNGARICA [10004179] Cultural Studies: Q4 Demography: Q4 Music: Q4 ACTA ETHOLOGICA [10006457] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ACTA FACULTATIS MEDICAE NAISSENSIS [10036643] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA FACULTATIS XYLOLOGIAE ZVOLEN: THE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF WOOD SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY [10036045] Forestry: Q3 ACTA GASTRO-ENTEROLOGICA BELGICA [1405646] Gastroenterology: Q3 ACTA GASTROENTEROLOGICA LATINOAMERICANA [10047170] Gastroenterology: Q3 ACTA GEOCHIMICA [10069498] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 ACTA GEODAETICA ET CARTOGRAPHICA SINICA [10042794] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA GEODAETICA ET GEOPHYSICA [10029081] Building and Construction: Q3 Geology: Q3 Geophysics: Q4 ACTA GEODAETICA ET GEOPHYSICA HUNGARICA [1128101] Building and Construction: Q3 Geology: Q3 Geophysics: Q4 ACTA GEODYNAMICA ET GEOMATERIALIA [10011253] Geology: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 ACTA GEOGRAPHICA SINICA [10012696] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 ACTA GEOGRAPHICA SLOVENICA [10011254] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 ACTA GEOLOGICA HUNGARICA: A QUARTERLY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [1329066] Geology: Q4 ACTA GEOLOGICA POLONICA [10005400] Geology: Q2 ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA-ENGLISH EDITION [49] Geology: Q2 ACTA GEOPHYSICA [10009507] Geophysics: Q2 ACTA GEOTECHNICA [10015060] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 ACTA GEOTECHNICA SLOVENICA [10011255] Geology: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Acta Ginecologica [10075361] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Acta Gymnica [10054431] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA [50] Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA POLONICA [10018463] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 ACTA HERPETOLOGICA [10015061] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 ACTA HISTOCHEMICA [51] Cell Biology: Q3 Histology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOCHEMICA [52] Biochemistry: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Histology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Physiology: Q3 ACTA HISTORIAE ARTIUM ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE [10016032] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ACTA HISTORICA LEOPOLDINA [10075362] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Acta Historica Tallinnensia [10070524] History: Q4 ACTA HISTRIAE [10015040] History: Q2 ACTA HORTICULTURAE: TECHNICAL COMMUNICATIONS OF ISHS [1135107] Horticulture: Q4 Acta Hospitalia [10075364] Health Policy: Q4 ACTA HYDROCHIMICA ET HYDROBIOLOGICA [53] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Pollution: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 ACTA ICHTHYOLOGICA ET PISCATORIA [10015064] Aquatic Science: Q3 ACTA IMEKO [1028743] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 ACTA INFORMATICA [54] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 ACTA INFORMATICA MEDICA [10047529] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA JURIDICA HUNGARICA [2073612] Law: Q4 Acta Koreana [10080062] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 ACTA LIMNOLOGICA BRASILIENSIA [10035750] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 ACTA LINGUISTICA HAFNIENSIA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS [10017809] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ACTA LINGUISTICA HUNGARICA / ACTA LINGUISTICA ACADEMICA [1303128] Cultural Studies: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Acta Literaria [10079645] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ACTA MATERIALIA [10645] Ceramics and Composites: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 ACTA MATHEMATICA [57] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 ACTA MATHEMATICA ACADEMIAE PAEDAGOGICAE NYÍREGYHÁZIENSIS [10008834] Education: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA MATHEMATICAE APPLICATAE SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES [10011256] Applied Mathematics: Q4 ACTA MATHEMATICA HUNGARICA [1417120] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA MATHEMATICA SCIENTIA [56] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA-ENGLISH SERIES [26552] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA MATHEMATICA UNIVERSITATIS COMENIANAE [10014361] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA MATHEMATICA VIETNAMICA [10025038] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA MECHANICA [58] Computational Mechanics: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 ACTA MECHANICA ET AUTOMATICA [10059325] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 ACTA MECHANICA SINICA [10533] Computational Mechanics: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA [15551] Computational Mechanics: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 ACTA MEDICA ACADEMICA [10030205] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Acta Medica Bulgarica [10057983] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA MEDICA CROATICA [10037545] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA MEDICA (HRADEC KRALOVE) [10057994] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA MEDICA INDONESIANA [10062124] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA MEDICA IRANICA [10037645] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA MEDICA MEDITERRANEA [10011257] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA MEDICA NAGASAKIENSIA [10040418] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA MEDICA OKAYAMA [60] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA MEDICA PHILIPPINA [10036242] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA MEDICA PORTUGUESA [10015065] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Acta Medica Saliniana [10068817] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA MEDICO-HISTORICA ADRIATICA [10030652] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA [10000018] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA ENGLISH LETTERS [10022887] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q3 ACTA METALLURGICA SLOVACA [10008558] Metals and Alloys: Q2 ACTA METEOROLOGICA SINICA [10011258] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 ACTA METROLOGICA SINICA [10052284] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA ET IMMUNOLOGICA HUNGARICA [39607] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA POLONICA [2146337] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 ACTA MICROSCOPICA [10022888] Instrumentation: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 ACTA MONTANISTICA SLOVACA [10010526] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 ACTA MOZARTIANA [10000019] Music: Q4 ACTA MUSICOLOGICA [10000020] Music: Q3 ACTA MYOLOGICA [10017807] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ACTA NEUROBIOLOGIAE EXPERIMENTALIS [63] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA [64] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q1 ACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA SUPPLEMENT [10004626] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q2 ACTA NEUROLOGICA BELGICA [65] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA [66] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 ACTA NEUROLOGICA SCANDINAVICA SUPPLEMENT [10005532] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA NEUROLOGICA TAIWANICA [10046650] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA [67] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 ACTA NEUROPSYCHIATRICA [15559] Biological Psychiatry: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ACTA NEUROPSYCHOLOGICA [10067399] Applied Psychology: Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 ACTA NUMERICA [10047440] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Numerical Analysis: D1 ACTA OBSTETRICIA ET GYNECOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA [68] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA [10002863] Aquatic Science: Q4 Oceanography: Q3 Acta odontologica latinoamericana : AOL [10075372] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA ODONTOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA [69] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA OECOLOGICA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [70] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 ACTA OECONOMICA [4521] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 ACTA OF BIOENGINEERING AND BIOMECHANICS [1355083] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 ACTA ONCOLOGICA [71] Hematology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 ACTA ONOMASTICA [10019686] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA [10009508] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Ophthalmology: Q1 Acta Ophthalmologica. Supplement [10079891] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA ORIENTALIA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE [1404625] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ACTA ORNITHOLOGICA [10002864] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 ACTA ORTHOPAEDICA [10005401] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 ACTA ORTHOPAEDICA BELGICA [10010911] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 ACTA ORTHOPAEDICA ET TRAUMATOLOGICA TURCICA [10015066] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 ACTA ORTHOPAEDICA SCANDINAVICA [73] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 ACTA ORTOPEDICA BRASILEIRA [10022889] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 Acta ortopédica mexicana [10079646] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA [74] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 ACTA OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGICA BELGICA [10024768] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 ACTA OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGICA ITALICA: ORGANO UFFICIALE DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI OTORINOLARINGOLOGIA E CHIRURGIA CERVICO-FACCIALE [10005910] Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 ACTA OTORRINOLARINGOL ESPANOLA [10017539] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 ACTA PAEDIATRICA [75] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 ACTA PAEDIATRICA SUPPLEMENTUM [10012411] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 ACTA PALAEOBOTANICA [41230] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA [15569] Paleontology: Q1 ACTA PARASITOLOGICA [15570] Parasitology: Q3 Acta Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica - Supplementum [10075375] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA PAULISTA DE ENFERMAGEM [10015067] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q1 ACTA PEDIATRICA ESPANOLA [10039742] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 ACTA PERIODICA TECHNOLOGICA [40691] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA PETROLEI SINICA PETROLEUM PROCESSING SECTION [10051571] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 ACTA PETROLOGICA SINICA [10000021] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 ACTA PHARMACEUTICA [10015068] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 ACTA PHARMACEUTICA HUNGARICA [1010825] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Acta Pharmaceutica Sciencia [10073579] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 ACTA PHARMACEUTICA SINICA [10036245] Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA PHARMACOLOGICA SINICA [10551] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 ACTA PHILOSOPHICA [10019687] Philosophy: Q4 ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A [79] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B [80] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENT [10012796] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA-CHINESE EDITION [32258] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA PHYSICA SLOVACA [26581] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA [26582] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM [81] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Physiology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA [10004883] Physiology: Q1 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA HUNGARICA [1000044] Physiology (medical): Q3 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA [82] Physiology: Q1 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA SINICA [10018881] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Physiology: Q4 ACTA PHYTOPATHOLOGICA ET ENTOMOLOGICA HUNGARICA [1021872] Insect Science: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 ACTA POLITICA [10007322] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 ACTA POLONIAE HISTORICA [10000022] Cultural Studies: Q4 Gender Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ACTA POLONIAE PHARMACEUTICA [10011259] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 ACTA POLYMERICA SINICA [32265] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 ACTA POLYTECHNICA [40786] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA [2149438] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Multidisciplinary: Q2 ACTA PROTOZOOLOGICA [88] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA [89] Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA SUPPLEMENT [10039987] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA [4523] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ACTA RADIOLOGICA [90] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 ACTA REUMATOLOGICA PORTUGUESA [10011260] Rheumatology: Q3 ACTA SCIENTIAE VETERINARIAE [43042] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA SCIENTIARUM - AGRONOMY [10015069] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 ACTA SCIENTIARUM-ANIMAL SCIENCES [10053196] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Food Science: Q2 ACTA SCIENTIARUM - BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10022697] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTA SCIENTIARUM HEALTH SCIENCES [10062973] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Acta Scientiarum Language and Culture [10079892] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ACTA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM - SZEGED [1417142] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS PEKINENSIS [10048249] Multidisciplinary: Q3 ACTA SCIENTIARUM POLONORUM - HORTORUM CULTUS [10011261] Horticulture: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 ACTA SCIENTIARUM POLONORUM - TECHNOLOGIA ALIMENTARIA [10008176] Food Science: Q2 ACTA SCIENTIARUM-TECHNOLOGY [10011262] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 ACTAS DERMO-SIFILIOGRÁFICAS [10037466] Dermatology: Q2 Histology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 ACTA SEISMOLOGICA SINICA / DIZHEN XUEBAO [10060250] Geophysics: Q4 ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA [21052] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 ACTA SILVATICA ET LIGNARIA HUNGARICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL IN FOREST, WOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES [2105044] Forestry: Q3 ACTA SOCIETATIS BOTANICORUM POLONIAE [91] Plant Science: Q2 ACTA SOCIOLOGICA (LONDON) [4524] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 ACTA STOMATOLOGICA CROATICA [10012757] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA STOMATOLOGICA NAISSI [10029279] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTAS UROLOGICAS ESPANOLAS [10015070] Urology: Q2 ACTA TECHNICA CSAV [10003842] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Acta Theologica [10078752] Religious Studies: Q2 ACTA THERIOLOGICA [93] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ACTA TROPICA [94] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Insect Science: D1 Parasitology: Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 ACTA UNIVERSITATIS AGRICULTURAE ET SILVICULTURAE MENDELIANAE BRUNENSIS [10008408] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Environmentalica [10040557] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Ecology: Q4 ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE GEOGRAPHICA [10013751] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE MEDICA MONOGRAPHIA [10035201] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA UROLOGICA JAPONICA [10038000] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Urology: Q3 ACTA VETERINARIA-BEOGRAD [98] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA VETERINARIA BRASILICA [10044414] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTA VETERINARIA BRNO [95] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA VETERINARIA HUNGARICA [96] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA VETERINARIA SCANDINAVICA [97] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTA VIROLOGICA [99] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Virology: Q3 ACTA ZOOLOGICA [101] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Cell Biology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ACTA ZOOLOGICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE [10037221] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 ACTA ZOOLOGICA BULGARICA [1086741] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q3 ACTES DE LA RECHERCHE EN SCIENCES SOCIALES [4525] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ACTION LEARNING: RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10028744] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 ACTION RESEARCH [10015042] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 ACTIVE AND PASSIVE ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS [40643] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 ACTIVE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10018783] Education: D1 ACTIVITAS NERVOSA SUPERIOR: JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE AND COGNITIVE RESEARCH [10070542] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Biological Psychiatry: Q4 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 ACTIVITAS NERVOSA SUPERIOR REDIVIVA [10054255] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTIVITIES ADAPTATION AND AGING [10071261] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Gerontology: Q4 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q4 ACTUALITE CHIMIQUE [15593] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Actualites Pharmaceutiques [10043866] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Actualites Pharmaceutiques Hospitalieres [10055441] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Actualizaciones en Anestesiologia y Reanimacion [10036445] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Actualizaciones en Osteologia [10047253] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS [10015043] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 ACTUEL MARX [10012162] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ACUPUNCTURE & ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS RESEARCH [10023452] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 ACUPUNCTURE IN MEDICINE: JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE SOCIETY [10005520] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Acute Cardiac Care [10036896] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Emergency Medicine: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES [10036901] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Acute Medicine [10036931] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Emergency Medicine: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES [10011244] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 ACS CATALYSIS [10017106] Catalysis: D1 ACS CHEMICAL BIOLOGY [10005395] Biochemistry: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Medicine: D1 ACS CHEMICAL NEUROSCIENCE [10015056] Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Physiology: Q1 ACS COMBINATORIAL SCIENCE [10022885] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ACS MACRO LETTERS [10020525] Inorganic Chemistry: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 ACS MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS [10015057] Biochemistry: Q1 Drug Discovery: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 ACSMS HEALTH & FITNESS JOURNAL [32190] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 ACS NANO [10006455] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES [19] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 ACS SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY [10028274] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Adalya [10080063] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Conservation: Q4 History: Q4 ADAMANTIUS [10013868] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ADANSONIA [10006458] Plant Science: Q4 Adaptation [10080304] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 ADAPTATION, LEARNING AND OPTIMIZATION [10080780] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 ADAPTED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY QUARTERLY [15596] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR [38115] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Ada User Journal [10067409] Software: Q4 ADB ECONOMICS WORKING PAPER SERIES [10082696] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 ADDICTION [104] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 ADDICTION BIOLOGY [10575] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 ADDICTION RESEARCH & THEORY [38117] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Addiction Science & Clinical Practice [10078753] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS [4526] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Toxicology: Q1 Addictive Disorders and their Treatment [10049413] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Adhaesion Kleben und Dichten [10075391] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 ADHD - ATTENTION DEFICIT AND HYPERACTIVITY DISORDERS [10016627] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 AD HOC NETWORKS [10011263] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Software: Q2 AD HOC & SENSOR WIRELESS NETWORKS [10011264] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 ADICCIONES [10015072] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Adiktologie [10052129] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Adler Museum bulletin [10075392] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY IN MENTAL HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH [4528] Health Policy: D1 Psychiatric Mental Health: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 ADMINISTRATION AND SOCIETY [4531] Marketing: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 ADMINISTRATION IN SOCIAL WORK [4532] Health (social science): Q2 Public Administration: Q2 Social Work: Q2 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW REVIEW [4529] Law: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE QUARTERLY [4530] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Public Administration: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Adolescencia e Saude [10073014] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Adolescent Medicine: State of the Art Reviews [10057884] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 ADOPTION AND FOSTERING [10048731] Health (social science): Q3 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q3 Law: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ADOPTION QUARTERLY [10060405] Demography: Q2 Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ADSORPTION-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ADSORPTION SOCIETY [15601] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 ADSORPTION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [15600] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 ADULT EDUCATION QUARTERLY [4534] Education: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Adultspan Journal [10080064] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIALS [120] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Advanced Composites Bulletin [10075397] Business and International Management: Q4 Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 ADVANCED COMPOSITES LETTERS [15619] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 ADVANCED DRUG DELIVERY REVIEWS [122] Pharmaceutical Science: D1 ADVANCED ELECTROMAGNETICS [10063415] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Radiation: Q4 ADVANCED EMERGENCY NURSING JOURNAL [10039383] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Emergency Nursing: Q2 ADVANCED ENERGY MATERIALS [10022891] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 ADVANCED ENGINEERING INFORMATICS [10001103] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS [26634] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Advanced Fuel Cell Technology [10079262] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS [32317] Biomaterials: D1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrochemistry: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: D1 ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS [10028278] Biomaterials: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Advanced Imaging [10075398] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Media Technology: Q4 Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing [10061604] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 ADVANCED MATERIALS [135] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: D1 ADVANCED MATERIALS FOR OPTICS AND ELECTRONICS [136] Biomaterials: D1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrochemistry: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: D1 ADVANCED MATERIALS LETTERS [10044740] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ADVANCED MATERIALS & PROCESSES [137] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH [10004578] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 ADVANCED NONLINEAR STUDIES [10001106] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q2 ADVANCED OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES [10056875] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Instrumentation: Q2 ADVANCED PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN [10037824] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY [10678] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 ADVANCED ROBOTICS [10680] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Software: Q3 ADVANCED SCIENCE LETTERS [10012955] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Advanced Series in Management [10080065] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering [10079893] Ocean Engineering: Q3 Oceanography: Q4 ADVANCED STEEL CONSTRUCTION [10015078] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Advanced Structured Materials [10050072] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCED STUDIES IN MEDICINE [10036295] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ADVANCED STUDIES IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS [10014991] Mathematical Physics: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS [32351] Catalysis: Q1 Organic Chemistry: D1 Advance for NPs & PAs [10080305] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Advance for nurse practitioners [10075396] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ADVANCE JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10023522] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Food Science: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS IN BIOINFORMATICS AND CHEMISTRY [10049644] Biochemistry: Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics [10053405] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 ADVANCES AND TECHNICAL STANDARDS IN NEUROSURGERY [10005580] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ADVANCES IN ACCOUNTING [10019559] Accounting: Q3 Finance: Q3 Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research [10078305] Accounting: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 ADVANCES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION: TEACHING AND CURRICULUM INNOVATIONS [10069058] Business and International Management: Q3 Education: Q3 Advances in Acoustics and Vibration [10046121] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q3 Building and Construction: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis [10080066] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 ADVANCES IN AGRONOMY [106] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Soil Science: D1 ADVANCES IN ANATOMIC PATHOLOGY [32291] Anatomy: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 ADVANCES IN ANATOMY EMBRYOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY [10580] Anatomy: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q2 Embryology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ADVANCES IN ANESTHESIA [10037401] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Advances in Applied Business Strategy [10079131] Strategy and Management: Q4 ADVANCES IN APPLIED CERAMICS [10002881] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 ADVANCES IN APPLIED CLIFFORD ALGEBRAS [10009509] Applied Mathematics: Q3 ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS [107] Applied Mathematics: Q2 ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS [10015071] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ADVANCES IN APPLIED MECHANICS [108] Computational Mechanics: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ADVANCES IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY [109] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 ADVANCES IN APPLIED PROBABILITY [110] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Advances in Appreciative Inquiry [10079132] Gender Studies: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ADVANCES IN ASTRONOMY [10024539] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES [32296] Atmospheric Science: Q2 ADVANCES IN ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS [10009510] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: D1 Advances in Austrian Economics [10075402] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 ADVANCES IN BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING-BIOTECHNOLOGY [10002882] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ADVANCES IN BIOINFORMATICS [10040080] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 ADVANCES IN BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY [10044956] Biological Psychiatry: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 ADVANCES IN BIOLOGICAL REGULATION [10054173] Cancer Research: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 ADVANCES IN BIOMEDICAL SPECTROSCOPY [10054616] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 ADVANCES IN BIOMEMBRANES AND LIPID SELF-ASSEMBLY [10086586] Biochemistry: Q3 Bioengineering: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 ADVANCES IN BOTANICAL RESEARCH [112] Plant Science: Q2 ADVANCES IN BREAST CANCER [10059376] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 ADVANCES IN BUILDING ENERGY RESEARCH [10058272] Building and Construction: Q2 Advances in Business and Management Forecasting [10079894] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing [10075299] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Marketing: Q4 ADVANCES IN CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS [10015073] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 ADVANCES IN CANCER RESEARCH [113] Cancer Research: D1 Oncology: D1 ADVANCES IN CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY [114] Biochemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: D1 ADVANCES IN CARDIOLOGY [10000023] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 ADVANCES IN CATALYSIS [115] Catalysis: Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCH [21073] Building and Construction: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Advances in Chemical Engineering [10037842] Biomaterials: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 ADVANCES IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS [10649] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Bioengineering: Q3 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ADVANCES IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND BEHAVIOR [4536] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 ADVANCES IN CHROMATOGRAPHY [117] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 ADVANCES IN CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE [10001102] Nephrology: Q1 Advances in Civil Enginering [10049821] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 ADVANCES IN CLIMATE CHANGE RESEARCH [10051550] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 ADVANCES IN CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE [10007720] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCES IN CLINICAL CHEMISTRY [118] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 ADVANCES IN COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY [10045541] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE [119] Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 Surfaces and Interfaces: D1 ADVANCES IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS [10002886] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Multidisciplinary: Q1 ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS [15621] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 ADVANCES IN COMPUTERS [121] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCES IN CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS [10022890] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 ADVANCES IN CONSUMER RESEARCH [4538] Applied Psychology: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research [10056621] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 ADVANCES IN DATA ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION [10015074] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 ADVANCES IN DECISION SCIENCES [10050099] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 ADVANCES IN DENTAL RESEARCH [10019910] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ADVANCES IN DEVELOPING HUMAN RESOURCES [10033159] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS [10006459] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q2 ADVANCES IN DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [10009842] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Advances in Dual Diagnosis [10068953] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 ADVANCES IN EARLY EDUCATION AND DAY CARE [10069286] Education: Q4 ADVANCES IN ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH [123] Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 ADVANCES IN ECONOMETRICS [38128] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Advances in Ecopolitics [10080781] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 ADVANCES IN EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION: AN ANNUAL SERIES OF ANALYTICAL ESSAYS AND CRITICAL REVIEWS [10069293] Education: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 ADVANCES IN EDUCATION IN DIVERSE COMMUNITIES: RESEARCH POLICY AND PRAXIS [10069289] Anthropology: Q4 Education: Q4 ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING [10011265] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING-ZILINA [10029721] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION [10069295] Education: D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE [124] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Software: Q1 Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth [10078306] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 ADVANCES IN ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY [10033645] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCES IN ENZYME REGULATION [125] Cancer Research: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 ADVANCES IN ENZYMOLOGY AND RELATED AREAS OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [126] Biochemistry: Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY [15628] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ADVANCES IN EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [4539] Social Psychology: D1 Advances in Financial Economics [10078507] Accounting: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Finance: Q4 ADVANCES IN FOOD AND NUTRITION RESEARCH [10024058] Food Science: Q2 Advances in Fuzzy Systems [10047424] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Control and Optimization: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Advances in Gender Research [10078309] Cultural Studies: Q2 Gender Studies: Q3 ADVANCES IN GENETICS [127] Genetics: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ADVANCES IN GEOMETRY [10001104] Geometry and Topology: Q3 ADVANCES IN GEOPHYSICS [128] Geophysics: Q3 ADVANCES IN GEOSCIENCES [10022632] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 ADVANCES IN GERONTOLOGY [10040028] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Gerontology: Q4 Advances in Global Leadership [10044757] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Advances in Group Processes [10057908] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Advances in Health Care Management [10036286] Health Policy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research [10064315] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 ADVANCES IN HEALTH SCIENCES EDUCATION [10001105] Education: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Advances in Heat Transfer [10053406] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ADVANCES IN HEMATOLOGY [10028736] Hematology: Q2 ADVANCES IN HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY [129] Biochemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 ADVANCES IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS [10015075] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q1 ADVANCES IN HORTICULTURAL SCIENCES [10010291] Horticulture: Q3 Advances in Hospitality and Leisure [10079264] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 Advances in Human-Computer Interaction [10057909] Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 ADVANCES IN IMAGING AND ELECTRON PHYSICS [15632] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 ADVANCES IN IMMUNOLOGY [130] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations [10078509] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial Relations: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 ADVANCES IN INDUSTRIAL CONTROL [10063327] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Automotive Engineering: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 ADVANCES IN INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SERVICE SCIENCES [10049822] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Advances in Information Security [10056344] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 ADVANCES IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY [10662] Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 ADVANCES IN INSECT PHYSIOLOGY [131] Insect Science: D1 ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT AND SOFT COMPUTING [10043997] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 ADVANCES IN INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT [10017860] Business and International Management: Q2 ADVANCES IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETING [10017129] Business and International Management: Q2 Marketing: Q2 Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities [10078511] Education: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 Advances in Librarianship [10078312] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 ADVANCES IN LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION AND ORGANIZATION [10032347] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 ADVANCES IN LIFE COURSE RESEARCH [10023067] Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q2 ADVANCES IN LIMNOLOGY [10043077] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 Advances in Management Accounting [10078997] Accounting: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCES IN MARINE BIOLOGY [134] Aquatic Science: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 ADVANCES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10019415] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [10028280] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS [138] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS OF COMMUNICATIONS [10009511] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [10028281] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ADVANCES IN MEDICAL SCIENCES [10015076] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Advances in Medical Sociology [10068636] Health (social science): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Advances in Mental Health [10057869] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities [10051535] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions [10078313] Business and International Management: Q3 ADVANCES IN METEOROLOGY [10028282] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Geophysics: Q2 Pollution: Q2 ADVANCES IN MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY [140] Microbiology: Q1 Physiology: Q1 ADVANCES IN MILITARY TECHNOLOGY [10016344] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Automotive Engineering: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Advances in Mind-Body Medicine [10075413] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Advances in Modeling and Analysis C [10075414] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Advances in modelling and analysis. A, general mathematical and computer tools [10075415] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 ADVANCES IN MODELLING AND ANALYSIS B SIGNALS INFORMATION DATA PATTERNS [10029675] Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 ADVANCES IN MOLECULAR TOXICOLOGY [10020337] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 Advances in Motivation and Achievement [10080306] Applied Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q2 ADVANCES IN MULTIMEDIA [10032410] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCES IN NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES [10031262] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 ADVANCES IN NATURAL SCIENCES-NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY [10031965] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ADVANCES IN NEONATAL CARE [10042676] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 ADVANCES IN NEUROIMMUNE BIOLOGY [10021814] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q4 Endocrinology: Q4 Immunology: Q4 ADVANCES IN NONLINEAR ANALYSIS [10052181] Analysis: Q1 Advances in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities [10050492] Analysis: Q3 ADVANCES IN NURSING SCIENCE [4540] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 ADVANCES IN NUTRITION [10028283] Food Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 ADVANCES IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH [10052954] Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 ADVANCES IN OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES [10054757] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 ADVANCES IN OPTICS AND PHOTONICS [10032930] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Water Science and Technology: D1 Advances in OptoElectronics [10070075] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 ADVANCES IN ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY [143] Organic Chemistry: Q1 ADVANCES IN OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY [10026754] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 ADVANCES IN PARALLEL COMPUTING [10038084] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 ADVANCES IN PARASITOLOGY [145] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Parasitology: D1 Advances in Pediatrics [10042942] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 ADVANCES IN PERITONEAL DIALYSIS [10005905] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCES IN PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10036784] Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 ADVANCES IN PHARMACOLOGY [10006131] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology: D1 ADVANCES IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY [10026952] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 ADVANCES IN PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [147] Organic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 ADVANCES IN PHYSICS [146] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 ADVANCES IN PHYSIOLOGY EDUCATION [15650] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q4 Advances in Physiotherapy [10057927] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 ADVANCES IN POLYMER SCIENCE [148] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 ADVANCES IN POLYMER TECHNOLOGY [6062] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 Advances in Power Electronics [10087650] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Advances in Program Evaluation [10078512] Education: Q4 ADVANCES IN PROTEIN CHEMISTRY [149] Biochemistry: Q1 Structural Biology: Q2 ADVANCES IN PROTEIN CHEMISTRY AND STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY [10015030] Biochemistry: Q1 Structural Biology: Q2 Advances in Psychiatric Treatment [10038899] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 ADVANCES IN PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE [10000027] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Advances in Public Interest Accounting [10078513] Accounting: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ADVANCES IN PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS [10014339] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 ADVANCES IN QUANTUM CHEMISTRY [6064] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Advances in Radio Science [10052637] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 ADVANCES IN REHABILITATION [10017397] Rehabilitation: Q4 Advances in Research on Teaching [10078514] Education: Q4 Advances in Respiratory Medicine [10081859] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Advances in School Mental Health Promotion [10057864] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Pediatrics: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 ADVANCES IN SKIN & WOUND CARE [10022892] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Dermatology: Q2 Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery [10037415] Small Animals: Q4 ADVANCES IN SOFT COMPUTING [10024071] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH [6067] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 ADVANCES IN SPECIAL EDUCATION [10068913] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 ADVANCES IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT-A RESEARCH ANNUAL [38131] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Strategy and Management: Q2 ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING [10005405] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 ADVANCES IN SURGERY [10040481] Surgery: Q1 ADVANCES IN SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS [10005783] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Multidisciplinary: Q3 Advances in Taxation [10078314] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Finance: Q4 Advances in Textiles Technology [10078515] Polymers and Plastics: Q4 ADVANCES IN THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES [10029660] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms [10078998] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial Relations: Q3 ADVANCES IN THE HISTORY OF RHETORIC [10054660] Communication: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 ADVANCES IN THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [10006460] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ADVANCES IN THERAPY [153] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 ADVANCES IN THE STUDY OF BEHAVIOR [152] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Behavioral Neuroscience: D1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: D1 ADVANCES IN THE STUDY OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP INNOVATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH [10062863] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Finance: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Advances in Transportation Studies [10056557] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 Transportation: Q3 ADVANCES IN TRIBOLOGY [10029875] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 ADVANCES IN UROLOGY [10049228] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Urology: Q2 ADVANCES IN VIROLOGY [10043268] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Virology: Q2 ADVANCES IN VIRUS RESEARCH [155] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Virology: Q1 ADVANCES IN WATER RESOURCES [156] Water Science and Technology: D1 ADVANCING MICROELECTRONICS [10030499] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ADVERSE DRUG REACTION BULLETIN [10036338] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 AEGYPTUS: RIVISTA ITALIANA DI EGITTOLOGIA E DI PAPIROLOGIA [10078755] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 AEOLIAN RESEARCH [10022893] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Geology: Q1 AEQUATIONES MATHEMATICAE [1417141] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 AEROBIOLOGIA [10005301] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL [158] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH [10015142] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Pollution: Q1 AEROSOL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [159] Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Pollution: Q1 AEROSPACE AMERICA [160] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 AEROSPACE ENGINEERING [15667] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Aerospace Engineering and Manufacturing [10079896] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 AEROSPACE MEDICINE AND HUMAN PERFORMANCE [10052179] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10692] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY [161] Surgery: Q1 AESTHETIC SURGERY JOURNAL [10022894] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Surgery: Q1 AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS [10695] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 AEVUM - RASSEGNA DI SCIENZE STORICHE LINGUISTICHE E FILOLOGICHE [10000029] History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Philosophy: Q2 AFFILIA-JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND SOCIAL WORK [38132] Gender Studies: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q3 AFINIDAD [163] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 AFRICA [38135] Anthropology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Africa and Middle East Textiles [10079134] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 AFRICA DEVELOPMENT / AFRIQUE ET DEVELOPPEMENT [10017873] Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies [10079647] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Africa Journal of Nursing and Midwifery [10079438] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Maternity and Midwifery: Q4 AFRICAN AFFAIRS [4541] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 AFRICANA LINGUISTICA [10011937] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 AFRICAN AMERICAN REVIEW [10000030] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 AFRICAN AND ASIAN STUDIES [10015045] Development: Q2 History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 AFRICAN AND BLACK DIASPORA [10080307] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Demography: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW [10042050] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 AFRICAN ARTS [10000031] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW [10001403] Development: Q2 African Diaspora [10079897] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 African Dynamics [10079648] Anthropology: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 AFRICAN ECONOMIC HISTORY [10000032] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 History: Q3 AFRICAN ENTOMOLOGY [6079] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 African Geographical Review [10058391] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 AFRICAN HEALTH SCIENCES [10015143] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 African Historical Review [10080308] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 African Identities [10079649] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 AFRICAN INVERTEBRATES [10011266] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 AFRICAN JOURNALISM STUDIES [10075204] Communication: Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH [10011267] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AIDS RESEARCH [10011275] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Virology: Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC SCIENCE [10015144] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH [10067907] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY [10006461] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies [10080069] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [164] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES [10080309] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10061439] Emergency Medicine: Q3 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Gerontology: Q3 African Journal of Environmental Assessment and Management [10078756] Ecological Modeling: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF HERPETOLOGY [10006462] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 African Journal of Infectious Diseases [10080310] Infectious Diseases: Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES [10024215] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF LIBRARY ARCHIVES AND INFORMATION SCIENCE [10011936] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE [10001107] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences [10075425] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY RESEARCH [10009512] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES [10048228] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC SURGERY [10057528] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Surgery: Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY [10011268] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE & FAMILY MEDICINE [10069133] Family Practice: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [10022895] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [10060256] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF RANGE & FORAGE SCIENCE [10015145] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology: Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH [10067535] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION [10068168] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINES [10011269] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 AFRICAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [10065040] Urology: Q4 AFRICAN NATURAL HISTORY [10015146] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Anthropology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 AFRICAN REVIEW OF PHYSICS [10045042] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 African Security [10080311] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 AFRICAN SECURITY REVIEW [41746] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 African Social Studies Series [10079650] Education: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 AFRICAN STUDIES [4542] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 AFRICAN STUDIES QUARTERLY [10030462] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 AFRICAN STUDIES REVIEW [10015046] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 AFRICAN ZOOLOGY [26684] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Africa Review [10087651] Development: Q3 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 AFRICA SPECTRUM [10025800] Cultural Studies: D1 Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 AFRICA TODAY [4543] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Africa Yearbook [10080068] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 AFRIKA MATEMATIKA [10032914] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Afrika-Studiecentrum Series [10079652] Anthropology: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 AFRIQUE CONTEMPORAINE: AFRIQUE ET DEVELOPPEMENT [10067956] Cultural Studies: Q2 Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting [10079898] Accounting: Q4 Finance: Q4 AGBIOFORUM [10021083] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Food Science: Q2 AGE AND AGEING [166] Aging: Q1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 AGEING INTERNATIONAL [10017130] Health (social science): Q3 AGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS [10000663] Aging: Q1 Biochemistry: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Neurology: D1 AGEING & SOCIETY [38136] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Health (social science): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 AGE: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN AGING ASSOCIATION [165] Aging: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 AGENDA (LONDON) [10000033] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 AGER: REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE DESPOBLACION Y DESARROLLO RURAL [10019567] Demography: Q4 Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 AGGRESSION AND VIOLENT BEHAVIOR [38137] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR [168] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 AGING AND DISEASE [10039199] Cell Biology: Q3 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 AGING CELL [1035676] Aging: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH [6085] Aging: Q3 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 AGING HEALTH [10036940] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AGING MALE [10009513] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 AGING & MENTAL HEALTH [38139] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Gerontology: Q1 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 AGING NEUROPSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITION [38140] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 AGING-US [10015147] Aging: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 AGORA: ESTUDIOS CLASSICOS EM DEBATE [10022370] Classics: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 AGORA - ESTUDOS EM TEORIA PSICANALITICA [10019348] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 AGRARFORSCHUNG SCHWEIZ [10022896] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Food Science: Q3 Horticulture: Q3 Pollution: Q3 AGREKON [10015148] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 AGRIBUSINESS (HOBOKEN): AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10011273] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 AGRICULTURAE CONSPECTUS SCIENTIFICUS [10005310] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geophysics: Q4 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD SCIENCE [10001108] Food Science: Q3 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD SCIENCE IN FINLAND [10704] Food Science: Q3 AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST ENTOMOLOGY [10002891] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Forestry: Q1 Insect Science: Q1 AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY [171] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Atmospheric Science: Q1 Forestry: D1 Global and Planetary Change: Q1 AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS REVIEW [10019581] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Agricultural Commodities [10075430] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Business and International Management: Q4 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS [15677] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS REVIEW [10013102] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS-ZEMEDELSKA EKONOMIKA [10011270] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL: CIGR JOURNAL [10059105] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Automotive Engineering: Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 AGRICULTURAL FINANCE REVIEW [10019582] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Finance: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 AGRICULTURAL HISTORY [172] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q2 AGRICULTURAL HISTORY REVIEW [10000034] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Agricultural Research [10049262] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES IN CHINA [10019871] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Food Animals: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS [174] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Animal Science and Zoology: D1 AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT [175] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Soil Science: D1 Water Science and Technology: D1 Agriculture and Food Security [10070269] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 AGRICULTURE AND HUMAN VALUES [10002892] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT [10050003] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology: D1 AgriScientia [10072094] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 AGRIS ON-LINE PAPERS IN ECONOMICS AND INFORMATICS [10011225] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 AGRI: TURK ALGOLOJI DERNEGI'NIN YAYIN ORGANIDIR [10038754] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Agroalimentaria [10079653] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Food Science: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 AGROCHIMICA [178] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 AGROCIENCIA [10002893] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Plant Science: Q4 AGROECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS [10032932] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Development: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 AGRO FOOD INDUSTRY HI-TECH [15686] Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS [179] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Forestry: Q1 AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN [1023056] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q4 AGRONOMIA COLOMBIANA [10023508] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 AGRONOMIE [181] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Environmental Engineering: Q1 AGRONOMY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [10002894] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Environmental Engineering: Q1 AGRONOMY JOURNAL [180] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 AGRONOMY RESEARCH [10012950] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 AGYPTEN UND LEVANTE / EGYPT AND THE LEVANT [10034965] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q2 AHP journal / Association for Healthcare Philanthropy [10075435] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 AHURI Final Report [10079899] Development: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 Urban Studies: Q3 AIAA JOURNAL [184] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 AI AND SOCIETY: THE JOURNAL OF HUMAN-CENTERED SYSTEMS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE [10020629] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Philosophy: Q2 AIBR-REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGIA IBEROAMERICANA [10023068] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 AICHE JOURNAL [185] Biotechnology: Q1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Engineering: Q1 AI COMMUNICATIONS [10717] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Aide Soignante [10078759] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 AIDS [186] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 Infectious Diseases: D1 AIDS alert [10075437] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 AIDS AND BEHAVIOR [10002895] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Social Psychology: D1 AIDS CARE: PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV [4545] Health (social science): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 AIDS clinical care [10075439] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 AIDS EDUCATION AND PREVENTION [4546] Health (social science): D1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 AIDS PATIENT CARE AND STDS [38145] Infectious Diseases: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 AIDS policy & law [10075441] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 AIDS READER [10011274] Infectious Diseases: Q4 AIDS RESEARCH AND HUMAN RETROVIRUSES [187] Immunology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Virology: Q2 AIDS RESEARCH AND THERAPY [10029231] Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Virology: Q2 AIDS Research and Treatment [10067659] Dermatology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 AIDS REVIEWS [10005406] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 AI EDAM-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN ANALYSIS AND MANUFAC [6100] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 AIEL Series in Labour Economics [10070472] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Industrial Relations: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 AIJ Journal of Technology and Design [10079654] Architecture: Q3 Building and Construction: Q4 AILA REVIEW [10018074] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 AI MAGAZINE [183] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 AIMS Journal [10079439] Maternity and Midwifery: Q3 AIN SHAMS ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10047968] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 AIP ADVANCES [10028284] Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 AIR AND SPACE POWER JOURNAL [10034795] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY [10009514] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Air Force Magazine [10075451] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Airline Business [10075454] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Air Medical Journal [10058853] Emergency Medicine: Q3 Emergency Nursing: Q3 AIR QUALITY ATMOSPHERE AND HEALTH [10028285] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Pollution: Q2 AIR, SOIL AND WATER RESEARCH [10061909] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 AISTHESIS: REVISTA CHILENA DE INVESTIGACIONES ESTÉTICAS [10067266] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 AIST Today (International Edition) [10079138] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Ajatus [10080782] Philosophy: Q3 AJOB Empirical Bioethics [10080312] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q3 Philosophy: Q1 AJOB Neuroscience [10080313] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 AJS Review [10075455] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Religious Studies: Q3 AKCE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS [41181] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 Aktuality v Nefrologii [10050163] Nephrology: Q4 AKTUALNOSCI NEUROLOGICZNE [10041772] Neurology (clinical): Q4 AKTUELLE DERMATOLOGIE [2150071] Dermatology: Q4 AKTUELLE ERNÄHRUNGSMEDIZIN [10012140] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 AKTUELLE NEUROLOGIE [188] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Aktuelle Neurologie, Supplement [10087652] Neurology (clinical): Q4 AKTUELLE RHEUMATOLOGIE [189] Rheumatology: Q4 AKTUELLE UROLOGIE [190] Urology: Q3 AKUSERSTVO I GINEKOLOGIJA [10060257] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Akustika [10080783] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q4 AKZENTE-ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR LITERATUR [10000035] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Alaska medicine [10075460] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ALAUDA [10007646] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 ALBANY LAW REVIEW [10024252] Law: Q4 AL-BAYAN: JOURNAL OF QURAN AND HADITH STUDIES [10057102] Cultural Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 ALBERTA JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH [4548] Education: Q3 Alberta RN / Alberta Association of Registered Nurses [10075461] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ALCHERINGA [191] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Paleontology: Q2 ALCOHOL [192] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Biochemistry: Q2 Health (social science): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM [193] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Toxicology: Q2 Alcoholism [10087653] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 ALCOHOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH [194] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Toxicology: D1 ALCOHOLISM TREATMENT QUARTERLY: THE PRACTITIONER'S QUARTERLY FOR INDIVIDUAL, GROUP, AND FAMILY THERAPY [10049224] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ALCOHOL RESEARCH-CURRENT REVIEWS [10051307] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ALDRICHIMICA ACTA [10730] Organic Chemistry: D1 ALEA - ESTUDOS NEOLATINOS [10062208] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ALEA-LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS [10006267] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Aleph [10080070] History: Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 ALERGIA ASTMA IMMUNOLOGIA [10039738] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 ALERGIE [10043872] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10029905] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS [10027149] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 ALGEBRA AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS [10008539] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 ALGEBRA AND LOGIC [10011276] Analysis: Q2 Logic: Q1 ALGEBRA AND NUMBER THEORY [10006321] Algebra and Number Theory: D1 ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM [21163] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q3 ALGEBRAIC AND GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY [10006463] Geometry and Topology: Q1 ALGEBRAS AND REPRESENTATION THEORY [10001109] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 ALGEBRA UNIVERSALIS [1417121] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 ALGORITHMICA [196] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 ALGORITHMIC FINANCE [10029743] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Finance: Q3 ALGORITHMS [10024149] Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Numerical Analysis: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 ALGORITHMS FOR MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10009515] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Structural Biology: Q2 ALIMENTARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS [197] Pharmacology (medical): D1 ALKALOIDS: CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY [10026295] Biochemistry: Q3 ALLELOPATHY JOURNAL [10000037] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 ALLERGO JOURNAL [10043234] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA [10005591] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ALLERGOLOGIE [199] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 ALLERGOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [10037335] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ALLERGY AND ASTHMA PROCEEDINGS [10737] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 ALLERGY, ASTHMA AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [10016446] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 ALLERGY ASTHMA & IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH [10022897] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 ALLERGY: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [10036634] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 ALLGEMEINE FORST UND JAGDZEITUNG [202] Ecology: Q3 Forestry: Q2 AL-MASAQ: ISLAM AND THE MEDIEVAL MEDITERRANEAN [10022453] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 Alpacas Australia [10078518] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Business and International Management: Q4 ALPHA : REVISTA DE ARTES LETRAS Y FILOSOFIA [10053838] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 ALPINE AND MEDITERRANEAN QUATERNARY [10044008] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geology: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 ALPINE BOTANY [10022898] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 AL-QANTARA: REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS ARABES [10000038] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 AL-SHAJARAH: JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC THOUGHT AND CIVILIZATION (ISTAC) [10080535] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 ÁLTALÁNOS NYELVÉSZETI TANULMÁNYOK [2005263] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Alter [10070702] Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES [10050390] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 ALTERNATIVE LAW JOURNAL [10024254] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE REVIEW [10006464] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: D1 ALTERNATIVES [38150] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ALTERNATIVES JOURNAL [15717] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES IN HEALTH AND MEDICINE [26731] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ALTEX-ALTERNATIVEN ZU TIEREXPERIMENTEN [10064428] Medical Laboratory Technology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 ALTEX-ALTERNATIVES TO ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION [10015027] Medical Laboratory Technology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology [10080314] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Education: Q1 ALTORIENTALISCHE FORSCHUNGEN [2151735] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 ALZHEIMER DISEASE & ASSOCIATED DISORDERS [203] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Gerontology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Alzheimer's Care Today [10079656] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Gerontology: Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA [10055122] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: D1 Developmental Neuroscience: D1 Epidemiology: D1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 Health Policy: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE: ADVANCES FOR A NEW CENTURY [10082018] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Alzheimer's Disease Research Journal [10061326] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY [10028286] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Alytes [10075468] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 AMA-AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION IN ASIA AFRICA AND LATIN AMERICA [10011282] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 AMA JOURNAL OF ETHICS [10050959] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 AMB EXPRESS [10054264] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Biophysics: Q3 Ambiente & Sociedade [10068323] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 AMBIO: A JOURNAL OF THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT [285] Ecology: Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 AMBIX [41701] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 AMBULATORY SURGERY [10016110] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q2 Surgery: Q3 AMEGHINIANA [26820] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Paleontology: Q2 AMERASIA JOURNAL [10000039] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 America Latina en la Historia Economica [10078316] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q4 AMERICA LATINA HOY [10080536] History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 AMERICAN AND BRITISH STUDIES ANNUAL [10014519] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 AMERICAN ANNALS OF THE DEAF [4549] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q2 AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST [4550] Anthropology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [4551] Archeology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 History: D1 Museology: D1 AMERICAN ARCHIVIST [4552] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 AMERICAN ART [10075472] Cultural Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 AMERICAN BANKRUPTCY LAW JOURNAL [4553] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q2 AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION JOURNAL [4514] Law: Q4 AMERICAN BEE JOURNAL [204] Insect Science: Q4 AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST [4554] Cultural Studies: D1 Education: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 AMERICAN BIOLOGY TEACHER [205] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 AMERICAN BIOTECHNOLOGY LABORATORY [206] Biotechnology: Q4 AMERICAN BUSINESS LAW JOURNAL [4555] Business and International Management: Q2 Law: Q2 AMERICAN CATHOLIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY [10000041] Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY BULLETIN [207] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 American City and County [10075473] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 American Communication Journal [10056420] Communication: Q4 AMERICAN COMMUNIST HISTORY [10014588] History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 AMERICAN CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW [4556] Law: Q3 AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: APPLIED ECONOMICS [10014242] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL-ECONOMIC POLICY [10014243] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL-MACROECONOMICS [10014244] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MICROECONOMICS [10014241] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW [4557] Economics and Econometrics: D1 AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL [4558] Education: D1 AMERICAN ETHNOLOGIST [4559] Anthropology: D1 AMERICAN-EURASIAN JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE [10026762] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q3 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN [208] Family Practice: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL [209] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY INTERESTS [10025322] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 American Forests [10075478] Forestry: Q4 AMERICAN HEALTH AND DRUG BENEFITS [10038025] Health Policy: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 American Heart Hospital Journal [10075119] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN HEART JOURNAL [210] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 AMERICAN HERITAGE [10000042] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW [4560] Archeology: D1 History: D1 Museology: D1 AMERICAN HISTORY [10000043] History: Q3 AMERICAN IMAGO [10000044] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Music: Q2 AMERICAN INDIAN & ALASKA NATIVE MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH [10015047] Anthropology: Q2 Education: Q3 History: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN INDIAN CULTURE AND RESEARCH JOURNAL [10000045] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 American Indian quarterly [10078077] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORY [10000046] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 American Journalism [10075486] Communication: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [40356] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS [213] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND OTHER DEMENTIAS [10010943] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCES [10044596] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES [10038161] Multidisciplinary: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY [4563] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 American Journal of Audiology [10022899] Speech and Hearing: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [10019526] Biochemistry: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10033666] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS [10002899] Health Policy: Q3 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [214] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH [10013710] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [215] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGS [10011279] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CASE REPORTS [10024803] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE [216] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DERMATOLOGY [10002900] Dermatology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPNOSIS [4565] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION [217] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY-CANCER CLINICAL TRIALS [218] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY [219] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY [4566] Applied Psychology: Q1 Health (social science): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Social Work: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW [4567] Law: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 American journal of criminal justice [10051302] Law: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE [10001110] Critical Care Nursing: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DANCE THERAPY [4568] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY [10755] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOPATHOLOGY [220] Dermatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 American journal of disaster medicine [10079442] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION [10018874] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE [4569] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DRUG DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT [10033674] Drug Discovery: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY [4570] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION [4571] Education: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRONEURODIAGNOSTIC TECHNOLOGY [15736] Medical Laboratory Technology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE [222] Emergency Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ENOLOGY AND VITICULTURE [223] Food Science: D1 Horticulture: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES [10019594] Ecology: Q3 Pollution: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY [224] Epidemiology: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EVALUATION [38171] Business and International Management: Q1 Education: Q1 Health (social science): Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY THERAPY [4572] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY [10033683] Food Science: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND PATHOLOGY [225] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry [10042249] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 American Journal of Forensic Psychology [10075484] Applied Psychology: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [226] Gastroenterology: D1 Hepatology: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PHARMACOTHERAPY [10015149] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY [32435] Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH BEHAVIOR [38174] Health (social science): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH EDUCATION [10057870] Health (social science): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH PROMOTION [38175] Health (social science): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH-SYSTEM PHARMACY [6145] Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY [227] Hematology: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE MEDICINE [10015150] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY [229] Anatomy: Q1 Anthropology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS [230] Genetics: D1 Genetics (clinical): D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION [231] Internal Medicine: Q1 American Journal of Immunology [10042927] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE [232] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTION CONTROL [233] Epidemiology: Q2 Health Policy: Q1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10059687] Infectious Diseases: Q4 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [4574] Law: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES [234] Nephrology: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE [10024264] Health (social science): Q2 Law: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL HISTORY [4576] History: Q2 Law: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LIFESTYLE MEDICINE [10047463] Health Policy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE [21205] Health Policy: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES [10004746] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [235] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART A [10001111] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART B-NEUROPSYCHIATRIC GENETICS [10001112] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART C-SEMINARS IN MEDICAL GENETICS [10001113] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL QUALITY [26769] Health Policy: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [236] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MENS HEALTH [10009396] Health (social science): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY [239] Nephrology: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY [240] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NURSING [4578] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [242] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY [4579] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Occupational Therapy: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [243] Ophthalmology: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS [244] Orthodontics: D1 American Journal of Orthopedics [10075485] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPSYCHIATRY [245] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY [247] Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OTOLOGY [246] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Sensory Systems: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY [248] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PERINATOLOGY [250] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATION [251] Education: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY [10007584] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY BENEFITS [10039357] Business and International Management: Q2 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOLOGY [10000048] Classics: Q1 Cultural Studies: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY [253] Anatomy: Q1 Anthropology: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION [254] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [1374620] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: CELL PHYSIOLOGY [2017117] Cell Biology: Q2 Physiology: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM [21225] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER PHYSIOLOGY [21226] Gastroenterology: D1 Hepatology: Q1 Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGY [21227] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY [21228] Cell Biology: Q2 Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: REGULATORY INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY [21229] Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY: RENAL PHYSIOLOGY [21230] Physiology: Q1 Urology: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY [10033693] Physiology: Q4 Plant Science: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE [4582] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF POTATO RESEARCH [15769] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE [256] Epidemiology: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY [257] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation [10051669] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [258] Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOANALYSIS [10019345] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [4584] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPY [259] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH [260] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE IMMUNOLOGY [261] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE [263] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: D1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [262] Cell Biology: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RHINOLOGY [264] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RHINOLOGY AND ALLERGY [10011281] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY [265] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [266] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SEMIOTICS [10017754] Communication: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SEXUALITY EDUCATION [10069297] Education: Q4 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY [4587] Sociology and Political Science: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY [38191] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Linguistics and Language: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Speech and Hearing: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE [267] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF STEM CELLS [10071474] Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY [268] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Surgery: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY [269] Anatomy: D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 Surgery: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL SCIENCES [238] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF THERAPEUTICS [10013449] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH [10032933] Cancer Research: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Medicine: Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPLANTATION [32485] Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 Transplantation: D1 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE [270] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Parasitology: Q1 Virology: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH [271] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 AMERICAN JOURNAL ON ADDICTIONS [38162] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 AMERICAN JOURNAL ON INTELLECTUAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES [10011938] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 AMERICAN LABORATORY: PRACTICAL RESOURCES FOR LABORATORY SCIENTISTS [272] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 AMERICAN LAW AND ECONOMICS REVIEW [10015048] Finance: Q2 Law: Q1 AMERICAN LITERARY HISTORY [10000050] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 American Literary Realism [10087656] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 AMERICAN LITERARY SCHOLARSHIP [10031335] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 AMERICAN LITERATURE [10000052] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL BULLETIN [273] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY [1417122] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 AMERICAN MIDLAND NATURALIST [275] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 AMERICAN MINERALOGIST [276] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES [10001114] Archeology: D1 History: D1 Museology: D1 AMERICAN MUSIC [10000053] Music: Q2 AMERICAN NATURALIST [277] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 AMERICAN NINETEENTH CENTURY HISTORY [10022284] History: Q3 American Orthoptic Journal [10080072] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 American Periodicals [10080315] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW [10038559] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY [10000055] Philosophy: Q1 AMERICAN POETRY REVIEW [10000056] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW [4589] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 AMERICAN POLITICS RESEARCH [38193] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 American Printer [10075490] Media Technology: Q4 AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGIST [4590] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 AMERICAN QUARTERLY [10000057] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 AMERICAN REVIEW OF CANADIAN STUDIES [10075491] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 AMERICAN REVIEW OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION [38196] Marketing: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 AMERICAN SCHOLAR [10000058] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 AMERICAN SCIENTIST [280] Multidisciplinary: Q2 AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW [4591] Sociology and Political Science: D1 AMERICAN SPEECH [10000059] Communication: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 AMERICAN STATISTICIAN [281] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 American Studies [10078317] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 AMERICAN STUDIES IN SCANDINAVIA [10000060] History: Q4 AMERICAN SURGEON [10028793] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 AMERICAN TAXATION ASSOCIATION: JOURNAL [10021504] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q1 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [10024268] Law: Q4 AMERICAN ZOOLOGIST [283] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Plant Science: D1 AMERIKASTUDIEN / AMERICAN STUDIES [10031361] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 AMFITEATRU ECONOMIC [10015049] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 AMINO ACIDS [6204] Biochemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 AMINO ACIDS PEPTIDES AND PROTEINS [10005033] Biochemistry: Q4 AMME IDARESI DERGISI [10015050] Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 AMPHIBIA-REPTILIA [26822] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology [10079657] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 AMYLOID-JOURNAL OF PROTEIN FOLDING DISORDERS [286] Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS [10005409] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS AND FRONTOTEMPORAL DEGENERATION [10032934] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS AND OTHER MOTOR NEURON DISORDERS [26824] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 ANADOLU KARDIYOLOJI DERGISI-ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [40638] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 ANADOLU PSIKIYATRI DERGISI-ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [10015155] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 A N A E-APPROCHE NEUROPSYCHOLOGIQUE DES APPRENTISSAGES CHEZ L ENFANT [15802] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 ANAEROBE [6208] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 ANAESTHESIA [290] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE [289] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine [10045327] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 ANAESTHESIA CRITICAL CARE & PAIN MEDICINE [10048812] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANAESTHESIA PAIN AND INTENSIVE CARE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY PAIN MANAGEMENT INTENSIVE CARE AND RESUSCITATION [10053320] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care [10057806] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 ANAESTHESIOLOGY INTENSIVE THERAPY [10048702] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ANAESTHESIST [291] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANAIS BRASILEIROS DE DERMATOLOGIA [10015151] Dermatology: Q2 ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS [10000064] Multidisciplinary: Q1 ANAIS DE HISTORIA DE ALEM-MAR [10032009] History: Q4 ANALECTA BOLLANDIANA [10009745] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Analecta Hibernica [10080537] History: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 ANALELE BANATULUI SERIE ARHEOLOGIE-ISTORIE [10022427] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 ANALELE STIINTIFICE ALE UNIVERSITATII AL I CUZA DIN IASI - SERIE NOUA - MATEMATICA [10015152] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 ANALELE STIINTIFICE ALE UNIVERSITATII OVIDIUS CONSTANTA-SERIA MATEMATICA [2151062] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Analele Universitatii Bucuresti Chimie [10046448] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DIN CRAIOVA SERIA FILOSOFIE [10030963] Philosophy: Q3 Analele Universitatii din Craiova - Seria Istorie [10080073] History: Q4 ANALELE UNIVERSITATII DIN CRAIOVA: SERIE STIINTE FILOLOGICE, LINGVISTICA [10022362] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Anales Cervantinos [10080074] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Anales de Arqueologia Cordobesa [10080785] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 ANALES DE GEOGRAFIA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE [10027882] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 ANALES DE LA ASOCIACION QUIMICA ARGENTINA [287] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 ANALES DE LA LITERATURA ESPANOLA CONTEMPORANEA [10000065] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ANALES DE LA REAL ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE FARMACIA [10006466] Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina [10075497] Cell Biology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Anales de Literatura Chilena [10080316] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ANALES DE LITERATURA HISPANOAMERICANA [10074468] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ANALES DEL JARDIN BOTANICO DE MADRID [10022900] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 ANALES DEL SEMINARIO DE HISTORIA DE LA FILOSOFIA [10080317] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 ANALES DEL SISTEMA SANITARIO DE NAVARRA [10011285] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Anales de Patologia Vascular [10038024] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 ANALES DE PEDIATRÍA [10011283] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Anales de Pediatria Continuada [10039745] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 ANALES DE PSICOLOGIA [10011284] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 ANALES VENEZOLANOS DE NUTRICION [10054638] Food Science: Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 ANALISE PSICOLOGICA [10049136] Education: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 ANALISE SOCIAL [10034788] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ANALISIS POLITICO: REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS POLITICOS Y RELACIONES INTERNACIONALES [10025323] History: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING [300] Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Signal Processing: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 ANALYSES OF SOCIAL ISSUES AND PUBLIC POLICY [10028485] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ANALYSE UND KRITIK [10017643] Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS [10011287] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q1 ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [10025449] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Analysis: Q3 Mathematical Physics: Q3 ANALYSIS IN THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [41174] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 ANALYSIS MATHEMATICA [2148370] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 ANALYSIS (MUNICH) [10028011] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Numerical Analysis: Q4 ANALYSIS (OXFORD) [2011650] Philosophy: D1 ANALYSIS & PDE [10010210] Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Numerical Analysis: Q1 ANALYST [302] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Biochemistry: Q1 Electrochemistry: Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Spectroscopy: Q1 ANALYTICA CHIMICA ACTA [295] Analytical Chemistry: D1 Biochemistry: Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Spectroscopy: Q1 ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [10000067] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Biochemistry: Q2 Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry [10042229] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Electrochemistry: Q4 ANALYTICAL AND QUANTITATIVE CYTOPATHOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY [298] Anatomy: Q3 Histology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY [292] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 ANALYTICAL CELLULAR PATHOLOGY [10015031] Cancer Research: Q3 Cell Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [294] Analytical Chemistry: D1 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY INSIGHTS [10014333] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q2 ANALYTICAL LETTERS [297] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Electrochemistry: Q3 Spectroscopy: Q3 ANALYTICAL METHODS: ADVANCING METHODS AND APPLICATIONS [10012860] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 ANALYTICAL SCIENCES [299] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 ANASTHESIOLOGIE & INTENSIVMEDIZIN [10000669] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 ANASTHESIOLOGIE INTENSIVMEDIZIN NOTFALLMEDIZIN SCHMERZTHERAPIE : AINS : [10000668] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Emergency Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANATOLIA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY RESEARCH [2148497] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 ANATOLIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [10048603] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Anatolian Journal of Clinical Investigation [10047810] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ANATOLIAN STUDIES [10035372] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 ANATOLICA [10018758] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q2 ANATOMIA HISTOLOGIA EMBRYOLOGIA [305] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 ANATOMICAL RECORD [306] Anatomy: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Histology: Q2 ANATOMICAL RECORD (1906-2002) [10035411] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Anatomy: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Histology: Q2 ANATOMICAL SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL [10006467] Anatomy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANATOMICAL SCIENCES EDUCATION [10015158] Anatomy: Q2 Embryology: Q3 Histology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY [304] Anatomy: D1 Histology: D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia [10061426] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Classics: Q2 History: Q3 Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity [10079658] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Classics: Q2 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Ancient Mesoamerica [10075502] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN STUDIES [10069851] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q3 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY [42310] Classics: Q1 Philosophy: Q2 Ancient Society [10080538] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Classics: D1 History: Q1 Anclajes [10080786] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ANDAMIOS [10011940] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ANDEAN GEOLOGY [10011289] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geology: Q2 Paleontology: Q1 Stratigraphy: Q1 ANDROLOGIA [307] Endocrinology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Urology: Q2 Anemia [10053322] Cell Biology: Q4 Hematology: Q3 ANESTEZI DERGESI [10031425] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 ANESTEZIOLOGIE A INTENZIVNI MEDICINA [10036934] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 ANESTEZIOLOGIIA I REANIMATOLOGIIA [10011119] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Anestezjologia Intensywna Terapia [10060539] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA [308] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 Anesthesia and Resuscitation [10075503] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Emergency Medicine: Q4 Anesthesia Progress [10062014] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 ANESTHESIOLOGY [309] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 ANESTHESIOLOGY AND PAIN MEDICINE [10042314] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 ANESTHESIOLOGY CLINICS [10038054] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANESTHESIOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10059688] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 ANGEIOLOGIE [2152175] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 ANGELAKI - JOURNAL OF THE THEORETICAL HUMANITIES [10012982] Cultural Studies: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Philosophy: Q1 ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION [311] Catalysis: D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 ANGEWANDTE MAKROMOLEKULARE CHEMIE [312] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 ANGIOGENESIS [10015161] Cancer Research: Q1 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Physiology: Q1 ANGIOLOGIA [10038996] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 ANGIOLOGY [313] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 ANGIOLOGY AND VASCULAR SURGERY [10012787] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ANGLE ORTHODONTIST [314] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthodontics: Q1 ANGLIA-ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ENGLISCHE PHILOLOGIE [10000069] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 ANGLO-SAXON ENGLAND [10075504] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Anil Aggrawal's Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology [10078318] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR [315] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 ANIMAL BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION [10014954] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 ANIMAL BIOLOGY [10001116] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY [10849] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Bioengineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q2 ANIMAL CELLS AND SYSTEMS [10009516] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 ANIMAL COGNITION [2083670] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 ANIMAL CONSERVATION [10000070] Ecology: D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 ANIMAL FEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [316] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 ANIMAL GENETICS [317] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ANIMAL HEALTH RESEARCH REVIEWS [10039789] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 ANIMAL LEARNING & BEHAVIOR [318] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEED TECHNOLOGY [10011290] Food Animals: Q4 ANIMAL PRODUCTION SCIENCE [10015032] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Food Science: Q2 ANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE [320] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Endocrinology: Q2 Food Animals: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ANIMALS [10021226] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL [10006468] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANIMAL SCIENCE PAPERS AND REPORTS [10006469] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 Animal Technology and Welfare [10079902] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 ANIMAL: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANIMAL BIOSCIENCES [10006470] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 ANIMAL WELFARE [10855] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 Animation [10079444] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Ankara Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi Dergisi [10067905] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 ANKARA UNIVERSITESI VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI [10011291] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALEN DER PHYSIK [1028665] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALES ACADEMIAE MEDICAE GEDANENSIS [10049938] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Annales - Academiae Scientarium Fennicae, Series A III: Geologica-Geographica [10079002] Geology: Q4 ANNALES ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM FENNICAE-MATHEMATICA [10856] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica Dissertationes [10079140] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALES BOTANICI FENNICI [329] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 ANNALES CHIRURGIAE ET GYNAECOLOGIAE [26876] Surgery: Q2 ANNALES DE BIOLOGIE CLINIQUE [326] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Annales de Bourgogne [10080539] History: Q4 ANNALES DE BRETAGNE ET DES PAYS DE L OUEST [10000071] History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ANNALES DE CARDIOLOGIE ET D ANGEIOLOGIE [331] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNALES DE CHIMIE-SCIENCE DES MATERIAUX [333] Materials Chemistry: Q4 ANNALES DE CHIRURGIE PLASTIQUE ESTHETIQUE [10011293] Surgery: Q3 ANNALES DE DEMOGRAPHIE HISTORIQUE [10032183] Demography: Q2 ANNALES DE DERMATOLOGIE ET DE VENEREOLOGIE [338] Dermatology: Q3 ANNALES DE GENETIQUE [344] Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALES DE GÉOGRAPHIE [10010359] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ANNALES DE LA FONDATION LOUIS DE BROGLIE [10020778] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALES DE LA SOCIETE ENTOMOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE [390] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 ANNALES DE LIMNOLOGIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY [15873] Aquatic Science: Q3 ANNALES DE L INSTITUT FOURIER [349] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 Geometry and Topology: Q1 ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-ANALYSE NON LINEAIRE [350] Analysis: D1 Mathematical Physics: D1 ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-PROBABILITES ET STATISTIQUES [352] Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 ANNALES DE MEDECINE VETERINAIRE [361] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNALES D ENDOCRINOLOGIE [340] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNALES DE PALEONTOLOGIE [10006471] Paleontology: Q3 ANNALES DE PATHOLOGIE [373] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 ANNALES DE PHYSIQUE [378] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALES DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS-ANNALS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS [394] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 ANNALES D UNIVERSITE VALAHIA TARGOVISTE SECTION D ARCHEOLOGIE ET D HISTOIRE [10025739] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q2 ANNALES FRANCAISES DE MEDECINE D'URGENCE [10087004] Emergency Medicine: Q3 Annales Francaises d'Oto-Rhino-Laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-Faciale [10050814] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE [345] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Atmospheric Science: Q2 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Geology: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 ANNALES HENRI POINCARE [26892] Mathematical Physics: Q2 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q2 ANNALES HISTOIRE SCIENCES SOCIALES [10018018] History: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNALES HISTORIQUES DE LA REVOLUTION FRANCAISE [10000073] History: Q2 Annales Hydrographiques [10075511] Oceanography: Q4 ANNALES MATHEMATICAE ET INFORMATICAE [10005858] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNALES MEDICO-PSYCHOLOGIQUES [1188106] Applied Psychology: Q4 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 ANNALES NESTLÉ (ENGLISH EDITION) [10034679] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 ANNALES PHARMACEUTIQUES FRANCAISES [2152385] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 ANNALES POLONICI MATHEMATICI [1362052] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALES SCIENTIFIQUES DE L ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE [386] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 ANNALES SOCIETATIS GEOLOGORUM POLONIAE [10011297] Economic Geology: Q2 Geology: Q3 Stratigraphy: Q3 ANNALES UNIVERSITATIS MARIAE CURIE-SKLODOWSKA SECTIO B GEOGRAPHIA, GEOLOGIA, MINERALOGIA ET PETROGRAPHIA [2147068] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 ANNALES ZOOLOGICI [10000671] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ANNALES ZOOLOGICI FENNICI [399] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 ANNALI DEGLI OSPEDALI SAN CAMILLO E FORLANINI [10037513] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Annali della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. Fondazione Luigi Einaudi [10078520] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALI DELLA SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE DI PISA-CLASSE DI SCIENZE [2011651] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 ANNALI DELL ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITA [10007936] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 ANNALI DELL UNIVERSITA DI FERRARA-SEZIONE VII. SCIENZE MATEMATICHE [10006372] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALI DI ARCHITETTURA [10078762] Architecture: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ANNALI DI BOTANICA [10008830] Plant Science: Q4 ANNALI DI CHIMICA [332] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Energy (miscellaneous): D1 Environmental Chemistry: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 ANNALI DI IGIENE MEDICINA PREVENTIVA E DI COMUNITA [10024790] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA [356] Applied Mathematics: Q2 ANNALI DI STORIA DELL ESEGESI [10065897] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Annali di Studi Religiosi [10080541] Religious Studies: Q3 ANNALI ITALIANI DI CHIRURGIA [10011296] Surgery: Q3 Annali Italiani di Dermatologia Allergologica Clinica e Sperimentale [10048028] Dermatology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 ANNALS ACADEMY OF MEDICINE SINGAPORE [10001117] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALS FOR ISTRIAN AND MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES. SERIES HISTORIA ET SOCIOLOGIA [10017210] History: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Annals of African Medicine [10044326] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNALS OF AGRI BIO RESEARCH [10073263] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALS OF AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE [1023035] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 ANNALS OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (CAIRO) [10007744] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 ANNALS OF ALLERGY ASTHMA & IMMUNOLOGY [6243] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 ANNALS OF ANATOMY-ANATOMISCHER ANZEIGER [323] Anatomy: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALS OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [10011292] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Food Animals: Q4 Small Animals: Q2 Annals of Anthropological Practice [10070671] Anthropology: Q2 ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY [324] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 ANNALS OF APPLIED PROBABILITY [26866] Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 ANNALS OF APPLIED STATISTICS [10009517] Modeling and Simulation: D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 ANNALS OF ARID ZONE [325] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 ANNALS OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE [38201] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 Annals of Biology [10050111] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [328] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 ANNALS OF BOTANY [330] Plant Science: D1 ANNALS OF BURNS AND FIRE DISASTERS [10060154] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Emergency Medicine: Q3 Emergency Nursing: Q2 ANNALS OF CANCER RESEARCH AND THERAPY [10062130] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 ANNALS OF CARDIAC ANAESTHESIA [10049853] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALS OF CARNEGIE MUSEUM [10866] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Geology: Q3 ANNALS OF CLINICAL AND LABORATORY SCIENCE [337] Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Hematology: Q3 Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 ANNALS OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY [336] Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALS OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND ANTIMICROBIALS [10010972] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 ANNALS OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY [10015051] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Annals of Coloproctology [10046418] Gastroenterology: Q2 ANNALS OF COMBINATORICS [39619] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 ANNALS OF DERMATOLOGY [10011294] Dermatology: Q2 ANNALS OF DIAGNOSTIC PATHOLOGY [10011295] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 ANNALS OF DYSLEXIA [4596] Education: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q1 ANNALS OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE [10011941] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 ANNALS OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE [339] Emergency Medicine: D1 ANNALS OF EPIDEMIOLOGY [15857] Epidemiology: Q2 ANNALS OF FAMILY MEDICINE [10005411] Family Practice: D1 ANNALS OF FINANCE [10012996] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Finance: Q2 ANNALS OF FOREST RESEARCH [10032936] Ecology: Q3 Forestry: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE [21321] Ecology: Q1 Forestry: Q1 ANNALS OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS [10029201] Analysis: Q3 Control and Optimization: Q3 Annals of Fundeni Hospital [10040350] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALS OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [10019812] Gastroenterology: Q3 ANNALS OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY [10012880] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS [10000076] Geophysics: Q2 ANNALS OF GIS: JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHINESE PROFESSIONALS IN GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SCIENCES [10032846] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALS OF GLACIOLOGY [21326] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 ANNALS OF GLOBAL ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY [10881] Analysis: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 ANNALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH [10036032] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALS OF HEALTH LAW [10024274] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY [346] Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ANNALS OF HEPATOLOGY - OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE MEXICAN ASSOCIATION OF HEPATOLOGY [10005913] Hepatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALS OF HUMAN BIOLOGY [347] Aging: Q3 Epidemiology: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Physiology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 ANNALS OF HUMAN GENETICS [348] Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 ANNALS OF INDIAN ACADEMY OF NEUROLOGY [10015166] Neurology (clinical): Q3 ANNALS OF INTENSIVE CARE [10039723] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: D1 ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [355] Internal Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ANNALS OF LABORATORY MEDICINE [10028288] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALS OF LEISURE RESEARCH [10037429] Cultural Studies: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 ANNALS OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION STUDIES (ALIS) [10052721] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 ANNALS OF LONG-TERM CARE [10036324] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Gerontology: Q4 ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS [357] Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: D1 ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [10894] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Artificial Intelligence: Q3 ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS STUDIES [358] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNALS OF MEDICINE [359] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ANNALS OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY [10060538] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Surgery: Q4 ANNALS OF MICROBIOLOGY [26909] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY [364] Neurology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 ANNALS OF NEUROSCIENCES [10043326] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALS OF NONINVASIVE ELECTROCARDIOLOGY [10001118] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology (medical): Q3 ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY [365] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q1 ANNALS OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE [32593] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM [366] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY [369] Hematology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: D1 ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH [10907] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 ANNALS OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [370] Ophthalmology: Q4 ANNALS OF OTOLOGY RHINOLOGY AND LARYNGOLOGY [371] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 ANNALS OF PARASITOLOGY [10057015] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNALS OF PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY [10055125] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Annals of Pediatric Surgery [10069590] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Surgery: Q3 ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY [375] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 ANNALS OF PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINE [10035789] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 ANNALS OF PHYSICS [1147897] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY [379] Surgery: Q1 ANNALS OF PROBABILITY [380] Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: D1 ANNALS OF PUBLIC AND COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS [10000072] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC [381] Logic: Q1 ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE [4600] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 ANNALS OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE [10056699] Rehabilitation: Q3 Annals of Respiratory Medicine [10080542] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 ANNALS OF SAUDI MEDICINE [385] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNALS OF SCIENCE [4601] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics [10080319] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 ANNALS OF STATISTICS [391] Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: D1 ANNALS OF SURGERY [392] Surgery: D1 ANNALS OF SURGICAL INNOVATION AND RESEARCH [10031402] Surgery: Q3 ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY [393] Oncology: Q1 Surgery: D1 ANNALS OF SURGICAL TREATMENT AND RESEARCH [10044503] Surgery: Q3 Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Mathematics and its Applications [10041690] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCE [4594] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF GEOGRAPHERS [10058399] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 ANNALS OF THE AMERICAN THORACIC SOCIETY [10045123] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 ANNALS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOGRAPHERS [4595] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 ANNALS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA [341] Insect Science: Q2 ANNALS OF THE ICRP (INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION) [10067467] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 ANNALS OF THE INSTITUTE OF STATISTICAL MATHEMATICS [354] Statistics and Probability: Q2 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN [363] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 ANNALS OF THE NÁPRSTEK MUSEUM [10071090] Anthropology: Q4 Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Museology: Q3 ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [1417123] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 ANNALS OF THE RHEUMATIC DISEASES [383] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 Rheumatology: D1 ANNALS OF THE ROMANIAN SOCIETY FOR CELL BIOLOGY [10030899] Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Physiology: Q4 Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons [10075518] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALS OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND [384] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q3 ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY DUNAREA DE JOS OF GALATI: FASCICLE VI, FOOD TECHNOLOGY [10033223] Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY DUNAREA DE JOS OF GALATI: FASCICLE XII, WELDING EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY [10080318] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Annals of the University of Craiova, Physics [10040094] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA SERIES MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE [10030048] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNALS OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY [10015169] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Gastroenterology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 ANNALS OF THORACIC MEDICINE [10015172] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY [395] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 Surgery: D1 ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH [4602] Development: D1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: D1 ANNALS OF TRANSPLANTATION [10011298] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Transplantation: Q2 ANNALS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PARASITOLOGY [396] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Parasitology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 ANNALS OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH [10071444] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ANNALS OF VASCULAR SURGERY [10935] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 Annals of Work Exposures and Health [10072368] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 ANNEE PSYCHOLOGIQUE [4599] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Annuaire Roumain d'Anthropologie [10068029] Anthropology: Q3 ANNUAL OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ATHENS [10029597] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Classics: D1 History: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 ANNUAL REPORTS IN COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY [10056578] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 ANNUAL REPORTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [401] Biochemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 ANNUAL REPORTS ON NMR SPECTROSCOPY [26949] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE PROGRESS OF CHEMISTRY SECTION A: INORGANIC CHEMISTRY [10044548] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE PROGRESS OF CHEMISTRY SECTION B: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [10041884] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE PROGRESS OF CHEMISTRY SECTION C [10030053] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [10015174] Analytical Chemistry: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ANTHROPOLOGY [4603] Anthropology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Cultural Studies: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS [10013034] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS [402] Astronomy and Astrophysics: D1 Space and Planetary Science: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOCHEMISTRY [403] Biochemistry: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [32633] Biomedical Engineering: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES [10062212] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOPHYSICS [10009518] Biochemistry: D1 Bioengineering: D1 Biophysics: D1 Cell Biology: D1 Structural Biology: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOPHYSICS AND BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE [404] Biochemistry: D1 Bioengineering: D1 Biophysics: D1 Cell Biology: D1 Structural Biology: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY [10942] Cell Biology: D1 Developmental Biology: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF CHEMICAL AND BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING [10015178] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY [10006472] Clinical Psychology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS [10015181] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine [10062023] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 ANNUAL REVIEW OF EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCES [406] Astronomy and Astrophysics: D1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Space and Planetary Science: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ECOLOGY EVOLUTION AND SYSTEMATICS [407] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS [10011942] Economics and Econometrics: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT [408] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ENTOMOLOGY [409] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Insect Science: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES [10001120] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS [10015052] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF FLUID MECHANICS [410] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10015184] Food Science: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENETICS [411] Genetics: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF GENOMICS AND HUMAN GENETICS [10000672] Genetics: D1 Genetics (clinical): D1 Molecular Biology: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS [10055674] Aging: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 ANNUAL REVIEW OF IMMUNOLOGY [412] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [413] Information Systems: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF LAW AND SOCIAL SCIENCE [10009397] Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF MARINE SCIENCE [10011299] Oceanography: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF MATERIALS RESEARCH [10000673] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF MATERIALS SCIENCE [414] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF MEDICINE [415] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF MICROBIOLOGY [416] Microbiology: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF NEUROSCIENCE [417] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE SCIENCE [418] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: D1 Annual review of nursing research [10075524] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ANNUAL REVIEW OF NUTRITION [419] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PATHOLOGY-MECHANISMS OF DISEASE [10006473] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 Plant Science: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY [420] Pharmacology: D1 Toxicology: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY [421] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYSIOLOGY [422] Physiology: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY [423] Plant Science: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PLANT BIOLOGY [1220390] Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 Physiology: D1 Plant Science: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [424] Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 Physiology: D1 Plant Science: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF POLITICAL SCIENCE [10001016] Sociology and Political Science: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY [425] Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF PUBLIC HEALTH [426] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF RESOURCE ECONOMICS [10011943] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 ANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY [4607] Sociology and Political Science: D1 Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion [10080320] Cultural Studies: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 ANNUAL REVIEWS IN CONTROL [2152959] Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Software: Q1 ANQ-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SHORT ARTICLES NOTES AND REVIEWS [10000081] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Ansiedad y Estres [10053301] Applied Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 Antarctic Record [10055340] Aquatic Science: Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 ANTARCTIC SCIENCE [427] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Geology: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 ANTHROPOLOGICA [10027171] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 ANTHROPOLOGICA ET PRAEHISTORICA [10020146] Anthropology: Q4 Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 ANTHROPOLOGICAL FORUM [10009398] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 ANTHROPOLOGICAL JOURNAL ON EUROPEAN CULTURES [41275] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 ANTHROPOLOGICAL LINGUISTICS [10022329] Anthropology: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 ANTHROPOLOGICAL NOTEBOOKS (SLOVENIA) [10019771] Anthropology: Q2 Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History [10068084] Anthropology: Q3 ANTHROPOLOGICAL QUARTERLY [4610] Anthropology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 ANTHROPOLOGICAL REVIEW [10033357] Anthropology: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE [4611] Anthropology: Q2 ANTHROPOLOGICAL THEORY [10015054] Anthropology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 ANTHROPOLOGIE [4612] Anthropology: Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 ANTHROPOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER [10007324] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Anthropology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ANTHROPOLOGIST: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY AND APPLIED STUDIES OF MAN [10022901] Anthropology: Q2 ANTHROPOLOGY AND ARCHEOLOGY OF EURASIA [4608] Anthropology: Q4 Archeology: Q3 History: Q3 Anthropology and Humanism [10080321] Anthropology: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Philosophy: Q2 ANTHROPOLOGY & EDUCATION QUARTERLY [4609] Anthropology: Q1 Education: Q2 Anthropology in Action [10079903] Anthropology: Q3 ANTHROPOLOGY & MEDICINE [10057098] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Anthropology of Consciousness [10080322] Anthropology: Q3 Anthropology of the Middle East [10080323] Anthropology: Q3 Anthropology of Work Review [10080324] Anthropology: Q2 ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY [10022875] Anthropology: Q2 ANTHROPOS [4613] Anthropology: Q4 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 ANTHROPOZOOLOGICA [42974] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Anthropology: Q3 ANTHROZOOS [4614] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Anthropology: Q1 Education: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 ANTIBIOTICS [10050685] Biochemistry: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 ANTIBIOTIKI I KHIMIOTERAPIYA [10037152] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Microbiology: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 ANTI-CANCER AGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10007505] Cancer Research: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 ANTI-CANCER DRUGS [428] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 ANTICANCER RESEARCH [431] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q2 Antichthon [10080543] Classics: Q3 ANTI-CORROSION METHODS AND MATERIALS [15948] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ANTIGONISH REVIEW [10000083] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ANTIGUO ORIENTE [10080787] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Classics: Q2 History: Q3 Anti-Infective Agents [10055510] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 ANTIINFLAMMATATORY AND ANTI-ALLERGY AGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10005055] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 ANTIKE KUNST : ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR KLASSISCHE ARCHAEOLOGIE [10070512] Classics: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ANTIKE UND ABENDLAND [10000084] Classics: Q3 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 ANTIK TANULMÁNYOK - STUDIA ANTIQUA [1404632] Classics: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY [432] Infectious Diseases: D1 Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE AND INFECTION CONTROL [10054233] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 ANTIOCH REVIEW [10000085] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ANTIOXIDANTS [10052535] Biochemistry: Q4 Cell Biology: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Physiology: Q4 ANTIOXIDANTS & REDOX SIGNALING [10001121] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Physiology: D1 ANTIPODE [4615] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 ANTIQUARIES JOURNAL [10029349] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 ANTIQUITE CLASSIQUE: REVUE INTERUNIVERSITAIRE [10029397] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q3 History: Q4 ANTIQUITÉ TARDIVE [10072564] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 ANTIQUITY: A QUARTERLY REVIEW OF WORLD ARCHAEOLOGY [4616] Archeology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 ANTISENSE & NUCLEIC ACID DRUG DEVELOPMENT [10971] Biochemistry: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q2 ANTITRUST LAW JOURNAL [38220] Law: D1 ANTIVIRAL CHEMISTRY & CHEMOTHERAPY [434] Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Virology: Q3 ANTIVIRAL RESEARCH [435] Pharmacology: Q1 Virology: Q2 ANTIVIRAL THERAPY [26984] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 ANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY [436] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 ANTROPOLOGIA PORTUGUESA [10020210] Anthropology: Q2 ANUARIO DE ESTUDIOS AMERICANOS [10026805] Cultural Studies: Q4 ANUARIO DE ESTUDIOS MEDIEVALES [10011945] History: Q2 ANUARIO DE HISTORIA DE LA IGLESIA [10026800] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Anuario de Psicologia [10050213] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 ANUÁRIO DO INSTITUTO DE GEOCIENCIAS [10032152] Development: Q3 Economic Geology: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Geology: Q3 ANUARIO FILOSOFICO [10068151] Philosophy: Q3 Anuario Iberoamericano de Justicia Constitucional [10080544] Law: Q4 Anuario Musical [10080545] Music: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 ANXIETY STRESS AND COPING [4617] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ANZEIGER FUR SCHADLINGSKUNDE [21421] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 ANZIAM JOURNAL [32670] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 ANZ JOURNAL OF SURGERY [10000674] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 ANZ Nuclear Medicine [10078080] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 AOB PLANTS [10032938] Plant Science: Q1 AORN JOURNAL [10046860] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q1 APA Planning Advisory Service Reports [10075527] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 APEIRON (MONTREAL): STUDIES IN INFINITE NATURE [10088824] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 APERTURE [10000086] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 APHASIOLOGY [438] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LPN and LVN: D1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 APIDOLOGIE [439] Insect Science: Q1 APMIS [440] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 APOLLO-THE INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE OF THE ARTS [10000087] Conservation: Q4 Museology: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 APOPTOSIS [21425] Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Cancer Research: Q2 Cell Biology: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Pharmacology: Q1 APPALACHIAN JOURNAL [10000088] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Apparel [10075533] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Apparel Strategist [10075536] Business and International Management: Q4 APPETITE [441] Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 APPITA [442] Media Technology: Q2 APPLICABLE ALGEBRA IN ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTING [6364] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 APPLICABLE ANALYSIS [1355084] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 APPLICABLE ANALYSIS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS [10008328] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 APPLICATION OF CLINICAL GENETICS [10038373] Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS [2147618] Applied Mathematics: Q4 APPLIED ACOUSTICS [443] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q1 APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS [10989] Applied Mathematics: Q1 APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS [10011301] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY [451] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: D1 Biotechnology: Q1 Ecology: D1 Food Science: D1 APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL SOIL SCIENCE [10013212] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 APPLIED AND TRANSLATIONAL GENOMICS [10049847] Biotechnology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE [444] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Food Animals: Q2 APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [445] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [446] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY [15966] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Biochemistry: Q4 APPLIED BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY [10066911] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q4 APPLIED BIONICS AND BIOMECHANICS [10028289] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 APPLIED CARDIOPULMONARY PATHOPHYSIOLOGY [5934] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL [2095061] Catalysis: Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: D1 APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL [2074918] Catalysis: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Process Chemistry and Technology: D1 APPLIED CATEGORICAL STRUCTURES [10988] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 APPLIED CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERING [10037257] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE [15970] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geology: Q1 APPLIED CLINICAL INFORMATICS [10032939] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Health Informatics: Q3 Health Information Management: Q3 APPLIED COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY [4618] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 APPLIED COMPOSITE MATERIALS [15971] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS SOCIETY JOURNAL [10002915] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Newsletter [10052515] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 APPLIED DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE [10011946] Applied Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q1 APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH [10006007] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 APPLIED ECONOMETRICS AND INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT [10020377] Development: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 APPLIED ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES AND POLICY [10015033] Development: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 APPLIED ECONOMICS [4619] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 APPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS [38223] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 APPLIED ENERGY [449] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Energy (miscellaneous): D1 Fuel Technology: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: D1 APPLIED ENGINEERING IN AGRICULTURE [32690] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY [450] Insect Science: Q2 APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION [10059698] Communication: Q3 Education: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 APPLIED ERGONOMICS [452] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 APPLIED FINANCIAL ECONOMICS [10017132] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 Applied General Topology [10070088] Geometry and Topology: Q3 APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY [453] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Pollution: Q2 APPLIED GEOGRAPHY [4621] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Forestry: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 APPLIED GEOMATICS [10025371] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 APPLIED GEOPHYSICS [10011302] Geophysics: Q3 Applied GIS [10079269] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 APPLIED HEALTH ECONOMICS AND HEALTH POLICY [10010217] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 APPLIED IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR MORPHOLOGY [21445] Histology: Q2 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 APPLIED INTELLIGENCE [6375] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 APPLIED LINGUISTICS [4622] Communication: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 APPLIED MAGNETIC RESONANCE [6376] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 APPLIED MATHEMATICAL FINANCE [10014360] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Finance: Q2 APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING [456] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 APPLIED MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES [10029478] Applied Mathematics: Q3 APPLIED MATHEMATICS-A JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES SERIES B [10015201] Applied Mathematics: Q4 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION [454] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Mathematics: Q1 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATION SCIENCES [10032941] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Numerical Analysis: Q3 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION [21450] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION [457] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q1 APPLIED MATHEMATICS E - NOTES [10028838] Applied Mathematics: Q4 APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS [455] Applied Mathematics: Q1 APPLIED MATHEMATICS RESEARCH EXPRESS [10025070] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 APPLIED MEASUREMENT IN EDUCATION [38227] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 APPLIED MECHANICS AND MATERIALS [10024057] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 APPLIED MECHANICS REVIEWS [10011303] Mechanical Engineering: D1 APPLIED MEDICAL INFORMATICS [10019422] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Health Informatics: Q4 Health Information Management: Q4 APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [458] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 APPLIED NEUROPSYCHOLOGY-ADULT [10040563] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 APPLIED NEUROPSYCHOLOGY : CHILD [10046012] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS [459] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Mathematics: Q1 Numerical Analysis: Q1 APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH [38228] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH [460] Ocean Engineering: D1 Applied Ontology [10022902] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 APPLIED OPTICS [461] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY [462] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 APPLIED PHYSICS A - MATERIALS SCIENCE AND PROCESSING [463] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 APPLIED PHYSICS (BERLIN) [1296662] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 APPLIED PHYSICS B - LASERS AND OPTICS [464] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS [10009519] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS [465] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM-PHYSIOLOGIE APPLIQUEE NUTRITION [10005413] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 Sports Science: Q2 APPLIED & PREVENTIVE PSYCHOLOGY [38229] Applied Psychology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 APPLIED PSYCHOLINGUISTICS [4625] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 APPLIED PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT [4623] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY-AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW-PSYCHOLOGIE APPLIQUEE-REVUE INTERNATIONALE [4624] Applied Psychology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY: HEALTH AND WELL-BEING [10028486] Applied Psychology: Q2 APPLIED PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY AND BIOFEEDBACK [38233] Applied Psychology: Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES [466] Radiation: Q2 APPLIED RADIOLOGY [10016296] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 APPLIED RESEARCH IN QUALITY OF LIFE [10023069] Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q3 APPLIED RHEOLOGY [15994] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL [10039908] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Instrumentation: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 APPLIED SCIENCES (BUCHAREST ROMANIA) [10071916] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING [10005414] Software: D1 APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY [11012] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Ecology: Q1 Soil Science: Q1 Applied Solar Energy (English translation of Geliotekhnika) [10075542] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 APPLIED SPATIAL ANALYSIS AND POLICY [10024470] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY [468] Instrumentation: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY REVIEWS [469] Instrumentation: Q1 Spectroscopy: Q2 APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS AND DATA ANALYSIS [16000] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY [21467] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE [1313503] Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING [11018] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE [10031830] Ecology: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY [473] Development: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing [10054279] Information Systems: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 APUNTS MEDICINA DE L'ESPORT [10017868] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 AQUACULTURAL ENGINEERING [474] Aquatic Science: Q2 AQUACULTURE [475] Aquatic Science: Q1 AQUACULTURE AQUARIUM CONSERVATION AND LEGISLATION: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE BIOFLUX SOCIETY [10020867] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 AQUACULTURE ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT [10020379] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Aquaculture Environment Interactions [10022903] Aquatic Science: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Water Science and Technology: D1 AQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL [16006] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Aquatic Science: Q2 AQUACULTURE NUTRITION [32721] Aquatic Science: Q1 AQUACULTURE RESEARCH [21471] Aquatic Science: Q2 AQUATIC BIOLOGY [10009520] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 Aquatic Biosystems [10080788] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 AQUATIC BOTANY [476] Aquatic Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS [16009] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 AQUATIC ECOLOGY [10002921] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM HEALTH AND MANAGEMENT [10004057] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 AQUATIC GEOCHEMISTRY [27041] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 AQUATIC INSECTS [477] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 AQUATIC INVASIONS [10020910] Aquatic Science: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 AQUATIC LIVING RESOURCES [11024] Aquatic Science: Q2 AQUATIC MAMMALS [10028290] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Aquatic Science: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY [6402] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 AQUATIC SCIENCES [478] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY [479] Aquatic Science: D1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: D1 AQUICHAN [10015205] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 ARAB GULF JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH [480] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 ARABIAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND EPIGRAPHY [10000090] Archeology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 ARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [481] Multidisciplinary: Q3 ARABIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [10022904] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES [10015208] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ARABICA: JOURNAL OF ARABIC AND ISLAMIC STUDIES [10028832] Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 ARABIC SCIENCES AND PHILOSOPHY [10006043] History: Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 ARAB JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [10081489] Gastroenterology: Q3 ARAB JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY AND TRANSPLANTATION [10068034] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ARAB JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [10034861] Urology: Q3 ARAB LAW QUARTERLY [10024315] Law: Q4 ARAB WORLD GEOGRAPHER [10020653] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ARACHNOLOGISCHE MITTEILUNGEN [40330] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q3 ARAMAIC STUDIES [10062299] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 Araucaria [10080789] History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Arbeiderhistorie [10078523] History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ARBEITEN AUS ANGLISTIK UND AMERIKANISTIK: AAA [10000010] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Arbeitsmedizin Sozialmedizin Umweltmedizin [10050050] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ARBOR-CIENCIA PENSAMIENTO Y CULTURA [10000092] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ARBORICULTURAL JOURNAL [10058518] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 ARBORICULTURE AND URBAN FORESTRY [10050004] Ecology: Q2 Forestry: Q2 ARCADIA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LITERARY CULTURE / INTERNATIONALE ZEITSCHRIFT FŰR LITERARISCHE KULTUR [10000093] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ARCHAEA-AN INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGICAL JOURNAL [10028292] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 ARCHAEOFAUNA [42736] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 ARCHAEOLOGIA AUSTRIACA [42962] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 ARCHAEOLOGIA BALTICA [40979] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 ARCHAEOLOGIA BULGARICA [10024521] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 ARCHAEOLOGIA CLASSICA [10065089] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Classics: Q2 ARCHAEOLÓGIAI ÉRTESÍTŐ (BUDAPEST) [1404692] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea [10080547] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10032710] Anthropology: Q1 Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIALOGUES [10052432] Archeology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROSPECTION [10006479] Archeology: D1 History: D1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL REPORTS (LONDON) [10075547] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q4 ARCHAEOLOGICAL TEXTILES NEWSLETTER [10075548] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 Archaeologies [10079659] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 ARCHAEOLOGY [4631] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 ARCHAEOLOGY ETHNOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY OF EURASIA [10038178] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 ARCHAEOLOGY IN OCEANIA [10011947] Anthropology: D1 Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 ARCHAEOMETRY [4632] Archeology: Q1 History: D1 ARCHAOLOGIE DER SCHWEIZ [10074988] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 ARCHAOLOGIE ÖSTERREICHS: MITTEILUNGEN DER ÖSTERREICHISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT FÜR UR- UND FRÜHGESCHICHTE [10031243] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan [10078764] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 ARCHÄOLOGISCHES KORRESPONDENZBLATT [10009850] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 ARCHAOLOGISCHES NACHRICHTENBLATT [10000094] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 ARCHEOLOGIA MEDIEVALE: CULTURA MATERIALE INSEDIAMENTI, TERRITORIO [10078765] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 ARCHEOLOGIA POLSKI [10070850] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association [10080549] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 ARCHEOLOGICKE ROZHLEDY [10024524] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 ARCHEOLOGIE MEDIEVALE (CAEN) [10078766] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 ARCHEOMETRIAI MŰHELY [10004976] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 ARCHEO-NIL [10080548] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 ARCHEOSCIENCES-REVUE D ARCHEOMETRIE [10056560] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 ARCHIPEL: ETUDES INTERDISCIPLINAIRES SUR LE MONDE INSULINDIEN [10027176] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Religious Studies: Q1 Architect [10078767] Architecture: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN [10000095] Architecture: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST [10000096] Architecture: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING AND DESIGN MANAGEMENT [10073487] Architecture: Q1 Building and Construction: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY [10000097] Architecture: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 ARCHITECTURAL RECORD [10000098] Architecture: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Architectural Research Quarterly [10075549] Architecture: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW [10000099] Architecture: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ARCHITECTURAL SCIENCE REVIEW [10032106] Architecture: Q1 ARCHITECTURAL THEORY REVIEW [10069478] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 ARCHITECTURA: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GESCHICHTE DER BAUKUNST [10000100] Architecture: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ARCHITECTURE D AUJOURD HUI [10000102] Architecture: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ARCHITEKTURA AND URBANIZMUS [10020103] Architecture: Q3 Conservation: Q3 Urban Studies: Q4 Archival Science [10078524] History: D1 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 ARCHIVARIA [10023731] Library and Information Sciences: Q1 ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK [510] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ARCHIV DER PHARMAZIE [521] Drug Discovery: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 ARCHIVE FOR HISTORY OF EXACT SCIENCES [499] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 ARCHIVE FOR MATHEMATICAL LOGIC [6436] Logic: Q3 Philosophy: Q1 ARCHIVE FOR RATIONAL MECHANICS AND ANALYSIS [524] Analysis: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 ARCHIVE FOR THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION-ARCHIV FUR RELIGIONSPSYCHOLOGIE [10023070] Philosophy: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Religious Studies: D1 ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS [6409] Mechanical Engineering: Q1 ARCHIVE OF ONCOLOGY [10006285] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Archives [10080550] History: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Archives and Records [10075551] History: Q2 ARCHIVES DE L'INSTITUT PASTEUR DE TUNIS [10019371] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ARCHIVES DE PEDIATRIE [520] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 ARCHIVES DE PHILOSOPHIE [10000108] Philosophy: Q4 ARCHIVES DE SCIENCES SOCIALES DES RELIGIONS [10012296] Religious Studies: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 ARCHIVES DES MALADIES DU COEUR ET DES VAISSEAUX [509] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ARCHIVES DES MALADIES DU COEUR ET DES VAISSEAUX PRATIQUE [10036154] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 ARCHIVES DES MALADIES PROFESSIONNELLES ET DE L ENVIRONNEMENT [10011309] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ARCHIVES DES SCIENCES [525] Multidisciplinary: Q4 ARCHIVES D'HISTOIRE DOCTRINALE ET LITTERAIRE DU MOYEN AGE [10013361] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 ARCHIVES EUROPEENNES DE SOCIOLOGIE / EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY [4628] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ARCHIVES INTERNATIONALES D'HISTOIRE DES SCIENCES [10029922] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ARCHIVES ITALIENNES DE BIOLOGIE [506] Cell Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q2 Archives Juives [10079906] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS [10011304] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q3 ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE [10004863] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART JOURNAL [10000109] Museology: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ARCHIVES OF ANDROLOGY [482] Reproductive Medicine: Q2 Urology: Q1 ARCHIVES OF ANIMAL NUTRITION [483] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 ARCHIVES OF ASIAN ART [10000110] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ARCHIVES OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS [485] Biochemistry: Q1 Biophysics: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10011305] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 ARCHIVES OF BUDO [10015213] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 ARCHIVES OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES [10009521] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ARCHIVES OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES SUPPLEMENTS [10037489] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [10011306] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 ARCHIVES OF CIVIL ENGINEERING [10005715] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10063490] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 Archives of Clinical Microbiology [10053119] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY [4627] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ARCHIVES OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY [10013732] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 ARCHIVES OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING [21489] Applied Mathematics: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 ARCHIVES OF CONTROL SCIENCES [42238] Control and Optimization: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 ARCHIVES OF DERMATOLOGICAL RESEARCH [487] Dermatology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ARCHIVES OF DERMATOLOGY [486] Dermatology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD [488] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD - EDUCATION AND PRACTICE EDITION [10011307] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 ARCHIVES OF DISEASE IN CHILDHOOD-FETAL AND NEONATAL EDITION [10002923] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 ARCHIVES OF DRUG INFORMATION [10057485] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 ARCHIVES OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING [10054390] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 ARCHIVES OF ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM [10045122] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY [491] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pollution: Q1 Toxicology: Q2 ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH [492] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 ARCHIVES OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION [10032942] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Archives of Foundry Engineering [10070546] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Archives of Gastroenterohepatology [10057046] Gastroenterology: Q4 Hepatology: Q4 ARCHIVES OF GENERAL PSYCHIATRY [496] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS [497] Aging: Q3 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Gerontology: Q1 Health (social science): Q2 ARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS [498] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 ARCHIVES OF HELLENIC MEDICINE / ARHEIA ELLENIKES IATRIKES [10019824] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ARCHIVES OF HISTOLOGY AND CYTOLOGY [500] Histology: Q3 Archives of Hydroengineering and Environmental Mechanics [10075556] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 ARCHIVES OF INSECT BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY [502] Biochemistry: Q3 Insect Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [505] Internal Medicine: D1 ARCHIVES OF IRANIAN MEDICINE [10011308] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ARCHIVES OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10017770] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS [10002925] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 ARCHIVES OF MEDICAL RESEARCH [11056] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ARCHIVES OF MEDICAL SCIENCE [2147779] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY [27079] Metals and Alloys: Q2 ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS [10002926] Metals and Alloys: Q2 ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY [10019390] Biochemistry: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 ARCHIVES OF MINING SCIENCES [10011311] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 ARCHIVES OF NATURAL HISTORY [10028291] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Anthropology: Q2 History: Q2 ARCHIVES OF NEUROLOGY [513] Neurology (clinical): D1 ARCHIVES OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [514] Ophthalmology: D1 ARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY [515] Cell Biology: Q3 Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 ARCHIVES OF ORTHOPAEDIC AND TRAUMA SURGERY [516] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Surgery: Q1 ARCHIVES OF OSTEOPOROSIS [10028790] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 ARCHIVES OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD & NECK SURGERY [517] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 ARCHIVES OF PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE [518] Medical Laboratory Technology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 ARCHIVES OF PEDIATRICS & ADOLESCENT MEDICINE [519] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 ARCHIVES OF PERINATAL MEDICINE [1394742] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH [11068] Drug Discovery: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION [522] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: Q1 ARCHIVES OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY [6449] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q2 ARCHIVES OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY AND PLANT PROTECTION [1309867] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 ARCHIVES OF PLASTIC SURGERY [10059412] Surgery: Q2 ARCHIVES OF POLISH FISHERIES [10019399] Aquatic Science: Q4 ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING [38238] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY [10016120] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 ARCHIVES OF PUBLIC HEALTH [10025391] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 ARCHIVES OF RAZI INSTITUTE [10073591] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Toxicology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 ARCHIVES OF RHEUMATOLOGY [10011913] Rheumatology: Q4 ARCHIVES OF SEXUAL BEHAVIOR [4630] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 ARCHIVES OF SUICIDE RESEARCH [38240] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 ARCHIVES OF SURGERY [526] Surgery: D1 ARCHIVES OF THE BALKAN MEDICAL UNION [10035812] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ARCHIVES OF THERMODYNAMICS [10058913] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 ARCHIVES OF TOXICOLOGY [528] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Toxicology: Q1 ARCHIVES OF TRANSPORT [10040336] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Transportation: Q4 ARCHIVES OF VETERINARY SCIENCE [10049219] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY [529] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Virology: Q2 ARCHIVES OF WOMENS MENTAL HEALTH [10006478] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ARCHIV FUR GEFLUGELKUNDE [495] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Food Animals: Q3 ARCHIV FUR KRIMINOLOGIE [1364878] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 ARCHIV FUR KULTURGESCHICHTE [10010228] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 ARCHIV FUR MOLLUSKENKUNDE / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MALACOLOGY [10014920] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 ARCHIV FUR RELIGIONSGESCHICHTE [10029358] Religious Studies: Q2 ARCHIV FÜR DAS STUDIUM DER NEUEREN SPRACHEN UND LITERATUREN [10000103] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ARCHIV FÜR DIPLOMATIK [10009275] History: Q4 ARCHIV FÜR GESCHICHTE DER PHILOSOPHIE [10000104] Philosophy: Q2 ARCHIV FÜR HYDROBIOLOGIE [501] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ARCHIV FÜR LEBENSMITTELHYGIENE [508] Food Science: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Microbiology: Q4 ARCHIV FÜR LITURGIEWISSENSCHAFT [10025505] Religious Studies: Q3 ARCHIV FÜR MUSIKWISSENSCHAFT [10000105] Music: Q3 ARCHIV FÜR PAPYRUSFORSCHUNG UND VERWANDTE GEBIETE [10016025] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q2 ARCHIV FÜR RECHTS- UND SOZIALPHILOSOPHIE [10005813] Law: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 ARCHIV FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE-ARCHIVE FOR REFORMATION HISTORY [10000106] Religious Studies: Q2 ARCHIV FÜR SOZIALGESCHICHTE [10000107] History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ARCHIV FÜR TIERERNÄHRUNG [10008776] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 ARCHIVIO DI FILOSOFIA [10022671] Philosophy: Q4 Archivio di Storia della Cultura [10078526] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 ARCHIVIO GLOTTOLOGICO ITALIANO [10017463] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Archivio Italiano di Urologia e Andrologia [10050044] Urology: Q3 Archivio Italiano per la Storia della Pieta [10080791] History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 ARCHIVIO STORICO ITALIANO [10000111] History: Q4 Archivium Hibernicum [10070359] History: Q3 Archivo de Prehistoria Levantina [10080325] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 ARCHIVO ESPANOL DE ARQUEOLOGIA [10072572] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q2 ARCHIVO ESPANOL DE ARTE [10000112] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ARCHIV ORIENTALNI [2147292] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 ARCHIVOS ARGENTINOS DE PEDIATRIA [10015211] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Archivos de Alergia e Inmunologia Clinica [10071107] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 ARCHIVOS DE BRONCONEUMOLOGIA [10000113] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 ARCHIVOS DE CARDIOLOGIA DE MEXICO [10005918] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 ARCHIVOS DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA DE OFTALMOLOGÍA [10053389] Ophthalmology: Q3 ARCHIVOS DE MEDICINA [10019954] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ARCHIVOS DE MEDICINA DEL DEPORTE [10027625] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 ARCHIVOS DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA [511] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 ARCHIVOS DE NEUROCIENCIAS [10052187] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Archivos de prevenciòn de riesgos laborales [10080792] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Archivos de Psiquiatria [10043214] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 ARCHIVOS DE ZOOTECNIA [10008648] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 ARCHIVOS ESPANOLES DE UROLOGIA [10044915] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Urology: Q3 ARCHIVOS LATINOAMERICANOS DE NUTRICION [507] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 ARCHIVOS VENEZOLANOS DE FARMACOLOGIA Y TERAPEUTICA [10052680] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 ARCHIVUM FRANCISCANUM HISTORICUM [10030426] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 ARCHIVUM IMMUNOLOGIAE ET THERAPIAE EXPERIMENTALIS [2054703] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ARCHIVUM LATINITATIS MEDII AEVI (BULLETIN DU CANGE) [10012806] Classics: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ARCHIVUM MATHEMATICUM [10008641] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 ARCHIWUM BUDOWY MASZYN [10016552] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 ARCHIWUM MEDYCYNY SADOWEJ I KRYMINOLOGII [10024092] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Archnet-IJAR [10080551] Architecture: Q3 Urban Studies: Q4 ARCTIC [530] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ARCTIC ANTARCTIC AND ALPINE RESEARCH [21534] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 ARCTIC ANTHROPOLOGY [4633] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 ARCTOS - ACTA PHILOLOGICA FENNICA [10012878] Classics: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 ARDEA [532] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ARDEOLA [10002929] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 AREA [4634] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Area Pediatrica [10065188] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 ARERUGI / JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ALLERGOLOGY [10036798] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 ARETHUSA [10000115] Classics: Q1 Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Argos [10023071] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ARGOSPINE NEWS AND JOURNAL [10022537] Anatomy: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Argument and Computation [10051570] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Computational Mathematics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 ARGUMENTA OECONOMICA [10015059] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 ARGUMENTATION [10012646] Linguistics and Language: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 ARHEOLOSKI VESTNIK [42745] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Arhiv za farmaciju [10060259] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 ARHIV ZA HIGIJENU RADA I TOKSIKOLOGIJU / ARCHIVES OF INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND TOXICOLOGY [10009126] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Toxicology: Q4 ARID ECOSYSTEMS [10052348] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 ARID LAND RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT [32783] Soil Science: Q3 ARID SOIL RESEARCH AND REHABILITATION [533] Soil Science: Q3 ARIEL-A REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LITERATURE [10000116] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Aries Book Series [10079660] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 ARIES: JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF WESTERN ESOTERICISM [10028604] History: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 ARION: A JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND THE CLASSICS [10000117] Classics: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus [10064847] Philosophy: Q4 ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS [10029493] Philosophy: D1 ARKANSAS HISTORICAL QUARTERLY [10000118] History: Q4 ARKHIV PATOLOGII / ARCHIVES PATHOLOGY [10021372] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 ARKIV FOR MATEMATIK [534] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ARKIV FOR NORDISK FILOLOGI [10022323] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ARKIVOC [1394183] Organic Chemistry: Q3 ARMED FORCES & SOCIETY [4636] Safety Research: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Arms and Armour [10080326] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 ARPN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES [10037684] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 ARQ [10079661] Architecture: Q3 Conservation: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Arqueologia [10080552] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Arqueologia de la Arquitectura [10080553] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Architecture: Q3 Conservation: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Arqueologia Iberoamericana [10080793] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Arqueologia Mexicana [10080794] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 ARQUITETURAREVISTA [10080327] Architecture: Q2 ARQUIVO BRASILEIRO DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA E ZOOTECNIA [16073] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 ARQUIVOS BRASILEIROS DE CARDIOLOGIA [10007585] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 ARQUIVOS BRASILEIROS DE OFTALMOLOGIA [10015382] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 ARQUIVOS BRASILEROS DE PSICOLOGIA [10056661] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 ARQUIVOS DE GASTROENTEROLOGIA [10019995] Gastroenterology: Q3 Arquivos de Medicina [10038564] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ARQUIVOS DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA [16074] Biological Psychiatry: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 ARS COMBINATORIA [536] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 ARS LONGA: CUADERNOS DE ARTE [10080554] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA [10019153] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 Geometry and Topology: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 ARS ORIENTALIS: THE ARTS OF ISLAM AND THE EAST [10022322] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ARS PHARMACEUTICA [10042175] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 ART BULLETIN [10000120] History: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ART CRITICISM [10000121] History: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ART DESIGN AND COMMUNICATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10068494] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Communication: Q4 Education: Q4 ARTE CRISTIANA: RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI STORIA DELL ARTE E DI ARTI LITURGICHE [42515] Religious Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Arte, Individuo y Sociedad [10080328] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ARTE MEDIEVALE [10005731] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION [10073665] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY [6464] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 ARTERY RESEARCH [10019946] Anatomy: Q2 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 ARTES DE MEXICO [10079003] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 ARTFORUM INTERNATIONAL [10000126] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ART HISTORY [10000122] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM [539] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 Rheumatology: D1 ARTHRITIS CARE AND RESEARCH (1988-2000) [11086] Rheumatology: D1 ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH [10015383] Rheumatology: D1 ARTHRITIS RESEARCH [1363638] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Rheumatology: D1 ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY [10001123] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Rheumatology: D1 ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATISM (ARTHRITIS CARE & RESEARCH) (2001-2009) [20065119] Rheumatology: D1 ARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY [10032126] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 Rheumatology: D1 ARTHROPODA SELECTA [10058847] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 ARTHROPOD - PLANT INTERACTIONS [10011313] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Insect Science: Q2 ARTHROPOD STRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT [32793] Developmental Biology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Insect Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ARTHROPOD SYSTEMATICS & PHYLOGENY [10028293] Genetics: Q4 Insect Science: Q2 Arthroscopy Techniques [10066992] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 ARTHROSCOPY-THE JOURNAL OF ARTHROSCOPIC AND RELATED SURGERY [6467] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Sports Science: D1 ARTHROSKOPIE [10012496] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 ARTHURIANA [10021196] History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ARTIBUS ASIAE [10000127] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ARTIBUS ET HISTORIAE [10078769] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ARTIFICIAL CELLS NANOMEDICINE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [10032943] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Artificial DNA: PNA and XNA [10039463] Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [541] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND LAW [10010461] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Law: Q1 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN ENGINEERING [6470] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE [542] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW [543] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 ARTIFICIAL LIFE [27116] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS [10031283] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 ARTIFICIAL ORGANS [544] Bioengineering: Q2 Biomaterials: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Artificial Satellites [10042572] Space and Planetary Science: Q4 ARTI MUSICES [10030724] Music: Q4 ART IN AMERICA [10000123] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ART JOURNAL [10000125] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ARTMARGINS [42550] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ARTNEWS [10000128] Museology: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Artnodes [10080077] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 ARTS AND HUMANITIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10039043] Education: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 ARTS ASIATIQUES [10078770] Cultural Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ARTS EDUCATION POLICY REVIEW [10027446] Education: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 ARTS & HEALTH [10066600] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ARTS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY [4637] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 ARTS OF ASIA [10000130] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ART THERAPY [10071607] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q2 ARV (SCANDINAVIAN YEARBOOK OF FOLKLORE) [2152070] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Arxius de Miscellania Zoologica [10080555] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 ARYA ATHEROSCLEROSIS [10039329] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 ARZNEIMITTEL-FORSCHUNG / DRUG RESEARCH [1010707] Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ARZNEIMITTELTHERAPIE: UNABHAENGIGE INFORMATIONEN ZUR PHARMAKOTHERAPIE [10028616] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology (nursing): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 ASAIO JOURNAL [6475] Bioengineering: Q2 Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biophysics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Asclepio [10075576] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering [10051193] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 ASHA LEADER [10019846] Speech and Hearing: Q4 ASHRAE JOURNAL [546] Building and Construction: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ASHRAE Standard [10075581] Building and Construction: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 ASIA EUROPE JOURNAL [10015062] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 ASIA LIFE SCIENCES [10006480] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 ASIAN ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10050183] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 ASIAN ACADEMY of MANAGEMENT JOURNAL of ACCOUNTING and FINANCE [10073726] Accounting: Q4 Finance: Q4 ASIAN AFFAIRS [10060260] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 ASIAN AFFAIRS: AN AMERICAN REVIEW [10025390] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Asian Agri-History [10075590] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ASIAN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [10028487] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 ASIAN AND AFRICAN STUDIES [41774] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ASIAN AND PACIFIC MIGRATION JOURNAL [10011959] Demography: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES [16092] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Food Science: Q2 ASIAN BIOMEDICINE [10009523] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Asian Biotechnology and Development Review [10079004] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 ASIAN BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT [10011955] Business and International Management: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 ASIAN CARDIOVASCULAR & THORACIC ANNALS [10005015] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 ASIAN CASE RESEARCH JOURNAL [10011956] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 ASIAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW: STUDIES OF ASIAN AND PACIFIC ECONOMIC ISSUES [10020384] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ASIAN DYER [10072365] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 ASIAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL [10010057] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ASIAN ECONOMIC PAPERS [10015081] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 ASIAN ECONOMIC POLICY REVIEW [10011957] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 ASIAN EFL JOURNAL [10043762] Education: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 ASIAN ENGLISHES [10058845] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 ASIAN ETHNICITY [10024062] Cultural Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ASIAN ETHNOLOGY [10078771] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Religious Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ASIAN-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [41202] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Asian Herpetological Research [10022905] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH [10043368] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY [10000133] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Urology: Q1 Asian Journal of Anesthesiology [10087667] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES [10015385] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 Asian Journal of Animal Sciences [10058830] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES [10040709] Multidisciplinary: Q3 Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment [10042111] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY [10033715] Biochemistry: Q4 Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Asian Journal of Business and Accounting [10079907] Accounting: Q4 Business and International Management: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY [10033716] Cell Biology: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [16093] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING: BUILDING AND HOUSING [10029171] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION [10040711] Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION [10015082] Communication: Q2 Education: Q2 ASIAN JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE LAW [10024337] Law: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL [10002935] Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 ASIAN JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY [10054071] Law: Q2 ASIAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE [10040713] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Soil Science: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES [10033717] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY [10012766] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY [10040718] Epidemiology: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS [10060777] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10031947] Atmospheric Science: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [10045928] Law: Q3 Asian Journal of Management Cases [10079145] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10006481] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 ASIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY BIOTECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES [10037649] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Microbiology: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [10068194] Ophthalmology: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [10032944] Organic Chemistry: Q2 ASIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND CLINICAL RESEARCH [10038101] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH AND HEALTH CARE [10074792] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10036891] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS [10054744] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 ASIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY [10033719] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCES [10010290] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE [10025396] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE [10033720] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Food Animals: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [10040071] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH [10040725] Multidisciplinary: Q3 Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics [10080080] Business and International Management: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Transportation: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [10001405] Social Psychology: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE [10015083] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF SPECTROSCOPY [27124] Spectroscopy: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE [10039194] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY [10009524] Surgery: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION [10015084] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 ASIAN JOURNAL OF TRANSFUSION SCIENCE [10060171] Hematology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF WATER, ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION [10037646] Pollution: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF WOMENS STUDIES [38246] Gender Studies: Q3 ASIAN JOURNAL OF WTO & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH LAW AND POLICY [10011958] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Asian Medicine [10079663] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ASIAN MUSIC [10000134] Music: Q3 ASIAN MYRMECOLOGY [10015386] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q2 ASIAN NURSING RESEARCH [10015085] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 ASIAN-PACIFIC ECONOMIC LITERATURE [10011960] Development: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY [549] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION [10011317] Cancer Research: Q3 Epidemiology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION [10021837] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TROPICAL BIOMEDICINE [10047255] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TROPICAL DISEASE [10038156] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 ASIAN PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE [10015387] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ASIAN PERSPECTIVE [10015086] Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q3 Asian Perspectives [10055169] Anthropology: Q2 Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 History: Q1 ASIAN PHILOSOPHY [10000135] Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 ASIAN POLITICS AND POLICY [10057708] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ASIAN POPULATION STUDIES [10028488] Demography: Q2 ASIAN REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING [10067573] Accounting: Q3 Finance: Q4 ASIAN SECURITY [10025398] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Safety Research: Q1 ASIAN SOCIAL SCIENCE [10018334] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Asian Social Work and Policy Review [10079908] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Work: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Asian Spine journal [10053490] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 ASIAN STUDIES REVIEW [10023073] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ASIAN SURVEY [4638] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ASIAN TEXTILE JOURNAL [10075593] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Business and International Management: Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 ASIAN THEATRE JOURNAL [10000136] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ASIAN WOMEN [10015087] Gender Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ASIA PACIFIC BUSINESS REVIEW [10020382] Business and International Management: Q2 Asia Pacific Disability Rehabilitation Journal [10079446] Community and Home Care: Q3 Fundamentals and Skills: Q2 Research and Theory: Q4 ASIA-PACIFIC EDUCATION RESEARCHER [10011952] Education: Q2 ASIA PACIFIC EDUCATION REVIEW [10007325] Education: Q2 Asia Pacific Family Medicine [10080078] Family Practice: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ASIA-PACIFIC FINANCIAL MARKETS [10020516] Finance: Q4 Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching [10074423] Education: Q4 Asia Pacific Issues [10075583] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS [10020517] Accounting: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY [10015063] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES [10011314] Atmospheric Science: Q3 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [10080079] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Administration: Q3 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [10007999] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION [10000131] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY [10011315] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q3 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATION [10069307] Education: Q3 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF EDUCATION [10011948] Education: Q3 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW [10024332] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STUDIES [10011953] Finance: Q3 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF HEALTH SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION [10068129] Education: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES [10011949] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT [10015079] Business and International Management: D1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Strategy and Management: D1 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING AND LOGISTICS [10016971] Business and International Management: Q2 Marketing: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [16091] Biotechnology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology and Hematology [10067704] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH [547] Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH [10011316] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK AND DEVELOPMENT [38245] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Work: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF SPORT AND SOCIAL SCIENCE [10070212] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION [10011954] Education: Q1 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH [10023072] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE LAW [10024334] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ASIA PACIFIC LAW REVIEW [10011950] Law: Q4 ASIA PACIFIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW [10019059] Business and International Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 ASIA-PACIFIC POPULATION JOURNAL / UNITED NATIONS [10075589] Demography: Q3 ASIA-PACIFIC PSYCHIATRY [10015080] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 ASIA PACIFIC REVIEW [10025382] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Asia Pacific Shipping [10078320] Ocean Engineering: Q4 ASIA-PACIFIC SOCIAL SCIENCE REVIEW [10025399] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ASIA PACIFIC VIEWPOINT [10011951] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 ASIA TEFL JOURNAL [10044972] Education: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Asiatic [10061591] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ASLIB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT [10043061] Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 ASM Science Journal [10074283] Multidisciplinary: Q4 ASN NEURO [10015388] Neurology (clinical): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 ASPASIA: THE INTERNATIONAL YEARBOOK OF CENTRAL EASTERN AND SOUTHEASTERN EUROPEAN WOMENS AND GENDER HISTORY [10016424] Gender Studies: Q4 History: Q2 ASSAY AND DRUG DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGIES [10001124] Drug Discovery: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Assembly [10075598] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 ASSEMBLY AUTOMATION [16097] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 ASSESSING WRITING [10022321] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 ASSESSMENT [38249] Applied Psychology: Q1 Clinical Psychology: D1 ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10068499] Education: D1 Assessment for Effective Intervention [10075599] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q1 ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION: PRINCIPLES POLICY AND PRACTICE [10061133] Education: D1 ASSISTENZA INFERMIERISTICA E RICERCA [10011318] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY [38250] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH SERIES [10024076] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ASTA ADVANCES IN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS [10011319] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv [10070469] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 ASTERISQUE [551] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 ASTIN BULLETIN: JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ACTUARIAL ASSOCIATION [10006482] Accounting: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 ASTM INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [40583] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ASTROBIOLOGY [10001125] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL [555] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 ASTRONOMISCHE NACHRICHTEN [10012861] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS REVIEW [553] Astronomy and Astrophysics: D1 Space and Planetary Science: D1 ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS [552] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 ASTRONOMY & GEOPHYSICS [11105] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 ASTRONOMY LETTERS-A JOURNAL OF ASTRONOMY AND SPACE ASTROPHYSICS [556] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 ASTRONOMY REPORTS [11109] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS [11110] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 ASTROPHYSICAL BULLETIN [10011320] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Instrumentation: Q2 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL [559] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS [10007838] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: D1 ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES [560] Astronomy and Astrophysics: D1 Space and Planetary Science: D1 ASTROPHYSICS [10001126] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE [562] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCES TRANSACTIONS [10035181] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ASTROPOLITICS: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPACE POLITICS AND POLICY [10025400] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS [11115] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ATA Journal [10075604] Business and International Management: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 ATA JOURNAL OF LEGAL TAX RESEARCH [10024342] Accounting: Q4 Finance: Q4 Law: Q4 Atalante [10080556] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 AT-AUTOMATISIERUNGSTECHNIK [10011321] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 ATEMWEGS- UND LUNGENKRANKHEITEN [10011202] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 ATENCION PRIMARIA [10011322] Family Practice: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ATENEA: A BILINGUAL JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES [10029159] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ATENE E ROMA [10043333] Classics: Q4 History: Q4 ATHENAEUM: STUDI DI LETTERATURA E STORIA DELL ANTICHITA [10088653] Classics: Q2 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social [10079664] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ATHEROSCLEROSIS [564] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS [10000681] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 ATIP. Association Technique de L'Industrie Papetiere [10075605] Media Technology: Q3 ATIQOT: JERUSALEM: EXCAVATION REPORTS AND STUDIES [10080557] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Conservation: Q2 ATLA-ALTERNATIVES TO LABORATORY ANIMALS [565] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Toxicology: Q4 ATLANTIC ECONOMIC JOURNAL (AEJ) [10017135] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 ATLANTIC GEOLOGY [566] Geology: Q3 Atlantic Journal of Communication [10080329] Communication: Q2 Atlantic Studies: Literary, Cultural and Historical Perspectives [10080330] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Atlantic World [10079665] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 ATLANTIS: JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH ASSOCIATION OF ANGLO-AMERICAN STUDIES [10022320] Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America [10040371] Oral Surgery: Q3 Surgery: Q3 ATMÓSFERA [16120] Atmospheric Science: Q3 ATMOSPHERE [10022562] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 ATMOSPHERE-OCEAN [570] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics [10058593] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS [10000682] Atmospheric Science: D1 ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT [567] Atmospheric Science: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES [10015390] Atmospheric Science: Q1 ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION RESEARCH [10028294] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Pollution: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH [11122] Atmospheric Science: Q2 ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS [10015391] Atmospheric Science: Q1 ATOLL RESEARCH BULLETIN [10038832] Oceanography: Q4 ATOMIC DATA AND NUCLEAR DATA TABLES [571] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 ATOMIC ENERGY [572] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY [573] Spectroscopy: Q3 ATOMIZATION AND SPRAYS [11126] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Atomos [10057145] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 ATOMS FOR PEACE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10079271] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Pollution: Q4 ATTACHMENT AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT [10007326] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ATTENTION, PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS [10011323] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Sensory Systems: Q1 ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DEI LINCEI RENDICONTI LINCEI SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI [10061578] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ATTI DELLA ACCADEMIA PELORITANA DEI PERICOLANTI CLASSE DI SCIENZE FISICHE, MATEMATICHE E NATURALI [10009723] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia: Serie III, Rendiconti [10080795] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 ATTI DELLA SOCIETA TOSCANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI MEMORIE SERIE B [10072230] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ATTI DELLA SOCIETÀ TOSCANA DI SCIENZE NATURALI RESIDENTE IN PISA MEMORIE SER A [10008450] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ATW-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUCLEAR POWER [11128] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 A + U-ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM [10000009] Architecture: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 AUCO CZECH ECONOMIC REVIEW [10016633] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 AUDIOLOGICAL MEDICINE [10069003] Speech and Hearing: Q4 AUDIOLOGY AND NEURO-OTOLOGY [21590] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Physiology: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q3 Speech and Hearing: Q1 AUDITING: A JOURNAL OF PRACTICE AND THEORY [4641] Accounting: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 AUFBEREITUNGS-TECHNIK [10030185] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 AUGMENTATIVE AND ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION [10007327] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q2 Augustiniana [10080558] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 AUGUSTINIAN STUDIES [10032130] History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 AUK [10000684] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 AUMLA-Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association [10078773] Cultural Studies: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 AURIS NASUS LARYNX [10000140] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 Ausa [10080559] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 AUS - ARQUITECTURA, URBANISMO, SOSTENIBILIDAD [10068359] Architecture: Q3 Urban Studies: Q4 AusIMM Bulletin [10075609] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 AUSTRALASIAN BIOTECHNOLOGY [16155] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Bioengineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Australasian Drama Studies [10078774] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 AUSTRALASIAN EMERGENCY NURSING JOURNAL [10073202] Emergency Nursing: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS [10009390] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY [10009525] Dermatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies [10075611] Applied Psychology: Q4 Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology [10080081] Ecology: Q4 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Pollution: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY [10032946] Education: Q1 E-learning: Q1 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT [10015093] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF GIFTED EDUCATION [10069346] Education: Q3 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10082604] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES LAW AND POLICY [10024345] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Australasian Journal of Paramedicine [10079005] Emergency Medical Services: Q3 Emergency Medicine: Q3 Emergency Nursing: Q2 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10000141] Philosophy: D1 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION [10066268] Education: Q2 AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL ON AGEING [10009402] Community and Home Care: Q1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 AUSTRALASIAN MARKETING JOURNAL [10018069] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Marketing: Q3 AUSTRALASIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [10064221] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 AUSTRALASIAN PHYSICAL & ENGINEERING SCIENCES IN MEDICINE [10006483] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biophysics: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 AUSTRALASIAN PLANT DISEASE NOTES [10047831] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 AUSTRALASIAN PLANT PATHOLOGY [11156] Plant Science: Q2 AUSTRALASIAN PSYCHIATRY [10011330] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Australasian Textiles and Fashion [10075615] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Austral: Brazilian Journal of Strategy and International Relations [10080796] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 AUSTRAL ECOLOGY [27185] Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 AUSTRAL ENTOMOLOGY [10045287] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q2 Australia and New Zealand Health Policy [10041946] Health Policy: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL STUDIES [10011961] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 AUSTRALIAN ACADEMIC & RESEARCH LIBRARIES [10023074] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 AUSTRALIAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW [10015089] Accounting: Q2 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Audiology [10088137] Speech and Hearing: Q3 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY [4655] Law: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF FAMILY THERAPY [10015092] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [593] Internal Medicine: Q2 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY [594] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [595] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q1 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [596] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH [38263] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF SURGERY [597] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 AUSTRALIAN ARCHAEOLOGY [10032945] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 AUSTRALIAN CRITICAL CARE [10022906] Critical Care Nursing: Q1 Emergency Nursing: Q1 Australian Cultural History [10078085] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 AUSTRALIAN DENTAL JOURNAL [578] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Australian Doctor [10069776] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW [4644] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 History: Q1 AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC PAPERS [10011962] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 AUSTRALIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW [10009400] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 AUSTRALIAN EDUCATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST [10057746] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 AUSTRALIAN EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING [10069347] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q3 E-learning: Q4 AUSTRALIAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER [10002945] Education: Q1 AUSTRALIAN ENDODONTIC JOURNAL [10015394] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Australian Entomologist [10079909] Insect Science: Q4 AUSTRALIAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN [10011324] Family Practice: Q2 AUSTRALIAN FEMINIST STUDIES [38252] Gender Studies: Q3 Australian Field Ornithology [10079666] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 AUSTRALIAN FORESTRY [10015396] Forestry: Q2 AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHER [4645] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Australian Geomechanics Journal [10078323] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 AUSTRALIAN HEALTH REVIEW [10011325] Health Policy: Q2 AUSTRALIAN HISTORICAL STUDIES [10000142] History: Q1 Australian Journal of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine [10080560] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ADULT LEARNING [10015090] Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING [10009401] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS [11135] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH [580] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY [10011963] Anthropology: Q1 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENCES [10019683] Multidisciplinary: Q4 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [581] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [582] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Australian Journal of Civil Engineering [10066987] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HYPNOSIS [10049505] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q4 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPNOTHERAPY AND HYPNOSIS [10032812] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q4 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE [10011326] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY [583] Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD [20069308] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [585] Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION [4647] Education: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY [10069368] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING (AJEEE) [10030186] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Australian Journal of Emergency Management [10075618] Emergency Medical Services: Q2 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q3 Safety Research: Q2 Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society [10079448] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION [10057416] Education: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AGRICULTURE [586] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Food Science: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES [10015397] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF FRENCH STUDIES [10000143] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF GRAPE AND WINE RESEARCH [10001127] Horticulture: D1 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF HERBAL MEDICINE [10067676] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology (nursing): Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF INDIGENOUS EDUCATION [10069369] Anthropology: Q2 Education: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [4648] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Australian Journal of Language and Literacy [10075620] Education: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties [10079910] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS [10034674] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT [10011965] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS (AJMAA) [10028570] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering [10058849] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Australian Journal of Medical Science [10056886] Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Hematology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q4 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY [10000144] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacy: Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOTHERAPY [32856] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY [589] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Plant Science: Q1 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE [4650] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICS AND HISTORY [4649] History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH [10011327] Health Policy: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [4651] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION [4652] Public Administration: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling [10075621] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF RURAL HEALTH [10011328] Family Practice: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES [4654] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF SOIL RESEARCH [590] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Soil Science: Q1 Australian Journal of Structural Engineering [10079911] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION [10030735] Education: Q2 Australian Journal of Water Resources [10079667] Water Science and Technology: Q2 AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [591] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Australian Life Scientist [10079272] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Plant Science: Q4 AUSTRALIAN LITERARY STUDIES [10000145] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 AUSTRALIAN MAMMALOGY [10039958] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 AUSTRALIAN METEOROLOGICAL AND OCEANOGRAPHIC JOURNAL [10015399] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Oceanography: Q2 Australian Mining [10075622] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 AUSTRALIAN & NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF STATISTICS [16150] Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 Australian nursing & midwifery journal [10075623] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 AUSTRALIAN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY JOURNAL [10011329] Occupational Therapy: Q2 AUSTRALIAN ORTHODONTIC JOURNAL [10015402] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Orthodontics: Q2 Australian Planner [10059134] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 AUSTRALIAN PRESCRIBER [10015406] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 AUSTRALIAN PSYCHOLOGIST [4658] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 AUSTRALIAN REVIEW OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS [10042025] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 AUSTRALIAN SOCIAL WORK [10028489] Health (social science): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 AUSTRALIAN SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [11153] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 AUSTRALIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL [598] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 AUSTRALIAN VETERINARY PRACTITIONER [599] Small Animals: Q3 AUSTRALIAN ZOOLOGIST [10048889] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 AUSTRIAN HISTORY YEARBOOK [10004395] History: Q2 AUSTRIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES [10044201] Geology: Q2 Paleontology: Q2 Stratigraphy: Q2 AUSTRIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST SCIENCE [10015408] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Forestry: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 Austrobaileya [10046449] Plant Science: Q3 AUT AUT - RIVISTA DI FILOSOFIA E DI CULTURA [10000146] Cultural Studies: Q2 Philosophy: Q2 AUTEX RESEARCH JOURNAL [10028295] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 AUTISM [10001406] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 AUTISM RESEARCH [10011331] Genetics (clinical): Q1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES [10018970] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 AUTOIMMUNITY [600] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 AUTOIMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTS [10042712] Immunology: Q4 Rheumatology: Q3 AUTOIMMUNITY REVIEWS [2149050] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 AUTOMATED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING [10011332] Software: Q1 AUTOMATICA [602] Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 AUTOMATIC CONTROL AND COMPUTER SCIENCES [27189] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Signal Processing: Q3 Software: Q4 AUTOMATIKA [10005824] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 AUTOMATION AND REMOTE CONTROL [601] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION [10000685] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Automotive Engineer (London) [10075628] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Automotive Industries AI [10075630] Automotive Engineering: Q4 AUTONOMIC AND AUTACOID PHARMACOLOGY [10007731] Pharmacology: Q3 AUTONOMIC NEUROSCIENCE-BASIC & CLINICAL [27192] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTI-AGENT SYSTEMS [10000151] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS [16160] Artificial Intelligence: D1 AUTOPHAGY [10004714] Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 AUTOTECHNOLOGY [10030198] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Avances en Diabetologia [10039333] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q3 AVANCES EN ODONTOESTOMATOLOGIA [10031861] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 AVANCES EN PSICOLOGIA LATINOAMERICANA [10036383] Clinical Psychology: Q4 AVANCES EN QUIMICA [10040178] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 AVANT: JOURNAL OF THE PHILOSOPHICAL-INTERDISCIPLINARY VANGUARD [10067813] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 AVANT SCENE OPERA [10000152] Music: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 AVIAKOSMICHESKAYA I EKOLOGICHESKAYA MEDITSINA [10030201] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 AVIAN BIOLOGY RESEARCH [10011333] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 AVIAN CONSERVATION ECOLOGY [10022907] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 AVIAN DISEASES [603] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Food Animals: Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 AVIAN PATHOLOGY [604] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Food Animals: Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 AVIATION [10018673] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 AVIATION WEEK & SPACE TECHNOLOGY [16164] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 AVICENNA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY [10055750] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 AVOCETTA [10051051] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 AXIOMATHES [10042869] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Philosophy: Q2 AYER [10032947] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 AZANIA-ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN AFRICA [10009355] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics [10039576] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 AZERBAIJAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [10034874] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Azerbaijan Pharmaceutical and Pharmacotherapy Journal [10067669] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 A|Z ITU JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE [10030193] Architecture: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 대한기계학회 논문집 B 권 [10039037] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 BABEL-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE LA TRADUCTION-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSLATION [10022318] Communication: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 BABESCH : BULLETIN ANTIEKE BESCHAVING / ANNUAL PAPERS ON MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY [10013103] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Classics: Q2 BACH [10000153] Music: Q3 BACTERIOLOGIA VIRUSOLOGIA PARAZITOLOGIA EPIDEMIOLOGIA [10022621] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BAG - JOURNAL OF BASIC AND APPLIED GENETICS [10042103] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Genetics (clinical): Q4 BAHRAIN MEDICAL BULLETIN [10036970] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BALKANISTICA: JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN STUDIES [10061740] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 BALKAN JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS [2151059] Geometry and Topology: Q3 BALKAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS [10011343] Genetics: Q4 Genetics (clinical): Q4 BALKAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [10028298] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Balkan Studies Library [10048822] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 BALLET REVIEW [10000154] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Ballettanz [10080082] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 BALTICA [10011345] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 BALTIC FORESTRY [10011344] Forestry: Q3 BALTIC JOURNAL OF COLEOPTEROLOGY [10049656] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 BALTIC JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS [10015095] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 BALTIC JOURNAL OF LAW & POLITICS [10068271] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 BALTIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT [10013207] Business and International Management: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Marketing: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 BALTIC JOURNAL OF ROAD AND BRIDGE ENGINEERING [10006487] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 BANACH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS [10011346] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Analysis: Q2 Bandaoti Guangdian/Semiconductor Optoelectronics [10051240] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF BOTANY [655] Plant Science: Q3 BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE [10037932] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Bangladesh Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology [10075640] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY [10015497] Pharmacology: Q3 BANGLADESH JOURNAL OF PLANT TAXONOMY [10011347] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin [10068618] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Banking and Finance Review [10080083] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 BANKING LAW JOURNAL [4667] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Finance: Q4 Law: Q4 BANKS AND BANK SYSTEMS [10008565] Finance: Q4 BANTAO Journal [10054928] Nephrology: Q4 Transplantation: Q4 BAOZHA YU CHONGJI/EXPLOSION AND SHOCK WAVES [10069743] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 BARIATRIC SURGICAL PRACTICE AND PATIENT CARE [10041975] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 Surgery: Q4 BASAL GANGLIA [10040143] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY [10000156] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Basic and Applied Herpetology [10050404] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Basic and Applied Pathology [10072382] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 BASIC AND APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [4668] Applied Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q2 Basic and Clinical Andrology [10063895] Reproductive Medicine: Q4 Urology: Q4 BASIC AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE [10065217] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY [10001129] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 BASIC INCOME STUDIES [10020401] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 BASIC RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY [656] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Physiology: D1 Physiology (medical): D1 BASIC SCIENCES JOURNAL OF TEXTILE UNIVERSITIES [10049730] Polymers and Plastics: Q4 BASIN RESEARCH [11210] Geology: D1 Batalleria [10071144] Paleontology: Q4 BAUINGENIEUR [10011349] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 BAUPHYSIK [10011350] Architecture: Q1 Building and Construction: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q3 BAUTECHNIK [1321640] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 BAYESIAN ANALYSIS [10011351] Applied Mathematics: D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 Beagle [10080084] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Bealoideas [10080561] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 BEFORE FARMING [10074502] Anthropology: Q2 Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Beginnings (American Holistic Nurses' Association) [10075643] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN FUNCTIONS [10009896] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Biological Psychiatry: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES [659] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS [38275] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY [660] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY AND SOCIOBIOLOGY [661] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Behavioral Healthcare [10074498] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTIONS [38279] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE [664] Applied Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE [666] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q1 BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING [10020412] Accounting: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES AND THE LAW [4681] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Law: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression [10056455] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 BEHAVIORAL SLEEP MEDICINE [10015498] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 BEHAVIORAL & SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN [4682] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 BEHAVIOR ANALYST [4669] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 BEHAVIOR AND PHILOSOPHY [4676] Philosophy: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 BEHAVIOR GENETICS [662] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION [4675] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Clinical Psychology: Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS [10002990] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS INSTRUMENTS & COMPUTERS [38284] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 BEHAVIOR THERAPY [4683] Clinical Psychology: D1 BEHAVIOUR [669] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 BEHAVIOURAL AND COGNITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY [10004683] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH [658] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q1 BEHAVIOURAL NEUROLOGY [16221] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 BEHAVIOURAL PHARMACOLOGY [667] Pharmacology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 BEHAVIOURAL PROCESSES [668] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BEHAVIOUR CHANGE [38274] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [663] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 BEHAVIOUR RESEARCH AND THERAPY [4679] Clinical Psychology: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 BEIJING FUZHUANG XUEYUAN XUEBAO (ZIRAN KEXUE BAN) /JOURNAL OF BEIJING INSTITUTE OF CLOTHING TECHNOLOGY (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION) [10079333] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 BEIJING GONGYE DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY [10059437] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 BEIJING HANGKONG HANGTIAN DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS [10042882] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Beijing Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University [10056419] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Beijing Keji Daxue Xuebao/Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing [10037845] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Beijing Linye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Beijing Forestry University [10037852] Forestry: Q4 Beijing Youdian Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts And Telecommunications [10075644] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY [10018546] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [10005426] Organic Chemistry: Q1 BEITRAGE ZUR ALGEBRA UND GEOMETRIE [39629] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 BEITRAGE ZUR GESCHICHTE DER DEUTSCHEN SPRACHE UND LITERATUR (TÜBINGEN) [10000159] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 BEITRAGE ZUR GESCHICHTE DER SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT [10022313] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 BEITRAGE ZUR TABAKFORSCHUNG INTERNATIONAL [10008049] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Biotechnology: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 B E JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & POLICY [10011967] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 B E JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS [10011968] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 B E JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL ECONOMICS [10008944] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 BELFAGOR [10000160] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 BELGEO - REVUE BELGE DE GEOGRAPHIE [10004497] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 BELGIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [670] Plant Science: Q4 BELGIAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS [10022310] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [671] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 BELLETEN - TÜRK TARIH KURUMU [1404677] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 BELL LABS TECHNICAL JOURNAL [11225] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 BENCHMARKING: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10034888] Business and International Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 BENEFICIAL MICROBES [10028299] Microbiology: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Benefits quarterly [10075648] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Ben Jonson Journal [10060590] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 B-ENT [10005425] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Bereavement Care [10080331] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q1 Gerontology: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 BERICHT DER RÖMISCH-GERMANISCHEN KOMMISSION [42706] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 BERICHTE UBER LANDWIRTSCHAFT [673] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 BERICHTE ZUR DEUTSCHEN LANDESKUNDE [10016234] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 BERICHTE ZUR WISSENSCHAFTSGESCHICHTE [10011352] History: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 BERKELEY PLANNING JOURNAL [10031018] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 BERLINER JOURNAL FUR SOZIOLOGIE [38288] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 BERLINER UND MUNCHENER TIERARZTLICHE WOCHENSCHRIFT [674] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 BERNOULLI [21698] Statistics and Probability: Q1 BEST PRACTICE AND RESEARCH CLINICAL ANAESTHESIOLOGY [10039914] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Best Practice Onkologie [10040583] Oncology: Q4 BEST PRACTICE & RESEARCH CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM [27272] Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 BEST PRACTICE & RESEARCH CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY [32952] Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Oncology: Q2 BEST PRACTICE & RESEARCH IN CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY [27273] Gastroenterology: Q1 BEST PRACTICE & RESEARCH IN CLINICAL OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY [27274] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 BEST PRACTICE & RESEARCH IN CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY [27275] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Rheumatology: Q1 BETA bulletin of experimental treatments for AIDS : a publication of the San Francisco AIDS foundation [10075653] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BETON- UND STAHLBETONBAU [10011353] Building and Construction: Q2 BETONWERK UND FERTIGTEIL-TECHNIK/CONCRETE PRECASTING PLANT AND TECHNOLOGY [10075654] Building and Construction: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFTLICHE FORSCHUNG UND PRAXIS [4684] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Better Roads [10075655] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Bible in Ancient Christianity [10079912] Classics: Q2 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 BIBLICA [10000162] Religious Studies: Q1 Biblical Archaeology Review [10080562] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Biblical Interpretation [10075656] Religious Studies: Q2 Biblical Interpretation Series [10079449] Religious Studies: Q2 BIBLICAL THEOLOGY BULLETIN: A JOURNAL OF BIBLE AND THEOLOGY [10063072] Religious Studies: Q2 BIBLISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [10000169] Religious Studies: Q4 BiD [10080797] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 BIHAREAN BIOLOGIST [10023711] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 BIJDRAGEN TOT DE TAAL-, LAND- EN VOLKENKUNDE (JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES OF SOUTHEAST ASIA AND OCEANIA) [4685] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 BILIG [10015096] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 BILINGUALISM-LANGUAGE AND COGNITION [10007329] Education: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 BILINGUAL RESEARCH JOURNAL [10063483] Education: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 BINGGONG XUEBAO / ACTA ARMAMENTARII [10052332] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Binocular Vision and Strabismus Quarterly [10075658] Ophthalmology: Q3 Binocular Vision and Strabology Quarterly [10080563] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Ophthalmology: Q4 BIOACOUSTICS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SOUND AND ITS RECORDING [10002993] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Bioagro [10072471] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 BIO-ALGORITHMS AND MED-SYSTEMS [10048914] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Health Informatics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOANALYSIS [10015499] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 BIOANALYTICAL REVIEWS [10031932] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Bioengineering: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 BIOARCHAEOLOGY OF THE NEAR EAST [10066188] Anthropology: Q2 Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 BIOARCHITECTURE [10032871] Cell Biology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Structural Biology: Q2 BIOCATALYSIS AND AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY [10040161] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Bioengineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q2 Food Science: Q2 BIOCATALYSIS AND BIOTRANSFORMATION [6604] Biochemistry: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Catalysis: Q4 BIOCELL [11233] Cell Biology: Q4 BIOCHEMIA MEDICA [10009060] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS [679] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q1 Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q2 BIOCHEMICAL AND CELLULAR ARCHIVES [10058919] Biochemistry: Q4 Cell Biology: Q4 BIOCHEMICAL EDUCATION [16239] Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL [16240] Bioengineering: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Environmental Engineering: Q1 BIOCHEMICAL GENETICS [681] Biochemistry: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL [683] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY [686] Biochemistry: Q1 Pharmacology: D1 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY SYMPOSIUM [688] Biochemistry: Q2 BIOCHEMICAL SOCIETY TRANSACTIONS [2016699] Biochemistry: Q1 BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY [690] Biochemistry: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 BIOCHEMISTRY [692] Biochemistry: Q1 BIOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY-BIOCHIMIE ET BIOLOGIE CELLULAIRE [680] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY EDUCATION [32964] Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 BIOCHEMISTRY-MOSCOW [691] Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOCHEMISTRY (MOSCOW) SUPPLEMENT SERIES A: MEMBRANE AND CELL BIOLOGY [10038091] Biochemistry: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 Cell Biology: Q4 BIOCHEMISTRY (MOSCOW) SUPPLEMENT SERIES B: BIOMEDICAL CHEMISTRY [10046169] Biochemistry: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 BIOCHEMISTRY RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [10037644] Biochemistry: Q2 BIOCHIMICA CLINICA [10014420] Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q3 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOENERGETICS [27241] Biochemistry: D1 Biophysics: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-BIOMEMBRANES [27242] Biochemistry: Q1 Biophysics: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS [27243] Biochemistry: Q1 Biophysics: D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE REGULATORY MECHANISMS [10009526] Biochemistry: D1 Biophysics: D1 Genetics: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Structural Biology: Q1 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION [27244] Biochemistry: D1 Biophysics: D1 Genetics: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Structural Biology: Q1 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY OF LIPIDS [27247] Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q1 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE [27246] Molecular Biology: Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q1 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH [27248] Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS [1035672] Analytical Chemistry: D1 Biochemistry: Q1 Biophysics: D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEIN STRUCTURE AND MOLECULAR ENZYMOLOGY [2017126] Analytical Chemistry: D1 Biochemistry: Q1 Biophysics: D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-REVIEWS ON CANCER [27251] Cancer Research: D1 Genetics: D1 Oncology: D1 BIOCHIMIE [694] Biochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BIOCHIP JOURNAL [10009527] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY [695] Bioengineering: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Pharmacology: D1 BIOCONTROL [21720] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Insect Science: Q1 BIOCONTROL SCIENCE [10015500] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 BIOCONTROL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [696] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Insect Science: Q3 BIOCYBERNETICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [10015501] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 BIOCYCLE [697] Soil Science: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 BIODATA MINING [10032949] Biochemistry: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 BIODEGRADATION [6625] Bioengineering: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Pollution: Q1 BIODEMOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY [10023079] Anthropology: D1 Demography: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 BIODIVERSITY [10046485] Ecology: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION [698] Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 BIODRUGS [11254] Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY [32980] Biophysics: Q2 Electrochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 BIOELECTROCHEMISTRY AND BIOENERGETICS [699] Biophysics: Q2 Electrochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 BIOELECTROMAGNETICS [700] Biophysics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 BIOENERGY RESEARCH [10015502] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 BIOENGINEERED [10042100] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOESSAYS [701] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 BIOETHICS [27302] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Philosophy: D1 BIOFABRICATION [10015503] Biochemistry: Q2 Bioengineering: Q1 Biomaterials: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BIOFACTORS [702] Biochemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 BIOFIZIKA [10000694] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOFOULING [6632] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Aquatic Science: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 BIOFUELS [10025682] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 BIOFUELS BIOPRODUCTS & BIOREFINING-BIOFPR [10009528] Bioengineering: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 BIOFUTUR [704] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOGEOCHEMISTRY [706] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Water Science and Technology: D1 BIOGEOSCIENCES [10005430] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 BIOGEOSCIENCES DISCUSSIONS [10007738] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 BIOGERONTOLOGY [27308] Aging: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Gerontology: D1 BIOGRAPHY-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY QUARTERLY [10000170] History: Q1 BIOIMPACTS [10041950] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 BIOINFORMATICS [16267] Biochemistry: D1 Computational Mathematics: D1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOLOGY INSIGHTS [10051002] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND APPLICATIONS [10005431] Biochemistry: Q4 Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 BIOINSPIRATION & BIOMIMETICS [10011354] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q3 BIOINSPIRED BIOMIMETIC AND NANOBIOMATERIALS [10045524] Biomaterials: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOINTERPHASES [10006430] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Biomaterials: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOINVASIONS RECORDS [10031219] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 BIOLOGIA (BRATISLAVA) [10000696] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM [720] Horticulture: Q1 Plant Science: Q2 BIOLOGICAL AGRICULTURE & HORTICULTURE [707] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Horticulture: Q2 BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN [708] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY [11265] Biochemistry: Q1 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION [711] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 BIOLOGICAL CONTROL [6641] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Insect Science: Q1 BIOLOGICAL CYBERNETICS [712] Biotechnology: Q1 Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Biological Engineering [10080085] Bioengineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS [10005432] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY [715] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Biological Letters [10059331] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN [719] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 BIOLOGICAL PROCEDURES ONLINE [10006490] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY [721] Biological Psychiatry: D1 BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY [4688] Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH [16285] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH FOR NURSING [10006491] Research and Theory: Q1 BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS [723] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 BIOLOGICAL RHYTHM RESEARCH [724] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 BIOLOGICALS [728] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Bioengineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q2 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 BIOLOGICAL SIGNALS AND RECEPTORS [16288] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Developmental Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology: Q2 BIOLOGICAL TRACE ELEMENT RESEARCH [725] Biochemistry: Q3 Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOLOGICALLY INSPIRED COGNITIVE ARCHITECTURES [10041851] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 BIOLOGICHESKIE MEMBRANY [717] Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 BIOLOGICS: TARGETS AND THERAPY [10020149] Gastroenterology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Rheumatology: Q2 BIOLOGIE AUJOURD'HUI [10038857] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOLOGIE IN UNSERER ZEIT [10027888] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biologist [10049596] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT [2147268] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS [714] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Microbiology: Q2 Soil Science: Q1 BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [10037564] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOLOGY (BASEL) [10035136] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOLOGY BULLETIN [10001130] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOLOGY DIRECT [10009529] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Applied Mathematics: D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Immunology: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 BIOLOGY LETTERS [10003000] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 BIOLOGY OF BLOOD AND MARROW TRANSPLANTATION [10000171] Hematology: Q1 Transplantation: Q1 BIOLOGY OF MOOD AND ANXIETY DISORDERS [10061238] Biological Psychiatry: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION [722] Cell Biology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 BIOLOGY OF SEX DIFFERENCES [10044502] Endocrinology: Q1 Gender Studies: D1 BIOLOGY OF SPORT [16289] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 Sports Science: Q4 BIOLOGY OF THE CELL [709] Cell Biology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 BIOLOGY OF THE NEONATE [718] Developmental Biology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 BIOLOGY OPEN [10031634] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 BIOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY [4687] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Philosophy: D1 BIOMACROMOLECULES [33017] Bioengineering: Q1 Biomaterials: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 BIOMARKER INSIGHTS [10037467] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 BIOMARKERS [11286] Biochemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BIOMARKERS IN MEDICINE [10006492] Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q1 BIOMASS & BIOENERGY [11287] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Forestry: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 Waste Management and Disposal: D1 BIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY [10016960] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 BIOMATERIALS [730] Bioengineering: D1 Biomaterials: D1 Biophysics: D1 Ceramics and Composites: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 Biomatter [10080564] Biomaterials: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY [10006493] Biotechnology: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 BIOMED CENTRAL PSYCHIATRY [10011128] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 BIOMEDICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES [16298] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH RESEARCH [10043999] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOMEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGY JOURNAL [10023474] Pharmacology: Q4 BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY [731] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 Bio-medical Engineering [10055144] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING-APPLICATIONS BASIS COMMUNICATIONS [10015504] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING LETTERS [10044860] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering (New York) (English translation of Meditsinskaya Tekhnika) [10075662] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING ONLINE [10009530] Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal [10040484] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION AND TECHNOLOGY [10012470] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Biomedical Journal [10041767] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS [10006494] Bioengineering: Q2 Biomaterials: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Business and International Management: Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 BIO-MEDICAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING [16232] Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES [10001131] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS [10018872] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Biotechnology: Q1 BIOMEDICAL PAPERS-OLOMOUC [10013472] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-INDIA [10015505] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH-TOKYO [6663] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOMEDICAL REVIEWS [1277218] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES INSTRUMENTATION [10012474] Biophysics: Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q3 BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CONTROL [10011355] Health Informatics: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 BIOMEDICAL SPECTROSCOPY AND IMAGING [10056762] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 BIOMEDICA - REVISTA DEL INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE SALUD [10005912] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Biomedicine and Aging Pathology [10037508] Aging: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 BIOMEDICINE AND PREVENTIVE NUTRITION [10037586] Food Science: Q3 BIOMEDICINE (INDIA) [10051950] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOMEDICINE (NETHERLANDS) [10046680] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY [732] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 BIOMEDITSINSKAYA KHIMIYA [10048215] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOMEDIZINISCHE TECHNIK [734] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [10025728] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BIOMETALS [735] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Biomaterials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q1 BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL [736] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 Biometric Technology Today [10074708] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 BIOMETRICS [737] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Applied Mathematics: D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 BIOMETRIKA [738] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Applied Mathematics: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: D1 BIOMICROFLUIDICS [10006495] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 BIOMOLECULAR CONCEPTS [10017203] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING [27351] Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 BIOMOLECULAR NMR ASSIGNMENTS [10009531] Biochemistry: Q3 Structural Biology: Q4 BIOMOLECULES [10018879] Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 BIOMOLECULES & THERAPEUTICS [10009532] Biochemistry: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology: Q3 BIONANOSCIENCE [10039034] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY [739] Biochemistry: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 BIOORGANICHESKAIA KHIMIIA (MOSCOW) [740] Biochemistry: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [11300] Biochemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS [741] Biochemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Biopesticides International [10067844] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 BIOPHARMACEUTICS & DRUG DISPOSITION [742] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 BIOPHARM INTERNATIONAL [10001132] Biotechnology: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Biophotonics International [10075664] Biotechnology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY [743] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q1 BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL [744] Biophysics: D1 BIOPHYSICAL REVIEWS [10030933] Biophysics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Structural Biology: Q3 BIOPHYSICAL REVIEWS AND LETTERS [10017174] Biophysics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Structural Biology: Q4 BIOPHYSICS (JAPAN) [10008163] Biophysics: Q4 BIOPHYSICS (RU) [10036394] Biophysics: Q4 BIOPOLYMERS [745] Biochemistry: Q2 Biomaterials: Q1 Biophysics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 BIOPOLYMERS AND CELL [10018485] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOPRESERVATION AND BIOBANKING [10018982] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Cell Biology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING [10000697] Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING [746] Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BioProcess International [10043074] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MEDICINE [10051312] Biological Psychiatry: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 BIOREMEDIATION JOURNAL [10022909] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 BIORESEARCH OPEN ACCESS [10052135] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 BIORESOURCES [10011356] Bioengineering: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY [747] Bioengineering: D1 Environmental Engineering: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 Waste Management and Disposal: D1 BIORHEOLOGY [748] Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q2 BIORISK [10016016] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOSCENE [10054191] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 BIOSCIENCE [750] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 BIOSCIENCE BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY [749] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q3 BIOSCIENCE EDUCATION [10069370] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 BIOSCIENCE HORIZONS: THE NATIONAL UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH JOURNAL [10020045] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOSCIENCE JOURNAL [10015506] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOSCIENCE REPORTS [751] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Bioscience Research [10072685] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 BIOSCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASIA [10033233] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 BIOSCIENCE TRENDS [10015507] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOSCOPE: SOUTH ASIAN SCREEN STUDIES [10019466] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 BIOSEMIOTICS [10022910] Communication: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOSENSORS [10014938] Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS [752] Biomedical Engineering: D1 Biophysics: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Electrochemistry: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 BIOSOCIETIES [10015097] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q1 BIOSPEKTRUM [10018563] Biotechnology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 BIOSTATISTICS [10001133] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 BIOSYSTEMS [753] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING [10000698] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Food Science: Q1 Soil Science: Q2 BIOTA NEOTROPICA [10028300] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 BIO TECH INTERNATIONAL [10038579] Biotechnology: Q4 BIOTECHNIC & HISTOCHEMISTRY [754] Histology: Q3 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOTECHNIQUES [755] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 BIOTECHNOLOGIA [10028255] Biotechnology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 BIOTECHNOLOGIE AGRONOMIE SOCIETE ET ENVIRONNEMENT [10036441] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Forestry: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Plant Science: Q3 BIOTECHNOLOGY [1220373] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 BIOTECHNOLOGY ADVANCES [756] Biotechnology: D1 BIOTECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY [757] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Bioengineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING [758] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: D1 Bioengineering: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING [10003003] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 BIOTECHNOLOGY : AN INDIAN JOURNAL [10036257] Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Food Science: Q4 BIOTECHNOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT [16331] Biotechnology: Q3 BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR BIOFUELS [10011357] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Energy (miscellaneous): D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 BIOTECHNOLOGY & GENETIC ENGINEERING REVIEWS [16333] Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL [10020406] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 BIOTECHNOLOGY LAW REPORT [16334] Biotechnology: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS [759] Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS [760] Biotechnology: Q2 Biotecnología Aplicada [10039747] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 BIOTHERAPY (DORDRECHT) [762] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Bio Tribune Magazine [10039347] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Biotropia [10067166] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Ecology: Q4 BIOTROPICA [763] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 BIPOLAR DISORDERS [10000172] Biological Psychiatry: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 BIRD CONSERVATION INTERNATIONAL [33063] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 BIRD STUDY [764] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 Birkhauser Advances in Infectious Diseases [10080565] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH PART A-CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR TERATOLOGY [10001134] Developmental Biology: Q2 Embryology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH PART B-DEVELOPMENTAL AND REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY [10001135] Developmental Biology: Q4 Embryology: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Toxicology: Q3 BIRTH DEFECTS RESEARCH PART C-EMBRYO TODAY-REVIEWS [10020954] Developmental Biology: Q2 Embryology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 BIRTH-ISSUES IN PERINATAL CARE [765] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Bitacora Urbano Territorial [10080086] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q3 BIT NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS [766] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q1 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Software: Q1 BIULETYN PANSTWOWEGO INSTITUTU GEOLOGICZNEGO [10009130] Geology: Q3 BIULETYN POLSKIEGO TOWARZYSTWA JEZYKOZNAWCZEGO [10017553] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 BJA EDUCATION [10068597] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 BJOG: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY [10000699] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 BJU INTERNATIONAL [21811] Urology: D1 BLACK MUSIC RESEARCH JOURNAL [10000174] Cultural Studies: Q2 Music: Q2 BLACK SCHOLAR [4690] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 BLAKE: AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY [10000175] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Blätter der DGFVM [10075668] Accounting: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 BLOOD [767] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: D1 Hematology: D1 Immunology: D1 BLOOD CANCER JOURNAL [10022911] Hematology: Q2 Oncology: Q2 BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES [6699] Cell Biology: Q3 Hematology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q3 BLOOD COAGULATION & FIBRINOLYSIS [769] Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BLOOD PRESSURE [33071] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORING [10000176] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: D1 Assessment and Diagnosis: D1 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Blood Pressure, Supplement [10064294] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 BLOOD PURIFICATION [770] Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nephrology: Q1 BLOOD RESEARCH [10039390] Hematology: Q3 BLOOD REVIEWS [771] Hematology: D1 Oncology: Q1 BLOOD TRANSFUSION [10015508] Hematology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Blue Books of Neurology [10060483] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 BLUMEA [772] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 Blutalkohol [10075669] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Toxicology: Q4 BLYTTIA [10074618] Plant Science: Q4 BMB REPORTS [10009533] Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 BMC ANESTHESIOLOGY [10028301] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 BMC BIOCHEMISTRY [10019193] Biochemistry: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 BMC BIOINFORMATICS [10001136] Applied Mathematics: D1 Biochemistry: Q1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Structural Biology: Q2 BMC BIOLOGY [10006498] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Biotechnology: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Developmental Biology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Physiology: D1 Plant Science: D1 Structural Biology: Q1 BMC BIOPHYSICS [10022912] Biophysics: Q2 BMC BIOTECHNOLOGY [10003005] Biotechnology: Q1 BMC CANCER [10000700] Cancer Research: Q2 Genetics: Q1 Oncology: Q1 BMC CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS [10014313] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 BMC CELL BIOLOGY [10001137] Cell Biology: Q2 BMC Chemical Biology [10066607] Drug Discovery: Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 BMC CLINICAL PATHOLOGY [10053735] Histology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 BMC Clinical Pharmacology [10044525] Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 BMC COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE [10015509] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BMC DERMATOLOGY [10035480] Dermatology: Q2 BMC DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY [10002289] Developmental Biology: Q1 BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders [10078537] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 BMC ECOLOGY [10036260] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 BMC Emergency Medicine [10065428] Emergency Medicine: Q1 BMC ENDOCRINE DISORDERS [10022913] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY [10003006] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 BMC FAMILY PRACTICE [10011358] Family Practice: Q1 BMC GASTROENTEROLOGY [10003007] Gastroenterology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BMC GENETICS [10001138] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 BMC GENOMICS [10001139] Biotechnology: D1 Genetics: Q1 BMC GERIATRICS [10029232] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH [10000701] Health Policy: Q1 BMC HEMATOLOGY [10082043] Hematology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 BMC IMMUNOLOGY [10005433] Immunology: Q2 BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10000702] Infectious Diseases: Q1 BMC INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS [10023080] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION [10013066] Education: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BMC MEDICAL ETHICS [10022914] Health Policy: Q1 Health (social science): Q1 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: D1 BMC MEDICAL GENETICS [10006499] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q3 BMC MEDICAL GENOMICS [10011359] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 BMC MEDICAL IMAGING [10032951] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING [10011360] Health Informatics: Q1 Health Policy: Q2 BMC Medical Physics [10072393] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 BMC MEDICAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY [10011361] Epidemiology: Q2 Health Informatics: Q1 BMC MEDICINE [10009534] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 BMC MICROBIOLOGY [10003008] Microbiology: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 BMC MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10001140] Molecular Biology: Q2 BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS [10001141] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Rheumatology: Q2 BMC NEPHROLOGY [10015510] Nephrology: Q2 BMC NEUROLOGY [10006500] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 BMC NEUROSCIENCE [10003009] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 BMC Nursing [10039404] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 BMC OPHTHALMOLOGY [10022915] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Ophthalmology: Q2 BMC ORAL HEALTH [10016258] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 BMC PALLIATIVE CARE [10032952] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BMC PEDIATRICS [10015511] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 BMC PHARMACOLOGY [10006264] Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 BMC PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY [10051408] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 BMC PHYSIOLOGY [10007726] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 BMC PLANT BIOLOGY [10004946] Plant Science: D1 BMC PREGNANCY AND CHILDBIRTH [10022916] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 BMC PROCEEDINGS [10037472] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BMC PUBLIC HEALTH [10000703] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 BMC PULMONARY MEDICINE [10016708] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 BMC RESEARCH NOTES [10020773] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BMC STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY [10003010] Structural Biology: Q2 BMC SURGERY [10022917] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY [10011362] Applied Mathematics: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Structural Biology: Q2 BMC UROLOGY [10028302] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 Urology: Q2 BMC VETERINARY RESEARCH [10015512] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 BMC WOMENS HEALTH [10028303] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 BMGN-THE LOW COUNTRIES HISTORICAL REVIEW [10028490] History: Q2 BMJ CASE REPORTS [10016301] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BMJ OPEN [10024941] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BMJ QUALITY & SAFETY [10022918] Health Policy: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 BMJ SUPPORTIVE & PALLIATIVE CARE [10065121] Medical and Surgical Nursing: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology (nursing): Q2 Bocconi and Springer Series [10074509] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 BODENKULTUR: JOURNAL FUR LANDWIRTSCHAFTLICHE FORSCHUNG / AUSTRIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH [773] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 BODY AND SOCIETY [10009403] Cultural Studies: D1 Health (social science): D1 Social Psychology: D1 BODY IMAGE [10011971] Applied Psychology: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 BODY, MOVEMENT AND DANCE IN PSYCHOTHERAPY [10016040] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Bogazici Journal [10060001] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 BOGOSLOVNI VESTNIK [10036550] Religious Studies: Q4 BOGOSLOVSKA SMOTRA [10019482] Religious Studies: Q4 BOIS ET FORETS DES TROPIQUES [2015498] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Forestry: Q3 BOISSIERA [10009037] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 BOLEMA-MATHEMATICS EDUCATION BULLETIN [10015098] Education: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Bolest [10054589] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 BOLETIM DA SOCIEDADE PARANAENSE DE MATEMATICA [10027145] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 BOLETIM DE CIENCIAS GEODESICAS [10015487] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Boletim de Geociencias da Petrobras [10072034] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 BOLETIM DO CENTRO DE PESQUISA DE PROCESSAMENTO DE ALIMENTOS [10015488] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 BOLETIM DO INSTITUTO DE PESCA [10022919] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q3 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi:Ciencias Humanas [10072133] Anthropology: Q2 Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Boletim Paranaense de Geosciencias [10075673] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Boletim Tecnico da PETROBRAS [10075674] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 Boletim Tecnico da Producao de Petroleo [10079669] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Boletin Americanista [10080566] History: Q4 Boletin de AELFA [10039468] Speech and Hearing: Q4 Boletin de Geologia [10080798] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Boletin de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras [10075681] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Aquatic Science: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 BOLETIN DE LA ASOCIACION DE GEOGRAFOS ESPANOLES [10031046] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Boletin de la Asociacion Medica de Puerto Rico [10075682] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BOLETIN DE LA REAL ACADEMIA ESPANOLA [10000177] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ARGENTINA DE BOTANICA [10028297] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD CHILENA DE QUIMICA [774] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE CERAMICA Y VIDRIO [27398] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD GEOLOGICA MEXICANA [10047749] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 BOLETIN DE LA SOCIEDAD MATEMATICA MEXICANA [27399] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Boletin de Linguistica [10079670] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 BOLETIN DE MALARIOLOGIA Y SALUD AMBIENTAL [10015492] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Parasitology: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 BOLETIN GEOLOGICO Y MINERO [10020911] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geology: Q4 Boletin Intexter [10075683] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 BOLETIN LATINOAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES Y AROMATICAS [10015490] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Boletin Medico del Hospital Infantil de Mexico [10048725] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 BOLETIN MEXICANO DE DERECHO COMPARADO [10021854] Law: Q4 BOLLETI DE LAS SOCIETAT D HISTORIA NATURAL DE LES BALEARS [10067685] Ecology: Q4 Geology: Q4 Bollettino d'Arte [10079671] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETA GEOLOGICA ITALIANA [1329076] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Geology: Q2 BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETA PALEONTOLOGICA ITALIANA [10015495] Paleontology: Q3 BOLLETTINO DELLA UNIONE MATEMATICA ITALIANA [644] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 BOLLETTINO DI ARCHEOLOGIA LINE [10056210] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 BOLLETTINO DI GEOFISICA TEORICA ED APPLICATA [10010331] Geophysics: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 BOLLETTINO DI STORIA DELLE SCIENZE MATEMATICHE [10015496] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 BOLLETTINO - LEGA ITALIANA CONTRO L EPILESSIA [10054011] Neurology (clinical): Q4 BONE [775] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Histology: D1 Physiology: Q1 BONE AND JOINT JOURNAL [10032953] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Sports Science: D1 Surgery: D1 BONE & JOINT RESEARCH [10052311] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 BONE MARROW TRANSPLANTATION [776] Hematology: Q1 Transplantation: Q1 BONNER ZOOLOGISCHE MONOGRAPHIEN [10023218] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q2 BONN ZOOLOGICAL BULLETIN [10055389] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 BOOK COLLECTOR [10000178] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 BORDON: REVISTA DE PEDAGOGIA [10061912] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 BOREAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH [10001142] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Atmospheric Science: Q2 Ecological Modeling: Q3 Pollution: Q2 BOREAS [778] Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Geology: Q1 BOSNIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES [10011363] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BOSQUE [10028304] Forestry: Q3 BOSTON UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [4691] Law: Q1 Botanica Complutensis [10061514] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 BOTANICA HELVETICA [781] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 BOTANICAL BULLETIN OF ACADEMIA SINICA [780] Plant Science: Q3 BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY [782] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 BOTANICAL REVIEW [785] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 BOTANICAL SCIENCES [10028305] Plant Science: Q4 BOTANICAL STUDIES [10005434] Plant Science: Q3 BOTANICA MARINA [784] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 BOTANY [10009535] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 BOTANY LETTERS [10066478] Plant Science: Q4 BOTHALIA [786] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 BOTTOM LINE: MANAGING LIBRARY FINANCES [10033336] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Botulinum Journal [10080087] Biochemistry: Q4 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 BOUNDARY 2-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LITERATURE AND CULTURE [10000179] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY [787] Atmospheric Science: Q1 BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS [10028306] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Analysis: Q2 BRACHYTHERAPY [10010851] Oncology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 BRADLEYA [10015513] Horticulture: Q3 BRAGANTIA [10032954] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 BRAIN [788] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR [10046838] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 BRAIN AND COGNITION [791] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q1 BRAIN AND LANGUAGE [793] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Speech and Hearing: D1 BRAIN AND NERVE [10070349] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND EVOLUTION [789] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Developmental Neuroscience: Q2 BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY [790] Behavioral Neuroscience: D1 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: D1 Immunology: Q1 BRAIN CONNECTIVITY [10065612] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 BRAIN & DEVELOPMENT [792] Developmental Neuroscience: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 BRAIN IMAGING AND BEHAVIOR [10011364] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 BRAIN IMPAIRMENT [10015514] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 Speech and Hearing: Q3 BRAIN INJURY [6723] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 BRAIN PATHOLOGY [794] Neurology (clinical): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 BRAIN RESEARCH [795] Developmental Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 BRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN [796] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 BRAIN RESEARCH JOURNAL [10069226] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 BRAIN RESEARCH REVIEWS [797] Neurology (clinical): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 BRAIN SCIENCES [10045893] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 BRAIN STIMULATION [10009536] Biophysics: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION [10006324] Anatomy: D1 Histology: D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY [16375] Anatomy: Q1 Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 BRAIN TUMOR PATHOLOGY [10009537] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Oncology: Q2 BRAND BROAD RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING NEGOTIATION AND DISTRIBUTION [10068242] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q4 BRATISLAVA MEDICAL JOURNAL-BRATISLAVSKE LEKARSKE LISTY [10004907] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BRAZILIAN ADMINISTRATION REVIEW [10051149] Strategy and Management: Q4 BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY [16376] Multidisciplinary: Q2 BRAZILIAN DENTAL JOURNAL [10061690] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry [10060748] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY [10015515] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [10028307] Plant Science: Q3 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [33104] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY [10050451] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10011365] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q3 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH [798] Biochemistry: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Immunology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 Physiology: Q4 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [39633] Microbiology: Q4 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY [10006503] Oceanography: Q3 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES [10035720] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY [10028308] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10015517] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [27425] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY [10050165] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE [10011366] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS [10018277] Statistics and Probability: Q4 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY PATHOLOGY [10048189] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH AND ANIMAL SCIENCE [10068429] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 BREAST [11359] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Surgery: Q1 BREAST CANCER: BASIC AND CLINICAL RESEARCH [10037112] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q3 BREAST CANCER RESEARCH [10000705] Cancer Research: D1 Oncology: D1 BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT [799] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: Q1 BREAST CANCER-TARGETS AND THERAPY [10059246] Oncology: Q4 BREAST CANCER: THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE BREAST CANCER SOCIETY [10012437] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 BREAST CARE [10005435] Oncology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 BREAST DISEASES: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10040347] Cancer Research: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Oncology: Q3 BREAST DISEASES: A YEAR BOOK QUARTERLY [10022460] Oncology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 BREASTFEEDING MEDICINE [10015519] Health Policy: Q2 Maternity and Midwifery: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Pediatrics: D1 Breastfeeding Review [10049370] Maternity and Midwifery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 BREAST JOURNAL [10006504] Internal Medicine: Q2 Oncology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 BREATHE [10012424] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 BREEDING SCIENCE [6731] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Genetics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 BrewingScience [10062073] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Bridge Structures: Assessment, Design and Construction [10039755] Building and Construction: Q3 Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice [10080088] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS [10005436] Information Systems: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 BRIEFINGS IN FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS [10015522] Biochemistry: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 BRIEFINGS IN FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS & PROTEOMICS [42855] Biochemistry: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Brigham Young University studies. Brigham Young University [10078325] Religious Studies: Q4 Brill Handbooks on Contemporary Religion [10079672] Religious Studies: Q2 Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition [10087677] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Brill's Inner Asian Library [10079675] History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Brill's Japanese Studies Library [10079676] History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 BRILL'S JOURNAL OF AFROASIATIC LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS [10080089] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Brill's Series in Church History [10079677] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Brill's Series in Jewish Studies [10079915] History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Brill's Series on the Early Middle Ages [10079916] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 BRILL'S STUDIES IN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY [10079277] History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Brill's Studies in Language, Cognition and Culture [10080799] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Brill's Studies in South and Southwest Asian Languages [10080568] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Brill's Studies in the Indigenous Languages of the Americas [10080333] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Brill's Tibetan Studies Library [10079678] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 BRITAIN AND THE WORLD [10028491] History: Q1 BRITISH ACCOUNTING REVIEW [10020421] Accounting: Q2 BRITISH BIRDS [10042112] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 British Columbia Medical Journal [10038104] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BRITISH CORROSION JOURNAL [16384] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 BRITISH DENTAL JOURNAL [803] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 BRITISH EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL [10000181] Education: D1 BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL [10006505] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Food Science: Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR EIGHTEENTH CENTURY STUDIES [10075693] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY [10012647] Philosophy: Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE [4702] History: Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE [826] History: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Philosophy: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS [10000182] Philosophy: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA [806] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 British Journal of Anaesthetic and Recovery Nursing [10078326] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q3 BRITISH JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE [808] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q3 BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANADIAN STUDIES [10035519] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER [809] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [10045215] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY [810] Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY [4695] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 British Journal of Community Justice [10080334] Law: Q4 BRITISH JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY NURSING [10037237] Community and Home Care: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BRITISH JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY [4696] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Law: D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 Social Psychology: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY [812] Dermatology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY [4698] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Developmental Neuroscience: Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND VASCULAR DISEASE [10018621] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY [4699] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Education: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES [4700] Education: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY [4701] Education: D1 E-learning: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE [813] Family Practice: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE & COUNSELLING [38307] Applied Psychology: Q3 BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY [814] Hematology: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT [10020422] Health Policy: Q3 Leadership and Management: Q3 BRITISH JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY [38308] Applied Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL MEDICINE [815] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BRITISH JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS [4703] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF INTENSIVE CARE [10066439] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 BRITISH JOURNAL OF LEARNING DISABILITIES [10023081] Pediatrics: Q2 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT [10000183] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL & STATISTICAL PSYCHOLOGY [817] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 British Journal of Medical Practitioners [10039341] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BRITISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY [818] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Clinical Psychology: Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES [10015099] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 History: Q2 British Journal of Midwifery [10045046] Maternity and Midwifery: Q3 BRITISH JOURNAL OF MUSIC EDUCATION [10023082] Education: Q1 Music: D1 British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing [10050657] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 BRITISH JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY [819] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL OF NURSING [10019149] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION [821] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY [822] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY [10028309] Occupational Therapy: Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [823] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Ophthalmology: D1 Sensory Systems: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY [824] Oral Surgery: Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY [825] Pharmacology: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF PLASTIC SURGERY [827] Surgery: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE [4708] Sociology and Political Science: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF POLITICS AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS [10025437] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [828] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [4710] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPY [10023674] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 BRITISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY [829] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 BRITISH JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION [10015101] Education: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [4711] Social Psychology: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK [4712] Health (social science): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Work: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY [4713] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION [4714] Education: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION [10063757] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q3 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE [6762] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: Q1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY [831] Surgery: D1 BRITISH JOURNAL OF VISUAL IMPAIRMENT [10022012] Ophthalmology: Q3 BRITISH MEDICAL BULLETIN [833] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL (BMJ) [10011367] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 British Plastics and Rubber [10075698] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 BRITISH POLITICS [10015102] History: D1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE [836] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING [837] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 British Wildlife [10052259] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 BRITTONIA [839] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 BRNO STUDIES IN ENGLISH [10017739] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 BRODOGRADNJA [10015524] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 Bronte Studies [10078776] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 BROOKINGS PAPERS ON ECONOMIC ACTIVITY [4715] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 BRQ-BUSINESS RESEARCH QUARTERLY [10051833] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 BRUKENTHAL ACTA MUSEI [10027627] Conservation: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 History: Q2 Museology: Q1 Paleontology: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Brunei International Medical Journal [10037262] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BRUNIANA E CAMPANELLIANA [10025732] History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 BRYOLOGIST [840] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 BSHM: British Society for the History of Mathematics Bulletin [10080335] Education: Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 B T H Heimtex [10079668] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 BTRA Scan [10067466] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 Bubble Science, Engineering and Technology [10080090] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 BUFFALO BULLETIN [10015526] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 BUFFALO LAW REVIEW [4716] Law: Q2 BUILDING ACOUSTICS [10020353] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q3 Building and Construction: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT [842] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Environmental Engineering: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Building Engineer [10068316] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 BUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION [16421] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 BUILDING SERVICES ENGINEERING RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY [10009538] Building and Construction: Q2 BUILDING SIMULATION [10022921] Building and Construction: Q2 Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Buildings & Landscapes [10080336] Architecture: Q3 Urban Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 BUILT ENVIRONMENT [10021423] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 Built Environment Project and Asset Management [10080569] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 BULETINUL ACADEMIEI DE STIINTE A REPUBLICII MOLDOVA - MATEMATICA [41158] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 BULGARIAN CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS [10051959] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 BULGARIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW-REVUE BULGARE D HISTOIRE [10000184] History: Q4 BULGARIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE [10012668] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 BULGARIAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE [10021500] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 BULK SOLIDS HANDLING [10030273] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 BULLETIN ACADEMIE VETERINAIRE DE FRANCE [10011334] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 Bulletin - Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives [10075703] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 BULLETIN CERCLE BENELUX D'HISTOIRE DE LA PHARMACIE [10034744] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Bulletin, Classe des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles, Sciences Mathematiques [10079679] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 BULLETIN DE CORRESPONDANCE HELLENIQUE [10000185] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q4 BULLETIN DE L ACADEMIE NATIONALE DE MEDECINE [607] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BULLETIN DE LA COMMISSION ROYALE DE TOPONYMIE & DIALECTOLOGIE [10022286] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Bulletin de la Societe Belge d'Ophtalmologie [10037202] Ophthalmology: Q3 Sensory Systems: Q4 BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE DE L HISTOIRE DU PROTESTANTISME FRANCAIS [10068045] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE DE PATHOLOGIE EXOTIQUE [641] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Medicales du Grand-Duche de Luxembourg [10075714] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE GEOGRAPHIQUE DE LIEGE [40722] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE [639] Geology: Q2 BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE LINGUISITIQUE DE PARIS [2116090] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE MATHEMATIQUE DE FRANCE [640] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE PREHISTORIQUE FRANCAISE [10068490] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 BULLETIN DE LA SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DES SCIENCES DE LIÉGE [10018603] Multidisciplinary: Q3 BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE VAUDOISE DES SCIENCES NATURELLES [40814] Multidisciplinary: Q3 BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE ZOOLOGIQUE DE FRANCE-EVOLUTION ET ZOOLOGIE [642] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 BULLETIN DE L ASSOCIATION DE GEOGRAPHES FRANCAIS [41262] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Bulletin de liaison des membres de la Societe de geographie [10079917] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Sciences de la Terre [10067495] Ecology: Q2 Paleontology: Q2 Bulletin de l'Institut Scientifique, Section Sciences de la Terre [10080800] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETIN DE LITTÉRATURE ECCLÉSIASTIQUE [10019479] Religious Studies: Q3 BULLETIN DE METHODOLOGIE SOCIOLOGIQUE [42950] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 BULLETIN DES BIBLIOTHEQUES DE FRANCE [10059471] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Bulletin des Laboratoires des Ponts et Chaussees [10060139] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 BULLETIN DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES [633] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 BULLETIN DU CANCER [613] Cancer Research: Q4 Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Oncology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Bulletin du Groupement international pour la recherche scientifique en stomatologie & odontologie [10075719] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Bulletin Epidemiologique Hebdomadaire [10080337] Epidemiology: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 BULLETIN ET MÉMOIRES DE L'ACADÉMIE ROYALE DE MÉDECINE DE BELGIQUE [39987] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETIN FOR THE HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY [1219727] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETIN GEODESIQUE [620] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q1 Developmental Biology: Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 BULLETIN HISPANIQUE [10000186] History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 BULLETIN MENSUEL DE LA SOCIETE LINNEENNE DE LYON [10015493] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 BULLETIN MINERALOGICKO-PETROGRAFICKEHO ODDELENI NARODNIHO MUZEA V PRAZE [39638] Economic Geology: Q3 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geology: Q4 BULLETIN MONUMENTAL [10000187] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Architecture: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Bulletin of anesthesia history [10078092] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETIN OF CANADIAN PETROLEUM GEOLOGY [612] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geology: Q3 Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis [10048099] Catalysis: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING [10006484] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 BULLETIN OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH [10015094] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT [10006485] Geology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 BULLETIN OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH [616] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Insect Science: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY [617] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pollution: Q2 Toxicology: Q3 BULLETIN OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [10000689] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BULLETIN OF GEOGRAPHY SOCIO-ECONOMIC SERIES [10016153] Cultural Studies: Q2 Demography: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 BULLETIN OF GEOSCIENCES [10011336] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Bulletin of Glaciological Research [10080091] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 BULLETIN OF HISPANIC STUDIES [10000189] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 BULLETIN OF INDONESIAN ECONOMIC STUDIES [4661] Development: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 BULLETIN OF INSECTOLOGY [10006486] Insect Science: Q3 Bulletin of Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering [10079450] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 BULLETIN OF LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH [10023078] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE [626] Aquatic Science: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE [627] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY [628] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 BULLETIN OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES [10019579] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Bulletin of Mineralogy Petrology and Geochemistry [10049587] Economic Geology: Q3 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 BULLETIN OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10011341] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences - Section F Geological Sciences [10075720] Geology: Q4 Bulletin of Spanish Studies [10080338] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 BULLETIN OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC [21664] Logic: Q2 Philosophy: D1 Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons [10075721] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [608] Applied Mathematics: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY [609] Atmospheric Science: D1 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY [610] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Ecology: D1 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOLS OF ORIENTAL RESEARCH [10048306] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PAPYROLOGISTS [10000190] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 BULLETIN OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA [10017799] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS [4659] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 BULLETIN OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [1417125] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 BULLETIN OF THE BELGIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SIMON STEVIN [21635] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 BULLETIN OF THE BRAZILIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [10002957] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 BULLETIN OF THE BRITISH ARACHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY [40323] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 Bulletin of The British Ornithologists' Club [10053881] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF ETHIOPIA [16173] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN [615] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 BULLETIN OF THE COMEDIANTES [10000191] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 BULLETIN OF THE COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN MUSIC EDUCATION [10000192] Education: Q2 Music: Q1 BULLETIN OF THE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF FISH PATHOLOGISTS [10000193] Aquatic Science: Q3 Small Animals: Q2 BULLETIN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF DENMARK [10001128] Geology: Q3 Bulletin of the Geological Society of Malaysia [10079918] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Finland [10075724] Geology: Q4 BULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [10020093] Multidisciplinary: Q2 BULLETIN OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE [621] History: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 BULLETIN OF THE HOSPITAL FOR JOINT DISEASE [10068439] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Rheumatology: Q3 Surgery: Q2 Bulletin of the Illinois Geographical Society [10075725] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [10054945] Anthropology: Q4 Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 BULLETIN OF THE INSTITUTE OF CLASSICAL STUDIES [10023641] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Classics: Q1 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering [10075727] Geophysics: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 BULLETIN OF THE IRANIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [10011337] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 BULLETIN OF THE JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY [10084986] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 BULLETIN OF THE JOHN RYLANDS UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OF MANCHESTER [10000196] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Bulletin of the Kanagawa Prefectural Museum, Natural Science [10073258] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [624] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 BULLETIN OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [10011338] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Bulletin of the Kyushu Institute of Technology - Pure and Applied Mathematics [10080801] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETIN OF THE LEBEDEV PHYSICS INSTITUTE [10015491] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [1417126] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 BULLETIN OF THE MALAYSIAN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES SOCIETY [10011339] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 BULLETIN OF THE MENNINGER CLINIC [4663] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering [10075728] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 BULLETIN OF THE NYU HOSPITAL FOR JOINT DISEASES [10010977] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Rheumatology: Q3 Surgery: Q2 Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History [10022908] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 Bulletin of the Physical Fitness Research Institute [10075731] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Bulletin of the Plankton Society of Japan [10072969] Aquatic Science: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-TECHNICAL SCIENCES [10008047] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Information Systems: Q2 BULLETIN OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES - PHYSICS [10011159] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 BULLETIN OF THE SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES-UNIVERSITY OF LONDON [10000197] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 BULLETIN OF THE SECTION OF LOGIC ( LODZ) [10010869] Logic: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA [634] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 BULLETIN OF THE SLOVENE ETHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY / GLASNIK SLOVENSKEGA ETNOLOšKEGA DRUšTVA [10009868] Anthropology: Q3 Conservation: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 Museology: Q2 Bulletin of the Society of University Cartographers [10075732] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology [10080802] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q3 BULLETIN OF THE TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV SERIES II - FORESTRY , WOOD INDUSTRY, AGRICULTURAL FOOD ENGINEERING [10011224] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Forestry: Q3 BULLETIN OF THE TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV SERIES III - MATHEMATICS INFORMATICS PHYSICS [10028726] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETIN OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION [646] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY [645] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Bulletin - OIDFA [10079008] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Bulletin, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh [10049484] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 BULLETINS ET MEMOIRES DE LA SOCIETE D'ANTHROPOLOGIE DE PARIS [10020209] Anthropology: Q3 Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 Bulletins of American Paleontology [10075737] Paleontology: Q3 BULLETIN SUISSE DE LINGUISTIQUE APPLIQUÉE [10019899] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Bullettino della Commissione Archeologica Comunale di Roma [10080570] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 BUNDESGESUNDHEITSBLATT-GESUNDHEITSFORSCHUNG-GESUNDHEITSSCHUTZ [10011368] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 BUNSEKI KAGAKU [843] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 BURLINGTON MAGAZINE [10000198] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 BURNS [844] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Emergency Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q1 BUSINESS AND POLITICS [10020428] Industrial Relations: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Business and Professional Communication Quarterly [10087681] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Business and International Management: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 BUSINESS AND SOCIETY REVIEW: JOURNAL OF THE CENTER FOR BUSINESS ETHICS AT BENTLEY COLLEGE [10033284] Business and International Management: Q2 Industrial Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 BUSINESS ECONOMICS [10018613] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 BUSINESS ETHICS: A EUROPEAN REVIEW [10015103] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 BUSINESS ETHICS QUARTERLY [10001407] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Philosophy: D1 BUSINESS HISTORY [4717] Business and International Management: Q1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 History: D1 BUSINESS HISTORY REVIEW [4718] Business and International Management: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 History: Q1 BUSINESS HORIZONS [10013082] Business and International Management: D1 Marketing: Q1 BUSINESS INFORMATION REVIEW [10075740] Business and International Management: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 BUSINESS LAWYER [4719] Law: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10017138] Business and International Management: Q1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 BUSINESS & SOCIETY [10015104] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT [10017139] Business and International Management: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Strategy and Management: Q1 BUSINESS STRATEGY SERIES [10080571] Strategy and Management: Q4 BUSINESS: THEORY AND PRACTICE / VERSLAS: TEORIJA IR PRAKTIKA [10042810] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 BWK [10000707] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Bylye Gody [10080803] History: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 BYZANTINA SYMMEIKTA [10072461] Classics: Q3 History: Q4 BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES [10000200] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 BYZANTINISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [10000201] History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 BYZANTINOSLAVICA: REVUE INTERNATIONALE DES ETUDES BYZANTINES [10000564] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 BYZANTION [10023331] History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 CA-A CANCER JOURNAL FOR CLINICIANS [846] Hematology: D1 Oncology: D1 CAB REVIEWS PERSPECTIVES IN AGRICULTURE, VETERINARY SCIENCE, NUTRITION AND NATURAL RESOURCES [10008838] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 Caderno CRH [10080092] Cultural Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Cadernos CEDES [10079451] Education: Q4 CADERNOS DE LINGUAGEM E SOCIEDADE [10029043] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CADERNOS DE PESQUISA [10079452] Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q3 Gender Studies: Q2 CADERNOS DE SAUDE PUBLICA [10011370] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 CADERNOS DO LABORATORIO XEOLOXICO DE LAXE [10022309] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Cadernos pagu [10079919] Gender Studies: Q3 CADMO [10011972] Education: Q3 CAHIERS AGRICULTURES [10006506] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Cahiers Critiques de Therapie Familiale et de Pratiques de Reseaux [10078543] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 CAHIERS DE BIOLOGIE MARINE [848] Aquatic Science: Q3 CAHIERS DE CIVILISATION MEDIEVALE [10000567] History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Cahiers de l'Annee Gerontologique [10039382] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Cahiers de l'Association Internationale des Etudes Francaises [10078778] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 CAHIERS DE L AUDITION [10062532] LPN and LVN: Q4 Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Speech and Hearing: Q4 CAHIERS DE LINGUISTIQUE ASIE ORIENTALE [10019578] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 CAHIERS DE L'INSTITUT DE LINGUISTIQUE DE LOUVAIN [10022225] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Cahiers de Nutrition et de Dietetique [10040163] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 Cahiers de Psychologie Clinique [10078544] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 CAHIERS DE RECHERCHES MEDIEVALES [10028917] History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 CAHIERS DES AMERIQUES LATINES [10054425] Cultural Studies: Q4 Demography: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 Cahiers des Etudes Anciennes [10080572] Classics: Q3 CAHIERS DE SOCIOLOGIE ET DE DEMOGRAPHIE MEDICALES [10020016] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Cahiers d'Ethnomusicologie [10087683] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Music: Q3 CAHIERS D'ÉTUDES AFRICAINES [10025441] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 History: Q1 CAHIERS D'EXTREME-ASIE [10080804] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Cahiers du Centre G. Glotz [10079011] History: Q3 CAHIERS DU GENRE [10029431] Demography: Q4 Gender Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CAHIERS DU MONDE RUSSE [10000568] History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CAHIERS DU MUSÉE NATIONAL D'ART MODERNE : HISTOIRE ET THÉORIE DE L'ART [10065548] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 CAHIERS ELISABETHAINS [10000569] History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 CAHIERS GÉOGRAPHIE DU QUÉBEC [10010360] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 CAHIERS INTERNATIONAUX DE SOCIOLOGIE [4720] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Cahiers Sante [10057695] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 CAHIERS VICTORIENS & EDOUARDIENS [10000570] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Caikuang yu Anquan Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering [10053435] Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 CAILIAO GONGCHENG / JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING [10037070] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Cailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research [10049970] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 CALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL [851] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 CALCOLO [10000571] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [850] Analysis: D1 Applied Mathematics: D1 CALDASIA [10015534] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 CALIDOSCOPIO [10015105] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE [10011371] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Forestry: Q2 Plant Science: Q3 CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE OCEANIC FISHERIES INVESTIGATIONS REPORTS [849] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME [852] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q4 CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW [4722] Law: D1 CALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT REVIEW [4723] Strategy and Management: D1 CALITATEA / QUALITY: ACCES LA SUCCES / ACCESS TO SUCCESS [10034851] Business and International Management: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 CALITATEA VIETII [10027388] Health (social science): Q4 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CALLALOO [10000573] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 CALPHAD-COMPUTER COUPLING OF PHASE DIAGRAMS AND THERMOCHEMISTRY [853] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 CALVIN THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL [10060421] Religious Studies: Q4 CAMBRIAN MEDIEVAL CELTIC STUDIES [10000574] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 CAMBRIDGE ARCHAEOLOGICAL JOURNAL [10000575] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Cultural Studies: D1 Cambridge Classical Journal [10078779] Classics: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS [4724] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF EDUCATION [10028492] Education: Q2 CAMBRIDGE JOURNAL OF REGIONS ECONOMY AND SOCIETY [10018420] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 CAMBRIDGE LAW JOURNAL [10024084] Law: Q2 CAMBRIDGE OPERA JOURNAL [10023729] Music: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 CAMBRIDGE QUARTERLY [10000576] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 CAMBRIDGE QUARTERLY OF HEALTHCARE ETHICS [27478] Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q4 CAMBRIDGE REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [10015106] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 CAMBRIDGE YEARBOOK OF EUROPEAN LEGAL STUDIES [10025579] Law: Q1 CAMERA OBSCURA [10000577] Gender Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 CAMES-COMPUTER ASSISTED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES [1220892] Computational Mechanics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Canadian Acoustics - Acoustique Canadienne [10075753] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q4 CANADIAN AERONAUTICS AND SPACE JOURNAL [10050030] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 CANADIAN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING [854] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 CANADIAN-AMERICAN SLAVIC STUDIES-REVUE CANADIENNE-AMERICAINE D ETUDES SLAVES [10010286] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 CANADIAN APPLIED MATHEMATICS QUARTERLY [10022696] Applied Mathematics: Q4 CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF RADIOLOGISTS JOURNAL-JOURNAL DE L ASSOCIATION CANAD [855] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 CANADIAN BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING [10052192] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Canadian bulletin of medical history = Bulletin canadien dhistoire de la medecine [10075756] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CANADIAN ENTOMOLOGIST [857] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Physiology: Q4 Structural Biology: Q4 CANADIAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN [858] Family Practice: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN FIELD-NATURALIST [859] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 CANADIAN GEOGRAPHER-GEOGRAPHE CANADIEN [4725] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 CANADIAN GEOTECHNICAL JOURNAL [860] Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 Canadian Geriatrics Journal [10075220] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q2 CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW [10000578] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L ADMINISTRATION [37918] Business and International Management: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS-REVUE CANADIENNE D AGROECONOMIE [861] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA-JOURNAL CANADIEN D ANESTHESIE [862] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [863] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Food Animals: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE PHYSIOLOGIE APPL [864] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 Sports Science: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DU COMPORTEMENT [4729] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE BOTANIQUE [866] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [867] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Canadian journal of cardiovascular nursing = Journal canadien en soins infirmiers cardio-vasculaires [10075760] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [869] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [868] Catalysis: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING [870] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY [10037074] Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH [10051479] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE [10001398] Law: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES-REVUE CANADIENNE D ETUDES DU DEVELO [10001018] Development: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF DIABETES [10015535] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF DIETETIC PRACTICE AND RESEARCH [27496] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES [871] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS / REVUE CANADIENNE D ECONOMIQUE [4731] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION/REVUE CANADIENNE DE L'ÉDUCATION [10066366] Education: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING-REVUE CANADIENNE DE GENIE ELECTRIQUE ET INFORMATIQUE [11429] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10015536] Emergency Medicine: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE PSYCHOLOGIE EXPERIMENTALE [4732] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Canadian Journal of Film Studies [10075761] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES [872] Aquatic Science: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIER [873] Ecology: Q1 Forestry: D1 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY [874] Gastroenterology: Q2 Hepatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF HISTORY [10030898] History: Q3 Canadian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy [10036927] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacy: Q2 Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality [10068945] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES & MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY [10011372] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L INFORMATION ET DE BIBLIOTHECONOMIE [875] Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN STUDIES [10025459] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE [10021853] Law: Q4 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIETY [10024570] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS-REVUE CANADIENNE DE LINGUISTIQUE [4734] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS-JOURNAL CANADIEN DE MATHEMATIQUES [876] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [877] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Immunology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Canadian Journal of Native Studies [10078545] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES [878] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Canadian Journal of Neuroscience Nursing [10075762] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Canadian Journal of Nursing Research [10050958] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY-REVUE CANADIENNE D ERGOTHERAPIE [10023213] Occupational Therapy: Q1 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY-JOURNAL CANADIEN D OPHTALMOLOGIE [879] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Ophthalmology: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10000580] Philosophy: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [880] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY [881] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY [882] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCE [883] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PLASTIC SURGERY [10015543] Surgery: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DE SCIENCE POLITIQUE [4735] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation [10079278] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE PSYCHIATRIE [884] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE SANTE PUBLIQUE [4738] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING [10001143] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy [10058860] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE [10065109] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY [10073201] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE MATHEMATICS AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION [10069642] Education: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY / CAHIERS CANADIENS DE SOCIOLOGIE [4739] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE [885] Soil Science: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY AND AUDIOLOGY [10051916] Linguistics and Language: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS / REVUE CANADIENNE DE STATISTIQUE [887] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY [888] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q1 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF URBAN RESEARCH [10035379] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [10015545] Urology: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE VETERINAIRE [889] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF WOMEN AND THE LAW [10024573] Gender Studies: Q2 Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [890] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 CANADIAN JOURNAL ON AGING-REVUE CANADIENNE DU VIEILLISSEMENT [4727] Community and Home Care: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 CANADIAN LITERATURE [10000581] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 CANADIAN MATHEMATICAL BULLETIN-BULLETIN CANADIEN DE MATHEMATIQUES [891] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL [892] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CANADIAN METALLURGICAL QUARTERLY [893] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 CANADIAN MINERALOGIST [895] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 CANADIAN MINING JOURNAL [894] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 CANADIAN MODERN LANGUAGE REVIEW-REVUE CANADIENNE DES LANGUES VIVANTES [4741] Education: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Canadian oncology nursing journal = Revue canadienne de nursing oncologique [10062509] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Canadian Packaging [10075764] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q3 CANADIAN PHARMACISTS JOURNAL [10037534] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacy: Q2 Canadian Poetry [10080573] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Canadian Printer [10075765] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q3 CANADIAN PSYCHOLOGY-PSYCHOLOGIE CANADIENNE [4742] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION-ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE DU CANADA [4743] Public Administration: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CANADIAN PUBLIC POLICY-ANALYSE DE POLITIQUES [4744] Public Administration: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CANADIAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL [10011373] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 CANADIAN REVIEW OF AMERICAN STUDIES [10000583] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 CANADIAN REVIEW OF COMPARATIVE LITERATURE / REVUE CANADIENNE DE LITTERATURE COMPAREE [10005462] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 CANADIAN REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY [10009404] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN STUDIES IN POPULATION [10023083] Demography: Q3 History: Q1 Canadian Textile Journal [10075766] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 CANADIAN THEATRE REVIEW [10017735] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 CANADIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL-REVUE VETERINAIRE CANADIENNE [897] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 CANADIAN WATER RESOURCES JOURNAL [10015546] Water Science and Technology: Q2 Canadian Woman Studies [10079920] Gender Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CANCER [898] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: D1 CANCER AND CHEMOTHERAPY REVIEWS [10061860] Oncology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 CANCER AND METASTASIS REVIEWS [911] Cancer Research: D1 Oncology: D1 CANCER BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [10060684] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 CANCER BIOLOGY & THERAPY [10000708] Cancer Research: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 Oncology: Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 CANCER BIOMARKERS [40868] Cancer Research: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q2 CANCER BIOTHERAPY AND RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS [11455] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 CANCER CAUSES & CONTROL [901] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q1 CANCER CELL [10000709] Cancer Research: D1 Cell Biology: D1 Oncology: D1 CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL [10019618] Cancer Research: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Oncology: Q2 CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY AND PHARMACOLOGY [902] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Toxicology: Q1 CANCER CONTROL [10005112] Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q2 CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY [10011374] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q1 CANCER DETECTION AND PREVENTION [903] Cancer Research: Q3 Epidemiology: Q3 Oncology: Q2 CANCER DISCOVERY [10022922] Oncology: D1 CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY [10011375] Cancer Research: Q3 Epidemiology: Q3 Oncology: Q2 CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION [10021620] Epidemiology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: D1 Cancer Forum [10040498] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 CANCER GENE THERAPY [905] Cancer Research: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q2 CANCER GENETICS [10022025] Cancer Research: Q3 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 CANCER GENETICS AND CYTOGENETICS [906] Cancer Research: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 CANCER GENOMICS & PROTEOMICS [10005316] Biochemistry: Q2 Cancer Research: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 CANCER IMAGING [10015547] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q3 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Cancer Immunity [10052247] Cancer Research: Q2 Immunology: Q2 CANCER IMMUNOLOGY IMMUNOTHERAPY [907] Cancer Research: Q2 Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: Q1 CANCER INFORMATICS [10049566] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q2 CANCER INVESTIGATION [908] Cancer Research: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q2 CANCER JOURNAL - FRANCE [10055052] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: Q1 CANCER LETTERS [910] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: Q1 CANCER MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH [10050247] Oncology: Q2 CANCER METASTASIS - BIOLOGY AND TREATMENT [10049713] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 CANCER MICROENVIRONMENT [10052405] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: Q1 CANCER NANOTECHNOLOGY [10063265] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Oncology: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 CANCER NURSING [4746] Oncology: Q2 Oncology (nursing): Q1 CANCER PREVENTION RESEARCH [10011376] Cancer Research: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: D1 CANCER RADIOTHERAPIE [10011377] Oncology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 CANCER RESEARCH [912] Cancer Research: D1 Oncology: D1 CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT [10028311] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q2 CANCERS [10032813] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q3 CANCER SCIENCE: THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE CANCER ASSOCIATION [10001144] Cancer Research: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: Q1 Cancer Therapy [10061544] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 CANCER TREATMENT AND RESEARCH [10013712] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q3 CANCER TREATMENT REVIEWS [914] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 CANDOLLEA [10003017] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 CANNT JOURNAL [10032909] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CAPITAL AND CLASS [10017140] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CAPITALISM AND SOCIETY: A JOURNAL OF THE CENTER ON CAPITALISM AND SOCIETY [10020433] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CAPITALISM NATURE SOCIALISM: A JOURNAL OF SOCIALIST ECOLOGY [10017978] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 CARAVELLE: CAHIERS DU MONDE HISPANIQUE ET LUSO-BRESILIEN [10000585] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY [10047468] Biochemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS [916] Materials Chemistry: D1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH [917] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 CARBON [918] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES [919] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 CARBON BALANCE AND MANAGEMENT [10025733] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 CARBON MANAGEMENT [10029100] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 CARBON NANOTUBES: QUANTUM CYLINDERS OF GRAPHENE [10038246] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 CARBON - SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10040865] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 CARCINOGENESIS [920] Cancer Research: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY CLINICS [10031483] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 CARDIOCORE [10037452] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 CARDIOLOGY [921] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 CARDIOLOGY CLINICS [10005437] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CARDIOLOGY IN REVIEW [10015549] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CARDIOLOGY IN THE YOUNG [21968] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 CARDIOLOGY JOURNAL [10022923] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CARDIOLOGY LETTERS [10023848] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Cardiology (Pakistan) [10039398] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 CARDIOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10037491] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 CARDIOLOGY REVIEW: BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10036284] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 CARDIORENAL MEDICINE [10028312] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Urology: Q1 CARDIOVASCULAR AND HEMATOLOGICAL AGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10006385] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 CARDIOVASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY [925] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY [10011378] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGS AND THERAPY [924] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 CARDIOVASCULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY [10060000] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 CARDIOVASCULAR ENGINEERING [10015552] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q3 Transplantation: Q3 CARDIOVASCULAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY [10044495] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 CARDIOVASCULAR & HEMATOLOGICAL DISORDERS DRUG TARGETS [10016150] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics [10037505] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL OF AFRICA [10015553] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY [6856] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 CARDIOVASCULAR PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGY [10043739] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 CARDIOVASCULAR RADIATION MEDICINE [10012225] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH [926] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Physiology: D1 Physiology (medical): D1 CARDIOVASCULAR REVASCULARIZATION MEDICINE [10012939] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY [27553] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Surgery: Q2 CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPEUTICS [10009539] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY AND PREVENTION [10015555] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 CARDIOVASCULAR TOXICOLOGY [10005204] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Toxicology: Q2 CARDIOVASCULAR ULTRASOUND [10012445] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 CAREER DEVELOPMENT FOR EXCEPTIONAL INDIVIDUALS [10075777] Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 CAREER DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL [10017141] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 CAREER DEVELOPMENT QUARTERLY [4747] Applied Psychology: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Care Management Journals [10062596] Health Policy: Q4 Care of the Critically Ill [10044368] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Critical Care Nursing: Q4 Caribbean Geography [10075779] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 CARIBBEAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [10000711] Multidisciplinary: Q3 CARIBBEAN STUDIES [10080093] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CARIES RESEARCH [927] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 Caring : National Association for Home Care magazine [10075780] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CARNETS DE GEOLOGIE [10019333] Geology: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 Stratigraphy: Q4 CARPATHIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES [10008001] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Carpathian Journal of Food Science and Technology [10057116] Food Science: Q4 CARPATHIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10015556] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 CARREFOURS DE L'EDUCATION [10057873] Education: Q4 Carreteras [10079012] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 CARTILAGE [10020327] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 CARTOGRAPHICA: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND GEOVISUALIZATION [10014960] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 CARTOGRAPHIC JOURNAL [4748] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 CARTOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVES [10071302] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 CARTOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SERVICE [10023084] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Cartonnages Emballages Modernes [10078095] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q3 CARYOLOGIA [928] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Genetics: Q4 CASE REPORTS IN DERMATOLOGY [10031644] Dermatology: Q3 CASE REPORTS IN GASTROENTEROLOGY [10012479] Gastroenterology: Q3 CASE REPORTS IN NEUROLOGY [10034797] Neurology (clinical): Q3 CASE REPORTS IN ONCOLOGY [10049428] Oncology: Q3 Case Reports in Ophthalmology [10054267] Ophthalmology: Q3 Cases Journal [10061119] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CASOPIS LEKARU CESKYSH [10007715] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CASOPIS PRO MODERNI FILOLOGII [10022233] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 CASPIAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [10051614] Internal Medicine: Q4 CASTANEA [10005438] Plant Science: Q3 Catalan Historical Review [10079921] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 CATALAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS [10050693] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 CATALYSIS [10051558] Catalysis: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS [2095156] Catalysis: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q1 CATALYSIS IN INDUSTRY [10055566] Catalysis: Q4 CATALYSIS LETTERS [929] Catalysis: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 CATALYSIS REVIEWS-SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [930] Catalysis: Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Process Chemistry and Technology: D1 CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [10015002] Catalysis: Q2 CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA [10001145] Catalysis: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 CATALYSIS TODAY [931] Catalysis: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 CATALYSTS [10018547] Catalysis: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 CATENA [932] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 CATHETERIZATION AND CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS [16514] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 CATHOLICA [10023659] Religious Studies: Q2 CATHOLIC BIBLICAL QUARTERLY [10000587] Religious Studies: Q2 CATHOLIC HISTORICAL REVIEW [10000588] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [4749] Education: Q3 Law: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 CATO JOURNAL: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS [4750] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 CATTLE PRACTICE [10003018] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 CAURIENSIA: REVISTA ANUAL DE CIENCIAS ECLESIASTICAS [10080805] Religious Studies: Q4 CAVE AND KARST SCIENCE [10019028] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 CBE LIFE SCIENCES EDUCATION [10015557] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q1 CCAMLR SCIENCE [10000589] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 CCQ: CATALOGING AND CLASSIFICATION QUARTERLY [10050341] Library and Information Sciences: Q1 CDS review [10075785] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CEA CRITIC [10000590] Education: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 CEAS AERONAUTICAL JOURNAL [10080574] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Transportation: Q3 CEAS Space Journal [10069897] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 CEBE Transactions [10080575] Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 CEDILLE: REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS FRANCESES [10033318] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 CELEBRITY STUDIES [10056433] Cultural Studies: D1 CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY [11494] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q1 Mathematical Physics: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 CELL [934] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 CELL ADHESION AND COMMUNICATION [935] Cell Biology: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CELL ADHESION & MIGRATION [10022924] Cell Biology: Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 CELL AND BIOSCIENCE [10028313] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 CELL AND TISSUE BANKING [10015567] Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Transplantation: Q3 CELL AND TISSUE BIOLOGY [10037444] Cell Biology: Q4 CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH [952] Cell Biology: Q2 Histology: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 CELL BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS [33242] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CELL BIOCHEMISTRY AND FUNCTION [936] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CELL BIOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY [938] Cell Biology: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 CELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [937] Cell Biology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CELL CALCIUM [939] Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Physiology: Q1 CELL CHEMICAL BIOLOGY [10063601] Biochemistry: D1 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Drug Discovery: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Molecular Medicine: D1 Pharmacology: D1 CELL COMMUNICATION AND ADHESION [10000712] Cell Biology: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CELL COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALING [10016623] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 CELL CYCLE [10005439] Cell Biology: Q1 Developmental Biology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION [6872] Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 CELL DEATH AND DISEASE [10015558] Cancer Research: Q1 Cell Biology: Q1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Immunology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CELL DIVISION [10015559] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 CELL GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION [941] Cancer Research: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Oncology: D1 CELL HEALTH AND CYTOSKELETON [10054782] Biochemistry: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Histology: Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 CELL HOST & MICROBE [10006507] Cancer Research: D1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 Parasitology: D1 Virology: D1 CELL JOURNAL [10022925] Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Cell Membranes and Free Radical Research [10080094] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 CELL METABOLISM [10003019] Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 Physiology: D1 CELL MOTILITY AND THE CYTOSKELETON [947] Cell Biology: Q1 Structural Biology: Q1 CELL PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGY [10009540] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Cell Biology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CELL PROLIFERATION [949] Cell Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Cell Regeneration [10061749] Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 CELL REPORTS [10022692] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 CELL RESEARCH [33260] Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 CELLS [10051562] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 CELL STEM CELL [10006508] Cell Biology: D1 Genetics: D1 Molecular Medicine: D1 CELLS TISSUES ORGANS [22005] Anatomy: Q2 Histology: Q2 CELL STRESS & CHAPERONES [11514] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION [951] Cell Biology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Physiology: Q1 CELL TRANSPLANTATION [6886] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Transplantation: Q1 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOENGINEERING [10011379] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [944] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY LETTERS [33253] Biochemistry: Q3 Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES [11507] Cell Biology: Q1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Molecular Medicine: D1 Pharmacology: D1 CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY [946] Cell Biology: Q3 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY [942] Immunology: Q3 CELLULAR MICROBIOLOGY [27573] Immunology: Q1 Microbiology: D1 Virology: Q1 CELLULAR & MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY [10011380] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CELLULAR ONCOLOGY [10046998] Cancer Research: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Oncology: Q1 CELLULAR ONCOLOGY (2004-2010) [10001147] Cancer Research: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Oncology: Q1 CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY [6880] Physiology: Q2 CELLULAR POLYMERS [948] Organic Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 CELLULAR REPROGRAMMING [10015565] Biotechnology: Q1 Cell Biology: Q3 Developmental Biology: Q3 CELLULAR SIGNALLING [950] Cell Biology: Q1 Cellular Therapy and Transplantation [10051625] Molecular Medicine: Q4 Transplantation: Q3 CELLULOSE [16537] Polymers and Plastics: Q1 CELLULOSE CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY [940] Materials Chemistry: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Celulosa Y Papel [10078098] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 CEMENT AND CONCRETE RESEARCH [953] Building and Construction: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES [16539] Building and Construction: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 CEMENT INTERNATIONAL [10011145] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 CEMENT WAPNO BETON [10015568] Building and Construction: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 CENTAURUS [10014220] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Center for Oceans Law and Policy [10079456] Law: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Central African Journal of Medicine [10054236] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CENTRAL ASIAN SURVEY [10025479] Development: Q2 Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 CENTRAL ASIATIC JOURNAL [10000592] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 CENTRAL EUROPE [10035025] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CENTRAL EUROPEAN GEOLOGY [10008958] Geology: Q4 CENTRAL EUROPEAN HISTORY [10000593] History: Q1 CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY [10006509] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [10001148] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS [10028314] Materials Chemistry: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 CENTRAL-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY [10015570] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND SECURITY STUDIES [10025646] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Safety Research: Q4 CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [10009938] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery [10069205] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH [10010478] Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH [10005109] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY [10053328] Law: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [10018743] Urology: Q3 CENTRAL EUROPEAN NEUROSURGERY [10016361] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10006354] Molecular Medicine: Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 CENTRO JUURNAL [10007332] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 CEPAL REVIEW [10011974] Development: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 CEPHALALGIA [954] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 CEPS JOURNAL / REVIJA CENTRA ZA ŠTUDIJ EDUKACIJSKIH STRATEGIJ [10023307] Education: Q4 CERAMICA [10055473] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 CERAMIC TRANSACTIONS [10045844] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 CERAMICS-ART AND PERCEPTION [10063857] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL [955] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 CERAMICS-SILIKATY [956] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Ceramics - Technical [10078780] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 CERAMURGIA [10030712] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 CEREAL CHEMISTRY [957] Food Science: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 CEREAL FOODS WORLD [958] Food Science: Q4 CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS [959] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Physiology: Q4 CEREBELLUM [10003020] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 CEREBRAL CORTEX [960] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: D1 Cognitive Neuroscience: D1 CEREBROSPINAL FLUID RESEARCH [10069262] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Developmental Neuroscience: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neurology: Q1 CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES [962] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Cerevisia [10080339] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Food Science: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 CERNE [10011381] Forestry: Q2 CESIFO DICE REPORT [10068457] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 CESIFO ECONOMIC STUDIES [10007333] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 CESIFO FORUM [41807] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 CESKA A SLOVENSKA FARMACIE [10031576] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 CESKA A SLOVENSKA NEUROLOGIE A NEUROCHIRURGIE [16550] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Surgery: Q4 Ceska a Slovenska Oftalmologie [10042937] Ophthalmology: Q3 CESKA A SLOVENSKA PSYCHIATRIE [10009291] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 CESKÁ GYNEKOLOGIE [10018787] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 CESKA LITERATURA [10000595] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 CESKA RADIOLOGIE [10017952] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 CESKA REVMATOLOGIE [10036860] Rheumatology: Q4 Cesko-Slovenska Dermatologie [10056901] Dermatology: Q4 CESKOSLOVENSKA FYZIOLOGIE (1993-) [10025311] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ceskoslovenska Patologie [10087688] Anatomy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CESKO-SLOVENSKA PEDIATRIE / CZECHO-SLOVAK PEDIATRICS [10010406] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 CESKOSLOVENSKA PSYCHOLOGIE [4751] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 CESKY CASOPIS HISTORICKY [42082] History: Q3 CESKY LID - ETHNOLOGICAL JOURNAL [10015107] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 CEU POLITICAL SCIENCE JOURNAL: THE GARDUATE STUDENT REVIEW [10016698] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CEYLON MEDICAL JOURNAL [10061999] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CFD Letters [10042128] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 CFI-CERAMIC FORUM INTERNATIONAL [16551] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 CHALCOGENIDE LETTERS [10006190] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Champ Psychosomatique [10075793] Applied Psychology: Q4 Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Change Over Time [10080576] Conservation: Q4 History: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 Chang Gung Medical Journal [10040341] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CHANGING ENGLISH: STUDIES IN CULTURE AND ECUCATION [10080340] Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q2 CHANNELS [10009541] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CHAOS [11528] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Mathematical Physics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q2 CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS [6897] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 CHASQUI-REVISTA DE LITERATURA LATINOAMERICANA [10000596] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 CHATEAU GAILLARD: ETUDES DE CASTELLOLOGIE MEDIEVALE [10035564] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 CHAUCER REVIEW [10000597] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 CHECK LIST [10059103] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 CHELONIAN CONSERVATION AND BIOLOGY [10006928] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 CHEMBIOCHEM [27646] Biochemistry: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Chem-Bio Informatics Journal [10078547] Biochemistry: Q4 CHEMCATCHEM [10011385] Catalysis: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 Chemical Analysis [10055505] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 CHEMICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING QUARTERLY [16556] Biochemistry: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 CHEMICAL AND PETROLEUM ENGINEERING [16579] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 CHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN [10005442] Biochemistry: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS [11534] Catalysis: Q1 Ceramics and Composites: D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: D1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [974] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING [969] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COMMUNICATIONS [966] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemical Engineering Education [10055203] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL [11536] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS [968] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING PROGRESS [970] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q2 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DESIGN [971] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemical Engineering Research Bulletin [10080577] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE [972] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY [11542] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS [2152544] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING WORLD [10005691] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 CHEMICAL ENGINEER-LONDON [973] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemical Fibers International [10060846] Business and International Management: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 CHEMICAL GEOLOGY [975] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geology: D1 CHEMICAL IMMUNOLOGY AND ALLERGY [10043262] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING QUARTERLY [40124] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE [11549] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 CHEMICAL JOURNAL ON INTERNET [10066100] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CHEMICAL PAPERS / CHEMICKÉ ZVESTI [981] Biochemistry: Q3 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q3 CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN [982] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CHEMICAL PHYSICS [983] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS [985] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 CHEMICAL PROCESSING [6922] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND PROCESS MODELING [10010177] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 CHEMICAL RECORD [10000599] Biochemistry: Q1 Biochemistry (medical): D1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES [16587] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY [987] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Toxicology: D1 CHEMICAL REVIEWS [988] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 CHEMICAL SCIENCE [10015571] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 CHEMICAL SENSES [989] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 Sensory Systems: Q2 CHEMICAL SOCIETY REVIEWS [990] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 CHEMICAL SPECIATION AND BIOAVAILABILITY [991] Chemical Health and Safety: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 CHEMICAL VAPOR DEPOSITION [6931] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 CHEMICAL WEEK [11570] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CHEMICKE LISTY [979] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 CHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS [995] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Toxicology: Q1 CHEMIE DER ERDE-GEOCHEMISTRY [11545] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geophysics: Q2 CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK [996] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 CHEMIE IN UNSERER ZEIT [994] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CHEMIJA [10011386] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemik [10047738] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CHEMIST [10071167] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL [1062264] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL [10009074] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY [10039973] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 CHEMISTRY AND ECOLOGY [10006520] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDS [986] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY OF FUELS AND OILS [992] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 CHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY [10001150] Biochemistry: Q3 Bioengineering: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q3 CHEMISTRY & BIOLOGY [11532] Biochemistry: D1 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Drug Discovery: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Molecular Medicine: D1 Pharmacology: D1 CHEMISTRY: BULGARIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION / KHIMIYA: PRIRODNITE NAUKI V OBRAZOVANIETO [10089158] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL [10011382] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 CHEMISTRY EDUCATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10011383] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q1 CHEMISTRY & INDUSTRY [10011104] Biotechnology: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CHEMISTRY LETTERS [978] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 CHEMISTRY OF HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS [10011384] Organic Chemistry: Q4 CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS [980] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL COMPOUNDS [33307] Plant Science: Q3 CHEMISTRYOPEN [10032958] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 CHEMISTRY (PEKING) [10012691] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CHEMISTRY WORLD [10001151] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CHEMMEDCHEM [2152765] Molecular Medicine: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 CHEMOECOLOGY [1086747] Biochemistry: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 CHEMOMETRICS AND INTELLIGENT LABORATORY SYSTEMS [997] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q1 Software: Q1 Spectroscopy: Q2 CHEMOSENSORY PERCEPTION [10009542] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Sensory Systems: Q3 CHEMOSPHERE [998] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CHEMOTHERAPIE JOURNAL [10020089] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 CHEMOTHERAPY [999] Drug Discovery: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Chemotherapy Research and Practice [10087689] Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 CHEMPHYSCHEM: A EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY [33333] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 CHEMPLUSCHEM [10025222] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 CHEMSUSCHEM [10011387] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Energy (miscellaneous): D1 Environmental Chemistry: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 CHEMTRACTS [10018666] Biochemistry: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 CHENGDU-LIGONG-XUEYUAN-XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF CHENGDU UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGY ZIRAN-KEXUE-BAN; SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDITION [10066542] Geology: Q3 CHEST [1001] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: D1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 CHIANG MAI JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [10015572] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 CHIANG MAI UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCES [10042409] Multidisciplinary: Q4 Chiba Medical Journal [10060879] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHICAGO REVIEW [10000600] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Chikei/Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union [10075799] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 CHILD [1002] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT [4752] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Social Work: Q1 CHILD ABUSE REVIEW [10023085] Law: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Social Work: Q2 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH [10015108] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [37942] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY AND MENTAL HEALTH [42183] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal [10066980] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q3 CHILD AND FAMILY SOCIAL WORK [10011976] Health (social science): Q2 Social Work: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CHILD AND YOUTH CARE FORUM [10015112] Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 CHILD CARE IN PRACTICE [10057865] Community and Home Care: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Pediatrics: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 CHILD DEVELOPMENT [4754] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Education: D1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Social Work: D1 CHILD DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVES [10011975] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 CHILD & FAMILY BEHAVIOR THERAPY [4755] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Child health alert [10078781] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHILDHOOD: A GLOBAL JOURNAL OF CHILD RESEARCH [37950] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 CHILDHOOD OBESITY [10042459] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 CHILD INDICATORS RESEARCH [10011977] Health (social science): Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CHILD LANGUAGE TEACHING & THERAPY [10015110] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q2 CHILD MALTREATMENT [10007334] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Social Work: D1 CHILD NEUROPSYCHOLOGY [16608] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 CHILD PSYCHIATRY & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT [1005] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 CHILDREN AND SOCIETY [10015111] Education: Q1 Health (social science): Q1 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q1 Social Work: Q1 CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW [4758] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Social Work: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 CHILDREN & SCHOOLS [10064066] Education: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 CHILDRENS GEOGRAPHIES [10015109] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 CHILDRENS HEALTH CARE [37946] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 CHILDREN'S LITERATURE IN EDUCATION [10000601] Education: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q2 CHILDS NERVOUS SYSTEM [1004] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 CHILD WELFARE [4757] Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q3 CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES [10060769] Health (social science): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 CHILEAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH [10011388] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 CHIMERISM [10014315] Biochemistry: Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 CHIMIA [1006] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CHIMICA OGGI-CHEMISTRY TODAY [16610] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINA AGRICULTURAL ECONOMIC REVIEW [10015115] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 CHINA-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10020454] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 CHINA BUSINESS REVIEW [10025480] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 CHINA COMMUNICATIONS [10011392] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 CHINA ECONOMIC JOURNAL [10067850] Cultural Studies: D1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CHINA ECONOMIC REVIEW [37951] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q1 CHINA FINANCE REVIEW INTERNATIONAL [10071203] Finance: Q4 CHINA FOUNDRY [10011393] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 CHINA INFORMATION [10025488] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINA JOURNAL [37952] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 CHINA JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY [10036026] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK [10042282] Health (social science): Q3 Social Work: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 China Nonprofit Review [10080095] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING [22080] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q2 Oceanography: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 China Perspectives [10079681] Cultural Studies: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 CHINA PETROLEUM PROCESSING & PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY [10011394] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 CHINA QUARTERLY [4759] Development: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 CHINA REPORT: A JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES [10025490] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 CHINA REVIEW: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL ON GREATER CHINA [10007335] Cultural Studies: Q1 China's Refractories [10080807] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 CHINA STUDIES [10025491] History: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 China Textile and Apparel [10079280] Polymers and Plastics: Q4 China Welding (English Edition) [10042093] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 CHINA & WORLD ECONOMY [10009406] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Yearbooks: Economy [10079922] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Yearbooks: Educational Development [10080096] Education: Q4 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Yearbooks: Environment [10079682] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Yearbooks: Legal Development [10079923] Law: Q4 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Yearbooks: Population and Labor [10080097] Demography: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Yearbooks: Society [10079683] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion [10038029] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Chinese and Comparative Law Series [10080808] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B [1007] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 CHINESE ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS [27664] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS [16613] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 CHINESE CLINICAL ONCOLOGY [10036714] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Oncology: Q4 CHINESE EDUCATION AND SOCIETY [4760] Education: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE [10011395] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 CHINESE-GERMAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY [10027852] Oncology: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS [10011396] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [33348] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS [10050394] Pharmacology: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY [10048506] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED & ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY [10042515] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Pollution: Q3 Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology [10036769] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICALS [10039028] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Immunology: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [10039534] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF BURNS [10038115] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Dermatology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CANCER [10037244] Oncology: Q2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CANCER BIOTHERAPY [10038610] Cancer Research: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION AND TREATMENT [10037131] Oncology: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH [10011397] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [10036460] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS [10000602] Catalysis: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [11585] Biochemistry: Q3 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS [10011398] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [11584] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION - ZHONGGUO LIN CHUANG YING YANG ZA ZHI [10007586] Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 Chinese Journal of Communication [10023086] Communication: Q2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH [10055715] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS [10000718] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENDEMIOLOGY [10048022] Microbiology (medical): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY [10038604] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Chinese Journal of Experimental and Clinical Virology [10052757] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Chinese Journal of Forensic Medicine [10039905] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION [27668] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering [10045043] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases [10045962] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND CHEMOTHERAPY [10050398] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY [33353] Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine [10046464] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE [10011390] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [10015113] Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICS [10025494] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTERVENTIONAL IMAGING AND THERAPY [10047541] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF LUNG CANCER [10040100] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [10015575] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY [10039947] Immunology: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 Virology: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF NATURAL MEDICINES [10052260] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF OCEANOLOGY AND LIMNOLOGY [10015580] Oceanography: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 Chinese Journal of Oncology [10036376] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Oncology: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [33355] Organic Chemistry: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY HEAD AND NECK SURGERY [10017536] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases [10063905] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS [10049710] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLGY [10052320] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY / ZHONG GUO YAO LI XUE YU DU LI XUE ZA ZHI [10031624] Pharmacology: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [1008] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY [27670] Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE [16617] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 CHINESE JOURNAL OF POPULATION RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT [10035376] Demography: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Toxicology: Q4 Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine [10062809] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Chinese Journal of Radiology (Taiwan) [10068232] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE [10036393] Rehabilitation: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF REPARATIVE AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY [10039512] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering [10046596] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Geology: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control [10055488] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Parasitology: Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS [10047637] Instrumentation: Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY [10052242] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY [33343] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Chinese Journal of Surgery [10039637] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINESE JOURNAL OF TRAUMATOLOGY [10068023] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 CHINESE JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY [10048009] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINESE LANGUAGE AND DISCOURSE [10035740] Linguistics and Language: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 CHINESE LAW AND GOVERNMENT [4761] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CHINESE MANAGEMENT STUDIES [10015114] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL [1009] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Chinese Medical Sciences Journal [10040619] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINESE MEDICINE [10032959] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: D1 Pharmacology: Q2 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS [10011391] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Chinese Overseas [10080341] History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 CHINESE PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL - CHUNG-KUO YAO HSUEH TSA CHIH [10007728] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 CHINESE PHARMACOLOGICAL BULLETIN [10007981] Pharmacology: Q4 CHINESE PHYSICS B [10009545] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINESE PHYSICS C [10009546] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS [6947] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINESE SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW [10028493] Anthropology: Q2 Demography: Q3 Gender Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Chinese Space Science and Technology [10079149] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 CHINESE STUDIES IN HISTORY [10000606] History: Q3 CHINESE TRADITIONAL AND HERBAL DRUGS [10020024] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Chinesische Medizin [10078103] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 CHIRALITY: THE PHARMACOLOGICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL CONSEQUENCES OF MOLECULAR ASYMMETRY [1012] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Catalysis: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 CHIRON [10057243] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Classics: Q1 History: Q2 Chiropractic and Manual Therapies [10056700] Chiropractics: Q2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Chiropractic Journal of Australia [10063210] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 CHIRURGIA [10015583] Surgery: Q3 CHIRURGIA NARZADOW RUCHU I ORTOPEDIA POLSKA [10020638] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHIRURGIA POLSKA [10012729] Surgery: Q4 CHIRURGIA (TURIN) [10048666] Surgery: Q4 CHIRURGISCHE PRAXIS [1394717] Surgery: Q4 CHIRURG: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ALLE GEBIETE DER OPERATIVEN MEDIZIN [1405488] Surgery: Q3 Cholesterol [10080342] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Hematology: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 CHONGQING DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF CHONGQING UNIVERSITY [10037843] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 CHOONPA IGAKU/ JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ULTRASONICS [10044583] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 CHRISTIAN BIOETHICS [10049209] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 CHRISTIAN HIGHER EDUCATION [10031113] Education: Q3 Religious Studies: Q1 CHROMATOGRAPHIA [1014] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 CHROMOSOMA [1015] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 CHROMOSOME RESEARCH [11594] Genetics: Q1 CHRONIC DISEASES AND INJURIES IN CANADA [10022926] Epidemiology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 CHRONIC DISEASES IN CANADA [10015584] Epidemiology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Chronic Illness [10058215] Health Policy: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CHRONIC RESPIRATORY DISEASE [10032960] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 CHRONIQUE D EGYPTE: BULLETIN PERIODIQUE DE LA FONDATION EGYPTOLOGIQUE REINE ELISABETH [10024450] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 CHRONOBIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [1016] Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 Chuan Bo Li Xue/Journal of Ship Mechanics [10060309] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q2 CHUAN GAN JISHU XUEBAO / CHINESE JOURNAL OF SENSORS AND ACTUATORS [10032069] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Chudoku kenkyu : Chudoku Kenkyukai jun kikanshi = The Japanese journal of toxicology [10078548] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CHUNGARA-REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGIA CHILENA [10007336] Anthropology: Q1 Archeology: Q1 Chung Cheng Ling Hsueh Pao/Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology [10050936] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 CHURCH HISTORY AND RELIGIOUS CULTURE [10038538] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 CHURCH HISTORY: STUDIES IN CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE [10000607] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Religious Studies: Q1 CIENCIA ANIMAL BRASILEIRA [10029007] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 CIENCIA DA INFORMACAO [10035784] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 CIENCIA DEL SUELO [10040012] Soil Science: Q3 CIENCIA E AGROTECNOLOGIA [10011400] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Food Science: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 CIENCIA E INVESTIGACION AGRARIA [10011401] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola [10011402] Food Science: Q3 Horticulture: Q3 CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA DOS MATERIAIS [10048051] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 CIENCIA FLORESTAL [10006929] Forestry: Q2 CIENCIA RURAL [10015586] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 CIENCIA & SAUDE COLETIVA [10015116] Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 CIENCIAS MARINAS [11597] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ciencia y Enfermeria [10040486] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 CIESM Workshop Monographs [10080098] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 CILIA [10054734] Cell Biology: Q2 CIM Magazine [10075815] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Cincinnati Romance Review [10080810] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 CIN-COMPUTERS INFORMATICS NURSING [10000720] Health Informatics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 CINEASTE [10000609] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 CINEFORUM [10000610] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 CINEMA JOURNAL TEACHING DOSSIER [10000611] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Cinemas d'Amerique Latine [10080578] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Cinesiologie [10079457] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING [1022] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Signal Processing: Q2 CIRCUIT WORLD [39646] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Circular Farmaceutica [10039038] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Circular of the U. S. Geological Survey [10075821] Geology: Q4 CIRCULATION [1023] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Physiology (medical): D1 CIRCULATION-ARRHYTHMIA AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY [10011405] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Physiology (medical): D1 CIRCULATION-CARDIOVASCULAR GENETICS [10010216] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CIRCULATION-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING [10011406] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 CIRCULATION-CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS [10015587] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 CIRCULATION-CARDIOVASCULAR QUALITY AND OUTCOMES [10015588] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CIRCULATION-HEART FAILURE [10011407] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CIRCULATION JOURNAL: OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE CIRCULATION SOCIETY [10000721] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CIRCULATION RESEARCH [10037273] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Physiology: D1 CIRCULO DE LINGUISTICA APLICADA A LA COMUNICACION [10022241] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 CIRP ANNALS-MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY [10000612] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 CIRP JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [42841] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Cirugia Cardiovascular [10052397] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 CIRUGIA ESPANOLA [10022927] Surgery: Q3 CIRUGÍA PEDIÁTRICA [10073527] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CIRUGIA PLASTICA IBERO-LATINOAMERICANA [10054675] Surgery: Q3 CIRUGIA Y CIRUJANOS [10011404] Surgery: Q3 Citeaux [10080579] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 CITHARA-ESSAYS IN THE JUDEO-CHRISTIAN TRADITION [10000613] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 CITIES: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN POLICY AND PLANNING [37957] Development: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 CITIZENSHIP SOCIAL AND ECONOMICS EDUCATION [10005156] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CITIZENSHIP STUDIES [10023087] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 CIT JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10004902] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 CITOLOGIJA [10004955] Histology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 CIT PLUS [10023642] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CITTA E STORIA [10071702] History: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 CITY: ANALYSIS OF URBAN TRENDS CULTURE THEORY POLICY ACTION [10035544] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Urban Studies: D1 CITY AND COMMUNITY [10011978] Urban Studies: Q1 CITY CULTURE AND SOCIETY [10032712] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 CITY & SOCIETY [10021395] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 CIVIL-COMP PROCEEDINGS [10020174] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q4 CIVIL ENGINEERING [1024] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS [27688] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 CIVIL SZEMLE [10009963] Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CIVIL WAR HISTORY [10000614] History: Q2 CIVIL WARS [10025500] History: D1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 CJAM Canadian Journal of Addiction Medicine [10069225] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 CKJ: CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL [10056995] Nephrology: Q3 Transplantation: Q3 CLADISTICS [1026] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 CLA JOURNAL-COLLEGE LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION [10000615] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY [1027] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY [10000616] Classics: D1 CLASSICAL BULLETIN [10000617] Classics: Q3 Education: Q4 CLASSICAL JOURNAL [10000618] Classics: Q1 CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY [10000619] Classics: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 CLASSICAL QUARTERLY [10000620] Classics: D1 History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Philosophy: Q2 CLASSICAL RECEPTIONS JOURNAL [10031825] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Classics: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q3 CLASSICAL WORLD [10000622] Classics: Q1 Clavier Companion [10080099] Music: Q4 CLAY MINERALS [1029] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Clay Research [10080811] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 CLAYS AND CLAY MINERALS [1028] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Soil Science: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 CLB CHEMIE IN LABOR UND BIOTECHNIK [10021800] Biotechnology: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Cleanroom Technology [10075826] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 CLEAN-SOIL AIR WATER [10006931] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Pollution: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY [10010278] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 CLEFT PALATE-CRANIOFACIAL JOURNAL [10028318] Oral Surgery: Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [1031] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CLIMACTERIC [10001152] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Climate and Development [10023088] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 CLIMATE DYNAMICS [1032] Atmospheric Science: D1 Climate Law [10080343] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 CLIMATE OF THE PAST [10006932] Global and Planetary Change: Q1 Paleontology: D1 Stratigraphy: D1 CLIMATE POLICY [10001399] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 CLIMATE RESEARCH [11611] Atmospheric Science: Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 CLIMATIC CHANGE [1033] Atmospheric Science: Q1 Global and Planetary Change: Q1 CLINICA CHIMICA ACTA [1039] Biochemistry: Q2 Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CLINICA E INVESTIGACION EN ARTERIOSCLEROSIS [10037474] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 CLÍNICA E INVESTIGACIÓN EN GINECOLOGÍA Y OBSTETRICIA [10040502] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 CLINICAL ADVANCES IN HEMATOLOGY & ONCOLOGY [10005497] Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Oncology: Q3 CLINICAL ANATOMY [11613] Anatomy: Q2 Histology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CLINICAL AND APPLIED THROMBOSIS-HEMOSTASIS [11614] Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CLINICAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY [2150075] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY IMMUNOLOGY [1041] Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGY [1044] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Clinical and Experimental Allergy Reviews [10064089] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY [1045] Dermatology: Q2 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL GASTROENTEROLOGY [10032397] Gastroenterology: Q2 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HYPERTENSION [1046] Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY [1048] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICAL LETTERS [10036158] Cancer Research: Q4 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Oncology: Q4 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE [10000722] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY [10007594] Nephrology: Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROIMMUNOLOGY [10016364] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY [27722] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q1 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPTOMETRY [10009548] Ophthalmology: Q2 Optometry: Q2 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY [10011408] Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY [1050] Pharmacology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE [10063754] Reproductive Medicine: Q2 CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY [1051] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Rheumatology: Q2 CLINICAL AND INVESTIGATIVE MEDICINE [1058] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CLINICAL AND LABORATORY HAEMATOLOGY [1061] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CLINICAL AND MOLECULAR ALLERGY [10050690] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Clinical and molecular hepatology [10078783] Hepatology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 Clinical and Refractive Optometry [10079013] Ophthalmology: Q4 Optometry: Q4 Clinical and Surgical Ophthalmology [10044223] Ophthalmology: Q3 Surgery: Q4 Clinical and Transfusion Haematology [10050164] Hematology: Q4 CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL ALLERGY [10030955] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL GASTROENTEROLOGY [10040271] Gastroenterology: Q2 CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY [10011410] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q3 CLINICAL AND VACCINE IMMUNOLOGY [10005614] Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 CLINICAL AUTONOMIC RESEARCH [11615] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 CLINICAL BIOCHEMIST REVIEWS [10017018] Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY [1034] Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS [1035] Biophysics: Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Sports Science: Q1 CLINICAL BREAST CANCER [10008948] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q2 Clinical calcium [10079150] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH [1405637] Cancer Research: D1 Oncology: D1 CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY [1036] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Clinical Cases in Mineral and Bone Metabolism [10042662] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 CLINICAL CASE STUDIES [10052155] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY [1037] Biochemistry (medical): D1 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE [1222471] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CLINICAL CHILD AND FAMILY PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW [10001400] Clinical Psychology: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Education: D1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 CLINICAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY [10022647] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Clinical Chiropractic [10079014] Chiropractics: Q3 CLINICAL COLORECTAL CANCER [10009547] Gastroenterology: Q1 Oncology: Q2 CLINICAL COSMETIC AND INVESTIGATIONAL DENTISTRY [10065055] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 CLINICAL, COSMETIC AND INVESTIGATIONAL DERMATOLOGY [10016972] Dermatology: Q3 Clinical Diabetes [10051611] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q2 CLINICAL DRUG INVESTIGATION [6980] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 CLINICAL DYSMORPHOLOGY [11627] Anatomy: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 CLINICAL EEG AND NEUROSCIENCE [10001153] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 CLINICAL ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY [1042] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY [1043] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Clinical Endoscopy [10059308] Gastroenterology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY [10012427] Epidemiology: Q1 CLINICAL EPIGENETICS [10022178] Developmental Biology: Q2 Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Clinical Ethics [10069049] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Clinical evidence [10088124] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CLINICAL & EXPERIMENTAL METASTASIS [1178846] Cancer Research: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: Q1 CLINICAL & EXPERIMENTAL OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY [1304820] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY [10006933] Gastroenterology: D1 Hepatology: D1 CLINICAL GENETICS [1052] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 CLINICAL GENITOURINARY CANCER [10009549] Oncology: Q2 Urology: Q2 CLINICAL GERIATRICS [10006323] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Clinical Gerontologist [10022928] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q2 Health (social science): Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY AND MICROCIRCULATION [11639] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Hematology: Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 CLINICAL IMAGING [1054] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [16674] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 CLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH [10006934] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 Oral Surgery: D1 CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES [1057] Infectious Diseases: D1 Microbiology (medical): D1 CLINICAL INTERVENTIONS IN AGING [10022929] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CLINICAL JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [10028689] Gastroenterology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CLINICAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING [10015117] Oncology: Q3 Oncology (nursing): Q3 CLINICAL JOURNAL OF PAIN [1060] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 CLINICAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MEDICINE [11646] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 CLINICAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY [10005610] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: D1 Epidemiology: Q1 Nephrology: D1 Transplantation: D1 CLINICAL KINESIOLOGY: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN KINESIOTHERAPY ASSOCIATION [10075228] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q4 CLINICAL LABORATORY [10006935] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Clinical Laboratory Science [10061944] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CLINICAL LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT REVIEW [39647] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CLINICAL LINGUISTICS & PHONETICS [4763] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q2 CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY [10011409] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 CLINICAL LUNG CANCER [10009550] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 CLINICAL LYMPHOMA & MYELOMA [10005611] Cancer Research: Q3 Hematology: Q2 Oncology: Q2 CLINICAL LYMPHOMA MYELOMA & LEUKEMIA [10015589] Cancer Research: Q3 Hematology: Q2 Oncology: Q2 CLINICAL MEDICINE [33422] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CLINICAL MEDICINE AND RESEARCH [10037482] Community and Home Care: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CLINICAL MEDICINE INSIGHTS: ARTHRITIS AND MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS [10037527] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Rheumatology: Q2 Clinical Medicine Insights: Blood Disorders [10068097] Hematology: Q4 CLINICAL MEDICINE INSIGHTS: CARDIOLOGY [10036140] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 CLINICAL MEDICINE INSIGHTS: CASE REPORTS [10044935] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CLINICAL MEDICINE INSIGHTS: CIRCULATORY, RESPIRATORY AND PULMONARY MEDICINE [10062337] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 CLINICAL MEDICINE INSIGHTS: ENDOCRINOLOGY AND DIABETES [10050158] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 CLINICAL MEDICINE INSIGHTS: GASTROENTEROLOGY [10058177] Gastroenterology: Q4 Clinical Medicine Insights: Geriatrics [10061580] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 CLINICAL MEDICINE INSIGHTS: ONCOLOGY [10046983] Oncology: Q3 CLINICAL MEDICINE INSIGHTS: PATHOLOGY [10055670] Histology: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 CLINICAL MEDICINE INSIGHTS: THERAPEUTICS [10036915] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION [10000627] Infectious Diseases: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Microbiology (medical): D1 CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY NEWSLETTER [10024466] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS [1063] Epidemiology: D1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): D1 Infectious Diseases: D1 Microbiology (medical): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 CLINICAL NEPHROLOGY [1064] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nephrology: Q2 CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY [1065] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q2 CLINICAL NEUROPATHOLOGY [1066] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 CLINICAL NEUROPHARMACOLOGY [1067] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY [22155] Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 Sensory Systems: Q1 CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHIATRY [10039469] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 CLINICAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGIST [16687] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 CLINICAL NEURORADIOLOGY [10015590] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 CLINICAL NEUROSURGERY [10022631] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q2 CLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE [1069] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 CLINICAL NURSE SPECIALIST [10006936] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Assessment and Diagnosis: Q2 Leadership and Management: Q2 LPN and LVN: Q2 CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH [10022930] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 CLINICAL NUTRITION [1070] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 CLINICAL OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [1071] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 CLINICAL ONCOLOGY [33433] Oncology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 CLINICAL OPHTHALMOLOGY [10012722] Ophthalmology: Q2 CLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH [1072] Oral Surgery: D1 CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS [10006937] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND RELATED RESEARCH [1073] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Sports Science: D1 CLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY [10005612] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: D1 CLINICAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND ALLIED SCIENCES [1074] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Clinical Ovarian and other Gynecologic Cancer [10074129] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Clinical Ovarian Cancer [10072383] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 CLINICAL PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10049854] Emergency Medicine: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 CLINICAL PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY [10005108] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 CLINICAL PEDIATRICS [1075] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 CLINICAL PHARMACIST [10037481] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacy: Q4 CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS [1077] Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY : ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS [10041765] Pharmacology (medical): Q2 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY IN DRUG DEVELOPMENT [10041770] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS [1078] Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 CLINICAL PHYSIOLOGY [1081] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 CLINICAL PHYSIOLOGY AND FUNCTIONAL IMAGING [10000724] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 CLINICAL PRACTICE [10039373] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 CLINICAL PRACTICE AND EPIDEMIOLOGY IN MENTAL HEALTH [10037039] Epidemiology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 CLINICAL PROTEOMICS [10040408] Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST [10022931] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Clinical Psychology Forum [10042936] Clinical Psychology: Q4 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY & PSYCHOTHERAPY [37960] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW [4764] Clinical Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY: SCIENCE AND PRACTICE [37962] Clinical Psychology: D1 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE [10036709] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 CLINICAL PULMONARY MEDICINE [10012425] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 CLINICAL RADIOLOGY [1083] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 CLINICAL REHABILITATION [22171] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Rehabilitation: Q1 CLINICAL RESEARCH AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS [16702] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 CLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY [10005613] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY SUPPLEMENTS [10055088] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Structural Biology: Q4 CLINICAL RESPIRATORY JOURNAL [10009551] Genetics (clinical): Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 CLINICAL REVIEWS IN ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY [7022] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CLINICAL REVIEWS IN BONE AND MINERAL METABOLISM [10012429] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY [1086] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Rheumatology: Q2 Clinical Rhinology [10080580] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Clinical Risk [10075842] Law: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Clinical Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses [10037942] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 CLINICAL SCIENCE [1087] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CLINICAL SIMULATION IN NURSING [10063859] Education: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 CLINICAL SOCIAL WORK JOURNAL [4765] Health (social science): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Social Work: Q3 CLINICAL TEACHER [10013747] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Review and Exam Preparation: D1 CLINICAL THERAPEUTICS [1089] Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY [10006938] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Toxicology: Q1 CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION [1090] Transplantation: Q2 CLINICAL TRANSPLANTS [10005904] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CLINICAL TRIALS [10006939] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology: Q1 CLINICA TERAPEUTICA [10005106] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CLINICOECONOMICS AND OUTCOMES RESEARCH [10036083] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Health Policy: Q2 CLINICS [10011412] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CLINICS AND RESEARCH IN HEPATOLOGY AND GASTROENTEROLOGY [10022932] Gastroenterology: Q2 Hepatology: Q2 CLINICS IN CHEST MEDICINE [1038] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 CLINICS IN COLON AND RECTAL SURGERY [10042343] Gastroenterology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 CLINICS IN DERMATOLOGY [1040] Dermatology: Q1 CLINICS IN GERIATRIC MEDICINE [11638] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 CLINICS IN LABORATORY MEDICINE [1062] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 CLINICS IN LIVER DISEASE [10010201] Hepatology: Q2 Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery [10042326] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 CLINICS IN PERINATOLOGY [1076] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 CLINICS IN PLASTIC SURGERY [1082] Surgery: Q1 CLINICS IN PODIATRIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY OF NORTH AMERICA [10032962] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 CLINICS IN SPORTS MEDICINE [1088] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 Cliniques Mediterraneennes [10078552] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 CLIO-A JOURNAL OF LITERATURE HISTORY AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY [10000628] History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 CLIO: FEMMES GENRE HISTOIRE [10059313] Gender Studies: Q4 History: Q4 CLIOMETRICA [10014327] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 History: D1 CLONING [10063904] Biotechnology: Q1 Cell Biology: Q3 Developmental Biology: Q3 CLONING AND STEM CELLS [10003034] Biotechnology: Q1 Cell Biology: Q3 Developmental Biology: Q3 CLOTHING AND TEXTILES RESEARCH JOURNAL [10015118] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 CLUSTER COMPUTING [10006940] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Software: Q3 CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA [10003035] Biomaterials: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 CME Journal Geriatric Medicine [10039351] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 CME JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION ON BASIC AND CLINICAL GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY [1178913] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES [33453] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Software: Q1 CME: SOUTH AFRICA'S CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION JOURNAL [10069787] Family Practice: Q4 CMS WORKSHOP LECTURES [10055561] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 CNS DRUGS [1093] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 CNS & NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS-DRUG TARGETS [10040087] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 CNS NEUROSCIENCE & THERAPEUTICS [10009553] Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 Physiology (medical): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 CNS Oncology [10060803] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CNS SPECTRUMS [10003037] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 COACHING: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10080344] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 Coal Age [10075845] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Coal International [10075846] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 COASTAL ENGINEERING [1094] Environmental Engineering: D1 Ocean Engineering: D1 COASTAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10000725] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q1 COASTAL MANAGEMENT [1095] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Coating [10079282] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 CoatingsTech [10087699] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 COCHLEAR IMPLANTS INTERNATIONAL [10035151] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Speech and Hearing: Q3 COCHRANE DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS [10005519] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 COCUK CERRAHISI DERGISI [10057451] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Surgery: Q4 COCUK ENFEKSIYON DERGISI / JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC INFECTION [10044549] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 COCUK SAGLIGI VE HASTALIKLARI DERGISI [10043718] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 CoDAS [10061015] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Speech and Hearing: Q3 CODATA DATA SCIENCE JOURNAL [10031799] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 CoDesign [10080345] Architecture: D1 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 Coffee Science [10048483] Food Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 COGNITION [4766] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 COGNITION AND INSTRUCTION [4768] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Education: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 COGNITION & EMOTION [4767] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 COGNITION TECHNOLOGY & WORK [10028320] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 COGNITIVE AFFECTIVE & BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE [10006941] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 COGNITIVE AND BEHAVIORAL NEUROLOGY [10003039] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 COGNITIVE AND BEHAVIORAL PRACTICE [10001020] Clinical Psychology: Q2 COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY [10065984] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Cognitive Computation [10022933] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT [4769] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS [10000632] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 COGNITIVE NEURODYNAMICS [10008952] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHIATRY [10028319] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGY [4770] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE [10015591] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 COGNITIVE PROCESSING [42162] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY [4771] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: D1 COGNITIVE SCIENCE [4772] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 COGNITIVE SYSTEMS RESEARCH [10006942] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Cognitive Technologies [10043026] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Software: Q4 COGNITIVE THERAPY AND RESEARCH [4773] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Co-herencia [10080101] History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Music: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Coke and Chemistry [10070497] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [1097] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 COLD SPRING HARBOR PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY [10015617] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 COLD SPRING HARBOR PERSPECTIVES IN MEDICINE [10028324] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 COLD SPRING HARBOR PROTOCOLS [10024405] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 COLD SPRING HARBOR SYMPOSIA ON QUANTITATIVE BIOLOGY [1098] Biochemistry: D1 Genetics: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 COLD WAR HISTORY [10010758] History: D1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 COLEOPTERISTS BULLETIN [1099] Insect Science: Q3 Collectanea Botanica [10042801] Plant Science: Q4 COLLECTANEA MATHEMATICA [2151709] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Collectanea Theologica [10080812] Religious Studies: Q4 COLLECTION BUILDING [10071467] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 COLLECTION MANAGEMENT [10079283] Library and Information Sciences: D1 Strategy and Management: Q1 COLLECTION OF CZECHOSLOVAK CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS [1100] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 College and Undergraduate Libraries [10079458] Education: Q1 E-learning: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 COLLEGE COMPOSITION AND COMMUNICATION [10000634] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 COLLEGE ENGLISH [10000635] Education: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 COLLEGE LITERATURE [10000636] Education: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 COLLEGE MATHEMATICS JOURNAL [10016982] Education: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES [4774] Library and Information Sciences: D1 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES NEWS [39648] Education: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 COLLEGE TEACHING [10068649] Education: Q2 COLLEGIAN [10015119] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 Collegiate Aviation Review [10080102] Education: Q4 COLLEGIUM ANTROPOLOGICUM [4776] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE [1102] Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A : PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS [1104] Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q2 COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B: BIOINTERFACES [16722] Biotechnology: Q1 Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q1 COLLOQUIA GERMANICA [10000638] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 COLLOQUIUM MATHEMATICUM [39649] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 COLOMBIA INTERNACIONAL [10025501] History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 COLOMBIA MEDICA [10015594] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 COLONIAL LATIN AMERICAN REVIEW [10075849] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Côlon & Rectum [10055322] Gastroenterology: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 COLO-PROCTOLOGY [10019319] Gastroenterology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 COLOQUIO-LETRAS [10000640] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Colorado nurse [10075850] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 COLORATION TECHNOLOGY [33469] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 COLORECTAL DISEASE [10006943] Gastroenterology: Q2 COLOR RESEARCH AND APPLICATION [1106] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q2 Colourage [10046874] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS [4777] Law: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW [4778] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 COLUMBIA LAW REVIEW [4780] Law: D1 Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition [10079684] Classics: D1 Coluna/Columna [10060805] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 COMBINATORIAL CHEMISTRY & HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING [22196] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 COMBINATORICA [1107] Computational Mathematics: Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q1 COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING [27782] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 COMBUSTION AND FLAME [1109] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Fuel Technology: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 COMBUSTION EXPLOSION AND SHOCK WAVES [1108] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 COMBUSTION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [1110] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 COMBUSTION THEORY AND MODELLING [11691] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 COMMENTARII MATHEMATICI HELVETICI [1111] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 COMMENTARY [4781] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child [10079459] Law: Q4 COMMENTATIONES MATHEMATICAE UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE [1417140] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 COMMENTS ON INORGANIC CHEMISTRY [11692] Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 COMMON KNOWLEDGE [41639] Cultural Studies: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Philosophy: Q2 COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW [4782] Law: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 COMMONWEALTH AND COMPARATIVE POLITICS [10025502] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Commonwealth Law Bulletin [10059932] Law: Q4 Communicable diseases intelligence quarterly report [10075855] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Communicating nursing research [10078785] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 COMMUNICATION AND CRITICAL-CULTURAL STUDIES [10028495] Communication: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 COMMUNICATION AND MEDICINE [10022242] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 COMMUNICATION DISORDERS QUARTERLY [10032963] Linguistics and Language: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q3 COMMUNICATION EDUCATION [4783] Communication: Q1 Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 COMMUNICATION LAW AND POLICY [10067011] Communication: Q3 Law: Q3 Communication Methods and Measures [10080346] Communication: Q1 COMMUNICATION MONOGRAPHS [4784] Communication: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY [10022243] Communication: Q2 COMMUNICATION REPORTS [10022244] Communication: Q2 Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 COMMUNICATION RESEARCH [4785] Communication: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Communication Research Reports [10080347] Communication: Q2 COMMUNICATION REVIEW [10066831] Communication: Q1 COMMUNICATIONS-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH [10016415] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Communication: Q1 COMMUNICATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL AND APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10005874] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA [1417127] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 COMMUNICATIONS IN ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY [27792] Analysis: D1 Geometry and Topology: D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 COMMUNICATIONS IN APPLIED ANALYSIS [10008327] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Numerical Analysis: Q3 COMMUNICATIONS IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE [10015596] Applied Mathematics: D1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 COMMUNICATIONS IN BIOMETRY AND CROP SCIENCE [10028651] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS [10005615] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE [10014444] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 COMMUNICATIONS IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS [27793] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Communications in Information Literacy [10080103] Education: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS [10022410] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Numerical Analysis: Q3 COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [1115] Mathematical Physics: Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q1 COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES [10006944] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION [10006326] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Numerical Analysis: Q1 COMMUNICATIONS IN NUMBER THEORY AND PHYSICS [10015599] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 Mathematical Physics: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 COMMUNICATIONS IN NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING [1116] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 Software: Q1 COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [1117] Analysis: D1 Applied Mathematics: D1 COMMUNICATIONS IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT ANALYSIS [1106521] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Soil Science: Q3 COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION [11701] Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q3 COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS [11702] Statistics and Probability: Q3 COMMUNICATIONS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS [1122] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 COMMUNICATIONS LAW [10035546] Communication: Q4 Law: Q4 COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY-SPAIN [10074779] Communication: Q2 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM [1112] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10018098] Information Systems: Q2 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [10050669] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 COMMUNICATIONS ON APPLIED NONLINEAR ANALYSIS [10014306] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q3 COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS [10001155] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS [1118] Applied Mathematics: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 COMMUNICATION STUDIES [10022245] Communication: Q2 Communication Teacher [10080348] Communication: Q3 Education: Q4 COMMUNICATION THEORY [37982] Communication: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 COMMUNICATIO: SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL FOR COMMUNICATION THEORY AND RESEARCH [10032269] Communication: Q3 COMMUNICATIVE AND INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY [10018884] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 COMMUNIO VIATORUM [10028646] History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 COMMUNIST AND POST-COMMUNIST STUDIES [4786] Development: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Community and Junior College Libraries [10079460] Education: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Community Care [10079461] Community and Home Care: Q4 Community College Journal of Research and Practice [10075857] Education: Q3 Community College Review [10075858] Education: Q2 COMMUNITY DENTAL HEALTH [33491] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 COMMUNITY DENTISTRY AND ORAL EPIDEMIOLOGY [1123] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT [10044816] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL [4787] Development: Q2 COMMUNITY ECOLOGY [2148032] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management [10080104] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 COMMUNITY EYE HEALTH JOURNAL [10076582] Ophthalmology: Q4 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH JOURNAL [4788] Health (social science): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 COMMUNITY ONCOLOGY [10037966] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Community Practitioner [10043868] Community and Home Care: Q3 Family Practice: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 COMMUNITY WORK AND FAMILY [10035864] Development: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 COMPARATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES [10022137] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 COMPARATIVE AND FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS [10001156] Biotechnology: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY [1316458] Biochemistry: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Physiology: Q2 COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [1125] Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Physiology: Q3 COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-PHARMACOLOGY TOXICOLOGY & ENDOCRINOLOGY [10010227] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physiology: Q2 Toxicology: Q1 COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY C-TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY [1126] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physiology: Q2 Toxicology: Q1 COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY D-GENOMICS & PROTEOMICS [10005617] Biochemistry: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Physiology: Q3 COMPARATIVE CLINICAL PATHOLOGY [10025215] Anatomy: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 COMPARATIVE CRITICAL STUDIES [10020976] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 COMPARATIVE CYTOGENETICS [10011413] Biotechnology: Q3 Genetics: Q4 COMPARATIVE DRAMA [10000642] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC RESEARCH [10039137] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC STUDIES [2151203] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 COMPARATIVE EDUCATION [4789] Education: Q1 COMPARATIVE EDUCATION REVIEW [4790] Education: Q1 COMPARATIVE EUROPEAN POLITICS [10015120] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 COMPARATIVE EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY [10071475] Biochemistry: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 COMPARATIVE HAEMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [1128] Anatomy: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 COMPARATIVE HEPATOLOGY [10038769] Hepatology: Q3 COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES [1129] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPARATIVE LITERATURE [10000643] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 COMPARATIVE LITERATURE AND CULTURE [10011010] Cultural Studies: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 COMPARATIVE LITERATURE STUDIES [10000644] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 COMPARATIVE MEDICINE [27814] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPARATIVE PARASITOLOGY [27812] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Parasitology: Q3 COMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES [4792] Sociology and Political Science: D1 COMPARATIVE POLITICS [4791] Sociology and Political Science: D1 COMPARATIVE POPULATION STUDIES [10035916] Demography: Q2 COMPARATIVE SOCIAL RESEARCH [10006105] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY [10013272] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 COMPARATIVE STRATEGY [4793] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 COMPARATIVE STUDIES IN SOCIETY AND HISTORY [4794] History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 COMPARATIVE STUDIES OF SOUTH ASIA AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST [10025511] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 COMPARE: A JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION [10028496] Education: Q1 COMPEL-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING [1132] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 COMPENDIUM [10009554] Education: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 Compendium of continuing education in dentistry (Jamesburg, N.J. : 1995) [10075861] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 COMPETITION POLICY INTERNATIONAL [10015121] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 COMPETITIVENESS REVIEW [10004562] Business and International Management: Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE [10045832] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN MEDICINE [10000730] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q1 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q1 COMPLEX ANALYSIS AND OPERATOR THEORY [10011414] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 COMPLEXITY [10002648] Multidisciplinary: D1 COMPLEX SYSTEMS [10008654] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 COMPLEX VARIABLES AND ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS [41204] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q2 Complutum [10080581] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q1 COMPOSITE INTERFACES [27815] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 Composites: Mechanics, Computations, Applications [10080349] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING [1142734] Ceramics and Composites: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING [11718] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [1136] Ceramics and Composites: D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Composites Technology [10078108] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 COMPOSITE STRUCTURES [1137] Ceramics and Composites: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA [10018294] Algebra and Number Theory: D1 COMPOST SCIENCE & UTILIZATION [22230] Ecology: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 COMPREHENSIVE ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [10020164] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Spectroscopy: Q3 COMPREHENSIVE CHILD AND ADOLESCENT NURSING-BUILDNG EVIDENCE FOR PRACTICE [10069433] Pediatrics: Q2 COMPREHENSIVE PHYSIOLOGY [10022291] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 COMPREHENSIVE PSYCHIATRY [1139] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD SAFETY [10005618] Food Science: D1 COMPREHENSIVE THERAPY [10000646] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 COMPTABILITE CONTROLE AUDIT [10032964] Accounting: Q4 Finance: Q4 COMPTES RENDUS BIOLOGIES [10000739] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 COMPTES RENDUS CHIMIE [10000740] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 COMPTES RENDUS DE L ACADEMIE BULGARE DES SCIENCES [10006950] Multidisciplinary: Q2 COMPTES RENDUS DE L ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES SERIE II FASCICULE A-SCIENCES DE LA TERRE ET DES PLANETES [7146] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 COMPTES RENDUS DE L ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES SERIE II FASCICULE C-CHIMIE [16847] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 COMPTES RENDUS DE L ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES SERIE III-SCIENCES DE LA VIE-LIFE [1277192] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 COMPTES RENDUS DE L ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES SERIE I-MATHEMATIQUE [1202] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPTES RENDUS DES SEANCES DE L ACADEMIE DES INSCRIPTIONS AND BELLES-LETTRES [10000647] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 COMPTES RENDUS GEOSCIENCE [10000648] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE [10000741] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPTES RENDUS MECANIQUE [10000742] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 COMPTES RENDUS PALEVOL [10001164] Paleontology: Q2 COMPTES RENDUS PHYSIQUE [10000743] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 COMPUTABILITY-THE JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION CIE [10071431] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 COMPUTACION Y SISTEMAS [10033153] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN MEDICINE [10015605] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL ORGANIZATION THEORY [10015124] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 COMPUTATIONAL AND STRUCTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL [10046092] Biochemistry: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Structural Biology: Q4 COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY [10016501] Biochemistry: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS [7079] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY [10001158] Biochemistry: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY [11733] Computational Mathematics: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 COMPUTATIONAL ECONOMICS [10015123] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [7064] Computational Mathematics: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Optimization: Q1 Geometry and Topology: Q2 COMPUTATIONAL GEOSCIENCES [27872] Computational Mathematics: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Computers in Earth Sciences: Q2 COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE [11747] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND NEUROSCIENCE [10036666] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPUTATIONAL LINGUISTICS [11750] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 COMPUTATIONAL MANAGEMENT SCIENCE [10015013] Information Systems: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q2 COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE [11712] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [1130] Computational Mathematics: Q3 computational mathematics and modeling [10048542] Computational Mathematics: Q4 COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS [7101] Applied Mathematics: D1 Computational Mathematics: D1 Computational Mechanics: D1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Ocean Engineering: D1 COMPUTATIONAL METHODS AND FUNCTION THEORY [10028104] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS [10050146] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q2 COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES [10074308] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS [22271] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q1 Computational Science and Discovery [10049681] Computational Mathematics: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS [11767] Computational Mathematics: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS [1169] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Mathematics: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 COMPUTATIONAL THERMAL SCIENCES: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10083437] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 COMPUTER [1173] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPUTER-AIDED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [10010467] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 COMPUTER-AIDED CIVIL AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING [10000732] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN [1140] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS [41066] Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mechanics: Q3 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN [7077] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Automotive Engineering: Q1 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 COMPUTER AIDED SURGERY [10011415] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Family Practice: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Surgery: Q2 COMPUTER ANIMATION AND VIRTUAL WORLDS [10001157] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Software: Q3 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION [22235] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Education: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING [10015122] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS [1147] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 COMPUTER FRAUD & SECURITY [10000650] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Law: Q3 COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM [16779] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q1 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 COMPUTER GRAPHICS-US [33533] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 COMPUTER GRAPHICS WORLD [16780] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS [1162] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q1 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Health Informatics: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 COMPUTER JOURNAL [1159] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPUTER LANGUAGES [1160] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Software: Q3 COMPUTER LANGUAGES SYSTEMS & STRUCTURES [10001159] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Software: Q3 COMPUTER LAW & SECURITY REVIEW [10022372] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Law: Q2 COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE [1163] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Health Informatics: Q2 Software: Q2 COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING [1164] Computational Mechanics: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 COMPUTER METHODS IN BIOMECHANICS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [10006946] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 COMPUTER MUSIC JOURNAL [1165] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Media Technology: Q2 Music: Q2 COMPUTER NETWORKS [22269] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Computer Optics [10043086] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS [1168] Hardware and Architecture: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPUTERS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [1142] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 COMPUTERS AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH [1144] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Health Informatics: Q1 COMPUTERS AND COMPOSITION : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10050804] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE [11738] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Forestry: Q1 Horticulture: Q1 COMPUTERS AND FLUIDS [1152] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 COMPUTERS AND GEOTECHNICS [7092] Computer Science Applications: D1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 COMPUTERS AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING [1157] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 COMPUTERS AND MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS [1161] Computational Mathematics: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 COMPUTERS AND THE HUMANITIES [1155] Education: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q2 COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [1146] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 COMPUTERS & CHEMISTRY [1145] Biochemistry: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10015609] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION [10069788] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 COMPUTER SCIENCE - RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT [10054632] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 COMPUTER SCIENCE REVIEW [10042873] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 COMPUTERS & CONCRETE [10006945] Computational Mechanics: Q2 COMPUTERS & EDUCATION [1149] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Education: D1 E-learning: D1 COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING [1150] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 COMPUTERS ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS [1151] Ecological Modeling: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES [1153] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q2 Information Systems: Q1 COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK [1154] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [1143] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Health Informatics: Q2 COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION JOURNAL [10069789] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q4 COMPUTERS IN ENTERTAINMENT [10030194] Computer Science Applications: Q4 COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR [4797] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Human-Computer Interaction: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPUTERS IN INDUSTRY [1156] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Computers in Libraries [10075871] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Computers in the Schools [10078554] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH [1167] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 COMPUTER SPEECH AND LANGUAGE [16799] Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 COMPUTERS & SECURITY [11760] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Law: Q1 COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES [1170] Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES [1131] Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Law: Q1 Software: Q2 COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK [10015601] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 COMPUTER SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [1172] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING [7113] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 Software: Q1 COMPUTING [1174] Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q3 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 COMPUTING AND INFORMATICS [33537] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 COMPUTING AND VISUALIZATION IN SCIENCE [10012352] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Software: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING [22274] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 COMUNICACOES GEOLOGICAS [10046078] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 COMUNICAR [10011979] Communication: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q3 Comunicata Scientiae [10080350] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 CONCAWE Reports [10078109] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 CONCAWE Review [10058097] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 Concentric [10080813] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 CONCEPTS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE PART A [10001160] Spectroscopy: Q3 CONCEPTS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE PART B-MAGNETIC RESONANCE ENGINEERING [10001161] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Spectroscopy: Q3 Conceptual History and Chinese Linguistics [10080351] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Concrete Construction - World of Concrete [10075875] Building and Construction: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Concrete (London) [10075874] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Concrete Producer [10075878] Building and Construction: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE [33565] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 CONCURRENCY-PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE [1175] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 CONCURRENT ENGINEERING-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [11772] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 CONCURRENT SYSTEMS ENGINEERING SERIES [10049298] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS [10006947] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 CONDOR [1176] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 CONFIGURATIONS [16813] Health (social science): Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 CONFINIA CEPHALALGICA [16814] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 CONFLICT AND HEALTH [10068600] Health (social science): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND PEACE SCIENCE [4798] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 CONFLICT RESOLUTION QUARTERLY [10025513] Law: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 CONFLICT SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT [10025808] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CONFLUENCIA-REVISTA HISPANICA DE CULTURA Y LITERATURA [10000203] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 CONFORMAL GEOMETRY AND DYNAMICS [10059327] Geometry and Topology: Q4 CONFRONTATION [10000204] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 CONGENITAL ANOMALIES [10012240] Developmental Biology: Q4 Embryology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE [10022934] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Surgery: Q2 CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE [10028613] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Emergency Medicine: D1 Emergency Nursing: Q1 CONGRESS AND PRESIDENCY: JOURNAL OF CAPITAL STUDIES [10025515] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 CONNAISSANCE DES ARTS [10000205] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 CONNECTICUT MEDICINE [10040364] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CONNECTION SCIENCE [27882] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Software: Q2 CONNECTIVE TISSUE RESEARCH [1177] Biochemistry: Q3 Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Rheumatology: Q2 Connexions [10078555] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 CONRADIANA [10000297] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION [4800] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites [10053936] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Conservation: Q2 Conservation and Society [10052183] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 CONSERVATION BIOLOGY [1178] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 CONSERVATION EVIDENCE [10051918] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 CONSERVATION GENETICS [10001162] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES [10020239] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 CONSERVATION LETTERS [10015604] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 Conservation Science Western Australia [10070376] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 CONSTELLATION: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL AND DEMOCRATIC THEORY [10025517] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 CONSTITUTIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY [10020461] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Law: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CONSTRAINTS [10003061] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 Software: Q2 CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS [16818] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 CONSTRUCTION ECONOMICS AND BUILDING [10074257] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 CONSTRUCTION HISTORY [10078787] Architecture: Q4 Building and Construction: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 CONSTRUCTION INNOVATION [10070796] Architecture: D1 Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & ECONOMICS [10017833] Building and Construction: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Management Information Systems: Q1 Constructions and Frames [10080105] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 CONSTRUCTIVE APPROXIMATION [1179] Analysis: Q1 Computational Mathematics: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Constructivist Foundations [10058385] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Education: Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 CONSULTANT [10036265] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CONSULTANT PHARMACIST [10037954] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Consulting Psychology Journal [10044880] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Consulting-Specifying Engineer [10075885] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Consumer reports [10075886] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CONSUMPTION MARKETS & CULTURE [10028497] Anthropology: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Marketing: D1 Social Psychology: Q1 CONTACT DERMATITIS [1181] Dermatology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 CONTACT LENS & ANTERIOR EYE [10023206] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q1 Optometry: D1 Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture [10080352] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CONTEMPORANEA (BOLOGNA) [10017708] History: Q4 CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING RESEARCH [10001401] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: D1 CONTEMPORARY ARAB AFFAIRS [10068296] Cultural Studies: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 CONTEMPORARY BRITISH HISTORY [10025532] Cultural Studies: D1 Development: Q2 History: D1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Safety Research: Q1 Contemporary Buddhism [10080353] Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 CONTEMPORARY CHINESE THOUGHT [10000208] Philosophy: Q4 CONTEMPORARY CLINICAL TRIALS [10003062] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 CONTEMPORARY ECONOMIC POLICY [37997] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICS [10086263] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY [4801] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Education: D1 CONTEMPORARY EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY [10069790] Education: Q4 CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN HISTORY [10028498] History: Q2 CONTEMPORARY FAMILY THERAPY [4802] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Social Psychology: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 CONTEMPORARY FRENCH AND FRANCOPHONE STUDIES [10075889] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 CONTEMPORARY HYPNOSIS AND INTEGRATIVE THERAPY [10035259] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q3 Contemporary Islam [10079686] Cultural Studies: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood [10079924] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Contemporary Issues in International Arbitration and Mediation: The Fordham Papers [10079925] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 CONTEMPORARY JEWRY [10074472] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q1 Religious Studies: Q1 Contemporary Justice Review [10080354] Law: Q2 CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE [10000209] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Contemporary Music Review [10075891] Music: Q3 CONTEMPORARY NURSE [10011416] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 CONTEMPORARY OB GYN [10000210] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Maternity and Midwifery: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 CONTEMPORARY PACIFIC [38000] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Contemporary Pediatrics [10079465] Pediatrics: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS [1182] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 CONTEMPORARY POLITICAL THEORY [10023089] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CONTEMPORARY POLITICS [2147897] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CONTEMPORARY PRAGMATISM [10071894] Philosophy: Q2 CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY [10011417] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOANALYSIS [4804] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Contemporary Rehab [10079466] Community and Home Care: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 CONTEMPORARY SECURITY POLICY [10025533] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL SCIENCE: JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES [10070830] History: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY: A JOURNAL OF REVIEWS [4806] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CONTEMPORARY SOUTH ASIA [10025535] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 CONTEMPORARY SOUTHEAST ASIA: A JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND STRATEGIC AFFAIRS [10028095] Development: Q3 History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis [10048829] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 CONTEMPORARY THEATRE REVIEW [10000211] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 CONTEMPORARY TOPICS IN LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE [16823] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Contemporary Women's Writing [10080106] Gender Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY REVIEW [10000212] Philosophy: Q2 CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH [1180] Aquatic Science: Q1 Geology: Q1 Oceanography: Q1 CONTINUITY AND CHANGE [38003] History: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 CONTINUUM-JOURNAL OF MEDIA & CULTURAL STUDIES [10016002] Cultural Studies: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 CONTINUUM: LIFELONG LEARNING IN NEUROLOGY (BALTIMORE) [10030999] Genetics (clinical): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 CONTINUUM MECHANICS AND THERMODYNAMICS [1183] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 CONTRACEPTION [1186] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 Contract Pharma [10080107] Industrial Relations: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 CONTRAST MEDIA & MOLECULAR IMAGING [10006948] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY SKALNATE PLESO [10005134] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development [10059143] Business and International Management: Q4 Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC ANALYSIS [10062864] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & POLICY [10020543] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ECONOMICS [10057429] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 CONTRIBUTIONS TO GEOPHYSICS AND GEODESY [10004990] Geophysics: Q3 CONTRIBUTIONS TO HUMAN DEVELOPMENT [10000214] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 CONTRIBUTIONS TO INDIAN SOCIOLOGY [4807] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CONTRIBUTIONS TO MICROBIOLOGY [10055662] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY [1187] Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 Geophysics: D1 CONTRIBUTIONS TO NEPHROLOGY [16828] Nephrology: Q2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO PLASMA PHYSICS [1188] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO POLITICAL ECONOMY [10017706] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HISTORY OF CONCEPTS [10020447] History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY [7130] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Contribution - University of California, Water Resources Center [10075898] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 CONTROL AND CYBERNETICS [22309] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Control (Chicago, Ill) [10075899] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 CONTROL ENGINEERING [1190] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE [11789] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS / KONG ZHI LI LUN YU YING YONG [10032102] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 CONVERGENCE: THE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH INTO NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES [10018024] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Communication: Q1 CONVERGENCIA-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES [10011980] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Converter [10075900] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Converting Magazine [10075901] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Converting Today [10079286] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 CONVIVIUM: REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA [10067265] Philosophy: Q4 COOPERATION AND CONFLICT [10009407] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 COPD-JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE [10015610] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 COPEIA [1194] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 COPENHAGEN JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES [10017880] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 CORAL REEFS [1195] Aquatic Science: D1 CORE EVIDENCE [10037461] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Reviews and References (medical): D1 Corella [10079687] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 COR ET VASA [2149326] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 CORNEA [1196] Ophthalmology: Q1 CORNELL HOSPITALITY QUARTERLY [10009408] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: D1 CORNELL INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL [4808] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 CORNELL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY [10025067] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CORNELL LAW REVIEW [4809] Law: D1 CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE [1198] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CORPORA [10022248] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Corporate Board: Role, Duties & Composition [10065569] Business and International Management: Q4 CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS - AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10013454] Industrial Relations: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW [10001022] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS IN SOCIETY [10029811] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 CORPORATE OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL [10030417] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 CORPORATE REPUTATION REVIEW [10016230] Business and International Management: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q2 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT [10020896] Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 CORPUS LINGUISTICS AND LINGUISTIC THEORY [10015126] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 CORRESPONDANCES EN MHND [10025000] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 CORROSION [1200] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Corrosion and Materials [10080582] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Corrosion and Protection [10042883] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 CORROSION ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10001163] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Corrosion Management [10075904] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 CORROSION REVIEWS [27910] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 CORROSION SCIENCE [1199] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 CORROSION SCIENCE AND PROTECTION TECHNOLOGY [10043148] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 CORSO [10010017] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Software: Q3 CORTEX: A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM AND BEHAVIOR [1201] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q1 COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY [10018681] Dermatology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 COSMIC RESEARCH [10000734] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 COSMOS AND HISTORY [10061445] Philosophy: Q2 COSSMA [10075905] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Cost Effectiveness and Resource Allocation [10042951] Health Policy: Q1 COSTUME (EDINBURGH) [10075908] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q3 Cotinga [10080108] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Cough [10051411] Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 Counseling and Values [10079927] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Religious Studies: Q1 Social Psychology: Q3 COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGIST [4810] Applied Psychology: Q2 Counselling Psychology Quarterly [10051665] Applied Psychology: Q4 Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 COUNSELLING & PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH [10064448] Applied Psychology: Q2 Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 COUNSELOR EDUCATION AND SUPERVISION [10069791] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 CPD Anaesthesia [10078351] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 CPD Bulletin Clinical Biochemistry [10072637] Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 CPT: Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology [10051569] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 CRAFTS: THE MAGAZINE FOR CONTEMPORARY CRAFT [10045066] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 CRANIO-THE JOURNAL OF CRANIOMANDIBULAR PRACTICE [1205] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 CRC CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [1212] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 CREATIVE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL [10021307] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Creative nursing [10075910] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT [10018421] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 CREATIVITY RESEARCH JOURNAL [38008] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 CREATIVITY STUDIES [10035062] Cultural Studies: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CRETACEOUS RESEARCH [1206] Paleontology: Q1 CRIME AND JUSTICE-A REVIEW OF RESEARCH [38012] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 CRIME & DELINQUENCY [4813] Law: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 CRIME LAW AND SOCIAL CHANGE [4814] Law: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 CRIME MEDIA CULTURE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10015127] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Communication: Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 Law: Q2 CRIME PREVENTION AND COMMUNITY SAFETY [10025089] Law: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR AND MENTAL HEALTH [10022652] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND BEHAVIOR [4811] Law: D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 Criminal Justice Ethics [10075911] Law: Q4 CRIMINAL JUSTICE MATTERS [10013226] Law: Q3 CRIMINAL JUSTICE POLICY REVIEW [10025091] Law: Q2 CRIMINAL JUSTICE REVIEW [10035589] Law: Q1 Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society [10050576] Law: Q3 CRIMINAL LAW AND PHILOSOPHY [10025092] Law: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 CRIMINAL LAW FORUM [10025094] Law: Q2 CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW [4812] Law: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 CRIMINOLOGY [4815] Law: D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 CRIMINOLOGY & CRIMINAL JUSTICE [10015128] Law: D1 Criminology Journal of Baikal National University of Economics and Law [10080109] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CRIMINOLOGY & PUBLIC POLICY [10028499] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Public Administration: Q2 CRISIS - THE JOURNAL OF CRISIS INTERVENTION AND SUICIDE PREVENTION [10005740] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 CRISTIANESIMO NELLA STORIA [10013869] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Crit. Care Nurs. Q. [10036325] Critical Care Nursing: Q2 CRITICA D ARTE: RIVISTA TRIMESTRALE DELL UNIVERSITA INTERNAZIONALE DELL ARTE DI FIRENZE [10078789] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 CRITICA DEL TESTO [10023614] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 CRITICA HISPANICA [10000219] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 CRITICAL ARTS-SOUTH-NORTH CULTURAL AND MEDIA STUDIES [10023090] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Communication: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 CRITICAL ASIAN STUDIES [38017] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CRITICAL CARE [33611] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: D1 Critical Care and Resuscitation [10022935] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Emergency Medicine: Q1 Critical Care and Shock [10044894] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 CRITICAL CARE CLINICS [1208] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE [1209] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: D1 CRITICAL CARE NURSE [10009409] Critical Care Nursing: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CRITICAL CARE NURSING CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [10029233] Critical Care Nursing: Q3 CRITICAL CARE RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10030739] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY [10028500] Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CRITICAL DISCOURSE STUDIES [10018142] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 CRITICA LETTERARIA [10000220] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 CRITICAL HORIZONS [10025551] Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CRITICAL INQUIRY [10000221] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Critical Inquiry in Language Studies [10071867] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 CRITICAL PATHWAYS IN CARDIOLOGY [10036863] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON ACCOUNTING [10000222] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS [10048708] Business and International Management: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 CRITICAL POLICY STUDIES [10068274] Public Administration: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CRITICAL PUBLIC HEALTH [10028501] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 CRITICAL QUARTERLY [10000223] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 CRITICAL REVIEW [4817] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 CRITICAL REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY [10025552] Philosophy: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [1210] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [1211] Biochemistry: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY [1213] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: D1 Biotechnology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN CLINICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES [1214] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Biochemistry (medical): D1 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [1216] Environmental Engineering: D1 Pollution: D1 Waste Management and Disposal: D1 Water Science and Technology: D1 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN EUKARYOTIC GENE EXPRESSION [16861] Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION [1217] Food Science: D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN IMMUNOLOGY [1218] Immunology: Q1 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN MICROBIOLOGY [1219] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Microbiology: Q1 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ONCOGENESIS [7164] Cancer Research: Q1 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ONCOLOGY HEMATOLOGY [1220] Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 Hematology: Q1 Oncology: Q1 Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine [10038177] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES [1222] Plant Science: D1 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN SOLID STATE AND MATERIALS SCIENCES [1223] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN THERAPEUTIC DRUG CARRIER SYSTEMS [1224] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 CRITICAL REVIEWS IN TOXICOLOGY [1225] Toxicology: D1 CRITICAL SOCIAL POLICY [10003072] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY [10030596] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CRITICAL STUDIES : A JOURNAL OF CRITICAL THEORY, LITERATURE AND CULTURE [10064445] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 CRITICAL STUDIES IN EDUCATION [10028502] Education: D1 Critical Studies in German Idealism [10080355] Philosophy: Q4 CRITICAL STUDIES IN MEDIA COMMUNICATION [38020] Communication: Q2 Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability [10080356] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Critical Studies on Terrorism [10080357] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Critical Survey [10053333] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 CRITICAL ULTRASOUND JOURNAL [10045325] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 CRITICA-REVISTA HISPANOAMERICANA DE FILOSOFIA [10000224] Philosophy: Q2 CRITICISM: A QUARTERLY FOR LITERATURE AND THE ARTS [10000225] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 CRITIQUE: A JOURNAL OF SOCIALIST THEORY [10025553] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 CRITIQUE INTERNATIONALE [10063150] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CRITIQUE OF ANTHROPOLOGY [4816] Anthropology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 CRITIQUE (WASHINGTON): STUDIES IN MODERN FICTION [10000227] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 CRKVA U SVIJETU [41636] Religious Studies: Q4 CROATIAN ECONOMIC SURVEY [10021115] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 CROATIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION-HRVATSKI CASOPIS ZA ODGOJ I OBRAZOVANJE [10028503] Education: Q3 CROATIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST ENGINEERING [10011418] Forestry: Q2 CROATIAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [41696] Philosophy: Q2 CROATIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [33635] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CROATIAN METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL / HRVATSKI METEOROLOSKI CASOPIS [10010849] Atmospheric Science: Q4 CROATIAN YEARBOOK OF EUROPEAN LAW AND POLICY [10072531] Law: Q4 CROATICA CHEMICA ACTA [1226] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 CROATICA CHRISTIANA PERIODICA (CCP) [10034781] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 CROMOHS: CYBER REVIEW OF MODERN HISTORIOGRAPHY [10020448] History: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Cronache Ercolanesi [10080583] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 CROP AND PASTURE SCIENCE [10015612] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 CROP BREEDING AND APPLIED BIOTECHNOLOGY [10011419] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Biotechnology: Q3 CROP PROTECTION [1227] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 CROP SCIENCE [1228] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 CROSS CULTURAL AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT [10062654] Business and International Management: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH [38021] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 CrossTalk [10079153] Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Software: Q4 CR-THE NEW CENTENNIAL REVIEW [10000228] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CRUSADES [10035344] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 CRUSTACEANA [1229] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q3 CRUSTACEANA MONOGRAPHS [10005279] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q4 CRYOBIOLOGY [1231] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CRYOGENICS [1232] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 CRYOLETTERS [10001089] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Anatomy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 CRYOSPHERE [10015614] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Water Science and Technology: D1 CRYPTOGAMIE ALGOLOGIE [1233] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 CRYPTOGAMIE BRYOLOGIE [27951] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 CRYPTOGAMIE MYCOLOGIE [1235] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 CRYPTOGRAPHY AND COMMUNICATIONS [10012986] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 CRYPTOLOGIA [10000229] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Cryptology and Information Security Series [10067925] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN [10000322] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REPORTS [11838] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY REVIEW [10015616] Biochemistry: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Structural Biology: Q2 CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY [1236] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 CRYSTALS [10038192] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 CRYSTENGCOMM [10000323] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 CTBUH Journal [10080584] Architecture: Q2 Building and Construction: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 CT&F-CIENCIA TECNOLOGIA Y FUTURO [10028325] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 CTS-CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE [10011420] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 CUADERNOS DE ADMINISTRACIÓN [10032694] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 CUADERNOS DE BIOETICA [10059722] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 CUADERNOS DE DESARROLLO RURAL [10015618] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 CUADERNOS DE ECONOMIA (COLOMBIA) [10035142] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 CUADERNOS DE ECONOMIA-SPAIN [10083564] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos [10080814] History: Q3 CUADERNOS DE FILOLOGIA CLASICA-ESTUDIOS GRIEGOS E INDOEUROPEOS [10045267] Classics: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 CUADERNOS DE GESTION [10019080] Business and International Management: Q3 Industrial Relations: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 CUADERNOS DE INVESTIGACION GEOGRAFICA [10041859] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 CUADERNOS DEL CENDES [10025810] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Cuadernos de Medicina Forense [10078790] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Cuadernos de Musica, Artes Visuales y Artes Escenicas [10080815] Music: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 CUADERNOS DE PSICOLOGIA DEL DEPORTE [10050826] Applied Psychology: Q4 Cuadernos de Vivienda y Urbanismo [10080816] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 Cuadernos Geograficos, Universidad de Los Andes, Merida [10075919] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 CUADERNOS HISPANOAMERICANOS [10000233] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Cuaternario y Geomorfología [10066055] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Geology: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 CUBAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE [1237] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 CUBAN STUDIES [10056781] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 CULTURA CIENCIA Y DEPORTE [10059541] Health (social science): Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 CULTURA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY OF CULTURE AND AXIOLOGY [10027302] Cultural Studies: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 CULTURAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY [10043920] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY [4819] Anthropology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 CULTURAL CRITIQUE [10000234] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CULTURAL DIVERSITY AND ETHNIC MINORITY PSYCHOLOGY [10015130] Social Psychology: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 CULTURAL DYNAMICS [10017145] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 CULTURA LENGUAJE Y REPRESENTACION / CULTURE LANGUAGE AND REPRESENTATION [10080585] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 CULTURAL GEOGRAPHIES [10001023] Cultural Studies: D1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 CULTURAL POLITICS [10056606] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CULTURAL SOCIOLOGY [10011982] Cultural Studies: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 CULTURAL STUDIES [38025] Anthropology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies [10078557] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 CULTURAL STUDIES OF SCIENCE EDUCATION [10057852] Cultural Studies: D1 CULTURAL THEORY AND CRITIQUE [10068309] Cultural Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CULTURAL TRENDS [10032225] Communication: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 CULTURA NEOLATINA: RIVISTA DI FILOLOGIA ROMANZA [10014291] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 CULTURA Y EDUCACION [10015131] Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q3 CULTURE AGRICULTURE FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT [10080587] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 Food Science: Q3 Culture and History of the Ancient Near East [10079688] Anthropology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 CULTURE AND ORGANIZATION [10023092] Cultural Studies: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 CULTURE AND RELIGION [10080358] Cultural Studies: Q1 Philosophy: Q1 Religious Studies: D1 Culture et Musees [10080586] Conservation: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 Museology: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 CULTURE HEALTH AND SEXUALITY [10001408] Health (social science): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 CULTURE MEDICINE AND PSYCHIATRY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH [4820] Anthropology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Health (social science): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 CULTURE & PSYCHOLOGY [38024] Anthropology: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Cumhuriyet Dental Journal [10052204] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Curationis [10075921] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Current [10079018] Education: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 CURRENT AGING SCIENCE [10037669] Aging: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 CURRENT ALLERGY AND ASTHMA REPORTS [10003076] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 CURRENT ALLERTGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [10015620] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 CURRENT ALZHEIMER RESEARCH [10006951] Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 CURRENT ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [10003077] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 CURRENT ANGIOGENESIS [10059489] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY [4821] Anthropology: D1 Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 CURRENT APPLIED PHYSICS [10001165] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 CURRENT ATHEROSCLEROSIS REPORTS [10015622] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 CURRENT BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS [10036785] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 CURRENT BIOINFORMATICS [10006952] Biochemistry: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 CURRENT BIOLOGY [7183] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Current Biomarkers [10087708] Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 CURRENT BLADDER DYSFUNCTION REPORTS [10049901] Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 CURRENT BREAST CANCER REPORTS [10021187] Oncology: Q3 CURRENT CANCER DRUG TARGETS [10005619] Cancer Research: Q2 Drug Discovery: D1 Pharmacology: Q1 Current Cancer Research [10046499] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 CURRENT CANCER THERAPY REVIEWS [10019619] Cancer Research: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Oncology: Q3 CURRENT CARDIOLOGY REPORTS [10032715] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 CURRENT CARDIOLOGY REVIEWS [10035177] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CURRENT CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING REPORTS [10016345] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Cell Biology: Q4 Histology: Q4 CURRENT CARDIOVASCULAR RISK REPORTS [10036961] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 CURRENT CHEMICAL BIOLOGY [10024152] Biochemistry: Q3 Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Current Chemical Genomics [10063701] Biochemistry: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 CURRENT CLINICAL NEUROLOGY [10037004] Neurology (clinical): Q4 CURRENT CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY [10014238] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 CURRENT COLORECTAL CANCER REPORTS [10038093] Gastroenterology: Q3 Hepatology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 CURRENT COMPUTER-AIDED DRUG DESIGN [10005101] Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 CURRENT DIABETES REPORTS [10006078] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 CURRENT DIABETES REVIEWS [10023926] Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 CURRENT DIRECTIONS IN AUTOIMMUNITY [10042880] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 CURRENT DIRECTIONS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE [38027] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 CURRENT DRUG ABUSE REVIEWS [10034697] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 CURRENT DRUG DELIVERY [10011115] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 CURRENT DRUG DISCOVERY TECHNOLOGIES [10004954] Drug Discovery: Q2 CURRENT DRUG METABOLISM [33649] Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 CURRENT DRUG SAFETY [10037964] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Toxicology: Q3 CURRENT DRUG TARGETS [10001167] Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Drug Discovery: D1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 CURRENT DRUG TARGETS: CNS AND NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS [10038763] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 CURRENT DRUG THERAPY [10065226] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 CURRENT ENZYME INHIBITION [10022415] Biochemistry: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 CURRENT EYE RESEARCH [1238] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Ophthalmology: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q3 CURRENT FUNGAL INFECTION REPORTS [10024285] Infectious Diseases: Q3 CURRENT GASTROENTEROLOGY REPORTS [10010203] Gastroenterology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CURRENT GENE THERAPY [10005620] Drug Discovery: D1 Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 CURRENT GENETICS [1239] Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CURRENT GENOMICS [10004961] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research [10061325] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 CURRENT GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY [10079467] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 CURRENT HEART FAILURE REPORTS [10024825] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Emergency Medicine: D1 Physiology (medical): Q2 CURRENT HEMATOLOGIC MALIGNANCY REPORTS [10028326] Cancer Research: Q2 Hematology: Q1 Oncology: Q2 CURRENT HEPATITIS REPORTS [10047603] Hepatology: Q3 Virology: Q4 CURRENT HERPETOLOGY [10054799] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 CURRENT HISTORY [4822] History: Q2 CURRENT HIV/AIDS REPORTS [10039788] Infectious Diseases: D1 Virology: Q1 CURRENT HIV RESEARCH [10001168] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Virology: Q2 CURRENT HYPERTENSION REPORTS [10001169] Internal Medicine: D1 CURRENT IMMUNOLOGY REVIEWS [10011185] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 CURRENT INFECTIOUS DISEASE REPORTS [10042941] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Current Issues in Auditing [10080111] Accounting: Q3 CURRENT ISSUES IN EDUCATION [10069793] Education: Q3 CURRENT ISSUES IN LANGUAGE PLANNING [10022252] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 CURRENT ISSUES IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10005621] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Microbiology: D1 Microbiology (medical): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 CURRENT ISSUES IN PHARMACY AND MEDICAL SCIENCES [10050316] Biochemistry: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM [10015132] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 CURRENT MEDICAL IMAGING REVIEWS [10009555] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 CURRENT MEDICAL RESEARCH AND OPINION [1240] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [11843] Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY - ANTI-CANCER AGENTS [10003767] Cancer Research: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY: CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AGENTS [10040197] Molecular Medicine: Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY [1241] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 CURRENT MOLECULAR MEDICINE [10003078] Biochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 CURRENT MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY [10012508] Drug Discovery: D1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 CURRENT NANOSCIENCE [10003079] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 CURRENT NEUROBIOLOGY [10065453] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 CURRENT NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE REPORTS [10009556] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 CURRENT NEUROPHARMACOLOGY [10005622] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 CURRENT NEUROVASCULAR RESEARCH [10003080] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Developmental Neuroscience: Q3 Neurology: Q2 CURRENT NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE [10032921] Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 CURRENT ONCOLOGY REPORTS [10015627] Oncology: Q1 CURRENT ONCOLOGY (TORONTO) [10015625] Oncology: Q2 CURRENT OPINION IN ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [10006953] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 CURRENT OPINION IN ANAESTHESIOLOGY [10015631] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN BIOTECHNOLOGY [11846] Bioengineering: D1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Biotechnology: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN CARDIOLOGY [1242] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN CELL BIOLOGY [11848] Cell Biology: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN CHEMICAL BIOLOGY [11849] Analytical Chemistry: D1 Biochemistry: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [10023504] Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN CLINICAL NUTRITION AND METABOLIC CARE [10001170] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN COLLOID & INTERFACE SCIENCE [11850] Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 Surfaces and Interfaces: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN CRITICAL CARE [10006954] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN DRUG DISCOVERY & DEVELOPMENT [10000326] Drug Discovery: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN ENDOCRINOLOGY DIABETES AND OBESITY [10007694] Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY [10015634] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 CURRENT OPINION IN GASTROENTEROLOGY [1243] Gastroenterology: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN GENETICS & DEVELOPMENT [11852] Developmental Biology: D1 Genetics: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN HEMATOLOGY [10000327] Hematology: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN HIV AND AIDS [10022936] Hematology: D1 Immunology: Q1 Infectious Diseases: D1 Oncology: Q1 Oncology (nursing): Q1 Virology: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN IMMUNOLOGY [1244] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN INFECTIOUS DISEASES [1245] Infectious Diseases: D1 Microbiology (medical): D1 CURRENT OPINION IN INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS [10005102] Drug Discovery: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN LIPIDOLOGY [11855] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Genetics: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN MICROBIOLOGY [16904] Infectious Diseases: D1 Microbiology: D1 Microbiology (medical): D1 CURRENT OPINION IN MOLECULAR THERAPEUTICS [27973] Drug Discovery: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN NEPHROLOGY AND HYPERTENSION [22383] Internal Medicine: D1 Nephrology: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROBIOLOGY [7192] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 CURRENT OPINION IN NEUROLOGY [1246] Neurology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 CURRENT OPINION IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY [1247] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN ONCOLOGY [10000328] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN OPHTHALMOLOGY [10009557] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Ophthalmology: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION [10006955] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Transplantation: Q2 CURRENT OPINION IN OTOLARYNGOLOGY AND HEAD AND NECK SURGERY [10015637] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN PEDIATRICS [10000329] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN PHARMACOLOGY [10001171] Drug Discovery: D1 Pharmacology: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY [16909] Plant Science: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN PSYCHIATRY [38029] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN PULMONARY MEDICINE [10001172] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN RHEUMATOLOGY [10000330] Rheumatology: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN SOLID STATE & MATERIALS SCIENCE [11859] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 CURRENT OPINION IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY [7195] Molecular Biology: D1 Structural Biology: D1 CURRENT OPINION IN SUPPORTIVE AND PALLIATIVE CARE [10052306] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q2 Oncology (nursing): Q2 CURRENT OPINION IN UROLOGY [10003082] Urology: Q1 CURRENT OPINION IN VIROLOGY [10028327] Virology: D1 CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [11861] Organic Chemistry: Q2 CURRENT ORGANIC SYNTHESIS [10001173] Biochemistry: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 CURRENT ORTHOPAEDIC PRACTICE: A REVIEW AND RESEARCH JOURNAL [10016781] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 CURRENT OSTEOPOROSIS REPORTS [10038704] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 CURRENT PAIN AND HEADACHE REPORTS [10015639] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 CURRENT PEDIATRIC RESEARCH [10067336] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 CURRENT PEDIATRIC REVIEWS [10018565] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 CURRENT PERSPECTIVES IN SOCIAL THEORY [10000240] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL ANALYSIS [10005623] Biochemistry: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY [10005624] Biotechnology: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL DESIGN [2017110] Drug Discovery: Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 CURRENT PHARMACOGENOMICS & PERSONALIZED MEDICINE [10012459] Genetics: Q4 Genetics (clinical): Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology: Q3 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN CANCER [1249] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q3 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN CARDIOLOGY [1250] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN DERMATOLOGY (SWITZERLAND) [10043261] Dermatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology [10037345] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN PEDIATRIC AND ADOLESCENT HEALTH CARE [10028328] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN SURGERY [1251] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q1 CURRENT PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE SCIENCE [10000332] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 CURRENT PROTEOMICS [10022937] Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN BIOINFORMATICS [10020628] Biochemistry: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Structural Biology: Q1 CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN CELL BIOLOGY [10009107] Cell Biology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN CYTOMETRY [10010213] Biochemistry: Q3 Histology: Q3 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Current Protocols in Essential Laboratory Techniques [10080359] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Current Protocols in Human Genetics [10049849] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN IMMUNOLOGY [10024449] Immunology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN MICROBIOLOGY [10067414] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Parasitology: Q2 Virology: Q3 CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10055413] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN NEUROSCIENCE [10016128] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN NUCLEIC ACID CHEMISTRY [10049907] Biochemistry: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Current Protocols in Pharmacology [10057602] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN PROTEIN SCIENCE [10058430] Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Structural Biology: Q4 Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology [10053317] Cell Biology: Q3 Developmental Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN TOXICOLOGY [10028768] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Toxicology: Q3 CURRENT PSYCHIATRY [10042295] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 CURRENT PSYCHIATRY REPORTS [10012245] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 CURRENT PSYCHIATRY REVIEWS [10030871] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY [4823] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain and Cognition [10079287] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 CURRENT PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [10047633] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 CURRENT RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS [10023548] Pharmacology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Current Regenerative Medicine [10087710] Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 Developmental Neuroscience: Q4 Current Research in Earth Sciences [10075924] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geology: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 Stratigraphy: Q4 Current Research in Social Psychology [10050190] Social Psychology: Q4 CURRENT RESEARCH IN TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE [10070216] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 CURRENT RESPIRATORY MEDICINE REVIEWS [10074453] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 Current Reviews for Nurse Anesthetists [10079468] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q4 Nurse Assisting: Q4 CURRENT REVIEWS IN MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE [10059518] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 CURRENT RHEUMATOLOGY REPORTS [10006376] Rheumatology: Q2 CURRENT RHEUMATOLOGY REVIEWS [10019454] Rheumatology: Q3 CURRENT SCIENCE [1252] Multidisciplinary: Q1 CURRENT SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION THERAPY [2151036] Endocrinology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning [10055552] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacy: Q2 CURRENT SOCIOLOGY [10011983] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 CURRENT SPORTS MEDICINE REPORTS [10015642] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 CURRENT STEM CELL RESEARCH AND THERAPY [10018668] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Current Swedish Archaeology [10057462] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 CURRENT THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH - CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL [1253] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 CURRENT TOPICS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCES [10039122] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q1 CURRENT TOPICS IN DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY [1256] Cell Biology: Q1 Developmental Biology: Q1 CURRENT TOPICS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10003085] Drug Discovery: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 CURRENT TOPICS IN MEMBRANES [1257] Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q2 CURRENT TOPICS IN MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY [1258] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Microbiology: Q1 Microbiology (medical): D1 CURRENT TOPICS IN NUTRACEUTICAL RESEARCH [10009558] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 CURRENT TOPICS IN PEPTIDE AND PROTEIN RESEARCH [10056185] Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 CURRENT TOPICS IN PHARMACOLOGY [10012641] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 CURRENT TOPICS IN TOXICOLOGY [10056784] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 CURRENT TREATMENT OPTIONS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE [10041741] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 CURRENT TREATMENT OPTIONS IN NEUROLOGY [10015645] Neurology (clinical): Q2 CURRENT TREATMENT OPTIONS IN ONCOLOGY [10015647] Oncology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy [10044416] Biotechnology: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 CURRENT TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY [10019580] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 CURRENT UROLOGY [10028615] Oncology: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 Urology: Q4 CURRENT UROLOGY REPORTS [10032838] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Urology: Q1 CURRENT VASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY [10005625] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 CURRENT WOMEN'S HEALTH REVIEWS [10012243] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 CURRENT ZOOLOGY [10028329] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Curriculo sem Fronteiras [10080112] Education: Q4 CURRICULUM INQUIRY [4824] Education: Q2 Curriculum Perspectives [10075928] Education: Q3 CUSTOS E AGRONEGOCIO ON LINE [10028330] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 CUTANEOUS AND OCULAR TOXICOLOGY [10005626] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Toxicology: Q3 CUTIS: CUTANEOUS MEDICINE FOR THE PRACTITIONER [1259] Dermatology: Q2 Cutter IT Journal [10075929] Software: Q4 CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10069795] Communication: Q3 Education: Q4 Cutting Tool Engineering [10075930] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 CYBERGEO: REVUE EUROPÉENNE DE GEOGRAPHIE [10019626] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Cybermetrics [10041952] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES [10030994] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS [1263] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS [1262] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 CYBERPSYCHOLOGY & BEHAVIOR [10001024] Applied Psychology: Q1 Communication: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 CYBERPSYCHOLOGY BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL NETWORKING [10015133] Applied Psychology: Q1 Communication: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 CYBERPSYCHOLOGY: JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOCIAL RESEARCH IN CYBERSPACE [10031502] Communication: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 CYBIUM [27997] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 CYPRUS REVIEW: A JOURNAL OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL ISSUES [10020468] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 CYTA-JOURNAL OF FOOD [10011422] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 CYTOGENETIC AND GENOME RESEARCH [10000745] Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 CYTOGENETICS AND CELL GENETICS [1265] Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 CYTOJOURNAL [10023216] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 CYTOKINE [1266] Biochemistry: Q2 Hematology: Q1 Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 CYTOKINE & GROWTH FACTOR REVIEWS [28001] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 CYTOLOGIA [10008210] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 CYTOLOGY AND GENETICS [10005013] Genetics: Q4 Genetics (clinical): Q4 Histology: Q4 CYTOMETRY PART A [10001174] Cell Biology: Q2 Histology: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 CYTOMETRY PART B-CLINICAL CYTOMETRY [10001175] Cell Biology: Q3 Histology: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 CYTOPATHOLOGY [1268] Histology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 CYTOSKELETON [10015648] Cell Biology: Q1 Structural Biology: Q1 CYTOTECHNOLOGY [1269] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Cell Biology: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 CYTOTHERAPY [22412] Cancer Research: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Oncology: Q2 Transplantation: Q1 CZASOPISMO GEOGRAFICZNE [10018654] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 CZASOPISMO STOMATOLOGICZNE [10031355] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 CZECH JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [16934] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 CZECH JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCES [10005627] Food Science: Q2 CZECH JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING [10015649] Genetics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [1417128] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 DACOROMANIA [10022253] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 DADOS-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIAIS [4826] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 DAEDALUS [38033] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 DAIMON - REVISTA DE FILOSOFÍA [10019403] Philosophy: Q2 DAIRY INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL [1272] Food Science: Q4 DAIRY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [10009559] Biochemistry: Q3 Food Science: Q1 DALHOUSIE REVIEW [10000246] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 DALIAN HAISHI DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF DALIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY [10057838] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 DALIAN LIGONG DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF DALIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY [10038591] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 DALTON TRANSACTIONS [1095248] Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 Dams and Reservoirs [10080360] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 DANCE CHRONICLE [10000247] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 DANCE MAGAZINE [10000248] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 DANCE RESEARCH [10070445] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 DANCE RESEARCH JOURNAL [10000249] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 DANCE THEATRE JOURNAL [10000250] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 DANCING TIMES [10000342] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Dandao Xuebao/Journal of Ballistics [10078558] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 DANISH MEDICAL BULLETIN [1273] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 DANISH MEDICAL JOURNAL [10028332] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Danish Yearbook of Philosophy [10087711] Philosophy: Q1 Dansk medicinhistorisk arbog [10075937] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Dansk Teologisk Tidsskrift [10080588] Religious Studies: Q4 DANUBE: LAW AND ECONOMICS REVIEW [10016573] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q2 DAO: A JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY [10056219] Philosophy: Q1 DAPHNIS: ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR MITTLERE DEUTSCHE LITERATUR [10000343] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 DARU JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10006956] Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Darwiniana [10075938] Plant Science: Q4 DAS ARGUMENT: ZEITSCHRIFT FUER PHILOSOPHIE UND SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTEN [4635] Philosophy: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 DATA BASE FOR ADVANCES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS [1274] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 DATABASE-JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DATABASES AND CURATION [10022938] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Information Systems: D1 DATA & KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING [11887] Information Systems and Management: Q1 DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY [16941] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 DEAD SEA DISCOVERIES [10014823] History: Q1 Religious Studies: Q1 DEAFNESS AND EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL [10000344] Education: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q3 DEATH STUDIES: COUNSELING RESEARCH EDUCATION CARE ETHICS [4829] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 DEBATTE: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE [10016273] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 DECISION ANALYSIS [10023093] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 DECISION SCIENCE LETTERS [10032054] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 DECISION SCIENCES [4830] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 DECISION SCIENCES JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE EDUCATION (DSJIE) [10017146] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q2 DECISIONS IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE [2148048] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Finance: Q4 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS [1277] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Information Systems: D1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Management Information Systems: Q1 DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY [1280] Oceanography: D1 DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS [1279] Aquatic Science: D1 Oceanography: D1 DEFECT AND DIFFUSION FORUM [1374770] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiation: Q3 DEFENCE AND PEACE ECONOMICS [4832] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Defence S and T Technical Bulletin [10079928] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 DEFENCE SCIENCE JOURNAL [16946] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 DEFENCE STUDIES [10024258] History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 DEFENSE AND SECURITY ANALYSIS [10025811] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 DEGRES-REVUE DE SYNTHESE A ORIENTATION SEMIOLOGIQUE [10000345] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 DELA - ODDELEK ZA GEOGRAFIJO FILOZOFSKE FAKULTETE V LJUBLJANI [10012565] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 DELAWARE MEDICAL JOURNAL [41205] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 DELTION HELLENIKE MIKROBIOLOGIKE KAI HYGIENOLOGIKE HETAIREIA / ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA HELLENICA [10061568] Microbiology (medical): Q4 DEMENTIA AND GERIATRIC COGNITIVE DISORDERS [11891] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra [10049915] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Dementia e Neuropsychologia [10039006] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Sensory Systems: Q4 DEMENTIA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10037518] History: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 DEMOCRACY AND SECURITY [10025555] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 DEMOCRATIZATION [10012193] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH [10007337] Demography: Q1 DEMOGRAPHY [4833] Demography: D1 DEMOKRATIZATSIYA: THE JOURNAL OF POST-SOVIET DEMOCRATIZATION [10023349] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 DEMONSTRATIO MATHEMATICA [1362054] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 DENDROBIOLOGY [10011423] Forestry: Q2 Plant Science: Q3 DENDROCHRONOLOGIA [10010018] Ecology: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 DENTAL AND MEDICAL PROBLEMS [10047236] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Dental assistant (Chicago, Ill. : 1994) [10075947] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 DENTAL CADMOS [10039291] Oral Surgery: Q4 Orthodontics: Q4 DENTAL CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [10039965] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Dental historian : Lindsay Club newsletter [10075950] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 DENTAL HYPOTHESES [10064079] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Dental implantology update [10075951] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 DENTAL MATERIALS [1283] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 DENTAL MATERIALS JOURNAL [10001176] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Dental Press Endodontics [10080589] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 DENTAL PRESS JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS [10051982] Oral Surgery: Q3 Orthodontics: Q3 DENTAL RESEARCH JOURNAL (IRAN) [10063267] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 DENTAL TRAUMATOLOGY [33712] Oral Surgery: Q1 DENTAL UPDATE [10060062] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 DENTISTRY TODAY [10060103] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 DENTOMAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY [11895] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 DENVER LAW REVIEW [10075207] Law: Q2 DEPRESSION & ANXIETY [10084505] Clinical Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 DEPRESSION RESEARCH AND TREATMENT [10018801] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 DER GASTROENTEROLOGE : ZEITSCHRIFT FŰR GASTROENTEROLOGIE UND HEPATOLOGIE [10040629] Gastroenterology: Q4 DERMATITIS [10006957] Dermatology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 DERMATO-ENDOCRINOLOGY [10043245] Dermatology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Dermatologia Cosmetica, Medica y Quirurgica [10039737] Dermatology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Dermatologia Kliniczna [10039331] Dermatology: Q4 Dermatologia Revista Mexicana [10047094] Dermatology: Q4 DERMATOLOGICA SINICA [10015650] Dermatology: Q3 DERMATOLOGIC CLINICS [1284] Dermatology: Q1 DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY [7229] Dermatology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Surgery: Q1 DERMATOLOGIC THERAPY [10009560] Dermatology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 DERMATOLOGIE IN BERUF UND UMWELT [10043236] Dermatology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 DERMATOLOGY [1285] Dermatology: Q1 DERMATOLOGY AND THERAPY [10043216] Dermatology: Q3 DERMATOLOGY ONLINE JOURNAL [10037740] Dermatology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 DERMATOLOGY REPORTS [10061504] Dermatology: Q4 DERMATOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10019340] Dermatology: Q2 DERMATOSEN IN BERUF UND UMWELT [1286] Dermatology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 DER PHARMA CHEMICA: JOURNAL FOR MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY [10037617] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 DER PHARMACIA LETTRE [10036910] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Der Zoologische Garten [10060849] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 DESALINATION [1287] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Water Science and Technology: D1 DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT [10011424] Ocean Engineering: Q2 Pollution: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 DESARROLLO ECONOMICO-REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES [4834] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 DESARROLLO Y SOCIEDAD [10020496] Development: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 DESCANT [10000348] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology [10063227] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Design and Culture [10080113] Cultural Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS [22433] Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 DESIGNED MONOMERS AND POLYMERS [33718] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 Design Engineering (Toronto) [10075957] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 DESIGN ISSUES [10000349] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 DESIGN JOURNAL [10041674] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES [10035377] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY [33720] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 DESIGN STUDIES [10006958] Architecture: D1 Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 DEUTSCHE APOTHEKER-ZEITUNG [1369794] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 DEUTSCHE ENTOMOLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [1288] Insect Science: Q2 DEUTSCHE LEBENSMITTEL-RUNDSCHAU [1289] Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Law: Q4 DEUTSCHE MEDIZINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT [1290] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 DEUTSCHES ARCHIV FÜR ERFORSCHUNG DES MITTELALTERS [10016682] History: Q4 DEUTSCHES ARZTEBLATT [10036985] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 DEUTSCHES ARZTEBLATT INTERNATIONAL [10015658] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 DEUTSCHE SPRACHE [10000350] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 DEUTSCHE VIERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FÜR LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT UND GEISTESGESCHICHTE [10000351] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Philosophy: Q2 DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR AKUPUNKTUR [10058952] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ONKOLOGIE [10050915] Oncology: Q4 DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SPORTMEDIZIN [10001177] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PHILOSOPHIE [10000352] Philosophy: Q2 DEVELOPING ECONOMIES [4836] Development: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 DEVELOPING WORLD BIOETHICS [10011426] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q1 DEVELOPMENT [1302] Developmental Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 DEVELOPMENTAL AND COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY [1294] Developmental Biology: Q3 Immunology: Q2 DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY [1292] Cell Biology: Q1 Developmental Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 DEVELOPMENTAL CELL [10000746] Developmental Biology: D1 DEVELOPMENTAL COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE [10028333] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES RESEARCH REVIEWS [10009561] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS [1295] Developmental Biology: Q1 DEVELOPMENTAL GENETICS [1296] Cell Biology: Q2 Endocrinology: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 DEVELOPMENTAL IMMUNOLOGY [7243] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE AND CHILD NEUROLOGY [1298] Developmental Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROBIOLOGY [10006959] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Developmental Neuroscience: Q1 DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY [4837] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q1 DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROREHABILITATION [10015651] Developmental Neuroscience: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q1 DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE [1299] Developmental Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology: Q1 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOBIOLOGY [1301] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Developmental Biology: Q2 Developmental Neuroscience: Q2 DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY [4838] Demography: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Life-span and Life-course Studies: D1 DEVELOPMENTAL REVIEW [4840] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Education: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCE [10000353] Cognitive Neuroscience: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE [4835] Development: Q1 DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING IN ORGANIZATIONS [10024809] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 DEVELOPMENT AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY [4839] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 DEVELOPMENT DIALOGUE: JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION [10025557] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 DEVELOPMENT GENES AND EVOLUTION [11908] Developmental Biology: Q3 Genetics: Q2 DEVELOPMENT GROWTH & DIFFERENTIATION [1297] Cell Biology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Development in Practice [10069704] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 DEVELOPMENT: JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (SID) [10018453] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 DEVELOPMENT POLICY REVIEW [10006213] Development: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 DEVELOPMENTS IN BIOLOGICALS [10041932] Biomaterials: Q4 Immunology: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 DEVELOPMENTS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND MINERAL PROCESSING THE AUSTRALASIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL [10008753] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 DEVELOPMENTS IN CLAY SCIENCE [10055530] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geology: Q2 Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility [10080361] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Developments in Earth and Environmental Sciences [10072788] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Developments in Earth Surface Processes [10045511] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geology: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 DEVELOPMENTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING [10052216] Ecological Modeling: Q4 DEVELOPMENTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE [10040560] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Pollution: Q3 Developments in health economics and public policy [10075963] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Developments in International Law [10079470] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 DEVELOPMENTS IN MATHEMATICS [10010260] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 DEVELOPMENTS IN OPHTHALMOLOGY [10000354] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q1 Developments in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy [10059351] Paleontology: Q4 Stratigraphy: Q4 Developments in Petroleum Science [10047631] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 DEVELOPMENTS IN QUATERNARY SCIENCE [10057239] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geology: Q3 DEVELOPMENTS IN SEDIMENTOLOGY [10049586] Geology: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 DEVELOPMENT SOUTHERN AFRICA [10015134] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Devenir [10078561] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Developmental Neuroscience: Q4 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q4 Pediatrics: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 DEVIANCE ET SOCIETE [10009410] Cultural Studies: Q2 Law: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 DEVIANT BEHAVIOR: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL [4841] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Law: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Dhaka University Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences [10060796] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 DIABETES [1304] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Internal Medicine: D1 Diabetes Aktuell [10047995] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 DIABETES AND METABOLIC SYNDROME: CLINICAL RESEARCH AND REVIEWS [10037456] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 DIABETES AND METABOLISM JOURNAL [10049902] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Diabetes and Primary Care [10036763] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 DIABETES CARE [1305] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Internal Medicine: D1 DIABETES EDUCATOR [11918] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q1 Diabetes Forecast [10078796] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 DIABETES MELLITUS [10037499] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 DIABETES METABOLIC SYNDROME AND OBESITY: TARGETS AND THERAPY [10037921] Internal Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 DIABETES & METABOLISM [11919] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 DIABETES-METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS [10008996] Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 DIABETES OBESITY & METABOLISM [28050] Endocrinology: D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Internal Medicine: D1 DIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE [1308] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Diabetes self-management [10078797] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Diabetes Spectrum [10038037] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q2 DIABETES STOFFWECHSEL UND HERZ [10011427] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 DIABETES TECHNOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS [10009562] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Medical Laboratory Technology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 DIABETES THERAPY [10057848] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 DIABETES & VASCULAR DISEASE RESEARCH [10015652] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 Diabetic Foot and Ankle [10080362] Internal Medicine: Q3 Podiatry: Q2 Diabetic Hypoglycemia [10080363] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 DIABETIC MEDICINE [1309] Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 DIABETOLOGE [10015653] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 DIABETOLOGIA [1310] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Internal Medicine: D1 DIABETOLOGIA CROATICA [1405656] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q3 Diabetologia Doswiadczalna i Kliniczna [10068690] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 DIABETOLOGIA KLINICZNA [10052570] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 DIABETOLOGIE METABOLISMUS ENDOKRINOLOGIE, VYZIVA [10018037] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 DIABETOLOGIE UND STOFFWECHSEL [10011428] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 DIABETOLOGY AND METABOLIC SYNDROME [10022939] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 DIABETOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [10036117] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 DIACHRONICA [2147323] Linguistics and Language: Q1 Philosophy: Q1 DIACRITICS-A REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY CRITICISM [10000355] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 DIAGNOSTICA [38048] Clinical Psychology: Q3 DIAGNOSTIC AND INTERVENTIONAL IMAGING [10039445] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 DIAGNOSTIC AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY [10011429] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC ENDOSCOPY [10011037] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 DIAGNOSTIC CYTOPATHOLOGY [1311] Histology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 DIAGNOSTIC HISTOPATHOLOGY [2123124] Histology: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE [1312] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 DIAGNOSTIC MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY [7258] Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 Diagnostico Prenatal [10073410] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 DIAGNOSTIC PATHOLOGY [10011430] Histology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 DIALECTICA [10000356] Philosophy: Q1 DIALECTICAL ANTHROPOLOGY [4842] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Dialectologia [10079930] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 DIALECTOLOGIA ET GEOLINGUISTICA [39659] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 DIALISIS Y TRANSPLANTE [10044121] Transplantation: Q3 Urology: Q3 DIALOG-A JOURNAL OF THEOLOGY [10038792] Religious Studies: Q3 DIALOGOS: LITTERATURE COMMUNICATION INTERCULTURELLE [10034819] History: Q4 DIALOGUE: CANADIAN PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW [10000357] Development: Q3 Health (social science): Q4 Philosophy: Q2 Social Psychology: Q4 DIALOGUES D'HISTOIRE ANCIENNE [10038557] Classics: Q4 History: Q4 DIALOGUES IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE [10036162] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 DIALOGUES IN CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE [10032122] Biological Psychiatry: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 Dialogues in Critical Management Studies [10080590] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 DIALOGUES IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY [10061235] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 DIALYSIS & TRANSPLANTATION [1314] Nephrology: Q4 Transplantation: Q4 Diametros [10057537] Philosophy: Q2 DIAMOND AND RELATED MATERIALS [1315] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 Dianbo Kexue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Radio Science [10056438] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Diangong Jishu Xuebao/Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society [10053479] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control [10058834] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Dianli Xitong Baohu yu Kongzhi/Power System Protection and Control [10056354] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems [10053480] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Dianli Zidonghua Shebei/Electric Power Automation Equipment [10056457] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 DIANZI KEJI DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF UNIVERSITY OF ELECTRONIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF CHINA [10024151] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 DIASPORA INDIGENOUS AND MINORITY EDUCATION [10069796] Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q3 DIASPORA: JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL STUDIES [10032162] Cultural Studies: Q4 Demography: Q4 History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Diasporas [10079931] Cultural Studies: Q3 Demography: Q4 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 DIATOM RESEARCH [10000358] Aquatic Science: Q3 DICKENS QUARTERLY [10000359] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 DIDACTICA SLOVENICA-PEDAGOSKA OBZORJA [10011984] Education: Q4 DIDEROT STUDIES [10029192] Philosophy: Q4 DIE DENKMALPFLEGE [10000346] Conservation: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 DIE FLEISCHWIRTSCHAFT [1598] Food Science: Q4 DIESEL PROGRESS NORTH AMERICAN EDITION [16990] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 DIFFERENCES-A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST CULTURAL STUDIES [10009411] Cultural Studies: Q2 Gender Studies: Q3 DIFFERENTIAL AND INTEGRAL EQUATIONS [2150626] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q1 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [1317] Analysis: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS [2150632] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics [10079471] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS [7264] Analysis: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q2 DIFFERENTIATION [1318] Cancer Research: Q2 Cell Biology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 DIGESTION [1222438] Gastroenterology: Q2 DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE [28069] Gastroenterology: Q1 Hepatology: Q2 Digestive and Liver Disease Supplements [10079691] Gastroenterology: Q4 Hepatology: Q4 DIGESTIVE DISEASES [1405507] Gastroenterology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES [1320] Gastroenterology: Q1 Physiology: Q2 DIGESTIVE ENDOSCOPY [10011432] Gastroenterology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 DIGESTIVE SURGERY [11937] Gastroenterology: Q2 Surgery: Q1 DIGEST JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS AND BIOSTRUCTURES [10011431] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Structural Biology: Q4 DIGITAL CREATIVITY [10041842] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 DIGITAL EDUCATION REVIEW [10043814] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q4 DIGITAL EVIDENCE AND ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE LAW REVIEW [10025114] Law: Q3 DIGITAL INVESTIGATION [10006960] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Law: Q2 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q2 Digital Library Perspectives [10087714] Education: Q2 Information Systems: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance [10087715] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING [11939] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Signal Processing: Q2 Digital Textile [10079289] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Digital TV Europe [10075973] Communication: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q4 DIMENSIONS OF CRITICAL CARE NURSING [10057592] Critical Care Nursing: Q2 Emergency Nursing: Q2 DIOGENES [10000361] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Dionysius [10080591] Classics: Q3 History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 DIPLOMACY AND STATECRAFT [10025558] History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 DIPLOMATIC HISTORY [10000362] History: Q1 Diqiu Kexue - Zhongguo Dizhi Daxue Xuebao/Earth Science - Journal of China University of Geosciences [10053437] Building and Construction: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences [10066271] Health (social science): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 DIRECCION Y ORGANIZACION [10075280] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 DISABILITY AND HEALTH JOURNAL [10022940] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION [22480] Rehabilitation: Q1 DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION: ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY [10062313] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q2 DISABILITY CBR & INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT [10060075] Community and Home Care: Q3 Fundamentals and Skills: Q2 Research and Theory: Q4 DISABILITY & SOCIETY [38050] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 DISASTER ADVANCES [10011435] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 DISASTER MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH PREPAREDNESS [10015153] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 DISASTER PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT [10023094] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Health (social science): Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 DISASTERS [4843] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity [10085406] Computational Mechanics: Q3 Control and Optimization: Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q4 DISCOURSE & COMMUNICATION [10011985] Communication: Q1 Linguistics and Language: D1 DISCOURSE CONTEXT & MEDIA [10033301] Communication: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 DISCOURSE PROCESSES [4844] Communication: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 DISCOURSE & SOCIETY [38053] Communication: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 DISCOURSE STUDIES [10003095] Anthropology: D1 Communication: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Social Psychology: Q1 DISCOURSE-STUDIES IN THE CULTURAL POLITICS OF EDUCATION [10023095] Education: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 DISCOVERY AND INNOVATION [1325] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q4 DISCOVERY MEDICINE [10018951] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 DISCRETE AND COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY [1327] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q1 Geometry and Topology: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS SERIES A [1343842] Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: D1 DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES B [10000750] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-SERIES S [10022107] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS [1326] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 DISCRETE DYNAMICS IN NATURE AND SOCIETY [33773] Modeling and Simulation: Q3 DISCRETE EVENT DYNAMIC SYSTEMS-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [11946] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS [1417129] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS [10028610] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE [10022941] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 DISCRETE OPTIMIZATION [10009024] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 Discursos Fotograficos [10080817] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 DISCUSSIONES MATHEMATICAE GRAPH THEORY [39660] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 DISEASE MARKERS [1324] Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 DISEASE MODELS & MECHANISMS [10011434] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS [1322] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 DISEASES OF THE COLON & RECTUM [1323] Gastroenterology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 DISEASES OF THE ESOPHAGUS [33766] Gastroenterology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 DISEGNARE IDEE IMMAGINI [10069691] Architecture: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 DISPLAYS [1329] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 DISP: THE PLANNING REVIEW [10022271] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 DISPUTATIO: REVISTA SEMESTRAL DE FILOSOFIA ANALITICA [10029570] Philosophy: Q3 DISSENT [4845] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 DISSERTATIONES MATHEMATICAE [2151502] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 DISSOLUTION TECHNOLOGIES [10011436] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 DISTANCE EDUCATION [10023096] Education: Q1 E-learning: Q1 Distances et Savoirs [10080114] Education: Q4 DISTINKTION: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL THEORY [41600] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 DISTRIBUTED AND PARALLEL DATABASES [1331] Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Information Systems: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q2 Software: Q2 DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING [1330] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: D1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy Journal [10075979] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Distribution Sales and Management [10078361] Strategy and Management: Q4 Divadelni Revue [10080818] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 DIVERSITY [10027240] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Ecological Modeling: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS [10001178] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Diversity and Equality in Health and Care [10074068] Health (social science): Q4 DIVERSITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10069798] Education: Q4 DIVING AND HYPERBARIC MEDICINE [10011437] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 DIX-HUITIEME SIECLE [10022560] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Dix-Neuf [10080819] Cultural Studies: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Music: Q2 DIXUE QIANYUAN / EARTH SCIENCE FRONTIERS [10060370] Geology: Q4 D-LIB MAGAZINE [10023251] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 DLR Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. - Forschungsberichte [10041668] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 DLSU Business and Economics Review [10048710] Accounting: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Marketing: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 DM DISEASE-A-MONTH [1332] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY [1333] Cell Biology: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 DNA REPAIR [10000751] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 DNA Reporter [10079472] LPN and LVN: Q4 DNA RESEARCH [10000365] Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshuu A [10079473] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 DoctorConsult - The Journal Wissen fur Klinik und Praxis [10049858] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 DOCUMENTACAO DE ESTUDOS EM LINGUISTICA TEORICA E APLICADA [10019836] Linguistics and Language: Q3 Documentaliste: Sciences de l'Information [10078563] Communication: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA [10006961] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 DOCUMENTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA [1334] Ophthalmology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 Sensory Systems: Q3 DOCUMENTA PRAEHISTORICA [10009324] Anthropology: Q2 Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Documentatieblad voor de Nederlandse Kerkgeschiedenis na 1800 [10080592] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Document Numerique [10056628] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 DOCUMENTS D ANALISI GEOGRAFICA [10010932] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Dokkyo Journal of Medical Sciences [10044648] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 DOKLADY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS [2143474] Biochemistry: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 DOKLADY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES - PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [10005116] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 DOKLADY CHEMISTRY [10000367] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 DOKLADY EARTH SCIENCES [10000368] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 DOKLADY MATHEMATICS [10000369] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 DOKLADY PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY [10000370] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 DOKLADY PHYSICS [10000371] Computational Mechanics: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 DOLOR-BARCELONA [10005854] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY [1337] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Endocrinology: Q2 Food Animals: Q1 DONALD SCHOOL JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [10005373] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 DONGBEI DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY [10031988] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Dongli Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering [10060114] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 DONGWUXUE YANJIU / ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10016280] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 DOSE-RESPONSE [10012623] Chemical Health and Safety: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Toxicology: Q3 DOULEUR ET ANALGESIE [10011438] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Douleurs [10042297] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q4 DOWN BEAT - JAZZ, BLUES & BEYOND [10000372] Music: Q4 Drapers [10078799] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 DREAMING [38055] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 DRESS [10078364] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 DREVARSKY VYSKUM [17019] Forestry: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 DREWNO [10015656] Biomaterials: Q4 Forestry: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Drilling Fluid and Completion Fluid [10078800] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Drinking Water Engineering and Science [10072596] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Pollution: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 Droit, Deontologie et Soin [10079156] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 DRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE [1340] Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Toxicology: D1 DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW [38056] Health (social science): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 DRUG AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY [1341] Chemical Health and Safety: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 DRUG AND THERAPEUTICS BULLETIN [39662] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Drug Benefit Trends [10037346] Health Policy: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 DRUG DELIVERY AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH [10036959] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 DRUG DELIVERY : JOURNAL OF DELIVERY AND TARGETING OF THERAPEUTIC AGENTS [22501] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Drug Delivery System [10060834] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND THERAPY [10022942] Drug Discovery: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND DELIVERY [10054664] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY [1342] Drug Discovery: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 DRUG DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH [1343] Drug Discovery: Q3 DRUG DISCOVERIES & THERAPEUTICS [10012242] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY [11965] Drug Discovery: D1 Pharmacology: D1 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY: DISEASE MECHANISMS [10031930] Drug Discovery: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY: DISEASE MODELS [10039595] Drug Discovery: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY: TECHNOLOGIES [10035168] Biotechnology: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY THERAPEUTIC STRATEGIES [2148640] Drug Discovery: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 DRUG DISCOVERY WORLD [10049690] Drug Discovery: Q4 Drug Healthc. Patient Saf. [10036134] Health Policy: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 DRUG INFORMATION JOURNAL [28101] Drug Guides: D1 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Pharmacology (nursing): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 DRUG INVENTION TODAY [10074658] Drug Discovery: Q4 DRUG METABOLISM AND DISPOSITION [1346] Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Pharmacology: Q1 DRUG METABOLISM AND PERSONALIZED THERAPY [10053105] Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS [10009563] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 DRUG METABOLISM LETTERS [10018934] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 DRUG METABOLISM REVIEWS [1347] Pharmacology (medical): D1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 DRUG NEWS & PERSPECTIVES [17029] Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 DRUG RESEARCH [20069282] Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 DRUG RESISTANCE UPDATES [17030] Cancer Research: D1 Infectious Diseases: D1 Oncology: D1 Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 DRUGS [1349] Pharmacology (medical): Q1 DRUG SAFETY [1348] Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Toxicology: Q1 DRUGS & AGING [1339] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 DRUGS AND ALCOHOL TODAY [10069650] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 DRUGS: EDUCATION PREVENTION AND POLICY [38057] Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 DRUGS IN CONTEXT [10037412] Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 DRUGS IN R AND D [10057026] Pharmacology: Q3 DRUGS OF THE FUTURE [28100] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 DRUGS OF TODAY [10006962] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 DRUGS & THERAPY PERSPECTIVES [39663] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 DRUG TARGET INSIGHTS [10052813] Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 DRUG TESTING AND ANALYSIS [10022943] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Spectroscopy: Q1 Drug Topics [10045120] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 DRUSTVENA ISTRAZIVANJA [38058] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 DRVNA INDUSTRIJA - ZNANSTVENO-STRUCNI CASOPIS ZA PITANJA DRVNE INDUSTRIJA [10015657] Forestry: Q2 DRYING TECHNOLOGY [1350] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 DU BOIS REVIEW: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH ON RACE [10028504] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 DU: DIE ZEITSCHRIFT DER KULTUR [10022766] Cultural Studies: Q4 Music: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 DUKE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY FORUM [10025136] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Law: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 DUKE LAW JOURNAL [4846] Law: D1 DUKE MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [1351] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 DukeMedicine healthnews [10079692] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 DUMBARTON OAKS PAPERS [10045597] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 DURKHEIMIAN STUDIES [10008415] Anthropology: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 DUSUNEN ADAM: PSIKIYATRI VE NÖROLOJIK BILIMLER DERGISI / JOURNAL OF PSÍCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGICAL SICENCES [10048856] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 DUTCH CROSSING-JOURNAL OF LOW COUNTRIES STUDIES [10020617] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 DUTCH JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS [10035165] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 DUZCE MEDICAL JOURNAL [10053168] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 DVE DOMOVINI [10011986] Cultural Studies: Q2 Demography: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 DYES AND PIGMENTS [1352] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q1 DYNA-BILBAO [10011439] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 DYNA-COLOMBIA [10011440] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Dynamical Psychology [10075999] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [33810] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 DYNAMIC GAMES AND APPLICATIONS [10032970] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 DYNAMIC SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS [10001179] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 DYNAMICS AND STABILITY OF SYSTEMS [11975] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Dynamics in the History of Religions [10080593] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 DYNAMICS OF ASYMMETRIC CONFLICT: PATHWAYS TOWARD TERRORISM AND GENOCIDE [10068300] Cultural Studies: Q1 Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 DYNAMICS OF ATMOSPHERES AND OCEANS [1353] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Computers in Earth Sciences: Q1 Geology: Q1 Oceanography: Q1 DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL [10000753] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 DYNAMICS OF CONTINUOUS DISCRETE AND IMPULSIVE SYSTEMS-SERIES B-APPLICATIONS [10000754] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 DYNAMICS OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [10006963] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 DYNAMIS [10009412] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 DYNAMISCHE PSYCHIATRIE [4847] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 DYSLEXIA [10003101] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Education: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 DYSPHAGIA [11976] Gastroenterology: Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q2 EAAP EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR ANIMAL PRODUCTION PUBLICATION [10046317] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Food Science: Q4 EAR AND HEARING [1355] Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Speech and Hearing: D1 EARLY AMERICAN LITERATURE [10000374] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 EARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE [10016551] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Pediatrics: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION JOURNAL [10054098] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Early Childhood Research and Practice [10078118] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH QUARTERLY [38063] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Education: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 EARLY EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT [10015156] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 EARLY HUMAN DEVELOPMENT [1356] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 EARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY [10011441] Biological Psychiatry: Q3 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 EARLY MEDIEVAL EUROPE [10028752] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: Q1 Early Modern French Studies [10081351] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Early Modern Women [10072687] Gender Studies: Q4 EARLY MUSIC [10000375] Music: Q2 EARLY MUSIC HISTORY [10000376] Music: Q2 Early Popular Visual Culture [10080116] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 EARLY SCIENCE AND MEDICINE [10028334] History: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q4 EARLY YEARS: AN INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL [10065175] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 EAR NOSE & THROAT JOURNAL [10011456] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Earth [10076001] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh [10011442] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS [1358] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 Geophysics: D1 Space and Planetary Science: D1 EARTH EVOLUTION SCIENCES [10009141] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 EARTH INTERACTIONS [10006964] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 EARTH MOON AND PLANETS [1357] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE [17047] Geology: D1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 Earthquake [10076005] Geophysics: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING VIBRATION [10011444] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Geophysics: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING & STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS [1361] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 EARTHQUAKES AND STRUCTURES [10028335] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 EARTHQUAKE SCIENCE [10061878] Geology: Q2 Geophysics: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 EARTHQUAKE SPECTRA [10001180] Geophysics: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS [10012826] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS [1360] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 EARTH SCIENCES HISTORY [10015157] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 EARTH SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL [10011443] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS [11982] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 EARTH SYSTEM DYNAMICS [10032972] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Earth System Monitor [10076004] Oceanography: Q4 EAS PUBLICATIONS SERIES [10022832] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 East African Journal of Public Health [10079693] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 EAST AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [1354] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EAST ASIA: INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY [10025565] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 EAST ASIAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY [10051478] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 EAST ASIAN JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS [10032971] Applied Mathematics: Q4 East Asian Publishing and Society [10080595] Communication: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Media Technology: Q3 EAST ASIAN SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE [10055280] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 East Asian Science, Technology and Society [10072131] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 EAST CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE IN THE MIDDLE AGES, 450-1450 [10079934] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 EAST CENTRAL EUROPE / L'EUROPE DU CENTRE EST [10004519] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 EASTERN BUDDHIST [10000378] Religious Studies: Q4 EASTERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL [10017148] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRYSIDE [10011987] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 EASTERN EUROPEAN ECONOMICS [4850] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [10057025] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN HEALTH JOURNAL [10037042] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 EAST EUROPEAN JEWISH AFFAIRS [10005168] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS [10021762] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETIES [4848] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS - STUDIES ON ANOREXIA, BULIMIA AND OBESITY [10011445] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 EATING BEHAVIORS [10023097] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 EATING DISORDERS [10039483] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Eau, l'INDUSTRIE, les Nuisances [10076007] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 EBR - European Biopharmaceutical Review [10071975] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 EBRI issue brief / Employee Benefit Research Institute [10076008] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 EBU Technical Review [10076009] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q3 ECANCERMEDICALSCIENCE [10021338] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 EC and M: Electrical Construction and Maintenance [10076010] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Ecclesia Orans [10080820] Religious Studies: Q3 ECCLESIASTICAL LAW JOURNAL [10025147] Law: Q3 Religious Studies: Q1 ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY-A JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ULTRASOUND AND ALLIED TECHNIQUES [1362] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 ECLETICA QUIMICA [17052] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 ECN Electronic Component News [10079474] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Software: Q4 ECOGRAPHY [1364] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 ECOHEALTH [10006965] Ecology: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 ECOHYDROLOGY [10009565] Aquatic Science: Q1 Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 ECOHYDROLOGY AND HYDROBIOLOGY [10001856] Aquatic Science: Q4 ECOLOGIA AUSTRAL [10053439] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS [1365] Ecology: D1 ECOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY AND ENGINEERING S [10011446] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q3 ECOLOGICAL COMPLEXITY [10002655] Ecological Modeling: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS [1366] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING [7315] Environmental Engineering: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY [1367] Ecology: Q1 Insect Science: D1 ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS [10005628] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS [10006966] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Ecological Modeling: Q3 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Ecological Management and Restoration [10068614] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 ECOLOGICAL MODELLING [1369] Ecological Modeling: Q1 ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [1370] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 ECOLOGICAL PROCESSES [10032327] Ecological Modeling: Q2 Ecology: Q1 ECOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY [38067] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q3 ECOLOGICAL QUESTIONS [10019362] Ecological Modeling: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH [1371] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION [10008436] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 ECOLOGY [1372] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 ECOLOGY AND CIVIL ENGINEERING [10080596] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Ecology: Q4 ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION [10027214] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 ECOLOGY AND SOCIETY [10003105] Ecology: D1 ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION [10042461] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 ECOLOGY LAW QUARTERLY [4852] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Law: Q3 ECOLOGY LETTERS [17060] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 ECOLOGY OF FOOD AND NUTRITION [1368] Ecology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH [22539] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ECO MONT-JOURNAL ON PROTECTED MOUNTAIN AREAS RESEARCH [10028336] Ecology: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 ECON JOURNAL WATCH [10011989] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 ECONOMETRICA [1375] Economics and Econometrics: D1 ECONOMETRIC REVIEWS [10006968] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 ECONOMETRIC THEORY [41177] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 ECONOMETRICS JOURNAL [10006967] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 ECONOMÍA AGRARIA Y RECURSOS NATURALES [10021122] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 ECONOMIA APLICADA [10018422] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 ECONOMIA CHILENA [10011988] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 ECONOMIA (JAPAN) [10034643] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 ECONOMIA MEXICANA NUEVA EPOCA [10021129] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 ECONOMIA POLITICA [10011990] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ECONOMICA [4868] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 ECONOMIC AFFAIRS (UK) [10020574] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND POLICY [10021133] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 ECONOMIC AND INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY [4856] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 Economic and Labour Market Review [10080117] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Industrial Relations: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 ECONOMIC AND LABOUR RELATIONS REVIEW [10020576] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL WEEKLY [4862] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL REVIEW [4865] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ECONOMIC ANNALS / EKONOMSKI ANALI [10020596] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 ECONOMIC BOTANY [1373] Horticulture: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 ECONOMIC CHANGE AND RESTRUCTURING [10014253] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 ECONOMIC COMPUTATION AND ECONOMIC CYBERNETICS STUDIES AND RESEARCH [10015159] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURAL CHANGE [4853] Development: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT QUARTERLY: THE JOURNAL OF AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION [38069] Development: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY [4854] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY [1374] Economic Geology: D1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geology: D1 Geophysics: Q1 ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW [4855] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 History: D1 ECONOMIC INQUIRY [4857] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 ECONOMIC JOURNAL [4858] Economics and Econometrics: D1 ECONOMIC MODELLING [4860] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 ECONOMIC NOTES - BANCA MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA [10017151] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK [10020581] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 ECONOMIC POLICY [10010132] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 ECONOMIC RECORD [4863] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 ECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA [10011994] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 ECONOMIC STUDIES-SOFIA [41824] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 ECONOMIC SYSTEMS [41479] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 ECONOMIC SYSTEMS RESEARCH [2150368] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 ECONOMIC THEORY [38083] Economics and Econometrics: D1 ECONOMICS AND HUMAN BIOLOGY [10010380] Health (social science): D1 ECONOMICS AND PHILOSOPHY [4861] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Philosophy: D1 Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment [10080118] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 ECONOMICS AND POLICY OF ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT / ECONOMIA DELLE FONTI DI ENERGIA E DELL'AMBIENTE [10021124] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 ECONOMICS AND POLITICS [10013536] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY [10024836] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ECONOMICS BULLETIN [2147887] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 ECONOMICS LETTERS [4859] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 ECONOMICS OF EDUCATION REVIEW [38070] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Education: D1 ECONOMICS OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY [10066631] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 ECONOMICS OF GOVERNANCE [10020586] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 ECONOMICS OF INNOVATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGY [10017836] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 ECONOMICS OF TRANSITION [38084] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 ECONOMICS OF TRANSPORTATION [10080821] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Transportation: Q1 ECONOMICS-THE OPEN-ACCESS OPEN-ASSESSMENT E-JOURNAL [10021143] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 ECONOMIE ET PRÉVISION [10035567] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 ECONOMIE ET STATISTIQUE [10020588] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q4 ECONOMIE INTERNATIONALE: LA REVUE DU CEPII [41484] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 ECONOMIES ET SOCIETES SERIE D ECONOMIES PLANIFIEES [2151198] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ECONOMIST [4869] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 ECONOMIST-NETHERLANDS [10001025] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 ECONOMY AND SOCIETY [4864] Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 History: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 ECONTENT [38089] Information Systems: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Ecopsychology [10055535] Applied Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 EcoSal Plus [10055546] Microbiology: Q4 Ecos - A Review of Conservation [10076015] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 ECOSCIENCE [12000] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ECOSPHERE [10032973] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 ECOSYSTEMS [17069] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Environmental Chemistry: Q1 ECOSYSTEM SERVICES [10030814] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Ecology: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 ECOTOXICOLOGY [12002] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Toxicology: Q1 ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY [1376] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pollution: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 ECOTROPICA [10022944] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 ECTI TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS [10029963] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ECUMENICAL REVIEW [10000380] Religious Studies: Q4 ECS ELECTROCHEMISTRY LETTERS [10032974] Electrochemistry: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q2 ECS JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10032975] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 ECS SOLID STATE LETTERS [10032976] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 ECS TRANSACTIONS [10012149] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Edad de oro [10050306] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Edinburgh Journal of Botany [10058510] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 ED management : the monthly update on emergency department management [10076017] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EDN [1377] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ED Nursing [10079475] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 EDPACS [10080364] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Safety Research: Q4 Software: Q4 Educacao e Pesquisa [10078119] Education: Q3 EDUCACAO E SOCIEDADE [10063409] Education: Q2 EDUCACION MEDICA [10053507] Education: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EDUCACION QUIMICA: REVISTA EDUCACIÓN QUÍMICA EN LÍNEA [10033285] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 EDUCACION XX1 [10023101] Education: Q2 EDUCATION 3-13: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMARY ELEMENTARY AND EARLY YEARS EDUCATION [10028180] Education: Q3 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q3 EDUCATIONAL ACTION RESEARCH [10026853] Education: Q2 EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION QUARTERLY [4870] Education: D1 Public Administration: D1 EDUCATIONAL AND CHILD PSYCHOLOGY [10020756] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 EDUCATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST [10069608] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 EDUCATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT [1378] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Applied Psychology: Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT [10067106] Education: Q2 EDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT EVALUATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY [10023098] Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION AND POLICY ANALYSIS [4871] Education: D1 EDUCATIONAL FORUM [10066313] Education: Q3 EDUCATIONAL GERONTOLOGY [4872] Education: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP [4874] Education: Q2 EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION & LEADERSHIP [10048153] Education: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENT-ISSUES AND PRACTICE [10007992] Education: D1 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA INTERNATIONAL [10016355] Communication: Q2 Education: Q2 EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY [10023100] Education: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 EDUCATIONAL POLICY [4875] Education: Q1 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST [4876] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY [10010866] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY IN PRACTICE [10057275] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW [38099] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH [10001026] Education: Q2 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND EVALUATION [41550] Education: Q2 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND REVIEWS (ERR) [10020845] Education: Q4 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHER [10015165] Education: D1 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH FOR POLICY AND PRACTICE [10069941] Education: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH REVIEW [10007994] Education: D1 EDUCATIONAL REVIEW [4879] Education: Q2 EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES-THEORY & PRACTICE [10053949] Education: Q3 EDUCATIONAL STUDIES [4880] Education: Q2 EDUCATIONAL STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS [10019412] Education: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT [4905] Education: D1 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY [10003108] Education: Q1 E-learning: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 EDUCATIONAL THEORY [10017153] Education: Q2 EDUCATION AND HEALTH [10043746] Community and Home Care: Q3 EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES [10024055] Education: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance [10079694] Cultural Studies: Q2 Education: Q4 History: Q2 EDUCATION AND TRAINING [10027601] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q2 EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES [10015167] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 EDUCATION AND TREATMENT OF CHILDREN [10052295] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 EDUCATION AND URBAN SOCIETY [4883] Education: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 EDUCATION AS CHANGE [10011991] Education: Q4 EDUCATION BUSINESS AND SOCIETY: CONTEMPORARY MIDDLE EASTERN ISSUES [10035829] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 EDUCATION CITIZENSHIP AND SOCIAL JUSTICE [10035300] Education: Q3 EDUCATION ECONOMICS [10020591] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Education: Q2 EDUCATION ET SOCIETES: REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE DE L'EDUCATION [10025036] Education: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 EDUCATION FINANCE AND POLICY [10021147] Education: D1 EDUCATION FOR CHEMICAL ENGINEERS [10069830] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 EDUCATION FOR HEALTH [10018564] Education: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 EDUCATION FOR INFORMATION [4873] Education: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 EDUCATION FOR PRIMARY CARE [10069832] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 EDUCATION IN CHEMISTRY [10028740] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 EDUCATION NEXT [10069836] Education: Q3 EDUCATION POLICY ANALYSIS ARCHIVES [10060601] Education: Q1 EDUCATION THÉRAPEUTIQUE DU PATIENT / THERAPEUTIC PATIENT EDUCATION [10054536] Education: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 EEAG Report on the European Economy [10079476] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 EE-EVALUATION ENGINEERING [17074] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 EESTI RAKENDUSLINGVISTIKA UHINGU AASTARAAMAT [10015173] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 EFFECTIVE EDUCATION [10069943] Education: Q2 EFI News [10078565] Forestry: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 EGA Revista de Expression Grafica Arquitectonica [10087720] Architecture: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 EGITIM ARASTIRMALARI-EURASIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH [10011992] Education: Q3 EGITIM VE BILIM-EDUCATION AND SCIENCE [10011993] Education: Q2 Egodocuments and History Series [10080119] History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 EGYPTIAN HEART JOURNAL [10036160] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Egyptian Informatics Journal [10052083] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia [10057471] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PEST CONTROL [10011447] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Insect Science: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [10029966] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose, Throat and Allied Sciences [10080822] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES [10065641] Health (social science): Q3 Law: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF HISTOLOGY [10042016] Histology: Q4 EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL HUMAN GENETICS [10038571] Genetics (clinical): Q4 EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY, PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROSURGERY [10041791] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Egyptian Journal of Petroleum [10070278] Catalysis: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q3 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY AND NUCLEAR MEDICINE [10035633] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Egyptian Liver Journal [10056261] Hepatology: Q4 EGYPTIAN RHEUMATOLOGIST [10052444] Rheumatology: Q4 Egypt J Immunol [10071280] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Eidos [10080823] Philosophy: Q4 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY FICTION [10028994] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Eighteenth-Century Ireland [10078803] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY LIFE [10000292] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY MUSIC [42776] Music: Q2 EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY STUDIES [10000384] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY: THEORY AND INTERPRETATION [10000382] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 EIGSE: A JOURNAL OF IRISH STUDIES [10000385] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Eikasmos: quaderni Bolognesi di filologia classica [10040044] Classics: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 E-INFORMATICA: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10024793] Software: Q4 EINSTEIN (SAO PAOLO) [10036430] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EIRE-IRELAND [10000386] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 EIRENE: STUDIA GRAECA ET LATINA [10006286] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 EJC SUPPLEMENTS [10001181] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 EJHP PRACTICE [10014045] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 EJNMMI RESEARCH [10038528] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 E-JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [10015659] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 E-JOURNAL OF PORTUGUESE HISTORY [10032008] History: Q2 E-JOURNAL OF SURFACE SCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY [10029957] Bioengineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 EJOURNAL OF TAX RESEARCH [10020592] Accounting: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 EJVES EXTRA [10019132] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 EKLEM HASTALIKLAN VE CERRAHISI - JOINT DISEASES AND RELATED SURGERY [10011448] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q2 Surgery: Q2 EKOLOGIA / ECOLOGY (BRATISLAVA) [1381] Ecology: Q3 EKOLOGIJA [10021832] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Ekologiya cheloveka [10066097] Ecology: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 EKOLOJI [10011449] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 Pollution: Q3 EKONOMICKY CASOPIS [4884] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 EKONOMIKA REGIONA / ECONOMY OF REGION [10031646] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 EKONOMISKA SAMFUNDETS TIDSKRIFT [4885] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 EKONOMSKI PREGLED / ECONOMIC REVIEW [10020597] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 EKSPERIMENTALNAYA I KLINICHESKAYA FARMAKOLOGIYA [10024475] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 EKSPERIMENTALNAYA I KLINICHESKAYA GASTROENTEROLOGIYA / EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY [10011148] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EKSPLOATACJA I NIEZAWODNOSC-MAINTENANCE AND RELIABILITY [10015985] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 E-Learning [10080115] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q4 ELECTORAL STUDIES [4886] Political Science and International Relations: D1 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING [12008] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN [17078] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 ELECTRICITY JOURNAL [10076024] Business and International Management: Q2 Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 ELECTRIC MACHINES AND POWER SYSTEMS [1384] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ELECTRIC POWER COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS [33852] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH [1385] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 ELECTROANALYSIS [1387] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Electrochemistry: Q2 ELECTRO- AND MAGNETOBIOLOGY [1386] Biophysics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ELECTROCATALYSIS [10028337] Electrochemistry: Q2 ELECTROCHEMICAL AND SOLID STATE LETTERS [22565] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electrochemistry: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY INTERFACE [10026181] Electrochemistry: Q2 ELECTROCHEMISTRY [10062519] Electrochemistry: Q3 ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS [22564] Electrochemistry: Q1 ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA [1388] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Electrochemistry: Q1 ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY AND CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY SUPPLEMENT [10031914] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrolyte and Blood Pressure [10048159] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 Physiology: Q4 ELECTROMAGNETIC BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [10001182] Biophysics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ELECTROMAGNETICS [1390] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Radiation: Q3 ELECTROMYOGRAPHY AND CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY [10010462] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q3 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH [10015176] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [10006969] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Marketing: Q1 ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS IN PROBABILITY [10003668] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS OF THE EASST [10004916] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Software: Q4 ELECTRONIC DESIGN [1392] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Electronic Device Failure Analysis [10068431] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 Electronic Engineering Times [10079157] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT [10025154] Computer Science Applications: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 ELECTRONIC GREEN JOURNAL [10024380] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Electronic International Journal of Time Use Research [10080824] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis [10070482] Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY [10001183] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS [10070554] Business and International Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS [10003114] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [10008511] Analysis: Q3 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF E-LEARNING [10082594] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY [10031944] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Food Science: Q4 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING [10047028] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING [10049917] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Electronic Journal of Health Informatics [10051078] Health Informatics: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality [10076027] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction [10076028] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF LINEAR ALGEBRA [10005629] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY [10003667] Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [2150624] Applied Mathematics: Q2 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF STATISTICS [10015660] Statistics and Probability: Q1 Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering [10078566] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS [10007938] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 ELECTRONIC LETTERS ON COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE ANALYSIS [10060415] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Software: Q4 ELECTRONIC LIBRARY [4887] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 ELECTRONIC MATERIALS LETTERS [10011451] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS [10004105] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 ELECTRONIC NOTES IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE [10004909] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS [1397] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ELECTRONIC RESEARCH ANNOUNCEMENTS IN MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES [10009566] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 ELECTRONIC RESEARCH ANNOUNCEMENTS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [28177] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS [10001184] Analysis: Q2 ELECTRONICS [10068089] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 ELECTRONICS (1985-1995) [10012607] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN [10011450] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 ELECTRONICS INFORMATION & PLANNING [1394] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ELECTRONICS LETTERS [1374416] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 ELECTRONICS WORLD [10006970] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ELECTRON PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE [10055328] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Spectroscopy: Q3 ELECTROPHORESIS [1400] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Biochemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 ELECTROTEHNICA ELECTRONICA AUTOMATICA [10008750] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 ELEKTRISCHE BAHNEN [10015914] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ELEKTRONIKA / ELECTRONICS UNIV BANJALUKA [10020141] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA [10011452] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 ELEKTROTECHNIK UND INFORMATIONSTECHNIK [10017049] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 ELEKTROTEHNISKI VESTNIK: REVIJA ZA ELEKTROTEHNIKO [41022] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ÉLELMISZERVIZSGÁLATI KÖZLEMÉNYEK [1106559] Food Science: Q4 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL JOURNAL [4888] Education: D1 ELEMENTS [10003116] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Elenchos [10074041] Classics: Q1 Philosophy: Q2 ELH-ENGLISH LITERARY HISTORY [10000387] History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 ELIFE [10031024] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 ELMI ESERLER / RESERVOIR AND PETROLEUM ENGINEERING [10069744] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Fuel Technology: Q3 Geology: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 ELT JOURNAL: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TEACHERS OF ENGLISH TO SPEAKERS OF OTHER LANGUAGES [10019870] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 EMAGRES [10071380] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Biochemistry: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Spectroscopy: Q4 EM: Air and Waste Management Association's Magazine for Environmental Managers [10042176] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 EMAKEELE SELTSI AASTARAAMAT [10022267] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Emballage Digest [10079477] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 EMBLEMATICA [10009740] History: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 EMBO JOURNAL [10014232] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 EMBO MOLECULAR MEDICINE [10011453] Molecular Medicine: D1 EMBO REPORTS [28181] Biochemistry: D1 Genetics: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 Embroidery [10078806] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 E & M EKONOMIE A MANAGEMENT [10015154] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 EM: ELECTRONIC MARKETS [10017154] Business and International Management: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Marketing: Q3 EMERGENCE: COMPLEXITY AND ORGANIZATION [10028712] Business and International Management: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 EMERGENCIAS [10015661] Emergency Medicine: Q3 EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10000388] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EMERGENCY MEDICINE AUSTRALASIA [10011454] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EMERGENCY MEDICINE CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [28183] Emergency Medicine: Q2 EMERGENCY MEDICINE JOURNAL [33875] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Emergency Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EMERGENCY MEDICINE (PARSIPPANY) [10074099] Emergency Medicine: Q4 Emergency medicine practice [10080597] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Emergency nurse : the journal of the RCN Accident and Emergency Nursing Association [10076035] Emergency Nursing: Q3 Emergency Radiology [10051965] Emergency Medicine: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 EMERGING COMMUNICATION: STUDIES IN NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND PRACTICES IN COMMUNICATION [10048841] Communication: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Media Technology: Q3 EMERGING HEALTH THREATS JOURNAL [10059926] Epidemiology: Q3 Health Policy: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES [7350] Epidemiology: Q1 Infectious Diseases: D1 Microbiology (medical): D1 EMERGING MARKETS FINANCE AND TRADE [10001409] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Finance: Q3 EMERGING MARKETS REVIEW [10020599] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 EMERGING MICROBES & INFECTIONS [10043382] Drug Discovery: Q1 Epidemiology: Q3 Immunology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Parasitology: Q2 Virology: Q2 EMERGING THEMES IN EPIDEMIOLOGY [10066859] Epidemiology: Q2 EMERGING THERAPEUTIC TARGETS [10015024] Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Drug Discovery: D1 Molecular Medicine: Q1 Pharmacology: D1 EMERITA: REVISTA DE LINGUISTICA Y FILOLOGIA CLASICA [10022268] Classics: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 EMILY DICKINSON JOURNAL [10021153] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 EMIRATES JOURNAL OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE [10024958] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 E&MJ-ENGINEERING AND MINING JOURNAL [1426] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 EMJ-ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10011455] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 EMOTION [10007338] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties [10063516] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 EMOTION REVIEW [10028505] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q1 Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia [10080365] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 EMOTION SPACE AND SOCIETY [10066633] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q2 EMPA Activities [10078367] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Empan [10078807] Health (social science): Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 EMPIRICA [10017723] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 EMPIRICAL APPROACHES TO LINGUISTIC THEORY [10080825] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 EMPIRICAL ECONOMICS [10009414] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Empirical Research in Religion and Human Rights [10080366] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 EMPIRICAL RESEARCH IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING [10067271] Education: Q4 EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING [10003117] Software: Q1 Empirical Studies in Theology [10079695] Religious Studies: Q2 EMPIRICAL STUDIES OF THE ARTS [1320076] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Music: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS [10012271] Industrial Relations: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS LAW JOURNAL [4889] Law: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES AND RIGHTS JOURNAL [10032380] Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 EMS Insider [10079478] Emergency Medicine: Q4 Emergency Nursing: Q4 EMS world [10076038] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EMU [1403] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 EMU NOTES MINERALOG [10039636] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 ENCEPHALE-REVUE DE PSYCHIATRIE CLINIQUE BIOLOGIQUE ET THERAPEUTIQUE [17104] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 ENDANGERED SPECIES RESEARCH [10045268] Ecology: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 ENDEAVOUR [1404] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 ENDOCRINE [12039] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 ENDOCRINE DEVELOPMENT [10041916] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q3 Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 ENDOCRINE JOURNAL [1405] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 ENDOCRINE METABOLIC & IMMUNE DISORDERS-DRUG TARGETS [2149669] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 ENDOCRINE PATHOLOGY [1406] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 ENDOCRINE PRACTICE [10018529] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ENDOCRINE REGULATIONS [2147357] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 ENDOCRINE-RELATED CANCER [7357] Cancer Research: Q1 Endocrinology: D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Oncology: Q1 ENDOCRINE RESEARCH [10037581] Endocrinology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ENDOCRINE REVIEWS [1408] Endocrinology: D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 ENDOCRINOLOGIA DIABETES Y NUTRICION [10073764] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 ENDOCRINOLOGIST [12040] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 ENDOCRINOLOGY [1410] Endocrinology: D1 ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [1409] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 ENDOCRINOLOGY DIABETOLOGY AND METABOLIC DISEASES [10042949] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ENDODONTICS & DENTAL TRAUMATOLOGY [1412] Oral Surgery: Q1 ENDOKRINOLOGII︠A︡ / ENDOCRINOLOGIA [10036479] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 ENDOKRYNOLOGIA POLSKA [10023265] Endocrinology: Q3 Endoscopic Forum for Digestive Disease [10076041] Gastroenterology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASOUND [10039786] Gastroenterology: Q3 Hepatology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 ENDOSCOPY [1405518] Gastroenterology: Q1 Endoskopie [10062416] Gastroenterology: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Urology: Q4 ENDOSKOPIE HEUTE [10015662] Gastroenterology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Surgery: Q4 ENERGETIKA (VILNIUS) [10068094] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Energia Elettrica [10076042] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 ENERGIES [10015664] Control and Optimization: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 ENERGY [1419] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Energy (miscellaneous): D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Pollution: D1 ENERGY AND BUILDINGS [1414] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT [10023102] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 ENERGY AND FUELS [1416] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Fuel Technology: D1 ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT [1415] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Fuel Technology: D1 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 ENERGY ECONOMICS [4890] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Energy (miscellaneous): D1 ENERGY EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART A-ENERGY SCIENCE AND RESEARCH [10051318] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 ENERGY EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART B: SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL STUDIES [10041720] Education: Q3 ENERGY EFFICIENCY [10022945] Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 ENERGY ENGINEERING [28203] Building and Construction: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE [10015663] Environmental Chemistry: D1 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: D1 Pollution: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION [17120] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 ENERGY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [10022946] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 ENERGY JOURNAL [12051] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 Energy Materials: Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Systems [10055528] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 ENERGY POLICY [1417] Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Energy Processing (Canada) [10076044] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 ENERGY SOURCES PART A-RECOVERY UTILIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS [10005630] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 ENERGY SOURCES PART B-ECONOMICS PLANNING AND POLICY [10005631] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 ENERGY STRATEGY REVIEWS [10054694] Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 ENERGY STUDIES REVIEW [10020601] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q4 ENERGY SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIETY [10069858] Development: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 ENERGY SYSTEMS: OPTIMIZATION MODELING SIMULATION AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS [10054380] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 ENFANCE: PSYCHOLOGIE PEDAGOGIE NEURO-PSYCHIATRIE SOCIOLOGIE [10067273] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 ENFANCES ET PSY [10050069] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Enfances, Familles, Generations [10080598] Anthropology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 ENFERMEDADES EMERGENTES [10015665] Epidemiology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia [10046999] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA [10000389] Microbiology (medical): Q3 ENFERMERIA CLINICA [10037265] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 ENFERMERIA GLOBAL [10057597] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 ENFERMERIA INTENSIVA [10037253] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Critical Care Nursing: Q2 Enfermeria Nefrologica [10062047] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Nephrology: Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 Urology: Q3 ENGENHARIA AGRICOLA [10015669] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ENGENHARIA SANITARIA E AMBIENTAL [10015672] Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 Engineer [10076046] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineered Casting Solutions [10079165] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Engineered Systems [10076047] Building and Construction: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 ENGINEERING [1428] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS [1420] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Mathematics: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Engineering and Technology [10063648] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [1421] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID MECHANICS [10015671] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Engineering Asset Management Review [10080367] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS [12055] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Software: Q2 ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECTURAL MANAGEMENT [10044824] Architecture: Q1 Building and Construction: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Engineering Design Graphics Journal [10079025] Education: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 ENGINEERING ECONOMIST [10020602] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Education: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 ENGINEERING EDUCATION [41394] Education: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 ENGINEERING FAILURE ANALYSIS [12056] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Automotive Engineering: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS [1423] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY [1424] Geology: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 ENGINEERING IN AGRICULTURE ENVIRONMENT AND FOOD [10060493] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Food Science: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 ENGINEERING IN LIFE SCIENCES [10005638] Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q1 ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10037853] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 ENGINEERING JOURNAL-AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION [1425] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 ENGINEERING LETTERS [10069552] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION [17136] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 ENGINEERING REVIEW [10004249] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 ENGINEERING STRUCTURES [1427] Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 ENGINEERING STUDIES [10022947] Education: D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 History and Philosophy of Science: D1 ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS [10016138] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 ENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS [1422] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Software: Q2 ENGINEER IT [10008909] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Englera [10076053] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 ENGLISH [10000390] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 English Academy Review [10080368] History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ENGLISH FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES [10000391] Education: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 ENGLISH HISTORICAL REVIEW [10000392] History: D1 ENGLISH IN AUSTRALIA [10011995] Education: Q2 History: D1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 ENGLISH IN EDUCATION [10023103] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 ENGLISH LANGUAGE & LINGUISTICS [10022272] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 ENGLISH LANGUAGE NOTES [10000393] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING [10042027] Education: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 ENGLISH LINGUISTICS [10022273] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ENGLISH LITERARY RENAISSANCE [10000394] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 ENGLISH LITERATURE IN TRANSITION 1880-1920 [10000395] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 ENGLISH MANUSCRIPT STUDIES: 1100-1700 [10079294] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 ENGLISH STUDIES [10000396] Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 ENGLISH STUDIES IN AFRICA [10000397] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ENGLISH STUDIES IN CANADA [10000398] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 ENGLISH TEACHING-PRACTICE AND CRITIQUE [10011996] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 ENGLISH TEXT CONSTRUCTION [10022275] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 ENGLISH TODAY [10017156] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 ENGLISH WORLD-WIDE: A JOURNAL OF VARIETIES OF ENGLISH [10022276] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 ENR (Engineering News-Record) [10076054] Building and Construction: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 ENRICHING COMMUNICATIONS [10009567] Business and International Management: Q4 Communication: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação [10062498] Education: Q3 ENSAYOS SOBRE POLITICA ECONOMICA [10020603] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 ENSENANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS [10023104] Education: Q3 Enterprise Development and Microfinance [10076055] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10011457] Computer Science Applications: D1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 ENTERPRISES AND SOCIETY [10007340] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 History: D1 Entertainment Computing [10057907] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Software: Q3 ENTOMOLOGIA EXPERIMENTALIS ET APPLICATA [1429] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Insect Science: Q1 ENTOMOLOGIA GENERALIS [1431] Insect Science: Q4 ENTOMOLOGICA AMERICANA [10015679] Insect Science: Q3 ENTOMOLOGICA FENNICA [1430] Insect Science: Q4 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [1432] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10032977] Insect Science: Q4 ENTOMOLOGICAL REVIEW [10027064] Insect Science: Q4 ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE [10005639] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q2 ENTOMOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA [1433] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q2 ENTOMOLOGISTS GAZETTE [10060188] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 Entomotropica [10051033] Insect Science: Q4 ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT [10000400] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE [10003123] Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 ENTREPRISES ET HISTOIRE [10078567] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q2 ENTROPY [10012994] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ENVIRONMENT [1454] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECOLOGICAL STATISTICS [17147] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY [1439] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MUTAGENESIS [1445] Epidemiology: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL AND PLANNING LAW JOURNAL [10025175] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Law: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY [10042049] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY OF FISHES [1435] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL BIOSAFETY RESEARCH [10004623] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Safety Research: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY [10006971] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS [10005641] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 ENVIRONMENTAL CLAIMS JOURNAL [10025176] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 ENVIRONMENTAL COMMUNICATION [10011997] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION [1437] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 Pollution: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 Environmental Control in Biology [10039277] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Environmental Development [10065061] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES [10011458] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Geology: Q2 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Pollution: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND POLICY STUDIES [10017157] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION RESEARCH [10015179] Education: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING [10076060] Environmental Engineering: Q4 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10035221] Environmental Engineering: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Pollution: Q3 ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING GEOSCIENCE [22631] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH [10038459] Environmental Engineering: Q3 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE [17148] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Pollution: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY [1438] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Insect Science: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS [4893] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Philosophy: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL EVIDENCE [10027559] Ecology: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Pollution: Q3 ENVIRONMENTAL FLUID MECHANICS [10003125] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL FORENSICS [28234] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Environmental Forum [10076061] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH [1440] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY [1441] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Geology: Q2 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Pollution: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 Environmental Geosciences [10045512] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Hazards-Human and Policy Dimensions [10023105] Development: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: A GLOBAL ACCESS SCIENCE SOURCE [10011459] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINE [10037656] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CRITERIA [10040240] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES [1442] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY [38333] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 History: D1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REVIEW [10000402] Ecology: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATION AND SOCIETAL TRANSITIONS [10035026] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE [10030719] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND MANAGEMENT [10025177] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT [1444] Ecology: Q1 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Pollution: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY [22640] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Microbiology: D1 ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY REPORTS [10015683] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING & ASSESSMENT [10000403] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE [17156] Ecological Modeling: Q1 Environmental Engineering: D1 Software: D1 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT [1446] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pollution: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND GOVERNANCE [10020945] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND LAW [10014011] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Law: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS [10001410] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION [1447] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pollution: D1 Toxicology: D1 ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICE [10030960] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS [1448] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY [10021760] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT [10048527] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH [1449] Biochemistry: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS [10006972] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 ENVIRONMENTAL & RESOURCE ECONOMICS [38338] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS [10006973] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH [12083] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pollution: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY [10003126] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: PROCESSES AND IMPACTS [10032978] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EUROPE [10049659] Pollution: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [1450] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Environmental Chemistry: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY [1451] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY [17166] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Toxicology: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY [1453] Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY [12089] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES [38340] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Philosophy: D1 ENVIRONMENT AND BEHAVIOR [4892] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS [10000401] Development: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 ENVIRONMENT AND HISTORY [10023473] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: Q1 ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A [4894] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B: PLANNING AND DESIGN [4895] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING C: POLITICS AND SPACE [10074156] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING D: SOCIETY & SPACE [4897] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 ENVIRONMENT AND URBANIZATION [38339] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Urban Studies: D1 Environment and Urbanization ASIA [10080369] Urban Studies: Q3 ENVIRONMENTASIA [10058635] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Toxicology: Q3 ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY [10016722] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL [1443] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION ENGINEERING [10014176] Environmental Engineering: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 ENVIRONMENTS [10071395] Ecology: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Environment Systems and Decisions [10060138] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ENVIRONMETRICS [17170] Ecological Modeling: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 ENVIRONNEMENT, RISQUES ET SANTE [10011462] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ENZYME AND MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY [1456] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Biochemistry: Q2 Biotechnology: Q1 ENZYME RESEARCH [10030029] Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 ENZYMES [10051898] Biochemistry: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 EOS TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION [2150421] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 EPC - European Pharmaceutical Contractor [20069760] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 EPE JOURNAL [10006974] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 EPHEMERIDES LITURGICAE [10045077] Religious Studies: Q3 EPHEMERIDES THEOLOGICAE LOVANIENSES [10017930] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 EPHEMERIS NAPOCENSIS [10027291] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Epidemics [10022948] Epidemiology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Microbiology: Q1 Parasitology: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Virology: Q2 EPIDEMIOLOGIA E PREVENZIONE [10011463] Epidemiology: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Epidemiologic Perspectives and Innovations [10079167] Epidemiology: Q2 EPIDEMIOLOGIC REVIEWS [1460] Epidemiology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 EPIDEMIOLOGIE ET SANTE ANIMALE [10066563] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 EPIDEMIOLOGIE MIKROBIOLOGIE IMUNOLOGIE [10028340] Epidemiology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 EPIDEMIOLOGY [1461] Epidemiology: Q1 EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFECTION [1459] Epidemiology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRIC SCIENCES [10023106] Epidemiology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health [10040594] Community and Home Care: Q4 Epidemiology: Q4 Health Policy: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 EPIGENETICS [10011464] Cancer Research: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 EPIGENETICS AND HUMAN HEALTH [10055295] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Genetics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 EPIGENETICS & CHROMATIN [10015686] Genetics: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 EPIGENOMICS [10015690] Cancer Research: Q1 Genetics: Q1 EPIGRAPHICA: PERIODICO INTERNAZIONALE DI EPIGRAFIA [10044106] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 EPILEPSIA [1462] Neurology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 EPILEPSIES [10011465] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Epilepsy and Seizure [10080121] Neurology (clinical): Q4 EPILEPSY & BEHAVIOR [10001185] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 EPILEPSY CURRENTS [10022949] Neurology (clinical): Q2 EPILEPSY RESEARCH [1463] Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 EPILEPTIC DISORDERS [22661] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 EPISODES [1464] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 EPISTEME : A JOURNAL OF INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY [10047862] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 EPISTEMOLOGIA [10011466] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 ÉPÍTÉS-ÉPÍTÉSZETTUDOMÁNY [1220891] Architecture: Q3 Conservation: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Epitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes [10043386] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 EPITHEORESE KLINIKES FARMAKOLOGIAS KAI FARMAKOKINETIKES (INTERNATIONAL EDITION)/ REVIEW OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND PHARMACOKINETICS, INTERNATIONAL EDITION [10038033] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 EPJ DATA SCIENCE [10035098] Computational Mathematics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 EPMA JOURNAL [10035317] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 Health Policy: Q3 E-POLYMERS [10001186] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 EPPO BULLETIN: EUROPEAN AND MEDITARRANEAN PLANT PROTECTION ORGANISATION BULLETIN [10052825] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q2 Plant Science: Q3 EPRI JOURNAL [17179] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 EQUALITY DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION [10016615] Cultural Studies: D1 Gender Studies: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Equilibrium Research [10054622] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 EQUINE VETERINARY EDUCATION [17182] Equine: Q2 EQUINE VETERINARY JOURNAL [1465] Equine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Equine veterinary journal. Supplement [10076070] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EQUITY AND EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION [10068793] Education: Q2 ERA FORUM [10025585] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics [10081354] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook [10076071] History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 ERCIYES TIP DERGISI [10049861] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ERCOFTAC SERIES [10079697] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 ERDE [10010353] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Ecology: Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 ERDKUNDE [10009415] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Ecology: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 ERDÖL ERDGAS KOHLE [1341896] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 E-REVIEW OF TOURISM RESEARCH [10032515] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete [10052816] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 ERGODIC THEORY AND DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS [1467] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 ERGONOMICS [1468] Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Ergonomics in Design [10051049] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q4 Ergotherapie und Rehabilitation [10068683] Occupational Therapy: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 ERICSSON REVIEW [10000404] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 ERIU: JOURNAL DEVOTED TO IRISH PHILOLOGY AND LITERATURE [10022278] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ERKENNTNIS [10000405] Logic: Q2 Philosophy: D1 ERNAEHRUNG [1288134] Biotechnology: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 ERNAHRUNGS UMSCHAU: FORSCHUNG UND PRAXIS [1469] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 Erosion Control [10079026] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 ERWERBS-OBSTBAU [10011467] Horticulture: Q3 ESA BULLETIN-EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY [1470] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 ESAIM-CONTROL OPTIMISATION AND CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS [10000759] Computational Mathematics: Q1 Control and Optimization: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 ESAIM-MATHEMATICAL MODELLING AND NUMERICAL ANALYSIS-MODELISATION MATHEMATIQUE ET ANALYSE NUMERIQUE [28271] Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 Numerical Analysis: Q1 ESAIM-PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS [10022950] Statistics and Probability: Q2 ESE-Estudios Sobre Educacion [10023202] Education: Q4 ESOPHAGUS [10022951] Gastroenterology: Q3 ESPACE GEOGRAPHIQUE [10008671] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 ESPACE-POPULATIONS-SOCIETES [10076072] Demography: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 ESPACIOS [10056643] Business and International Management: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Espaco Plural [10080826] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 E-SPEN JOURNAL [10047462] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 E-SPEN, THE EUROPEAN E-JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION AND METABOLISM [10023563] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 ESPRIT [10000407] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Religious Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ESPRIT CREATEUR [10000408] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ESQ-A JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN RENAISSANCE [10000409] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Essaim [10078568] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 ESSAYS AND STUDIES [10000410] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ESSAYS IN BIOCHEMISTRY [17188] Biochemistry: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 ESSAYS IN CRITICISM [10000411] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ESTETIKA: THE CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS [10010149] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Estonian Journal of Archaeology [10073815] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 ESTONIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES [10009568] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 ESTONIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [10020660] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 ESTRENO: CUADERNOS DEL TEATRO ESPANOL CONTEMPORANEO [10000415] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ESTUARIES [1473] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 ESTUARIES AND COASTS [10005642] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE [1472] Aquatic Science: Q1 Oceanography: Q1 Estudios Atacamenos [10079699] Anthropology: Q2 Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Estudios Biblicos [10080370] Religious Studies: Q4 ESTUDIOS CONSTITUCIONALES [10015185] Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 ESTUDIOS DE ECONOMIA [10028507] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Estudios de Fonetica Experimental [10080599] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Estudios de Historia Moderna Contemporanea de Mexico [10080122] History: Q4 ESTUDIOS DE LINGUISTICA ESPANOLA [10022279] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Estudios de Linguistica Inglesa Aplicada (ELIA) [10080827] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 ESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGÍA [10015190] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 ESTUDIOS ECLESIASTICOS: REVISTA TEOLOGICA DE INVESTIGACION E INFORMACION [10027741] Religious Studies: Q4 ESTUDIOS FILOLOGICOS [10000416] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Estudios Geograficos [10048494] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ESTUDIOS GEOLOGICOS-MADRID [10015695] Geology: Q2 ESTUDIOS IRLANDESES [10012394] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 ESTUDIOS MIGRATORIOS LATINOAMERICANOS [10076075] Demography: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Estudios Pedagogicos [10076076] Education: Q3 ESTUDIOS ROMANICOS [10022282] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ESTUDIOS SOBRE EL MENSAJE PERIODÍSTICO [10015188] Communication: Q3 ESTUDIS ROMANICS [10017675] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Estudos Avancados [10048019] Cultural Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Estudos de Linguistica Galega [10080123] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 ESTUDOS DE PSICOLOGIA (NATAL) [10030743] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 ESTUDOS ECONOMICOS [10019062] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Estudos Feministas [10079479] Gender Studies: Q3 ESTUDOS IBERO-AMERICANOS [10000417] History: Q4 Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry [10078123] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 ETHICAL PERSPECTIVES [10023107] Philosophy: Q2 ETHICAL THEORY AND MORAL PRACTICE [10016542] Philosophy: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ETHICS [4899] Philosophy: D1 ETHICS AND EDUCATION [10069944] Education: Q3 Philosophy: Q1 Ethics and Information Technology [10023109] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 ETHICS & BEHAVIOR [38343] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 ETHICS & GLOBAL POLITICS [10023108] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics [10041951] Ecology: Q4 Education: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ETHICS & INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [10025586] Philosophy: D1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 ETHICS & MEDICINE [10019220] Health Policy: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 ETHICS, PLACE AND ENVIRONMENT [10005786] Law: Q2 Ethics, Policy and Environment [10057371] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Philosophy: Q1 ETHIK IN DER MEDIZIN [10011468] Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q4 Philosophy: Q2 Ethiopian Journal of Health Development [10022952] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 ETHIOPIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [1474] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ETHIQUE ET SANTE [10079169] Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q4 Ethische Perspectieven [10080600] Philosophy: Q4 ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES [4900] Anthropology: D1 Cultural Studies: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 ETHNICITIES [10007342] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 ETHNICITY & DISEASE [10003128] Epidemiology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ETHNICITY & HEALTH [10020707] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 ETHNOBIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION [10044901] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Anthropology: Q1 Ecology: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 ETHNOBIOLOGY LETTERS [10036742] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Anthropology: Q3 ETHNOBOTANY RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [10052221] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 ETHNOGRAPHIA [1404626] Anthropology: Q4 ETHNOGRAPHY [10015193] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 ETHNOGRAPHY AND EDUCATION [10065426] Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q3 Gender Studies: Q2 ETHNOHISTORY [4901] Anthropology: Q2 History: Q2 ETHNOLOGIA [10084962] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 ETHNOLOGIA EUROPAEA [2152076] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 ETHNOLOGIA SCANDINAVICA: A JOURNAL FOR NORDIC ETHNOLOGY [10024843] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 ETHNOLOGIE FRANCAISE [10004512] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 ETHNOLOGY [4902] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 ETHNOMUSICOLOGY [10000419] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 Music: Q2 ETHNOPOLITICS [41747] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 ETHNOS: JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGY [10003130] Anthropology: Q1 Archeology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 ETHOLOGY [1477] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ETHOLOGY ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION [1475] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ETHOS [4904] Anthropology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Ethylene Industry [10079296] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 ETIKK I PRAKSIS [10028508] Philosophy: Q3 Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa [10080828] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ETNOGRAFIA POLSKA [10027218] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 ETNOGRAFICA: REVISTA DO CENTRO EM REDE DE INVESTIGACAO EM ANTROPOLOGIA [10079480] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 ETNOGRAFICHESKOE OBOZRENIE [10027219] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 ETNOLOG. NOVA VRSTA [10027220] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Museology: Q1 ETNOLOSKA TRIBINA [10016460] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 ETRI JOURNAL [17195] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 ETUDE DE LA POPULATION AFRICAINE [10076081] Demography: Q3 ETUDES ANGLAISES [10000420] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Etudes Celtique [10079027] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ETUDES CLASSIQUES [10000422] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Etudes de Droit International [10079700] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 ETUDES DE LINGUISTIQUE APPLIQUEE: ELA [10009157] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ÉTUDES ET TRAVAUX [10032115] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 ETUDES FRANCAISES [10000423] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ETUDES GERMANIQUES [10000424] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Etudes / Inuit / Studies [10078124] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ETUDES LITTERAIRES [10000425] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ETUDES MONGOLES ET SIBERIENNES, CENTRASIATIQUES ET TIBETAINES [10020054] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 ETUDES PHILOSOPHIQUES [10000426] Philosophy: Q4 ETUDES PHOTOGRAPHIQUES [10078813] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ETUDES RURALES: REVUE TRIMESTRIELLE D'HISTOIRE GEOGRAPHIE SOCIOLOGIE ET ECONOMIE DES CAMPAGNES [10016186] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: Q1 Etudes sur la Mort [10078569] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Etudes sur le Judaisme Medieval [10079701] History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 ETUDES THEOLOGIQUES ET RELIGIEUSES [10000427] Religious Studies: Q4 EUKARYOTIC CELL [10000761] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Microbiology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 EUPHORION-ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR LITERATURGESCHICHTE [10000428] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Euphrosyne [10080601] Classics: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 EUPHYTICA [1478] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Genetics: Q3 Horticulture: Q1 Plant Science: Q2 Eurasia Antiqua [10072323] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 EURASIA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION [10052299] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Education: Q2 EURASIAN BUSINESS REVIEW [10041665] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal [10047148] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 EURASIAN ECONOMIC REVIEW [10087726] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 EURASIAN GEOGRAPHY AND ECONOMICS [10001029] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 EURASIAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [10072796] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Electrochemistry: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Spectroscopy: Q4 Eurasian Journal of Medicine [10054733] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EURASIAN SOIL SCIENCE [1534] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 EURASIP JOURNAL OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS [10079481] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 EURASIP JOURNAL ON ADVANCES IN SIGNAL PROCESSING [10006976] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 EURASIP JOURNAL ON APPLIED SIGNAL PROCESSING [10001194] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 EURASIP JOURNAL ON AUDIO SPEECH AND MUSIC PROCESSING [10015703] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology [10045333] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Multidisciplinary: Q1 Signal Processing: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 EURASIP JOURNAL ON IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING [10015704] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Information Systems: Q3 Signal Processing: Q3 EURASIP JOURNAL ON INFORMATION SECURITY [10061668] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING [10009571] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Signal Processing: Q2 EURE-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE ESTUDIOS URBANO REGIONALES [10001030] Urban Studies: Q2 EuroAsia Semiconductor [10079482] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 EUROCHOICES [10008757] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 EUROGRAPHICS SYMPOSIUM ON GEOMETRY PROCESSING [10046298] Geometry and Topology: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Euroheat and Power (English Edition) [10079170] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Euroheat and Power/Fernwarme International [10076087] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 EUROINTERVENTION [10020832] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 EuroMediterranean Biomedical Journal [10056717] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 EUROMED JOURNAL OF BUSINESS [10035375] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Finance: Q3 EUROPACE [22765] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 European Actuarial Journal [10067519] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 EUROPEAN ADDICTION RESEARCH [38349] Health (social science): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 EUROPEAN ANNALS OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [10049661] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 EUROPEAN ANNALS OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK DISEASES [10040635] Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY [1479] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY [10062917] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE [1480] Biological Psychiatry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 EUROPEAN BIOPHYSICS JOURNAL [12114] Biophysics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 EUROPEAN BIOTECHNOLOGY SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY NEWS [10013722] Biotechnology: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 EUROPEAN BUSINESS ORGANIZATION LAW REVIEW [1343332] Business and International Management: Q2 Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 EUROPEAN BUSINESS REVIEW [10016701] Business and International Management: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN CARDIOLOGY [10025510] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 EUROPEAN CARDIOLOGY REVIEW [10062569] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 EUROPEAN CELLS & MATERIALS [10009569] Biochemistry: Q3 Bioengineering: Q3 Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY [38350] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Philosophy: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 European Coatings Journal [10076089] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 EUROPEAN CONSTITUTIONAL LAW REVIEW [10007343] Law: D1 EUROPEAN COUNTRYSIDE [10019092] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 EUROPEAN CYTOKINE NETWORK [7429] Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 European Diabetes Nursing [10042939] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 EUROPEAN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION RESEARCH JOURNAL [10011998] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 EUROPEAN EATING DISORDERS REVIEW [38351] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW [4907] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: D1 EUROPEAN EDUCATION [10005077] Education: Q3 EUROPEAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL [10032206] Education: Q2 EUROPEAN ENDOCRINOLOGY [10012917] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q4 Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 EUROPEAN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW [10025184] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Law: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 European Expansion and Indigenous Response [10080125] History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 EUROPEAN FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT [10007344] Accounting: Q1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 EUROPEAN FOOD RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY [22685] Biochemistry: Q3 Biotechnology: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Food Science: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY REVIEW [10030698] Gastroenterology: Q4 Hepatology: Q4 EUROPEAN GERIATRIC MEDICINE [10015988] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q3 EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL [1482] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care [10045161] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING [10025727] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL SUPPLEMENTS [33977] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 EUROPEAN HISTORY QUARTERLY [10000431] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 European Infectious Disease [10073750] Infectious Diseases: Q4 EUROPEAN INTEGRATION ONLINE PAPERS-EIOP [10011999] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL FOR PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE [10039776] History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ON THE EDUCATION AND LEARNING OF ADULTS [10068828] Education: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGEING [10012000] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Health (social science): Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY [12117] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Plant Science: D1 Soil Science: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY [1483] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY, SUPPLEMENT [10063078] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY [1209679] Anatomy: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS [22689] Applied Mathematics: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY [1484] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Sports Science: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY [42973] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY [1485] Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER [1486] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER CARE [33984] Oncology: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION [12122] Cancer Research: Q2 Epidemiology: Q2 Oncology: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY [1487] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 Surgery: D1 European Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine [10058267] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING [10015195] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q1 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medical and Surgical Nursing: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PREVENTION & REHABILITATION [10001187] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Epidemiology: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY [1488] Cell Biology: Q1 Histology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 European Journal of Cell Biology (Supplement) [10076090] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND MEDICAL ONCOLOGY [10049987] Oncology: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION [1490] Biochemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES [1491] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION [1492] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY [1493] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 European Journal of Clinical Pharmacy [10068092] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY [4908] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS [1417130] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q1 Geometry and Topology: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION [38354] Communication: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 European Journal of Computational Mechanics/Revue Européenne de Mécanique Numérique [10055623] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTRACEPTION AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE [10001188] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL [33993] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CRIME CRIMINAL LAW AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE [10010599] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CRIMINOLOGY [10010658] Law: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CULTURAL STUDIES [10015198] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 Education: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION [10006303] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Education: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY [10051186] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY [12131] Dermatology: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY [10012001] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH [41781] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS [1495] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES [10025590] Cultural Studies: Q3 Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY [10004903] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES [10018809] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION [1378094] Education: Q2 European Journal of Electrical Engineering [10080126] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10011469] Emergency Medicine: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY [1496] Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 European Journal of Endocrinology, Supplement [10041936] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION [10007564] Education: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES [10009241] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY [1497] Insect Science: Q2 European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering [10022953] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY [1498] Epidemiology: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FINANCE [10015200] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST PATHOLOGY [1499] Ecology: Q2 Forestry: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH [10003134] Forestry: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY [1500] Gastroenterology: Q2 Hepatology: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL MEDICINE [10036400] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE [10019503] Family Practice: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMICS [10024147] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GYNAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY [22709] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY [1501] Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 European Journal of Haematology, Supplement [10076093] Hematology: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS [10010882] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Health Policy: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH LAW [10025189] Health Policy: Q3 Law: Q3 European Journal of Health Psychology [20068011] Applied Psychology: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE [22711] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HISTOCHEMISTRY [1502] Biophysics: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Histology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE [10001190] Horticulture: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL PHARMACY-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE [10027010] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS [7451] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOGENETICS [1503] Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q4 Immunology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY [1504] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING [10011470] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS [38355] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFLAMMATION [10011471] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS [12143] Information Systems: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT [10033216] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY [28315] Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE [10015696] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [2149389] Internal Medicine: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [10007346] Law: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT [10015204] Business and International Management: Q2 Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS [38356] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF JEWISH STUDIES [10028910] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Religious Studies: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND ECONOMICS [10015374] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Law: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF LIPID SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [28316] Biotechnology: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Food Science: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 European Journal of Lymphology and Related Problems [10067603] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS ECONOMICS [10070255] Business and International Management: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MARKETING [10009417] Marketing: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY [28317] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Spectroscopy: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS [1505] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mathematical Physics: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B-FLUIDS [1506] Mathematical Physics: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS [10003135] Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH [10000432] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [1507] Drug Discovery: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH [10008339] Health (social science): Q4 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MIGRATION AND LAW [10000433] Demography: Q1 Law: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MINERALOGY [1508] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE [10033372] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY [12149] Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE [1510] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE [1511] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING [10000764] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION [22725] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS GYNECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY [1130987] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY [10011472] Oncology: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY NURSING [10011473] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology (nursing): Q1 European Journal of Oncology Pharmacy [10066601] Oncology: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH [1513] Information Systems and Management: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [28329] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Ophthalmology: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY [10022954] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oral Surgery: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES [7463] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [28331] Organic Chemistry: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 European Journal of Oriental Medicine [10079483] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS [12155] Orthodontics: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY & TRAUMATOLOGY [10011474] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY [10012758] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY [10003138] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAIN [28333] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 European Journal of Pain Supplements [10072534] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE CARE [10019792] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q2 Oncology (nursing): Q3 European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences [10054982] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacy: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY [10018509] Dermatology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY [1515] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Surgery: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS [1514] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY [4911] Social Psychology: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [1516] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS [17244] Biotechnology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY [1517] Pharmacology: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10000434] Philosophy: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY [1518] Aquatic Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION: SOCIAL AND HUMANISTIC PERSPECTIVE [10057748] Education: Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND REHABILITATION MEDICINE [10015699] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Rehabilitation: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [10001191] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY [1519] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Horticulture: Q1 Plant Science: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PLASTIC SURGERY [7470] Surgery: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY [10009318] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL RESEARCH [4912] Sociology and Political Science: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL THEORY [10012561] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF POPULATION-REVUE EUROPEENNE DE DEMOGRAPHIE [4913] Demography: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY [10028341] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Epidemiology: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS AND RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY [10077753] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PROTISTOLOGY [1520] Microbiology: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [4914] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT [38361] Applied Psychology: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY APPLIED TO LEGAL CONTEXT [10028509] Applied Psychology: Q3 Law: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION [38362] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPY AND COUNSELLING [10033304] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTRAUMATOLOGY [10024292] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH [22739] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY [1521] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY EXTRA [10016459] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING [10028342] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Atmospheric Science: Q3 Computers in Earth Sciences: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RISK REGULATION [10058514] Law: Q2 Safety Research: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SCANDINAVIAN STUDIES [10062763] Cultural Studies: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND THEOLOGY [10022955] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Multidisciplinary: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH [10024844] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [4915] Social Psychology: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES [10022418] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL THEORY [10015375] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK [10015376] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY [1522] Insect Science: Q1 Microbiology: Q3 Soil Science: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE [1523] Soil Science: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT [10035574] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION [10020291] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q2 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE [10009570] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY [2150026] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION [10008393] Education: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT [10007345] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF THEOLOGY [10012815] Religious Studies: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH [10029355] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT [10050276] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE RESEARCH: QUARTERLY [10015377] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Transportation: Q2 Urban Studies: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA [10025035] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Emergency Medicine: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY [10011475] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Emergency Medicine: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY [7477] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Surgery: D1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH [10001192] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOMENS STUDIES [38365] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Gender Studies: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WOOD AND WOOD PRODUCTS [1788] Forestry: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY [10007347] Applied Psychology: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 EUROPEAN JOURNAL ON CRIMINAL POLICY AND RESEARCH [10013168] Law: Q2 European Joyce Studies [10078815] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 EUROPEAN LAW JOURNAL [10012003] Law: Q1 EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW [10017212] Law: D1 EUROPEAN LEGACY: TOWARD NEW PARADIGMS [10009062] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 European Life Science Journal [10080127] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10016727] Strategy and Management: Q2 EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW [10020720] Business and International Management: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 EUROPEAN MASS SPECTROMETRY [7479] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Spectroscopy: Q3 EUROPEAN MEDIEVAL DRAMA [10031066] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 EUROPEAN MUSCULOSKELETAL REVIEW [10042663] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 European Neurological Journal [10041800] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 EUROPEAN NEUROLOGICAL REVIEW [10023408] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 EUROPEAN NEUROLOGY [1527] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [1528] Biological Psychiatry: Q1 Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 EUROPEAN ONCOLOGY AND HAEMATOLOGY [10058971] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 EUROPEAN ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY [10045813] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 European Pharmaceutical Journal [10087727] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 European Pharmaceutical Review [10050267] Biochemistry: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION REVIEW [10009418] Education: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL A: HADRONS AND NUCLEI [17261] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q1 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS [17265] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B [17262] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C [17263] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D [17264] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E [28358] Biophysics: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL H: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS [10022956] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS [10013067] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-SPECIAL TOPICS [10006975] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 EUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES [10001028] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 EUROPEAN POLITICAL SCIENCE [10015378] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 EUROPEAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW [10028510] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY [10054778] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL [1529] Organic Chemistry: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRIC REVIEW [10022182] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY [12175] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 EUROPEAN PSYCHOLOGIST [10001411] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPEAN RADIOLOGY [12176] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 European Research in Telemedicine [10037483] Health Informatics: Q4 Health Information Management: Q4 European Research on Management and Business Economics [10079935] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Marketing: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 EUROPEAN RESEARCH STUDIES: AN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL WITH TOPICS IN EUROPEAN INTEGRATION [10020721] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY DISEASE [10010938] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL [1530] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY MONOGRAPH [10028834] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY REVIEW [2147494] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 EUROPEAN REVIEW [2147409] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10010896] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 EUROPEAN REVIEW OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY [10011476] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 EUROPEAN REVIEW OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS [7484] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 EUROPEAN REVIEW OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY-REVUE EUROPEENNE DE PSYCHOLOGIE APPLI [4916] Applied Psychology: Q3 EUROPEAN REVIEW OF ECONOMIC HISTORY [2145371] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 History: D1 EUROPEAN REVIEW OF HISTORY / REVUE EUROPEENNE D'HISTOIRE [1052844] History: Q1 EUROPEAN REVIEW OF LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN STUDIES [41810] History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 EUROPEAN REVIEW OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [10012004] Social Psychology: Q1 European Romantic Review [10076097] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 EUROPEAN SCIENCE EDITING [2146192] Communication: Q3 Health Informatics: Q3 EUROPEAN SOCIETIES [10007348] Demography: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 EUROPEAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW [38368] Sociology and Political Science: D1 European Space Agency (Scientific and Technical Reports) ESA STR [10078817] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 EUROPEAN SPATIAL DATA RESEARCH [10011011] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 EUROPEAN SPATIAL RESEARCH AND POLICY [2147587] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 EUROPEAN SPINE JOURNAL [34057] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Surgery: D1 EUROPEAN SPORT MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY [10015379] Sports Science: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 European Studies in Sports History [10080829] History: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 EUROPEAN SURGERY-ACTA CHIRURGICA AUSTRIACA [10005275] Surgery: Q3 EUROPEAN SURGICAL RESEARCH [1531] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL POWER [12180] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 EUROPEAN TRANSACTIONS ON TELECOMMUNICATIONS [7487] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 EUROPEAN TRANSPORT RESEARCH REVIEW [10055264] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Transportation: Q3 EUROPEAN TRANSPORT / TRASPORTI EUROPEI [10021219] Automotive Engineering: Q1 Transportation: Q2 EUROPEAN UNION POLITICS [10003139] Demography: D1 Health (social science): D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 EUROPEAN URBAN AND REGIONAL STUDIES [38369] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 European Urological Review [10040294] Urology: Q3 EUROPEAN UROLOGY [1533] Urology: D1 EUROPEAN UROLOGY SUPPLEMENTS [10001193] Urology: Q2 EUROPEAN ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL [10071105] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 EUROPE-ASIA STUDIES [1302134] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 EUROPE - REVUE LITTERAIRE MENSUELLE [1189713] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 EUROPES JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [10021794] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 EUROPHYSICS LETTERS [1535] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 EUROPHYSICS NEWS [10002743] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 EUROSURVEILLANCE [10012476] Epidemiology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Virology: Q1 EVALUATION AND PROGRAM PLANNING [4919] Business and International Management: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 EVALUATION AND RESEARCH IN EDUCATION [10022293] Education: Q4 EVALUATION REVIEW [4920] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 EVALUATION & THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS [4918] Health Policy: Q1 EVALUATION: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10018028] Development: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 EVANGELISCHE THEOLOGIE [10057316] Religious Studies: Q4 EVENT MANAGEMENT [10033412] Business and International Management: Q2 Marketing: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 EVIDENCE AND POLICY [10028511] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physiology: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 EVIDENCE-BASED CHILD HEALTH [10016220] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention [10067297] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q4 Speech and Hearing: Q4 EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE [10006977] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 EVIDENCE-BASED DENTISTRY [10069100] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Evidence Based Library and Information Practice [10080602] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 EVIDENCE BASED MEDICINE (EBM): FOR PRIMARY CARE AND INTERNAL MEDICINE [10031441] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EVIDENCE-BASED MENTAL HEALTH [10022662] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Evidence Based Midwifery [10079703] Fundamentals and Skills: Q3 Maternity and Midwifery: Q3 EVIDENCE BASED NURSING [10042940] Fundamentals and Skills: Q3 Evidence-Based Ophthalmology [10078819] Ophthalmology: Q4 EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE [10025899] Fundamentals and Skills: Q4 Evidence report/technology assessment [10079484] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EVODEVO [10028343] Developmental Biology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: Q1 EVOLUTION [1539] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: Q1 EVOLUTION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR [12189] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 EVOLUTIONARY ANTHROPOLOGY [38374] Anthropology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 EVOLUTIONARY APPLICATIONS [10009572] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: Q1 EVOLUTIONARY BIOINFORMATICS [10011477] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY [1536] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION [10001195] Computational Mathematics: Q1 EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY [1537] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY RESEARCH [22771] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Evolutionary Intelligence [10055182] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY [10014258] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 EVOLUTION & DEVELOPMENT [28375] Developmental Biology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 EVOLUTION EQUATIONS AND CONTROL THEORY [10045425] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Control and Optimization: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 EVOLUTION PSYCHIATRIQUE [38376] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Evolving Systems [10042543] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 E-Water [10079933] Pollution: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 Exartisis [10080371] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Excellence in Ecology [10076103] Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN [4921] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Education: D1 EXCEPTIONALITY A SPECIAL EDUCATION JOURNAL [10015380] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 EXCEPTIONALITY EDUCATION INTERNATIONAL [10069945] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 EXCHANGE-JOURNAL OF MISSIOLOGICAL AND ECUMENICAL RESEARCH [10066734] Cultural Studies: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 EXCLI JOURNAL [10015705] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology: Q3 Exemplaria [10078820] Cultural Studies: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 EXEMPLARIA CLASSICA [10033455] Classics: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 EXERCISE AND SPORT SCIENCES REVIEWS [28382] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: D1 EXERCISE IMMUNOLOGY REVIEW [17283] Immunology: Q1 Sports Science: D1 EXISTENTIA [2150969] Philosophy: Q4 EXPERIMENT: A JOURNAL OF RUSSIAN CULTURE [10088831] Cultural Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 EXPERIMENTAL AGING RESEARCH [1540] Aging: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 EXPERIMENTAL AGRICULTURE [1541] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY [1543] Ecology: Q2 Insect Science: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY [10004923] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q3 EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & DIABETES [7500] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Experimental and Clinical Hepatology [10057998] Hepatology: Q3 EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [17293] Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL TRANSPLANTATION [10011478] Transplantation: Q3 EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE [17301] Biochemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY [1554] Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE [10015706] Cancer Research: Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 EXPERIMENTAL AND TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY [1561] Cell Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL AND TRANSLATIONAL STROKE MEDICINE [10032519] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS [1542] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 EXPERIMENTAL ASTRONOMY [22781] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [34079] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH [1544] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH [1545] Cell Biology: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY [22787] Biochemistry: Q2 Dermatology: D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL DIABETES RESEARCH [10011479] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS [10007349] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 EXPERIMENTAL EYE RESEARCH [1548] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Ophthalmology: Q1 Sensory Systems: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY [1550] Aging: Q2 Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Endocrinology: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL HEAT TRANSFER [17297] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY [1551] Cancer Research: Q2 Cell Biology: Q2 Genetics: Q2 Hematology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY & ONCOLOGY [10023306] Cancer Research: Q2 Hematology: Q2 Oncology: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL LUNG RESEARCH [1552] Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL MATHEMATICS [28401] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS [1553] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Experimental Methods in the Physical Sciences [10043153] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY [1557] Developmental Neuroscience: Q1 Neurology: Q1 EXPERIMENTAL ONCOLOGY [10040027] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL PARASITOLOGY [1558] Immunology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Parasitology: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY [1559] Physiology: Q2 EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY [10001031] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES [7515] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE [1560] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: D1 EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS [1549] Computational Mechanics: D1 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 EXPERT OPINION ON BIOLOGICAL THERAPY [34104] Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Drug Discovery: Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 EXPERT OPINION ON DRUG DELIVERY [10004624] Pharmaceutical Science: D1 EXPERT OPINION ON DRUG DISCOVERY [10010236] Drug Discovery: Q1 EXPERT OPINION ON DRUG METABOLISM & TOXICOLOGY [10009573] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 EXPERT OPINION ON DRUG SAFETY [10009574] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 EXPERT OPINION ON EMERGING DRUGS [10006978] Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 EXPERT OPINION ON INVESTIGATIONAL DRUGS [10000767] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 EXPERT OPINION ON MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS [10028198] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 EXPERT OPINION ON PHARMACOTHERAPY [10003146] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 EXPERT OPINION ON THERAPEUTIC PATENTS [17312] Drug Discovery: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 EXPERT OPINION ON THERAPEUTIC TARGETS [10046156] Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Drug Discovery: D1 Molecular Medicine: Q1 Pharmacology: D1 EXPERT REVIEW OF ANTICANCER THERAPY [10006979] Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 EXPERT REVIEW OF ANTI-INFECTIVE THERAPY [10008046] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Virology: Q2 EXPERT REVIEW OF CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY [10027522] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EXPERT REVIEW OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [10012921] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 EXPERT REVIEW OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY [10018522] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 EXPERT REVIEW OF DERMATOLOGY [10023860] Dermatology: Q3 EXPERT REVIEW OF ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM [10025473] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 EXPERT REVIEW OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY [10028344] Gastroenterology: Q2 Hepatology: Q2 EXPERT REVIEW OF HEMATOLOGY [10015707] Hematology: Q2 EXPERT REVIEW OF MEDICAL DEVICES [10005648] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 EXPERT REVIEW OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS [10003148] Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 EXPERT REVIEW OF NEUROTHERAPEUTICS [10009876] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 EXPERT REVIEW OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [10043271] Maternity and Midwifery: Q3 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 EXPERT REVIEW OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [10015012] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 Optometry: Q3 EXPERT REVIEW OF PHARMACOECONOMICS AND OUTCOMES RESEARCH [10013286] Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 EXPERT REVIEW OF PROTEOMICS [10003149] Biochemistry: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 EXPERT REVIEW OF RESPIRATORY MEDICINE [10037673] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 EXPERT REVIEW OF VACCINES [10006980] Drug Discovery: Q1 Immunology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 EXPERT REVIEWS IN MOLECULAR MEDICINE [10007725] Molecular Biology: Q1 Molecular Medicine: D1 EXPERT SYSTEMS [12215] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS [1563] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 EXPLICATOR [10000440] Education: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 EXPLORATION AND MINING GEOLOGY [12216] Geology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Exploration and Research for Atomic Minerals [10063770] Economic Geology: Q4 EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS [10011480] Geology: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 EXPLORATIONS IN ECONOMIC HISTORY [4922] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 History: D1 Explosion [10076106] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 EXPOSITIONES MATHEMATICAE [10003151] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 EXPOSITORY TIMES [10000441] Religious Studies: Q3 Expressions Maghrebines [10063192] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 EXPRESS POLYMER LETTERS [10008732] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 EXS [10032121] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 EXTRAPOLATION [10000442] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 EXTREME PHYSIOLOGY & MEDICINE [10054544] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q3 EXTREMES [10015708] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 EXTREMOPHILES : LIFE UNDER EXTREME CONDITIONS [12217] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 EYE [1564] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q1 Sensory Systems: Q2 EYE AND CONTACT LENS - SCIENCE AND CLINICAL PRACTICE [10015709] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q2 Eye - International Review of Graphic Design [10079937] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Eye Science [10076109] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 Sensory Systems: Q4 F1000 BIOLOGY REPORTS [10052364] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 F1000 MEDICINE REPORTS [10038021] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 F1000RESEARCH [10036868] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 FABAD JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10049608] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Fabrics and Architecture [10076111] Architecture: Q4 Business and International Management: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 FABULA [10000443] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 FACHSPRACHE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPECIALIZED COMMUNICATION [10022296] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY [10011481] Surgery: Q2 FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [10032979] Surgery: Q2 FACIES [12219] Geology: Q2 Paleontology: Q2 Stratigraphy: Q2 Facilities [10052574] Architecture: Q1 Building and Construction: Q2 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q3 FAGUANG XUEBAO / CHINESE JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE [10039702] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Radiation: Q3 Faith and Philosophy [10076113] Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 FAMILIAL CANCER [10006981] Cancer Research: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Oncology: Q2 FAMILIENDYNAMIK: INTERDISZIPLINäRE ZEITSCHRIFT FŰR SYSTEMORIENTIERTE PRAXIS UND FORSCHUNG [10017771] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 FAMILIES IN SOCIETY-THE JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL SERVICES [4927] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q3 FAMILIES RELATIONSHIPS AND SOCIETIES [10066642] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 FAMILIES SYSTEMS & HEALTH [10022957] Applied Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL [10032224] Cultural Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW [10007350] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Finance: D1 FAMILY & COMMUNITY HEALTH [38380] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 FAMILY LAW QUARTERLY [4923] Law: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Family Matters [10076114] Social Psychology: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 FAMILY MEDICINE [10000768] Family Practice: Q2 FAMILY MEDICINE AND PRIMARY CARE REVIEW [10037521] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 FAMILY PRACTICE [1565] Family Practice: Q1 Family Practice Management [10076115] Family Practice: Q3 Health Policy: Q4 FAMILY PROCESS [4925] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 FAMILY RELATIONS [4926] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Work: Q2 Family Science [10072574] Anthropology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 FAO food and nutrition paper [10076116] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 FARADAY DISCUSSIONS [1566] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 FARBE + LACK [2075151] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 FAR EAST JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES [10019934] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 FARMACEUTICKY OBZOR [10031577] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 FARMACEUTICO HOSPITALES [10079485] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Farmaceuticos de Atencion Primaria [10039372] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 FARMACEUTISCH TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR BELGIE [1369793] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Farmaceutski Glasnik [10067283] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 FARMACEUTYCZNY PRZEGLAD NAUKOWY [10039340] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 FARMACEVTSKI VESTNIK [10009027] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 FARMACIA (BUCHAREST) [10009575] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 FARMACIA HOSPITALARIA [10052318] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 FARMACIA (SOFIA) [10058458] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacy: Q4 FASCISM: JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE FASCIST STUDIES [10070635] History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 FASEB JOURNAL [1569] Biochemistry: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 FASHION THEORY: THE JOURNAL OF DRESS, BODY AND CULTURE [10032608] Cultural Studies: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 Fathering [10080832] Anthropology: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 FATIGUE & FRACTURE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS & STRUCTURES [1570] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Fat Studies [10080831] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Gender Studies: Q3 Health (social science): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 FAUNA NORVEGICA [10057155] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Fauna of Arabia [10079486] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 FAVENTIA [10031610] Classics: Q3 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 FAYIXUE ZAZHI/JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE [10063654] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 FEBS JOURNAL [10002391] Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q1 FEBS LETTERS [1571] Biochemistry: Q1 Biophysics: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Structural Biology: Q1 FEBS OPEN BIO [10031905] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 FEDDES REPERTORIUM [10017408] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 FEDERAL PROBATION [4928] Law: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Federal Register [10076119] Law: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 Felsbau Magazin [10079938] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 FEMALE PELVIC MEDICINE AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY [10048210] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 Urology: Q2 FEMINISM & PSYCHOLOGY [4929] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Gender Studies: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 FEMINIST CRIMINOLOGY [10015381] Gender Studies: D1 Law: Q1 FEMINIST ECONOMICS [38387] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Gender Studies: Q1 FEMINISTISCHE STUDIEN [10012005] Gender Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 FEMINIST LEGAL STUDIES [10023110] Gender Studies: Q2 Feminist Media Studies [10052408] Communication: Q2 Gender Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 FEMINIST REVIEW [4930] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Gender Studies: Q2 FEMINIST STUDIES [4931] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Gender Studies: Q3 Feminist Theology [10061484] Gender Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q2 FEMINIST THEORY [10010574] Gender Studies: Q1 FEMS IMMUNOLOGY AND MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY [1573] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY [1574] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: D1 Ecology: D1 Microbiology: Q1 FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS [1575] Genetics: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 FEMS MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS [1576] Infectious Diseases: D1 Microbiology: D1 FEMS YEAST RESEARCH [10001196] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Fenmo Yejin Cailiao Kexue yu Gongcheng/Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy [10042149] Metals and Alloys: Q3 Fenmo Yejin Jishu/Powder Metallurgy Technology [10055285] Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 FENNIA [41283] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Fennoscandia Archaeologica [10080603] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 FERN GAZETTE [10076123] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 FERROELECTRICS [22823] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 FERROELECTRICS LETTERS SECTION [1577] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 FERTILITY AND STERILITY [1579] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Reproductive Medicine: D1 FETAL AND MATERNAL MEDICINE REVIEW [10034730] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 FETAL AND PEDIATRIC PATHOLOGY [10005649] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 FETAL DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY [7536] Embryology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 FEUILLETS DE BIOLOGIE [10039337] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 FEUILLETS DE RADIOLOGIE [10011482] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 FEW-BODY SYSTEMS [1581] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 FF COMMUNICATIONS [10000447] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 FIBER AND INTEGRATED OPTICS [1582] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Fiberarts [10078824] Polymers and Plastics: Q4 FIBERS AND POLYMERS [10001197] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 FIBONACCI QUARTERLY [1583] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 FIBRE CHEMISTRY [17338] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 FIBRES & TEXTILES IN EASTERN EUROPE [34131] Business and International Management: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 FIBROGENESIS AND TISSUE REPAIR [10038846] Dermatology: D1 Gastroenterology: D1 Hepatology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Rheumatology: Q1 FICHTE-STUDIEN: BEITRAEGE ZUR GESCHICHTE UND SYSTEMATIK DER TRANSZENDENTALPHILOSOPHIE [10030409] Philosophy: Q4 Field Actions Science Report [10080834] Development: Q4 Education: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 FIELD CROPS RESEARCH [1585] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Soil Science: Q1 FIELD METHODS [10009419] Anthropology: Q1 FIELD MYCOLOGY [10056293] Ecology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 FIELDS INSTITUTE COMMUNICATIONS [2151947] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Fields Institute Monographs [10080835] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 FIFTEENTH-CENTURY STUDIES [10078825] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Figures de la Psychanalyse [10078574] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Film and History [10080604] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 FILM COMMENT [10000449] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 FILM CRITICISM [10000450] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Film History: An International Journal [10078128] History: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Film International [10080836] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 FILM QUARTERLY [10000451] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 FILOLOGIJA [2005743] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 FILOMAT [10015710] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Filosofia Politica [10080837] History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 FILOSOFIA UNISINOS [10029514] Philosophy: Q4 FILOSOFICKY CASOPIS [4932] Religious Studies: Q3 FILOSOFIJA-SOCIOLOGIJA [10015393] Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 FILOZOFIA - BRATISLAVA [10000453] Religious Studies: Q1 FILOZOFIA NAUKI [10059206] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Filozofska Istrazivanja [10080128] Philosophy: Q3 FILOZOFSKI VESTNIK-ACTA PHILOSOPHICA [10000454] Religious Studies: Q4 Filtration [10079487] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Filtration Industry Analyst [10078828] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Filtration and Separation: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 FILTRATION & SEPARATION [7543] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Filtration and Separation: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT [10021172] Development: Q4 Finance: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 FINANCE AND STOCHASTICS [10001412] Finance: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 FINANCE A UVER: CZECH JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE [38392] Accounting: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS [10015395] Finance: Q2 FINANCIAL ANALYSTS JOURNAL [10000455] Accounting: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 FINANCIAL HISTORY REVIEW [10020744] Finance: Q1 History: D1 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT [4933] Accounting: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 FINANCIAL MARKETS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT [10023741] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q2 FINANCIAL MARKETS, INSTITUTIONS & INSTRUMENTS [10020746] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Finance: Q2 FINANCIAL REVIEW (STATESBORO) [10082494] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 FINANZARCHIV [10007352] Finance: Q3 Findings brief : health care financing & organization [10076129] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 FINISTERRA: REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE GEOGRAFIA [10035664] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 FINITE ELEMENTS IN ANALYSIS AND DESIGN [12245] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 FINITE FIELDS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS [34137] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 FIRE AND MATERIALS [28444] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 FIRE ECOLOGY [10032981] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Forestry: Q1 FIRE RESCUE MAGAZINE [10057153] Emergency Medicine: Q4 Emergency Nursing: Q4 Fire Risk Management [10079028] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 FIRE SAFETY JOURNAL [1586] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 FIRE TECHNOLOGY [17345] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 FIRST BREAK [10005755] Geophysics: Q2 FIRST LANGUAGE [10022299] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 FIRST MONDAY [10013852] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Law: Q1 First World War Studies [10074610] History: Q3 FISCAL STUDIES [10000456] Accounting: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q2 FISH AND FISHERIES [10003156] Aquatic Science: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Oceanography: D1 FISH AND SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY [7549] Aquatic Science: Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 FISHERIES [1591] Aquatic Science: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES (KOREA) [10025484] Aquatic Science: Q4 Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 FISHERIES MANAGEMENT AND ECOLOGY [34148] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 FISHERIES OCEANOGRAPHY [12248] Aquatic Science: D1 Oceanography: Q1 FISHERIES RESEARCH [1590] Aquatic Science: Q1 FISHERIES SCIENCE [1592] Aquatic Science: Q2 FISHERY BULLETIN [1587] Aquatic Science: Q1 FISH PATHOLOGY [1588] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q3 FISH PHYSIOLOGY [10037568] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Physiology: Q4 FISH PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY [1589] Aquatic Science: Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 FISIOTERAPIA [10040469] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 FITOTERAPIA [28455] Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 FIXED POINT THEORY [10011483] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 FIXED POINT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [10006982] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q2 FIZIKA A: A JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS (ZAGREB) [40602] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 FIZIKA B [10025269] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 FIZIOLOGIYA CHELOVEKA [10030167] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Fiziolohichnyi Zhurnal [10076137] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Fizjoterapia [10048310] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Fizjoterapia Polska [10048752] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Fiz. Rehab. [10036041] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 FIZYKOCHEMICZNE PROBLEMY MINERALURGII [10011788] Economic Geology: Q2 Geology: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 FLAVOUR AND FRAGRANCE JOURNAL [28457] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Food Science: Q1 FLEXIBLE SERVICES AND MANUFACTURING JOURNAL [10020757] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Flexo [10076138] Marketing: Q4 Media Technology: Q4 Flexo Tech [10079174] Media Technology: Q3 FLORA [1599] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 Flora Mediterranea [10062201] Plant Science: Q3 Floresta [10080605] Ecology: Q3 Forestry: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 Floresta e Ambiente [10057236] Forestry: Q3 Floricultura and Ornamental Biotechnology [10060819] Horticulture: Q4 FLORIDA ENTOMOLOGIST [1597] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q2 FLORIDA GEOGRAPHER [10076140] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 FLOW MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATION [12260] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION [22853] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 FLUCTUATION AND NOISE LETTERS [10002426] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 FLUID DYNAMICS [10015711] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing [10079705] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 FLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH [1600] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 Fluid Mechanics and its Applications [10050433] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA [1601] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 FLUIDS AND BARRIERS OF THE CNS [10035661] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Developmental Neuroscience: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neurology: Q1 FLUMINENSIA [10008509] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 FLUORIDE [1602] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 FLUX - CAHIERS SCIENTIFIQUES INTERNATIONAUX RESEAUX ET TERRITOIRES [10002842] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 FLY [10009576] Insect Science: D1 FMC Formacion Medica Continuada en Atencion Primaria [10036172] Community and Home Care: Q4 Gastroenterology: Q4 FME TRANSACTIONS [10029408] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 FOCAAL: JOURNAL OF GLOBAL AND HISTORICAL ANTHROPOLOGY [10023359] Anthropology: Q2 FOCUS ON ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES [10012970] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 FOCUS ON AUTISM AND OTHER DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES [10015398] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Focus on Cancer Medicine [10079706] Oncology: Q4 FOCUS ON EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN [4934] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Focus on Geography [10076146] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Focus on Parkinson's Disease [10069287] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Focus (San Francisco, Calif.) [10076144] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 FOG - FREIBERG ONLINE GEOSCIENCE [10048897] Ecology: Q3 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Geology: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 FOGORVOSI SZEMLE [1035693] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 FOLIA BIOLOGICA [1604] Biochemistry: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Immunology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 FOLIA BIOLOGICA-KRAKOW [1603] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 FOLIA CRYPTOGAMICA ESTONICA [40305] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 FOLIA FORESTALIA POLONICA, SERIES A [10050886] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 FOLIA GEOBOTANICA [17367] Paleontology: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 FOLIA HISTOCHEMICA ET CYTOBIOLOGICA [17368] Histology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Folia Japonica de Ophthalmologica Clinica [10063508] Ophthalmology: Q4 FOLIA LINGUISTICA: ACTA SOCIETATIS LINGUISTICAE EUROPAEAE [1303122] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 FOLIA LINGUISTICA HISTORICA [10000457] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 FOLIA MEDICA [10056430] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Folia Medica Cracoviensia [10076150] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 FOLIA MICROBIOLOGICA [1606] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 FOLIA MORPHOLOGICA [10022958] Anatomy: Q3 Histology: Q3 FOLIA NEUROPATHOLOGICA [17370] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 FOLIA OECOLOGICA [10014958] Ecology: Q3 Forestry: Q3 FOLIA ONOMASTICA CROATICA [10022300] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 FOLIA PARASITOLOGICA [1607] Parasitology: Q2 FOLIA PHARMACOLOGICA JAPONICA [10000458] Pharmacology: Q4 FOLIA PHONIATRICA ET LOGOPAEDICA [4935] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LPN and LVN: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q3 FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA [1608] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 FOLIA ZOOLOGICA [1609] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 FOLK LIFE: JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGICAL STUDIES [10000460] Anthropology: Q4 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 FOLKLORE (ESTONIA) [42636] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 FOLKLORE (UK) [10000462] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 FOLK MUSIC JOURNAL [10000461] Music: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 FONTES ARTIS MUSICAE [10000463] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Music: Q2 FOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS PART A - CHEMISTRY ANALYSIS CONTROL EXPOSURE AND RISK ASSESSMENT [43056] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Food Science: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Toxicology: Q2 FOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS PART B - SURVEILLANCE [10009577] Food Science: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Toxicology: Q3 FOOD ANALYTICAL METHODS [10009578] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Food Science: Q1 Safety Research: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 FOOD AND AGRICULTURAL IMMUNOLOGY [12273] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q3 Immunology: Q4 FOOD AND BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY [10009579] Food Science: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Process Chemistry and Technology: D1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 FOOD AND BIOPRODUCTS PROCESSING [17378] Biochemistry: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Food Science: Q1 FOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY [1614] Food Science: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Toxicology: Q2 FOOD AND DRUG LAW JOURNAL [1615] Law: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 FOOD AND ENERGY SECURITY [10028678] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Forestry: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL VIROLOGY [10015712] Epidemiology: Q3 Food Science: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Virology: Q3 Food and Foodways [10038790] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Food Science: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 FOOD AND FUNCTION [10022511] Food Science: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL COMPONENTS IN FOCUS [10049706] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Food Science: Q4 FOOD AND NUTRITION BULLETIN [10006983] Food Science: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 FOOD AUSTRALIA [1611] Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 FOOD BIOPHYSICS [10005651] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 Food Science: Q1 FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY [1612] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 FOODBORNE PATHOGENS AND DISEASE [10006984] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Food Science: Q1 Microbiology: Q2 FOOD CHEMISTRY [1613] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Food Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 FOOD CONTROL [12278] Biotechnology: Q1 Food Science: D1 FOOD CULTURE & SOCIETY [10028512] Cultural Studies: Q1 Food Science: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 Food Digestion [10071098] Food Science: Q2 Gastroenterology: Q2 Food Engineering and Ingredients [10080129] Biotechnology: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Food Engineering Reviews [10022959] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS [1616] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Food Science: D1 FOOD HYGIENE AND SAFETY SCIENCE [2496] Food Science: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Food Manufacture [10080130] Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 FOOD MICROBIOLOGY [1617] Food Science: D1 Microbiology: Q1 FOOD & NUTRITION RESEARCH [10013248] Food Science: Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 FOOD POLICY [1618] Development: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Food Science: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 FOOD PROTECTION TRENDS [10070238] Food Science: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE [12283] Food Science: Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [1619] Food Science: D1 FOOD REVIEWS INTERNATIONAL [1620] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Food Science: Q1 FOOD SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [10003162] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q2 FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10011403] Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10066688] Food Science: Q4 FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [12286] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Food Science: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH [10001199] Biotechnology: Q3 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Food Science: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Marketing: Q3 FOOD SECURITY: THE SCIENCE SOCIOLOGY AND ECONOMICS OF FOOD PRODUCTION AND ACCESS TO FOOD [10015713] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Development: Q1 Food Science: Q1 FOOD TECHNOLOGY [1623] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 FOOD TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [17392] Biotechnology: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Food Science: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Foot [10056900] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Podiatry: Q1 FOOT AND ANKLE CLINICS [10020907] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 FOOT AND ANKLE SPECIALIST [10059561] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Podiatry: D1 Surgery: Q2 FOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY [10032151] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 FOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL [1624] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Surgery: Q1 FOOTPRINT (NETHERLANDS) [10031032] Architecture: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 FOOTWEAR SCIENCE [10069441] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biophysics: Q3 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Fooyin Journal of Health Sciences [10060870] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 FORDHAM LAW REVIEW [4937] Law: Q1 FOREIGN AFFAIRS [4938] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 FOREIGN LANGUAGE ANNALS [4939] Linguistics and Language: Q1 FOREIGN LITERATURE STUDIES [10066681] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 FOREIGN POLICY [4940] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 FOREIGN POLICY ANALYSIS [10023111] Political Science and International Relations: D1 FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL [1625] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS [10009580] Genetics: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL GENETICS SUPPLEMENT SERIES [10012502] Genetics: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 FORENSIC SCIENCE MEDICINE AND PATHOLOGY [10015714] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 FORENSIC SCIENCE REVIEW [10062314] Law: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY [10015715] Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 Toxicology: Q1 FORENSISCHE PSYCHIATRIE PSYCHOLOGIE KRIMINOLOGIE [10071613] Applied Psychology: Q4 Law: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 FORESIGHT AND STI GOVERNANCE [10054768] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 FORESIGHT: THE JOURNAL OF FUTURE STUDIES STRATEGIC THINKING AND POLICY [10012255] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Forest Chemicals Review [10078129] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Forestry: Q4 FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT [1627] Forestry: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 FOREST PATHOLOGY [28499] Ecology: Q2 Forestry: Q1 FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS [10001200] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Forestry: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 FOREST PRODUCTS JOURNAL [1628] Forestry: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Plant Science: Q3 Forest Research [10037296] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 FORESTRY [1630] Forestry: D1 FORESTRY CHRONICLE [1626] Forestry: Q2 Forestry Studies [10052262] Forestry: Q3 FORESTRY STUDIES IN CHINA [10019328] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 FORESTS [10010435] Forestry: Q1 FOREST SCIENCE [1629] Ecological Modeling: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Forestry: Q1 Forest Science and Technology [10072114] Forestry: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Forests Trees and Livelihoods [10076157] Forestry: Q2 FOREST SYSTEMS [10015716] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Forestry: Q2 Soil Science: Q3 FORKTAIL [10015717] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Formacion Universitaria [10057919] Education: Q3 FORMAL ASPECTS OF COMPUTING [10005652] Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 Formalized Mathematics [10062680] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 FORMAL METHODS IN SYSTEM DESIGN [7589] Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 FORMATION EMPLOI: REVUE FRANçAISE DE SCIENCES SOCIALES [10020990] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Formosan Journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders [10080374] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 FORMOSAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY [10071682] Surgery: Q4 FORMULARY [12297] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 FORNVANNEN [10080606] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 FORO HISPANICO [10022304] Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 FORSCHENDE KOMPLEMENTARMEDIZIN [10006985] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 FORSCHUNG IM INGENIEURWESEN-ENGINEERING RESEARCH [1631] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 FORSTARCHIV [10010434] Ecology: Q3 Forestry: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 FOR THE LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION [10069946] Education: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 FORTSCHRITTE DER NEUROLOGIE PSYCHIATRIE [1633] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK-PROGRESS OF PHYSICS [1634] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 FORTUNE [4941] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 FORUM-A JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN CONTEMPORARY POLITICS [10012006] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 FORUM DER PSYCHOANALYSE [4942] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 FORUM FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES [10020991] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 FORUM FOR MODERN LANGUAGE STUDIES [10000464] Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venerology [10039330] Dermatology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 FORUM FOR WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES [10063240] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 FORUM ITALICUM [10000465] Cultural Studies: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Forum Logopadie [10078577] LPN and LVN: Q3 Speech and Hearing: Q3 FORUM MATHEMATICUM [1635] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 FORUM MODERNES THEATER [10000466] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Forum of Clinical Oncology [10040459] Oncology: Q4 FORUM OF NUTRITION [10021411] Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 FORUM ON IMMUNOPATHOLOGICAL DISEASES AND THERAPEUTICS [10044644] Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 FORUM QUALITATIVE SOZIALFORSCHUNG [42177] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 FORUM STADT [10063019] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 History: Q3 Urban Studies: Q4 FOSSIL IMPRINT [10067279] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Geology: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 Stratigraphy: Q4 FOSSIL RECORD: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCE [10052316] Paleontology: Q3 FOSSILS [10035365] Paleontology: Q4 Fossils and Strata [10071121] Paleontology: Q1 FOTTEA [10009937] Plant Science: Q2 Foucault Studies [10079176] Philosophy: Q1 Foundation of Computer and Decision Sciences [10048336] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 FOUNDATION REVIEW [10088066] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN ACCOUNTING [10021176] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q2 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION THEORY [41178] Applied Mathematics: D1 Computer Networks and Communications: D1 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND VISION [10068617] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: D1 Foundations and Trends in Databases [10079707] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN ECONOMETRICS [10021177] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN ELECTRONIC DESIGN AUTOMATION [10069611] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP [10018338] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN FINANCE [10020993] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 Foundations and Trends in Human-Computer Interaction [10079708] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL [10052302] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Information Systems: D1 Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning [10039052] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: D1 Software: D1 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN MARKETING [10069684] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Marketing: Q2 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN MICROECONOMICS [10020994] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Foundations and Trends in Networking [10043833] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING [10045047] Signal Processing: Q3 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT [10071378] Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE [10042209] Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN WEB SCIENCE [10051074] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Foundations in Engineering Mechanics [10079489] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 FOUNDATIONS OF CHEMISTRY [10038683] Biochemistry: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q1 FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS [34205] Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Mathematics: D1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 FOUNDATIONS OF MANAGEMENT [10071940] Strategy and Management: Q4 FOUNDATIONS OF PHYSICS [1636] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 FOUNDATIONS OF SCIENCE [10015719] History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Multidisciplinary: D1 FOUNDRY TRADE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL [10073703] Information Systems: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Software: Q4 Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction [10080375] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 FÖLDRAJZI ÉRTESÍTŐ (1952-2008) [1326143] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 FÖLDTANI KÖZLÖNY [39697] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geology: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 Stratigraphy: Q3 FP essentials [10080838] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 FRACTALS-COMPLEX GEOMETRY PATTERNS AND SCALING IN NATURE AND SOCIETY [12305] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Multidisciplinary: Q1 FRACTIONAL CALCULUS AND APPLIED ANALYSIS [10028802] Analysis: D1 Applied Mathematics: D1 FRAGMENTA FLORISTICA ET GEOBOTANICA POLONICA [10070580] Plant Science: Q4 FRANCAIS MODERNE: REVUE DE LINGUISTIQUE FRANCAISE [10000467] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 FRANCIA: FORSCHUNGEN ZUR WESTEUROPAISCHEN GESCHICHTE: FRUHE NEUZEIT - REVOLUTION - EMPIRE 1500-1815 [10023760] History: Q4 Franciscan Studies [10049052] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 FRATTURA ED INTEGRITA STRUTTURALE [10017088] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [1638] Biochemistry: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 FREE RADICAL RESEARCH [1639] Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie [10039510] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 French Colonial History [10080376] History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 FRENCH CULTURAL STUDIES [39699] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 FRENCH FORUM [10000468] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 FRENCH HISTORICAL STUDIES [10000469] History: Q1 FRENCH HISTORY [10023112] History: D1 FRENCH LITERATURE SERIES [10080607] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 FRENCH POLITICS [10025611] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 FRENCH REVIEW (US) [10000470] Cultural Studies: Q2 Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 FRENCH STUDIES [10000471] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 FRENCH STUDIES BULLETIN [39700] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 FREQUENZ [1640] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN [12309] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Pollution: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 FRESHWATER BIOLOGY [1642] Aquatic Science: D1 FRESHWATER SCIENCE [10032982] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 FRONTIERS-A JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUDIES [4943] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Gender Studies: Q4 FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE [10023304] Aging: Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS [10040259] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 FRONTIERS IN BEHAVIORAL NEUROSCIENCE [10016246] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q1 FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE (ELITE EDITION) [10018737] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE-LANDMARK [10000473] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 FRONTIERS IN BIOSCIENCE (SCHOLAR EDITION) [10023953] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY [10032983] Immunology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q1 FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE [10015931] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 FRONTIERS IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE [10015932] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Frontiers in Diabetes [10049846] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCES [10052559] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT [10001201] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY [10017752] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Frontiers in Energy [10037802] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 FRONTIERS IN EVOLUTIONARY NEUROSCIENCE [10049174] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 FRONTIERS IN GENETICS [10024601] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer [10042190] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE [10011484] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q1 Biological Psychiatry: Q2 Neurology: Q1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY [10023324] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 FRONTIERS IN INTEGRATIVE NEUROSCIENCE [10032470] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q1 FRONTIERS IN LIFE SCIENCE [10032985] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Frontiers in Mathematics [10087734] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 FRONTIERS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10006187] Drug Discovery: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY [10030881] Microbiology: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE [10012522] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 FRONTIERS IN NEURAL CIRCUITS [10011036] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 Sensory Systems: D1 FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY [10022961] Anatomy: D1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 FRONTIERS IN NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY [1643] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: D1 FRONTIERS IN NEUROENERGETICS [10018948] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Frontiers in Neuroengineering [10055519] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Biophysics: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS [10010774] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY [10020902] Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 FRONTIERS IN NEUROROBOTICS [10053830] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE [39990] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY [10025358] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q1 FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY [10026753] Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY [10014369] Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE [10021224] Plant Science: D1 FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY [10030219] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY [10020827] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 FRONTIERS IN SYNAPTIC NEUROSCIENCE [10024122] Cell Biology: Q1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: D1 FRONTIERS IN SYSTEMS NEUROSCIENCE [10019826] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 Developmental Neuroscience: Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 FRONTIERS IN ZOOLOGY [10013045] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 FRONTIERS OF AGRICULTURE IN CHINA [10050113] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 FRONTIERS OF ARCHITECTURAL RESEARCH [10063595] Archeology: Q2 Architecture: Q1 Building and Construction: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 Frontiers of Biology in China [10038023] Biotechnology: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Genetics: Q4 FRONTIERS OF BUSINESS RESEARCH IN CHINA [10020995] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Administration: Q3 FRONTIERS OF CHEMICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10047441] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 FRONTIERS OF CHEMISTRY IN CHINA [10065722] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE [10022960] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 Frontiers of Earth Science in China [10067561] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Frontiers of Economics and Globalization [10079939] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 FRONTIERS OF ECONOMICS IN CHINA [10020996] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 FRONTIERS OF EDUCATION IN CHINA: SELECTED PUBLICATIONS FROM CHINESE UNIVERSITIES [10060306] Education: Q3 Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China [10056598] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China [10037856] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 FRONTIERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING [10021758] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 FRONTIERS OF GASTROINTESTINAL RESEARCH [10000474] Gastroenterology: Q4 FRONTIERS OF HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT [10076168] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Frontiers of History in China [10079490] History: Q3 FRONTIERS OF HORMONE RESEARCH [12312] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 FRONTIERS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING [10039805] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Signal Processing: Q3 FRONTIERS OF LAW IN CHINA [10026766] Law: Q4 Frontiers of Literary Studies in China [10079709] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 FRONTIERS OF MATERIALS SCIENCE [10031741] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 FRONTIERS OF MATHEMATICS IN CHINA [10015933] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering [10058084] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 FRONTIERS OF MEDICINE [10036023] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 FRONTIERS OF NANOSCIENCE [10043317] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 FRONTIERS OF NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE [10010066] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 FRONTIERS OF OPTOELECTRONICS [10055616] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China [10053396] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 FRONTIERS OF ORAL BIOLOGY [39701] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Frontiers of Philosophy in China [10044514] Philosophy: Q4 FRONTIERS OF PHYSICS [10022962] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 FRONTIERS OF PHYSICS IN CHINA [10015934] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 FRONTIERS OF RADIATION THERAPY AND ONCOLOGY [10000475] Oncology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 FRONTIERS OF STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING [10058004] Architecture: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 FRUIT GROWING RESEARCH [10063201] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 FRUITS [10015935] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q2 FRÜHMITTELALTERLICHE STUDIEN [10014276] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 FUDAN XUEBAO-YIXUE BAN / FUDAN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE [10029958] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 FUEL [1645] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Fuel Technology: D1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 FUEL CELLS [10006986] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 FUEL CELLS BULLETIN [10030220] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY [1646] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Fuel Technology: D1 Fuels and Lubes International [10078831] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 FUHE CAILIAO XUEBA / ACTA MATERIAE COMPOSITAE SINICA [10030425] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 FUJITSU SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL JOURNAL [1647] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Fukuoka Acta Medica [10076170] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 FUKUSHIMA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE [10063168] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 FULLERENE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [12319] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 FULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES [10001202] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND ITS APPLICATIONS [1648] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY [1649] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 FUNCTIONAL & INTEGRATIVE GENOMICS [10006987] Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS [1374787] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS LETTERS [10011485] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 FUNCTIONAL NEUROLOGY [17427] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY [10000774] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Plant Science: Q1 FUNCTIONES ET APPROXIMATIO COMMENTARII MATHEMATICI [10010553] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 FUNCTIONS OF LANGUAGE [10012007] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE [10000476] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Information Systems: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY [10006988] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 FUNDAMENTAL & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY [1652] Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 FUNDAMENTALNAYA I PRIKLADNAYA MATEMATIKA [2150612] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE [1651] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 FUNGAL BIOLOGY [10015936] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 FUNGAL BIOLOGY REVIEWS [10029581] Microbiology: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 FUNGAL DIVERSITY [10000477] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Plant Science: D1 FUNGAL ECOLOGY [10011486] Ecological Modeling: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 FUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY [12326] Genetics: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 FUNKCIALAJ EKVACIOJ-SERIO INTERNACIA [10048566] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Analysis: Q3 Geometry and Topology: Q3 Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin/Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy [10043292] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 FURUKAWA REVIEW [10070800] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN [1653] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 FUSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [34229] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 FUSION TECHNOLOGY [1654] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 FUSS UND SPRUNGGELENK [10073675] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 FUTURE ANTERIOR : JOURNAL OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION, HISTORY, THEORY, AND CRITICISM [20068841] Architecture: Q4 Conservation: Q4 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 FUTURE CARDIOLOGY [10036146] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS [12329] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: D1 Software: Q1 FUTURE INTERNET [10030517] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 FUTURE LIPIDOLOGY [10005828] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 FUTURE MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10015937] Drug Discovery: Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 FUTURE MICROBIOLOGY [10006989] Microbiology: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 FUTURE NEUROLOGY [10071376] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 FUTURE OF CHILDREN [38406] Health (social science): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 FUTURE ONCOLOGY [10012436] Cancer Research: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q2 FUTURES [4944] Business and International Management: Q1 Development: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 FUTURE VIROLOGY [10006990] Virology: Q3 Futuribles: Analyse et Prospective [10076173] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Fuzzy Economic Review [10049417] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 FUZZY OPTIMIZATION AND DECISION MAKING [10011487] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Logic: D1 Software: Q1 FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS [1655] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Logic: D1 G3-GENES GENOMES GENETICS [10019609] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 G3 GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS: AN AGU JOURNAL [10000479] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geophysics: D1 Gaceta Medica de Bilbao [10075132] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GACETA MÉDICA DE CARACAS [10055146] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 GACETA MEDICA DE MEXICO [10005911] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GACETA MEXICANA DE ONCOLOGIA [10040410] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 GACETA SANITARIA [10011488] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business [10051064] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Gaea [10080839] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 GAIA-ECOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES FOR SCIENCE AND SOCIETY [10014671] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 GAIT & POSTURE [12331] Biophysics: Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: Q1 Galilaeana [10080840] History: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 GALVANOTECHNIK [10038955] Metals and Alloys: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 GAMES [10035453] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 Games and Culture [10023113] Anthropology: Q1 Applied Psychology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Communication: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR [4946] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 GAMES FOR HEALTH JOURNAL [10036746] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 GAME STUDIES [10072861] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 Gamma Gazette [10080608] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 GAMM-MITTEILUNGEN [10058101] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 GAN TO KAGAKU RYOHO / JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CANCER AND CHEMOTHERAPY [10005491] Cancer Research: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Oncology: Q4 GAODIANYA JISHU/HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING [10069894] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 GAOFENZI CAILIAO KEXUE YU GONGCHENG/POLYMERIC MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10036574] Polymers and Plastics: Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 Gaojishu Tongxin/High Technology Letters [10076176] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Gaoya Dianqi/High Voltage Apparatus [10066588] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Gaoya Wuli Xuebao/Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics [10051718] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 GARTENBAUWISSENSCHAFT [1656] Horticulture: Q3 GAS ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT [17439] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 GAS INTERNATIONAL [10066726] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 GASTRIC AND BREAST CANCER [10056667] Gastroenterology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 GASTRIC CANCER [10009895] Cancer Research: Q1 Gastroenterology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: Q1 GASTROENTEROLOGIA ENDOSCOPIA DIGESTIVA (DEG) [10021629] Gastroenterology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 GASTROENTEROLOGIA POLSKA [10039920] Gastroenterology: Q4 GASTROENTEROLOGIA Y HEPATOLOGIA [10022963] Gastroenterology: Q3 Hepatology: Q3 Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia Continuada [10037069] Gastroenterology: Q4 Hepatology: Q4 Gastroenterological Endoscopy [10037006] Gastroenterology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 GASTROENTEROLOGIE A HEPATOLOGIE [10056856] Gastroenterology: Q3 Hepatology: Q3 GASTROENTEROLOGIE CLINIQUE ET BIOLOGIQUE [1657] Gastroenterology: Q2 Hepatology: Q2 GASTROENTEROLOGY [1405529] Gastroenterology: D1 GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY [10013686] Gastroenterology: Q2 Hepatology: Q3 GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY FROM BED TO BENCH [10039188] Gastroenterology: Q3 Hepatology: Q3 GASTROENTEROLOGY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [1658] Gastroenterology: Q1 GASTROENTEROLOGY INSIGHTS [10056467] Gastroenterology: Q4 Hepatology: Q4 GASTROENTEROLOGY NURSING [10009421] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Gastroenterology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 GASTROENTEROLOGY RESEARCH & PRACTICE [10015938] Gastroenterology: Q2 Hepatology: Q2 Gastrointestinal Cancer Research [10080133] Gastroenterology: Q2 Oncology: Q3 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY [1405545] Gastroenterology: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [10037008] Gastroenterology: Q2 GASTROINTESTINAL NURSING [10039384] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q2 GASTRONOMICA : THE JOURNAL OF FOOD AND CULTURE [10080377] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GAS- UND WASSERFACH GAS - ERDGAS [10019313] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 GAYANA [10015939] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q4 GAYANA BOTANICA [10015940] Ecology: Q4 Horticulture: Q3 Plant Science: Q4 Gazeta de Antropologia [10080841] Anthropology: Q4 Gazette des Archives [10080842] History: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 GAZI MEDICAL JOURNAL [10031516] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GAZI UNIVERSITESI MUHENDISLIK MIMARLIK FAKULTESI DERGISI / JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE OF GAZI UNIVERSITY [10015992] Architecture: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 GAZZETTA MEDICA ITALIANA ARCHIVIO PER LE SCIENZE MEDICHE [10020967] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GEBURTSHILFE UND FRAUENHEILKUNDE [1664] Maternity and Midwifery: Q3 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Ge-Conservacion [10080134] Conservation: Q3 Museology: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 GEDRAG & ORGANISATIE [10015400] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 GEFAESSCHIRURGIE [10011489] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q4 GEFAHRSTOFFE REINHALTUNG DER LUFT [10009582] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Pollution: Q3 GEMA ONLINE JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE STUDIES [10033297] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 GEMATOLOGIYA I TRANSFUZIOLOGIYA [1666] Hematology: Q4 GEM - INTERNATIONAL JOURNALl ON GEOMATHEMATICS [10048038] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 GEMS & GEMOLOGY [10003172] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Gender and Development [10076184] Development: Q2 Gender Studies: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 GENDER AND EDUCATION [10001032] Education: Q1 Gender Studies: Q1 GENDER AND HISTORY [10010572] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Gender Studies: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: Q1 GENDER AND SOCIETY [4949] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Gender Studies: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 GENDER IN MANAGEMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10016935] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Gender Studies: Q1 Gender Issues [10076186] Gender Studies: Q3 GENDER MEDICINE [10011490] Gender Studies: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 GENDER PLACE AND CULTURE [10007354] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Demography: Q1 Gender Studies: D1 Gender, Technology and Development [10076187] Development: Q3 Gender Studies: Q2 GENDER WORK AND ORGANIZATION [10003173] Gender Studies: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 GENE [1672] Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 GENEESMIDDELENBULLETIN [10038034] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 GENE EXPRESSION [17459] Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 GENE EXPRESSION PATTERNS [10003174] Developmental Biology: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY [1667] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Endocrinology: Q2 General Anthropology [10080609] Anthropology: Q3 GENERAL DENTISTRY [10039348] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 GENERAL HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY [1668] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 General Medicine [10044049] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GENERAL PHARMACOLOGY - THE VASCULAR SYSTEM [1669] Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 Physiology: Q2 GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS [1670] Biophysics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Physiology: Q4 GENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION [1671] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 GENERAL THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY [10049869] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 GENERATIONS-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY ON AGING [38412] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Gene Regulation and Systems Biology [10040070] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 GENES [10018335] Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 GENES AND CANCER [10033136] Cancer Research: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Genes and Cells [10036280] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Transplantation: Q4 GENES AND ENVIRONMENT [10049565] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Genetics: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 GENES AND IMMUNITY [28557] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 Immunology: Q1 GENES AND NUTRITION [10009584] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Genetics: Q2 GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR [10000779] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Neurology: Q1 GENES CHROMOSOMES & CANCER [1673] Cancer Research: Q1 Genetics: Q1 GENES & DEVELOPMENT [1674] Developmental Biology: D1 Genetics: D1 GENESES [10028880] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Public Administration: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 GENES & GENETIC SYSTEMS [12352] Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 GENES & GENOMICS [10009583] Biochemistry: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 GENESIS: THE JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND DEVELOPMENT [10032986] Cell Biology: Q2 Endocrinology: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 GENES TO CELLS [17462] Cell Biology: Q2 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 GENE THERAPY [1675] Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Gene Therapy and Regulation [10053264] Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 GENE THERAPY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10009079] Molecular Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 GENETICA [1680] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Genetics: Q3 Insect Science: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Plant Science: Q1 GENETICAL RESEARCH [10029319] Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 GENETIC COUNSELING [17465] Genetics (clinical): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Journal [10080378] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 GENETIC ENGINEERING & BIOTECHNOLOGY NEWS [10006991] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 GENETIC ENGINEERING NEWS [17467] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 GENETIC EPIDEMIOLOGY [1677] Epidemiology: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 GENETIC PROGRAMMING AND EVOLVABLE MACHINES [10011491] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION [12356] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 GENETIC TESTING [22964] Genetics (clinical): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 GENETIC TESTING AND MOLECULAR BIOMARKERS [10011492] Genetics (clinical): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Genetic Vaccines and Therapy [10053284] Biotechnology: Q3 Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 GENETICS [1681] Genetics: D1 GENETICS AND BREEDING [10052877] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 GENETICS AND EPIGENETICS [10027511] Biochemistry: Q4 Genetics: Q4 GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [17469] Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 GENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH [10009585] Genetics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 GENETICS IN MEDICINE [22959] Genetics (clinical): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 GENETICS RESEARCH [10027938] Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 GENETICS RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [10033140] Genetics: Q4 Genetics (clinical): Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 GENETICS SELECTION EVOLUTION [1679] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 GENETIKA [1682] Genetics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Plant Science: Q4 GENETIKA-BELGRADE [10022964] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Genetics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 GENEVA PAPERS ON RISK AND INSURANCE-ISSUES AND PRACTICE [10001414] Accounting: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 GENEVA RISK AND INSURANCE REVIEW [10007355] Accounting: Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 GENOME [1684] Biotechnology: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 GENOME BIOLOGY [10006992] Cell Biology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: D1 GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION [41109] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: Q1 GENOME DYNAMICS [10053306] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 GENOME INFORMATICS. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GENOME INFORMATICS [10043017] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Genome Integrity [10080379] Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 GENOME MAPPING AND GENOMICS IN ANIMALS [10053299] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 GENOME MEDICINE [10010234] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 GENOME RESEARCH [7643] Genetics: D1 Genetics (clinical): D1 Genomic Medicine, Biomarkers, and Health Sciences [10080610] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GENOMICS [1685] Genetics: Q2 Genomics Insights [10042089] Biochemistry: Q4 Cell Biology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 GENOMICS PROTEOMICS & BIOINFORMATICS [10050308] Biochemistry: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 GENRE: FORMS OF DISCOURSE AND CULTURE [10014560] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 GENUS: JOURNAL OF POPULATION STUDIES [10035593] Demography: Q3 Geoacta (Argentina) [10080611] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Computers in Earth Sciences: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 GEOARABIA [10006993] Geology: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 GEOARCHAEOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10001203] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 GEOBIOLOGY [10006994] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 GEOBIOS [1687] Space and Planetary Science: Q2 Stratigraphy: Q2 GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL [10019924] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 GEOCHEMICAL JOURNAL [1688] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geophysics: Q2 GEOCHEMICAL PERSPECTIVES [10032989] Environmental Chemistry: D1 Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 Geology: D1 GEOCHEMICAL TRANSACTIONS [10000478] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 GEOCHEMISTRY-EXPLORATION ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS [10005653] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 GEOCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL [10000780] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA [1689] Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 GEOCHRONOMETRIA [10006995] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Geociencias [10076192] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 GEO: connexion [10079030] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 GEODERMA [1690] Soil Science: D1 GEODESY AND CARTOGRAPHY [10035163] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 GEODETSKI LIST [10011493] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 GEODETSKI VESTNIK [10012008] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 GEODÉZIA ÉS KARTOGRÁFIA [10004981] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q4 Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 GEODINAMICA ACTA [1691] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 GEODIVERSITAS [10003181] Geology: Q2 Paleontology: Q2 Geodrilling International [10076193] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 GEO- ECO-MARINA [10059152] Aquatic Science: Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Geo-Eco-Trop [10067668] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 GEOFÍSICA INTERNACIONAL [39705] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Geophysics: Q3 GEOFIZIKA [10011494] Geophysics: Q4 GEOFIZIKAI KÖZLEMÉNYEK - GEOPHYSICAL TRANSACTIONS [1364095] Geophysics: Q4 GEOFLUIDS [10001204] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 GEOFORUM [4952] Sociology and Political Science: D1 GEOGRAFIA FISICA E DINAMICA QUATERNARIA [1368086] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 GEOGRAFICKY CASOPIS [1366195] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Geology: Q3 GEOGRAFIE-SBORNIK CESKE GEOGRAFICKE SPOLECNOSTI [10012694] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Geografija v Soli [10076197] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES A-PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY [7651] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Geology: Q1 GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES B-HUMAN GEOGRAPHY [10007356] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 GEOGRAFISK TIDSSKRIFT [10012010] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Geografski Obzornik [10076198] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 GEOGRAFSKI VESTNIK [10012332] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 GEOGRAFSKI ZBORNIK [10002804] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 GEOGRAPHIA POLONICA [10005253] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 GEOGRAPHIA TECHNICA [10008027] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q4 Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 GEOGRAPHICA HELVETICA [10010836] Anthropology: Q3 Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL GEOGRAPHY [4953] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Geographical Bulletin - Gamma Theta Upsilon [10076200] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL [4954] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 GEOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH [10012009] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW [4955] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 GEOGRAPHICAL REVIEW OF JAPAN [10005255] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 GEOGRAPHICA PANNONICA [2147886] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Geology: Q4 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 GEOGRAPHIE, ECONOMIE, SOCIETE [10005788] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 GEOGRAPHISCHE RUNDSCHAU [10005784] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 GEOGRAPHISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [4956] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Geography and Natural Resources [10079940] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 GEOGRAPHY COMPASS [10016226] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Computers in Earth Sciences: Q2 Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 GEOGRAPHY (LONDON) [4957] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 GEOGRAPHY RESEARCH FORUM [10068644] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Geography Review [10076206] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Geography Teacher [10080380] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 GEOHERITAGE [10032990] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 Geo-Info [10079177] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 GEOINFORMATICA [10001205] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Information Systems: Q2 Geoingegneria Ambientale e Mineraria [10061181] Environmental Engineering: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 GEOJOURNAL [2149378] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 GEOLOGIA CROATICA [39707] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geology: Q3 GEOLOGIAN TUTKIMUSKESKUS. TUTKIMUSRAPORTTI [10031056] Geology: Q4 GEOLOGIA USP - SERIE CIENTIFICA [10078835] Geology: Q4 GEOLOGICA ACTA [10006996] Geology: Q2 GEOLOGICA BELGICA [10006997] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 GEOLOGICA CARPATHICA [12374] Geology: Q2 GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN OF CHINA [10053014] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 GEOLOGICAL JOURNAL [1694] Geology: Q1 GEOLOGICAL MAGAZINE [1695] Geology: Q1 GEOLOGICAL QUARTERLY [10003184] Geology: Q3 Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication [10076207] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA BULLETIN [1698] Geology: D1 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA MEMOIRS [10047644] Geology: Q2 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF FINLAND. BULLETIN [10015489] Geology: Q3 GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS [40790] Geology: Q1 Ocean Engineering: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF DENMARK AND GREENLAND BULLETIN [10006998] Geology: Q4 Geologie de la France [10079711] Geology: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 Stratigraphy: Q4 Geologie und Palaeontologie in Westfalen [10057089] Geology: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 Stratigraphy: Q4 GEOLOGOS [10012901] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 GEOLOGY [1699] Geology: D1 GEOLOGY OF ORE DEPOSITS [12378] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geology: Q3 GEOLOGY TODAY [10008014] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geology: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 Stratigraphy: Q3 GEOMAGNETISM AND AERONOMY [28591] Geophysics: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 GEO-MARINE LETTERS [1686] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Oceanography: Q2 GEOMATICA [10076210] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 GEOMATICS INFORMATION MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL [10008178] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 GEOMATICS NATURAL HAZARDS & RISK [10028352] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 GEOMECHANICS AND ENGINEERING [10028353] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Geomechanics and Geoengineering [10037497] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Geomechanik und Tunnelbau [10080135] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 GEOMETRIAE DEDICATA [1701] Geometry and Topology: Q2 GEOMETRIC AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS [12382] Analysis: D1 Geometry and Topology: D1 GEOMETRY & TOPOLOGY [10003185] Geometry and Topology: D1 GEOMICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL [1702] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q3 GEOMORFOLOGIYA [10028589] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 GEOMORPHOLOGIE [10009586] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 GEOMORPHOLOGY [1703] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 GEOPHYSICA [10018392] Geophysics: Q3 GEOPHYSICAL AND ASTROPHYSICAL FLUID DYNAMICS [1704] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Computational Mechanics: Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geophysics: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL [1705] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 GEOPHYSICAL MONOGRAPH SERIES [10042537] Geophysics: Q2 GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING [1706] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS [1707] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Geophysics: D1 GEOPHYSICS [1708] Energy (miscellaneous): D1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences [10053540] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 GEOPOLITICS [10012011] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Geopolitics of Energy [10076212] Fuel Technology: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 GÉO-REGARDS - REVUE NEUCHÂTELOISE DE GÉOGRAPHIE [10022123] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL [4960] Law: D1 GEORGE WASHINGTON LAW REVIEW [4959] Law: Q1 GEORGIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [10011496] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 GEORGIAN MEDICAL NEWS: MONTHLY SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN [10030821] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GEORGIA REVIEW [10000483] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards [10070953] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Geology: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 GEOSCIENCE CANADA [1709] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS [10050123] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Geoscience in South-West England [10067646] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geoscience Reports - Shizuoka University [10076214] Geology: Q4 GEOSCIENCES JOURNAL [10003188] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 GEOSCIENCES (SWITZERLAND) [10051533] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT [10015942] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 GEOSPATIAL HEALTH [10009587] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 GEO-SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCE [10008740] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 GEOSPHERE [10009588] Geology: D1 Stratigraphy: D1 GEOSTANDARDS AND GEOANALYTICAL RESEARCH [10001206] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geology: Q1 GEOSYNTHETICS INTERNATIONAL [23001] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 Geosystem Engineering [10053814] Environmental Engineering: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING [10052996] Architecture: D1 Geology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING [10018484] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Geotechnical Fabrics Report [10076215] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering [10079712] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Geotechnical News [10076216] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 GEOTECHNICAL TESTING JOURNAL [12394] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Geotechnik [10076217] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 GEOTECHNIQUE [1711] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 GEOTECHNIQUE LETTERS [10032991] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 GEOTECTONICS [10003189] Geology: Q2 Geotermia [10076218] Economic Geology: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 GEOTEXTILES AND GEOMEMBRANES [1712] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 GEOTHERMICS [12397] Geology: D1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 Geriatric and Medical Intelligence [10071808] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 GERIATRIC NURSING [38423] Gerontology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 GERIATRIC ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND REHABILITATION [10070299] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 Surgery: Q3 GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [10011497] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Gerontology: Q1 Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 GERIATRIE ET PSYCHOLOGIE NEUROPSYCHIATRIE DE VIEILLISSEMENT [10022965] Biological Psychiatry: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 GERMAN ECONOMIC REVIEW [10012012] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 German Historical Institute London Bulletin [10080612] History: Q4 GERMAN HISTORY [10015401] History: Q2 GERMANIA [42701] Anthropology: Q4 Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 GERMANIC NOTES AND REVIEWS [10000486] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 GERMANIC REVIEW [10000487] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 GERMANISCH-ROMANISCHE MONATSSCHRIFT [10000488] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 GERMAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS [41557] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research [10074175] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 GERMAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [10039499] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 GERMAN LIFE AND LETTERS [10000484] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 GERMAN MEDICAL SCIENCE [10012383] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 German Monitor [10080613] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 GERMANO-SLAVICA: A CANADIAN JOURNAL OF GERMANIC AND SLAVIC COMPARATIVE AND INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES [10000489] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 GERMAN POLITICS [10015403] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 GERMAN QUARTERLY [10000485] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 GERMAN STUDIES REVIEW [38422] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 GERMS [10044545] Epidemiology: Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 GERODONTOLOGY [10011498] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 GEROKOMOS [10037255] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 GERONTECHNOLOGY [10028012] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q3 GERONTOLOGIE ET SOCIETE [10036455] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q3 Health (social science): Q4 GERONTOLOGIST [4961] Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 Gerontology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 GERONTOLOGY [1715] Aging: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS EDUCATION [10069947] Education: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry [10078135] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q2 GEROSCIENCE: OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN AGING ASSOCIATION (AGE) [10071822] Aging: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 GESCHICHTE UND GESELLSCHAFT [10000491] History: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 GESNERUS [10019209] Health (social science): Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GESTA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL ART [1404665] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Gestalt [10078836] Clinical Psychology: Q4 GESTAO E PRODUCAO [10035955] Business and International Management: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 GESTION Y POLITICA PUBLICA [10012013] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 GESTURE [10015404] Communication: Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q1 GESUNDE PFLANZEN [10011499] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Gesundheitsoökonomie & Qualitatsmanagement [10037220] Health Policy: Q4 GESUNDHEITSWESEN [10000492] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Gesundheitswesen, Supplement [10050078] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 GFF [12401] Geology: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 Ghana Medical Journal [10070154] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 GIFTED CHILD QUARTERLY [4962] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 GIGASCIENCE [10059144] Computer Science Applications: D1 Health Informatics: D1 GIGIENA I SANITARIJA [1299310] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pollution: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 GINECO.EU: JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [10054038] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 GINECOLOGIA Y OBSTETRICIA CLINICA [10011500] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 GINECOLOGIA Y OBSTETRICIA DE MEXICO [10043754] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 GINEKOLOGIA I POLOZNICTWO [10050770] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 GINEKOLOGIA POLSKA [1394705] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Ginekologia Praktyczna [10043859] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 GIORNALE CRITICO DELLA FILOSOFIA ITALIANA [10000493] Philosophy: Q3 Giornale dell'Odontoiatra [10079714] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA [10040338] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q3 GIORNALE DI GERONTOLOGIA [10038563] Aging: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 GIORNALE DI STORIA COSTITUZIONALE / JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY - [10060288] History: Q4 Law: Q4 GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ALLERGOLOGIA E IMMUNOLOGIA CLINICA [10027314] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 GIORNALE ITALIANO DI CARDIOLOGIA (2006-) [10005107] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 GIORNALE ITALIANO DI DERMATOLOGIA E VENEREOLOGIA [10013648] Dermatology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Giornale Italiano di Diabetologia e Metabolismo [10037935] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ENDODONZIA: ORGANO UFFICIALE DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI ENDODONZIA [10060397] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 GIORNALE ITALIANO DI ENDOSCOPIA DIGESTIVA [10035485] Gastroenterology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Giornale Italiano di Farmacia Clinica [10037535] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 GIORNALE ITALIANO DI MEDICINA DEL LAVORO ED ERGONOMIA [10042171] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 GIORNALE ITALIANO DI MEDICINA TROPICALE [10074476] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia [10048145] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nephrology: Q4 GIORNALE ITALIANO DI OSTETRICIA E GINECOLOGIA [10035942] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 GIORNALE ITALIANO DI PSICOLOGIA [10030721] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 GIORNALE STORICO DELLA LETTERATURA ITALIANA [10000494] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 GIS BUSINESS: GEOINFORMATIONSTECHNOLOGIE FUR DIE PRAXIS [10016800] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 GISCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING [10009589] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 GIS SCIENCE: DIE ZEITSCHRIFT FUER GEOINFORMATIK [10079492] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 GLADIUS [10046338] History: Q4 GLASGOW MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [1716] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 GLASNIK MATEMATICKI [2151715] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Glasnik za Sumske Pokuse [10062203] Forestry: Q4 GLASS AND CERAMICS [17520] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Glass International [10056298] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 GLASS PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY [17521] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Glas Srpske Academija Nauka i Umetnosti Odeljenje Mediciniskich Nauka [10078837] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GLASS TECHNOLOGY-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GLASS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART A [10006999] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Glaube und Denken [10080843] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 GLIA [1719] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Neurology: D1 GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE [1722] Global and Planetary Change: Q1 Oceanography: Q1 GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES [7681] Atmospheric Science: D1 Environmental Chemistry: D1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Global and Planetary Change: D1 GLOBAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS REVIEW [10021008] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 GLOBAL BUSINESS AND ORGANIZATIONAL EXCELLENCE [10079304] Business and International Management: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 GLOBAL BUSINESS REVIEW [10063167] Business and International Management: Q3 GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY [7680] Ecology: D1 Environmental Chemistry: D1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Global and Planetary Change: D1 GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY-BIOENERGY [10015941] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Forestry: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 Waste Management and Disposal: D1 GLOBAL CHANGE PEACE AND SECURITY [10025618] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 GLOBAL CRIME [10020052] Law: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 GLOBAL DISCOURSE [10071573] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY [10007000] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Global and Planetary Change: D1 Global Economic History Series [10080137] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q3 GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW [10005259] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 GLOBAL ECONOMY JOURNAL [10024612] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE-HUMAN AND POLICY DIMENSIONS [1721] Ecology: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Global and Planetary Change: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS [10009422] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 GLOBAL FINANCE JOURNAL [10021010] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q2 GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY-AGRICULTURE POLICY ECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENT [10029679] Ecology: Q2 Food Science: Q1 Safety Research: D1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 GLOBAL GOVERNANCE [38426] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Safety Research: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 GLOBAL HEALTH ACTION [10022966] Health Policy: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 GLOBAL HEALTH PROMOTION [10028514] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 GLOBAL HEART [10032751] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Community and Home Care: Q2 Epidemiology: Q4 GLOBALISATION SOCIETIES AND EDUCATION [10018425] Education: Q1 Globalization and Health [10022967] Health Policy: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 GLOBALIZATIONS [10015405] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Global Journal Al-Thaqafah [10080614] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 Global Journal of Comparative Law [10059078] Law: Q4 GLOBAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING MARKET ECONOMIES [10027773] Business and International Management: D1 Development: D1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Global and Planetary Change: D1 GLOBAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION [10008570] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 GLOBAL JOURNAL OF FLEXIBLE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT [10035878] Business and International Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 GLOBAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE [10047755] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 GLOBAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY [10074272] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 GLOBAL JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS [10032562] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 GLOBAL JURIST [10012274] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 GLOBAL MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION [10029443] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Communication: Q2 GLOBAL MEDIA JOURNAL / POLISH EDITION [10034696] Communication: Q3 GLOBAL NEST JOURNAL [10011501] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 GLOBAL NETWORKS: A JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL AFFAIRS [10003193] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies [10080138] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Global Pipeline Monthly [10070960] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 GLOBAL POLICY [10027958] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Law: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Global Public Health [10023114] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 GLOBAL SOCIAL POLICY [10021013] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 GLOBAL SOCIETY [10005990] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 GLOBAL VETERINARIA [10022687] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 GLOTTA-ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR GRIECHISCHE UND LATEINISCHE SPRACHE [10000495] Classics: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 GLQ-A JOURNAL OF LESBIAN AND GAY STUDIES [38427] Cultural Studies: Q1 Gender Studies: Q2 GLYCOBIOLOGY [1723] Biochemistry: Q1 GLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL [1724] Biochemistry: Q3 Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 GM Crops [10059005] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 GM crops & food [10065693] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 GMP REVIEW [10050620] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 GMS JOURNAL FOR MEDICAL EDUCATION [10068856] Education: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 GMS Psycho-Social-Medicine [10080615] Social Psychology: Q3 GOETHE JAHRBUCH [10000497] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 GOGUS-KALP-DAMAR ANESTEZI VE YOGUN BAKIM DERNEGI DERGISI/JOURNAL OF CARDIO-VASCULAR-THORACIC ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE SOCIETY [10038059] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 GOLD BULLETIN [28626] Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 GONDWANA RESEARCH [23026] Geology: D1 Gongcheng Lixue/Engineering Mechanics [10049855] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Good Society [10080381] Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 GORTERIA [10011502] Plant Science: Q4 GOSPODARKA SUROWCAMI MINERALNYMI [10011503] Economic Geology: Q2 Govaresh [10045559] Gastroenterology: Q4 Hepatology: Q4 GOVERNANCE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION [38430] Marketing: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 GOVERNMENT AND OPPOSITION [4964] Public Administration: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY [4963] E-learning: D1 Law: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 GOVOR: CASOPIS ZA FONETIKU [10007616] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 GOYA: REVISTA DE ARTE [10000498] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Goztepe Tip Dergisi [10037457] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GPS SOLUTIONS [10005654] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 GPS World [10078587] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 GRADEVINAR [10015944] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 GRADIVA [10000499] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies [10079716] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 GRAECO-LATINA BRUNENSIA [10022190] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q3 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 GRAEFES ARCHIVE FOR CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL OPHTHALMOLOGY [1725] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Ophthalmology: Q1 Sensory Systems: Q2 GRAELLSIA [10007501] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 GRANA [1726] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 GRANULAR MATTER [10000786] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 GRAPHICAL MODELS [28631] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Software: Q2 GRAPHICAL MODELS AND IMAGE PROCESSING [7690] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Software: Q2 Graphic Arts Monthly [10076244] Media Technology: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS [2050455] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 GRASAS Y ACEITES [1728] Food Science: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 GRASS AND FORAGE SCIENCE [1729] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 GRASSLAND SCIENCE [10028354] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 Grassroots Development [10076245] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 GRAVITATION & COSMOLOGY [10015989] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 GRAZER PHILOSOPHISCHE STUDIEN [39853] Philosophy: Q2 Graziadio Business Report [10050215] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 GREAT LAKES ENTOMOLOGIST [1731] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 Great Lakes Geographer [10076247] Water Science and Technology: Q4 GREAT PLAINS QUARTERLY [10000502] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Great Plains Research [10076248] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 GREECE AND ROME [10000503] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Classics: Q2 GREEK ROMAN AND BYZANTINE STUDIES [10000504] Classics: D1 Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Green [10044827] Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 GREEN CHEMISTRY [23035] Environmental Chemistry: D1 Pollution: D1 GREEN CHEMISTRY LETTERS AND REVIEWS [10022968] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q4 GREEN ENERGY AND TECHNOLOGY [10037831] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 GREENHOUSE GASES: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10028355] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q1 GREEN PROCESSING AND SYNTHESIS [10031746] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 GREGORIANUM [10019433] Religious Studies: Q2 Grey Journal [10080139] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 GREY ROOM [10078839] Architecture: Q2 Communication: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 GRIFFITH LAW REVIEW [10026793] Law: Q3 GRIPLA [10022294] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Grotiana [10076249] History: Q1 Law: Q2 GROUND WATER [1732] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 GROUND WATER MONITORING AND REMEDIATION [1733] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 GROUP ANALYSIS [10014542] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 GROUP DECISION AND NEGOTIATION [38432] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 GROUP DYNAMICS-THEORY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10001415] Applied Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT [4967] Applied Psychology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 GROUP PROCESSES & INTERGROUP RELATIONS [10003196] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Communication: D1 Cultural Studies: D1 Social Psychology: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 GROUPS COMPLEXITY CRYPTOLOGY [10049765] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 GROUPS GEOMETRY AND DYNAMICS [10006328] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: D1 Geometry and Topology: D1 Groupwork [10079306] Applied Psychology: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 GROWTH AND CHANGE [4968] Global and Planetary Change: Q3 GROWTH FACTORS [7698] Cell Biology: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Endocrinology: Q2 GROWTH HORMONE & IGF RESEARCH [17544] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 GRUNDWASSER [10009590] Water Science and Technology: Q2 GRUPPE. INTERAKTION. ORGANISATION. ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ANGEWANDTE ORGANISATIONSPSYCHOLOGIE (GIO) [10084237] Applied Psychology: Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 GRUPPENDYNAMIK: ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ANGEWANDTE SOZIALPSYCHOLOGIE [10021204] Applied Psychology: Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 GRUPPENPSYCHOTHERAPIE UND GRUPPENDYNAMIK [4970] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 GSA TODAY [10049436] Geology: D1 GUANGDIAN GONGCHENG/OPTO-ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING [10031989] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 GUANGDIANZI JIGUANG / JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS LASER [10043243] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 GUANGXUE JINGMI GONGCHENG: OPTICS AND PRECISION ENGINEERING [10032028] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Guangxue Jishu/Optical Technique [10053400] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 GUANGXUE XUEBAO/ACTA OPTICA SINICA [10040056] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 GUANGZI XUEBAO/ACTA PHOTONICA SINICA [10040058] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 GUERRES MONDIALES ET CONFLITS CONTEMPORAINS [10000507] History: Q3 GU FEN BILIMLERI DERGISI / GAZI UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [10032180] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Multidisciplinary: Q3 Gujarat Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery [10057151] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Gulf of Mexico Science [10057075] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 GUMMI FASERN KUNSTSTOFFE [40883] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 Guncel Pediatri [10057911] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 GUOCHENG GONGCHENG XUEBAO/THE CHINESE JOURNAL OF PROCESS ENGINEERING [10037851] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Guofang keji daxue Xuebao/Journal of National University of Defense Technology [10048374] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 GUOJI NEIFENMI DAIXIE ZAZHI / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM [10023310] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 GUO JI YAN KE ZA ZHI / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY (CHINESE EDITION) [10034992] Ophthalmology: Q4 GUT [1736] Gastroenterology: D1 GUT AND LIVER [10011504] Gastroenterology: Q2 Hepatology: Q2 Guti Dianzixue Yanjiu Yu Jinzhan/Research and Progress of Solid State Electronics [10051778] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Guti Huojian Jishu/Journal of Solid Rocket Technology [10053161] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Guti Lixue Xuebao/Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica [10079717] Mechanics of Materials: Q3 GUT MICROBES [10027691] Gastroenterology: Q1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Microbiology: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 GUT PATHOGHOGENS [10022969] Gastroenterology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 Parasitology: Q2 Virology: Q2 GÜLHANE TIP DERGISI / GULHANE MEDICAL JOURNAL [10035646] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 GWF - WASSER ABWASSER [10030009] Water Science and Technology: Q4 GYMNASIUM [10000508] Classics: Q4 Education: Q4 GYNAECOLOGIA ET PERINATOLOGIA [10013232] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 GYNAECOLOGIA ET PERINATOLOGIA, SUPPLEMENT [10057696] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 GYNAKOLOGE [1737] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Gynakologie für Hausarzte [10087738] Family Practice: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 GYNÄKOLOGISCHE ENDOKRINOLOGIE [10014215] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 GYNAKOLOGISCHE PRAXIS [10036311] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 GYNECOLOGICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY [1738] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 GYNECOLOGICAL SURGERY [10019726] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 GYNECOLOGIC AND OBSTETRIC INVESTIGATION [10000787] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY [1740] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Oncology: Q1 GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY CASE REPORTS [10038988] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Oncology: Q4 GYNECOLOGIE OBSTETRIQUE FERTILITE & SENOLOGIE [10073210] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 Gynecology and Minimally Invasive Therapy [10062600] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 GYROSCOPY AND NAVIGATION [10032456] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 HABITAT INTERNATIONAL [38437] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 HACETTEPE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS [10011505] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Analysis: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 HACETTEPE UNIVERSITESI EGITIM FAKULTESI DERGISI-HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF EDUCATION [10012014] Education: Q4 Hacettepe University Journal of the Faculty of Pharmacy [10057880] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 HACIENDA PUBLICA ESPANOLA-REVIEW OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS [10009423] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 HACQUETIA [10017001] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Forestry: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 HAEMATOLOGICA [1742] Hematology: D1 HAEMOPHILIA [7707] Genetics (clinical): Q3 Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 HAGUE JOURNAL OF DIPLOMACY [10025634] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 HAGUE JOURNAL ON THE RULE OF LAW [10032992] Law: Q2 HAHR-HISPANIC AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW [10000528] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 HALDUSKULTUUR [10010266] Public Administration: Q4 Hali: The International Magazine of Antique Carpet and Textile Art [10076253] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q4 HALLYM INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGING [10028013] Aging: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Hamadryad [10080140] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 HAMDARD ISLAMICUS [10080844] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 HAMOSTASEOLOGIE [10015945] Hematology: Q3 HAND [10020637] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 Handbook of Agricultural Economics [10078589] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 HANDBOOK OF CLINICAL NEUROLOGY [10027799] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 HANDBOOK OF CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY [10037005] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Handbook of development economics [10040019] Development: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Handbook of Environmental Chemistry [10060861] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 Pollution: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 HANDBOOK OF EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY [39715] Biochemistry: Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 Handbook of Geophysical Exploration: Seismic Exploration [10078591] Geology: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Handbook of Health Economics [10078385] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Health Policy: D1 Handbook of Magnetic Materials [10042381] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 HANDBOOK OF MICRODIALYSIS: METHODS, APPLICATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES [10047596] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Handbook of Numerical Analysis [10060617] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Numerical Analysis: Q4 Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1, The Near and Middle East [10079721] Anthropology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 4, China [10080141] Anthropology: Q4 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production [10078387] Economic Geology: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Fuel Technology: Q3 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geology: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare [10078845] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Handbook of Social Economics [10056623] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Handbook of Statistics [10060315] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Handbook of the Economics of Education [10079497] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Education: D1 Handbook of the Economics of Innovation [10080382] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Handbook of the History of Logic [10067940] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Logic: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths [10040210] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 HANDCHIRURGIE MIKROCHIRURGIE PLASTISCHE CHIRURGIE [10009591] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 HAND CLINICS [1745] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 Hand surgery : an international journal devoted to hand and upper limb surgery and related research : journal of the Asia-Pacific Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand [10078382] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HAND SURGERY & REHABILITATION [10066423] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 Surgery: Q3 Hand Therapy [10076254] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Hangkong Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Aeronautical Materials [10058415] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Hangkong Dongli Xuebao/Journal of Aerospace Power [10042156] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Hangkong Taikong ji Minhang Xuekan/Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, Series B [10080142] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 HANGKONG XUEBAO / ACTA AERONAUTICA ET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA [10042092] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 Hanjie Xuebao / Transactions of the China Welding Institution [10044671] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 HANNENG CAILIAO / CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS [10051938] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 HANTKENIANA [1329083] Paleontology: Q2 HARBIN GONGCHENG DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF HARBIN ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY [10052414] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 HARBIN GONGYE DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY [10042191] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Harefuah [10039012] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HARMFUL ALGAE [10003198] Aquatic Science: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 HARM REDUCTION JOURNAL [10015407] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Hart Bulletin [10037406] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Hart's E and P [10076260] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW [4971] Business and International Management: Q1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 HARVARD CIVIL RIGHTS-CIVIL LIBERTIES LAW REVIEW [4972] Law: D1 Harvard dental bulletin [10076262] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HARVARD DESIGN MAGAZINE [10080143] Architecture: Q3 Urban Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 HARVARD EDUCATIONAL REVIEW [4973] Education: Q1 HARVARD ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW [4974] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Harvard health letter / from Harvard Medical School [10076263] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Harvard heart letter : from Harvard Medical School [10076264] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL [4975] Law: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 HARVARD INTERNATIONAL REVIEW [10025635] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Industrial Relations: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 HARVARD JOURNAL OF LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY [4976] Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 HARVARD JOURNAL ON LEGISLATION [4977] Law: Q1 HARVARD LAW REVIEW [4978] Law: D1 HARVARD LIBRARY BULLETIN [10000510] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Harvard men's health watch [10076265] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Harvard Papers in Botany [10080144] Plant Science: Q4 HARVARD REVIEW OF PSYCHIATRY [4979] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 HARVARD STUDIES IN CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY [10000511] Classics: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 HARVARD THEOLOGICAL REVIEW [10000512] Religious Studies: Q2 Harvard women's health watch [10076266] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HASEKI TIP BULTENI / MEDICAL BULLETIN OF HASEKI [10066967] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HASELTONIA [12438] Plant Science: Q4 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT [4980] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q3 Philosophy: Q1 HASTINGS LAW JOURNAL [4981] Law: Q1 HAU-JOURNAL OF ETHNOGRAPHIC THEORY [10074746] Anthropology: Q2 HAUT [10013687] Dermatology: Q4 HAUTARZT [1747] Dermatology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HAWAI'I JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & PUBLIC HEALTH [10049592] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HAWAII MEDICAL JOURNAL [10005906] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Hawwa [10079037] Cultural Studies: Q3 Gender Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 HAYAT [10038715] Maternity and Midwifery: Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 HAYATI JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES [10071039] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 HAZARDOUS WASTE CONSULTANT [12441] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 HEADACHE [1750] Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 HEAD AND FACE MEDICINE [10017824] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 HEAD AND NECK : JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK [1749] Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Head and Neck Oncology [10022970] Oncology: Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 HEAD AND NECK PATHOLOGY [10052084] Oncology: Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 HEALTH AFFAIRS [4982] Health Policy: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Health and history [10079943] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10026977] Health (social science): Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Health and Population: Perspectives and Issues [10078388] Epidemiology: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE OUTCOMES [10009424] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Health and Technology [10080616] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 HEALTH: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL FOR THE SOCIAL STUDY OF HEALTH ILLNESS AND MEDICINE [10074661] Health (social science): Q1 HEALTH CARE ANALYSIS [38451] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q2 Health Care and Informatics Review Online [10079502] Health Informatics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Healthcare benchmarks and quality improvement [10078847] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HEALTHCARE ETHICS COMMITTEE FORUM [10030908] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Healthcare executive [10076297] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HEALTHCARE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT / HFM MAGAZINE [10076299] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Health Policy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 HEALTH CARE FOR WOMEN INTERNATIONAL [10015410] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q2 Healthcare Informatics Research [10047537] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Health Informatics: Q3 Health Information Management: Q4 Healthcare informatics : the business magazine for information and communication systems [10076302] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Health care law monthly [10076277] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Healthcare Management Forum [10071783] Health Policy: Q3 HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT REVIEW [38453] Health Policy: Q1 Leadership and Management: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT SCIENCE [10015409] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Health Care Manager [10088281] Care Planning: Q3 Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Leadership and Management: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Healthcare Papers [10055361] Health Policy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Healthcare philanthropy [10080618] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Healthcare Policy [10080145] Health Policy: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Healthcare quarterly (Toronto, Ont.) [10076304] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HEALTH COMMUNICATION [38454] Communication: Q1 Health (social science): Q2 Health data management [10076280] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Health devices [10076281] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HEALTH ECONOMICS [12446] Health Policy: D1 HEALTH ECONOMICS, POLICY AND LAW [10021018] Health Policy: Q1 HEALTH ECONOMICS REVIEW [10035973] Health Policy: Q2 HEALTH EDUCATION [10013072] Education: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 HEALTH EDUCATION & BEHAVIOR [38456] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 HEALTH EDUCATION JOURNAL [10012015] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 HEALTH EDUCATION RESEARCH [4984] Education: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 HEALTH ENVIRONMENTS RESEARCH & DESIGN [10012017] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Health estate [10076282] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HEALTH EXPECTATIONS [10005655] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Health facilities management [10076283] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Health Informatics Journal [10022971] Health Informatics: Q3 HEALTH INFORMATION AND LIBRARIES JOURNAL [10007357] Health Informatics: Q1 Health Information Management: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10011506] Health Policy: Q3 Leadership and Management: Q3 Health law in Canada [10076285] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HEALTH LAW JOURNAL [10027113] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Health management technology [10076286] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HEALTH MARKETING QUARTERLY [10021019] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q3 Marketing: Q3 Health matrix (Cleveland, Ohio : 1991) [10076288] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HEALTHMED [10009592] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Health Outcomes Research in Medicine [10055438] Health Policy: Q3 HEALTH PHYSICS [1751] Epidemiology: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 HEALTH & PLACE [38459] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Health (social science): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 HEALTH POLICY [4985] Health Policy: Q1 HEALTH POLICY AND PLANNING [4986] Health Policy: D1 HEALTH POLICY AND TECHNOLOGY [10053152] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Health Policy: Q3 Health Progress [10076290] Communication: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HEALTH PROMOTION INTERNATIONAL [38462] Health (social science): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 HEALTH PROMOTION JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA [10015411] Community and Home Care: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Health Promotion Practice [10057159] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY [4987] Applied Psychology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW [10017339] Clinical Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Health Reports [10022972] Demography: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 HEALTH RESEARCH POLICY AND SYSTEMS [10028515] Health Policy: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 HEALTH RISK & SOCIETY [10000513] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Health SA Gesondheid [10080617] Health Policy: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 HEALTH SCIENCE JOURNAL [10043922] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 HEALTH SECURITY [10066674] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Safety Research: Q2 HEALTH SERVICE JOURNAL [10022468] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology [10037065] Health Policy: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT RESEARCH: AN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS IN HEALTH [10017166] Health Policy: Q3 HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH [4988] Health Policy: D1 HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY [38465] Health Policy: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Work: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 HEALTH & SOCIAL WORK [38466] Health (social science): Q2 Social Work: Q2 HEALTH SOCIOLOGY REVIEW [10012016] Health (social science): Q2 Health statistics quarterly / Office for National Statistics [10079182] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Health systems in transition [10080383] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT [10005656] Health Policy: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 HEARING JOURNAL [10072501] Speech and Hearing: Q4 HEARING RESEARCH [1752] Sensory Systems: Q1 HEART [12451] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Heart advisor / the Cleveland Clinic [10078848] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HEART AND METABOLISM [10036155] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 HEART AND VESSELS [12453] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 HEART ASIA [10024818] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 HEART FAILURE CLINICS [10005104] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 HEART FAILURE REVIEWS [10003200] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Heart International [10057912] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 HEART & LUNG [1753] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 HEART LUNG AND CIRCULATION [10015946] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 HEART RHYTHM [10001207] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Physiology (medical): D1 HEART SURGERY FORUM [10000514] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER [7717] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q1 HEAT TRANSFER - ASIAN RESEARCH [10082743] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING [1755] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 HEAT TRANSFER RESEARCH [10011507] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 HEAT TREATMENT OF METALS (CHINA) [10053957] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 HEBREW STUDIES [10056291] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Religious Studies: Q3 HEBREW UNION COLLEGE ANNUAL [10000515] Education: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Hecheng Shuzhi Ji Suliao [10036573] Polymers and Plastics: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 HEDIANZIXUE YU TANCE JISHU / NUCLEAR ELECTRONICS AND DETECTION TECHNOLOGY [10027883] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 Radiation: Q4 Hedongli Gongcheng/Nuclear Power Engineering [10042148] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 HEGEL-JAHRBUCH [10031001] Philosophy: Q4 HEGEL-STUDIEN [10000516] Philosophy: Q3 He-Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue/Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry [10041712] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques [10039924] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 Radiation: Q3 Hejubian Yu Dengliziti Wuli/Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics [10051775] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 HELGOLAND MARINE RESEARCH [28678] Aquatic Science: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 HELIA [10009302] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 HELICOBACTER [23075] Gastroenterology: Q1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 HELICTITE: JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIASIAN SPELEOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10066077] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geology: Q4 HELIOS [10000517] Classics: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 HELLENIC JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [10012940] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 HELLENIC JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE [10011508] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Hellenic Journal of Psychology [10067064] Education: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 HELLENIC PLANT PROTECTION JOURNAL [10013018] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 HELMINTHOLOGIA [12459] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Parasitology: Q3 HELSINKI MONITOR [10029365] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA [1758] Biochemistry: Q3 Catalysis: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 HEMATOLOGIA [10039332] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 HEMATOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY [1761] Cancer Research: Q3 Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q2 HEMATOLOGIE [10005105] Hematology: Q4 HEMATOLOGY [10007001] Hematology: Q3 HEMATOLOGY-AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEMATOLOGY EDUCATION PROGRAM [10032993] Hematology: Q1 HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY AND STEM CELL THERAPY THE JOURNAL OF THE KING FAISAL SPECIALIST HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE [10040591] Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Oncology: Q3 HEMATOLOGY-ONCOLOGY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [1762] Hematology: Q1 Oncology: Q2 Hematology Reports [10051329] Hematology: Q4 HEMIJSKA INDUSTRIJA [10011509] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 HEMODIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL [10014463] Hematology: Q2 Nephrology: Q2 HEMOGLOBIN [1764] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q4 Hematology: Q3 HENOCH [10017933] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 HENRY JAMES REVIEW [10000518] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Hepatitis B Annual [10079945] Hepatology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 HEPATITIS MONTHLY [10011510] Hepatology: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 HEPATOBILIARY & PANCREATIC DISEASES INTERNATIONAL [10011511] Gastroenterology: Q2 Hepatology: Q2 HEPATO-GASTRO AND ONCOLOGIE DIGESTIVE [10070756] Gastroenterology: Q4 Hepatology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGY [1323580] Gastroenterology: Q2 Hepatology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 HEPATOLOGY [1766] Hepatology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 HEPATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [10009593] Hepatology: Q2 HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH [12469] Hepatology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 HERALD OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [10003202] Cultural Studies: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 HERCYNIA: BEITRÄGE ZUR ERFORSCHUNG UND PFLEGE DER NATÜRLICHEN RESSOURCEN [10016511] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 HEREDITARY CANCER IN CLINICAL PRACTICE [10011512] Genetics (clinical): Q3 Oncology: Q2 HEREDITAS [1767] Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 HEREDITY [1768] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 Heritage and Society [10080619] Anthropology: Q4 Conservation: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 HERMATHENA [10000520] Classics: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 HERMENEUS [10022239] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 HERMES (France) [10080620] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 HERMES: JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS [10087111] Communication: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 HERMES: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KLASSISCHE PHILOLOGIE [10000521] Classics: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 HERNIA [10012785] Surgery: Q1 HÉRODOTE: REVUE DE GEOGRAPHIE ET DE GEOPOLITIQUE [10024184] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 HEROIN ADDICTION AND RELATED CLINICAL PROBLEMS [10015412] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 HERON [10032141] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 HERPETOLOGICA [1770] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Herpetological Bulletin [10050403] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 HERPETOLOGICAL CONSERVATION AND BIOLOGY [10015947] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 HERPETOLOGICAL JOURNAL [1769] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecological Modeling: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 HERPETOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS [34387] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 HERPETOLOGICAL REVIEW [10008645] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 HERPETOLOGY NOTES [10023922] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 HERZ [1771] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 HERZSCHRITTMACHERTHERAPIE UND ELEKTROPHYSIOLOGIE [10010232] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Physiology (medical): Q4 HESPERIA: THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS [4989] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Classics: D1 History: Q1 HETEROATOM CHEMISTRY [1773] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 HETEROCYCLES [1774] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 HETEROCYCLIC COMMUNICATIONS [17598] Organic Chemistry: Q4 HEYTHROP JOURNAL-A QUARTERLY REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY [10000522] Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 HFSP JOURNAL [10009594] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 HIDROBIOLOGICA [10007002] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 HIGH ABILITY STUDIES [10001033] Education: Q2 HIGH ALTITUDE MEDICINE & BIOLOGY [10000524] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Sports Science: Q2 HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AND CARDIOVASCULAR PREVENTION [10007713] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 HIGH ENERGY CHEMISTRY [1777] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS [10015948] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 Radiation: Q1 HIGHER EDUCATION [4990] Education: D1 Law: D1 HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY [10008403] Education: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 HIGHER EDUCATION QUARTERLY [10024043] Education: Q1 HIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT [10015413] Education: D1 HIGHER EDUCATION SKILLS AND WORK-BASED LEARNING [10068842] Education: Q4 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q4 Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation [10068737] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Software: Q3 High-Performance Composites [10076315] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 HIGH PERFORMANCE POLYMERS [17604] Materials Chemistry: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 HIGH PRESSURE RESEARCH [12482] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 High Technology Letters [10050516] Biotechnology: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Information Systems: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 HIGH TEMPERATURE [1779] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIAL PROCESSES [23098] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Spectroscopy: Q4 HIGH TEMPERATURE MATERIALS AND PROCESSES [12483] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 HIGH TEMPERATURES-HIGH PRESSURES [28707] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Highways [10076316] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Himalaya [10076318] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 HIMALAYAN GEOLOGY [10011513] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Hindsight (Saint Louis, Mo.) [10076319] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HIPERTENSION Y RIESGO VASCULAR [10037490] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 HIP INTERNATIONAL [10007003] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 HIPPOCAMPUS [1780] Cognitive Neuroscience: D1 HIPPOKRATIA [10015949] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HIROSAKI IGAKU / HIROSAKI MEDICAL JOURNAL [10027209] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HIROSHIMA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10042805] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HIROSHIMA MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [10004221] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Analysis: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q3 HISPAMERICA-REVISTA DE LITERATURA [10000525] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 HISPANIA-A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE TEACHING OF SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE [10000526] Education: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Hispania Antiqua [10087742] History: Q3 HISPANIA-REVISTA ESPANOLA DE HISTORIA [10000527] History: Q2 Hispania Sacra [10078142] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Hispanic Health Care International [10079309] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 HISPANIC JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES [4991] Anthropology: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Hispanic Research Journal [10080384] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 HISPANIC REVIEW [10000529] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 HISPANOFILA [10000530] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 HISTOCHEMICAL JOURNAL [1783] Cell Biology: Q3 Histology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY [7747] Cell Biology: Q3 Histology: Q1 Medical Laboratory Technology: D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 HISTOIRE DE L EDUCATION [10035894] Education: Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 HISTOIRE DES SCIENCES MEDICALES [10068437] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HISTOIRE EPISTEMOLOGIE LANGAGE [10022009] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Histoire et Societes Rurales [10078143] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 History: Q4 HISTOIRE & MESURE [10058389] History: Q2 HISTOIRE SOCIALE-SOCIAL HISTORY [10000532] History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 HISTOIRE URBAINE [10017992] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 History: Q3 Urban Studies: Q4 HISTOLOGY AND HISTOPATHOLOGY [1785] Histology: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 HISTOPATHOLOGY [1786] Histology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 HISTOREIN : A REVIEW OF THE PAST AND OTHER STORIES [10080621] History: Q3 Historia [10078144] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q3 Historia 396 [10080623] History: Q4 HISTORIA AGRARIA [10028516] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 History: Q2 HISTORIA CIENCIAS SAUDE-MANGUINHOS [10043066] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HISTORIA CONSTITUCIONAL [10012353] History: Q3 Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Historia Contemporanea [10078849] History: Q3 HISTORIA CRITICA [10012018] Cultural Studies: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 History: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Historia del Presente [10080846] History: Q3 HISTORIA (FRANCE) [10063013] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Historia Hospitalium [10078394] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Historiallinen Aikakauskirja [10042076] History: Q3 HISTORIA MATHEMATICA [1781] History: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 HISTORIA MEDICINAE VETERINARIAE [10012767] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HISTORIA MEXICANA [10000533] History: Q4 HISTORIAN [10000534] History: Q3 HISTORIA (SANTIAGO) [10080622] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Historia scientiarum : international journal of the History of Science Society of Japan [10078594] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Historia Social [10080624] History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 HISTORIA UNISINOS [10071501] History: Q4 HISTORIA Y COMUNICACION SOCIAL [10047574] Communication: Q3 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 HISTORIA Y POLÍTICA [10015416] History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 HISTORIA-ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ALTE GESCHICHTE [10000535] Classics: D1 History: Q2 HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY [10000537] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q1 HISTORICAL BIOLOGY [10015950] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Historical Geography [10076322] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 History: Q2 HISTORICAL JOURNAL [10000538] History: D1 HISTORICAL JOURNAL OF FILM RADIO AND TELEVISION [10000539] Communication: Q3 History: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Historical Materialism Book Series [10079725] History: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 HISTORICAL MATERIALISM-RESEARCH IN CRITICAL MARXIST THEORY [10009425] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 HISTORICAL METALLURGY [10080625] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 HISTORICAL METHODS [10000540] History: Q1 HISTORICAL RECORDS OF AUSTRALIAN SCIENCE [10022973] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Demography: Q4 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 HISTORICAL REFLECTIONS-REFLEXIONS HISTORIQUES [10000541] History: Q3 HISTORICAL RESEARCH [10000542] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Historical Review [10080146] History: Q3 HISTORICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH-HISTORISCHE SOZIALFORSCHUNG [10006389] History: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 HISTORICAL STUDIES IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES [10009426] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT: POLICY AND PRACTICE (THE) [10032169] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Conservation: Q3 History: Q3 HISTORICKÁ DEMOGRAFIE [10032190] Demography: Q4 History: Q2 HISTORICKY CASOPIS [10000543] History: Q4 HISTORIOGRAPHIA LINGUISTICA [10000544] History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 HISTORISCHE ANTHROPOLOGIE: KULTUR GESELLSCHAFT ALLTAG [10014423] Anthropology: Q3 History: Q3 HISTORISCHE SPRACHFORSCHUNG [10022234] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 HISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [10000545] History: Q2 Historisk tidskrift for Finland [10078595] History: Q4 Historisk tidsskrift : udgivet af Den norske historiske forening [10078148] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 HISTORY AND ANTHROPOLOGY [10027230] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 HISTORY AND MEMORY: STUDIES IN REPRESENTATION OF THE PAST [10030884] History: Q2 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF LOGIC [4995] History: Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF THE LIFE SCIENCES [4994] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 History and Sociology of South Asia [10087745] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 History and Technology [10078850] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 HISTORY AND THEORY [10000549] History: D1 Philosophy: Q1 HISTORY-LONDON [10000548] History: D1 History of Christian-Muslim Relations [10079503] History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 HISTORY OF ECONOMIC IDEAS [10018011] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 HISTORY OF EDUCATION [10015414] Education: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 HISTORY OF EDUCATION AND CHILDREN’S LITERATURE [10018617] Education: Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 HISTORY OF EDUCATION QUARTERLY [4992] Education: Q4 History: Q3 HISTORY OF EDUCATION REVIEW [10069958] Education: Q4 History: Q3 HISTORY OF EUROPEAN IDEAS [10000550] History: Q1 Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 History of Mechanism and Machine Science [10079946] History: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY QUARTERLY [10023431] Philosophy: Q2 HISTORY OF PHOTOGRAPHY [10000551] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 HISTORY OF POLITICAL ECONOMY [4996] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 History: Q1 HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT [10000552] History: Q2 Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 HISTORY OF PSYCHIATRY [38474] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 HISTORY OF PSYCHOLOGY [10012019] History: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 HISTORY OF RELIGIONS [10000553] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 HISTORY OF SCIENCE [4997] History: Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 History of Science and Medicine Library [10065030] History: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 History of Technology [10078851] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 HISTORY OF THE FAMILY [10015415] History: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 HISTORY OF THE HUMAN SCIENCES [4993] History: Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 History of Warfare [10079726] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q2 HISTORY TODAY [10000554] History: Q3 HISTORY WORKSHOP JOURNAL : HWJ [38477] History: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 HITACHI REVIEW [39719] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 HITOTSUBASHI JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS [4999] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 HIV/AIDS policy * law review / Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. [10079187] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HIV AIDS-RESEARCH AND PALLIATIVE CARE [10073052] Dermatology: Q2 Epidemiology: Q3 Health Policy: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Virology: Q3 HIV & AIDS Review [10067546] Epidemiology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 HIV CLINICAL TRIALS [10003207] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 HIV clinician / Delta Region AIDS Education & Training Center [10076323] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HIV MEDICINE [10005657] Health Policy: D1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 HIV Nursing [10073415] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 HIV THERAPY [10040238] Dermatology: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Virology: Q3 HLA [10068965] Genetics: Q3 Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 HNO [1787] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 HOBBES STUDIES [10067975] History: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Hokkaido Journal of Medical Science [10076328] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Hokkaido Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology [10076329] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 HOKKAIDO MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [2150828] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Holistic Nursing Practice [10022974] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HOLOCAUST AND GENOCIDE STUDIES [10017417] History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 HOLOCENE [12495] Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Ecology: D1 Global and Planetary Change: Q1 Paleontology: D1 HOLZFORSCHUNG [1789] Biomaterials: Q2 Holy Land Studies [10080147] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 HOME CULTURES [10017990] Cultural Studies: Q1 Social Psychology: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 Home Health Care Management and Practice [10037504] Community and Home Care: Q3 Leadership and Management: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Home healthcare now [10076333] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Home Health Care Services Quarterly [10037487] Community and Home Care: Q2 Health Policy: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Homeland Security Affairs [10080847] Law: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 HOMEOPATHY [10005521] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Home Textiles Today [10079504] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 HOMICIDE STUDIES [10007358] Law: D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 Homily Service [10088138] Religious Studies: Q3 HOMO-JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE HUMAN BIOLOGY [5001] Anthropology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 HOMOLOGY HOMOTOPY AND APPLICATIONS [10007004] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Honeyguide [10080385] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 HONG KONG JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY & VENEREOLOGY [10015951] Dermatology: Q4 HONG KONG JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10015952] Emergency Medicine: Q3 HONG KONG JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY [10011514] Occupational Therapy: Q3 HONG KONG JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRICS [10015953] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Hong Kong Journal of Radiology [10040292] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Hong Kong journal of Social Sciences [10080386] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 HONG KONG LAW JOURNAL [10027122] Law: Q3 HONG KONG MEDICAL JOURNAL [10052296] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal [10065214] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Hong Kong Practitioner [10042426] Family Practice: Q3 HONGWAI YU JIGUANG GONGCHENG: INFRARED AND LASER ENGINEERING [10036006] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 Horizon: Fenomenologicheskie Issledovaniya / Horizon: Studies in Phenomenology [10066680] Philosophy: Q4 HORIZONS [10033296] Education: Q4 Religious Studies: Q1 Horizons in Biblical Theology [10080848] Religious Studies: Q1 Horizontes Antropologicos [10079506] Anthropology: Q3 HORMONE AND METABOLIC RESEARCH [1405562] Biochemistry: Q2 Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 HORMONE MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND CLINICAL INVESTIGATION [10043719] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 HORMONE RESEARCH [1792] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 HORMONE RESEARCH IN PAEDIATRICS [10015954] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR [1790] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q1 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q1 Endocrinology: Q1 HORMONES & CANCER [10037565] Cancer Research: Q2 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q1 Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Oncology: Q1 HORMONES-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM [10015955] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 HORNERO [10052617] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 HORTICULTURA BRASILEIRA [10011515] Horticulture: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE [10011516] Horticulture: Q2 HORTICULTURE ENVIRONMENT AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [10028357] Biotechnology: Q3 Horticulture: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 HORTICULTURE JOURNAL [10046181] Horticulture: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 HORTSCIENCE [1793] Horticulture: Q1 HORTTECHNOLOGY [10001208] Horticulture: Q2 HORTUS ARTIUM MEDIEVALIUM [42714] History: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Hospital case management : the monthly update on hospital-based care planning and critical paths [10076337] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Hospital Infection Control [10079507] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Leadership and Management: Q4 HOSPITAL MEDICINE CLINICS [10039367] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Hospital Pediatrics [10080849] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pediatrics: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Hospital peer review [10076344] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HOSPITAL PHARMACY [10000557] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacy: Q3 Hospital practice (1995) [10076345] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HOSPITALS AND HEALTH NETWORKS [5003] Health Policy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Hospital Topics [10062501] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Hotel Management [10079310] Business and International Management: Q4 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 Hot Top. Cardiol. [10036144] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Hot Topics in Hypertension [10037477] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 Hot Topics in Respiratory Medicine [10080148] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Hot Topics in Viral Hepatitis [10065222] Hepatology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 HOUILLE BLANCHE-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE L EAU [17629] Water Science and Technology: Q3 Housing, Care and Support [10078152] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 HOUSING POLICY DEBATE [38482] Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 HOUSING STUDIES [38483] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 HOUSING THEORY & SOCIETY [10021309] Development: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 HOUSTON JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [1797] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 HOWARD JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS [10079311] Communication: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 HOWARD JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE [10027127] Law: Q2 HPAC Heating, Piping, AirConditioning Engineering [10076349] Building and Construction: Q4 HPB [10015956] Gastroenterology: Q1 Hepatology: Q1 HPB SURGERY [10012478] Hepatology: Q3 Surgery: Q2 HP Laboratories Technical Report [10045506] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 HRVATSKA REVIJA ZA REHABILITACIJSKA ISTRAZIVANJA [10066564] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q3 HRVATSKE VODE [10006085] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis [10079948] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 HRVATSKI GEOGRAFSKI GLASNIK/CROATIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN [10019931] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 HSB International [10076350] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 HSI-AN CHIAO TUNG TA HSUEH/JOURNAL OF XI'AN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY [10038802] Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 HSS JOURNAL [10057480] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 HTM - Haerterei-Technische Mitteilungen [10049714] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 HTM Journal of Heat Treatment and Materials [10071177] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies [10054322] Religious Studies: Q1 HUADONG LIGONG DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF EAST CHINA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10042586] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 HUAGONG XUEBAO / CIESC JOURNAL [10037844] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 HUANAN LIGONG DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF SOUTH CHINA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (NATURAL SCIENCE) [10037855] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 HUANJING KEXUE / CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE [10028209] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 HUANJING KEXUE XUEBAO/ACTA SCIENTIAE CIRCUMSTANTIAE [10046470] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 HUAXI KOUQIANG YIXUE ZAZHI / WEST CHINA JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY [10075227] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 HUAXUE FANYING GONGCHENG YU GONGYI/CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY [10042844] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Huaxue Gongcheng/Chemical Engineering (China) [10037833] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 HUAZHONG KEJI DAXUE XUEBAO (ZIRAN KEXUE BAN) / JOURNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION) [10039072] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 HUDEBNI VEDA [10000558] Music: Q4 HUDSON REVIEW [10000559] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 HUGO Journal [10071606] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 HUISARTS EN WETENSCHAP [10051372] Family Practice: Q3 HUMAN AFFAIRS [1052843] Law: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 HUMAN AND ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT [17634] Ecological Modeling: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Pollution: Q2 HUMAN AND VETERINARY MEDICINE [10042901] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 Human-Animal Studies [10067505] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Anthropology: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Human Antibodies [10041773] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 HUMAN BIOLOGY [1799] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q4 HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING [12507] Anatomy: D1 Neurology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 HUMAN CELL: THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN HUMAN CELL SOCIETY [10011517] Cancer Research: Q3 Cell Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences [10055589] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 HUMAN COMMUNICATION RESEARCH [5006] Anthropology: D1 Communication: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION [12520] Applied Psychology: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT [5007] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Human Dimensions of Wildlife [10071349] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 HUMAN ECOLOGY (NEW YORK) [5008] Anthropology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Ecology: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 HUMAN ECOLOGY REVIEW [10012020] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 HUMAN EVOLUTION [10019112] Anthropology: Q3 HUMAN & EXPERIMENTAL TOXICOLOGY [1800] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Toxicology: Q3 HUMAN FACTORS [1801] Applied Psychology: Q2 Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q1 HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS IN MANUFACTURING [23128] Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 HUMAN FERTILITY [10022976] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 HUMAN GENE THERAPY [1802] Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 HUMAN GENE THERAPY METHODS [10024434] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 HUMAN GENETICS [1803] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 HUMAN GENOMICS [10045389] Drug Discovery: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 HUMAN GEOGRAPHIES: JOURNAL OF STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY [10031158] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 HUMAN HEREDITY [1804] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q3 HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY [1805] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 HUMANISTICA LOVANIENSIA [10014279] Classics: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Humanistic Psychologist [10080387] Applied Psychology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 HUMAN IT [10018043] E-learning: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Humanities Diliman [10080850] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS [1807] Genetics: D1 Genetics (clinical): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: D1 HUMAN MOVEMENT [10022837] Biophysics: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE [5010] Biophysics: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Sports Science: Q2 HUMAN MUTATION [1808] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): D1 HUMAN NATURE-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY BIOSOCIAL PERSPECTIVE [38490] Anthropology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 HUMANOMICS [10021026] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Philosophy: Q2 HUMAN ORGANIZATION [5011] Anthropology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 HUMAN PATHOLOGY [1809] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 HUMAN PERFORMANCE [38492] Applied Psychology: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [10013435] Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 HUMAN PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY: CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL [1810] Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 HUMAN RELATIONS [5012] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Strategy and Management: D1 HUMAN REPRODUCTION [1811] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Rehabilitation: D1 Reproductive Medicine: D1 HUMAN REPRODUCTION AND GENETIC ETHICS [10076355] Genetics (clinical): Q4 Health Policy: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 HUMAN REPRODUCTION UPDATE [12519] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Reproductive Medicine: D1 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL [10022614] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT QUARTERLY [10015417] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW [2152926] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT [5013] Applied Psychology: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL DIGEST [10078853] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10017168] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT REVIEW [10015419] Applied Psychology: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH [10015418] Public Administration: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW [10027135] Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 HUMAN RIGHTS QUARTERLY [5015] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 HUMAN RIGHTS REVIEW [10010833] Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Humans and Nature [10076358] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 HUMAN STUDIES [5016] Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 HUMAN SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT [1290266] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 HUMAN VACCINES [10009595] Immunology: Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 HUMAN VACCINES & IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS [10028358] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 HUMAN-WILDLIFE INTERACTIONS [10070475] Ecology: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 Humboldt Journal of Social Relations [10078153] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Hume studies [10060110] Philosophy: Q3 HUMOR-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMOR RESEARCH [5017] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 HUNGARIAN GEOGRAPHICAL BULLETIN (2009-) [10031343] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 HUNGARIAN QUARTERLY [10004445] History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 HUNGARIAN STUDIES: A JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR HUNGARIAN STUDIES AND BALASSI INSTITUTE [39726] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 HUNTINGTON LIBRARY QUARTERLY [10071559] History: D1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 HUOZHAYAO XUEBAO / CHINESE JOURNAL OF EXPLOSIVES & PROPELLANTS [10071172] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 HUSSERL STUDIES [10000560] Philosophy: Q2 HYBRIDOMA [10033489] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 HYBRIDOMA: A JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL IMMUNOTHERAPY [10007005] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 HYBRIDOMA AND HYBRIDOMICS [10000789] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 HYDROBIOLOGIA [1814] Aquatic Science: Q2 Hydrocarbon Asia [10078155] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 Hydrocarbon Engineering [10076363] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 HYDROCARBON PROCESSING [1815] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 HYDROÉCOLOGIE APPLIQUÉE [10063805] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL [28756] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 Hydrographic Journal [10076364] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 Hydro International [10076361] Oceanography: Q4 HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES [1816] Water Science and Technology: D1 HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL-JOURNAL DES SCIENCES HYDROLOGIQUES [1817] Water Science and Technology: Q1 HYDROLOGIE UND WASSERBEWIRTSCHAFTUNG [10015958] Water Science and Technology: Q3 HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES [28757] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Water Science and Technology: D1 HYDROLOGY RESEARCH [10015957] Water Science and Technology: Q1 HYDROMETALLURGY [1818] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 Hygiea Internationalis [10069212] Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 HYGIENA [10060775] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 HYGIENE + MEDIZIN [10040628] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 HYLE [10007006] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Philosophy: Q2 HYPATIA: A JOURNAL OF FEMINIST PHILOSOPHY [10023115] Gender Studies: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 HYPERBOREUS [10063137] Classics: Q4 History: Q4 HYPERFINE INTERACTIONS [1819] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 HYPERTENSION [1821] Internal Medicine: D1 HYPERTENSION IN PREGNANCY [1820] Internal Medicine: Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 HYPERTENSION RESEARCH [28763] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 Physiology: Q2 HYSTRIX-ITALIAN JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY [10011519] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 IAEA BULLETIN: INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY [10026116] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 IAENG INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS [10023283] Applied Mathematics: Q2 IAENG International Journal of Computer Science [10043358] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 IARC MONOGRAPHS ON THE EVALUATION OF CARCINOGENIC RISKS TO HUMANS [10024484] Cancer Research: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 IARC SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS [12532] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 IATREIA: REVISTA MEDICA UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA [10051350] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 IATSS RESEARCH [10028658] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Safety Research: Q2 Transportation: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 IAVI report : newsletter on international AIDS vaccine research. [10079189] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 IAWA JOURNAL [1824] Forestry: Q2 Plant Science: Q3 IBERICA [10015420] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies [10080851] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 IBEROROMANIA [10000561] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Ibersid [10080852] Communication: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 IBIS [1825] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 IBM JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT [1826] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Ibsen Studies [10081226] History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ICARUS [1828] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 Icelandic Agricultural Sciences [10022977] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 ICES JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE [1830] Aquatic Science: D1 Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Oceanography: Q1 ICGA JOURNAL [28773] Computational Mechanics: Q4 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 ICHNOS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLAN [10012980] Paleontology: Q3 ICHTHYOLOGICAL EXPLORATION OF FRESHWATERS [10007007] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ICHTHYOLOGICAL RESEARCH [12541] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ICIC EXPRESS LETTERS [10019359] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 ICIC EXPRESS LETTERS PART B: APPLICATIONS [10039088] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Icon News [10079314] Conservation: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q4 ICU Director [10039388] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Critical Care Nursing: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 ICV Industrie Ceramique [10080626] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 IDEA [10086655] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 IDEALISTIC STUDIES [10000563] Philosophy: Q4 Ideas, History, and Modern China [10080150] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Ideas y Valores [10080389] Philosophy: Q3 IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE / CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE [2088240] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q3 IDENTITIES: GLOBAL STUDIES IN CULTURE AND POWER [38498] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Identity [10079315] Anthropology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 IDESIA [10051634] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 IDŐJÁRÁS / QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE HUNGARIAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE [1330444] Atmospheric Science: Q4 IDRUGS [10003208] Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 IDS BULLETIN-INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES [5018] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS [10005658] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Genetics: Q3 IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING [12554] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Software: D1 IEEE AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS MAGAZINE [12555] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 IEEE ANNALS OF THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING [1842] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 IEEE ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION MAGAZINE [12557] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS [10007009] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS [12640] Computer Science Applications: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE [10005840] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS [34485] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE [1844] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS [10020788] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE MAGAZINE [10007010] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 IEEE Computer Architecture Letters [10022978] Hardware and Architecture: Q2 IEEE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND APPLICATIONS [1845] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Software: Q3 IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine [10074168] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS [12564] Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 IEEE DESIGN AND TEST [10032995] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q2 IEEE DESIGN & TEST OF COMPUTERS [1401457] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q2 IEEE ELECTRICAL INSULATION MAGAZINE [12567] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine [10080853] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Instrumentation: Q4 Signal Processing: Q3 Software: Q4 IEEE ELECTRON DEVICE LETTERS [1847] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 IEEE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS LETTERS (ESL) [10056829] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 IEEE ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT REVIEW [10076371] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS [10007011] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 IEEE INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE [10011520] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 IEEE INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS MAGAZINE [10000790] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 IEEE INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT MAGAZINE [2139686] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS [34495] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS MAGAZINE [10052309] Automotive Engineering: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING [28803] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS [10031689] Biotechnology: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Health Information Management: Q1 IEEE JOURNAL OF OCEANIC ENGINEERING [1850] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q2 IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS [10029326] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS [1851] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING [10011521] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Computers in Earth Sciences: Q1 IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING [10011522] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Signal Processing: D1 IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS [1082098] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE JOURNAL ON EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS [10028857] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS [1852] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS [7819] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS [10022979] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 IEEE MAGNETICS LETTERS [10052310] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 IEEE MICRO [1854] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Software: Q2 IEEE MICROWAVE AND GUIDED WAVE LETTERS [12575] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS [34504] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE MICROWAVE MAGAZINE [10003212] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Radiation: Q2 IEEE MULTIMEDIA [12576] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Media Technology: Q1 Signal Processing: Q2 Software: Q2 IEEE NANOTECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE [10071458] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 IEEE NETWORK [12577] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Hardware and Architecture: D1 Information Systems: Q1 Software: Q1 IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING [10003213] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Software: Q1 IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL [10015959] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS [1855] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 IEEE POTENTIALS [39730] Education: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 IEEE POWER & ENERGY MAGAZINE [10011523] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 IEEE PULSE [10028360] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering [10040374] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 IEEE ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION MAGAZINE [12581] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY [10005659] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Law: Q2 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL [10003214] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Instrumentation: Q2 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS [12582] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE [12583] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Music: D1 Signal Processing: D1 IEEE SOFTWARE [1856] Software: Q2 IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine [10080152] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 IEEE SPECTRUM [1857] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL [10011524] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY MAGAZINE [12639] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCED PACKAGING [34514] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS [1858] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AFFECTIVE COMPUTING [10032996] Human-Computer Interaction: D1 Software: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION [1859] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY [12588] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING [10005660] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL [1860] Computer Science Applications: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10003215] Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS [10011525] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [1861] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING [1862] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Media Technology: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY [12592] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Media Technology: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I - FUNDAMENTAL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [10001091] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS [10007013] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS [10028637] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS [10070732] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Software: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS [1865] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS AND PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES [1401520] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY [10022982] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND AI IN GAMES [10022981] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Software: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN OF INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS [1868] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Software: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS [1867] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS [1869] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Media Technology: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY [12601] Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING [10003216] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEVICE AND MATERIALS RELIABILITY [10003217] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION [1870] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION [1871] Education: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY [1873] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES [1874] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS PACKAGING MANUFACTURING [10000792] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION [1875] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT [1876] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION [34536] Computational Theory and Mathematics: D1 Software: D1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS [12608] Applied Mathematics: D1 Artificial Intelligence: D1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING [1877] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HAPTICS [10022983] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS [10032998] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 Human Factors and Ergonomics: D1 Signal Processing: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING [12610] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: D1 Software: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS [1879] Computer Science Applications: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS [10005661] Computer Science Applications: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Information Systems: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS [1878] Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY [10007014] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY [2050472] Computer Science Applications: D1 Information Systems: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT [1881] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Instrumentation: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS [10001209] Automotive Engineering: D1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING [1882] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES [10022984] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Education: Q1 E-learning: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS [1883] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING [1884] Computer Science Applications: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: D1 Software: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES [1885] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Radiation: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING [10003220] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Software: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MULTIMEDIA [10001210] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Media Technology: D1 Signal Processing: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOBIOSCIENCE [10003221] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY [10001211] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT [10030280] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS [1886] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Software: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS [10028361] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Software: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL SYSTEMS AND REHABILITATION ENGINEERING [10000794] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE [1887] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS [1888] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE [1889] Applied Mathematics: D1 Artificial Intelligence: D1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: D1 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: D1 Software: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE [1890] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY [1891] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS [12624] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS [1892] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION [10001457] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Industrial Relations: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY [1893] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS [10005662] Computer Science Applications: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING [1895] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 IEEE Transactions on Services Computing [10022985] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: D1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING [1896] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Signal Processing: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID [10032999] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING [1897] Software: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY [10030057] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART B-CYBERNETICS [12633] Computer Science Applications: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: D1 Information Systems: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Software: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS: SYSTEMS [10031939] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Software: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TERAHERTZ SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10033000] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Radiation: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS FERROELECTRICS AND FREQUENCY CONTROL [1899] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Instrumentation: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY [1900] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Automotive Engineering: D1 Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) SYSTEMS [1401501] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q2 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS [12637] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q1 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 Software: Q1 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS [10001212] Applied Mathematics: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE [10032441] Automotive Engineering: Q1 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS [10000796] Computer Science Applications: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS [10056595] Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine [10079727] Education: Q4 IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications [10051447] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING [10007015] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS [10033444] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials [10051777] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 IEEJ TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS [41086] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy [10079041] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines [10054588] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 IEE PROCEEDINGS-CIRCUITS DEVICES AND SYSTEMS [1831] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IEE PROCEEDINGS-COMMUNICATIONS [1832] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IEE PROCEEDINGS-CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [1834] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Optimization: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 IEE PROCEEDINGS - NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY [10007008] Biotechnology: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 IEE PROCEEDINGS-OPTOELECTRONICS [1838] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS [10007016] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS [1901] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Software: Q4 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS [1902] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCES [10000797] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Signal Processing: Q3 IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS [1904] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 IEJME: MATHEMATICS EDUCATION [10031668] Education: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 IES Journal Part A: Civil and Structural Engineering [10080390] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Computational Mechanics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 IET BIOMETRICS [10051331] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Signal Processing: Q3 Software: Q3 IET CIRCUITS DEVICES & SYSTEMS [10009596] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IET COMMUNICATIONS [10007017] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IET COMPUTERS AND DIGITAL TECHNIQUES [10007018] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 IET COMPUTER VISION [10007019] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Software: Q3 IET CONTROL THEORY & APPLICATIONS [10006021] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Optimization: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH [17775] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 IET Electrical Systems in Transportation [10080627] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IET ELECTRIC POWER APPLICATIONS [10007020] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IETE TECHNICAL REVIEW [17776] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION [10009597] Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 IET IMAGE PROCESSING [10007021] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Signal Processing: Q3 Software: Q3 IET INFORMATION SECURITY [10009598] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Information Systems: Q3 Software: Q3 IET INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS [10009599] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Transportation: Q2 IET MICROWAVES ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION [10007022] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IET NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY [10007023] Biotechnology: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 IET OPTOELECTRONICS [10007024] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IET POWER ELECTRONICS [10015961] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IET RADAR SONAR AND NAVIGATION [10007025] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION [10011526] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 IET SCIENCE MEASUREMENT AND TECHNOLOGY [10007026] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 IET SIGNAL PROCESSING [10009600] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 IET SOFTWARE [10009601] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 IET SYSTEMS BIOLOGY [10007027] Biotechnology: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 IET Wireless Sensor Systems [10039048] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 IFAC PAPERSONLINE [10070927] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 IFAC PROCEEDINGS VOLUMES [10060980] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 IFAI's Marine Fabricator [10078600] Business and International Management: Q4 Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 IFIP ADVANCES IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY [10046303] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q3 IFLA JOURNAL-INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONS [5020] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 IFOREST-BIOGEOSCIENCES AND FORESTRY [10012542] Ecology: Q2 Forestry: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 IFRF Combustion Journal [10079729] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Pollution: Q4 Igaku butsuri : Nihon Igaku Butsuri Gakkai kikanshi = Japanese journal of medical physics : an official journal of Japan Society of Medical Physics [10078855] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Igiene e Sanita Pubblica [10079042] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 IHERINGIA SERIE BOTANICA [10015962] Plant Science: Q4 IHERINGIA SÉRIE ZOOLOGIA [10007028] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 IIC INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND COMPETITION LAW [10003223] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 IIMB MANAGEMENT REVIEW [10030329] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 IIOAB JOURNAL [10039489] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 IISE TRANSACTIONS [10074696] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering [10071529] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 IJS Studies in Judaica [10080153] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 IKON: JOURNAL OF ICONOGRAPHIC STUDIES [10028749] Religious Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ILAR JOURNAL [10003224] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ILHA DO DESTERRO: A JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE [10016235] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ILLINOIS JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [1908] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ILLNESS CRISIS AND LOSS [10048863] Health (social science): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ILR REVIEW [10018008] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Strategy and Management: D1 ILU: REVISTA DE CIENCIAS DE LAS RELIGIONES [10029876] Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 IMA FUNGUS [10024301] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 IMAGE ANALYSIS & STEREOLOGY [10018938] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Signal Processing: Q3 IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING [1913] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 Imagen Diagnostica [10080391] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Imagerie de la Femme [10040342] Surgery: Q4 IMAGES: JEWISH ART AND VISUAL CULTURE [10035051] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Imaginaire et Inconscient [10078601] Clinical Psychology: Q4 IMAGING IN MEDICINE [10022741] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 IMAGING SCIENCE IN DENTISTRY [10064257] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 IMAGING SCIENCE JOURNAL [12653] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Media Technology: Q2 IMAGO MUNDI-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF CARTOGRAPHY [42977] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Imago Temporis - Medium Aevum [10080629] History: Q4 IMA JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS [1909] Applied Mathematics: Q2 IMA JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT MATHEMATICS [10020074] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Management Information Systems: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 IMA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CONTROL AND INFORMATION [1911] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 IMA JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS [1912] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Mathematics: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 IMF ECONOMIC REVIEW [10015421] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 IMF Occasional Papers [10060304] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 IMF STAFF PAPERS [38502] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 IMMIGRANTS AND MINORITIES: HISTORICAL STUDIES IN ETHNICITY MIGRATION AND DIASPORA [10065620] Demography: Q3 Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Europe [10079509] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 IMMUNITY [1915] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 Infectious Diseases: D1 IMMUNITY & AGEING [10012564] Aging: Q3 Immunology: Q3 IMMUNOANALYSE & BIOLOGIE SPECIALISEE [10011527] Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 IMMUNOBIOLOGY [1916] Hematology: Q1 Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 IMMUNOGENETICS [1405572] Genetics: Q2 Immunology: Q2 Immunohematology [10075304] Hematology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 IMMUNOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS [1920] Immunology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 IMMUNOLOGICAL REVIEWS [1923] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 IMMUNOLOGIC RESEARCH [1922] Immunology: Q2 IMMUNOLOGIYA [10062662] Immunology: Q4 IMMUNOLOGY [1925] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 IMMUNOLOGY AND ALLERGY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [1918] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 IMMUNOLOGY AND CELL BIOLOGY [1919] Cell Biology: Q2 Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Immunogenetics Insights [10056201] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 IMMUNOLOGY ENDOCRINE AND METABOLIC AGENTS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10037479] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Pharmacology: Q3 IMMUNOLOGY LETTERS [1921] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 IMMUNOLOGY TODAY [1924] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 IMMUNOME RESEARCH [40845] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Immunology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY AND IMMUNOTOXICOLOGY [1926] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 IMMUNOTHERAPY [10011528] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Oncology: Q2 IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND PROJECT APPRAISAL [10047843] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Impact of Empire [10079730] Classics: Q2 History: Q2 IMPLANT DENTISTRY [10011529] Oral Surgery: Q2 IMPLANTOLOGIE: DIE ZEITSCHRIFT FUER DIE PRAXIS [10015963] Oral Surgery: Q4 Implantoprotetyka [10079510] Oral Surgery: Q4 Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 IMPLEMENTATION SCIENCE [10011530] Health Informatics: D1 Health Policy: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Implicit Religion [10080630] Religious Studies: Q1 IMPRINT (NY) [10076387] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Improving Schools [10066117] Education: Q2 IMSANG YAGRI HAGHOEJI / JOURNAL OF KOREAN SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS [10047447] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 INCONTRI LINGUISTICI [2005266] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 INDAGATIONES MATHEMATICAE-NEW SERIES [1936] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 INDEPENDENT REVIEW [10007359] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Index de Enfermeria [10037277] Health (social science): Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 INDEX ON CENSORSHIP [10001460] History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INDIANA LAW JOURNAL [5026] Law: Q1 INDIANA UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS JOURNAL [1952] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 INDIAN CHEMICAL ENGINEER [10055260] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Indian Concrete Journal [10076392] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Indian Drugs [10037471] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 INDIAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY REVIEW [10001461] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 History: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Indian Geotechnical Journal [10080855] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 INDIAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW [10021038] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 INDIAN HEART JOURNAL [10036263] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry [10050871] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Biochemistry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS [10021039] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH [10057271] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES [1937] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY [1938] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA [10041968] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL RESEARCH [10015964] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCES [1939] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & BIOPHYSICS [1940] Biochemistry: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY [10015965] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Bioengineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF CANCER [10028364] Oncology: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY [7910] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION A [1941] Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION B-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY INCLUDING MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [1942] Organic Chemistry: Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY [10030912] Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH [10069275] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Indian Journal of Community Medicine [10038098] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE [10039381] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH [10052012] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY [10025265] Dermatology: Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY VENEREOLOGY & LEPROLOGY [10011532] Dermatology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCES [7911] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH [10027777] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Indian Journal of Environmental Protection [10042152] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY [1351761] Biotechnology: Q2 Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF FIBRE & TEXTILE RESEARCH [17824] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 INDIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES [10022986] Aquatic Science: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY [10055671] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Law: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [10042342] Gastroenterology: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES [10007360] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q1 Gender Studies: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING [10015966] Genetics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF GEO-MARINE SCIENCES [1943] Oceanography: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES [10045509] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY AND BLOOD TRANSFUSION [10022987] Hematology: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY [7912] Biochemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE [10011533] Horticulture: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS [43038] Genetics: Q4 Genetics (clinical): Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF LABOUR ECONOMICS [10024757] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Indian Journal of Leprosy [10076395] Dermatology: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10005370] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND PAEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY [10046984] Oncology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Indian journal of medical ethics [10079190] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY [10015967] Microbiology (medical): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH [1944] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Indian Journal of Medical Research, Supplement [10048288] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10036288] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [39733] Microbiology: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS AND RESOURCES [10047442] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 Indian Journal of Nephrology [10043879] Nephrology: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE [10018486] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE [10068704] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [10015968] Ophthalmology: Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS [10015969] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY [10015970] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 Indian Journal of Otology [10039177] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE CARE [10050261] Health Policy: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY [10015971] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS [10005901] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH [10011534] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10015972] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY [10011535] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [10003225] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY [10048673] Pharmacology: Q3 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY [10013724] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PLASTIC SURGERY [10017520] Surgery: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL PEDIATRICS [10046996] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [10048845] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE [10050617] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Indian journal of public health [10076398] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT [10049643] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED MATHEMATICS [1947] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED PHYSICS [1948] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging [10054037] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF RADIO & SPACE PHYSICS [1949] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY [10030911] Rheumatology: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10052114] Multidisciplinary: Q3 Indian Journal of Sericulture [10076399] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Business and International Management: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES AND AIDS [10061303] Dermatology: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK [5025] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Work: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY [10015973] Surgery: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY [10040480] Oncology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY [10042071] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 INDIAN JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE [10011536] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q2 Indian Journal of Tuberculosis [10039158] Infectious Diseases: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [10026849] Urology: Q3 INDIAN JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY [10060520] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Virology: Q4 INDIAN PACING AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY JOURNAL [10018462] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q4 INDIAN PEDIATRICS [10007029] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Indian Silk [10076401] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Business and International Management: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 INDIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL [1951] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 INDIA QUARTERLY: A JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [20070862] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 INDIA REVIEW [10025638] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES RESEARCH [10067605] Biological Psychiatry: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 INDOGERMANISCHE FORSCHUNGEN [10001462] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 INDO-IRANIAN JOURNAL [10001463] Linguistics and Language: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 INDONESIA AND THE MALAY WORLD [10033319] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS [10042023] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [10052949] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 INDOOR AIR [12692] Building and Construction: D1 Environmental Engineering: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 INDOOR AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT [17833] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL TRAINING [10076407] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE [10001417] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY-PERSPECTIVES ON SCIENCE AND PRACTICE [10023117] Applied Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVIEW [10076408] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Industrial Bioprocessing [10078158] Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 INDUSTRIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY [10065205] Biotechnology: Q3 INDUSTRIAL CERAMICS [17807] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS [12672] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH [1933] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS [2150091] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 INDUSTRIAL HEALTH [1934] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INDUSTRIAL LAW JOURNAL [10027164] Law: Q1 INDUSTRIAL LUBRICATION AND TRIBOLOGY [17813] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS [17814] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Industrial Relations: Q1 Management Information Systems: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 Industrial Management (Norcross, Georgia) [10076412] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Industrial Relations: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT [5023] Marketing: Q1 Industrial Pharmacy [10080631] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS [5024] Industrial Relations: D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 INDUSTRIAL ROBOT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [12676] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 INDUSTRIA TEXTILA [10011531] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 INDUSTRIE ALIMENTARI [1931] Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Industrie Ceramique and Verriere [10076417] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 INDUSTRIELLE BEZIEHUNGEN [10021479] Business and International Management: Q2 Industrial Relations: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Industrie Textile [10076418] Business and International Management: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 INDUSTRY AND HIGHER EDUCATION [10018339] Business and International Management: Q3 Education: Q3 INDUSTRY & INNOVATION [10015422] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 INDUSTRY WEEK [10001464] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INFANCIA Y APRENDIZAJE [10009427] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 INFANCY [10003226] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 INFANT AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT [38510] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 INFANT BEHAVIOR & DEVELOPMENT [5029] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 INFANT CHILD AND ADOLESCENT NUTRITION [10043968] Food Science: Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 INFANT MENTAL HEALTH JOURNAL [5028] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Infant Observation [10038901] Applied Psychology: Q4 Clinical Psychology: Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 INFANTS & YOUNG CHILDREN [38511] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INFECTIO [10052809] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 INFECTION [1957] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q2 INFECTION AND CHEMOTHERAPY [10056820] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 INFECTION AND DRUG RESISTANCE [10054207] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY [1956] Immunology: Q1 Infectious Diseases: D1 Microbiology: Q1 Parasitology: D1 INFECTION CONTROL AND HOSPITAL EPIDEMIOLOGY [1954] Epidemiology: Q1 Infectious Diseases: D1 Microbiology (medical): D1 Infection, Disease and Health [10080154] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 INFECTION GENETICS AND EVOLUTION [10007030] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Microbiology: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 INFECTIONS IN MEDICINE [17839] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 INFECTIOUS AGENTS AND CANCER [10033003] Cancer Research: Q3 Epidemiology: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Oncology: Q2 INFECTIOUS DISEASE CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [1955] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Infectious Disease Reports [10065543] Infectious Diseases: Q3 INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10045519] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND THERAPY [10065158] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE [7926] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [10027820] Dermatology: Q1 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF POVERTY [10046017] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INFECTIOUS DISORDERS - DRUG TARGETS [10022195] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 INFEKTOLOSKI GLASNIK [10043374] Epidemiology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 INFEZIONI IN MEDICINA [10057228] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 INFINI: LITTERATURE, PHILOSOPHIE, ART, SCIENCE, POLITIQUE [10001465] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 INFINITE DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS QUANTUM PROBABILITY AND RELATED TOPICS [23334] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Mathematical Physics: Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 INFLAMMATION [1958] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 INFLAMMATION AND ALLERGY - DRUG TARGETS [10041771] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 INFLAMMATION RESEARCH [7929] Immunology: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Monitor [10048528] Gastroenterology: Q4 INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASES [17842] Gastroenterology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 INFLAMMOPHARMACOLOGY [1323632] Immunology: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 INFLUENZA AND OTHER RESPIRATORY VIRUSES [10011540] Epidemiology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 INFOCOMMUNICATIONS JOURNAL [10011156] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 INFOR: INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONAL RESEARCH [1959] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 INFORMACAO & SOCIEDADE-ESTUDOS [10015425] Communication: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INFORMACIJE MIDEM-JOURNAL OF MICROELECTRONICS ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS AND MATERIALS [17848] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Informacion, Cultura y Sociedad [10080856] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 INFORMACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA [10020000] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Food Science: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q3 INFORMÁCIÓS TÁRSADALOM: TÁRSADALOMTUDOMÁNYI FOLYÓIRAT [1378093] Communication: Q4 INFORMAL LOGIC [10069983] Philosophy: Q1 INFORMATICA (LITHUANIA) [10001214] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 INFORMATICA (LJUBLJANA) [10010106] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 INFORMATICS FOR HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE [10011541] Health Informatics: Q3 Health Information Management: Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 INFORMATICS IN EDUCATION: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10024046] Communication: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q4 INFORMATIK-SPEKTRUM: ORGAN DER GESELLSCHAFT FŰR INFORMATIK E.V. [10017640] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY LAW [10071665] Communication: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Law: Q4 INFORMATION AND COMPUTATION [1960] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 Information and Computer Security [10076424] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Software: Q3 Information and Learning Science [10083517] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Education: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 INFORMATION AND ORGANIZATION [10017172] Information Systems: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 Management Information Systems: D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY [1966] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Software: Q1 INFORMATION BULLETIN ON VARIABLE STARS [1150201] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 INFORMATION COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY [10016775] Communication: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 INFORMATION DESIGN JOURNAL + DOCUMENT DESIGN: IDJ + DD [10022274] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 INFORMATION DEVELOPMENT [10015424] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 INFORMATION DISCOVERY AND DELIVERY [10074695] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Information Display [10076425] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 INFORMATION ECONOMICS AND POLICY [10001034] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 INFORMATION FUSION [10009602] Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Information Systems: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 Software: Q2 INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT [34643] Information Systems: Q1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Management Information Systems: Q1 Information Polity [10059165] Communication: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Information processing in medical imaging : proceedings of the ... conference [10079045] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INFORMATION PROCESSING LETTERS [1963] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT [1964] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Media Technology: D1 INFORMATION RESEARCH-AN INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC JOURNAL [10001418] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 INFORMATION RESOURCE MANAGEMENT JOURAL [10017177] Business and International Management: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL [10000798] Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 INFORMATION SCIENCES [1965] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Information Systems and Management: D1 Software: D1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 Information Sciences and Technology [10079194] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INFORMATION SECURITY JOURNAL [10074829] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Software: Q4 Information Services and Use [10076426] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 INFORMATION SOCIETY [38514] Cultural Studies: D1 Information Systems: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Information (Switzerland) [10040573] Information Systems: Q4 INFORMATION SYSTEMS [1967] Hardware and Architecture: D1 Information Systems: Q1 Software: Q1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND E-BUSINESS MANAGEMENT [10015423] Information Systems: Q3 INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS [10001213] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 INFORMATION SYSTEMS JOURNAL [38515] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Information Systems: D1 Software: D1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT [17854] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH [38516] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Information Systems: D1 Information Systems and Management: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 Management Information Systems: D1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND CONTROL [10011539] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND LIBRARIES [1968] Information Systems: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND PEOPLE [10017944] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Information Technology for Development [10023118] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Development: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL [10039069] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & MANAGEMENT [10012021] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Communication: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 INFORMATION-TOKYO [10011542] Information Systems: Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q2 INFORMATION VISUALIZATION [10015991] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Informatologia [10068549] Law: Q4 INFORME MEDICO [10037373] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 INFORMES DE LA CONSTRUCCION [10011538] Architecture: Q1 Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q3 INFORMING SCIENCE - THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AN EMERGING TRANSDISCIPLINE [10017035] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING [34652] Computer Science Applications: D1 Information Systems: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Software: D1 Infosecurity [10079731] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY [1969] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Ingegneria Ferroviaria [10076428] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INGEGNERIA SISMICA [10066686] Building and Construction: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 INGENIARE: REVISTA CHILENA DE INGENIERIA [10035014] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 INGENIERIA E INVESTIGACION [10015619] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 INGENIERIA QUIMICA (SPAIN) [10059587] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q3 Media Technology: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 Ingenieria y Universidad [10079950] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 INGENIERIE DES SYSTEMES D INFORMATION [10054592] Information Systems: Q4 INGENIEUR ARCHIV [484] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INHALATION TOXICOLOGY [7944] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 INJURY: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CARE OF THE INJURED [1971] Emergency Medicine: Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Surgery: Q1 INJURY PREVENTION [10001419] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Ink World [10076429] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Media Technology: Q4 INLAND WATER BIOLOGY [10009603] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 INLAND WATERS [10028365] Aquatic Science: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 INMATEH - Agricultural Engineering [10080857] Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 INMUNOLOGIA [10019867] Immunology: Q4 INNATE IMMUNITY [10009604] Cell Biology: Q3 Immunology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 INNER ASIA [10012903] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 INNOVAR - REVISTA DE CIENCIAS ADMINISTRATIVAS Y SOCIALES [10015426] Accounting: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 Innovation and the Public Sector [10079732] Communication: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 INNOVATION-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH [10012023] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 INNOVATION IN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING [10023459] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 INNOVATION: MANAGEMENT POLICY & PRACTICE [10012022] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 INNOVATION POLICY AND THE ECONOMY [10018428] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 INNOVATIONS IN CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE [10044873] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL [10001035] Education: Q1 INNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING INTERNATIONAL [38518] Education: Q1 Innovations in Pharmaceutical Technology [10046457] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 INNOVATIONS IN SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: A NASA JOURNAL [10030307] Software: Q3 INNOVATIONS: REVUE D ÉCONOMIE ET DE MANAGEMENT DE L INNOVATION [10035600] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INNOVATIONS: TECHNOLOGY AND TECHNIQUES IN CARDIOTHORACIC AND VASCULAR SURGERY [10039365] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES [10007031] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Food Science: D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 INNOVATIVE HIGHER EDUCATION [10069962] Education: Q2 INNSBRUCKER BEITRÄGE ZUR SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT [10026296] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA [1974] Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 INORGANIC AND NANO-METAL CHEMISTRY [10074706] Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY [1973] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Inorganic Chemistry: D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS [17861] Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 INORGANIC MATERIALS [1975] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Inorganic Materials: Applied Research [10048095] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INORGANIC REACTION MECHANISMS [10000799] Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 INORGANIC SYNTHESES [1976] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 IN PRACTICE [17799] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 INQUIRY: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10001036] Health Policy: Q4 Philosophy: Q2 INQUIRY-THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATION PROVISION AND FINANCING [5033] Health Policy: Q1 INRA PRODUCTIONS ANIMALES [20074] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Insecta Matsumurana [10080858] Insect Science: Q4 INSECT BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [1977] Biochemistry: Q1 Insect Science: D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY [10009605] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Insect Science: Q1 INSECTES SOCIAUX [1979] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Insect Science: Q2 INSECT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [12719] Genetics: Q2 Insect Science: D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 INSECTS [10016961] Insect Science: Q2 INSECT SCIENCE [10005665] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Insect Science: Q2 INSECT SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATION [1978] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 INSECT SYSTEMATICS & EVOLUTION [28975] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q2 INSIGHT [1980] Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Insight - Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses [10076430] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Ophthalmology: Q4 Insight: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness [10080632] Ophthalmology: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 Insights [10079951] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 INSIGHTS INTO IMAGING [10016750] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 INSIGHT TURKEY [10025642] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 IN SILICO BIOLOGY [10022867] Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences 1:250,000 Geological Map [10076431] Geology: Q1 Institutions and Economies [10055661] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 INSTRUCTIONAL COURSE LECTURES [10039581] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INSTRUCTIONAL SCIENCE [5034] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Education: D1 Instrumentation Mesure Metrologie [10074924] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 INSTRUMENTATION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [1983] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 INSTRUMENTS AND EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES [1982] Instrumentation: Q3 INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA [10036237] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 INSULA-REVISTA DE LETRAS Y CIENCIAS HUMANAS [10001469] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Insulation - The Energy Efficiency Newsletter [10078162] Building and Construction: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Insulin [10038036] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Family Practice: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS [1984] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 INTANGIBLE CAPITAL [10050583] Accounting: Q4 Business and International Management: Q3 Education: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTECH [2130] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY [2131] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 Analysis: Q2 INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONS [18076] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Integrated Blood Pressure Control [10037956] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q2 INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING [1344319] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Software: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT [40465] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS [12908] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Preliminary Reports [10079512] Oceanography: Q4 INTEGRATION-THE VLSI JOURNAL [2132] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY [10000832] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Plant Science: D1 INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY [10011571] Biochemistry: Q1 Biophysics: Q1 INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES [10009617] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Oncology: Q2 Integrative Medicine [10037478] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE ALERT [10072232] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE INSIGHTS [10030340] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 INTEGRATIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL & BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE [10009434] Anthropology: Q2 Applied Psychology: Q3 Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 Philosophy: Q1 Social Psychology: Q3 INTEGRATIVE ZOOLOGY [10015906] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 INTEGRITET I VEK KONSTRUKCIJA / STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY AND LIFE [10020021] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 Inteligencia Artificial [10050426] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Software: Q4 INTELLECTUAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES [10007366] Community and Home Care: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INTELLECTUAL DISCOURSE [10080633] Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTELLECTUAL HISTORY REVIEW [10025024] History: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Intellectual Property Law Library [10079513] Law: Q3 INTELLIGENCE [5097] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 INTELLIGENCE AND NATIONAL SECURITY [10025643] History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION AND SOFT COMPUTING [29190] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Software: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 INTELLIGENT BUILDINGS INTERNATIONAL [10062318] Building and Construction: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 INTELLIGENT DATA ANALYSIS [10007049] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 INTELLIGENT DECISION TECHNOLOGIES [10016963] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Software: Q3 INTELLIGENT SERVICE ROBOTICS [10052307] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computational Mechanics: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS REFERENCE LIBRARY [10042513] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 INTENSIVE AND CRITICAL CARE NURSING [10048392] Critical Care Nursing: D1 INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE [2133] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: D1 INTENSIVMEDIZIN UND NOTFALLMEDIZIN [10036869] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Emergency Medicine: Q4 Emergency Nursing: Q4 Intensiv- Notfallbehandl. [10036136] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Emergency Medicine: Q4 InTents [10078858] Polymers and Plastics: Q4 INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS [2134] Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Software: Q1 Interaction Design and Architecture(s) [10081377] Architecture: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Media Technology: Q2 Pharmacology: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics [10079515] Mathematical Physics: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 INTERACTIONS: NEW VISIONS OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION [10017988] Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 INTERACTION STUDIES [10009435] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Communication: Q1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 INTERACTIVE CARDIOVASCULAR AND THORACIC SURGERY [10028634] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS [10003272] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Education: Q1 E-learning: Q1 INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY AND SMART EDUCATION [10031902] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 INTER-ASIA CULTURAL STUDIES [10007367] Cultural Studies: Q2 Inter Bloc [10079514] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q4 INTERCERAM: INTERNATIONAL CERAMIC REVIEW [10050935] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 INTERCHANGE [5098] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q4 Law: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERCIENCIA [2135] Multidisciplinary: Q3 INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION [41456] Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q3 INTERCULTURAL PRAGMATICS [42899] Communication: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 INTERDISCIPLINARIA: INTERDISCIPLINARIA: REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA Y CIENCIAS AFINES [10037134] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE AND MANAGEMENT [10072192] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases [10051081] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Parasitology: Q2 Virology: Q3 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE REVIEWS [2136] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Multidisciplinary: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES: COMPUTATIONAL LIFE SCIENCES [10033017] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Health Informatics: Q3 Interdisciplinary topics in gerontology and geriatrics [10079733] Aging: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 INTERDISCIPLINARY TOXICOLOGY [10050091] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 INTERECONOMICS: REVIEW OF EUROPEAN ECONOMIC POLICY [2151189] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Interface: Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao [10079196] Communication: Q2 Education: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 INTERFACE FOCUS [10021227] Biochemistry: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Biomaterials: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Biophysics: Q2 Biotechnology: Q1 INTERFACES [2137] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERFACES AND FREE BOUNDARIES [10007050] Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 INTERFACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10042194] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 Interiors: Design, Architecture, Culture [10080392] Architecture: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 INTERMETALLICS [1374643] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 INTERNAL AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10011572] Emergency Medicine: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q2 INTERNAL MEDICINE [2139] Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNAL MEDICINE JOURNAL [34891] Internal Medicine: Q2 INTERNASJONAL POLITIKK [5087] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL ADVANCES IN ECONOMIC RESEARCH [10015034] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [5036] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10051272] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL AGROPHYSICS [10001472] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 Soil Science: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 International and Comparative Criminal Law Series [10079517] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 INTERNATIONAL ANESTHESIOLOGY CLINICS [1985] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 INTERNATIONAL ANGIOLOGY [1986] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 INTERNATIONAL APPLIED MECHANICS [7960] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 INTERNATIONAL AQUATIC RESEARCH [10023883] Aquatic Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL ARABIC JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS [10057009] Microbiology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 INTERNATIONAL ARAB JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10015974] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY [2054528] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 International Archives of Medicine [10039387] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH [1988] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY [10052972] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL AREA STUDIES REVIEW [10034682] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION [1989] Biomaterials: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 INTERNATIONAL BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [10015975] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Urology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL BREASTFEEDING JOURNAL [10048341] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 International Bulk Journal [10076439] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 International Bulletin of Missionary Research [10080634] Religious Studies: Q4 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT [20069354] Business and International Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT [10034748] Business and International Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW [10007361] Business and International Management: Q1 Finance: Q2 Marketing: Q1 INTERNATIONAL CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH JOURNAL [10052366] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 International Carpet Yearbook [10076441] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [1990] Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL COMMENTARY ON EVIDENCE [10027206] Law: Q3 International Commerce Review [10080393] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Marketing: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION GAZETTE [10028942] Communication: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER [1991] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY LAW REVIEW [10025644] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 INTERNATIONAL & COMPARATIVE LAW QUARTERLY [5038] Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 International Comparative Social Studies [10079734] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE REVIEW [10017546] Law: Q1 INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW [10025645] Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL [12734] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Food Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL DENTAL JOURNAL [28989] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING REVIEW [10001420] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 INTERNATIONAL DRUG DISCOVERY [10040155] Drug Discovery: Q4 International Dyer [10076444] Business and International Management: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC JOURNAL [10021054] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW [5039] Economics and Econometrics: D1 INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS AND ECONOMIC POLICY [10021055] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION JOURNAL [10069964] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION STUDIES [10023755] Education: Q4 Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift [10080649] Religious Studies: Q4 INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION [10024489] Education: Q3 INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY NURSING [10033005] Emergency Nursing: Q1 INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL [1374632] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 International Energy Journal [10037799] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10019064] Management Information Systems: D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENTS - POLITICS LAW AND ECONOMICS [10015427] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Law: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 INTERNATIONALE POLITIK [38585] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERNATIONALE POLITIK UND GESELLSCHAFT [10017926] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONALES ARCHIV FUR SOZIALGESCHICHTE DER DEUTSCHEN LITERATUR [10001485] History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 INTERNATIONAL FEMINIST JOURNAL OF POLITICS [10015428] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Gender Studies: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 International Fiber Journal [10078397] Business and International Management: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE [10012024] Development: Q1 Finance: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 INTERNATIONAL FINANCE REVIEW [10036776] Finance: Q4 INTERNATIONAL FOOD AND AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT REVIEW [10031135] Business and International Management: Q2 Food Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL FOOD RESEARCH JOURNAL [10038158] Food Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW [10001216] Ecology: Q2 Forestry: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF ALLERGY AND RHINOLOGY [10028366] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL FORUM OF PSYCHOANALYSIS [10008476] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 INTERNATIONAL GAMBLING STUDIES [10031585] Applied Psychology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL GAME THEORY REVIEW [10008546] Business and International Management: Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGY REVIEW [28992] Geology: Q1 International Geophysics [10067713] Geophysics: Q4 INTERNATIONAL HEALTH [10028367] Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL HEART JOURNAL [10003229] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL HEAT TREATMENT AND SURFACE ENGINEERING [10009737] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL HISTORY REVIEW [10001474] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 International Humanitarian Law Series [10079518] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 International Human Rights Law Review [10080859] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOLOGY [1995] Immunology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY [34686] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL INFORMATION & LIBRARY REVIEW [5041] E-learning: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 INTERNATIONAL INSOLVENCY REVIEW [10023119] Finance: Q4 Law: Q4 International Institute of Administrative Sciences Monographs [10079952] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 INTERNATIONAL INTERACTIONS [5042] Political Science and International Relations: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10001037] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 International Journal Bioautomation [10062315] Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Ecological Modeling: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Genetics: Q4 International Journal for Academic Development [10044442] Education: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING SCIENCE & MECHANICS [10071509] Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mechanics: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE [10019732] Education: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING MODELLING [10035968] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH [10015434] Health Policy: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR HOUSING SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS: HOUSING PLANNING [10025220] Architecture: Q3 Building and Construction: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry [10067688] Spectroscopy: Q3 International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies [10080860] Education: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR MULTISCALE COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING [10007039] Computational Mechanics: Q2 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL AND ANALYTICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS [2071] Computational Mechanics: D1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [10015918] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 Software: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING [2072] Applied Mathematics: D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Numerical Analysis: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS [2073] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mechanics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY [2079] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Parasitology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY-DRUGS AND DRUG RESISTANCE [10033012] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Parasitology: Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY – PARASITES AND WILDLIFE [10043395] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Parasitology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION [10001475] Philosophy: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE [38565] Health Policy: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY RESEARCH [10035950] Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TECHNOLOGY IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION [10014465] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COUNSELLING [5045] Applied Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 International Journal for the History of Engineering and Technology [10080861] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION [10015443] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Religious Studies: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE SEMIOTICS OF LAW-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE SÉMIOTIQUE JURIDIQUE [5076] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Law: Q3 International Journal for the Study of Skepticism [10080635] Philosophy: Q3 International journal for the Study of the Christian Church [10080394] Religious Studies: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR VITAMIN AND NUTRITION RESEARCH [2116] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 International Journal of Abrasive Technology [10079735] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACAROLOGY [10001217] Insect Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING [10021058] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT [10079736] Accounting: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION [10065447] Accounting: Q4 Finance: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10021059] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Management Information Systems: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACOUSTICS AND VIBRATION [10020675] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACTION RESEARCH [10080155] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADAPTIVE CONTROL AND SIGNAL PROCESSING [1996] Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES [1998] Biomaterials: Q1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AD HOC AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING [10006230] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE AND YOUTH [10035303] Health (social science): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT MEDICINE AND HEALTH [10011049] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED INTELLIGENCE PARADIGMS [10016644] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY [12743] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Software: Q1 International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems [10070507] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION [10025684] Communication: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT [10062500] Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS [10015976] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Software: Q3 International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering [10080862] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCEMENTS IN COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY [10050064] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences [10080395] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 International Journal of Advances in Rheumatology [10080156] Rheumatology: Q3 International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing & Its Applications [10059700] Computer Science Applications: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING [10009428] Communication: Q1 Marketing: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROACOUSTICS [10022989] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 Aerospace Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES [10052314] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING [10046283] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 International Journal of Aerospace Innovations [10080636] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 International Journal of Aerospace Psychology [20068008] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Applied Psychology: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AFRICAN HISTORICAL STUDIES [10001476] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 International Journal of Ageing and Later Life [10079953] Cultural Studies: Q1 Gender Studies: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGENT-ORIENTED SOFTWARE ENGINEERING [10060971] Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGILE SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT [10053311] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGING & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT [5046] Aging: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING [10022879] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10035095] Information Systems: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND STATISTICAL SCIENCES [10011543] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH [10012692] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES, GOVERNANCE AND ECOLOGY [10021060] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY [10015977] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND BIOLOGY [10022847] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION [23384] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Alternative Propulsion [10050176] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE [10016104] Aging: Q2 Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence [10052927] Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AMBIENT ENERGY [10009199] Building and Construction: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AMERICAN LINGUISTICS [5047] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY [1999] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 Urology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANGIOLOGY [10012447] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION [10015978] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS [12745] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies [10079046] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH [10021061] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CERAMIC TECHNOLOGY [10003230] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Marketing: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY [10044645] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of Applied Cryptography [10067938] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED DECISION SCIENCES [10035286] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION [10007032] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q2 Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS [17892] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH [10039301] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES [10052997] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOSPATIAL RESEARCH [10067999] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE [10028368] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS AND ENGLISH LITERATURE [10040901] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS (INJAL) [10017180] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MANAGEMENT SCIENCE [10071577] Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE [10005689] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS [10016776] Applied Mathematics: Q4 International Journal of Applied Mechanics [10022990] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHARMACEUTICS [10080637] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOANALYTIC STUDIES [10035351] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN NATURAL PRODUCTS [10037113] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN VETERINARY MEDICINE [10011544] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED SYSTEMIC STUDIES [10079737] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING [7975] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Software: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH AND EDUCATION [10018864] Aquatic Science: Q4 International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design [10080863] Architecture: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 International Journal of Architectural Computing [10053928] Building and Construction: Q2 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE [10011545] Architecture: D1 Conservation: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ART & DESIGN EDUCATION [10001421] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [10010505] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN EDUCATION [10059712] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Education: Q1 E-learning: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS [2000] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY [10066908] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT [10021065] Business and International Management: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ART THERAPY [10030737] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES [10021066] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASIA PACIFIC STUDIES [10071484] Cultural Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ASTROBIOLOGY [10015979] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ATHLETIC THERAPY AND TRAINING [10022991] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUDIOLOGY [10001218] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Speech and Hearing: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUDITING [10021067] Accounting: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Automation and Computing [10046149] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 International Journal of Automation and Control [10050248] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Software: Q3 International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology [10067264] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 International Journal of Automation Technology [10050102] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering [10070025] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 International Journal of Automotive Engineering [10081379] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY [10003231] Automotive Engineering: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT [10032034] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTONOMOUS AND ADAPTIVE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS [10022269] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AVIATION PSYCHOLOGY [38528] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Applied Psychology: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q2 International Journal of Ayurveda Research [10080638] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BANKING, ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE [10079955] Accounting: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BANK MARKETING [10017181] Marketing: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DEVELOPMENT [5048] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE [38530] Applied Psychology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY [10011546] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research [10061898] Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS [12748] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Multidisciplinary: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION AND BILINGUALISM [10022350] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BILINGUALISM [10012025] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 International Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [10037670] Biochemistry: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY & CELL BIOLOGY [7977] Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIODIVERSITY SCIENCE ECOSYSTEMS SERVICES AND MANAGEMENT [10035745] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS [39973] Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOINFORMATICS RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [10018676] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Health Informatics: Q3 Health Information Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIO-INSPIRED COMPUTATION [10028369] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY [10033819] Biochemistry: Q4 Pharmacology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES [2002] Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Structural Biology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MARKERS [17898] Cancer Research: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10011547] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: D1 Cell Biology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS [10016187] Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMATHEMATICS [10015980] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (IJBET) [10013202] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL IMAGING [10012201] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology [10063694] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE [10041973] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY [2004] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETRICS [10054623] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIO-SCIENCE AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY [10040168] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOSTATISTICS [10028370] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY [10019066] Bioengineering: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BOTANY [10013008] Plant Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUILDING PATHOLOGY AND ADAPTATION [10074748] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS [10021069] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND GLOBALISATION [10027629] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 International Journal of Business and Management Science [10079956] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND SYSTEMS RESEARCH [10014267] Business and International Management: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION [10048488] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING [10028853] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS EXCELLENCE [10035815] Business and International Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS GOVERNANCE AND ETHICS [10021071] Business and International Management: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10050155] Information Systems and Management: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INNOVATION AND RESEARCH [10050740] Business and International Management: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE AND DATA MINING [10053781] Information Systems and Management: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling [10087759] Business and International Management: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT (IJBPM) [10013105] Business and International Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS PROCESS INTEGRATION AND MANAGEMENT [10038713] Business and International Management: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS SCIENCE AND APPLIED MANAGEMENT [10034972] Business and International Management: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & SOCIETY [10020693] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER [2005] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: D1 International Journal of Cancer Management [10082749] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Surgery: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH [10033827] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND PREVENTION [10024613] Oncology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIAC IMAGING [12754] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [2006] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING [10000801] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 International Journal of Care Coordination [10076453] Health Policy: Q3 Leadership and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CAST METALS RESEARCH [34704] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY [10011197] Cell Biology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CENTRAL BANKING [10015429] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [10030414] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL KINETICS [2008] Biochemistry: Q3 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL REACTOR ENGINEERING [10028371] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES [10021366] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMTECH RESEARCH [10035383] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS [10025612] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHILDRENS SPIRITUALITY [10074827] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHINA STUDIES [10068263] Cultural Studies: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE EDUCATION [10068879] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE [10027318] Health Policy: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING [10032356] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Signal Processing: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUIT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [2009] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUMPOLAR HEALTH [10009429] Epidemiology: Q3 Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING [10015981] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGIES AND MANAGEMENT [10028517] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY [2010] Atmospheric Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HYPNOSIS [5049] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Complementary and Manual Therapy: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE [10033007] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY [10022993] Histology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY [10007362] Clinical Psychology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DENTISTRY [10061176] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of Clinical Leadership [10044815] Health Policy: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY [10011548] Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS [2014] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY [10019222] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Pharmacy: D1 Toxicology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE [12762] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 International Journal of Clinical Practice, Supplement [10038550] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY [10023528] Rheumatology: Q3 International Journal of Clinical Skills [10080864] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLOTHING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10009606] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY [2015] Economic Geology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Geology: Q1 Stratigraphy: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL PREPARATION AND UTILIZATION [10011549] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence [10055183] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE THERAPY [10012026] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine and Public Health [10038096] Internal Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COLORECTAL DISEASE [2016] Gastroenterology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMADEM [10079048] Bioengineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION [10023120] Communication: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS [10030042] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security [10080157] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS [17914] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 International Journal of Community Music [10048836] Music: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY [5050] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES [10029624] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND DRUG DESIGN [10038002] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE [10079198] Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mechanics: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS [12767] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Computational Mechanics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY & APPLICATIONS [12768] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Geometry and Topology: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATI [10038363] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Software: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SYSTEMS [10011550] Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering [10043165] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS [10015925] Computational Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (UK) [41111] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Software: Q4 International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics [10080158] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AIDED ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (IJCAET) [10031340] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN TECHNOLOGY [12766] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Information Systems: Q3 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED RADIOLOGY AND SURGERY [10016263] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Health Informatics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Surgery: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER GAMES TECHNOLOGY [10029621] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING [2017] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERIZED DENTISTRY [10073054] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS [2018] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS AND APPLICATIONS [10029620] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS [10007788] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATION [10059763] Computer Science Applications: Q3 International Journal of Computer Science in Sport [10080865] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL [10010345] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS FOR MATHEMATICAL LEARNING [10019901] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-SUPPORTED COLLABORATIVE LEARNING [10012027] Education: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION [2019] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: D1 Software: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTING SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS [10029629] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES AND MATERIALS [10052270] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONFLICT AND VIOLENCE [10015431] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT [38533] Communication: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSERVATION SCIENCE [10058730] Conservation: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW [10006100] Law: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION EDUCATION AND RESEARCH [10062340] Building and Construction: Q3 Education: Q3 International Journal of Construction Management [10057622] Building and Construction: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONSUMER STUDIES [10018600] Applied Psychology: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Marketing: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT [10017182] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTINUING ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND LIFE LONG LEARNING [10050742] Education: Q3 E-learning: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL [2020] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL & AUTOMATION [10046057] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS [10005666] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [10067208] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS [12772] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CORPUS LINGUISTICS [39739] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CORROSION [10017260] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE [10007648] Aging: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q3 Dermatology: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESS [10001219] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Transportation: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL COMPUTER-BASED SYSTEMS [10029665] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION [10028372] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES [10006005] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CROSS CULTURAL MANAGEMENT: CCM [10017183] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Business and International Management: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURAL POLICY [10023121] Cultural Studies: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURAL PROPERTY (2005-) [10024136] Anthropology: Q2 Conservation: Q1 Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Museology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURAL STUDIES [10023122] Cultural Studies: D1 International Journal of Culture and Mental Health [10069266] Cultural Studies: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CULTURE, TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY RESEARCH [10028026] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW AND RESEARCH [10067192] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology and Learning [10049832] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CYBER CRIMINOLOGY [10027531] Law: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE [10033868] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Food Animals: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAIRY TECHNOLOGY [12773] Bioengineering: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DAMAGE MECHANICS [1355082] Computational Mechanics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DATA ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES [10058379] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q2 International Journal of Database Theory and Application [10037438] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DATA MINING AND BIOINFORMATICS [10007036] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DATA MINING MODELLING AND MANAGEMENT [10041969] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DATA WAREHOUSING AND MINING [10018106] Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY [10069555] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTAL HYGIENE [10022994] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY [10060898] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY [2021] Dermatology: Q2 International Journal of Designed Objects [10080866] Architecture: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DESIGN & NATURE AND ECODYNAMICS [10022733] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DESIGN SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY [10070463] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DESIGN (TAIWAN) [10022995] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Marketing: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY [2022] Developmental Biology: Q2 Embryology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES [10033009] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE [2023] Developmental Biology: Q3 Developmental Neuroscience: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL SCIENCES [10062904] Aging: Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Developmental Neuroscience: Q4 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ISSUES [10021072] Development: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND METABOLISM [10007583] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIABETES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES [10015924] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 International Journal of Diabetes Mellitus [10037475] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [10047970] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL ACCOUNTING RESEARCH [10080396] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q2 International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications [10042438] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Software: Q4 International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics [10070589] Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH [10011551] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Software: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA BROADCASTING [10029667] Communication: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Media Technology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISABILITY DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION [10015432] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q3 Health (social science): Q3 International Journal of Disability Management [10074922] Health (social science): Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment [10080397] Building and Construction: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION [10051306] Geology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Safety Research: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK SCIENCE [10032396] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Safety Research: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISCLOSURE AND GOVERNANCE [10027532] Accounting: Q3 Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISCRIMINATION AND THE LAW [10027533] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION TECHNOLOGIES (IJDET) [10060073] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q3 E-learning: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS [10005668] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Distributed Systems and Technologies [10054282] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIVERSITY IN ORGANISATIONS COMMUNITIES AND NATIONS [10016477] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DOCTORAL STUDIES [10067309] Education: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DREAM RESEARCH [10063787] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY [10062097] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGY [10065698] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH [10046555] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DRUG POLICY [10007363] Health Policy: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [10062136] Control and Optimization: Q4 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of E-Adoption [10080159] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 E-learning: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 International Journal of Early Childhood [10076455] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 International Journal of Early Childhood Learning [10080867] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION [10069969] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY YEARS EDUCATION [10069970] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES [23421] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING [10050879] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EATING DISORDERS [2024] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF E-BUSINESS RESEARCH [10053307] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 International Journal of e-Collaboration [10044758] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [10052605] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT [10062442] Development: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES [40286] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES [10021213] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC POLICY IN EMERGING ECONOMIES [10021074] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH [10021075] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY [10015433] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCIAL ISSUES [10031532] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT [10073791] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 International Journal of Educational Advancement [10080160] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT [38535] Development: Q1 Education: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT [10050196] Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH [10066687] Education: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10071427] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q2 E-learning: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATION ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT [10045115] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATION THROUGH ART [10023483] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications [10051079] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Health Informatics: Q3 International Journal of Electrical Engineering [10070729] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION [2025] Education: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS [2026] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles [10067337] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE [10011552] Electrochemistry: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE [38536] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT [10031770] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE [10031657] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT RESEARCH: AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION [10018105] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 E-learning: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Software: Q2 International Journal of Electronic Healthcare [10042577] Health Informatics: Q4 Health Policy: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MARKETING AND RETAILING [10031772] Business and International Management: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q4 Marketing: Q3 International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics [10072118] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Law: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS [2027] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS [10053092] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMBEDDED AND REAL-TIME COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (IJERTCS) [10051441] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS [10056328] Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT [10042193] Emergency Medicine: Q4 International Journal of Emergency Medicine [10040227] Emergency Medicine: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MENTAL HEALTH AND HUMAN RESILIENCE [10040034] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 International Journal of Emergency Services [10080868] Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Safety Research: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS [10070499] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING MARKETS [10016795] Business and International Management: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Fluid Sciences [10072391] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN LEARNING [10048613] Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY [10015923] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q2 Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion [10071252] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING [10043381] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY ECONOMICS AND POLICY [10070296] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics [10059174] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment [10037854] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Pollution: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH [2028] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY SECTOR MANAGEMENT [10054461] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy [10078859] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY [10024557] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING BUSINESS MANAGEMENT [10059268] Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION [10001220] Education: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications [10087762] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH IN AFRICA [10054510] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE [2030] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SYSTEMS MODELLING AND SIMULATION [10058761] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 International Journal of Engineering, Transactions A: Basics [10057342] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS B: APPLICATIONS [10072042] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH [10011553] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Automotive Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Ocean Engineering: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10070682] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE NETWORK MANAGEMENT [10079520] Business and International Management: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOUR AND RESEARCH [10018027] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURIAL VENTURING [10021772] Business and International Management: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP [10031070] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT [10016790] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS [10018703] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [10032389] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Pollution: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Soil Science: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL, CULTURAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY [10013423] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH [23429] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pollution: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH [10009608] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH [10072002] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10011554] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION [10039147] Education: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES [10016256] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT [10026469] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH [10040247] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION [12784] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Pollution: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [10021078] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT AND WASTE MANAGEMENT [10048543] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY [2032] Epidemiology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 International Journal of Essential Oil Therapeutics [10051465] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESTHETIC DENTISTRY [10079637] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EURO-MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES [10030972] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Education: Q4 History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EVENT AND FESTIVAL MANAGEMENT [10054137] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare [10069864] Health Policy: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXERGY [10009609] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY [1405583] Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FASHION DESIGN TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION [10066559] Education: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE [2034] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FEMINIST APPROACHES TO BIOETHICS [10033010] Gender Studies: Q3 Health (social science): Q4 Philosophy: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FERTILITY & STERILITY [10011555] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FINANCE & ECONOMICS [38537] Accounting: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS [12790] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 International Journal of Flow Control [10080161] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Automotive Engineering: Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems [10080869] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research [10067812] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of Fluid Power [10079049] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING [10028373] Biotechnology: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Food Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD MICROBIOLOGY [2036] Food Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Microbiology: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD PROPERTIES [10000806] Food Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [2037] Food Science: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCES AND NUTRITION [12792] Food Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORECASTING [5052] Business and International Management: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MENTAL HEALTH [10048935] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FORESIGHT AND INNOVATION POLICY [10018342] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE [39740] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRACTURE [2038] Computational Mechanics: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRANCOPHONE STUDIES [10032119] Cultural Studies: Q4 Gender Studies: Q4 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRUIT SCIENCE [10019143] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Horticulture: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine [10065215] Neurology (clinical): Q4 International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA) [10070440] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS [10004559] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 International Journal of Game-Based Learning [10080639] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 E-learning: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORY [2039] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations [10047573] Computer Science Applications: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GASTRONOMY AND FOOD SCIENCE [10061506] Cultural Studies: Q2 Food Science: Q4 International Journal of Gas Turbine, Propulsion and Power Systems [10079739] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENDER AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP [10037110] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Gender Studies: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL MEDICINE [10052388] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL SYSTEMS [2040] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10033924] Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SCIENCE [12797] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOINFORMATICS [10059392] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMATE [10035759] Building and Construction: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Soil Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS [42215] Soil Science: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC METHODS IN MODERN PHYSICS [10005669] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS [10065027] Geophysics: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering [10080398] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering [10079740] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY [5056] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY [10009610] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL ENERGY ISSUES [10069554] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES [10018704] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBALISATION AND SMALL BUSINESS [10016791] Business and International Management: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GLOBAL WARMING [40656] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREEN ECONOMICS [10021081] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREEN ENERGY [10003238] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL [10009611] Energy (miscellaneous): D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Pollution: D1 International Journal of Green Nanotechnology [10067171] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREEN NANOTECHNOLOGY: BIOMEDICINE [10067173] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 International Journal of Green Nanotechnology: Materials Science and Engineering [10080162] Biomaterials: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREEN NANOTECHNOLOGY: PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY [10038512] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREEN PHARMACY [10036128] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID AND HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING [10019248] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRID AND UTILITY COMPUTING [10056630] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY [5057] Clinical Psychology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GROUP THEORY [10025214] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL CANCER [2041] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Oncology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGICAL PATHOLOGY [2043] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS [2042] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE FINANCE & ECONOMICS [10015435] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Finance: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics [10055379] Information Systems: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance [10036952] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Health Policy: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT [10017845] Health Informatics: Q4 Leadership and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH GEOGRAPHICS [10012028] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 International Journal of Health Governance [10076459] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Health Policy: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT [38543] Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH PROMOTION AND EDUCATION [10057750] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 International Journal of Health Research [10080163] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES [5058] Health Policy: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND FLUID FLOW [2044] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: D1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER [2045] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 International Journal of Heat and Technology [10058355] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAVY VEHICLE SYSTEMS [10005670] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY [2046] Hematology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY-ONCOLOGY AND STEM CELL RESEARCH [10060462] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Transplantation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES [10015436] Conservation: D1 Cultural Studies: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: D1 Museology: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 International Journal of High Dilution Research [10080640] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING AND NETWORKING [10074457] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING APPLICATIONS [17955] Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture [10072121] Hardware and Architecture: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH SPEED ELECTRONICS AND SYSTEMS [10033935] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 International Journal of Hindu Studies [10079521] Cultural Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL ARCHEOLOGY [10057988] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM ADMINISTRATION [10033310] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT [10015437] Strategy and Management: D1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: D1 International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis [10079957] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOUSING POLICY [10072751] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN CAPITAL AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROFESSIONALS [10072228] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION [12806] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES [2047] Education: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Hardware and Architecture: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q1 Software: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS [1318608] Genetics: Q4 Genetics (clinical): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMANOID ROBOTICS [10009612] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT [10001038] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT [10050208] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS [10025615] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN HEALTH CARE [10066886] Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Public Administration: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY [2048] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Fuel Technology: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology [10045546] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH [29068] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION [10037473] Internal Medicine: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYPERTHERMIA [2049] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IBERIAN STUDIES [10068312] History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMAGE AND DATA FUSION [10061541] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 International Journal of Imaging [10088132] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 Software: Q4 International Journal of Imaging and Robotics [10062679] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 Software: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMAGING SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGY [12810] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMMUNOGENETICS [10003244] Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q4 Immunology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMMUNOPATHOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY [2050] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPACT ENGINEERING [2053] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Automotive Engineering: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Ocean Engineering: D1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IMPOTENCE RESEARCH [23461] Urology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION [10015438] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Education: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING [10049971] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY [10012957] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT [10033189] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS [10050100] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING-THEORY APPLICATIONS AND PRACTICE [23462] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ERGONOMICS [12814] Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION [5060] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Industrial Relations: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10005672] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q2 International Journal of Infertility and Fetal Medicine [10069734] Reproductive Medicine: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFLAMMATION [10025709] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 International Journal of Information and Communication Technology [10079741] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION [10063913] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q3 E-learning: Q3 International Journal of Information and Computer Security [10056422] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND DECISION SCIENCES [10055514] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND LEARNING TECHNOLOGY [10058484] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES [10046678] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT [5061] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Information Systems: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION PROCESSING AND MANAGEMENT [10034712] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION QUALITY [10054601] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT [10056351] Information Systems and Management: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY [10011557] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 Software: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY AND PRIVACY [10068335] Information Systems: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEM MODELING AND DESIGN [10070571] Information Systems: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT [10068284] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (IJISSCM) [10059147] Information Systems: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE SERVICE SECTOR (IJISSS) [10062209] Information Systems: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach [10079958] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 International Journal of Information Technology and Management [10058619] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND WEB ENGINEERING [10053779] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & DECISION MAKING [10005671] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES [2054] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Instrumentation: Q1 Radiation: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INJURY CONTROL AND SAFETY PROMOTION [10015439] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Safety Research: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND LEARNING [10014239] Education: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [10021275] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT [10050502] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION IN SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION [10069973] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT [10018705] Business and International Management: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION SCIENCE [10056664] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications [10056600] Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTING INFORMATION AND CONTROL [10005673] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 International Journal of Intangible Heritage [10080641] Conservation: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 Museology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE [10028374] Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED SUPPLY MANAGEMENT [10021276] Marketing: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT [10021277] Business and International Management: Q3 Law: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENCE AND COUNTERINTELLIGENCE [10022303] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT COMPUTING AND CYBERNETICS [10030044] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Intelligent Computing in Medical Sciences and Image Processing [10056410] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems [10056677] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE [10037434] Business and International Management: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION AND DATABASE SYSTEMS [10008844] Information Systems: Q4 International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies [10056393] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Information Systems: Q4 International Journal of Intelligent Mechatronics and Robotics [10075230] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS [2056] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 Software: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS [10063416] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH [10032359] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Automotive Engineering: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES [10030294] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 E-learning: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL RELATIONS [5062] Business and International Management: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY CIVIC AND POLITICAL STUDIES [10068254] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies [10080870] Cultural Studies: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY EDUCATIONAL STUDIES [10067052] Education: Q4 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies [10080871] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences [10060406] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking [10065904] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERFERON CYTOKINE AND MEDIATOR RESEARCH [10037584] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERGRATIVE BIOLOGY [10025836] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET MANUFACTURING AND SERVICES [10059743] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET MARKETING AND ADVERTISING [10031773] Marketing: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET PROTOCOL TECHNOLOGY [10029681] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY AND SECURED TRANSACTIONS [10029731] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management [10044753] Business and International Management: Q2 Finance: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC ARCHITECTURE [10070073] Architecture: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF IT STANDARDS AND STANDARDIZATION RESEARCH [10079050] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 International Journal of Japanese Sociology [10080399] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 International Journal of Jungian Studies [10080400] Applied Psychology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING [10032313] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE-BASED AND INTELLIGENT ENGINEERING SYSTEMS [10022504] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE-BASED DEVELOPMENT [10017847] Information Systems and Management: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE, CULTURE AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT [10016439] Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT [10074628] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STUDIES [10019068] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LABORATORY HEMATOLOGY [10007038] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION DISORDERS [38551] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10027536] Law: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 International Journal of Law and Management [10073485] Law: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW AND PSYCHIATRY [5063] Law: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW CRIME AND JUSTICE [10012029] Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW IN CONTEXT [10027537] Law: Q2 International Journal of Law in the Built Environment [10074098] Law: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Urban Studies: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW POLICY AND THE FAMILY [10016188] Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP IN EDUCATION [10035282] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEAN SIX SIGMA [10035944] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEARNING [10016237] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEARNING AND INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL [10047135] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE [2058] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEXICOGRAPHY [10007364] Language and Linguistics: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT [10001221] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFELONG EDUCATION [10031493] Education: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE SCIENCES BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PHARMA RESEARCH [10080872] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LISTENING [10042026] Applied Psychology: Q3 Communication: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LITERACIES [10080873] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT [10017185] Business and International Management: Q1 Transportation: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [10015440] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS SYSTEMS AND MANAGEMENT [10035949] Information Systems and Management: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGIES [10065031] Architecture: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOWER EXTREMITY WOUNDS [43066] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOW RADIATION [10027779] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 International Journal of Machine Consciousness [10052915] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS [10044885] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: D1 Software: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE TOOLS & MANUFACTURE [2060] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINING AND MACHINABILITY OF MATERIALS (IJMMM) [10013071] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND DECISION MAKING [10026620] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT [10019615] Business and International Management: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION [10037116] Education: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION [10026748] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT PRACTICE [10050553] Business and International Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT REVIEWS [10001422] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management [10043081] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting [10058492] Accounting: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL FINANCE [10073045] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Finance: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGING PROJECTS IN BUSINESS [10028820] Business and International Management: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANPOWER [38553] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering [10059911] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING RESEARCH [10035952] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT [10012263] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARINE AND COASTAL LAW [10027539] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Law: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARITIME ENGINEERING [10022996] Environmental Engineering: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 International Journal of Maritime History [10078603] History: Q3 Transportation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARKET RESEARCH [38554] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Marketing: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY [10000814] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Instrumentation: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIAL FORMING [10028375] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity [10061646] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation [10055586] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS & PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY [17975] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH [10005674] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS [10057140] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL EDUCATION IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10014437] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Education: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation [10056652] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Numerical Analysis: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES [10011168] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Mathematical Physics: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [12823] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION [10029748] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES [2151946] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research [10043900] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering [10036623] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION [10009216] Education: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL & MECHATRONICS ENGINEERING [10069912] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES [2063] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICS [10044994] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICS AND CONTROL [10010351] Computational Mechanics: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICS AND MATERIALS IN DESIGN [10028376] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation [10058706] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mechanics: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHATRONICS AND MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS [10034707] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS [10048624] Biomaterials: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Health Informatics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INFORMATICS [12825] Health Informatics: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY [29091] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Microbiology: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER ASSISTED SURGERY [10003250] Biophysics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Surgery: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10012372] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Legal Medicine [10078166] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 International Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants [10081077] Drug Discovery: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS [10006314] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 International Journal of Men's Health [10069247] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH [5065] Health Policy: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION [10018784] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH NURSING [10015441] Psychiatric Mental Health: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEMS [10028518] Health Policy: Q2 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTORING AND COACHING IN EDUCATION [10042132] Education: Q2 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METADATA SEMANTICS AND ONTOLOGIES [10033205] Computer Science Applications: Q3 E-learning: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METALCASTING [10011558] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METEOROLOGY [10067522] Atmospheric Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METHODS IN PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH [10001423] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 International Journal of Metrology and Quality Engineering [10080401] Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICRO AIR VEHICLES [10028377] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [10040151] Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROSTRUCTURE AND MATERIALS PROPERTIES [10008139] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY [10065987] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES [10028378] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology [10080642] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Radiation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDDLE EAST STUDIES [5066] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care [10069155] Health (social science): Q4 Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERAL PROCESSING [2066] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERALS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS [10011559] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINING AND MINERAL ENGINEERING [10059094] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINING, RECLAMATION AND ENVIRONMENT (UK) [10031276] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10049812] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE AND BLENDED LEARNING [10026046] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 E-learning: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS [10015442] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE COMPUTING AND MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS [10029784] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction [10055378] Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE LEARNING AND ORGANIZATION [10026732] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q3 E-learning: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE NETWORK DESIGN AND INNOVATION [10030117] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODELING SIMULATION AND SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING [10029786] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODELLING AND SIMULATION [10007790] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODELLING, IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL [10019171] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A [10031672] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B [2068] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS C [8043] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Mathematical Physics: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS D [12832] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Mathematical Physics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS E-NUCLEAR PHYSICS [12833] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR EPIDEMIOLOGY AND GENETICS [10049916] Epidemiology: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE [17988] Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES [10003252] Catalysis: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS AND FINANCE [10021283] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY [10015920] Anatomy: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MS CARE [10032841] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTICRITERIA DECISION MAKING [10050203] Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION [10070309] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Education: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTILINGUALISM [10012270] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIMEDIA AND UBIQUITOUS ENGINEERING [10032617] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION RETRIEVAL [10060298] Information Systems: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Media Technology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW [2069] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHYSICS [10029787] Computational Mechanics: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Numerical Analysis: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MUSIC EDUCATION [10027481] Education: Q1 Music: D1 International Journal of Mycobacteriology [10057463] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials [10049865] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Biomaterials: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOELECTRONICS AND MATERIALS [10067894] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 International Journal of Nanomanufacturing [10051102] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 International Journal of Nanomechanics Science and Technology [10063280] Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE [10007040] Bioengineering: Q1 Biomaterials: Q1 Biophysics: Q1 Drug Discovery: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLES [40644] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE [10038231] Bioengineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY [10007041] Bioengineering: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NAUTICAL ARCHAEOLOGY [5067] Archeology: Q1 History: Q1 Oceanography: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering [10022998] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 International Journal of Navigation and Observation [10080643] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Instrumentation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY [10045054] Nephrology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY AND RENOVASCULAR DISEASE [10037801] Nephrology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NETWORKING AND VIRTUAL ORGANISATIONS [10018606] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NETWORK MANAGEMENT [10015919] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NETWORK SECURITY [10030047] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEURAL SYSTEMS [17990] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [23487] Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE [17992] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NON-LINEAR MECHANICS [2070] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCES AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION [10001222] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mechanics: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q4 International Journal of Nuclear Desalination [10079051] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR ENERGY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10009065] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY [10006320] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND MODELING [10005034] Numerical Analysis: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL METHODS FOR HEAT & FLUID FLOW [12839] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MODELLING-ELECTRONIC NETWORKS DEVICES AND FIELDS [8049] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP [10070316] Education: Q1 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING KNOWLEDGE [10028379] Fundamentals and Skills: Q2 Research and Theory: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING PRACTICE [10006373] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING STUDIES [5068] Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY [2074] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRIC ANESTHESIA [23497] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH [10001424] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE [10060048] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH [2148888] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS [10009430] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography [10079742] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 Oceanography: Q4 Pollution: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ODONATOLOGY [10015917] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFENDER THERAPY AND COMPARATIVE CRIMINOLOGY [5069] Applied Psychology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING [10000821] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OIL GAS AND COAL TECHNOLOGY [10010874] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OLDER PEOPLE NURSING [10052127] Gerontology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY [2075] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONLINE ENGINEERING [10047955] E-learning: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes [10074055] Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH [10015464] Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS AND QUANTITATIVE MANAGEMENT [10004859] Business and International Management: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT [38558] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY (ENGLISH EDITION) [10012717] Ophthalmology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPTICS [10080402] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPTOMECHATRONICS [10011560] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY [8052] Oral Surgery: Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS [23500] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oral Surgery: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCE [10015915] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS [10028826] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATION THEORY AND BEHAVIOR [10067761] Applied Psychology: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION MEDICINE [10048739] Transplantation: Q3 International journal of orthodontics [10076462] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 International Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma Nursing [10037229] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OSTEOARCHAEOLOGY [38559] Anthropology: Q1 Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE [10011561] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OSTEOPOROSIS AND METABOLIC DISORDERS [10040926] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of Ozone Therapy [10068802] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY [10009613] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PALEOPATHOLOGY [10038766] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE NURSING [10065179] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PANCREATOLOGY [2077] Gastroenterology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARALLEL EMERGENT AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS [10019241] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARALLEL PROGRAMMING [2078] Information Systems: Q4 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [12848] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAVEMENT ENGINEERING [2149746] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAVEMENT RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY [10060854] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGIES AND LEARNING [10043781] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OBESITY [10007042] Health Policy: D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY [2080] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY EXTRA [10017495] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE RESEARCH AND THERAPEUTICS [10003260] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q4 Bioengineering: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEPTIDES [10035133] Biochemistry: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMABILITY ENGINEERING [10030118] Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT [10024454] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media [10079319] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERIODONTICS & RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY [12852] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oral Surgery: Q2 Periodontics: Q3 International Journal of Perioperative Ultrasound and Applied Technologies [10062414] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Surgery: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERVASIVE COMPUTING AND COMMUNICATIONS [20073554] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEST MANAGEMENT [2082] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Insect Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMA AND BIO SCIENCES [10037151] Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND CLINICAL RESEARCH [10039261] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND HEALTHCARE MARKETING [10074949] Health Policy: Q3 Marketing: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOUNDING [10075229] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology (nursing): Q4 Pharmacy: Q4 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance [10080644] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences [10060517] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES REVIEW AND RESEARCH [10037063] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS [2083] Pharmaceutical Science: D1 International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research [10043531] Drug Discovery: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY [10005720] Pharmacology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10031103] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 International Journal of Pharmacy Practice [10036269] Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacy: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACY & TECHNOLOGY [10051320] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 International Journal of Pharma Medicine and Biological Sciences [10065986] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMTECH RESEARCH [10020219] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES [10001477] Philosophy: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHOTOENERGY [10001224] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT [1319455] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Transportation: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MODELLING IN GEOTECHNICS [10052300] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES [10011562] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY [10036266] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOMEDICINE [10056780] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOREMEDIATION [1344344] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 Pollution: Q2 International Journal of Plant Biology [10061427] Plant Science: Q2 International Journal of Plant Genomics [10058597] Genetics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLANT PRODUCTION [10009614] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCES [2084] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science & Technology [10063282] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY [2085] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY [10044814] Polymers and Plastics: Q3 International Journal of Play Therapy [10076463] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLITICS CULTURE AND SOCIETY [10025662] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMER ANALYSIS AND CHARACTERIZATION [18017] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS AND POLYMERIC BIOMATERIALS [10037791] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE [10020095] Polymers and Plastics: Q2 International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation (IJPTI) [10050331] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Food Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE [10023539] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Food Animals: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POWDER METALLURGY [2087] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion [10080164] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS [10030119] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 International Journal of Power Electronics [10079959] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS AND DRIVE SYSTEMS [10062797] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL THEOLOGY [10011039] Religious Studies: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING [10011563] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESS / POLITICS [10012030] Communication: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING [2088] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE [10037930] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY [2089] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 International Journal of Prisoner Health [10069235] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRIVATE LAW [10024832] Law: Q4 International Journal of Probiotics and Prebiotics [10057815] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Food Animals: Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT [10016630] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT [10021287] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS [2090] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH [2091] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTIVITY AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT [10030676] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT [10035875] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT [10079320] Business and International Management: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management [10062798] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT [10017186] Business and International Management: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROJECT ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT [10079960] Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS [18023] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oral Surgery: Q1 International Journal of Protective Structures [10080403] Building and Construction: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY IN CLINICAL PRACTICE [10000824] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY IN MEDICINE [2092] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOANALYSIS [5071] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology [10080404] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10063885] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [5072] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY [10024069] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY [2093] Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOCIAL REHABILITATION [10043088] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION [10012438] Business and International Management: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH [10007043] Health (social science): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC LAW AND POLICY [10025593] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH [10001040] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY [10021288] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT [10017940] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Public Administration: Q3 International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management [10079743] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS [40640] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS [10016792] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE STUDIES IN EDUCATION [10054657] Education: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE STUDIES ON HEALTH AND WELL-BEING [10023123] Fundamentals and Skills: Q1 Gerontology: Q2 Health Policy: Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITY AND SERVICE SCIENCES [10030122] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITY ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY [10030070] Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITY & RELIABILITY MANAGEMENT [10021291] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Strategy and Management: Q2 International Journal of Quality, Statistics, and Reliability [10080165] Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM CHEMISTRY [2094] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUANTUM INFORMATION [10005675] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY [2095] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS [2096] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: D1 Radiation: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH [10037313] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications [10050478] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REASONING-BASED INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS [10022613] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing [10055186] Hardware and Architecture: Q3 International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture [10051239] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRACTORY METALS AND HARD MATERIALS [10018767] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DU FROID [2098] Building and Construction: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFUGEE LAW [10013398] Demography: Q2 Law: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REGULATION AND GOVERNANCE [10024298] Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH [38566] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RELIABILITY AND SAFETY [10028021] Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering [10050434] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING [2099] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY RESEARCH [10023506] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE BIOMEDICINE [10065036] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND METHOD IN EDUCATION [10061421] Education: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN AYURVEDA AND PHARMACY [10061070] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING [38567] Marketing: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10030838] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RETAIL AND DISTRIBUTION MANAGEMENT [10017190] Business and International Management: Q1 Marketing: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REVENUE MANAGEMENT [10079744] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RF AND MICROWAVE COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING [23529] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications [10049286] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RHEUMATIC DISEASES [10015912] Rheumatology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY [10020765] Immunology: Q3 Rheumatology: Q2 International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine [10060797] Health Policy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT [41458] Business and International Management: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT [10022629] Water Science and Technology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION [12870] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH [2100] Applied Mathematics: D1 Artificial Intelligence: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 Software: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL [8077] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICS AND MINING SCIENCES [2101] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROTATING MACHINERY [10059439] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RURAL MANAGEMENT [10018430] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering [10080645] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS [2102] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Media Technology: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING [10001225] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Media Technology: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS EDUCATION [10023124] Education: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION [5075] Education: D1 International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning [10080874] Education: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SECURITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS [10057234] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SECURITY AND NETWORKS [10031497] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEDIMENT RESEARCH [10011564] Geology: Q2 Stratigraphy: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SELECTION AND ASSESSMENT [38569] Applied Psychology: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SELF-PROPAGATING HIGH-TEMPERATURE SYNTHESIS [10065028] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SENSOR NETWORKS [10022999] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICES AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT [10013919] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICES AND STANDARDS [10061378] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICES ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT [10035957] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICES OPERATIONS AND INFORMATICS [10045106] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICES TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT [10005320] Computer Science Applications: Q4 E-learning: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Marketing: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEXUAL HEALTH [10015444] Dermatology: Q3 Gender Studies: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SHAPE MODELLING [41031] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Software: Q4 International Journal of Sheep and Wool Science [10076465] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SHIPPING AND TRANSPORT LOGISTICS [10015445] Business and International Management: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Transportation: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SHOULDER SURGERY [10033013] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering [10040376] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling [10050107] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIMULATION MODELLING [10028381] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIMULATION SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10020079] Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SIX SIGMA AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE [10058880] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials [10049986] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SMART HOME [10059908] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [10066038] Development: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ECONOMICS [10016793] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY [38571] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODOLOGY [10015446] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ROBOTICS [10037310] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WELFARE [38572] Social Work: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL POLICY [10029045] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development [10080166] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q3 International Journal of Soft Computing [10061542] Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Software: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications [10053723] Software: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING [2103] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE [10034058] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES [2104] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPACE STRUCTURES [1321639] Architecture: Q1 Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Conservation: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION [10027000] Education: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND THE LAW [10007365] Law: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY [10011139] Language and Linguistics: Q1 LPN and LVN: Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Research and Theory: D1 Speech and Hearing: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPEECH TECHNOLOGY [39741] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPELEOLOGY [10005386] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geology: Q2 International Journal of Spine Surgery [10062025] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY [10060472] Applied Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT FINANCE [10009431] Business and International Management: Q2 Finance: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT MANAGEMENT AND MARKETING [10032381] Business and International Management: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT NUTRITION AND EXERCISE METABOLISM [10000827] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT POLICY AND POLITICS [10020775] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY [5079] Applied Psychology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MARKETING & SPONSORSHIP [10015447] Business and International Management: Q2 Finance: Q2 Marketing: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE [2107] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Sports Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS PHYSIOLOGY AND PERFORMANCE [10023000] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Sports Science: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND COACHING [10018868] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sports Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPRAY AND COMBUSTION DYNAMICS [10028382] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STD & AIDS [2108] Dermatology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STEEL STRUCTURES [10011566] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 International Journal of Stem Cells [10049352] Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS [10023962] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 International Journal of Strategic Communication [10080405] Communication: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT [10015448] Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRESS MANAGEMENT [38575] Applied Psychology: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Education: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STROKE [2152190] Neurology: Q1 International Journal of Structural Engineering [10066310] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY [10067165] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL STABILITY AND DYNAMICS [10007044] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Ocean Engineering: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT [10065659] Information Systems: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURFACE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10015911] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY [10023001] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY CASE REPORTS [10047683] Surgery: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY [10040500] Oncology: Q3 Surgery: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGICAL PATHOLOGY [29153] Anatomy: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10012702] Education: Q2 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q2 International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development [10058286] Building and Construction: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE BUILT ENVIRONMENT [10058287] Ecological Modeling: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 Urban Studies: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [10008882] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING [10024498] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND WORLD ECOLOGY [12881] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENERGY [10039990] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING [10033293] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING [10061626] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY [10018344] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION [10009432] Automotive Engineering: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Environmental Engineering: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 Transportation: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEM ASSURANCE ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT [10046665] Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY [29156] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC BACTERIOLOGY [2110] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 International Journal of Systematic Theology [10039127] Religious Studies: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEM OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING [10017516] Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS CONTROL AND COMMUNICATIONS [10029585] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE [2111] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 International Journal of Systems Signal Control and Engineering Application [10080167] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOENTREPRENEURSHIP [10050759] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 International Journal of Technoethics [10080406] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGICAL LEARNING, INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT [10021292] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY [10064163] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN EDUCATION [10000829] Education: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 International Journal of Technology and Development Studies [10080407] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Bioengineering: Q4 Development: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND GLOBALISATION [10017848] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN INTERACTION [10066505] Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT IN HEALTH CARE [8088] Health Policy: Q1 International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning [10056561] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q2 E-learning: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY INTELLIGENCE AND PLANNING [10070024] Information Systems and Management: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT [12885] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial Relations: Q2 Law: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY, POLICY AND MANAGEMENT [10032052] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TELEMEDICINE AND APPLICATIONS [10029790] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Health Informatics: Q3 Health Information Management: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TERRASPACE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10035226] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TESTING [10042030] Education: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 International Journal of the Book [10080646] Communication: Q4 History: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 International Journal of the Classical Tradition [10052409] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Classics: Q1 Cultural Studies: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE COMMONS [10033173] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMICS OF BUSINESS (IJEB) [10017191] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SPORT [10014953] History: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sports Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES [10080408] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 International Journal of the Inclusive Museum [10079961] Conservation: Q2 Museology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE LEGAL PROFESSION [10027543] Law: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FINANCE [10008384] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Finance: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS [2112] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE PLATONIC TRADITION [10025900] Philosophy: Q3 International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork: Research, Education, and Practice [10079962] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERAPY AND REHABILITATION [10045842] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES [23547] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 International Journal of Thermodynamics [10050946] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS [2113] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 International Journal of the Society of Material Engineering for Resources [10060568] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF LANGUAGE [5077] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW [5078] Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOMOGRAPHY AND STATISTICS [42243] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM POLICY [10057764] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH [10015449] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 Transportation: Q1 International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research [10040335] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY [18052] Toxicology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT [10072818] Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 International Journal of Training Research [10069040] Education: Q4 International Journal of Transgenderism [10061036] Gender Studies: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE [10015450] Law: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPERSONAL STUDIES [10072995] Applied Psychology: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT ECONOMICS [10009433] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Transportation: Q2 International journal of trichology [10048041] Dermatology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TROPICAL INSECT SCIENCE [10049664] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 International Journal of Tropical Medicine [10073805] Epidemiology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRYPTOPHAN RESEARCH [10031420] Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND LUNG DISEASE [12889] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TURBO & JET-ENGINES [18054] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 International Journal of Ultrasound and Applied Technologies in Perioperative Care [10080409] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Surgery: Q4 International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems [10080168] Communication: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UNCERTAINTY FUZZINESS AND KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS [12890] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UNCONVENTIONAL COMPUTING [10011567] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL RESEARCH [10001042] Development: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Urban Studies: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN SCIENCES [10066895] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [10024483] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGICAL NURSING [10011568] Nephrology: Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 Urology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [34860] Urology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VALUE CHAIN MANAGEMENT [10044426] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VASCULAR MEDICINE [10020780] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 International Journal of Vegetable Science [10039991] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VEHICLE AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS [10005690] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VEHICLE DESIGN [2115] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems [10079321] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration [10079201] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VEHICLE SAFETY [10039830] Automotive Engineering: Q3 International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems [10071165] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VEHICLE SYSTEMS MODELLING AND TESTING [10004572] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 International Journal of Vehicular Technology [10080647] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VENTILATION [10015909] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY [10034107] Virology: Q4 International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments [10080410] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 International Journal of Water [10078399] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT [10001226] Development: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WAVELETS MULTIRESOLUTION AND INFORMATION PROCESSING [10007045] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Signal Processing: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB AND GRID SERVICES [10015908] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Software: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB BASED COMMUNITIES [10056432] Communication: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Education: Q3 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB-BASED LEARNING AND TEACHING TECHNOLOGIES [10079522] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology [10079052] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 International Journal of Web Information Systems [10065594] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB PORTALS [10031938] Computer Science Applications: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WEB SERVICES RESEARCH [10009616] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Software: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE [8094] Ecology: Q1 Forestry: D1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WINE BUSINESS RESEARCH: IJWBR [10017128] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WINE RESEARCH [10062181] Food Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WIRELESS AND MOBILE COMPUTING [10030143] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WIRELESS INFORMATION NETWORKS [10019947] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH [10071382] Maternity and Midwifery: Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Oncology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WORK INNOVATION [10024471] Communication: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WORK ORGANISATION AND EMOTION [10079322] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WORKPLACE HEALTH MANAGEMENT [10068806] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 International journal of yoga therapy [10080648] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10034118] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [10023446] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences [10049625] Biotechnology: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ALGAE [10051218] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS [10007033] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation [10054907] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Media Technology: Q1 Signal Processing: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON DIGITAL LIBRARIES [41094] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON DISABILITY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT [10027046] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 Sensory Systems: Q4 Speech and Hearing: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON DOCUMENT ANALYSIS AND RECOGNITION [10009607] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Software: Q2 International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics [10066065] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON HYDROPOWER AND DAMS [10029733] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING [10027633] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MEDIA MANAGEMENT [10018048] Communication: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MINORITY AND GROUP RIGHTS [10010666] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SEMANTIC WEB AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10009615] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Information Systems: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SMART SENSING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS [10019906] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON SOFTWARE TOOLS FOR TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER [10014443] Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 INTERNATIONAL LABOR AND WORKING-CLASS HISTORY [10001479] History: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 INTERNATIONAL LABOUR REVIEW [5081] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 International Litigation in Practice [10079745] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 INTERNATIONAL MARITIME HEALTH [10045719] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING REVIEW [38579] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Marketing: Q1 INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS REVIEWS [2117] Materials Chemistry: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICS RESEARCH NOTICES [23558] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 International Medical Case Reports Journal [10068914] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL JOURNAL [10011569] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL JOURNAL MALAYSIA [10060320] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL MICROBIOLOGY [10003268] Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION [5082] Demography: Q1 INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION REVIEW [5083] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Demography: D1 INTERNATIONAL MS JOURNAL [10020303] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 International Multilingual Research Journal [10066264] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 INTERNATIONAL MUSCULOSKELETAL MEDICINE [10053826] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 INTERNATIONAL NEGOTIATION: A JOURNAL OF THEORY AND PRACTICE [10025667] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL NEUROUROLOGY JOURNAL [10039810] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Urology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL NEWS ON FATS, OILS AND RELATED MATERIALS: INFORM [10022869] Biotechnology: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Food Science: Q4 International Nursing Perspectives [10079523] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW [10007047] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 International Ocean Systems [10076475] Oceanography: Q4 INTERNATIONAL OPHTHALMOLOGY [2118] Ophthalmology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL OPHTHALMOLOGY CLINICS [2119] Ophthalmology: Q2 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION [5085] Law: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS LAW REVIEW [10025813] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL ORTHODONTICS [10068381] Orthodontics: Q3 INTERNATIONAL ORTHOPAEDICS [2120] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 International Paper Board Industry [10076476] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 International Paperworld IPW [10076477] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q3 INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING [10023125] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON EDUCATION AND SOCIETY [10078861] Education: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON HIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH [10078402] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON INCLUSIVE EDUCATION [10078604] Education: Q4 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH [10012031] Demography: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 International Pest Control [10078862] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY [10001480] Philosophy: Q2 INTERNATIONAL PLANNING STUDIES [10016483] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW [5086] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY [10023126] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS [10015451] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 INTERNATIONAL POLYMER PROCESSING [2121] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 INTERNATIONAL POLYMER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [1142769] Polymers and Plastics: Q4 INTERNATIONAL PROCEEDINGS OF CHEMICAL BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING [10016567] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOGERIATRICS [10001043] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Gerontology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10015452] Business and International Management: D1 Public Administration: D1 INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY OF COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION [10019285] Education: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REGIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW [5088] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS [10023127] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC [10012032] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH IN CHILDREN'S LITERATURE [10033300] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH IN GEOGRAPHICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION [10016302] Education: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ECONOMICS [10021297] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACY [10057338] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW FOR THE SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT [10014946] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Sports Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES [38587] Public Administration: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING [10030052] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF AFRICAN AMERICAN ART [10001481] Museology: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ALLERGOLOGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [10011149] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF APPLIED ECONOMICS [10017194] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL [10030146] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10015913] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF CYTOLOGY-A SURVEY OF CELL BIOLOGY [2122] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS [10021298] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS EDUCATION [10021300] Education: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS & FINANCE [10015453] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF EDUCATION [5089] Education: Q3 E-learning: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING [42241] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS [10021301] Accounting: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCE [10033014] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q1 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS [10021302] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY [18066] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW AND ECONOMICS [38588] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 Law: Q2 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF LAW, COMPUTERS AND TECHNOLOGY [10027605] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Law: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [10016807] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF MISSION [10012752] Religious Studies: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF NEUROBIOLOGY [2125] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF PENAL LAW / REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT PENAL [10012417] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF PSYCHIATRY [38589] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION [10067983] Public Administration: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES [10023128] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RESEARCH IN OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING [10023129] Education: Q1 E-learning: Q1 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RETAIL DISTRIBUTION AND CONSUMER RESEARCH [10017195] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Marketing: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIAL HISTORY [5092] History: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 International Review of Social Psychology [10074877] Social Psychology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY [10017923] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY [10033015] Applied Psychology: Q1 Sports Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF THE AESTHETICS AND SOCIOLOGY OF MUSIC [10001482] Music: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF THE RED CROSS [10015454] Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF VICTIMOLOGY [10027606] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW ON COMPUTERS AND SOFTWARE [10017251] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 International Review on Modelling and Simulations [10039828] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 INTERNATIONAL REVIEW ON PUBLIC AND NONPROFIT MARKETING [10019531] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Marketing: Q3 INTERNATIONAL REVIEWS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY [2126] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 INTERNATIONAL REVIEWS OF IMMUNOLOGY [2115364] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 INTERNATIONAL SECURITY [5093] Law: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 International Seminars in Surgical Oncology [10040417] Oncology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCE [10060296] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Software: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 International Shipbuilding Progress [10066571] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q3 INTERNATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS JOURNAL [10003269] Business and International Management: Q1 INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL [5094] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY REVIEW [2150402] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Administration: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL SOCIAL WORK [38594] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL SOCIOLOGY [5095] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR: ITALIAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [2150716] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 INTERNATIONAL SPORTMED JOURNAL (ISMJ) [10007048] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL REVIEW [2127] Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION [10029407] Education: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES (INDIA) [10089087] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 International Studies in Human Rights [10079524] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 International Studies in Religion and Society [10079746] Religious Studies: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology [10070525] Anthropology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION [10074881] Education: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 International Studies in the History of Rhetoric [10080170] History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE [40827] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES OF MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION [10016808] Business and International Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES PERSPECTIVES [10023130] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES QUARTERLY [5096] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 INTERNATIONAL STUDIES REVIEW [10023131] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 INTERNATIONAL SUGAR JOURNAL [2128] Food Science: Q4 INTERNATIONAL SURGERY [2129] Surgery: Q3 International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics [10056334] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNATIONAL TAX AND PUBLIC FINANCE [38597] Accounting: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q1 INTERNATIONAL THEORY [10028519] Law: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 INTERNATIONAL TINNITUS JOURNAL [10012915] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Sensory Systems: Q4 Speech and Hearing: Q4 INTERNATIONAL TRADE JOURNAL [10016131] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH [10017198] Business and International Management: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS [10033016] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 INTERNATIONAL UROGYNECOLOGY JOURNAL [10000831] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Urology: Q1 INTERNATIONAL UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY [2150587] Nephrology: Q3 Urology: Q2 International Water and Irrigation [10076482] Aquatic Science: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL WATER POWER AND DAM CONSTRUCTION [10030054] Building and Construction: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q4 INTERNATIONAL WOOD PRODUCTS JOURNAL [10066854] Forestry: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERNATIONAL WOUND JOURNAL [10015907] Dermatology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 INTERNATIONAL ZOO YEARBOOK [10029979] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 INTERNET AND HIGHER EDUCATION [10015455] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Education: D1 E-learning: D1 INTERNET ARCHAEOLOGY [10056342] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 INTERNET ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DESIGN [10006333] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Internet Journal of Academic Physician Assistants [10068786] Nurse Assisting: Q2 Internet Journal of Advanced Nursing Practice [10076484] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology [10079747] Anthropology: Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Internet Journal of Cardiology [10080171] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Internet Journal of Dermatology [10053987] Dermatology: Q4 Internet Journal of Epidemiology [10080411] Epidemiology: Q4 Internet Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics [10069646] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Internet Journal of Hematology [10079963] Hematology: Q4 Internet Journal of Infectious Diseases [10080172] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 INTERNET JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [10068406] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 Internet Journal of Law, Healthcare and Ethics [10078404] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q4 Internet Journal of Mental Health [10079964] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 INTERNET JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [10010862] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Internet Journal of Neurology [10080173] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Internet Journal of Oncology [10080174] Oncology: Q4 Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care [10078606] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Critical Care Nursing: Q3 Oncology: Q4 Oncology (nursing): Q4 Internet Journal of Pediatrics and Neonatology [10080175] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Internet Journal of Pharmacology [10038139] Pharmacology: Q4 Internet Journal of Pulmonary Medicine [10080412] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 Internet Journal of Third World Medicine [10080413] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Internet Journal of Toxicology [10080176] Toxicology: Q4 INTERNET MATHEMATICS [41075] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Internet Reference Services Quarterly [10076485] E-learning: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 INTERNET RESEARCH [8117] Communication: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Internetworking Indonesia Journal [10080177] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 INTERNI MEDICINA PRO PRAXI [10029474] Internal Medicine: Q4 INTERNIST [2140] Internal Medicine: Q3 INTERNISTISCHE PRAXIS [10036310] Internal Medicine: Q4 INTERPRETATION-A JOURNAL OF BIBLE AND THEOLOGY [10001486] Religious Studies: Q3 INTERPRETATION: A JOURNAL OF POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY [10001044] Geology: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 INTERPRETER AND TRANSLATOR TRAINER [10009436] Education: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 INTERPRETER'S NEWSLETTER [10022354] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 INTERPRETING [10015456] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 INTERSECCIONES EN ANTROPOLOGIA [10015457] Anthropology: Q3 INTERSECTIONS : INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES IN EARLY MODERN CULTURE [10046649] History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 INTERSEZIONI: RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLE IDEE [10030917] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 INTERVENCNI A AKUTNI KARDIOLOGIE [10036139] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY [10036141] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY CLINICS [10036241] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY REVIEW [10036879] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 INTERVENTIONAL MEDICINE AND APPLIED SCIENCE [10012762] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INTERVENTIONAL NEURORADIOLOGY [29201] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 INTERVENTION IN SCHOOL AND CLINIC [38603] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 INTERVENTIONS : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POSTCOLONIAL STUDIES [10023132] Anthropology: Q3 History: Q2 INTERVIROLOGY [2141] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Virology: Q3 INTRACTABLE & RARE DISEASES RESEARCH [10052240] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 INTRALINEA [10022355] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 INVASIVE PLANT SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT [10028383] Plant Science: Q2 INVENTIONES MATHEMATICAE [2143] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 INVERSE PROBLEMS [2144] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Mathematical Physics: Q1 Signal Processing: D1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 INVERSE PROBLEMS AND IMAGING [10009618] Analysis: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 INVERSE PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10003273] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 INVERTEBRATE BIOLOGY [8123] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 INVERTEBRATE NEUROSCIENCE [40200] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Developmental Neuroscience: Q3 INVERTEBRATE REPRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT [2145] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Developmental Biology: Q4 INVERTEBRATE SURVIVAL JOURNAL [10014269] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 INVERTEBRATE SYSTEMATICS [10000833] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 INVERTEBRATE TAXONOMY [18094] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 INVESTIGACION AGRARIA-SISTEMAS Y RECURSOS FORESTALES [2015519] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Forestry: Q2 Soil Science: Q3 INVESTIGACION BIBLIOTECOLOGICA [10012033] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 INVESTIGACIÓN CLÍNICA [10015905] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 INVESTIGACION ECONOMICA [10009437] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Investigaciones de Historia Economica [10079323] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 History: Q1 Investigaciones Geograficas [10053443] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 INVESTIGACIONES REGIONALES [10018345] Development: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Investigating Medieval Philosophy [10080414] History: Q2 Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 INVESTIGATIONAL NEW DRUGS [2146] Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 INVESTIGATIVE GENETICS [10042055] Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY AND VISUAL SCIENCE [2147] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Ophthalmology: D1 Sensory Systems: D1 INVESTIGATIVE RADIOLOGY [2148] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 INVESTMENT ANALYSTS JOURNAL [10015458] Accounting: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL INNOVATIONS [10021313] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 IN VITRO CELLULAR AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY [10021910] Cell Biology: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 IN VITRO CELLULAR AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-PLANT [1930] Biotechnology: Q2 Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 Plant Science: Q2 IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-ANIMAL [1929] Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 IN VIVO [17805] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Inwood Magazine [10079324] Food Science: Q4 INZINERINE EKONOMIKA / ENGINEERING ECONOMICS [10015459] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 INZYNIERIA CHEMICZNA I PROCESOWA / CHEMICAL AND PROCESS ENGINEERING [2149] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Inzynieria Mineralna [10067560] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 IONICS [10003274] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 IOWA LAW REVIEW [5102] Law: Q1 Iowa medicine : journal of the Iowa Medical Society [10076489] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 IOWA ORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL [10051178] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 IPA Bulletin [10078867] Media Technology: Q4 IPCS Concise International Chemical Assessment Documents [10061213] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 I-PERCEPTION [10042463] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Ophthalmology: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q4 IPPOLOGIA [10000834] Equine: Q4 IPPTA: Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association [10076491] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Media Technology: Q2 IPSJ Online Transactions [10080875] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 IPSJ Transactions on Bioinformatics [10079965] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications [10036010] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 IPSJ Transactions on System LSI Design Methodology [10079966] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 IRAL-INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS IN LANGUAGE TEACHING [5103] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 IRAN [10022734] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 IRAN AND THE CAUCASUS [10019760] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 IRANIAN BIOMEDICAL JOURNAL [10052440] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 IRANIAN CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH JOURNAL [10068259] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Iranian Endodontic Journal [10056738] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 IRANIAN HEART JOURNAL [10039397] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF ALLERGY ASTHMA AND IMMUNOLOGY [10011573] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF ARTHROPOD-BORNE DISEASES [10011574] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Parasitology: Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES [10023002] Biochemistry: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY [10020189] Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Genetics: Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING-INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH EDITION [18099] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF CHILD NEUROLOGY [10038570] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Iranian Journal of Dermatology [10037668] Dermatology: Q4 Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Lipid Disorders [10070180] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q3 Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering [10070555] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING [10067408] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Iranian Journal of Epidemiology [10063763] Epidemiology: Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES SCIENCES [10014265] Aquatic Science: Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF FUZZY SYSTEMS [10011576] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY [10033018] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION PROCESSING AND MANAGEMENT [10075332] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES [10023003] Nephrology: Q3 Iranian Journal of Materials Science and Engineering [10055282] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND INFORMATICS [10059956] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Iranian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ideas [10088133] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Iranian Journal of Medical Physics [10056884] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10042017] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [10068783] Microbiology: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE [10032150] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS GYNECOLOGY AND INFERTILITY [10038714] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY [10051111] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY [10015902] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Parasitology: Q3 Iranian Journal of Pathology [10042323] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS [10011577] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH [10011578] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences [10057010] Bioengineering: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Iranian Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics [10063643] Pharmacology: Q4 Iranian Journal of Physics Research [10056352] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [10038761] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences [10069253] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Biological Psychiatry: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH [10009438] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH [10011579] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY [10015901] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSACTION A-SCIENCE [10005678] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSACTION B-ENGINEERING [10005679] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING [10033001] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING [10028362] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Signal Processing: Q4 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [10028363] Computational Mechanics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 IRANIAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH [10011581] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL [23601] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 IRANIAN RED CRESCENT MEDICAL JOURNAL [10011582] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Iranian Rehabilitation Journal [10044130] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 IRANIAN STUDIES [10015460] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 IRANICA ANTIQUA [10013427] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Iran Occupational Health [10036754] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences [10080178] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 IRB [10076492] Health (social science): Q1 IRBM-INGÉNIERIE ET RECHERCHE BIOMÉDICALE [10015900] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 IRBM News [10078405] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 Iride [10080650] Philosophy: Q3 IRIS: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY AND PUBLIC DEBATE [42478] Philosophy: Q4 Irish Economic and Social History [10078168] History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 IRISH EDUCATIONAL STUDIES [10012034] Education: Q2 IRISH GEOGRAPHY [10021418] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 IRISH HISTORICAL STUDIES [10001487] History: Q1 IRISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD RESEARCH [2150] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Irish Journal of Earth Sciences [10076493] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 IRISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE [2151] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 IRISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE [5105] Applied Psychology: Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 IRISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [5104] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 IRISH MEDICAL JOURNAL [2152] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 IRISH POLITICAL STUDIES [10015461] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 IRISH STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [10025678] Development: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 IRISH STUDIES REVIEW [10012396] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Irish Sword [10078607] History: Q4 Irish Theological Quarterly [10076494] Religious Studies: Q1 IRISH UNIVERSITY REVIEW [10001488] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 IRISH VETERINARY JOURNAL [2153] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 Iron and Steel Technology [10074938] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 IRONMAKING & STEELMAKING [2154] Materials Chemistry: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 IRRIGA [10052363] Water Science and Technology: Q3 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE [34916] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE SYSTEMS [10009977] Food Science: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 IRRIGATION SCIENCE [2155] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Soil Science: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 ISACA JOURNAL: SOURCE OF I T GOVERNANCE PROFESSIONALS [10026852] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 ISA TRANSACTIONS [2156] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Instrumentation: D1 ISEGORIA [10062045] Philosophy: Q2 ISET Journal of Earthquake Technology [10079325] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering [10062808] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 ISI BILIMI VE TEKNIGI DERGISI-JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10011583] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ISIJ INTERNATIONAL [2157] Materials Chemistry: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 ISIS [5106] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 History: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 ISLAM AND CHRISTIAN - MUSLIM RELATIONS [10025679] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Religious Studies: Q1 ISLAMIC AFRICA JOURNAL [10027325] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Religious Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Islamic History and Civilization [10079750] Anthropology: Q4 History: Q3 ISLAMIC LAW AND SOCIETY [10014728] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science: Texts and Studies [10079751] Cultural Studies: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 ISLAMIC QUARTERLY: A REVIEW OF ISLAMIC CULTURE [10021907] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 ISLAM: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GESCHICHTE UND KULTUR DES ISLAMISCHEN ORIENTS [10001489] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 ISLAND ARC [23611] Geology: Q2 ISLAND STUDIES JOURNAL [10028521] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ISLE Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment [10080651] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 ISLETS [10023004] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 ISME JOURNAL [10007051] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Microbiology: D1 ISOKINETICS AND EXERCISE SCIENCE [18110] Biophysics: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 ISOTOPES IN ENVIRONMENTAL AND HEALTH STUDIES [8137] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION [10053601] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING [2159] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Computers in Earth Sciences: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 ISRAEL AFFAIRS [10015462] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 ISRAEL ECONOMIC REVIEW [10021322] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 ISRAEL EXPLORATION JOURNAL [5107] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 History: Q1 ISRAELI JOURNAL OF AQUACULTURE-BAMIDGEH [2160] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q3 ISRAEL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [2162] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 ISRAEL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION [10009619] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 ISRAEL JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY RESEARCH [10033020] Health Policy: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [1417131] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 ISRAEL JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCES [2165] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 ISRAEL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY AND RELATED SCIENCES [10001045] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 ISRAEL JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE [10007052] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 ISRAEL JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [2166] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 ISRAEL LAW REVIEW [10013259] Law: Q2 ISRAEL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION JOURNAL [29234] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ISRN Communications and Networking [10067687] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Issue brief (Commonwealth Fund) [10076503] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Issue brief (Grantmakers in Health) [10078169] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ISSUES AND STUDIES: INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY ON CHINA, TAIWAN, AND EAST ASIAN AFFAIRS [10025704] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION [10080179] Accounting: Q3 Education: Q2 Issues in Contemporary Chinese Thought and Culture [10079967] Cultural Studies: Q4 Development: Q4 Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Issues in Ecology [10080417] Ecology: D1 Global and Planetary Change: Q1 Pollution: D1 ISSUES IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH [10078868] Education: Q4 Issues in Environmental Science and Technology [10057469] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Issues in Infectious Diseases [10060323] Infectious Diseases: Q4 ISSUES IN LAW & MEDICINE [5109] Health Policy: Q4 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ISSUES IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING [10037090] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [2167] Multidisciplinary: Q2 Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship [10069786] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 ISSUES IN TOXICOLOGY [10040250] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 ISTANBUL UNIVERSITESI VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI / JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE ISTANBUL UNIVERSITY [10051352] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 Istanbul University-Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering [10075139] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 ITALIAN CULTURE [10031823] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ITALIAN HEART JOURNAL [10019658] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 ITALIANISTICA: RIVISTA DI LETTERATURA ITALIANA [10060203] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF AGROMETEOROLOGY-RIVISTA ITALIANA DI AGROMETEOROLOGIA [10023403] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Atmospheric Science: Q4 Forestry: Q3 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY [40408] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY = ARCHIVIO ITALIANO DI ANATOMIA [10013234] Anatomy: Q3 Embryology: Q4 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [10004874] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment [10053436] Environmental Engineering: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SAFETY [10045746] Food Science: Q4 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE [12947] Food Science: Q3 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [1405594] Gastroenterology: Q1 Hepatology: Q2 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES [10015899] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Geology: Q2 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF GYNAECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS [10036521] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [10036917] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES [2170] Dermatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS [3959] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Italian Journal of Planning Practice [10074653] Architecture: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS [39748] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 ITALIAN JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY [10015898] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q4 Italian Oral Surgery [10065212] Oral Surgery: Q4 Orthodontics: Q4 ITALIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW / RIVISTA ITALIANA DI SCIENZA POLITICA [10025928] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ITALIAN STUDIES [10078869] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 ITALICS Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences [10080652] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 ITALIENISCH [10017642] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ITEA-INFORMACION TECNICA ECONOMICA AGRARIA [10011584] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 ITE JOURNAL-INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS [2171] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 ITINERARIO: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON THE HISTORY OF EUROPEAN EXPANSION AND GLOBAL INTERACTION [10023133] History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 ITL INSTITUT VOOR TOEGEPASTE LINGUISTIK / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS [41846] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ITNOW [10076517] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 IT PROFESSIONAL: TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS FOR THE ENTERPRISE [10018081] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 ITS JOURNAL [23629] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Automotive Engineering: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Software: Q1 ITU News [10076518] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 IUBMB LIFE [23630] Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 IUP Journal of Commonwealth Literature [10080653] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 IUP Journal of English Studies [10080180] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 IUP Journal of History and Culture [10080181] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 IUS ET PRAXIS (CHILE) [10025660] Law: Q2 IUTAM BOOKSERIES [10039945] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 IWMI Research Report [10070577] Oceanography: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 IZA JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN LABOR STUDIES [10053604] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Industrial Relations: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 IZA JOURNAL OF LABOR AND DEVELOPMENT [10028753] Development: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial Relations: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 IZA Journal of Labor Economics [10080876] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Industrial Relations: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 IZA Journal of Labor Policy [10069811] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Industrial Relations: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 IZA Journal of Migration [10080877] Anthropology: Q3 Demography: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 IZVESTIJA AKADEMII NAUK SSSR SERIJA GEOGRAFICESKAJA: IZVESTIA RAN SERIA GEOGRAFICHESKAJA [1326146] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK SERIYA BIOLOGICHESKAYA/ROSSISKAJA AKADEMIJA NAUK [2172] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 IZVESTIYA ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC PHYSICS [10000835] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Oceanography: Q2 IZVESTIYA MATHEMATICS [8154] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 IZVESTIYA-PHYSICS OF THE SOLID EARTH [10000838] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 IZVESTIYA VYSSHIKH UCHEBNYKH ZAVEDENII TEKNOLOGIYA TEKSTILNOI PROMYSHLENNOSTI [10063565] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 JAAPA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS [10059829] Nurse Assisting: D1 JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory [10079327] Education: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JACC-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING [10015811] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 JACC-CARDIOVASCULAR INTERVENTIONS [10013685] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 JAEN JOURNAL ON APPROXIMATION [41207] Analysis: Q4 Numerical Analysis: Q4 JAHRBUCH DER BERLINER MUSEEN [10001490] Museology: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 JAHRBUCH DER ÖSTERREICHISCHEN BYZANTINISTIK [10023333] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 JAHRBUCH DER ÖSTERREICHISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT FÜR AGRARÖKONOMIE / JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRIAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS [10009001] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Forestry: Q3 JAHRBUCH DES DEUTSCHEN ARCHAEOLOGISCHEN INSTITUTS [10020080] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 JAHRBUCH FUR ANTIKE UND CHRISTENTUM [10078871] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q3 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 JAHRBUCH FUR EUROPAISCHE ETHNOLOGIE [10027235] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 JAHRBUCH FÜR INTERNATIONALE GERMANISTIK [10001491] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Jahrbuch für Regionalgeschichte [10080654] History: Q3 JAHRBUCH FÜR REGIONALWISSENSCHAFT / REVIEW OF REGIONAL RESEARCH [10017648] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 JAHRBUCH FÜR WIRTSCHAFTSGESCHICHTE [2049950] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 History: Q3 JAHRBÜCHER FÜR GESCHICHTE OSTEUROPAS [10001493] History: Q2 JAHRBÜCHER FÜR NATIONALÖKONOMIE UND STATISTIK [5424] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JAMA DERMATOLOGY [10033057] Dermatology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JAMA FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY [10033058] Surgery: Q1 Jamahiriya Medical Journal [10080182] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JAMA INTERNAL MEDICINE [10024813] Internal Medicine: D1 JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [2954] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 JAMA NEUROLOGY [10030566] Neurology (clinical): D1 JAMA OPHTHALMOLOGY [10033060] Ophthalmology: D1 JAMA OTOLARYNGOLOGY HEAD AND NECK SURGERY [10033061] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 JAMA PEDIATRICS [10032215] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 JAMA PSYCHIATRY [10030683] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 JAMA SURGERY [10033062] Surgery: D1 JAMES JOYCE QUARTERLY [10001494] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 JANAC-JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF NURSES IN AIDS CARE [10007061] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q1 JAPAN AND THE WORLD ECONOMY [39010] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 JAPANESE CIRCULATION JOURNAL [2962] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 JAPANESE DENTAL SCIENCE REVIEW [10038481] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JAPANESE ECONOMIC REVIEW [39006] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 JAPANESE HEART JOURNAL [2963] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Japanese Journal of Aerospace and Environmental Medicine [10076525] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Japanese Journal of Alcohol Studies and Drug Dependence [10057305] Health (social science): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Japanese Journal of Antibiotics [10071969] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY [2964] Insect Science: Q3 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [2965] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY [10001497] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Japanese Journal of Chest Diseases [10048450] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 Japanese Journal of Clinical Chemistry [10040144] Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Japanese Journal of Clinical Immunology [10052237] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY [2968] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL OPHTHALMOLOGY [10053393] Ophthalmology: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS [10036153] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL UROLOGY [10045772] Urology: Q4 Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology [10062037] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CROP SCIENCE [2969] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Genetics: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [10054428] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY [39007] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Japanese Journal of Environmental Infections [10087770] Epidemiology: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF GERIATRICS [10039400] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF HEAD AND NECK CANCER [10061097] Oncology: Q4 Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF HUMAN GEOGRAPHY [10031568] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Japanese Journal of Hygiene [10071106] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES [24633] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine [10076530] Health Policy: Q4 Law: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Japanese Journal of Leprosy [10076531] Dermatology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Japanese Journal of Limnology [10049595] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 Japanese Journal of Lung Cancer [10060522] Oncology: Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10004222] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MYCOLOGY [2150076] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology: Q3 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF NATIONAL MEDICAL SERVICES [10039401] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Japanese Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology [10087771] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY [10039017] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Surgery: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [2974] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q1 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AND SPORTS MEDICINE [10012621] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY [2976] Physiology: Q3 Japanese Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery [10068383] Surgery: Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE [10012059] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [5429] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY [10023042] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES [10078872] Religious Studies: Q3 Japanese Journal of Thoracic Surgery [10076533] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JAPANESE JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH [2979] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 Japanese Magazine of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences [10061494] Economic Geology: Q4 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 JAPANESE PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS [39750] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 JAPANESE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH [5430] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Japanese Railway Engineering [10071996] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 JAPANESE STUDIES [10032716] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Japanese Visual Culture [10080655] Cultural Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JAPAN FORUM [10043743] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Japan-hospitals : the journal of the Japan Hospital Association [10076523] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Japan Journal of Food Engineering [10044246] Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 JAPAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS [35992] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JAPAN JOURNAL OF LOGOPEDICS AND PHONIATRICS [10024914] LPN and LVN: Q4 Speech and Hearing: Q4 JAPAN JOURNAL OF NURSING SCIENCE [10011690] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Research and Theory: Q4 Japan Medical Association Journal [10040300] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JARO-JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH IN OTOLARYNGOLOGY [35974] Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Sensory Systems: Q2 JARQ-JAPAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY [2955] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Ecology: Q3 JASSA: THE FINSIA JOURNAL OF APPLIED FINANCE [10023155] Finance: Q4 JASSS-THE JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION [10001058] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JAVA - Journal of the Association for Vascular Access [10078873] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JAVNOST-THE PUBLIC [39004] Communication: Q3 JAZYKOVEDNY CASOPIS [10017503] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 JAZZ PERSPECTIVES [10036233] Cultural Studies: Q3 Music: Q3 JBI DATABASE OF SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS AND IMPLEMENTATION REPORTS [10052655] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 JBIS-JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH INTERPLANETARY SOCIETY [10001279] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 JCPSP-JOURNAL OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS PAKISTAN [10011689] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JCR : JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY [30260] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Rheumatology: Q3 JCT COATINGSTECH [10001280] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 JCT RESEARCH [10001281] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q3 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 JEC Composites Magazine [10079053] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JEM JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENT [5221] Applied Psychology: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Education: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 JEOLOJİ MÜHENDİSLİGİ DERGİSİ / GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING [10025117] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JERUSALEM STUDIES IN RELIGION AND CULTURE [10022620] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 JETP LETTERS [2956] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 JEUR [10048445] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Emergency Medicine: Q4 Jewish and Christian Perspectives Series [10079752] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Religious Studies: Q3 Jewish History [10076537] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Jewish Identities in a Changing World [10079753] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JEWISH QUARTERLY REVIEW [10019521] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 JEZIK IN SLOVSTVO [10017504] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 JEZIKOSLOVLJE [10006128] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 JEZIKOSLOVNI ZAPISKI [10022086] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 JEZYK POLSKI [10017506] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 JFE Technical Report [10079054] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 J-FOR-JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY FOR FOREST PRODUCTS AND PROCESSES [10063248] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Media Technology: Q2 JIANGSU DAXUE XUEBAO (ZIRAN KEXUE BAN) / JOURNAL OF JIANGSU UNIVERSITY (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION) [10042884] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Jianzhu Cailiao Xuebao/Journal of Building Materials [10054232] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 JIANZHU JIEGOU XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF BUILDING STRUCTURES [10072344] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 JIANZHU YU GUIHUA XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING [10080656] Architecture: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 JIAOTONG YUNSHU GONGCHENG XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING [10056566] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 JIAOTONG YUNSHU XITONG GONGCHENG YU XINXI/ JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10059627] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Transportation: Q3 JIEFANGJUN LIGONG DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF PLA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10056569] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban) [10039268] Multidisciplinary: Q1 JILIN DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF JILIN UNIVERISTY : EARTH SCIENCE [10038681] Geology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 JILIN DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF JILIN UNIVERSITY MEDICINE EDITION [10026290] Pharmacology: Q4 JINGANGSHI YU MOLIAO MOJU GONGCHENG / DIAMOND AND ABRASIVES ENGINEERING [10020442] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Jiqiren/Robot [10058832] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Software: Q3 JISUANJI JICHENG ZHIZAO XITONG / COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, CIMS [10056345] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Software: Q3 JISUANJI XUEBAO: CHINESE JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS [10035018] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 JISUANJI YANJIU YU FAZHAN / COMPUTER RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT [10053905] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 JISUAN LIXUE XUEBAO: CHINESE JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS [10032111] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mechanics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Jisuan Wuli/Chinese Journal of Computational Physics [10041896] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 JIXIE GONGCHENG XUEBAO / CHINESE JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [10039815] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Jixie Qiangdu/Journal of Mechanical Strength [10059440] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 JK PRACTITIONER [10037402] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JK Science [10037130] Internal Medicine: Q4 JMS - Journal of Medical Society [10043860] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JMV-JOURNAL DE MEDECINE VASCULAIRE [10082082] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 JNCI-JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE [2685] Cancer Research: D1 Oncology: D1 JNP-JOURNAL FOR NURSE PRACTITIONERS [10038755] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Fundamentals and Skills: Q3 LPN and LVN: Q3 JNT-JOURNAL OF NARRATIVE THEORY [10001499] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 JOANNEA GEOLOGIE UND PALENTOLOGIE [10009300] Geology: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 Stratigraphy: Q4 JOGNN-JOURNAL OF OBSTETRIC GYNECOLOGIC AND NEONATAL NURSING [10001282] Critical Care Nursing: Q1 Maternity and Midwifery: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics: D1 Johns Hopkins Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology [10080418] Ophthalmology: Q4 JOHNS HOPKINS APL TECHNICAL DIGEST [2548] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 JOHNSON MATTHEY TECHNOLOGY REVIEW [10045343] Electrochemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 JOINT BONE SPINE [30265] Rheumatology: Q2 Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety [10037977] Leadership and Management: D1 Joint Commission perspectives. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations [10076545] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Joint Commission Perspectives on Patient Safety [10079526] Leadership and Management: Q4 Joint Commission: The Source [10080878] Leadership and Management: Q4 JOM-JOURNAL OF THE MINERALS METALS & MATERIALS SOCIETY [2959] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation [10078170] Health Policy: Q3 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q3 Law: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering [10074341] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering [10042220] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences [10056645] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 JORDAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [10024505] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE NEFROLOGIA [10018817] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE PATOLOGIA E MEDICINA LABORATORIAL [10040339] Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE PNEUMOLOGIA [10020203] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE PSIQUIATRIA [10038524] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Jornal Brasileiro de Reproducao Assistida [10054975] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 JORNAL DE PEDIATRIA [10011666] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JORNAL VASCULAR BRASILEIRO [10056494] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 JOT, Journal fuer Oberflaechentechnik [10070579] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 JOURNAL AFRICAIN D HEPATO-GASTROENTEROLOGIE [10071379] Gastroenterology: Q3 Hepatology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 JOURNAL AFRICAIN DU CANCER [10073163] Oncology: Q3 JOURNAL AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION [2230] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 JOURNAL ASIATIQUE [2151742] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 JOURNAL D ANALYSE MATHEMATIQUE [2234] Analysis: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL DE CHIMIE PHYSIQUE ET DE PHYSICO-CHIMIE BIOLOGIQUE [2351] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 JOURNAL DE CHIRURGIE VISCERALE [10039392] Surgery: Q3 JOURNAL D' ÉCONOMIE MÉDICALE [10019807] Health Policy: Q4 JOURNAL DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DES AMÉRICANISTES [10027244] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 JOURNAL DE MATHEMATIQUES PURES ET APPLIQUEES [2641] Applied Mathematics: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Journal de Medecine Legale Droit Medical [10038785] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL DE MYCOLOGIE MEDICALE [13526] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Journal de Pediatrie et de Puericulture [10076559] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 JOURNAL DE PHARMACIE CLINIQUE [10039002] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 JOURNAL DE PHARMACIE DE BELGIQUE [10020987] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE IV [1374676] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL DE RADIOLOGIE D ELECTROLOGIE ET DE MEDECINE NUCLEAIRE [8835] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 JOURNAL DER DEUTSCHEN DERMATOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT [10009988] Dermatology: Q2 Journal de Readaptation Medicale [10068997] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 JOURNAL DES ANTI-INFECTIEUX [10028388] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 JOURNAL DES ECONOMISTES ET DES ETUDES HUMAINES [10020186] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL DES MEDECINES CUNEIFORMES [10033547] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal des Professionnels de l'Enfance [10079755] Pediatrics: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Journal des Savants [10078874] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 JOURNAL DE THEORIE DES NOMBRES DE BORDEAUX [2151706] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 JOURNAL DE THERAPIE COMPORTEMENTALE ET COGNITIVE [10071518] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL DE TRAUMATOLOGIE DU SPORT [10073000] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Journal du Textile [10079328] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal Ekonomi Malaysia [10059822] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL EUROPEEN DES SYSTEMES AUTOMATISES [10050428] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL EUROPEEN DES URGENCES ET DE REANIMATION [10037968] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Emergency Medicine: Q4 Journal Europeen d'Hydrologie [10078875] Pollution: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 JOURNAL FOR ADVANCEMENT OF MARKETING EDUCATION [10068923] Education: Q4 Marketing: Q3 Journal for Cultural Research [10079329] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 JOURNAL FOR EAST EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT STUDIES [39754] Business and International Management: Q3 Industrial Relations: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL FOR GENERAL PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE [10010481] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL FOR GEOMETRY AND GRAPHICS [10012147] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Applied Psychology: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 Journal for Global Business Advancement [10079756] Business and International Management: Q4 JOURNAL FOR HEALTHCARE QUALITY [10044789] Health Policy: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Journal for Maritime Research [10081387] History: Q2 Transportation: Q4 JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION [10007115] Ecology: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 Journal for nurses in staff development : JNSD : official journal of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization [10076560] Education: Q2 Fundamentals and Skills: Q2 Leadership and Management: Q2 Review and Exam Preparation: Q4 JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION [5373] Education: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Journal for Specialists in Group Work [10076561] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL FOR SPECIALISTS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING [10009458] Pediatrics: Q1 JOURNAL FOR STUDIES IN ECONOMICS AND ECONOMETRICS [10021330] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 JOURNAL FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE GIFTED [5219] Education: Q2 JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY [10007095] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences [10080183] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF RELIGION [5387] Religious Studies: D1 JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF JUDAISM: IN THE PERSIAN HELLENISTIC AND ROMAN PERIOD [10019558] History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Religious Studies: Q1 JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF RADICALISM [10068276] History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF RELIGIONS AND IDEOLOGIES [41675] Philosophy: Q1 Religious Studies: D1 Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus [10079055] History: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF THE NEW TESTAMENT [10076562] Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT [10070715] Religious Studies: Q1 JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF THE PSEUDEPIGRAPHA [10044112] Religious Studies: Q3 JOURNAL FOR THE THEORY OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR [5413] Philosophy: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL FOR VASCULAR ULTRASOUND [10016281] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers [10078614] Business and International Management: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL FRANCAIS D OPHTALMOLOGIE [2507] Ophthalmology: Q3 JOURNAL FUR ANASTHESIE UND INTENSIVBEHANDLUNG [10037995] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK [2835] Applied Mathematics: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL FUR ENTWICKLUNGSPOLITIK (JEP) [10017692] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 JOURNAL FUR ERNAHRUNGSMEDIZIN [10039733] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 JOURNAL FUR GASTROENTEROLOGISCHE UND HEPATOLOGISCHE ERKRANKUNGEN [10039399] Gastroenterology: Q4 Hepatology: Q4 JOURNAL FUR HYPERTONIE [10032084] Internal Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL FUR KARDIOLOGIE [10012655] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL FUR KLINISCHE ENDOKRINOLOGIE UND STOFFWECHSEL / AUSTRIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM [10016294] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 JOURNAL FUR KULTURPFLANZEN [10022684] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 JOURNAL FUR MINERALSTOFFWECHSEL : ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIOLOGIE PATHOPHYSIOLOGIE UND KLINIK DES MINERALSTOFFWECHSELS [10036118] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL FUR NEUROLOGIE, NEUROCHIRURGIE UND PSYCHIATRIE [10039343] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Surgery: Q4 JOURNAL FUR ORNITHOLOGIE [10071799] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 JOURNAL FUR PHARMAKOLOGIE UND THERAPIE [10029161] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 JOURNAL FUR PRAKTISCHE CHEMIE-PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY [10001095] Catalysis: Q1 Organic Chemistry: D1 JOURNAL FUR UROLOGIE UND UROGYNAKOLOGIE [10013148] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Urology: Q4 JOURNAL FUR VERBRAUCHERSCHUTZ UND LEBENSMITTELSICHERHEIT-JOURNAL OF CONSUMER PROTECTION AND FOOD SAFETY [10011685] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Biotechnology: Q3 Food Animals: Q2 Food Science: Q2 JOURNAL FÜR AESTHETISCHE CHIRURGIE [10079969] Surgery: Q4 JOURNAL FÜR GYNÄKOLOGISCHE ENDOKRINOLOGIE [10030379] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL FÜR MATHEMATIK-DIDAKTIK [10023407] Education: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL FÜR REPRODUKTIONSMEDIZIN UND ENDOKRINOLOGIE [10005053] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 Journal in Computer Virology [10079330] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 JOURNAL, INDIAN ACADEMY OF CLINICAL MEDICINE [10037464] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL DES SCIENCES DE LA VIGNE ET DU VIN [10001255] Food Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q2 JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL SCIENCES ACADEMY [10040472] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNALISM [10033063] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Communication: D1 Journalism & communication monographs [10087815] Communication: Q2 JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY [39005] Communication: Q1 JOURNALISM PRACTICE [10081412] Communication: Q1 JOURNALISM STUDIES [10015243] Communication: D1 Journal Medical Libanais [10036903] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF AAPOS [34944] Ophthalmology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF ABNORMAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY [5113] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 JOURNAL OF ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY [5114] Biological Psychiatry: D1 Clinical Psychology: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 Journal of Academic Ethics [10063597] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 Philosophy: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC LIBRARIANSHIP [5115] Education: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 Journal of Access Services [10079757] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE [10061843] Accounting: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AND PUBLIC POLICY [5117] Accounting: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING AUDITING AND FINANCE [10017202] Accounting: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING & ECONOMICS [5116] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING EDUCATION [10076564] Accounting: Q3 Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH [5118] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 JOURNAL OF ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROMES (JAIDS) [10000872] Infectious Diseases: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 JOURNAL OF ACUPUNCTURE AND MERIDIAN STUDIES [10022508] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science [10079758] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF ACUTE DISEASE [10035360] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Acute Medicine [10057604] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Emergency Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF ADDICTION MEDICINE [10009620] Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF ADDICTIONS NURSING [10007053] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF ADDICTIONS & OFFENDER COUNSELING [10069600] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Law: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ADDICTIVE DISEASES [38617] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF ADHESION [2182] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [2181] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY [10003285] Oral Surgery: Q2 Orthodontics: Q1 Periodontics: Q2 JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENCE [5119] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT & ADULT LITERACY [38618] Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT HEALTH [2183] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 JOURNAL OF ADOLESCENT RESEARCH [38621] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF ADULT DEVELOPMENT [38622] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CERAMICS [10038332] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND INTELLIGENT INFORMATICS [1341165] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY [10011585] Building and Construction: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS [10050474] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MATERIALS [2184] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MECHANICAL DESIGN SYSTEMS AND MANUFACTURING [10011586] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Journal of Advanced Microscopy Research [10056230] Instrumentation: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING [5121] Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED OXIDATION TECHNOLOGIES [10001228] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Journal of Advanced Perioperative Care [10079527] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q2 Surgery: Q3 Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research [10071359] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED PROSTHODONTICS [10033022] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Oral Surgery: Q3 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH [10038635] Multidisciplinary: Q1 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH IN DYNAMICAL AND CONTROL SYSTEMS [10080184] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics [10070989] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Law: Q4 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION [18139] Automotive Engineering: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ZOOLOGY [2185] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS [10028385] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Environmental Chemistry: D1 Global and Planetary Change: Q1 JOURNAL OF ADVENTURE EDUCATION AND OUTDOOR LEARNING [10080419] Education: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING [5122] Business and International Management: D1 Communication: D1 Marketing: Q1 JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING RESEARCH [5123] Communication: Q1 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF AERONAUTICS ASTRONAUTICS AND AVIATION [10068204] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF AEROSOL MEDICINE AND PULMONARY DRUG DELIVERY [10009621] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF AEROSOL MEDICINE-DEPOSITION CLEARANCE AND EFFECTS IN THE LUNG [2186] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE [2187] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Pollution: Q1 JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING [12968] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Sciences and Applications [10080879] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10042542] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management [10042227] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF AESTHETIC EDUCATION [10001500] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS AND ART CRITICISM [10001501] Music: Q2 Philosophy: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Journal of Aesthetics and Culture [10053477] Cultural Studies: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS [2188] Clinical Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES [10057268] Cultural Studies: Q2 Gender Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGY [10054947] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN BUSINESS [10021342] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN CULTURAL STUDIES [10023134] Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Music: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES [2189] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geology: Q2 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN ECONOMIES [38627] Development: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN HISTORY [5125] History: Q1 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN LANGUAGES AND LINGUISTICS [10012035] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF AFRICAN LAW [10012036] Law: Q3 Journal of African Media Studies [10023135] Communication: Q4 JOURNAL OF AGGRESSION CONFLICT AND PEACE RESEARCH [10069411] Health (social science): Q2 Law: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGGRESSION MALTREATMENT & TRAUMA [10062674] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGING AND HEALTH [38629] Community and Home Care: D1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Gerontology: Q1 JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY [38630] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Gerontology: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGING AND SOCIAL POLICY [10023136] Demography: Q2 Gerontology: Q2 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q2 Journal of Aging, Humanities, and the Arts [10079759] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 JOURNAL OF AGING RESEARCH [10036484] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGING STUDIES [5126] Health Policy: Q1 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF AGRARIAN CHANGE [10009440] Anthropology: D1 Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Global and Planetary Change: Q1 JOURNAL OF AGRIBUSINESS IN DEVELOPING AND EMERGING ECONOMIES [10072306] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Development: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY [2195] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION [10021348] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Food Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS [10009439] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND URBAN ENTOMOLOGY [29273] Insect Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL STATISTICS [34968] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS [2191] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION AND EXTENSION [10008754] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH [2192] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Food Science: Q1 Soil Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS [2194] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 History: D1 Journal of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences [10079970] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL & FOOD INFORMATION [10068692] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL METEOROLOGY [10050551] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Atmospheric Science: Q4 Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health [10071628] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE [2197] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Genetics: Q3 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-IRAN [10015896] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE TROPICS AND SUBTROPICS [10001229] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Development: Q3 Forestry: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO [2198] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Journal of Agromedicine [10023005] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF AGROMETEOROLOGY [10011587] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Atmospheric Science: Q4 Forestry: Q4 JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY [10040966] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY AND CROP SCIENCE [2199] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Plant Science: Q1 Journal of AHIMA / American Health Information Management Association [10076566] Health Policy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF AIDS AND CLINICAL RESEARCH [10051412] Dermatology: Q3 Immunology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Virology: Q4 JOURNAL OF AIRCRAFT [2201] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT [10001425] Law: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 Transportation: Q2 JOURNAL OF ALCOHOL AND DRUG EDUCATION [5129] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA [1417132] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 Journal of Algebra and Applied Mathematics [10079971] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS [10011588] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC COMBINATORICS [8181] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q1 JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY [23665] Algebra and Number Theory: D1 Geometry and Topology: D1 JOURNAL OF ALGORITHMS AND COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGY [10050139] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Numerical Analysis: Q4 JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [2204] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 Journal of allied health [10060960] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS [2205] Materials Chemistry: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE [29283] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS [10079760] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE [10007054] Clinical Psychology: D1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING [10042511] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND SMART ENVIRONMENTS [10015895] Software: Q2 Journal of Ambulatory Care Management [10040424] Health Policy: Q1 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN COLLEGE HEALTH [38638] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN CULTURE [10001502] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN ETHNIC HISTORY [5131] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN FOLKLORE [10001503] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN HISTORY [5133] History: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES [10001504] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY [10036895] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS [10029873] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS [2231] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL ATOMIC SPECTROMETRY [2232] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Spectroscopy: Q1 JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [2233] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL METHODS IN CHEMISTRY [10028387] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 Journal of Analytical Oncology [10058296] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY [5140] Clinical Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL TOXICOLOGY [2235] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Chemical Health and Safety: D1 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Toxicology: Q1 JOURNAL OF ANATOMY [2236] Anatomy: Q1 Cell Biology: Q3 Developmental Biology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Histology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF ANCIENT NEAR EASTERN RELIGIONS [10050192] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Journal of Andrological Sciences [10079972] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 Urology: Q4 JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY [2237] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 Urology: Q2 JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA [39956] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA AND CLINICAL RESEARCH [10020709] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Journal of Anglican Studies [10079057] Religious Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND FEED SCIENCES [29323] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND PLANT SCIENCES [10015893] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES [10011589] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL BREEDING AND GENETICS-ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR TIERZUCHTUNG UND ZUCHTUNGSBIOLOGIE [2238] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Food Animals: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY [2239] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION [2240] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Food Animals: Q2 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [10031369] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Food Science: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [10035717] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL ARCHAEOLOGY [5141] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 History: D1 Human Factors and Ergonomics: D1 JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL RESEARCH [5142] Anthropology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10009442] Anthropology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS [2242] Drug Discovery: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY [2243] Infectious Diseases: D1 Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 JOURNAL OF ANTIVIRALS AND ANTIRETROVIRALS [10031278] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Virology: Q4 JOURNAL OF ANXIETY DISORDERS [5144] Clinical Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 JOURNAL OF AOAC INTERNATIONAL [2244] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Food Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL RESEARCH [2245] Insect Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF APICULTURAL SCIENCE [10015892] Insect Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ACCOUNTING RESEARCH [10021351] Accounting: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANALYSIS [2147615] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Mathematical Physics: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics [10042096] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL RESEARCH [8227] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ANIMAL WELFARE SCIENCE [10007058] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED AQUACULTURE [10023832] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE [2147254] Applied Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS [5145] Applied Psychology: Q2 Philosophy: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOBEHAVIORAL RESEARCH [10001046] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry [10044875] Bioengineering: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Journal of Applied Biological Sciences [10042158] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMATERIALS AND FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS [10028389] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biophysics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMECHANICS [2248] Biophysics: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED BIOMEDICINE [10015891] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED BOTANY AND FOOD QUALITY-ANGEWANDTE BOTANIK [10001230] Food Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED BUSINESS RESEARCH [10017208] Business and International Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED CLINICAL MEDICAL PHYSICS [10007059] Instrumentation: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Radiation: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED COMMUNICATION RESEARCH [38650] Communication: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Journal of Applied Cosmetology [10071861] Dermatology: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY [2249] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY [38651] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY [2250] Ecology: D1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS [5146] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMIC SCIENCES [10024572] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS [10007369] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY [2251] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Electrochemistry: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Journal of Applied Engineering Science/Istrazivanja i Projektovanja za Privredu [10079528] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 Transportation: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY - ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE ENTOMOLOGIE [2252] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Insect Science: Q1 Journal of Applied Fire Science [10037813] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED FLUID MECHANICS [10028390] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED GENETICS [1309863] Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEODESY [10011163] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED GEOPHYSICS [2253] Geophysics: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY [38653] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Gerontology: Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED HORTICULTURE [10057380] Biotechnology: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ICHTHYOLOGY-ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ANGEWANDTE ICHTHYOLOGIE [2254] Aquatic Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE [10064186] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED LOGIC [10010870] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Logic: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS [10006371] Applied Mathematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING [41106] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED MEASUREMENT [10028201] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS AND TECHNICAL PHYSICS [10011591] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2255] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY [2256] Atmospheric Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY [10007060] Atmospheric Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY [13042] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED NON-CLASSICAL LOGICS [10011081] Logic: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED NONLINEAR DYNAMICS [10020798] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED ORAL SCIENCE [10011592] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE [10024775] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHILOSOPHY [10028522] Philosophy: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY [2257] Aquatic Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS [2258] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY [2259] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 Sports Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE [2260] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH [13047] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PROBABILITY [2261] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics [10080880] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Podiatry: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY [5147] Applied Psychology: D1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING [10011593] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY [10011594] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH: IN CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS [10018889] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10070498] Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES [38655] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN MEMORY AND COGNITION [10046040] Applied Psychology: Q1 Clinical Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Journal of Applied School Psychology [10071920] Applied Psychology: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES [10012884] Multidisciplinary: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES RESEARCH [10023752] Multidisciplinary: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED SECURITY RESEARCH: PREVENTION AND RESPONSE IN ASSET PROTECTION TERRORISM AND VIOLENCE [10071010] Education: Q4 Law: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [5148] Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCE [10086657] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY [40696] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Spectroscopy: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED SPORT PSYCHOLOGY [35044] Applied Psychology: Q2 Sports Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICAL SCIENCE [10017984] Statistics and Probability: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS [13049] Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 JOURNAL OF APPLIED THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH [10037990] Pharmacology: Q4 JOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY [2262] Toxicology: Q2 Journal of Applied Volcanology [10071776] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 Safety Research: D1 JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATION THEORY [2263] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q2 JOURNAL OF AQUACULTURE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT [10032837] Aquatic Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF AQUATIC ANIMAL HEALTH [23734] Aquatic Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF AQUATIC FOOD PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY [10011595] Aquatic Science: Q3 Food Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF AQUATIC PLANT MANAGEMENT [2264] Aquatic Science: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF ARABIC LITERATURE [10001505] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY [2265] Insect Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL METHOD AND THEORY [10001506] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10001507] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE [5150] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 History: D1 JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL AND PLANNING RESEARCH [5151] Architecture: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION [10054262] Building and Construction: Q4 Conservation: Q2 JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL EDUCATION [10001508] Architecture: Q2 Education: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING [10062343] Architecture: Q1 Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 Journal of Architecture [10076572] Architecture: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM [10029881] Architecture: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 Journal of Archival Organization [10079331] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS [2266] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF ARID LAND [10023007] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ARRHYTHMIA [10039355] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF ART & DESIGN EDUCATION [10001047] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 JOURNAL OF ARTHROPLASTY [2267] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 JOURNAL OF ARTHROPOD-BORNE DISEASES [10033024] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Parasitology: Q4 JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [10040971] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH [13056] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS [10011596] Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ARTS MANAGEMENT LAW AND SOCIETY [10001509] Law: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 JOURNAL OF ASIA BUSINESS STUDIES [10029090] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF ASIAN AND AFRICAN STUDIES [10057432] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEERING [10011597] Architecture: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES [13057] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Geology: Q1 JOURNAL OF ASIAN ECONOMICS [10021353] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF ASIAN HISTORY [10001510] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF ASIAN NATURAL PRODUCTS RESEARCH [29358] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ASIAN PACIFIC COMMUNICATION [10016617] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Communication: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 JOURNAL OF ASIAN PUBLIC POLICY [10056910] Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF ASIAN STUDIES [5153] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 JOURNAL OF ASIA-PACIFIC BUSINESS [10021354] Business and International Management: Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ASIA PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGY [10014921] Insect Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF ASSET MANAGEMENT [10020407] Business and International Management: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS [2268] Developmental Biology: Q3 Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF ASSOCIATION OF PHYSICIANS OF INDIA [10001511] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ASTHMA [2270] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF ASTHMA AND ALLERGY [10029449] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF ASTHMA AND ALLERGY EDUCATORS [10063663] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES (JASS) [10019049] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ASTROPHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY [2272] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND THROMBOSIS [10007062] Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF ATHLETIC TRAINING [18237] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY [2274] Atmospheric Science: Q1 Ocean Engineering: D1 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS [1364055] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY [2273] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION [10053895] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS [10015465] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Journal of Audiology and Otology [10087775] Sensory Systems: Q4 Speech and Hearing: Q4 JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIAN POLITICAL ECONOMY [10012038] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIAN STUDIES [10015466] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS [5155] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF AUTOIMMUNITY [2282] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 JOURNAL OF AUTOMATED METHODS & MANAGEMENT IN CHEMISTRY [23756] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 JOURNAL OF AUTOMATED REASONING [8266] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Software: Q2 JOURNAL OF AUTOMATION AND INFORMATION SCIENCES [10015890] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF AVIAN BIOLOGY [2286] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 JOURNAL OF AVIAN MEDICINE AND SURGERY [18252] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Small Animals: Q2 Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad : JAMC [10050093] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine [10074585] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q3 JOURNAL OF BABOL UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JBUMS) [10036285] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF BACK AND MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATION [18253] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY [2287] Microbiology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY AND VIROLOGY [10031031] Immunology: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 Virology: Q4 JOURNAL OF BALKAN AND NEAR EASTERN STUDIES [10012039] History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 JOURNAL OF BALTIC SCIENCE EDUCATION [10015467] Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF BALTIC STUDIES [38663] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF BAND RESEARCH [10001512] Music: Q3 JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE [5156] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 JOURNAL OF BANKING REGULATION [10045149] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 JOURNAL OF BASIC AND CLINICAL PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY [1157912] Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Physiology: Q4 JOURNAL OF BASIC MICROBIOLOGY [2288] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Beckett Studies [10080881] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS [10020696] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS [10040248] Applied Psychology: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DECISION MAKING [38665] Applied Psychology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL EDUCATION [10055431] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL FINANCE [10015468] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES & RESEARCH [38666] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE [5157] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF BEHAVIOR THERAPY AND EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHIATRY [5158] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Clinical Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF BEIJING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY [10067499] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY [10039501] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF BELGIAN HISTORY / REVUE BELGE D'HISTOIRE CONTEMPORAINE / BELGISCH TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR NIEUWSTE GESCHIEDENIS [10032900] History: Q3 JOURNAL OF BELIEFS & VALUES-STUDIES IN RELIGION & EDUCATION [10015469] Education: Q4 Religious Studies: Q1 Journal of Berry Research [10057114] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Biochemistry: Q2 Food Science: Q1 Horticulture: D1 Plant Science: Q1 Soil Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE [10001513] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Religious Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF BIOACTIVE AND COMPATIBLE POLYMERS [2289] Bioengineering: Q2 Biomaterials: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOANALYSIS & BIOMEDICINE [10044664] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOBASED MATERIALS AND BIOENERGY [10007064] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomaterials: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL METHODS [2290] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR TOXICOLOGY [29386] Biochemistry: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY [2292] Biochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [18258] Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOECONOMICS [10021358] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOENERGETICS AND BIOMEMBRANES [2293] Cell Biology: Q3 Physiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOEQUIVALENCE AND BIOAVAILABILITY [10035162] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOETHICAL INQUIRY [10011600] Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY [2294] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 JOURNAL OF BIOINFORMATICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY [10018682] Biochemistry: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY [2295] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DYNAMICS [10036406] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL EDUCATION [2296] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING [10013739] Biomedical Engineering: D1 Cell Biology: Q2 Environmental Engineering: D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY [13085] Biochemistry: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 Journal of Biological Macromolecules [10080657] Molecular Biology: Q4 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS [18265] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL REGULATORS AND HOMEOSTATIC AGENTS [2297] Cancer Research: Q4 Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Oncology: Q3 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10009625] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH-BOLLETTINO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI BIOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE [10064124] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Plant Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS [2298] Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10037651] Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS [35092] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Ecology: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY [2150070] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS AND TISSUE ENGINEERING [10028392] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS APPLICATIONS [18270] Biomaterials: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE-POLYMER EDITION [2300] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biophysics: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2302] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering [10039011] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICS [2301] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Biophysics: Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: Q1 Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration [10079529] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Health Informatics: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS [35097] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Health Informatics: Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A [10001231] Biomaterials: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Metals and Alloys: D1 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART B-APPLIED BIOMATERIALS [10001232] Biomaterials: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY [10011601] Bioengineering: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS [35099] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Biomaterials: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH [10049443] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE [23783] Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Cell Biology: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SEMANTICS [10019160] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Health Informatics: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICINE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [10003291] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF BIOMIMETICS, BIOMATERIALS AND BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [10051407] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR NMR [2305] Biochemistry: Q1 Spectroscopy: D1 JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR SCREENING [23785] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Biochemistry: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS [2306] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Structural Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR TECHNIQUES [10013741] Molecular Biology: Q4 JOURNAL OF BIONANOSCIENCE [10018518] Biomaterials: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 JOURNAL OF BIONICS ENGINEERING [10007640] Bioengineering: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 Biotechnology: Q2 Journal of Biopesticides [10047142] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF BIOPHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS [10007065] Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS [10009626] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Biophysics [10051645] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Biophysics: Q1 Journal of Biorheology [10068258] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Journal of Bio-Science [10068475] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING [23787] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES [2307] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOSOCIAL SCIENCE [5159] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY [2308] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Biotech Research [10080185] Biotechnology: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Journal of Bisexuality [10073546] Cultural Studies: Q1 Gender Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF BLACK PSYCHOLOGY [10007370] Anthropology: Q1 Applied Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF BLACK STUDIES [5160] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF BODYWORK AND MOVEMENT THERAPIES [10054195] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY-AMERICAN VOLUME [2309] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Sports Science: D1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY-BRITISH VOLUME [2310] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Sports Science: D1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL METABOLISM [29411] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH [2311] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 JOURNAL OF BONE ONCOLOGY [10047070] Oncology: Q3 JOURNAL OF BORDERLANDS STUDIES [39758] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury [10074428] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Journal of Brain Science [10042578] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF BRAND MANAGEMENT [10017213] Marketing: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER [10011603] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 JOURNAL OF BREATH RESEARCH [10010939] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF BRIDGE ENGINEERING [1054045] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Journal of British Cinema and Television [10080658] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF BRITISH STUDIES [10009444] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 JOURNAL OF BROADCASTING & ELECTRONIC MEDIA [10001048] Communication: Q1 JOURNAL OF BRONCHOLOGY & INTERVENTIONAL PULMONOLOGY [10016298] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF BRYOLOGY [2312] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 Journal of Buddhist Ethics [10076575] Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 Journal of Building Appraisal [10079762] Architecture: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF BUILDING PERFORMANCE SIMULATION [10023008] Architecture: D1 Building and Construction: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 JOURNAL OF BUILDING PHYSICS [10009627] Building and Construction: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF BUON [10011604] Cancer Research: Q4 Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Oncology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Journal of Burma Studies [10078615] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 JOURNAL OF BURN CARE & RESEARCH [10007066] Emergency Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Rehabilitation: Q1 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC STATISTICS [5163] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: D1 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE LIBRARIANSHIP [10079334] E-learning: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q2 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND PSYCHOLOGY [38675] Applied Psychology: D1 Business and International Management: D1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION [38677] Business and International Management: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Communication: Q2 Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning [10080186] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT [2147628] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS [5164] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Business and International Management: Q1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Law: Q1 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS FINANCE & ACCOUNTING [10007371] Accounting: Q1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Finance: Q1 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & INDUSTRIAL MARKETING [39759] Business and International Management: Q1 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS LOGISTICS [10015470] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH [5165] Marketing: Q1 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS STRATEGY (UK) [10021364] Management Information Systems: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MARKETING [10007372] Management Information Systems: Q2 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VALUATION AND ECONOMIC LOSS ANALYSIS [10021365] Accounting: Q4 Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS VENTURING [5166] Business and International Management: D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 JOURNAL OF CACHEXIA SARCOPENIA AND MUSCLE [10025703] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q2 JOURNAL OF CAMEL PRACTICE AND RESEARCH [18284] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 JOURNAL OF CANADIAN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY [2315] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF CANADIAN STUDIES / REVUE D ETUDES CANADIENNES [10001514] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 JOURNAL OF CANCER [10032739] Oncology: Q2 JOURNAL OF CANCER EDUCATION [10000843] Oncology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY [10048190] Epidemiology: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY [2316] Cancer Research: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q1 JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND THERAPEUTICS [10008899] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Oncology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 JOURNAL OF CANCER SCIENCE AND THERAPY [10045620] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 JOURNAL OF CANCER SURVIVORSHIP [10023009] Oncology: Q1 Oncology (nursing): D1 JOURNAL OF CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY [2317] Biochemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Journal of Carcinogenesis [10071844] Cancer Research: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Oncology: Q2 JOURNAL OF CARDIAC FAILURE [35120] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF CARDIAC SURGERY [2318] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [10015889] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY CASES [10035494] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF CARDIOPULMONARY REHABILITATION AND PREVENTION [10011605] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q1 JOURNAL OF CARDIOTHORACIC AND VASCULAR ANESTHESIA [13107] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY [10011606] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY [10012139] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE RESEARCH [10039369] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ECHOGRAPHY [10037506] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY [2319] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Physiology (medical): Q1 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE [23803] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Family Practice: D1 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE [10011607] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING [10009445] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: D1 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY [2320] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS [10005078] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR RISK [35126] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Epidemiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY [2321] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH [10015888] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound [10042069] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 JOURNAL OF CAREER ASSESSMENT [38679] Applied Psychology: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF CAREER DEVELOPMENT [38680] Applied Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CASES ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10025047] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS [2323] Catalysis: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 JOURNAL OF CATARACT AND REFRACTIVE SURGERY [2324] Ophthalmology: D1 Sensory Systems: Q1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF CAVE AND KARST STUDIES [10003294] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 JOURNAL OF CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10053350] Cancer Research: Q4 Cell Biology: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY [2326] Cell Biology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF CELL COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALING [10041764] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF CELL DEATH [10028633] Biochemistry: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE [2328] Cell Biology: Q1 JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE [10001233] Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AUTOMATA [10007067] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY [2325] Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY [2327] Cell Biology: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Physiology: Q1 JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PLASTICS [18301] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF CELTIC LINGUISTICS [10022156] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 JOURNAL OF CENTRAL EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE [2147715] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY [10028393] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCIENCES [10037009] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10053733] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 JOURNAL OF CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH [10001234] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 JOURNAL OF CERAMIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10049867] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 JOURNAL OF CEREAL SCIENCE [2329] Biochemistry: Q2 Food Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM [2330] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Neurology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Journal of Cetacean Research and Management [10079206] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHANG'AN UNIVERSITY (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION) [10063328] Building and Construction: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHANGE MANAGEMENT [10019298] Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA [2334] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH [10032525] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences [10055673] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL BIOLOGY [10047235] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY [2331] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY [2332] Biochemistry: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION [2333] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES [10051564] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING OF JAPAN [2335] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL HEALTH AND SAFETY [10025483] Chemical Health and Safety: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCES [2336] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING [10003295] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL NEUROANATOMY [1209625] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS [2338] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH [10015887] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES [10015721] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [2346] Biotechnology: Q1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Pollution: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND METALLURGY [10032714] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION [10003298] Computer Science Applications: D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS [2347] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 JOURNAL OF CHEMINFORMATICS [10023010] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [10033026] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS [2348] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY [2349] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Oncology: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 JOURNAL OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT SUBSTANCE ABUSE [38681] Education: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH [10069434] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing [10057747] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics: Q1 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [13140] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT TRAUMA [10053258] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Emergency Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES [10015471] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q2 Journal of Child Custody [10079530] Health (social science): Q3 Law: Q3 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHILD HEALTH CARE [10015472] Pediatrics: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHILD LANGUAGE [5167] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF CHILD NEUROLOGY [2350] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY [5168] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 JOURNAL OF CHILD PSYCHOTHERAPY [10016831] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHILDREN AND MEDIA [10050651] Communication: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF CHILDREN AND POVERTY [10080420] Demography: Q2 Education: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHILDREN'S ORTHOPAEDICS [10016779] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHILDRENS SERVICES [10082369] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE [10015473] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHINA TOURISM RESEARCH [10027461] Cultural Studies: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHINA UNIVERSITIES OF POSTS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS [10035017] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 Journal of Chinese Cinemas [10080882] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHINESE CLINICAL MEDICINE [10037476] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF CHINESE ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS STUDIES [10021369] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CHINESE ECONOMIC AND FOREIGN TRADE STUDIES [10021370] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management [10080421] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHINESE INERTIAL TECHNOLOGY ENG [10052328] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHINESE LINGUISTICS [10001517] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials [10052286] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Chinese Medicine [10078616] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Journal of Chinese Military History [10080883] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Journal of Chinese Overseas [10079763] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHINESE PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10047114] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHINESE PHILOSOPHY [10001518] Philosophy: Q2 JOURNAL OF CHINESE POLITICAL SCIENCE [10025708] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Journal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation [10080884] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Soil Science: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 Journal of Chiropractic Humanities [10057876] Chiropractics: Q4 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF CHIROPRACTIC MEDICINE [10068042] Chiropractics: Q3 JOURNAL OF CHOICE MODELLING [10035452] Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 Journal of Christian Education [10080187] Education: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Journal of Christian nursing : a quarterly publication of Nurses Christian Fellowship [10076580] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHIC SCIENCE [2356] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A [1010774] Analytical Chemistry: D1 Biochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY B [10005767] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF CHURCH AND STATE [10001519] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS [10047943] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q3 Physiology: Q3 JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS SYSTEMS AND COMPUTERS [13150] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT [10015723] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF CIVIL SOCIETY [10030561] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring [10051435] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 JOURNAL OF CLASSICAL SOCIOLOGY [10071426] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF CLASSIFICATION [2357] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION [10001236] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLIMATE [2358] Atmospheric Science: D1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY [10043213] Dermatology: Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND ANALYTICAL MEDICINE [10043815] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND BASIC CARDIOLOGY [2150213] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH [10027721] Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL DENTISTRY [10022425] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOPATHOLOGY [10079531] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HEPATOLOGY [10048604] Hepatology: Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGY [2363] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA [8344] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL APHERESIS [13154] Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY AND NUTRITION [2359] Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL BIOINFORMATICS [10049444] Health Informatics: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY [10001049] Clinical Psychology: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY [5170] Clinical Psychology: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DENSITOMETRY [18342] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DENTISTRY [13156] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL DERMATOLOGY - NANJING [10007597] Dermatology: Q4 Journal of Clinical Dysmorphology [10088130] Anatomy: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM [10030700] Biochemistry: D1 Biochemistry (medical): D1 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Endocrinology: D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Journal of Clinical Engineering [10051010] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY [2361] Epidemiology: D1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ETHICS [38686] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY [2364] Gastroenterology: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL GERONTOLOGY & GERIATRICS [10086015] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION [10012381] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMAGING SCIENCE [10036113] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [2366] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION [2367] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LABORATORY ANALYSIS [2368] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Hematology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL LIPIDOLOGY [10011609] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY [2369] Microbiology (medical): D1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MONITORING AND COMPUTING [18354] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Health Informatics: Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROLOGY [10011610] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASE [10044479] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY [2372] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE [2373] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Physiology (medical): Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING [38688] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY [2374] Cancer Research: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: D1 Journal of clinical orthodontics : JCO [10076581] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA [10039874] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL OUTCOMES MANAGEMENT [10038539] Health Policy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PATHOLOGY [2375] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY [10015724] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PERIODONTOLOGY [2376] Periodontics: D1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY [2378] Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACY AND THERAPEUTICS [2377] Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY [2379] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY [5173] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Clinical Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY IN MEDICAL SETTINGS [38691] Clinical Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [2380] Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL REHABILITATIVE TISSUE ENGINEERING RESEARCH / ZHONG GUO ZU ZHI GONG CHENG YAN JIU YU LIN CHUANG KANG FU [10024476] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RESEARCH IN PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY [10038986] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE (JCSM) [10023011] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SPORT PSYCHOLOGY [10059182] Applied Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ULTRASOUND [2381] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL UROLOGY [10023385] Surgery: Q4 Urology: Q3 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL VIROLOGY [18365] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Virology: Q1 JOURNAL OF CLOUD COMPUTING: ADVANCES SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS [10043834] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF CLUSTER SCIENCE [29496] Biochemistry: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF COAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING [10070205] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 JOURNAL OF COASTAL CONSERVATION [10033028] Ecology: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH [2382] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF COGNITION AND CULTURE [10037181] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF COGNITION AND DEVELOPMENT [10009447] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making [10079764] Applied Psychology: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE [2384] Cognitive Neuroscience: D1 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY [10021730] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY [10053204] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF COLD REGIONS ENGINEERING [18369] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF COLD WAR STUDIES [10028523] History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 JOURNAL OF COLLEGE COUNSELING [10073089] Education: Q2 Journal of College Reading and Learning [10081395] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF COLLEGE STUDENT DEVELOPMENT [38693] Education: Q2 Journal of College Student Psychotherapy [10048867] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF COLLEGE STUDENT RETENTION-RESEARCH THEORY & PRACTICE [10068809] Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE [2385] Biomaterials: Q1 Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 JOURNAL OF COLOPROCTOLOGY [10054925] Gastroenterology: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL CHEMISTRY [23882] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL DESIGNS [18371] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL MATHEMATICS AND COMBINATORIAL COMPUTING [2050671] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION [18372] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A [2386] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B [2387] Computational Theory and Mathematics: D1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: D1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 JOURNAL OF COMBUSTION [10066912] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMMERCIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY [10018346] Biotechnology: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMMON MARKET STUDIES [5175] Business and International Management: D1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies [10044109] History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMMONWEALTH LITERATURE [10001520] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Journal of Communicable Diseases [10044320] Infectious Diseases: Q4 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION [5177] Communication: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION DISORDERS [38696] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LPN and LVN: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q1 Journal of Communication Inquiry [10056964] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Communication: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT [10017217] Communication: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS [10029688] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS [10000846] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS [10030111] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY AND ELECTRONICS [13183] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Radiation: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMMUNIST STUDIES AND TRANSITION POLITICS [2149316] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY & APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [5178] Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY GENETICS [10016768] Epidemiology: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH [38697] Health (social science): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING [10007069] Community and Home Care: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY NURSING [10037251] Community and Home Care: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY PRACTICE [10035754] Development: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY [5179] Social Psychology: Q2 Social Work: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA [10028395] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ASIAN DEVELOPMENT [10063548] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS [5180] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE EFFECTIVENESS RESEARCH [10036442] Health Policy: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE FAMILY STUDIES [5181] Anthropology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE GERMANIC LINGUISTICS [10015474] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Linguistics and Language: D1 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGY [2388] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PATHOLOGY [2389] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY A-NEUROETHOLOGY SENSORY NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY [2390] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Physiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY B-BIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY [2391] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Biochemistry: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Endocrinology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE POLICY ANALYSIS [10016814] Public Administration: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGY [2392] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPETITION LAW AND ECONOMICS [10021373] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Law: Q1 Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine [10039223] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY [13189] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Control and Optimization: D1 Numerical Analysis: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS [2393] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPOSITES FOR CONSTRUCTION [10001239] Building and Construction: D1 Ceramics and Composites: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ACOUSTICS [18384] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS [10001240] Computational Mathematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS [2396] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Mathematics: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICS [23903] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND NONLINEAR DYNAMICS [10006367] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL NANOSCIENCE [10007071] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL TRANSPORT [10067913] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Mathematical Physics: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q4 Transportation: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY [18388] Computational Mathematics: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY [2398] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Computational Mathematics: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ELECTRONICS [10018095] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL FINANCE [10018073] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10031831] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS [2399] Computational Mathematics: Q1 Journal of Computational Mathematics and Optimization [10079974] Computational Mathematics: Q4 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING [10008422] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows [10042163] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE [13197] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS [2400] Computer Science Applications: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE [10025741] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS [10048244] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-AIDED MOLECULAR DESIGN [2395] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Drug Discovery: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES [2401] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL [8386] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED LEARNING [38703] Computer Science Applications: D1 Education: D1 E-learning: D1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY [2397] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS [18391] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Education: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER-MEDIATED COMMUNICATION [10007373] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS [10029900] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE [10031949] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10000847] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SECURITY [10029902] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 Software: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS (JCP) [10010352] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS (TAIWAN) [10070355] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications [10065995] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 JOURNAL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING [10007070] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Software: Q2 JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING [18390] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10028524] Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF COMPUTING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10046045] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CONCHOLOGY [2402] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF CONFLICT AND SECURITY LAW [10027796] Law: Q1 Safety Research: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 Journal of Conflict Archaeology [10079336] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION [5183] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF CONSCIOUSNESS STUDIES [10001050] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Philosophy: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY [10056715] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIONAL STEEL RESEARCH [2404] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE [2403] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Industrial Relations: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 Journal of Construction in Developing Countries [10080659] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF CONSTRUCTIVIST PSYCHOLOGY [38705] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF CONSULTING AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY [5184] Clinical Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS [5185] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR [10021375] Applied Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER CULTURE [10015475] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Marketing: D1 Social Psychology: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet [10050825] Health (social science): Q4 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER MARKETING [39761] Business and International Management: Q1 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER POLICY: CONSUMER ISSUES IN LAW ECONOMICS AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES [10017638] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY [10001051] Applied Psychology: Q1 Marketing: D1 JOURNAL OF CONSUMER RESEARCH [5186] Anthropology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Marketing: D1 JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY [2405] Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Water Science and Technology: D1 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNTING AND ECONOMICS [10080188] Accounting: Q3 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY AFRICAN STUDIES [10025639] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ASIA [5187] Cultural Studies: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY BRACHYTHERAPY [10011166] Oncology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY CHINA [10015476] Development: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY CRIMINAL JUSTICE [10052217] Law: Q1 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY DENTAL PRACTICE [10060426] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY ETHNOGRAPHY [5188] Anthropology: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN RESEARCH [10024935] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN STUDIES [10025715] Cultural Studies: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HEALTH LAW AND POLICY [10027663] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HISTORY [10001521] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS-ARMENIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [41166] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Control and Optimization: Q4 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS-ARMENIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [10015725] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy [10048716] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RELIGION [10031600] Cultural Studies: Q1 Philosophy: Q1 Religious Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF CONTEXTUAL BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE [10069446] Applied Psychology: Q3 Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Health (social science): Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONTINGENCIES AND CRISIS MANAGEMENT [10033029] Management Information Systems: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION IN NURSING [10015477] Review and Exam Preparation: Q3 JOURNAL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION IN THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS [10007072] Education: Q1 E-learning: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CONTINUING HIGHER EDUCATION [10071299] Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS [10061219] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF CONTROL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED INFORMATICS [10012257] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE [2406] Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Journal of Control Science and Engineering [10051492] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Journal of Control Theory and Applications [10039079] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONVENTION AND EVENT TOURISM [10033424] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF CONVERGENCE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10045980] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 JOURNAL OF CONVEX ANALYSIS [10000849] Analysis: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF COORDINATION CHEMISTRY [2407] Materials Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF COPTIC STUDIES [10061636] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCE [10001426] Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 Strategy and Management: D1 Journal of Corporate Real Estate [10076584] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Finance: Q4 JOURNAL OF CORRECTIONAL HEALTH CARE [10052297] Community and Home Care: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF CORROSION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10062142] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC AND LASER THERAPY [10015735] Dermatology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY [10023012] Dermatology: Q2 JOURNAL OF COSMETIC SCIENCE [18403] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Dermatology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS [10001241] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Journal of Cotton Science [10053076] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF COUNSELING AND DEVELOPMENT [5191] Applied Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY [5192] Clinical Psychology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 Social Psychology: D1 Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy [10079532] Applied Psychology: Q3 Gender Studies: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY [13209] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY [2409] Oral Surgery: D1 Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Surgery: Q1 Journal of Craniovertebral Junction and Spine [10060812] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 JOURNAL OF CREATIVE BEHAVIOR [5193] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 Journal of Creative Communications [10062063] Communication: Q4 JOURNAL OF CREATIVITY IN MENTAL HEALTH [10065742] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF CREDIT RISK [10021377] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE [5194] Applied Psychology: D1 Law: D1 Social Psychology: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture [10076587] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE EDUCATION [10073225] Education: Q1 Law: Q1 JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL LAW & CRIMINOLOGY [5195] Law: Q1 Journal of Criminal Psychology [10069223] Applied Psychology: Q4 Law: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE [2410] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF CROHNS & COLITIS [10009629] Gastroenterology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF CROP IMPROVEMENT [2152657] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology [10036572] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL GERONTOLOGY [10054363] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY [5196] Anthropology: D1 Cultural Studies: D1 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF CRUSTACEAN BIOLOGY [2411] Aquatic Science: Q3 Journal of Cryptographic Engineering [10045505] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Software: Q2 JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY [13212] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Software: Q1 JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH [2412] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Journal of Culinary Science and Technology [10079533] Food Science: Q4 Journal of cultural diversity [10076588] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF CULTURAL ECONOMICS [10012040] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF CULTURAL ECONOMY [10069283] Cultural Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY [10042032] Cultural Studies: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE [10001242] Anthropology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Conservation: D1 History: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development [10060009] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Conservation: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF CURRENT GLAUCOMA PRACTICE [10072836] Ophthalmology: Q4 JOURNAL OF CURRENT ISSUES AND RESEARCH IN ADVERTISING [10021379] Marketing: Q3 Journal of Current Ophthalmology [10073529] Ophthalmology: Q4 Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy [10087780] Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF CURRICULUM STUDIES [5197] Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS MEDICINE AND SURGERY [10001243] Dermatology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS PATHOLOGY [2414] Dermatology: Q1 Histology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility [10080885] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Journal of Cyber Therapy and Rehabilitation [10079975] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS [10009630] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF CYTOLOGY [10015733] Histology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF DAIRY RESEARCH [2415] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE [2416] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Food Science: D1 Genetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF DALIAN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY [10044369] Cancer Research: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of dance medicine & science : official publication of the International Association for Dance Medicine & Science [10079976] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF DATA AND INFORMATION QUALITY [10060712] Information Systems: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT [10007073] Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 JOURNAL OF DATABASE MARKETING AND CUSTOMER STRATEGY MANAGEMENT [10080189] Marketing: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Journal of Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences University [10047171] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF DEAF STUDIES AND DEAF EDUCATION [10007374] Education: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q1 JOURNAL OF DECISION SYSTEMS [10005260] Management Information Systems: Q4 Software: Q4 Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation [10043023] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Journal of Dementia Care [10078617] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Gerontology: Q4 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY [38719] Sociology and Political Science: D1 Journal of Dental Biomechanics [10080422] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF DENTAL EDUCATION [10011612] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of dental hygiene : JDH / American Dental Hygienists' Association [10076589] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH [1374654] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES [10011613] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY [2417] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY FOR CHILDREN [2418] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF DERIVATIVES [10012041] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds [10080190] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 Journal of Dermatological Case Reports [10075136] Dermatology: Q2 JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE [13220] Biochemistry: Q2 Dermatology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL TREATMENT [13221] Dermatology: Q2 JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY [10001244] Dermatology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF DESIGN HISTORY [10044373] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Journal of Design Research [10079534] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF DESTINATION MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT [10032507] Business and International Management: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF DEVELOPING SOCIETIES [10042694] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS [2421] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL AND PHYSICAL DISABILITIES [38723] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP [10019071] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL ORIGINS OF HEALTH AND DISEASE [10018788] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS [5200] Development: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS [10023137] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES [5201] Development: Q1 JOURNAL OF DHARMA [10001523] Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF DIABETES [10028396] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND ITS COMPLICATIONS [13223] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF DIABETES AND METABOLIC DISORDERS [10055360] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF DIABETES INVESTIGATION [10023013] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Diabetes Nursing [10036764] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 JOURNAL OF DIABETES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10014421] Bioengineering: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography [10040543] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 JOURNAL OF DIARRHOEAL DISEASES RESEARCH [2423] Food Science: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS [10051837] Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS [29555] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [2424] Analysis: D1 JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY [2425] Algebra and Number Theory: D1 Analysis: D1 Geometry and Topology: D1 JOURNAL OF DIGESTIVE DISEASES [10011614] Gastroenterology: Q2 Journal of Digital Forensic Practice [10079977] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Law: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF DIGITAL IMAGING [13227] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Journal of Digital Information [10076591] Computer Science Applications: Q3 E-learning: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 JOURNAL OF DIGITAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT [10056350] Information Systems: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 JOURNAL OF DIRECT, DATA AND DIGITAL MARKETING PRACTICE [10033188] Business and International Management: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Journal of Disability and Religion [10079338] Health (social science): Q4 Rehabilitation: Q3 Religious Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF DISABILITY POLICY STUDIES [10028525] Health (social science): Q1 Law: Q1 JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH [10027929] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 JOURNAL OF DISCRETE ALGORITHMS [41107] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF DISCRETE MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY [10044559] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 JOURNAL OF DISPERSION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [2426] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 JOURNAL OF DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY [10011615] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF DIVERSITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10023138] Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF DIVORCE & REMARRIAGE [5202] Demography: Q2 Law: Q2 JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION [2427] Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 JOURNAL OF DONGHUA UNIVERSITY (ENGLISH EDITION) [10039050] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10007074] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF DRUG EDUCATION [5204] Health (social science): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES [5205] Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Journal of Drug Policy Analysis [10080886] Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Public Administration: Q4 JOURNAL OF DRUGS IN DERMATOLOGY [10015734] Dermatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF DRUG TARGETING [13230] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF DUAL DIAGNOSIS [10015478] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF DYNAMICAL AND CONTROL SYSTEMS [10001245] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Control and Optimization: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q2 JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [1168519] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Information Systems: Q1 Instrumentation: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF DYNAMICS AND DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [10009631] Analysis: Q1 JOURNAL OF EARLY ADOLESCENCE [38728] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Journal of Early American History [10080660] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD LITERACY [10026854] Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH [10006270] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Health (social science): Q1 JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER EDUCATION [10076592] Education: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF EARLY CHRISTIAN STUDIES [10001524] History: Q1 Religious Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF EARLY INTERVENTION [5206] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF EARLY MODERN HISTORY [10033031] History: Q1 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI [10009632] Geophysics: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Oceanography: Q3 JOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING [10000850] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE [10009075] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE [3541] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF EAST ASIA AND INTERNATIONAL LAW [10023203] Law: Q4 JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN LINGUISTICS [10001525] History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES [10012042] Development: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF EASTERN AFRICAN STUDIES [10009448] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF EAST-WEST BUSINESS [41821] Business and International Management: Q3 Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 JOURNAL OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY [10001526] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 Journal of Echocardiography [10052367] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [2429] Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Plant Science: D1 Journal of Ecology and Environment [10055336] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY AND RURAL ENVIRONMENT [10018622] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Development: Q4 JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS [2431] Applied Mathematics: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: D1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL MEASUREMENT [10021387] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION [5208] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT [10025719] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL [5209] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Control and Optimization: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC EDUCATION [5210] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY [2430] Ecology: Q2 Insect Science: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY [10001427] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC GROWTH [38734] Economics and Econometrics: D1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC HISTORY [5211] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 History: D1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INEQUALITY [10015479] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC INTERACTION AND COORDINATION [10015480] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ISSUES [5212] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE [5213] Economics and Econometrics: D1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC METHODOLOGY [10017221] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES [5214] Economics and Econometrics: D1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC POLICY REFORM [10009449] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PSYCHOLOGY [5215] Applied Psychology: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Journal of Economic Structures [10086375] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC STUDIES [10012510] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SURVEYS [10001052] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY [5216] Economics and Econometrics: D1 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY AND ECONOMETRICS [10021413] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS [5207] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS [10017222] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND ECONOMIC EDUCATION RESEARCH [10062788] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE [10018433] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE [10051700] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT STRATEGY [38738] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: D1 JOURNAL OF ECOPHYSIOLOGY AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH [10067566] Ecology: Q4 Pollution: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF ECOTOURISM [10078878] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF ECT [18432] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF ECUMENICAL STUDIES [10001527] Religious Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION [10050191] Education: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND HISTORY [10051785] Education: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL STATISTICS [38744] Education: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSULTATION [38750] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL CHANGE [10066265] Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING RESEARCH [5218] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL ENQUIRY [10078407] Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MEDIA AND LIBRARY SCIENCE [10079340] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Conservation: Q2 Information Systems: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MEDIA, MEMORY AND SOCIETY [10021637] Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY [5222] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Education: D1 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH [5223] Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT [10013029] Education: Q4 Journal of Education and Christian Belief [10080661] Education: Q4 Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT [10034367] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF EDUCATION AND WORK [10079339] Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Public Administration: Q1 JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FINANCE [10021414] Education: Q2 Finance: Q3 Public Administration: Q2 JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS [10018434] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk [10080423] Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR TEACHING [5225] Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF EDUCATION POLICY [38748] Education: D1 Journal of Educators Online [10080191] Education: Q3 E-learning: Q3 JOURNAL OF EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY [10001528] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q2 JOURNAL OF EGYPTIAN HISTORY [10079978] History: Q3 JOURNAL OF ELASTICITY [2432] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF ELASTOMERS AND PLASTICS [2433] Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF ELDER ABUSE & NEGLECT [38752] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF E-LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY [41082] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q3 E-learning: Q3 JOURNAL OF ELECTIONS PUBLIC OPINION AND PARTIES [10025720] Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING [10020326] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Signal Processing: Q3 JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING [10012374] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY [10023014] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING-ELEKTROTECHNICKY CASOPIS [10009019] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (TIMISOARA) [10028727] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Journal of Electrical Systems [10066587] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [10015736] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Electrochemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF ELECTROCARDIOLOGY [2435] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF ELECTROCERAMICS [18437] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS [2437] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ELECTROMYOGRAPHY AND KINESIOLOGY [2438] Biophysics: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Sports Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN ORGANIZATIONS [10056453] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH [10021416] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC IMAGING [13242] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS [2439] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC PACKAGING [1401507] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Journal of electronic publishing [10072388] Information Systems: Q4 Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries [10061094] Health (social science): Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship [10079341] Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [1401513] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Journal of Electronics [10059860] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10054256] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPY [10082308] Instrumentation: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA [2441] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Radiation: Q1 Spectroscopy: Q2 JOURNAL OF ELECTROSTATICS [2442] Biotechnology: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 JOURNAL OF ELEMENTOLOGY [10012233] Ecology: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Pollution: Q3 JOURNAL OF EMERGENCIES, TRAUMA, AND SHOCK: SYNERGIZING BASIC SCIENCE, CLINICAL MEDICINE, AND GLOBAL HEALTH [10050048] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Journal of Emergency Management [10059139] Emergency Medicine: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Safety Research: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 Journal of emergency medical services : JEMS [10076593] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE [35280] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care [10056211] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Emergency Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY NURSING [10007075] Emergency Nursing: Q2 JOURNAL OF EMERGING MARKET FINANCE [10021417] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES IN ACCOUNTING [10034711] Accounting: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence [10072120] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 JOURNAL OF EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS [38753] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL FINANCE [10015481] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL GENERALISATIONS IN MARKETING SCIENCE [10016815] Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL LEGAL STUDIES [10015482] Education: Q1 Law: Q1 JOURNAL OF EMPIRICAL RESEARCH ON HUMAN RESEARCH ETHICS [10011617] Communication: Q1 Education: Q1 Law: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 Journal of Empirical Theology [10080424] Religious Studies: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF EMPLOYMENT COUNSELING [5227] Applied Psychology: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Enabling Technologies [10087784] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION [2444] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY [2443] Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY, METABOLISM AND DIABETES OF SOUTH AFRICA [10016312] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS [2445] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF ENDOMETRIOSIS [10016959] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENDOMETRIOSIS AND PELVIC PAIN DISORDERS [10056885] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENDOTOXIN RESEARCH [8432] Cell Biology: Q3 Immunology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENDOUROLOGY [2446] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Urology: D1 JOURNAL OF ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY [29588] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS [10007076] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY [10033032] Electrochemistry: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 Fuel Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENERGY ENGINEERING [2447] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENERGY IN SOUTHERN AFRICA [10015737] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2448] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERED FIBERS AND FABRICS [10011618] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE [10068731] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES [10042879] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10060015] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT [18464] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Industrial Relations: D1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING COMPUTING AND ARCHITECTURE [10005288] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DESIGN [18457] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology [10042512] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION [10007077] Education: D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2449] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2451] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS [2452] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS [2453] Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING PHYSICS AND THERMOPHYSICS [10008606] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH [10046118] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology [10058638] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY REVIEW [10025564] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY [18463] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING THERMOPHYSICS [10015738] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND GERMANIC PHILOLOGY [10001529] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 JOURNAL OF ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES [10022160] Education: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS [41860] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES [10019431] Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENHANCED HEAT TRANSFER [13263] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT [10016785] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISE TRANSFORMATION [10035946] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISING COMMUNITIES: PEOPLE AND PLACES IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY [10017850] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 Journal of Entomological Research [10061868] Insect Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY [10034374] Insect Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP [10076596] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND PUBLIC POLICY [10031293] Business and International Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 JOURNAL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION [10021432] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Education: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS [10007078] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Geophysics: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH [10042885] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT POLICY AND MANAGEMENT [41448] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY [2456] Environmental Engineering: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT [5228] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION [10015483] Education: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING [2457] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND LANDSCAPE MANAGEMENT [10011619] Environmental Engineering: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 Journal of Environmental Engineering (Japan) [10057439] Environmental Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH [2458] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10039256] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 Journal of Environmental Hydrology [10060445] Water Science and Technology: Q4 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS [10015740] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW [18470] Law: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND LITIGATION [10027670] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Law: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT [2459] Environmental Engineering: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING [23983] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PATHOLOGY TOXICOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY [10001530] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT [10007603] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND PLANNING [10010905] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLYMER DEGRADATION [18472] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND ECOLOGY [10011620] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 Pollution: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY [5230] Applied Psychology: D1 Social Psychology: D1 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY [2460] Environmental Engineering: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Pollution: Q1 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 Water Science and Technology: D1 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIOACTIVITY [2461] Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pollution: Q1 Waste Management and Disposal: D1 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING [2462] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART B-PESTICIDES FOOD CONTAMINANTS AND AGRICULTURAL WASTES [2463] Food Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pollution: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART C-ENVIRONMENTAL CARCINOGENESIS & ECOTOXICOLOGY REVIEWS [1436] Cancer Research: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Journal of Environmental Science and Management [10023015] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10041003] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES [10001246] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES [10041004] Ecology: Q4 Pollution: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AND SCIENCES [10034956] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS [10029916] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF ENZYME INHIBITION AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10000852] Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY [10007080] Epidemiology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH [2465] Epidemiology: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND GLOBAL HEALTH [10069107] Epidemiology: Q4 JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY AND CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY [10053223] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 Journal of Epithelial Biology and Pharmacology [10054445] Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Physiology: Q4 JOURNAL OF EQUINE SCIENCE [10045269] Equine: Q4 JOURNAL OF EQUINE VETERINARY SCIENCE [2467] Equine: Q3 JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL BEARING PLANTS [10011621] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Biochemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH [10000853] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ESTHETIC AND RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY [10011622] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work [10079342] Education: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Social Work: Q3 JOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES [10003308] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Demography: Q1 Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice [10058316] Anthropology: Q2 Law: Q2 Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse [10057922] Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY [10023208] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Anthropology: Q2 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY AND ETHNOMEDICINE [10022510] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Health (social science): Q1 JOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY [2468] Drug Discovery: Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 JOURNAL OF ETHOLOGY [2469] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF EUKARYOTIC MICROBIOLOGY [2470] Microbiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF EURASIAN STUDIES [10062368] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN ECONOMIC HISTORY [39763] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 History: D1 JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION [10023321] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY [38757] Public Administration: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN REAL ESTATE RESEARCH [10021436] Accounting: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN SOCIAL POLICY [38758] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN STUDIES (CHALFONT SAINT GILES) [10001531] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF EVALUATION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE [35316] Health Policy: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE-BASED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE [10047465] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE-BASED DENTAL PRACTICE [10059761] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine [10037949] Health Policy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE-BASED PSYCHOTHERAPIES [10059896] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE-INFORMED SOCIAL WORK [10066827] Health (social science): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY [18484] Biochemistry: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Physiology: Q4 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY [2472] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMICS [38759] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY [10029496] Anthropology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF EVOLUTION EQUATIONS [10001248] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF EXCERCISE PHYSIOLOGY ONLINE [10023771] Physiology (medical): Q4 JOURNAL OF EXCIPIENTS AND FOOD CHEMICALS [10020132] Food Science: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF EXERCISE SCIENCE & FITNESS [10011624] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology (nursing): Q2 Sports Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF EXOTIC PET MEDICINE [10007081] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Experimental and Clinical Assisted Reproduction [10063632] Developmental Biology: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH [2477] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL MEDICINE [10037389] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND THEORETICAL PHYSICS [13290] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY [2475] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Aquatic Science: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Insect Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Physiology: Q1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY [2476] Physiology: D1 Plant Science: D1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY [5233] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Journal of Experimental Criminology [10023140] Law: D1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL EDUCATION [5234] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MARINE BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY [2478] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE [2479] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL NANOSCIENCE [10007082] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Journal of Experimental Neuroscience [10055275] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Experimental Pharmacology [10080425] Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-ANIMAL LEARNING AND COGNITION [10076598] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-APPLIED [38767] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-GENERAL [5236] Developmental Neuroscience: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-HUMAN PERCEPTION AND PERFORMANCE [10002574] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Behavioral Neuroscience: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-LEARNING MEMORY AND COGNITION [5237] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [5239] Social Psychology: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL STROKE AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE [10031076] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & THEORETICAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [8467] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS AND ONCOLOGY [10008441] Cancer Research: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY PART A-ECOLOGICAL GENETICS AND PHYSIOLOGY [10007083] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Physiology: Q3 JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY PART B-MOLECULAR AND DEVELOPMENTAL EVOLUTIO [10001250] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Developmental Biology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Journal of Explosives Engineering [10049540] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF EXPOSURE SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL EPIDEMIOLOGY [10007084] Epidemiology: Q2 Pollution: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Toxicology: Q1 Journal of Extension [10057388] Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES [10029166] Cell Biology: Q2 Histology: D1 JOURNAL OF EXTRA-CORPOREAL TECHNOLOGY [10037554] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF EYE MOVEMENT RESEARCH [10022170] Ophthalmology: Q3 Sensory Systems: Q4 Journal of Facilities Management [10037367] Business and International Management: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF FAILURE ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION [10056305] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 JOURNAL OF FAMILY AND ECONOMIC ISSUES [10021437] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF FAMILY BUSINESS STRATEGY [10052017] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 Journal of Family Communication [10080426] Communication: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 Journal of family health [10076600] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF FAMILY HISTORY [5240] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES [5241] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF FAMILY NURSING [10007085] Community and Home Care: Q1 Family Practice: Q1 JOURNAL OF FAMILY PLANNING AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE [38771] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF FAMILY PRACTICE [2484] Family Practice: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF FAMILY PSYCHOLOGY [38772] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF FAMILY PSYCHOTHERAPY [10022528] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF FAMILY SOCIAL WORK [10024425] Development: Q3 Social Work: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF FAMILY STUDIES [10015484] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF FAMILY THERAPY [5243] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF FAMILY VIOLENCE [5244] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Law: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF FASHION MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT [10030557] Business and International Management: Q2 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF FELINE MEDICINE AND SURGERY [10001251] Small Animals: Q1 Journal of Feminist Family Therapy [10076601] Applied Psychology: Q3 Gender Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF FEMINIST STUDIES IN RELIGION [10001532] Gender Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 JOURNAL OF FIBER BIOENGINEERING AN INFORMATICS [10047614] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF FIELD ARCHAEOLOGY [5246] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 JOURNAL OF FIELD ORNITHOLOGY [2486] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS [10007086] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF FILM AND VIDEO [10001533] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 JOURNAL OF FINANCE [5247] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS [5249] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL COUNSELING AND PLANNING [10024594] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL CRIME [10027680] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q2 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMETRICS [10012044] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS [5248] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION [38777] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction [10059483] Accounting: Q3 Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL MARKETS [10001428] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance [10080662] Finance: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL RESEARCH [5250] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKETING [10020687] Finance: Q3 Marketing: Q3 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL SERVICES RESEARCH [10001534] Accounting: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STABILITY [10015485] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Finance: Q1 JOURNAL OF FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING [10009635] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 JOURNAL OF FIRE SCIENCES [2487] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 JOURNAL OF FISH AND WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT [10028398] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY [2488] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF FISH DISEASES [2489] Aquatic Science: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCE [10023907] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF FIXED INCOME [10017236] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF FIXED POINT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [10011626] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Geometry and Topology: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 JOURNAL OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT [10015742] Environmental Engineering: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF FLOW CHEMISTRY [10024770] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing [10042232] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF FLUENCY DISORDERS [5251] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LPN and LVN: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q2 JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS [2491] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES [2492] Mechanical Engineering: D1 JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2490] Mechanical Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF FLUORESCENCE [29644] Biochemistry: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Clinical Psychology: Q2 Law: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q3 JOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY [2493] Biochemistry: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF FOLKLORE RESEARCH [10001535] Cultural Studies: Q2 Music: Q2 JOURNAL OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND ENVIRONMENT [10007087] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Food Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF FOOD AND DRUG ANALYSIS [18512] Food Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 JOURNAL OF FOOD AND NUTRITION RESEARCH (SLOVAKIA) [10008207] Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY [2494] Biophysics: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Food Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS [10001252] Food Science: D1 JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING [2495] Food Science: D1 JOURNAL OF FOOD MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION [10038123] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING [13307] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Food Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION [2497] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Food Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF FOOD PRODUCTS MARKETING [39766] Business and International Management: Q3 Food Science: Q4 Marketing: Q3 JOURNAL OF FOOD PROTECTION [2498] Food Science: Q1 Microbiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY [2499] Food Science: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 JOURNAL OF FOOD SAFETY [2500] Food Science: Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Parasitology: Q3 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE [2501] Food Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE [2502] Food Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE EDUCATION [10042043] Education: Q3 Food Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF FOODSERVICE BUSINESS RESEARCH [10032542] Food Science: Q3 Journal of Foot and Ankle Research [10023016] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF FOOT & ANKLE SURGERY [10015743] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF FORAMINIFERAL RESEARCH [2503] Microbiology: Q2 Paleontology: Q1 JOURNAL OF FORECASTING [5252] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC AND LEGAL MEDICINE [40651] Law: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC IDENTIFICATION [10054724] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC NURSING [10064040] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q3 Law: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Journal of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology [10061722] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC PRACTICE [10074760] Applied Psychology: Q3 Law: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY [10009450] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY PRACTICE [10007376] Applied Psychology: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES [2504] Genetics: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF FOREST ECONOMICS [10007088] Ecology: Q2 Forestry: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH [10007089] Forestry: Q1 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY [2506] Forestry: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH [10044501] Forestry: Q3 JOURNAL OF FOREST SCIENCE [10028262] Forestry: Q2 Soil Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF FOURIER ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS [24040] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF FRENCH LANGUAGE STUDIES [10015140] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF FRESHWATER ECOLOGY [2509] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 JOURNAL OF FRICTION AND WEAR [10015744] Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 JOURNAL OF FUEL CELL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10007090] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS [2510] Analysis: D1 JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS [10015993] Food Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS [10019675] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS AND DEVICES-GONGNENG CAILIAO YU QIJIAN XUEBAO [10008876] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING [10001253] Software: Q2 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES [10048379] Analysis: Q3 JOURNAL OF FUNCTION SPACES AND APPLICATIONS [10011627] Analysis: Q3 JOURNAL OF FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION [10053801] Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF FUSION ENERGY [2511] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF FUTURES MARKETS [5253] Accounting: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF FUTURES STUDIES [10016820] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Development: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF GAMBLING ISSUES [10051824] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF GAMBLING STUDIES [10007377] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Journal of Gang Research [10079208] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Gender Studies: Q4 Law: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Gastric Cancer [10044572] Cancer Research: Q3 Gastroenterology: Q2 Oncology: Q3 JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [2513] Gastroenterology: Q1 JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY [2512] Gastroenterology: Q1 Hepatology: Q1 JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL AND LIVER DISEASES [10008069] Gastroenterology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL CANCER [10029288] Gastroenterology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL ONCOLOGY [10025714] Gastroenterology: Q2 Oncology: Q3 JOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY [35368] Gastroenterology: Q1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF GAY AND LESBIAN MENTAL HEALTH [10071801] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF GAY & LESBIAN SOCIAL SERVICES [10064753] Gender Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES [38784] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Gender Studies: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF GENE MEDICINE [24052] Drug Discovery: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY [2514] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 JOURNAL OF GENERAL EDUCATION [10017500] Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE [2515] Internal Medicine: D1 JOURNAL OF GENERALIZED LIE THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [10018594] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 JOURNAL OF GENERAL MANAGEMENT [10017237] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF GENERAL PHYSIOLOGY [2517] Physiology: D1 JOURNAL OF GENERAL PLANT PATHOLOGY [10015745] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY [5254] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Gender Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY [2518] Virology: Q1 JOURNAL OF GENERIC MEDICINES [10063962] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF GENETIC COUNSELING [10023017] Genetics (clinical): Q3 JOURNAL OF GENETIC ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [10033497] Biotechnology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 JOURNAL OF GENETIC PSYCHOLOGY [5255] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF GENETICS [2519] Genetics: Q4 JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND GENOMICS [10007091] Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF GENOCIDE RESEARCH [10068310] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION [2520] Economic Geology: Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 JOURNAL OF GEODESY [13331] Computers in Earth Sciences: D1 Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 Geophysics: D1 JOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS [2521] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Geophysics: Q1 Journal of GeoEngineering [10079535] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES [10011628] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SYSTEMS [10009451] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY [5256] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY IN HIGHER EDUCATION [5257] Education: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY [2522] Geology: Q1 Journal of Geomatics [10056440] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS [8513] Geometry and Topology: Q1 JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC MECHANICS [10023018] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Control and Optimization: Q3 Geometry and Topology: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY [2050667] Geometry and Topology: Q4 JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS [13337] Geometry and Topology: Q3 Mathematical Physics: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND SYMMETRY IN PHYSICS [10023370] Geometry and Topology: Q4 Mathematical Physics: Q4 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH [1364027] Aquatic Science: D1 Atmospheric Science: Q1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Ecology: D1 Forestry: D1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 Oceanography: D1 Paleontology: D1 Soil Science: D1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 Water Science and Technology: D1 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: SOLID EARTH [10031207] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 Geophysics: D1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS AND ENGINEERING [10003310] Geology: Q2 Geophysics: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION [10076604] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES [40785] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geology: Q3 JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES (JAPAN) [10059786] Geology: Q4 JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING [13341] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC CARDIOLOGY [10033034] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC ONCOLOGY [10015746] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Oncology: Q3 Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy [10023211] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q1 JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGY [13342] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF GERMANIC LINGUISTICS [10015160] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGICAL NURSING [10009452] Gerontology: Q3 JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGICAL SOCIAL WORK [10069256] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Work: Q1 JOURNAL OF GINSENG RESEARCH [10028400] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: D1 Plant Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF GLACIOLOGY [2529] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 JOURNAL OF GLASS STUDIES [10001540] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF GLAUCOMA [18555] Ophthalmology: Q1 JOURNAL OF GLBT FAMILY STUDIES [10051667] Gender Studies: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice [10067900] Health Policy: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Journal of Global Environment Engineering [10067550] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Journal of Global Ethics [10063142] Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing [10080427] Cultural Studies: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Marketing: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF GLOBAL HISTORY [10014328] History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10063883] Infectious Diseases: Q2 JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT [10007378] Business and International Management: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 E-learning: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT: JGITM [10018001] E-learning: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF GLOBAL MARKETING [39767] Business and International Management: Q2 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPERATIONS AND STRATEGIC SOURCING [10082256] Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION [8521] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Optimization: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 JOURNAL OF GLOBAL PHARMA TECHNOLOGY [10063839] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF GRAPH ALGORITHMS AND APPLICATIONS [10010283] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Geometry and Topology: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF GRAPHIC NOVELS AND COMICS [10031360] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY [2050556] Geometry and Topology: Q1 JOURNAL OF GREAT LAKES RESEARCH [2531] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF GREEK LINGUISTICS [10022164] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF GREEN BUILDING [10018706] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Journal of Green Engineering [10065863] Environmental Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF GREY SYSTEM [10011629] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Control and Optimization: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING [41061] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 JOURNAL OF GROUPS IN ADDICTION AND RECOVERY [10013725] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF GROUP THEORY [1417137] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS [2532] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 Journal of Gynecological Endoscopy and Surgery [10080192] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Surgery: Q3 JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY [10023019] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Oncology: Q3 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Nursing [10079536] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Oncology (nursing): Q4 JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY [2533] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Surgery: Q4 JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY OBSTETRICS AND HUMAN REPRODUCTION [10082557] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY-BRITISH AND EUROPEAN VOLUME [8527] Surgery: Q4 Transplantation: Q4 JOURNAL OF HAND SURGERY (EUROPEAN VOLUME) [10007092] Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF HAND THERAPY [10009636] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF HAPPINESS STUDIES [10015162] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (NEW SERIES) [10013654] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF HARD TISSUE BIOLOGY [10015748] Biochemistry: Q4 Biomaterials: Q4 Cell Biology: Q4 Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS [2535] Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Environmental Engineering: D1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: D1 Pollution: D1 Waste Management and Disposal: D1 JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS TOXIC AND RADIOCATIVE WASTE [10063927] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF HEADACHE AND PAIN [10009637] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 JOURNAL OF HEAD TRAUMA REHABILITATION [38791] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Rehabilitation: D1 Journal of Health and Human Services Administration [10076610] Health Policy: Q4 Leadership and Management: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOR [5262] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Social Psychology: D1 Journal of health care chaplaincy [10076611] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Religious Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE ENGINEERING [10028401] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Health Informatics: Q4 Surgery: Q3 Journal of Health Care Finance [10076612] Health Policy: Q3 JOURNAL OF HEALTH CARE FOR THE POOR AND UNDERSERVED [38792] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Journal of healthcare information management : JHIM [10076615] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT [38797] Health Policy: Q2 Leadership and Management: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 Journal of healthcare protection management : publication of the International Association for Hospital Security [10076616] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of healthcare risk management : the journal of the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management [10076618] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF HEALTH COMMUNICATION [38793] Communication: D1 Health (social science): D1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS [5260] Health Policy: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Journal of Health Management [10057877] Health Policy: Q4 JOURNAL OF HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT [10065125] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Health Policy: Q2 JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLITICS POLICY AND LAW [5261] Health Policy: Q1 JOURNAL OF HEALTH POPULATION AND NUTRITION [29699] Food Science: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY [10001430] Applied Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE [24080] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH & POLICY [10015168] Health Policy: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATION [2536] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 Surgery: D1 Transplantation: D1 JOURNAL OF HEART VALVE DISEASE [18567] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2537] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF HELLENIC STUDIES [10001541] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Classics: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 JOURNAL OF HELMINTHOLOGY [2538] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Parasitology: Q3 JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY & ONCOLOGY [10011630] Cancer Research: Q1 Hematology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Oncology: Q1 JOURNAL OF HEMATOPATHOLOGY [10053988] Hematology: Q4 Histology: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF HEMATOTHERAPY & STEM CELL RESEARCH [24086] Cell Biology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q2 Hematology: Q1 JOURNAL OF HEPATO-BILIARY-PANCREATIC SCIENCES [10015749] Hepatology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF HEPATO-BILIARY-PANCREATIC SURGERY [10007093] Hepatology: Q1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY [2540] Hepatology: D1 JOURNAL OF HERBAL MEDICINE [10033036] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF HERBS SPICES AND MEDICINAL PLANTS [10010072] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 JOURNAL OF HEREDITY [2541] Biotechnology: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF HERITAGE TOURISM [10033149] History: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF HERPETOLOGY [2542] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY [2543] Organic Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS [29711] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Control and Optimization: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Software: D1 JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS [10007094] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q1 JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION [5263] Education: D1 JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION POLICY AND MANAGEMENT [10021446] Education: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 JOURNAL OF HIGH SPEED NETWORKS [18575] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 JOURNAL OF HINDU STUDIES [10080193] Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF HISPANIC HIGHER EDUCATION [10057741] Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF HISTOCHEMISTRY & CYTOCHEMISTRY [2546] Anatomy: Q1 Histology: Q1 JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY [5265] Archeology: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: D1 Journal of Historical Linguistics [10066855] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL PRAGMATICS [10009453] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL RESEARCH IN MARKETING [10049277] Marketing: Q3 JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL SOCIOLOGY [38805] History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF HISTOTECHNOLOGY [2547] Anatomy: Q4 Histology: Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF HIV AIDS AND SOCIAL SERVICES [10027595] Health (social science): Q4 Journal of HIV Therapy [10078618] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Virology: Q4 JOURNAL OF HOHAI UNIVERSITY [10060814] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF HOLISTIC NURSING [10063874] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOMICS RESEARCH [10015171] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 JOURNAL OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT [10028526] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Safety Research: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 JOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY [5268] Education: Q1 Gender Studies: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF HOMOTOPY AND RELATED STRUCTURES [10015994] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY [13370] Genetics: Q4 Horticulture: Q2 JOURNAL OF HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE NURSING [10023020] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Community and Home Care: Q2 JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION [2550] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM EDUCATION [10018000] Education: Q4 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM MANAGEMENT [10016182] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM TECHNOLOGY [10074569] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT [10033456] Finance: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY LEISURE SPORT & TOURISM EDUCATION [10012045] Education: Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT [10017238] Management Information Systems: Q1 Marketing: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY & TOURISM RESEARCH [41196] Education: D1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: D1 Journal of Hospital Librarianship [10078619] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Hospital Marketing and Public Relations [10078879] Health Policy: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL MEDICINE [10005111] Assessment and Diagnosis: Q3 Care Planning: Q4 Fundamentals and Skills: Q3 Health Policy: Q3 Leadership and Management: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF HOUSING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT [10002810] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF HOUSING ECONOMICS [38807] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY [10047724] Gerontology: Q3 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q4 Public Administration: Q3 JOURNAL OF HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY MEDICAL SCIENCES [2150073] Biochemistry: Q3 Biomaterials: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Genetics: Q4 JOURNAL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT [10042709] Anthropology: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF HUMAN CAPITAL [10021449] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND CAPABILITIES [10023141] Anthropology: Q2 Journal of Human Ergology [10076622] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF HUMAN EVOLUTION [2551] Anthropology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Education: D1 JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS [18584] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 JOURNAL OF HUMAN HYPERTENSION [2552] Internal Medicine: Q1 Journal of Humanistic Counseling [10057916] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY [5271] Philosophy: Q2 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF HUMANITARIAN LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT [10034619] Management Information Systems: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 JOURNAL OF HUMAN KINETICS [10011631] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q3 Sports Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF HUMAN LACTATION [10007096] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 JOURNAL OF HUMAN NUTRITION AND DIETETICS [2553] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES [10054138] Reproductive Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES [5270] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM [10079537] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS [10015177] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS PRACTICE [10025815] History: Q1 Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF HUMAN SECURITY [10025726] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Safety Research: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT AND EXERCISE [10012453] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF HUMAN VALUES [10009254] Cultural Studies: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF HUNAN UNIVERSITY NATURAL SCIENCES [10048436] Multidisciplinary: Q2 Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition [10057530] Health (social science): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF HUNTINGTONS DISEASE [10058785] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q3 JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH [2555] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF HYDRODYNAMICS SERIES A (CHINESE EDITION) [10012600] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mechanics: Q3 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 JOURNAL OF HYDRODYNAMICS SERIES B (ENGLISH EDITION) [10012601] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 JOURNAL OF HYDROELECTRIC ENGINEERING [10065991] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF HYDRO-ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH [10015750] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS [2150386] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGIC ENGINEERING (ASCE) [10001254] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY [2556] Water Science and Technology: D1 JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY AND HYDROMECHANICS [10011632] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY (CHRISTCHURCH) [2148577] Water Science and Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY [29729] Atmospheric Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF HYGIENE RESEARCH [10049541] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF HYMENOPTERA RESEARCH [10007097] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF HYPERBOLIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [10003312] Analysis: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION [10038880] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Internal Medicine: D1 Physiology: Q1 JOURNAL OF IBERIAN AND LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH [10080429] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF IBERIAN GEOLOGY [10011634] Geology: Q2 Stratigraphy: Q2 Journal of Ichthyology [10037498] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Aquatic Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF ICT RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [10060521] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity [10080194] Applied Psychology: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF IMAGING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10007098] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 JOURNAL OF IMMIGRANT AND MINORITY HEALTH [10015180] Epidemiology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE STUDIES [10030576] Demography: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 JOURNAL OF IMMUNE BASED THERAPIES AND VACCINES [10062205] Immunology: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 JOURNAL OF IMMUNOASSAY [2563] Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF IMMUNOASSAY & IMMUNOCHEMISTRY [10000855] Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGICAL METHODS [2565] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY [2564] Immunology: D1 JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH [10035169] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF IMMUNOTHERAPY [2567] Cancer Research: Q2 Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Pharmacology: D1 JOURNAL OF IMMUNOTOXICOLOGY [10011635] Immunology: Q3 Toxicology: Q2 JOURNAL OF IMPERIAL AND COMMONWEALTH HISTORY [10001542] Development: Q2 History: D1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 JOURNAL OF INCLUSION PHENOMENA AND MACROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY [10012499] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Food Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF INCOME DISTRIBUTION [10021452] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF INDIAN ACADEMY OF FORENSIC MEDICINE [10073240] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF INDIAN ASSOCIATION FOR CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH [10079538] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF PEDIATRIC SURGEONS [10062310] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Surgery: Q3 JOURNAL OF INDIAN BUSINESS RESEARCH [10031416] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY [10001543] Cultural Studies: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Journal of Indian Prosthodontist Society [10058958] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Oral Surgery: Q4 JOURNAL OF INDIAN SOCIETY OF PEDODONTICS AND PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY [10070012] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF INDIAN SOCIETY OF PERIODONTOLOGY [10044576] Periodontics: Q4 JOURNAL OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES [10015183] Biological Psychiatry: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF INDO-EUROPEAN STUDIES [10001544] Anthropology: Q3 Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 JOURNAL OF INDONESIAN ISLAM [10081686] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY [29741] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND MANAGEMENT OPTIMIZATION [10007101] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Business and International Management: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING [10032075] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY [10007100] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS [5272] Accounting: Q1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT [10050418] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL [10050204] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY [13388] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION EDUCATION [10021454] Business and International Management: Q4 Education: Q4 Industrial Relations: Q4 Journal of Industrial Pollution Control [10067833] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q3 Pollution: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS [10012046] Business and International Management: Q1 Industrial Relations: Q2 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES [10015751] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF INDUSTRY COMPETITION AND TRADE [43063] Industrial Relations: Q2 JOURNAL OF INEQUALITIES AND APPLICATIONS [18605] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 JOURNAL OF INFECTION [2572] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND CHEMOTHERAPY [10019620] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH [10022756] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF INFECTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES [10023021] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Parasitology: Q2 Virology: Q3 JOURNAL OF INFECTION PREVENTION [10037973] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Health Policy: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES [2571] Immunology and Allergy: D1 Infectious Diseases: D1 JOURNAL OF INFLAMMATION-LONDON [10015752] Cell Biology: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 JOURNAL OF INFLAMMATION RESEARCH [10063260] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Journal of Information and Communication Technology [10080663] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE [10026527] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL SCIENCES [10005258] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND ETHICS IN SOCIETY [10019784] Communication: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 E-learning: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION DISPLAY [10072828] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION ETHICS [38812] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION HIDING AND MULTIMEDIA SIGNAL PROCESSING [10056329] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q1 Software: Q1 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION & KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT [10018347] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION PROCESSING [10064575] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Information Processing Systems [10049824] Information Systems: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE [2574] Information Systems: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [29745] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Software: Q3 Journal of Information Security and Applications [10060754] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS (AAA) [10021457] Accounting: Q1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Management Information Systems: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Software: Q1 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS EDUCATION [10017239] Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [8567] Information Systems: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND POLITICS [10068305] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Public Administration: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Journal of Information Technology Education: Discussion Cases [10080887] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION-RESEARCH [10017046] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 E-learning: Q3 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH [10029976] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS [10005782] Applied Mathematics: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES [29753] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES [10011636] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Instrumentation: Q1 Radiation: Q2 JOURNAL OF INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS [10015753] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Journal of Infusion Nursing [10046779] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF INHERITED METABOLIC DISEASE [2575] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 JOURNAL OF INJURY AND VIOLENCE RESEARCH [10017080] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF INNATE IMMUNITY [10047092] Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics [10073216] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Health Informatics: Q2 Health Information Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE OPTICAL HEALTH SCIENCES [10028404] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC POLYMERS [10008462] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC POLYMERS AND MATERIALS [10007102] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY [2576] Biochemistry: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS [29756] Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF INSECT BEHAVIOR [2578] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Insect Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF INSECT BIOTECHNOLOGY AND SERICOLOGY [10065988] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Insect Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION [10007103] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology: Q2 Insect Science: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 JOURNAL OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY [2579] Insect Science: D1 Physiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF INSECT SCIENCE [10002650] Insect Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems [10046142] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL AND THEORETICAL ECONOMICS-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE GESAMTE STAATSWISSENSCHAFT [5274] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS [10021458] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Institutional Research South East Asia [10071988] Education: Q4 Journal of Instruction-Level Parallelism [10078173] Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 Software: Q3 JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION [10008961] Instrumentation: Q1 Mathematical Physics: Q2 JOURNAL OF INSURANCE MEDICINE [10027571] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF INTEGER SEQUENCES [10048169] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS [2150629] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Numerical Analysis: Q3 Journal of Integral Theory and Practice [10080430] Communication: Q3 Education: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE [10074867] Health (social science): Q3 Public Administration: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Journal of Integrated Cirtcuits and Systems [10065058] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED DESIGN AND PROCESS SCIENCE [10058892] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Integrated OMICS [10067513] Biochemistry: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE [10024198] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Food Animals: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics [10073139] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES [10028405] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE [10054808] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE NEUROSCIENCE [10011638] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT BIOLOGY [10003313] Biochemistry: Q1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Plant Science: D1 JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL [10036605] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL & DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY [10001431] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Intellectual Disabilities [10076628] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY RESEARCH [2582] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Rehabilitation: Q1 Journal of Intellectual Property [10079980] Law: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS [10015189] Law: Q3 Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business [10047982] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS [13406] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS [29765] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Information Systems: Q3 Software: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING [2583] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Software: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES [13404] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS [2584] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Software: Q2 Journal of Intelligent Systems [10056369] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS [10009639] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Automotive Engineering: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Software: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE [24139] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING RESEARCH [10059713] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING [39768] Business and International Management: Q1 Marketing: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE ONLINE LEARNING [10078880] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Education: D1 E-learning: Q1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 Journal of Interconnection Networks [10079981] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION [10016821] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION RESEARCH [10022167] Communication: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES [10017242] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research [10080195] Multidisciplinary: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY ECONOMICS [10021460] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY HISTORY [5280] History: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY MATHEMATICS [10018154] Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTERFERON AND CYTOKINE RESEARCH [8580] Cell Biology: Q2 Immunology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Virology: Q1 Journal of Intergenerational Relationships [10079539] Archeology: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERIOR DESIGN [10059596] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve [10079540] Library and Information Sciences: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [2587] Internal Medicine: D1 JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE OF TAIWAN [10036905] Internal Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING AUDITING AND TAXATION [10021461] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING RESEARCH [10021462] Accounting: Q2 Business and International Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ADVANCED OTOLOGY [10015754] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND EXTENSION EDUCATION [10058244] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE SOCIAL POLICY [10070191] Health (social science): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Journal of International and Intercultural Communication [10070329] Communication: Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STUDIES [5275] Business and International Management: D1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE ECONOMICS AND POLICY [10022627] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LAW AND TECHNOLOGY [10009751] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Law: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL CONSUMER MARKETING [10017243] Management Information Systems: Q2 Marketing: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE [10023142] Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DENTAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH [10041856] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT [39769] Development: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW [10001053] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Law: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS [5276] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 Journal of International Education in Business [10079982] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP [10021468] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & ACCOUNTING [10015186] Accounting: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS INSTITUTIONS & MONEY [10017244] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FOOD & AGRIBUSINESS MARKETING [39770] Business and International Management: Q2 Food Science: Q3 Marketing: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LEGAL STUDIES [10048659] Law: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT [10012047] Business and International Management: Q1 Finance: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING [38818] Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Marketing: D1 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH [2581] Biochemistry: Q3 Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Cell Biology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND INTEGRATION [10035616] Anthropology: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Demography: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE [5277] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 Journal of International Peacekeeping [10076630] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Virology: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH [10039640] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT: JIRD [10007487] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES [10025544] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT [10012048] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE LAW AND POLICY [10025735] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial Relations: Q2 Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL WILDLIFE LAW AND POLICY [10027696] Ecology: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Law: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S STUDIES [10032590] Gender Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNET BANKING AND COMMERCE [10024510] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Finance: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Marketing: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTERNET COMMERCE [10078881] Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 JOURNAL OF INTERNET SERVICES AND APPLICATIONS [10054281] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY [10020791] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE [5281] Applied Psychology: Q2 Clinical Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF INTERPROFESSIONAL CARE [10015191] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERVENTIONAL CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY [29771] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physiology (medical): Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERVENTIONAL CARDIOLOGY [8583] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 JOURNAL OF INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY [18627] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 JOURNAL OF INVASIVE CARDIOLOGY [8584] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Journal of Invasive Fungal Infections [10062210] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology: Q4 JOURNAL OF INVERSE AND ILL-POSED PROBLEMS [10015775] Applied Mathematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY [2588] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIONAL ALLERGOLOGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY [1131007] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE AND CLINICAL DENTISTRY [10061640] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY [2590] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Dermatology: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS [35474] Biotechnology: D1 Cell Biology: D1 Dermatology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: D1 JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE MEDICINE [8588] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling [10023143] Applied Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE SURGERY [13417] Surgery: Q2 Journal of Iron and Steel Research [10046673] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 JOURNAL OF IRON AND STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [24150] Materials Chemistry: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING-ASCE [2591] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF ISFAHAN MEDICAL SCHOOL [10038260] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research [10062431] Accounting: Q3 Business and International Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC MANUSCRIPTS [10029334] Cultural Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC MARKETING [10051044] Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC STUDIES [10018394] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF ISLAND & COASTAL ARCHAEOLOGY [10054931] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Ecology: Q2 History: D1 Oceanography: Q2 JOURNAL OF ISRAELI HISTORY [10012049] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema [10081404] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Journal of Japanese Botany [10061950] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF JAPANESE DENTAL SOCIETY OF ANESTHESIOLOGY [10049850] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF JAPANESE OPHTHALMOLOGICAL SOCIETY [10070871] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 JOURNAL OF JAPANESE SOCIETY OF TRIBOLOGISTS [2595] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 JOURNAL OF JAPANESE STUDIES [38825] Anthropology: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Social Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF JAPAN INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION [10050501] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Journal of Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging [10070401] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF JAPAN INSTITUTE OF LIGHT METALS [10019487] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 JOURNAL OF JAPAN SURGICAL SOCIETY [10006284] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF JEWISH EDUCATION [10080431] Cultural Studies: Q2 Education: Q4 Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF JEWISH STUDIES [10001545] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF JEWISH THOUGHT & PHILOSOPHY [10001546] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF JURISTIC PAPYROLOGY [10012640] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Law: Q4 JOURNAL OF KERMAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10051687] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Earth Sciences [10080196] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY: ISLAMIC ECONOMICS [10021473] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Science [10080197] Aquatic Science: Q4 Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY - ENGINEERING SCIENCES [10087795] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF KING SAUD UNIVERSITY - SCIENCE [10052638] Multidisciplinary: Q1 JOURNAL OF KNEE SURGERY [10039853] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF KNOT THEORY AND ITS RAMIFICATIONS [13424] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT [10023144] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF KONBIN [10022010] Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING [10015194] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE [35486] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY [10011641] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q3 Journal of Korean Religions [10080432] Religious Studies: Q3 Journal of Korean Studies [10080664] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University [10042573] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF LABELLED COMPOUNDS & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS [10018933] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Spectroscopy: Q3 JOURNAL OF LABORATORY AND CLINICAL MEDICINE [2597] Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 JOURNAL OF LABORATORY AUTOMATION [10028419] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF LABOR ECONOMICS [5283] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Industrial Relations: D1 JOURNAL OF LABOR RESEARCH [5284] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE [10018963] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 JOURNAL OF LAND USE SCIENCE [10019072] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Journal of Language and Literature [10042955] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND POLITICS [10010787] History: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [38828] Anthropology: Q1 Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE CONTACT: JLC [10022188] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE IDENTITY AND EDUCATION [10015196] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 JOURNAL OF LAPAROENDOSCOPIC & ADVANCED SURGICAL TECHNIQUES [18644] Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF LARYNGOLOGY AND OTOLOGY [2599] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 JOURNAL OF LASER APPLICATIONS [13430] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Instrumentation: Q1 JOURNAL OF LASER MICRO NANOENGINEERING [10011643] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Journal of Lasers in Medical Sciences [10040393] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Dermatology: Q3 Nephrology: Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Urology: Q3 Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology [10080433] Anthropology: Q2 JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN CULTURAL STUDIES [10023145] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Journal of Latin American Geography [10053444] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES [5285] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Journal of Latinos and Education [10080434] Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF LAW AND MEDICINE [10027701] Health Policy: Q3 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q4 Law: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF LAW AND RELIGION [10027730] Law: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIETY [5289] Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF LAW & ECONOMICS [5286] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Law: D1 JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS & ORGANIZATION [5287] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Law: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF LAW MEDICINE & ETHICS [29791] Health Policy: Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Law, Religion and State [10058260] Law: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES [10030609] Business and International Management: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 Journal of Leadership Studies [10050187] Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF LEARNING DISABILITIES [38834] Education: D1 Health Professions (miscellaneous): D1 Health (social science): D1 JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION [5291] Education: Q4 Law: Q3 JOURNAL OF LEGAL ETHICAL AND REGULATORY ISSUES [10074288] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF LEGAL HISTORY [10023292] History: Q1 Law: Q3 JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE [5292] Law: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF LEGAL PLURALISM AND UNOFFICIAL LAW [10027738] Law: Q3 JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES [5293] Law: Q1 JOURNAL OF LEGISLATIVE STUDIES [10016822] Law: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 JOURNAL OF LEISURE RESEARCH [5294] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF LESBIAN STUDIES [10012902] Gender Studies: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF LEUKEMIA AND LYMPHOMA [10042492] Cancer Research: Q4 Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY [2054624] Cell Biology: Q1 Immunology: Q1 Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling [10079541] Applied Psychology: Q3 Clinical Psychology: Q3 Gender Studies: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF LGBT YOUTH [10071279] Education: Q3 Gender Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF LIBRARIANSHIP AND INFORMATION SCIENCE [5295] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY ADMINISTRATION [10062712] Library and Information Sciences: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 Journal of Library and Information Services in Distance Learning [10079542] E-learning: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 JOURNAL OF LIBRARY METADATA [10072839] E-learning: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 JOURNAL OF LIE THEORY [35495] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Journal of Light and Visual Environment [10078408] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY [2601] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 JOURNAL OF LIMNOLOGY [10007107] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF LINGUISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY [10011132] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS [5296] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Philosophy: D1 JOURNAL OF LIPID RESEARCH [2603] Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q1 Endocrinology: D1 JOURNAL OF LIPIDS [10062283] Biochemistry: Q4 JOURNAL OF LIPOSOME RESEARCH [13435] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY & RELATED TECHNOLOGIES [13436] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF LITERACY RESEARCH [38841] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 JOURNAL OF LITERARY SEMANTICS [10001547] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 JOURNAL OF LITERARY STUDIES [10083837] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 JOURNAL OF LOCATION BASED SERVICES [10072443] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND ALGEBRAIC PROGRAMMING [35500] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Logic: Q3 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION [13437] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Logic: Q2 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF LOGIC LANGUAGE AND INFORMATION [10009728] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Philosophy: D1 JOURNAL OF LONG-TERM EFFECTS OF MEDICAL IMPLANTS [2607] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES [2608] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Food Science: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 JOURNAL OF LOSS & TRAUMA: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON STRESS & COPING [10001054] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF LOWER GENITAL TRACT DISEASE [10015779] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 JOURNAL OF LOW FREQUENCY NOISE VIBRATION AND ACTIVE CONTROL [18659] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q3 Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Geophysics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 JOURNAL OF LOW POWER ELECTRONICS [10030136] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications [10080665] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS [2609] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE [1313526] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Biophysics: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Journal of Lymphoedema [10043371] Hematology: Q4 JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH [35508] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Software: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability [10079983] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS [5297] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF MACROMARKETING [10015199] Marketing: Q1 JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE-PHYSICS [2611] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF MACROMOLECULAR SCIENCE-PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY [2612] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE [2615] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q1 JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING [35514] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 JOURNAL OF MAGNETICS [10023024] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS [2614] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Journal of Malaria Research [10080435] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 JOURNAL OF MAMMALIAN EVOLUTION [10015780] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 JOURNAL OF MAMMALIAN OVA RESEARCH [10049652] Cell Biology: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY [2619] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 JOURNAL OF MAMMARY GLAND BIOLOGY AND NEOPLASIA [29811] Cancer Research: D1 Oncology: D1 JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE MEDICINE [10037928] Health Policy: Q3 JOURNAL OF MANAGED CARE & SPECIALTY PHARMACY [10064927] Health Policy: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Pharmacy: D1 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT [5298] Finance: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH [10017264] Accounting: Q3 Business and International Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT CONTROL [10079543] Management Information Systems: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT [10006142] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 History: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT EDUCATION [10017267] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & GOVERNANCE [10017861] Business and International Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT HISTORY [10067959] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING [18671] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Industrial Relations: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS [35519] Computer Science Applications: D1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Management Information Systems: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INQUIRY [38845] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATION [10012051] Business and International Management: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, SPIRITUALITY AND RELIGION [10030760] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Religious Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES [5299] Business and International Management: D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL ISSUES [10021250] Management Information Systems: Q2 JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL PSYCHOLOGY [10015202] Applied Psychology: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MANIPULATIVE AND PHYSIOLOGICAL THERAPEUTICS [2620] Chiropractics: D1 Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy [10054302] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES [10044675] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [13453] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS [2621] Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Software: D1 JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT [10035948] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Software: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research [10059914] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Journal of Map and Geography Libraries [10079344] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 JOURNAL OF MAPS [10008567] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Journal of Marine and Island Cultures [10080888] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology [10075197] Ocean Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF MARINE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY [10011644] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering [10076633] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 Pollution: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 JOURNAL OF MARINE RESEARCH [2623] Oceanography: Q1 Journal of Marine Science and Application [10060648] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10001257] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q1 Oceanography: Q2 JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TAIWAN [10011645] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 Oceanography: Q3 JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS [2624] Aquatic Science: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Oceanography: Q1 JOURNAL OF MARITAL AND FAMILY THERAPY [5301] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Journal of Maritime Archaeology [10079544] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 JOURNAL OF MARITIME LAW AND COMMERCE [5300] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 JOURNAL OF MARITIME RESEARCH [10049807] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 JOURNAL OF MARKETING [5303] Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Marketing: D1 JOURNAL OF MARKETING CHANNELS [10021254] Marketing: Q3 JOURNAL OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS [39771] Business and International Management: Q1 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF MARKETING EDUCATION [10076634] Education: Q2 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF MARKETING FOR HIGHER EDUCATION [10028743] Education: Q2 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT [10017268] Marketing: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH [5304] Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Marketing: D1 JOURNAL OF MARKETING THEORY AND PRACTICE [10021255] Marketing: Q1 JOURNAL OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY [5305] Anthropology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Social Work: D1 JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY [8623] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Spectroscopy: Q1 JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CULTURE [38853] Anthropology: Q1 Archeology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF MATERIAL CYCLES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT [10011646] Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE [10032628] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY [2625] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS EDUCATION [10028406] Education: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE [2626] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING [13460] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY [2627] Ceramics and Composites: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH [2628] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY [10039569] Biomaterials: Q4 Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE [1374666] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE: MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS [2631] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biophysics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE [2632] Bioengineering: Q2 Biomaterials: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [13466] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE [10004713] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS [2634] Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences [10060747] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BEHAVIOR [10050348] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Applied Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY [2635] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY [2636] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CRYPTOLOGY [10021994] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS [2637] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL FLUID MECHANICS [10007108] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Mathematics: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Mathematical Physics: D1 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL IMAGING AND VISION [18694] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Geometry and Topology: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES [10022463] Analysis: Q4 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL LOGIC [2148857] Logic: Q4 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL MODELLING AND ALGORITHMS [10010107] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL NEUROSCIENCE [10036615] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [2639] Mathematical Physics: Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q3 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ANALYSIS GEOMETRY [10015781] Analysis: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q3 Mathematical Physics: Q3 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PSYCHOLOGY [2640] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (NEW YORK) [2150471] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (TOKYO) [2150472] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SOCIOLOGY [2643] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS AND MUSIC [10011647] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Music: Q1 Journal of Mathematics and Statistics [10079766] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Journal of Mathematics and the Arts [10080436] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Journal of Mathematics in Industry [10080666] Applied Mathematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS OF KYOTO UNIVERSITY [2638] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS TEACHER EDUCATION [10079345] Education: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF MAZANDARAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10032842] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN [2644] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: D1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [10072797] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10003319] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF MECHANICS [10001258] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF MECHANICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY [10009643] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES [10009386] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF MECHANISMS AND ROBOTICS : TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [10023025] Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Journal of Media and Religion [10080437] Communication: Q3 Religious Studies: Q1 Journal of Media Business Studies [10063379] Business and International Management: Q3 Communication: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDIA ECONOMICS [38859] Communication: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Journal of Media Ethics: Exploring Questions of Media Morality [10080438] Communication: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 Journal of Media Practice [10079545] Communication: Q3 Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY: THEORIES, METHODS AND APPLICATIONS [10033037] Applied Psychology: Q2 Communication: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING [10015782] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences [10072009] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Medical and Surgical Intensive Care Medicine [10070449] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY [10023026] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL BIOGRAPHY [10048162] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL CASE REPORTS [10012929] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA [10037507] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL DEVICES-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [10023027] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ECONOMICS [10036031] Health Policy: Q1 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY [2649] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY [2650] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Insect Science: Q1 Parasitology: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ETHICS [2651] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q1 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: D1 Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine [10079984] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q2 Law: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS [10007110] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): D1 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL HUMANITIES [10016805] Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL HYPOTHESES AND IDEAS [10055594] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND HEALTH INFORMATICS [10028407] Health Informatics: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND RADIATION ONCOLOGY [10011648] Oncology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND RADIATION SCIENCES [10051440] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH [10007111] Health Informatics: D1 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INVESTIGATION [10029082] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Medical Licensure and Discipline [10079985] Education: Q3 Health Policy: Q3 LPN and LVN: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MARKETING: DEVICE DIAGNOSTIC AND PHARMACEUTICAL MARKETING [10033413] Marketing: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY [2653] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS [10040463] Biophysics: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Journal of Medical Practice Management [10076638] Health Policy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PRIMATOLOGY [2654] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10041024] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Medical Sciences (Peshawar) [10060474] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (TAIWAN) [10044533] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCREENING [29854] Health Policy: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SIGNALS AND SENSORS [10081308] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Health Informatics: Q4 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY [35560] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 Speech and Hearing: Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS [10001548] Health Informatics: Q2 Health Information Management: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL TOXICOLOGY [10039353] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ULTRASONICS [10011649] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Journal of Medical Ultrasound [10036104] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY [2656] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Virology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [2648] Drug Discovery: D1 Molecular Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL FOOD [10007109] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL PLANTS [10052051] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL PLANTS AND BY-PRODUCTS [10066474] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL PLANTS RESEARCH [10034409] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [2647] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research [10080889] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND LIFE [10058980] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND PHILOSOPHY [5310] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Philosophy: Q1 Journal of Medicine (Bangladesh) [10058223] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL AND EARLY MODERN STUDIES [10001549] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL HISTORY [10001550] History: D1 Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies [10072881] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY [10068873] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN EARTH SCIENCES [10067563] Geology: Q3 Stratigraphy: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES [10001551] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE BIOLOGY [2657] Biophysics: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Physiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE [2658] Biochemistry: Q1 Filtration and Separation: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 JOURNAL OF MEMORY AND LANGUAGE [5311] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q1 Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality [10036016] Gender Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF MENS HEALTH [10015210] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Urology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MEN’S STUDIES: A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL ABOUT MEN AND MASCULINITIES [10074181] Cultural Studies: Q2 Gender Studies: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH [10015214] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH POLICY AND ECONOMICS [10007379] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH IN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES [10048081] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH TRAINING EDUCATION AND PRACTICE: ISSUES FOR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT [10068988] Education: Q3 Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF METAMORPHIC GEOLOGY [2659] Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 Geology: D1 JOURNAL OF METEOROLOGICAL RESEARCH [10045523] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS [2661] Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [18718] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [13496] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION [10015784] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 JOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS [13500] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Journal of microelectronics and electronic packaging [10061651] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 JOURNAL OF MICROENCAPSULATION [2664] Bioengineering: Q2 Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING [1313637] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MICRO-NANOLITHOGRAPHY MEMS AND MOEMS [10015783] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Journal of Micro-Nano Mechatronics [10080199] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MICROPALAEONTOLOGY [13503] Paleontology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPY-OXFORD [1323595] Histology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF MICROWAVE POWER AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY [2666] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 JOURNAL OF MICROWAVES OPTOELECTRONICS AND ELECTROMAGNETIC APPLICATIONS [10045219] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF MIDWIFERY & WOMENS HEALTH [38861] Maternity and Midwifery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MILITARY AND VETERANS HEALTH [10069598] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF MILITARY ETHICS: NORMATIVE ASPECTS OF THE USE OF MILITARY FORCE [10025750] Philosophy: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Journal of Military Medicine [10068153] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF MIND AND BEHAVIOR [5312] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 JOURNAL OF MINERALOGICAL AND PETROLOGICAL SCIENCES [10007112] Geology: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 JOURNAL OF MINES, METALS AND FUELS [10018488] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MINIMAL ACCESS SURGERY [10012727] Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF MINIMALLY INVASIVE GYNECOLOGY [10003322] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 JOURNAL OF MINING AND METALLURGY SECTION B-METALLURGY [10011651] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 JOURNAL OF MINING SCIENCE [8666] Geology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MIXED METHODS RESEARCH [10015215] Education: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 JOURNAL OF MOBILE MULTIMEDIA (JMM) [10032420] Communication: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Media Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MODELLING IN MANAGEMENT [10049968] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF MODERN AFRICAN STUDIES [5313] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF MODERN APPLIED STATISTICAL METHODS [10041939] Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 Journal of Modern Chinese History [10079767] History: Q3 JOURNAL OF MODERN CRAFT [10045031] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF MODERN DYNAMICS [10009646] Algebra and Number Theory: D1 Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: D1 JOURNAL OF MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY [10024128] History: Q2 JOURNAL OF MODERN GREEK STUDIES [10001553] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF MODERN HISTORY [5314] History: D1 JOURNAL OF MODERN ITALIAN STUDIES [10001554] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF MODERN JEWISH STUDIES [10025751] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS [2667] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Journal of Modern Periodical Studies [10080439] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 JOURNAL OF MODERN TRANSPORTATION [10042174] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Transportation: Q3 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY [1316479] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10015785] Molecular Biology: Q1 Structural Biology: Q1 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL [1095212] Catalysis: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS B-ENZYMATIC [13510] Biochemistry: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Catalysis: Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY [10015786] Cell Biology: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS [29877] Molecular Medicine: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY [2671] Endocrinology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR EVOLUTION [2672] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS AND MODELLING [13514] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Spectroscopy: Q2 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR HISTOLOGY [10001259] Cell Biology: Q3 Histology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS [2674] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM [8676] Drug Discovery: D1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [10000858] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MODELING [10002769] Catalysis: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE [2675] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR RECOGNITION [18741] Molecular Biology: Q3 Structural Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SIGNALING [10028685] Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY [2676] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE [2677] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Spectroscopy: Q3 JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE: THEOCHEM [1035652] Biochemistry: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF MOLLUSCAN STUDIES [2678] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Aquatic Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS [5315] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 JOURNAL OF MONEY CREDIT AND BANKING [5316] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 JOURNAL OF MORAL EDUCATION [5317] Religious Studies: D1 Journal of Moral Philosophy [10023146] Philosophy: Q1 JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10037164] Anatomy: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Histology: Q4 JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY [2679] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Developmental Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR [5318] Biophysics: Q3 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Sports Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE [10011653] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Geology: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 JOURNAL OF MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS [10005099] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF MULTICULTURAL COUNSELING AND DEVELOPMENT [38869] Applied Psychology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q1 Journal of Multicultural Discourses [10079986] Communication: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY HEALTHCARE [10008959] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF MULTILINGUAL AND MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT [10015216] Cultural Studies: D1 Education: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q1 JOURNAL OF MULTIMEDIA [41080] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Media Technology: D1 JOURNAL OF MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT [10017269] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND SOFT COMPUTING [41084] Logic: Q3 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF MULTISCALE MODELING [10071472] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS [2680] Numerical Analysis: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 JOURNAL OF MUSCLE FOODS [29893] Food Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF MUSCLE RESEARCH AND CELL MOTILITY [2681] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Physiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MUSCULOSKELETAL AND NEURONAL INTERACTIONS [10023028] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN [24265] Rheumatology: Q3 Journal of Musculoskeletal Research [10042675] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10001556] Music: Q4 JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY [10001557] Music: Q1 JOURNAL OF MUSIC TEACHER EDUCATION [10076643] Education: Q1 Music: D1 Journal of Music, Technology and Education [10080890] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q3 Music: Q1 JOURNAL OF MUSIC THEORY-NEW HAVEN [10001555] Music: Q1 JOURNAL OF MUSIC THERAPY [5319] Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Music: D1 Journal of Muslim Mental Health [10049736] Health (social science): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Religious Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF MUSLIM MINORITY AFFAIRS [10068313] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF MUSLIMS IN EUROPE [10068176] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Religious Studies: Q1 Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology [10048508] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF NANO- AND ELECTRONIC PHYSICS [10029163] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiation: Q4 JOURNAL OF NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY [10027281] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Bioengineering: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF NANOELECTRONICS AND OPTOELECTRONICS [10007114] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 JOURNAL OF NANOMATERIALS [10009647] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics [10080667] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF NANOMEDICINE & NANOTECHNOLOGY [10035449] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Journal of Nanoneuroscience [10080200] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH [10001260] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 JOURNAL OF NANOPHOTONICS [10011654] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 JOURNAL OF NANO RESEARCH [10010338] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY [10000859] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites [10060856] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 Journal of Nanotechnology [10038716] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY IN ENGINEERING AND MEDICINE [10042153] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 Journal of Nara Medical Association [10038095] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of National Black Nurses' Association : JNBNA [10076645] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Natural Disasters [10060608] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 JOURNAL OF NATURAL FIBERS [10059734] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10033039] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY [2683] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 JOURNAL OF NATURAL MEDICINES [10007116] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS [13529] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: D1 Drug Discovery: D1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Pharmacology: Q1 Journal of Natural Remedies [10047154] Pharmacology: Q4 Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research [10080891] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCE, BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [10041798] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION [2687] Ocean Engineering: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEAR EASTERN STUDIES [10001558] Archeology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY [35610] Spectroscopy: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEGATIVE RESULTS IN BIOMEDICINE [10050121] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF NEGRO EDUCATION [5320] Anthropology: Q2 Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF NEMATOLOGY [2688] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Journal of Neonatal Nursing [10058851] Maternity and Midwifery: Q3 JOURNAL OF NEONATAL-PERINATAL MEDICINE [10043166] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Journal of Nepal Health Research Council [10080440] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF NEPAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [10015789] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Nepal Paediatric Society [10038569] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY [13534] Nephrology: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEPHROPATHOLOGY [10045045] Nephrology: Q3 JOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE [2689] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS [13536] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT [10009648] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF NETWORKS [10020131] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING [10009649] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEURAL TRANSMISSION [13537] Biological Psychiatry: Q2 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROBIOLOGY [2694] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Developmental Neuroscience: Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY [2695] Biochemistry: Q1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEURODEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS [10011656] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 JOURNAL OF NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY [2697] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q2 Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Journal of Neuroendovascular Therapy [10054288] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION [10009650] Health Informatics: Q1 Rehabilitation: D1 JOURNAL OF NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY [10033040] Gastroenterology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROGENETICS [2698] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Genetics: Q3 JOURNAL OF NEUROIMAGING [13548] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNE PHARMACOLOGY [10011657] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROIMMUNOLOGY [2699] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROINFLAMMATION [10009651] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Immunology: Q1 Neurology: Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROINTERVENTIONAL SURGERY [10015790] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROLINGUISTICS [18777] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES-TURKISH [10015791] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY PART A-CENTRAL EUROPEAN NEUROSURGERY [10026989] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY PART B SKULL BASE AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH [10033041] Neurology (clinical): Q2 JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGIC PHYSICAL THERAPY [10023210] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Rehabilitation: D1 JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY [2700] Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY NEUROSURGERY AND PSYCHIATRY [2701] Neurology (clinical): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY [2693] Cancer Research: Q2 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Oncology: Q1 JOURNAL OF NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY [8694] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEUROPATHOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY [2703] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neurology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY [2704] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 Physiology: Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES [2705] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOLOGY [10011658] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY [2706] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE [2707] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS [2708] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE NURSING [10015217] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q3 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE PSYCHOLOGY AND ECONOMICS [10035556] Applied Psychology: Q2 Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH [2709] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCES IN RURAL PRACTICE [10051656] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY [2710] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY - PEDIATRICS [10009652] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY-SPINE [10003327] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGICAL ANESTHESIOLOGY [2711] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGICAL SCIENCES [10015792] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 JOURNAL OF NEUROTHERAPY [10060605] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF NEUROTRAUMA [2712] Neurology (clinical): Q1 JOURNAL OF NEUROVIROLOGY [8714] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Virology: Q2 Journal of New England Water Environment Association [10076648] Pollution: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 JOURNAL OF NEW MATERIALS FOR ELECTROCHEMICAL SYSTEMS [35641] Electrochemistry: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 JOURNAL OF NEW MUSIC RESEARCH [18789] Music: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Journal of New Seeds [10069263] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 JOURNAL OF NEXT GENERATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10070398] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF NIPPON MEDICAL SCHOOL [10033042] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF NONCOMMUTATIVE GEOMETRY [10009653] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 Geometry and Topology: Q2 Mathematical Physics: Q1 JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS [1313537] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 JOURNAL OF NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION [24312] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF NON-EQUILIBRIUM THERMODYNAMICS [2715] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR AND CONVEX ANALYSIS [10011659] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q2 JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [29940] Mathematical Physics: Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q3 JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR OPTICAL PHYSICS & MATERIALS [8719] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCE [2717] Applied Mathematics: D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS [2716] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS [29944] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 JOURNAL OF NONPROFIT & PUBLIC SECTOR MARKETING [10021401] Marketing: Q3 JOURNAL OF NONVERBAL BEHAVIOR [5322] Social Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF NORTH AFRICAN STUDIES [10025761] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 JOURNAL OF NORTH UNIVERSITY OF CHINA NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION / ZHONGBEI DAXUE XUEBAO (ZIRAN KEXUE BAN) [10056389] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science [10076650] Ecology: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR CARDIOLOGY [2718] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS [2719] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS MANAGEMENT [10035105] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE [2720] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology [10047534] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [2721] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF NUCLEIC ACIDS [10043838] Biochemistry: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF NUCLEIC ACIDS INVESTIGATION [10019935] Biochemistry: Q4 JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY [2722] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics [10056616] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q2 JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS [10011660] Computational Mathematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF NURSING [10041030] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF NURSING ADMINISTRATION [5323] Leadership and Management: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Nursing and Healthcare Research [10044208] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF NURSING CARE QUALITY [38876] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION [38877] Education: Q1 Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT [10015219] Leadership and Management: D1 JOURNAL OF NURSING MEASUREMENT [10057878] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Nursing Regulation [10080441] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH [10023030] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF NURSING SCHOLARSHIP [10001056] Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF NUTRIGENETICS AND NUTRIGENOMICS [10015793] Food Science: Q1 Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF NUTRITION [2723] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY [2724] Biochemistry: Q1 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE [10046390] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Food Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY [2726] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM [10025429] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Food Science: Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF NUTRITION EDUCATION [2725] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF NUTRITION EDUCATION AND BEHAVIOR [10000863] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly [10076653] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF NUTRITION HEALTH & AGING [10007117] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF NUTRITION IN GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS [10059519] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF OBESITY [10027959] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 JOURNAL OF OBJECT TECHNOLOGY [10004914] Software: Q3 JOURNAL OF OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE AND RELATED DISORDERS [10033043] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY RESEARCH [10001261] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [1304828] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY CANADA [10060064] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY OF INDIA [10048612] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE [10001262] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE [8731] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY [5325] Applied Psychology: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH [18807] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY [10007380] Applied Psychology: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY [10023885] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Safety Research: Q2 Toxicology: Q3 JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL REHABILITATION [38880] Occupational Therapy: D1 Rehabilitation: D1 Journal of Occupational Science [10069271] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, and Early Intervention [10079987] Education: Q3 Occupational Therapy: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY [10001263] Oceanography: Q1 Journal of Ocean Technology [10080201] Ocean Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF OCEAN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA [10033044] Ocean Engineering: Q3 Oceanography: Q4 Journal of Ocular Biology, Diseases, and Informatics [10039856] Genetics: Q4 Ophthalmology: Q3 JOURNAL OF OCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS [8732] Ophthalmology: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Journal of Offender Rehabilitation [10037493] Law: Q1 Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF OFFICIAL STATISTICS [10015221] Statistics and Probability: Q2 JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [13582] Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Ocean Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF OIL PALM RESEARCH [10011661] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Biomaterials: Q4 Food Science: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 JOURNAL OF OLEO SCIENCE [10013655] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY [40568] Oncology: Q1 JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY PHARMACY PRACTICE [10039380] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Oncology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY PRACTICE [10040496] Health Policy: Q1 Oncology: Q2 Oncology (nursing): Q1 JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY [10011662] Oceanography: Q2 JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RISK [10015222] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT [29959] Computer Science Applications: D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 JOURNAL OF OPERATOR THEORY [29962] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMIC AND VISION RESEARCH [10068702] Ophthalmology: Q3 JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMIC INFLAMMATION AND INFECTION [10067016] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Ophthalmology: Q2 JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [10028409] Ophthalmology: Q2 Journal of Opioid Management [10048888] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 JOURNAL OF OPTICAL AND FIBER COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH [10029996] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS [39773] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING [10011663] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 JOURNAL OF OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY [2734] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF OPTICS [10015794] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF OPTICS A-PURE AND APPLIED OPTICS [29964] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF OPTICS (INDIA) [10072644] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [2735] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS [1374776] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 JOURNAL OF OPTOMETRY [10049325] Optometry: Q2 JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL PATHOLOGY [10039159] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY [2736] Oral Surgery: Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY MEDICINE AND PATHOLOGY [10032680] Oral Surgery: Q4 Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 JOURNAL OF ORAL BIOLOGY AND CRANIOFACIAL RESEARCH [10060408] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 JOURNAL OF ORAL BIOSCIENCES [10036911] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ORAL & FACIAL PAIN AND HEADACHE [10042320] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 JOURNAL OF ORAL IMPLANTOLOGY [10023031] Oral Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF ORAL MICROBIOLOGY [10050691] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 JOURNAL OF ORAL PATHOLOGY AND MEDICINE [2737] Cancer Research: Q3 Oral Surgery: Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Periodontics: Q2 JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION [2738] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCE [10048677] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [2739] Organic Chemistry: D1 JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL AND END USER COMPUTING [10028410] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR [5327] Applied Psychology: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT [38883] Applied Psychology: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT [38884] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING AND ELECTRONIC COMMERCE [35681] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict [10080202] Communication: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 Journal of Organizational Ethnography [10080892] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY [2740] Biochemistry: Q3 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY [2741] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 JOURNAL OF OROFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS-FORTSCHRITTE DER KIEFERORTHOPADIE [10011665] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oral Surgery: Q2 Orthodontics: Q2 JOURNAL OF OROFACIAL PAIN [29977] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Journal of Orthodontics [10076658] Orthodontics: Q2 JOURNAL OF ORTHOMOLECULAR MEDICINE [10044226] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC RESEARCH [2743] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE [10007119] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC & SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY [8747] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY [10041843] Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCH [10021305] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC TRAUMA [13598] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Sports Science: Q1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY [10046982] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMA AND REHABILITATION [10066887] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 Journal of Orthopaedics Trauma Surgery and Related Research [10045852] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH [10007519] Insect Science: Q2 Journal of Osseointegration [10043666] Oral Surgery: Q4 Journal of Osteoporosis [10042924] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 JOURNAL OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD & NECK SURGERY [10009654] Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 Journal of Otolaryngology of Japan [10065690] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 JOURNAL OF OVARIAN RESEARCH [10023032] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Oncology: Q2 JOURNAL OF OVONIC RESEARCH [10015795] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 JOURNAL OF PACIFIC HISTORY [10001559] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF PACIFIC RIM PSYCHOLOGY [10012052] Social Psychology: Q3 Journal of Packaging Science and Technology [10080442] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH [2745] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PAIN [29983] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 JOURNAL OF PAIN AND PALLIATIVE CARE PHARMACOTHERAPY [10052879] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 JOURNAL OF PAIN AND SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT [2746] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF PAIN MANAGEMENT [10054586] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH [10028581] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF PAKISTAN ASSOCIATION OF DERMATOLOGISTS [10037671] Dermatology: Q4 Journal of Palaeogeography [10058508] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY [13603] Aquatic Science: Q1 Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 JOURNAL OF PALEONTOLOGY [2747] Paleontology: Q2 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES [5328] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE CARE [13605] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF PALLIATIVE MEDICINE [10009655] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING [2748] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PARAPSYCHOLOGY [5329] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF PARASITIC DISEASES [10051608] Parasitology: Q4 JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY [2749] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Parasitology: Q2 Journal of Parasitology Research [10052141] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Parasitology: Q2 JOURNAL OF PARENTERAL AND ENTERAL NUTRITION [2961] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 JOURNAL OF PARKINSONS DISEASE [10028411] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q3 JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY [2750] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE [10035768] Histology: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Journal of Pathology Informatics [10059386] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Health Informatics: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF PATIENT SAFETY [10033046] Leadership and Management: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PEACEBUILDING AND DEVELOPMENT [10025765] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Safety Research: Q4 JOURNAL OF PEACE EDUCATION [10048521] Education: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH [5330] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Safety Research: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF PEASANT STUDIES [5331] Anthropology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Cultural Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC AND ADOLESCENT GYNECOLOGY [2147006] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC BIOCHEMISTRY [10020071] Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM [1318577] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy [10061477] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION [2752] Gastroenterology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC GENETICS [10027793] Genetics (clinical): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Journal of Pediatric Health Care [10023033] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY ONCOLOGY [8756] Hematology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10044592] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care [10041704] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY [10034750] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Journal of Pediatric Neuroradiology [10073137] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NEUROSCIENCES [10054343] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING: NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES [10033047] Pediatrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY NURSING [10011667] Oncology (nursing): Q3 Pediatrics: Q1 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY & STRABISMUS [13610] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS [2755] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC ORTHOPAEDICS-PART B [2754] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC PSYCHOLOGY [5332] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine [10056865] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY [2756] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC UROLOGY [10013097] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Urology: Q2 JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS [2751] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 Journal of Peking University [10042446] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF PENSION ECONOMICS & FINANCE [10004203] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Journal of Pentecostal Theology [10081105] Religious Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE RESEARCH [13617] Biochemistry: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE SCIENCE [24363] Biochemistry: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTED FACILITIES [10001264] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing [10023209] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q1 JOURNAL OF PERINATAL MEDICINE [2757] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PERINATAL & NEONATAL NURSING [38891] Critical Care Nursing: Q1 Maternity and Midwifery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics: Q1 JOURNAL OF PERINATOLOGY [10009656] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL AND IMPLANT SCIENCE [10043665] Oral Surgery: Q3 Periodontics: Q3 JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL RESEARCH [2758] Periodontics: Q2 JOURNAL OF PERIODONTOLOGY [2759] Periodontics: Q1 Journal of perioperative practice [10076661] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q4 JOURNAL OF PERSIANATE STUDIES [10057443] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF PERSONAL & INTERPERSONAL LOSS [38895] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY [5333] Social Psychology: D1 JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [5336] Social Psychology: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT [5334] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Clinical Psychology: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY DISORDERS [5335] Clinical Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE [10042796] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF PERSONAL SELLING AND SALES MANAGEMENT [10021482] Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 JOURNAL OF PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY [10015224] Applied Psychology: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF PESTICIDE SCIENCE [10007120] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PEST SCIENCE [10001265] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGIES [10018886] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM GEOLOGY [2762] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Geology: Q2 JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [13624] Fuel Technology: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY [2763] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 Industrial Relations: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY [2761] Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 Geophysics: D1 Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis [10037972] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 Electrochemistry: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacy: Q1 Spectroscopy: Q3 JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS [2766] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Drug Discovery: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Spectroscopy: Q1 JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH [10059725] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation [10023034] Drug Discovery: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL INVESTIGATION [10037097] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS [10031403] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL POLICY AND PRACTICE [10080443] Health Policy: Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care [10080444] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [2765] Pharmaceutical Science: D1 JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES AND RESEARCH [10037832] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PHARMACOGNOSY AND PHYTOTHERAPY [10034422] Drug Discovery: Q3 JOURNAL OF PHARMACOKINETICS AND PHARMACODYNAMICS [10000865] Pharmacology: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL AND TOXICOLOGICAL METHODS [2770] Pharmacology: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10001266] Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS [2769] Molecular Medicine: Q1 Pharmacology: D1 JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND PHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS [10031380] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY [10034423] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND BIOALLIED SCIENCES [10053910] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Bioengineering: Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences [10052417] Health (social science): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [35717] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY [2764] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 Journal of Pharmacy of Istanbul University [10079347] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacy: Q4 JOURNAL OF PHARMACY PRACTICE [10045897] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research [10037522] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacy: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHARMACY TECHNOLOGY [10038540] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF PHASE EQUILIBRIA AND DIFFUSION [10001267] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHENOMENOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY [5337] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC [10001560] Philosophy: D1 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL RESEARCH [10030797] Philosophy: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10001561] Philosophy: D1 Journal of Philosophy ARHE [10080893] Philosophy: Q4 JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION [38897] Education: Q1 History: D1 Philosophy: D1 JOURNAL OF PHONETICS [5339] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q1 JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY [2771] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY [2772] Biophysics: Q2 Radiation: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY C-PHOTOCHEMISTRY REVIEWS [10003332] Catalysis: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 JOURNAL OF PHOTONICS FOR ENERGY [10028412] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHOTOPOLYMER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10001268] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY [2774] Aquatic Science: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND HEALTH [10023147] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Journal of Physical Agents [10036986] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Software: Q3 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL REFERENCE DATA [2777] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A [13639] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B [13640] Materials Chemistry: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: D1 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C [10004993] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Energy (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: D1 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS [10012964] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: D1 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT [10022636] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 Journal of Physical Education (Maringa) [10074989] Education: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY [2786] Oceanography: D1 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [2787] Organic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Journal of Physical Science [10070370] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL STUDIES [40701] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Physical Therapy [10080445] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE [10011668] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL [10001094] Mathematical Physics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL [10005881] Mathematical Physics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS [2778] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B: ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS [2776] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER [1057246] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONFERENCE SERIES [2150487] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS [2780] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: D1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS [2781] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q1 JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL ANTHROPOLOGY [10014422] Anthropology: Q1 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10007121] Physiology: Q3 JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY [13655] Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY [13656] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON [1000011] Physiology: D1 Sports Science: D1 JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY (PARIS 1992-) [1209643] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 JOURNAL OF PHYSIOTHERAPY [10016001] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 JOURNAL OF PHYTOPATHOLOGY-PHYTOPATHOLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [2792] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Physiology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF PIDGIN AND CREOLE LANGUAGES [10001562] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF PINEAL RESEARCH [2793] Endocrinology: D1 JOURNAL OF PIPELINE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND PRACTICE [10048874] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF PLACE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT [10032516] Business and International Management: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Marketing: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF PLANKTON RESEARCH [2794] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 JOURNAL OF PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT LAW [10027764] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Law: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 JOURNAL OF PLANNING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH [38900] Development: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Urban Studies: D1 Journal of Planning History [10057572] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF PLANNING LITERATURE [10001432] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [2795] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOLOGY [10003335] Plant Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY [1021889] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF PLANT DISEASES AND PROTECTION [10005879] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY [10011669] Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION [2796] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF PLANT INTERACTIONS [10015796] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION [2797] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Physiology: Q4 JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION AND SOIL SCIENCE [10000866] Plant Science: Q1 Soil Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY [10001269] Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY [2798] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Physiology: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF PLANT PROTECTION RESEARCH [10016823] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PLANT REGISTRATIONS [10011670] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Genetics: Q4 JOURNAL OF PLANT RESEARCH [2799] Plant Science: Q1 Journal of Plant Resources and Environment [10059338] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Physiology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCES [10034430] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS [2800] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Journal of Plastic Dermatology [10044236] Dermatology: Q4 JOURNAL OF PLASTIC FILM & SHEETING [18896] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 JOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY [10007122] Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF PLASTIC SURGERY AND HAND SURGERY [10023035] Surgery: Q2 Journal of Poetry Therapy [10080446] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q3 JOURNAL OF POLICE AND CRIMINAL PSYCHOLOGY [10058418] Applied Psychology: Q3 Law: Q2 Journal of Police Crisis Negotiations [10051202] Applied Psychology: Q4 Law: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism [10070056] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT [5340] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Public Administration: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF POLICY AND PRACTICE IN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES [10015226] Health (social science): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF POLICY HISTORY [10028527] Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF POLICY MODELING [5341] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Journal of Policy Practice [10079548] Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF POLICY RESEARCH IN TOURISM LEISURE AND EVENTS [10048214] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF POLITENESS RESEARCH-LANGUAGE BEHAVIOUR CULTURE [10012053] Communication: D1 Cultural Studies: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Social Psychology: D1 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECOLOGY: CASE STUDIES IN HISTORY AND SOCIETY [10067979] Ecology: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY [5343] Economics and Econometrics: D1 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES [10025767] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL MARKETING [10034708] Marketing: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL & MILITARY SOCIOLOGY [5344] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY [38906] Philosophy: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL POWER [10035626] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE EDUCATION [10068304] Education: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF POLITICS [5342] Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF POLITICS IN LATIN AMERICA [10060007] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF POLYMER ENGINEERING [2801] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 JOURNAL OF POLYMER MATERIALS [10007123] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH (TAIWAN) [30051] Materials Chemistry: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT [35758] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY [2802] Materials Chemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS [2803] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE [10001563] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 JOURNAL OF POPULAR FILM AND TELEVISION [10001564] Cultural Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF POPULAR MUSIC STUDIES [10032246] Music: Q1 JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS [5346] Demography: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 JOURNAL OF POPULATION RESEARCH [10056665] Demography: Q2 JOURNAL OF POPULATION THERAPEUTICS AND CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY [10087801] Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS [30054] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF POROUS MEDIA [18901] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 JOURNAL OF PORPHYRINS AND PHTHALOCYANINES [30056] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT [5347] Accounting: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF POSITIVE BEHAVIOR INTERVENTIONS [10001433] Applied Psychology: Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 JOURNAL OF POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY [10023148] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Postcolonial Writing [10069004] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 JOURNAL OF POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE [10049862] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF POSTGRADUATE MEDICINE [10009657] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF POST KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS [5348] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF POULTRY SCIENCE [10007461] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 JOURNAL OF POVERTY [10032191] Demography: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF POVERTY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE [10060901] Public Administration: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS [10011671] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES [2804] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning [10080203] Education: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Journal of Practice Teaching in Social Work and Practice [10080668] Education: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS [5349] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 JOURNAL OF PREGNANCY [10032609] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 JOURNAL OF PRE-RAPHAELITE STUDIES NEW SERIES [10001565] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF PRESBYTERIAN HISTORY [10001566] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2806] Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 JOURNAL OF PREVENTION & INTERVENTION IN THE COMMUNITY [10035299] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE AND HYGIENE [10043811] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health [10040593] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Journal of Primary Care and Community Health [10072265] Community and Home Care: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Journal of Primary Health Care [10041873] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF PRIMARY PREVENTION [10015227] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PRIME RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS [10029361] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF PRIVATE ENTERPRISE [10021484] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF PRIVATE EQUITY [10068427] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS [10029141] Statistics and Probability: Q4 JOURNAL OF PROCESS CONTROL [13674] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 JOURNAL OF PRODUCT AND BRAND MANAGEMENT [10030801] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Marketing: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT [2808] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 JOURNAL OF PRODUCTIVITY ANALYSIS [38912] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF PROFESSIONAL ISSUES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION AND PRACTICE [18908] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Industrial Relations: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF PROFESSIONAL NURSING [38914] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Progressive Human Services [10076664] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PROMOTION MANAGEMENT [10043516] Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF PROPERTY INVESTMENT AND FINANCE [10078175] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF PROPERTY RESEARCH [10019945] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER [2810] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY [2811] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oral Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS [10001567] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTIC RESEARCH [10031399] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Oral Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS-IMPLANT ESTHETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE DENTISTRY [10023036] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings [10076665] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 JOURNAL OF PROTEIN CHEMISTRY [2812] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Bioengineering: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH [10000867] Biochemistry: Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS [10008656] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q1 JOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS AND BIOINFORMATICS [10033587] Biochemistry: Q4 Cell Biology: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 JOURNAL OF PSEUDO-DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS AND APPLICATIONS [10052069] Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC AND MENTAL HEALTH NURSING [10009456] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q1 Journal of Psychiatric Intensive Care [10063921] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC PRACTICE [10015797] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH [2814] Biological Psychiatry: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY AND LAW [10027768] Law: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY & NEUROSCIENCE [5352] Biological Psychiatry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS [5353] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT [5354] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Education: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOHISTORY [38919] History: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH [5357] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL AND EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH [10035277] Applied Psychology: Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY [5356] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Religious Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY IN AFRICA [10015228] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY: INTERDISCIPLINARY AND APPLIED [5355] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMENT [5358] Clinical Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY – GIORNALE DI PSICOPATOLOGIA [10008761] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [2815] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY [18916] Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Physiology: Q3 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOCIAL NURSING AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES [10001568] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOCIAL ONCOLOGY [38925] Applied Psychology: Q2 Oncology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY [2816] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH [2817] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF PSYCHOTHERAPY INTEGRATION [10023673] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY [10001434] Marketing: D1 Public Administration: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS [10016555] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [10025817] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC BUDGETING, ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT [10032580] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 Journal of Public Child Welfare [10079549] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC DELIBERATION [10068275] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMIC THEORY [10012054] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS [5361] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH [10001270] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY [2818] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Journal of Public Health in Africa [10072390] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH MANAGEMENT AND PRACTICE [10007381] Health Policy: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH MEDICINE [2819] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH POLICY [18921] Health Policy: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC MENTAL HEALTH [10069156] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY [10023149] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC POLICY & MARKETING [5363] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Marketing: Q1 Journal of Public Procurement [10080894] Public Administration: Q3 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC RELATIONS RESEARCH [10015229] Public Administration: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION [10033048] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Transportation: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF PULP AND PAPER SCIENCE [2820] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Media Technology: Q1 Journal of Punjab Academy of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology [10062446] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 JOURNAL OF PUNJAB STUDIES [10025778] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 JOURNAL OF PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT [10021486] Marketing: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED ALGEBRA [2821] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY [10012751] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 JOURNAL OF QUALITY [10056252] Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 JOURNAL OF QUALITY ASSURANCE IN HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM [10044812] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF QUALITY IN MAINTENANCE ENGINEERING [10035954] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF QUALITY TECHNOLOGY [2822] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports [10080669] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE CRIMINOLOGY [38932] Law: D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE LINGUISTICS [1312577] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER [2823] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Radiation: Q1 Spectroscopy: Q1 JOURNAL OF QUATERNARY SCIENCE [2824] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Paleontology: D1 Journal of Qur'anic Studies [10080895] Religious Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH [2825] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Radiation: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 JOURNAL OF RADIOANALYTICAL AND NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY [10006428] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 Pollution: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q3 Journal of Radio and Audio Media [10080448] Communication: Q3 JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGICAL PROTECTION [10003340] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Journal of Radiology Case Reports [10049857] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Journal of Radiology Nursing [10038707] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 JOURNAL OF RADIOTHERAPY IN PRACTICE [10040465] Oncology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Journal of Rail Transport Planning and Management [10080670] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 JOURNAL OF RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY [2828] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Spectroscopy: Q1 JOURNAL OF RAPTOR RESEARCH [2830] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS [18935] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 JOURNAL OF RATIONAL-EMOTIVE AND COGNITIVE-BEHAVIOR THERAPY [10021184] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE FINANCE AND ECONOMICS [38934] Accounting: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 Urban Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE LITERATURE [10012695] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT [10021488] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE PRACTICE AND EDUCATION [10021489] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE RESEARCH [10009457] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF REAL ESTATE TAXATION [5366] Accounting: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 JOURNAL OF REAL-TIME IMAGE PROCESSING [10015798] Information Systems: Q3 JOURNAL OF RECEPTOR AND SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION [8839] Biochemistry: Q3 Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF RECEPTOR LIGAND AND CHANNEL RESEARCH [10037896] Biochemistry: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Pharmacology: Q3 JOURNAL OF RECONSTRUCTIVE MICROSURGERY [2832] Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF REFRACTIVE SURGERY [8843] Ophthalmology: D1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF REFUGEE STUDIES [10012055] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 JOURNAL OF REGIONAL ANALYSIS AND POLICY [10016796] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE [5367] Development: D1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Journal of registry management [10080204] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF REGULATORY ECONOMICS [5368] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION [5369] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE [35801] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: Q2 Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, Supplement [10075325] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT [2834] Rehabilitation: Q1 JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES [2836] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETING [10078882] Marketing: Q3 JOURNAL OF RELIGION [10001569] Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY IN SOCIAL WORK [10057921] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Religious Studies: D1 Social Work: Q4 JOURNAL OF RELIGION & HEALTH [5371] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 Religious Studies: D1 Journal of Religion in Africa [10076669] History: Q1 Religious Studies: Q1 Journal of Religion in Europe [10057226] Religious Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF RELIGION IN JAPAN [10080896] Religious Studies: Q3 Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging [10079349] Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS ETHICS [10001570] Religious Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS HISTORY [10001571] History: D1 Religious Studies: D1 Journal of Religious & Theological Information [10063289] Religious Studies: Q2 Journal of Remanufacturing [10087803] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 Journal of Renal Care [10039364] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q1 Nephrology: Q3 JOURNAL OF RENAL NUTRITION [10001271] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nephrology: Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY [10015799] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Journal of Reports in Pharmaceutical Sciences [10061625] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND CONTRACEPTION [10014350] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT [1147782] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTION AND INFERTILITY [10061415] Reproductive Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY [10001057] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE IMMUNOLOGY [2838] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE [2839] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND PRACTICE IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [35809] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q3 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN CHILDHOOD EDUCATION [10063499] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN CRIME AND DELINQUENCY [5372] Social Psychology: D1 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN EDUCATION SCIENCES [10071242] Education: Q4 Journal of Research in Health Sciences [10057928] Epidemiology: Q4 Health Policy: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN INTERACTIVE MARKETING [10079770] Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION [10078883] Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP [10078176] Business and International Management: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MEDICAL SCIENCES [10015800] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MUSIC EDUCATION [10001572] Education: Q2 Music: D1 Journal of Research in Nursing [10040297] Research and Theory: Q3 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PERSONALITY [5374] Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 Social Psychology: D1 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN READING [10003343] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN SCIENCE TEACHING [5375] Education: D1 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS [10042260] Education: Q2 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY [2840] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON ADOLESCENCE [38941] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Journal of Research on Christian Education [10075327] Education: Q4 Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON EDUCATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS [10033049] Education: D1 JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION [10071007] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Education: D1 Journal of Research Practice [10065824] Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF RESIDUALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [10007125] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 Journal of Retail and Leisure Property [10080205] Business and International Management: Q3 Finance: Q4 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 JOURNAL OF RETAILING [5376] Marketing: D1 JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES [10017271] Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF REVENUE AND PRICING MANAGEMENT (RPM) [10072227] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF RHEOLOGY [2841] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY [2842] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Rheumatology: Q1 Journal of Rheumatology and Medical Rehabilitation [10071186] Rehabilitation: Q4 Rheumatology: Q4 JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY: SUPPLEMENT [10063209] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF RISK [10010242] Finance: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF RISK AND INSURANCE [5377] Accounting: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY [5378] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 Journal of Risk Finance [10079350] Accounting: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF RISK MODEL VALIDATION [10021492] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 JOURNAL OF RISK RESEARCH [10003344] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF RNAI AND GENE SILENCING [10010134] Biochemistry: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC SURGERY [10052082] Health Informatics: Q4 Surgery: Q3 JOURNAL OF ROBOTIC SYSTEMS [2843] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Journal of Robotics [10046148] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics [10049796] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY [10029217] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Classics: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 JOURNAL OF ROMAN STUDIES [10001574] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Classics: D1 History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 JOURNAL OF RUBBER RESEARCH [10011672] Organic Chemistry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF RURAL COOPERATION [41547] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT [5380] Development: Q4 JOURNAL OF RURAL HEALTH [38951] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF RURAL STUDIES [5381] Development: Q1 Forestry: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF RUSSIAN LASER RESEARCH [18956] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF SAFETY RESEARCH: A SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH FORUM [5383] Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 Journal of SAFOG [10072490] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 JOURNAL OF SANDWICH STRUCTURES & MATERIALS [10001273] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF SAUDI CHEMICAL SOCIETY [10028415] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF SCANDINAVIAN STUDIES IN CRIMINOLOGY AND CRIME PREVENTION [10035895] Law: Q2 JOURNAL OF SCHEDULING [10001274] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Software: Q1 JOURNAL OF SCHOLARLY PUBLISHING [5384] Education: Q3 Media Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF SCHOOL CHOICE [10072424] Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF SCHOOL HEALTH [5385] Education: Q1 Philosophy: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF SCHOOL NURSING [10015230] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY [5386] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Education: D1 Journal of School Violence [10057745] Education: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT [10001275] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE TROPICS [10012525] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Multidisciplinary: Q3 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY MANAGEMENT [10074690] Industrial Relations: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE COMMUNICATION [10059735] Communication: Q2 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY [10015231] Education: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION: REVISTA DE EDUCACION EN CIENCIAS [10018800] Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF SCIENCES, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN [10019370] Multidisciplinary: Q3 JOURNAL OF SCIENCE TEACHER EDUCATION [10076671] Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING [10003348] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Software: D1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 Journal of Scientific Exploration [10049494] Multidisciplinary: Q3 JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH [2854] Multidisciplinary: Q1 JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH [13721] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 JOURNAL OF SECOND LANGUAGE WRITING [10001436] Education: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 JOURNAL OF SECURITY AND SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES [10035732] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 JOURNAL OF SEDIMENTARY RESEARCH [13722] Geology: Q1 Journal of Seed Science [10071430] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF SEISMIC EXPLORATION [18965] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY [24483] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 JOURNAL OF SEMANTICS [10009729] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 JOURNAL OF SEMICONDUCTORS (UK) [10045159] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science [10023037] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 JOURNAL OF SEMITIC STUDIES [10001575] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF SENSORS [10038511] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 JOURNAL OF SENSORY STUDIES [18966] Food Science: Q1 Sensory Systems: Q3 JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE [10007741] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Filtration and Separation: Q1 JOURNAL OF SERVICE MANAGEMENT [10012056] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF SERVICE RESEARCH [10007382] Information Systems: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF SERVICE THEORY AND PRACTICE [10066735] Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF SEX & MARITAL THERAPY [5388] Clinical Psychology: Q1 JOURNAL OF SEX RESEARCH [5389] Gender Studies: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF SEXUAL AGGRESSION: AN INTERNATIONAL, INTERDISCIPLINARY FORUM FOR RESEARCH, THEORY AND PRACTICE [10028528] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE [10007126] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 Urology: Q1 JOURNAL OF SHANGHAI JIATONG UNIVERSITY [10031512] Multidisciplinary: Q3 Journal of Shanghai University [10058897] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH [8867] Aquatic Science: Q2 Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies [10080671] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Law: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF SHIP PRODUCTION AND DESIGN [10051956] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF SHIP RESEARCH [2859] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF SHOULDER AND ELBOW SURGERY [24487] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Sports Science: D1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITY (MEDICAL SCIENCE EDITION) [10037958] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 JOURNAL OF SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO TECHNOLOGY [10009658] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Signal Processing: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF SIMULATION [10033051] Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Software: Q2 JOURNAL OF SINGULARITIES [10023840] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 JOURNAL OF SKIN CANCER [10018655] Dermatology: Q1 Oncology: Q2 JOURNAL OF SLAVIC MILITARY STUDIES [10025779] History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH [2860] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF SMALL ANIMAL PRACTICE [2861] Small Animals: Q1 JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT [10018437] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT [38961] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF SMOKING CESSATION [10030947] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF SMOOTH MUSCLE RESEARCH [10054591] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q4 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY [5391] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS [5395] Communication: Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ARCHAEOLOGY [10033052] Archeology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Social Development in Africa [10076675] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP [10031337] Business and International Management: Q2 Development: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL EVOLUTIONARY, AND CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY [10067302] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HISTORY [5393] History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ISSUES [5394] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL MARKETING [10035304] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Marketing: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY [10015232] Philosophy: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY [5396] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Public Administration: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Social Work: D1 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES [5397] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [5398] Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH AND POLICY [10012298] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SERVICE RESEARCH [38970] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL STRUCTURE [10056331] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WELFARE AND FAMILY LAW [10027780] Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK [10015233] Health (social science): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Work: Q1 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION [5399] Education: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Work: Q2 Journal of Social Work in Disability and Rehabilitation [10079551] Rehabilitation: Q3 Social Work: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK IN END-OF-LIFE AND PALLIATIVE CARE [10033474] Health (social science): Q3 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Work: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE [38972] Drug Guides: Q2 Health (social science): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q3 Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions [10067876] Health (social science): Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 Social Work: Q4 JOURNAL OF SOCIOLINGUISTICS [10003349] History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Philosophy: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY [38973] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL WELFARE [10061343] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE [10032093] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Software: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING [10034443] Software: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE-EVOLUTION AND PROCESS [10048097] Software: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE AND EVOLUTION-RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [35843] Software: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION [2868] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF SOIL CONTAMINATION [18977] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS [10007128] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Stratigraphy: Q1 JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION [10015801] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOLAR ENERGY ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2869] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [13736] Biomaterials: Q3 Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Journal of Solid Mechanics [10070592] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY [2870] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE ELECTROCHEMISTRY [18982] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electrochemistry: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management [10042165] Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 JOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY [2871] Biochemistry: Q3 Biophysics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF SONG-YUAN STUDIES [10022203] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Journal of Soochow University Engineering Science Edition [10078884] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION [2872] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: D1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF SOUTH AFRICAN LAW / TYDSKRIF VIR DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE REG [10026863] Law: Q3 JOURNAL OF SOUTH AMERICAN EARTH SCIENCES [2852] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Geology: Q1 JOURNAL OF SOUTH ASIAN DEVELOPMENT [10023150] Business and International Management: Q3 Development: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES [5400] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOUTHEAST UNIVERSITY (ENGLISH EDITION) [10037866] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Southeast University Natural Science Edition [10051516] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN AFRICAN STUDIES [5382] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN HISTORY [10001576] History: Q2 JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY (CHINA) [10035193] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF SOUTH INDIA MEDICOLEGAL ASSOCIATION [10065642] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF SOUTH PACIFIC LAW [10027781] Law: Q4 JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS [2873] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT TECHNOLOGY [10011674] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF SPACE WEATHER AND SPACE CLIMATE [10024305] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF SPANISH CULTURAL STUDIES [10023151] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 JOURNAL OF SPATIAL HYDROLOGY [10024191] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 JOURNAL OF SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCE [10061677] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Information Systems: Q1 JOURNAL OF SPATIAL SCIENCE [10011675] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION [5401] Education: Q1 Rehabilitation: D1 JOURNAL OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATION [10043536] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS MEDICINE [10050056] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF SPECTRAL THEORY [10047926] Geometry and Topology: Q2 Mathematical Physics: Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q3 JOURNAL OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY [10064021] Philosophy: Q2 JOURNAL OF SPEECH LANGUAGE AND HEARING RESEARCH [38976] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Speech and Hearing: D1 JOURNAL OF SPINAL CORD MEDICINE [10003350] Neurology (clinical): Q2 JOURNAL OF SPINAL DISORDERS [2874] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF SPINAL DISORDERS & TECHNIQUES [10000868] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF SPIRITUALITY IN MENTAL HEALTH [10038902] Applied Psychology: Q3 Religious Studies: D1 Social Psychology: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF SPORT AND HEALTH SCIENCE [10028249] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF SPORT AND SOCIAL ISSUES [10003351] Sociology and Political Science: D1 JOURNAL OF SPORT AND TOURISM [10028747] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF SPORT & EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY [5403] Applied Psychology: Q1 Sports Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF SPORT HISTORY [5404] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q1 Sports Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF SPORT MANAGEMENT [18990] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 Journal of Sport Psychology in Action [10080449] Applied Psychology: Q3 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 JOURNAL OF SPORT REHABILITATION [18992] Biophysics: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS [10012057] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Sports Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS [2875] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE AND MEDICINE [10004802] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES [18993] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION [13744] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT [40832] Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS [2876] Mathematical Physics: Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q2 JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE [2877] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL SOFTWARE [10007129] Software: D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: D1 JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE [10019251] Statistics and Probability: Q4 JOURNAL OF STATISTICS EDUCATION [10017986] Education: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 JOURNAL OF STEM CELLS [10018545] Cell Biology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Transplantation: Q3 JOURNAL OF STEM CELLS AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE [10044926] Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 JOURNAL OF STEROID BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [2878] Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY [10073838] Oral Surgery: Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 JOURNAL OF STORED PRODUCTS RESEARCH [2880] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q1 Insect Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF STRAIN ANALYSIS FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN [2881] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS [13750] Information Systems: D1 Information Systems and Management: D1 Management Information Systems: D1 JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC MARKETING [10017420] Marketing: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC STUDIES [5406] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH [10012456] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF STROKE AND CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES [10006074] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Rehabilitation: Q1 Surgery: Q1 Journal of Structural and Construction Engineering [10079988] Architecture: Q2 Building and Construction: Q4 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS [10007439] Biochemistry: Q2 Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Structural Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY [2882] Structural Biology: Q1 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY [2883] Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING [10067716] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (ASCE) [10064576] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL FIRE ENGINEERING [10013280] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY [2885] Geology: D1 Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice [10080897] Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION [10015237] Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF STUDIES ON ALCOHOL [2886] Health (social science): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Toxicology: Q1 JOURNAL OF STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS [10007130] Health (social science): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Toxicology: Q1 JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT [5408] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatric Mental Health: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF SUBSTANCE USE [10012261] Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Sufi Studies [10080898] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF SULFUR CHEMISTRY [10015802] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING [2888] Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY [2889] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 JOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM [10007131] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS [2890] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 JOURNAL OF SUPERHARD MATERIALS [10015803] Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT [10021497] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Information Systems: D1 Management Information Systems: D1 Marketing: D1 JOURNAL OF SUPPORTIVE ONCOLOGY [10020022] Oncology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 JOURNAL OF SURFACE INVESTIGATION: X-RAY SYNCHROTRON AND NEUTRON TECHNIQUES [40632] Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 Journal of Surface Science and Technology [10045210] Electrochemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 JOURNAL OF SURFACTANTS AND DETERGENTS [35878] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 JOURNAL OF SURGICAL EDUCATION [10015804] Education: Q1 Surgery: Q1 JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY [2891] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 Journal of surgical orthopaedic advances [10076677] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RADIOLOGY [10041943] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Surgery: Q4 JOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH [2892] Surgery: Q1 Journal of Surgical Technique and Case Report [10072601] Surgery: Q4 JOURNAL OF SURVEYING ENGINEERING-ASCE [2893] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Journal of Sustainability Science and Management [10057612] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Pollution: Q3 JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE CEMENT-BASED MATERIALS [10073200] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE FORESTRY [10041733] Food Science: Q3 Forestry: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM [2147889] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: D1 JOURNAL OF SWINE HEALTH AND PRODUCTION [35883] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Food Animals: Q3 JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC COMPUTATION [2894] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC [2895] Logic: Q2 Philosophy: D1 JOURNAL OF SYMPLECTIC GEOMETRY [10011676] Geometry and Topology: Q1 JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION [8906] Instrumentation: D1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q1 Radiation: D1 JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY JAPAN [2896] Organic Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY [10003353] Paleontology: D1 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION [10015805] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10024074] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Information Systems: Q3 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE [2897] Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE [19021] Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS CHEMISTRY [10031182] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS [10011677] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING [10011679] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE & COMPLEXITY [10011678] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Information Systems: Q3 JOURNAL OF TAIBAH UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCIENCES [10051109] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Engineering [10080672] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF TAIWAN SOCIETY OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS [10044371] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF TARGETING, MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS FOR MARKETING [10013108] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 JOURNAL OF TAXATION: A NATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS, ANALYSIS, AND COMMENTARY FOR TAX PROFESSIONALS [5409] Accounting: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 JOURNAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION [5410] Education: D1 JOURNAL OF TEACHER EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABILITY [10017898] Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF TEACHING IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS [10017421] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF TEACHING IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION [5411] Education: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q2 Journal of Teaching in Social Work [10076679] Education: Q3 Social Work: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF TEACHING IN TRAVEL AND TOURISM [10078624] Education: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 JOURNAL OF TECHNICAL WRITING AND COMMUNICATION [5412] Communication: Q3 Education: Q3 Journal of Technology [10071456] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION [10078886] Education: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY IN HUMAN SERVICES [39774] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment [10078887] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Education: Q1 JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT AND APPLIED ENGINEERING [10087806] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT & INNOVATION [10018349] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER [10012058] Accounting: Q1 Business and International Management: D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF TEHRAN UNIVERSITY HEART CENTER [10024814] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [40533] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF TELEMEDICINE AND TELECARE [30178] Health Informatics: Q1 JOURNAL OF TERRAMECHANICS [2898] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF TESTING AND EVALUATION [2899] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 JOURNAL OF TEXTILE AND APPAREL TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT [10040183] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Journal of Textile Engineering [10060845] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF TEXTURE STUDIES [2901] Food Science: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF MARKETING SCIENCE [38614] Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Marketing: D1 JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS [10028384] Food Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE ACM [12959] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Hardware and Architecture: D1 Information Systems: D1 Software: D1 JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA [2179] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION [2200] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF AUDIOLOGY [10009622] Speech and Hearing: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY [5130] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY [2206] Dermatology: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF NURSE PRACTITIONERS [10009441] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEONS [10007055] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PSYCHIATRY AND THE LAW [38637] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF RELIGION [10001578] Religious Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ANIMAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION [2207] Small Animals: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE [10007056] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF GYNECOLOGIC LAPAROSCOPISTS [2208] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN BOARD OF FAMILY MEDICINE [10007057] Family Practice: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY [2209] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [2210] Biochemistry: D1 Catalysis: D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Colloid and Surface Chemistry: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY [2211] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Journal of the American College of Certified Wound Specialists [10080207] Dermatology: Q4 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q3 Surgery: Q4 Journal of the American College of Clinical Wound Specialists [10044580] Dermatology: Q4 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q4 Surgery: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF NUTRITION [2212] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF RADIOLOGY [10028386] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS [2213] Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION [2215] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN GERIATRICS SOCIETY [2217] Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION [10024761] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HELICOPTER SOCIETY [2218] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR CONSERVATION [10001579] Conservation: Q3 Museology: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN LEATHER CHEMISTS ASSOCIATION [2219] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [13001] Applied Mathematics: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION [10009623] Health Policy: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION [2220] Health Informatics: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MOSQUITO CONTROL ASSOCIATION [2221] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MUSICAL INSTRUMENT SOCIETY [10001580] Music: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY [10001581] Music: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS SOCIETY [2222] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ORIENTAL SOCIETY [10001582] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION [10051623] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PHARMACISTS ASSOCIATION [10009624] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (nursing): D1 Pharmacy: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION [5135] Development: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Urban Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PODIATRIC MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [2223] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Podiatry: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHIATRIC NURSES ASSOCIATION [10052298] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYTIC ASSOCIATION [5136] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Clinical Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE [2224] Genetics: Q3 Horticulture: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE [2225] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Information Systems: D1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [35002] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Information Systems: D1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY [2226] Spectroscopy: Q1 Structural Biology: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF BREWING CHEMISTS [8204] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY [23689] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HYPERTENSION [10023006] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF NEPHROLOGY [2227] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nephrology: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION [2228] Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [2229] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION [13013] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE ANATOMICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA [10015894] Anatomy: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE ASIA PACIFIC ECONOMY [10012037] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Journal of the Association for History and Computing [10076685] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q3 History: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10041909] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Information Systems: D1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS: JAIS [10009443] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR LABORATORY AUTOMATION [10007724] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences [10040529] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE ASTRONAUTICAL SCIENCES [2271] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES [2275] Atmospheric Science: D1 JOURNAL OF THE AUDIO ENGINEERING SOCIETY [10007063] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Music: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND STUDENT SERVICES ASSOCIATION [10066372] Education: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY [10028391] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association [10083344] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [10000841] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY SERIES A-PURE MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS [2280] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY SERIES B-APPLIED MATHEMATICS [2281] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALIAN TRADITIONAL-MEDICINE SOCIETY [10011598] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE BAHRAIN MEDICAL SOCIETY [10042011] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE BALKAN TRIBOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION [10011599] Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology [10087808] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE BOMBAY NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY [10021952] Ecology: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas [10059387] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [13100] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN COMPUTER SOCIETY [10053666] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING [10011602] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH ARCHEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION [10078888] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH SOCIETY FOR PHENOMENOLOGY [10001583] Philosophy: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE CALIFORNIA DENTAL ASSOCIATION [10067790] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry [10048967] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE CANADIAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION [10009628] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE CANADIAN SOCIETY OF FORENSIC SCIENCE [10072483] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE CERAMIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN [10064756] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY-DALTON TRANSACTIONS [2341] Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN [2343] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE CHILEAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [10001235] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of the China Textile Institute [10076686] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CERAMIC SOCIETY [10041695] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE CHEMICAL SOCIETY [2352] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS [13144] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering [10060444] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERS [13145] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [10015722] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS [10011608] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK [10001238] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE COPYRIGHT SOCIETY OF THE USA [5189] Law: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE CZECH GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY [10007543] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geology: Q3 Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association [10043951] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Journal of the Early Book Society [10078889] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE EARLY REPUBLIC [10001584] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Journal of the Earth and Space Physics [10042177] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE ORIENT [10012043] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute [10037969] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE EGYPTIAN PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION [10035719] Community and Home Care: Q3 Health Informatics: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE EGYPTIAN SOCIETY OF PARASITOLOGY [10028614] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY [1313514] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electrochemistry: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE ENERGY INSTITUTE [10003306] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY [10015739] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SCIENCE [2454] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY [23995] Dermatology: D1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY [2471] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION [10007375] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [10001247] Applied Mathematics: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN OPTICAL SOCIETY-RAPID PUBLICATIONS [10011623] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF BEHAVIOR [2473] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE KYUSHU UNIVERSITY [2483] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE FORMOSAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [13317] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE FRANKLIN INSTITUTE-ENGINEERING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS [2508] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE GEODETIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN [10004989] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY [2524] Geology: D1 JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA [2523] Geology: Q3 Journal of the Geothermal Research Society of Japan [10087809] Geophysics: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE GILDED AGE AND PROGRESSIVE ERA [10033035] History: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE HELLENIC VETERINARY MEDICAL SOCIETY [10028402] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of the Historical Society [10080450] History: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY [2544] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF COLLECTIONS [10030403] Conservation: Q2 Museology: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Journal of the history of dentistry [10076693] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT [10017423] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF IDEAS: AN INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY DEVOTED TO INTELLECTUAL HISTORY [5266] Philosophy: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [10025790] History: Q2 Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND ALLIED SCIENCES [2545] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 History: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY [10001586] Philosophy: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SEXUALITY [5267] History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES [5264] History: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF THE NEUROSCIENCES [10009638] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of the Hokkaido University, Faculty of Science, Series VII: Geophysics [10076695] Geophysics: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology [10039389] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE HYDRAULICS ENGINEERING-ASCE [2554] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE ICRU [10040377] Biophysics: Q4 Radiation: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE IEST [18595] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY [10051208] Applied Psychology: Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF WOOD SCIENCE [10017590] Biomaterials: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INDIANA DENTAL ASSOCIATION [10077786] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [2570] Drug Discovery: Q4 Electrochemistry: Q4 Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE SECTION C-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10064843] Multidisciplinary: Q2 Journal of the Indian Medical Association [10087811] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of the Indian Ocean Region [10080451] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science [10080673] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF BREWING [2558] Food Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF CONSERVATION [10069436] Conservation: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Media Technology: Q2 Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan [10074342] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF IMAGE ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS OF JAPAN [10039996] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS OF JUSSIEU [10007104] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONALS [10011633] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTION OF BRITISH TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERS [35460] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Aerospace Engineering Journal [10058654] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Agricultural Engineering Division [10076700] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Architectural Engineering Division [10076701] Architecture: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Chemical Engineering Division [10068150] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS (INDIA): CIVIL ENGINEERING DIVISION [10076702] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Electrical Engineering Division [10043956] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Environmental Engineering Division [10076703] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Mechanical Engineering Division [10050526] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers. India. Mining Engineering Division [10080208] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part CP: Computer Engineering Division [10076696] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part MM: Metallurgy and Material Science Division [10076697] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part MR: Marine Engineering Division [10076698] Ocean Engineering: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part PR: Production Engineering Division [10050528] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part TX: Textile Engineering Division [10076699] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A [10045129] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Architecture: Q3 Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B [10085272] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C [10065856] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series D [10061453] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series E [10083753] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INTENSIVE CARE SOCIETY [10039314] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Critical Care Nursing: Q3 Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies [10080209] Business and International Management: Q4 Education: Q4 Law: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF PERIODONTOLOGY [10013173] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY [10023022] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR SHELL AND SPATIAL STRUCTURES [42222] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (Chicago, Ill. : 2002) [10078890] Dermatology: Q2 Immunology: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care [10073339] Dermatology: Q3 Immunology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY [29761] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ASSOCIATION [10012748] Anthropology: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q2 Journal of the International Society for Southeast Asian Agricultural Sciences [10075301] Plant Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION [10015755] Food Science: Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE IRANIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [10007105] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE IRANIAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY, JIRSS [20064960] Statistics and Probability: Q4 Journal of the Irish Dental Association [10064009] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN DIABETES SOCIETY [10038026] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q3 Journal of the Japan Epilepsy Society [10049462] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE AND INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIES [5282] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Journal of the Japanese Physical Therapy Association [10076708] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS [2592] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE [10000856] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q3 Journal of the Japan Research Association for Textile End-Uses [10056617] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of the Japan Welding Society [10061290] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE KANSAS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY [2596] Insect Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY [10030958] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY [10006080] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN CERAMIC SOCIETY [10023744] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [10031393] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [10001256] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [10015776] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY [8595] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION [10012690] Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography [10065048] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY [10011642] Statistics and Probability: Q3 Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology [10037816] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE LEARNING SCIENCES [38835] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Education: D1 JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS SOCIETY [10015778] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE LIAQUAT UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES [10040293] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [2011617] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF THE LOUISIANA STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY [10013466] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [10080452] Cultural Studies: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 History: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM [2622] Aquatic Science: Q2 Journal of the Massachusetts Dental Society [10076711] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN [2642] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS [10009642] Biomaterials: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS [2646] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF GEORGIA [10005903] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF THAILAND [10036423] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION [10001055] Health Informatics: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of the Medical Society of Toho University [10053129] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN [2660] Atmospheric Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE MEXICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [10011650] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of the Middle East and Africa [10081409] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE MIDWEST MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION [10001587] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Journal of the Mine Ventilation Society of South Africa [10076712] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Journal of the Mississippi State Medical Association [10076713] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa [10080210] Music: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE MONOGRAPHS [10027953] Cancer Research: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK [10023029] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: Q1 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology [10056629] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [2686] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION OF SRI LANKA [10015788] Multidisciplinary: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES [2702] Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Journal of the New England Water Works Association [10076716] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 Journal of the New Jersey Dental Association [10076717] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE NEW YORK ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY [2713] Insect Science: Q3 Journal of the New York State Nurses Association [10076718] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC [10031928] Anthropology: Q2 Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 JOURNAL OF THEOLOGICAL STUDIES [10001596] Religious Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY [2729] Management Information Systems: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Marketing: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONS RESEARCH SOCIETY OF JAPAN [2730] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A: OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION [2732] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA B: OPTICAL PHYSICS [2733] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF KOREA [10011664] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH [10042414] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10035096] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS [10005716] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (IRANIAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL) [10024912] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics [20068017] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology [10076728] Philosophy: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY [2902] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL & COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY [10003354] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL POLITICS [38986] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITY [13772] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 Journal of the Osaka City Medical Center [10047446] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE PAKISTAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION [10018487] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE PALAEONTOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA [10033045] Paleontology: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE PANCREAS (JOP) [10017951] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Hepatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES SOCIETY [10073459] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM [30004] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY (JPH) [10024918] History: Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE PHILOSOPHY OF SPORT [5338] Health (social science): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sports Science: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN [2788] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF THE POLYNESIAN SOCIETY [5345] Cultural Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR CACTUS DEVELOPMENT [10007124] Horticulture: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE RAMANUJAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [10005216] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN-ALDOSTERONE SYSTEM [10001272] Endocrinology: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY [10009195] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 JOURNAL OF THERMAL BIOLOGY: ENVIRONMENT EVOLUTION AND MEDICINE [2904] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Biochemistry: Q3 Developmental Biology: Q3 Physiology: Q3 JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE [10011681] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS [10066733] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10011682] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Instrumentation: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THERMAL SPRAY TECHNOLOGY [13775] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 JOURNAL OF THERMAL STRESSES [2905] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Journal of Thermodynamics [10063502] Biophysics: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Thermoelectricity [10080899] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS AND HEAT TRANSFER [2906] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 JOURNAL OF THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS [2907] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England [10076721] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ANTHROPOLOGICAL INSTITUTE [38949] Anthropology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS [10033050] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY [10001589] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF EDINBURGH [10020197] Education: Q3 History: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL MUSICAL ASSOCIATION [10001590] Music: Q2 Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service [10076722] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE [10003345] Biochemistry: Q1 Bioengineering: Q1 Biomaterials: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Biophysics: D1 Biotechnology: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE [2846] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Supplement [10076723] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF NEW ZEALAND [2847] Multidisciplinary: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA [10052061] Multidisciplinary: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES A-STATISTICS IN SOCIETY [2848] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES B-STATISTICAL METHODOLOGY [13717] Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: D1 JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES C-APPLIED STATISTICS [24472] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE SAUDI HEART ASSOCIATION [10037454] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE SAUDI SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES [10024928] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE [2853] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Biotechnology: Q2 Food Science: Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY [30123] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN SOCIETY FOR COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS [10020669] Computational Mechanics: Q4 Journal of the Showa Medical Association [10057377] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES [10021508] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR AMERICAN MUSIC [10036232] Music: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR GYNECOLOGIC INVESTIGATION [2865] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION DISPLAY [10007127] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Journal of the Society for Integrative Oncology [10079553] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF EUROPE [10023391] Anthropology: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS [10001591] Architecture: Q3 History: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics [10076725] Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LEATHER TECHNOLOGISTS AND CHEMISTS [2866] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION [10016257] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERING [10011673] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN VETERINARY ASSOCIATION [2851] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGY [2850] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE SOUTHWEST [10001593] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS [10011680] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE ASSOCIATION [10078181] Business and International Management: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE TEXTILE INSTITUTE [2900] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY [13781] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Journal of the University of Malaya Medical Centre [10076727] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT-ASCE [2926] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF THE VACUUM SOCIETY OF JAPAN [10041729] Instrumentation: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Spectroscopy: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Journal of the Virtual Explorer [10037206] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geology: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 Journal of the Wakayama Medical Society [10066603] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF THE WARBURG AND COURTAULD INSTITUTES [10001594] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE WORLD AQUACULTURE SOCIETY [10019400] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Aquatic Science: Q3 Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists [10051986] Orthodontics: Q3 JOURNAL OF THE YAMASHINA INSTITUTE FOR ORNITHOLOGY [10079351] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 JOURNAL OF THIRD WORLD STUDIES [10025791] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY [2908] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE [10036429] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF THORACIC IMAGING [2909] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY [10007132] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: D1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS [10001276] Hematology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND THROMBOLYSIS [30192] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Hematology: Q2 JOURNAL OF THYROID RESEARCH [10016056] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 JOURNAL OF TIME SERIES ANALYSIS [10000869] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING [10050883] Biomaterials: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE [10009660] Biomaterials: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF TISSUE VIABILITY [10028417] Dermatology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 JOURNAL OF TOPOLOGY [10010743] Geometry and Topology: Q1 Journal of Topology and Analysis [10023038] Analysis: Q1 Geometry and Topology: Q1 JOURNAL OF TORT LAW [10027789] Law: Q2 JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND CULTURAL CHANGE [10023152] Cultural Studies: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 Transportation: Q3 JOURNAL OF TOURISM HISTORY [10080453] Cultural Studies: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 History: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 Transportation: Q4 JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10015807] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Toxicology: Q3 JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY [10015806] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY [10083524] Pharmacology: Q2 Toxicology: Q3 JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A [24554] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART B-CRITICAL REVIEWS [24555] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Toxicology: D1 JOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY [8925] Biochemistry: Q3 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE [10044737] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE [10023039] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Journal of Traditional Medicines [10074897] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q4 JOURNAL OF TRANSATLANTIC STUDIES [10030959] History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 JOURNAL OF TRANSCULTURAL NURSING [10009459] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF TRANSFORMATIVE EDUCATION [10079062] Education: Q4 JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE [10007133] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Journal of Transnational American Studies [10060542] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Communication: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL MANAGEMENT [10013205] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT AND LAND USE [10049785] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Transportation: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING-ASCE [2917] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Transportation: Q2 JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION SAFETY & SECURITY [10058934] Safety Research: Q1 Transportation: Q2 Journal of Transportation Security [10080211] Law: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Safety Research: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Transportation: Q3 JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT ECONOMICS AND POLICY [5414] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Transportation: Q2 JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY [10009460] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Transportation: Q1 JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT HISTORY [10017424] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 History: Q2 Transportation: Q4 JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND ACUTE CARE SURGERY [10022467] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND DISSOCIATION [10015238] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF TRAUMA: INJURY INFECTION AND CRITICAL CARE [2918] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF TRAUMA MANAGEMENT AND OUTCOMES [10013766] Emergency Medicine: Q1 JOURNAL OF TRAUMA NURSING [10048679] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Critical Care Nursing: Q3 Emergency Nursing: Q2 JOURNAL OF TRAUMATIC STRESS [5416] Clinical Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF TRAVEL AND TOURISM MARKETING [10006449] Marketing: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF TRAVEL MEDICINE [35918] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH [42822] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: D1 Transportation: D1 JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2919] Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 Journal of Tropical Agriculture [10079775] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF TROPICAL ECOLOGY [2920] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF TROPICAL FOREST SCIENCE [10003355] Forestry: Q2 JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE [10036788] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q3 Parasitology: Q2 JOURNAL OF TROPICAL METEOROLOGY [10015808] Atmospheric Science: Q4 JOURNAL OF TROPICAL PEDIATRICS [2922] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Journal of Trust Research [10073632] Applied Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2923] Mechanical Engineering: Q1 JOURNAL OF TURBULENCE [10000870] Computational Mechanics: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF TURKISH-GERMAN GYNAECOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION [10012244] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 JOURNAL OF TURKISH SCIENCE EDUCATION [10070961] Applied Psychology: Q3 Education: Q3 Journal of Ultrasound [10038055] Internal Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 JOURNAL OF ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE [1394654] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Journal of Uncertain Systems [10050427] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q3 JOURNAL OF UNDERGRADUATE NEUROSCIENCE EDUCATION [10061919] Education: Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE [2148425] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 Journal of University of Science and Technology of China [10043209] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 JOURNAL OF UOEH [10066608] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 JOURNAL OF URBAN AFFAIRS [38990] Sociology and Political Science: D1 Urban Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING [10072914] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Urban Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF URBAN AND REGIONAL ANALYSIS [10031826] Urban Studies: Q3 JOURNAL OF URBAN DESIGN [10073197] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS [5417] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Urban Studies: D1 JOURNAL OF URBAN HEALTH-BULLETIN OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE [19054] Health (social science): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY [5418] History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF URBANISM: INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH ON PLACEMAKING AND URBAN SUSTAINABILITY [10066444] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal [10080674] Urban Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF URBAN TECHNOLOGY [38994] Urban Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [2928] Urology: D1 JOURNAL OF VACATION MARKETING: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY INDUSTRIES [10017425] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 JOURNAL OF VACCINES AND VACCINATION [10042269] Drug Discovery: Q4 Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Virology: Q4 JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS [2929] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY B: NANOTECHNOLOGY AND MICROELECTRONICS [10047422] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 JOURNAL OF VALUE INQUIRY [10001597] Law: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF VASCULAR ACCESS [10011684] Nephrology: Q3 Surgery: Q2 JOURNAL OF VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY [13803] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 Journal of Vascular Nursing [10049856] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q2 JOURNAL OF VASCULAR RESEARCH [2931] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Physiology: Q2 JOURNAL OF VASCULAR SURGERY [2932] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Surgery: D1 JOURNAL OF VECTOR BORNE DISEASES [10023040] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Parasitology: Q3 JOURNAL OF VECTOR ECOLOGY [13806] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE [2933] Ecology: D1 Plant Science: D1 JOURNAL OF VENOMOUS ANIMALS AND TOXINS INCLUDING TROPICAL DISEASES [10007135] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Parasitology: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY [13808] Paleontology: Q1 JOURNAL OF VESTIBULAR RESEARCH-EQUILIBRIUM & ORIENTATION [19066] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q4 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY BEHAVIOR: CLINICAL APPLICATIONS AND RESEARCH [10009662] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY CARDIOLOGY [10037453] Physiology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY CLINICS [10037458] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DENTISTRY [10000871] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY DIAGNOSTIC INVESTIGATION [2934] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY EMERGENCY AND CRITICAL CARE [10007136] Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY INTERNAL MEDICINE [2935] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL EDUCATION [19071] Education: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICAL SCIENCE [2938] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES A [2936] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES B - INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND VETERINARY PUBLIC HEALTH [2937] Epidemiology: Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY [10014347] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS [2939] Pharmacology: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH [10088001] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH (IRAN) [10037648] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCE [10009663] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology [10042064] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME [2940] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL [30231] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Automotive Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 JOURNAL OF VIBRATION ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGIES [10051847] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF VIBRATIONS IN PHYSICAL SYSTEMS [10065704] Mechanics of Materials: Q4 JOURNAL OF VIBROENGINEERING [10011686] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 JOURNAL OF VICTORIAN CULTURE [10015239] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 JOURNAL OF VINYL AND ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY [10007137] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Marketing: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 Journal of Viral Entry [10080212] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology: Q4 Virology: Q4 JOURNAL OF VIRAL HEPATITIS [13816] Hepatology: Q1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Virology: Q2 JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS [2942] Virology: Q3 JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY [2941] Immunology: Q1 Insect Science: D1 Microbiology: D1 Virology: D1 JOURNAL OF VISCERAL SURGERY [10015809] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF VISION [10003357] Ophthalmology: D1 Sensory Systems: Q1 JOURNAL OF VISUAL ART PRACTICE [10071125] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION [13819] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Media Technology: Q1 Signal Processing: Q2 JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION IN MEDICINE [10069145] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 JOURNAL OF VISUAL CULTURE [10023153] Communication: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 JOURNAL OF VISUAL IMPAIRMENT & BLINDNESS [5420] Ophthalmology: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF VISUALIZATION [10001278] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 JOURNAL OF VISUAL LANGUAGES AND COMPUTING [13821] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL BEHAVIOR [5421] Applied Psychology: Q1 Education: D1 Life-span and Life-course Studies: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING [10065362] Education: Q2 Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation [10076737] Occupational Therapy: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 JOURNAL OF VOICE [2943] LPN and LVN: Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q2 JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH [2944] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND SEISMOLOGY [10011687] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geology: Q2 Geophysics: Q3 JOURNAL OF WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE [10023041] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF WATER AND HEALTH [10007138] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF WATER AND LAND DEVELOPMENT [10023373] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Development: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 JOURNAL OF WATER CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY [10015810] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF WATER LAW [10025624] Law: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q4 JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT [2945] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Water Science and Technology: D1 JOURNAL OF WATER REUSE AND DESALINATION [10045537] Filtration and Separation: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF WATER SANITATION AND HYGIENE FOR DEVELOPMENT [10033055] Development: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 JOURNAL OF WATER SUPPLY RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-AQUA [30243] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 JOURNAL OF WATERWAY PORT COASTAL AND OCEAN DIVISION-ASCE [2946] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 JOURNAL OF WEALTH MANAGEMENT [10079990] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 JOURNAL OF WEB ENGINEERING [10009664] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Software: Q3 Journal of Web Librarianship [10079776] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 JOURNAL OF WEB SEMANTICS [10007139] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: D1 Software: D1 JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES [2948] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT [2949] Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE REHABILITATION [19090] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal of Wind Engineering [10078182] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 JOURNAL OF WIND ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIAL AERODYNAMICS [2950] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 JOURNAL OF WINE RESEARCH [10020753] Food Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q2 JOURNAL OF WINTER SCHOOL OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS [10005340] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Software: Q4 JOURNAL OF WIRELESS MOBILE NETWORKS, UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, AND DEPENDABLE APPLICATIONS [10028868] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 JOURNAL OF WOMEN & AGING [38997] Gender Studies: Q2 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering [10074876] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Gender Studies: Q2 JOURNAL OF WOMEN POLITICS & POLICY [10007383] Gender Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 JOURNAL OF WOMENS HEALTH [24610] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF WOMENS HISTORY [10001598] Gender Studies: Q3 History: Q1 JOURNAL OF WOOD CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY [2951] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF WOOD SCIENCE [30252] Biomaterials: Q3 Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health [10049217] Applied Psychology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 JOURNAL OF WORKPLACE LEARNING [10076739] Development: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 JOURNAL OF WORLD BUSINESS [39000] Business and International Management: D1 Finance: Q1 Marketing: D1 JOURNAL OF WORLD ENERGY LAW & BUSINESS [10023154] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 JOURNAL OF WORLD HISTORY [10001599] History: D1 JOURNAL OF WORLD PREHISTORY [10001600] Archeology: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF WORLD TRADE [5422] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 JOURNAL OF WOUND CARE [10033056] Fundamentals and Skills: D1 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF WOUND OSTOMY AND CONTINENCE NURSING [10007140] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q1 Medical and Surgical Nursing: D1 Journal of Writing in Creative Practice [10080900] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Journal of Writing Research [10064078] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION [19094] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF XIAN JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY (MEDICAL SCIENCES) / XI'AN JIAOTONG DAXUE XUEBAO (YIXUE BAN) [10035147] Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL OF X-RAY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10007141] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Instrumentation: Q1 Radiation: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 JOURNAL OF YOUNG PHARMACISTS [10038874] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 JOURNAL OF YOUTH AND ADOLESCENCE [5423] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Education: D1 Social Psychology: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 JOURNAL OF YOUTH STUDIES [10015241] Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 JOURNAL OF ZANJAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES AND HEALTH SERVICES [10049376] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCIENCES [10044762] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE A [10008760] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY-SCIENCE B [10009665] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY, SCIENCE EDITION [10039573] Multidisciplinary: Q3 JOURNAL OF ZOO AND WILDLIFE MEDICINE [2952] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGICAL SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTIONARY RESEARCH [8965] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [2953] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Journal - Oklahoma Dental Association [10076552] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Journal - Oklahoma State Medical Association [10076553] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 JOURNAL ON CHAIN AND NETWORK SCIENCE [10035367] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 JOURNAL ON DATA SEMANTICS [10058891] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 JOURNAL ON MULTIMODAL USER INTERFACES [10028408] Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Signal Processing: Q2 Journal Phlebology and Lymphology [10080675] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Hematology: Q4 JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES A-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND MEDICAL SCIENCES [8518] Aging: Q1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES B-PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES [8519] Clinical Psychology: D1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 Gerontology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Social Psychology: D1 JOURNALS OF LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP: ISSUES IN LEGAL SCHOLARSHIP [10025626] Law: Q4 JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS [10020915] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 JPC - JOURNAL OF PLANAR CHROMATOGRAPHY - MODERN TLC [2960] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 JP JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, NUMBER THEORY AND APPLICATIONS [10010499] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 JP Journal of Geometry and Topology [10053792] Geometry and Topology: Q4 JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer [10053035] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 JSLS-JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF LAPAROENDOSCOPIC SURGEONS [10015995] Surgery: Q2 JUDAICA BOHEMIAE [10029442] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING [10012060] Applied Psychology: Q1 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 JUDICATURE [5432] Law: Q2 JUGOSLOVENSKA MEDICINSKA BIOHEMIJA-YUGOSLAV MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY [19126] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 JUNCTURE [10069767] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Junctures [10080213] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 JUNDISHAPUR JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [10023215] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q3 JUNDISHAPUR JOURNAL OF NATURAL PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS [10039405] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche [10079777] Applied Psychology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Juridicas [10080901] Law: Q4 Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia [10085204] Education: Q4 Jurnal Pengurusan [10057882] Accounting: Q4 Business and International Management: Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 JURNAL TEKNOLOGI [10012256] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 JUSTICE QUARTERLY [10001059] Law: D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 JUSTICE SYSTEM JOURNAL [10001060] Law: Q3 JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL [39012] Law: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 KADMOS [41934] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Classics: Q2 KAFKAS UNIVERSITESI VETERINER FAKULTESI DERGISI [10011691] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU [2983] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Kagakushi kenkyu. Journal of the history of science, Japan [10078183] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KAIBOGAKU ZASSHI / ACTA ANATOMICA NIPPONICA [10072965] Anatomy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Kajian Malaysia [10062530] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Kakuigaku [10070698] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Kami Pa Gikyoshi/Japan Tappi Journal [10076745] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q4 Kang T'ieh/Iron and Steel (Peking) [10057643] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 KANKYOU SHIGEN KOUGAKU / RESOURCES PROCESSING [10074397] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 Pollution: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 Kansenshogaku zasshi. The Journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases [10076748] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Kantian Review [10076749] Philosophy: Q2 KANT-STUDIEN [10001602] Philosophy: Q3 KANZO / ACTA HEPATOLOGICA JAPONICA [10020267] Hepatology: Q3 KAOHSIUNG JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10011692] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 KARDIOCHIRURGIA I TORAKOCHIRURGIA POLSKA [10011693] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 KARDIOLOGE [10045498] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 KARDIOLOGIA POLSKA [10004906] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 KARDIOLOGICKA REVUE [10038966] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 KARDIOLOGIYA [2984] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Kardiotechnik [10073860] Biophysics: Q4 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 KARTOGRAFIJA I GEOINFORMACIJE [10054128] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geology: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 KARTOGRAPHISCHE NACHRICHTEN [1326149] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 KASETSART JOURNAL - NATURAL SCIENCE [10038162] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences [10074313] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 KASMERA [10011694] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 KATHMANDU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL JOURNAL [10053482] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 KEATS-SHELLEY JOURNAL [10001603] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 KEATS-SHELLEY REVIEW [10001605] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 KEDI JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL POLICY [10012061] Education: Q3 Keikinzoku Yosetsu/Journal of Light Metal Welding and Construction [10076755] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 KEIO JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [2152186] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Kekkaku [10068044] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 KEMANUSIAAN: THE ASIAN JOURNAL OF HUMANITIES [10039183] Cultural Studies: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 KEMIJA U INDUSTRIJI [40096] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 KENNEDY INSTITUTE OF ETHICS JOURNAL [39013] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Kentucky nurse [10076758] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KENYON REVIEW [10001606] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Kepes [10080676] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 KERAMISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [10019841] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 KERNTECHNIK [2986] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 Radiation: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 KERYGMA UND DOGMA [10023661] Religious Studies: Q4 Kettenwirk-Praxis [10076759] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 KEW BULLETIN [10014228] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS [1374779] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Key Issues in Mental Health [10049329] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 KGK-KAUTSCHUK GUMMI KUNSTSTOFFE [10003364] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 KHIMIYA GETEROTSIKLICHESKIKH SOEDINENII [2988] Organic Chemistry: Q4 KHIRURGIIA ZHURNAL IMENI N.I. PIROGOVA/ SURGERY [10029282] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Surgery: Q4 KIDNEY AND BLOOD PRESSURE RESEARCH [13867] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Nephrology: Q2 KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL [2990] Nephrology: D1 KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL SUPPLEMENT (1974-2011) [1152529] Nephrology: Q1 KIDNEY INTERNATIONAL SUPPLEMENTS [10033064] Nephrology: Q1 KIDNEY RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE [10032512] Nephrology: Q4 Urology: Q4 KIERKEGAARD STUDIES: YEARBOOK [10019577] Philosophy: Q2 KINDERANALYSE [10022640] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Kinderkrankenschwester : Organ der Sektion Kinderkrankenpflege / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozialpadiatrie und Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde [10076767] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KINDHEIT UND ENTWICKLUNG [10003366] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 KINEMATICS AND PHYSICS OF CELESTIAL BODIES [39777] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 KINESIOLOGY [10012451] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 KINESITHERAPIE: LA REVUE [10071153] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 KINETIC AND RELATED MODELS [10011695] Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Numerical Analysis: Q2 KINETICS AND CATALYSIS [2992] Catalysis: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Kinoshi Kenkyu Kaishi/Annals of the High Performance Paper Society, Japan [10076768] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q4 KIRCHLICHE ZEITGESCHICHTE [2151629] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Kitakanto Medical Journal [10053986] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KLEINTIERPRAXIS [2993] Small Animals: Q3 Klimik Dergisi [10042742] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 KLINICHESKAIA MEDITSINA (MOSKVA) [10006360] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KLINICHNA KHIRURHIIA / MINISTERSTVO OKHORONY ZDOROV'IA UKRAÏNY, NAUKOVE TOVARYSTVO KHIRURHIV UKRAÏNY [10038120] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Surgery: Q4 KLINICKA BIOCHEMIE A METABOLISMUS [10037641] Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 KLINICKA FARMAKOLOGIE A FARMACIE [10038086] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacy: Q2 KLINICKA IMUNOLOGIA A ALERGOLOGIA [10032575] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 KLINICKA MIKROBIOLOGIE A INFEKCNI LEKARSTVI [10053286] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q4 KLINICKA ONKOLOGIE [10021498] Oncology: Q3 KLINIKA OCZNA / ACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA POLONICA [10035316] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 Klinikarzt [10036161] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KLINIK PSIKOFARMAKOLOJI BULTENI-BULLETIN OF CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [10009667] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 KLINISCHE MONATSBLATTER FUR AUGENHEILKUNDE [2994] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 KLINISCHE NEUROPHYSIOLOGIE [24659] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 KLINISCHE PADIATRIE [2995] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 KLINISCHESKAYA LABORATORNAYA DIAGNOSTIKA [10039350] Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KLIO: BEITRAGE ZUR ALTEN GESCHICHTE [10007599] Classics: Q1 History: Q2 KNEE [24661] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 KNEE SURGERY SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY ARTHROSCOPY [36019] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Sports Science: Q1 Surgery: D1 Knitting International [10076770] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 KNOB BULLETIN [10080455] Conservation: Q4 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10007142] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Software: D1 KNOWLEDGE AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS [10011696] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 KNOWLEDGE AND PROCESS MANAGEMENT: THE JOURNAL OF CORPORATE TRANSFORMATION [10017426] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS [2997] Artificial Intelligence: D1 Information Systems and Management: Q1 Management Information Systems: Q1 Software: D1 KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW [19141] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Software: Q2 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND E-LEARNING: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10070279] Education: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT RESEARCH & PRACTICE [10015245] Business and International Management: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Management Information Systems: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION [5433] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Kobe Journal of Medical Sciences [10042672] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Kobunshi [10059033] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 KOBUNSHI RONBUNSHU [2998] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 KODAI MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [10011697] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 KODIKAS CODE-ARS SEMIOTICA [2148502] Communication: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 KOEDOE: RESEARCH JOURNAL FOR NATIONAL PARKS IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA [10033065] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Kokubyo Gakkai zasshi. The Journal of the Stomatological Society, Japan [10076775] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KOKURITSU IVAKUHIN SHOKUHIN ESEI KENKYUJO HOKOKU / BULLETIN OF NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES [10065696] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KOLLOIDNYI ZHURNAL / COLLOID JOURNAL OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [1101] Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 Kompendium Orthopadie, Unfallchirurgie und Rheumatologie [10039335] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Rheumatology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 KOMUNIKACIE [40629] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Transportation: Q4 KONA POWDER AND PARTICLE JOURNAL [10008608] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 KONGQI DONGLIXUE XUEBAO: ACTA AERODYNAMICA SINICA [10032030] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 Kongzhi yu Juece/Control and Decision [10039066] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Control and Optimization: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Software: Q3 KONPYUTA SOFUTOWEA / COMPUTER SOFTWARE [10034887] Software: Q4 KONSTHISTORISK TIDSKRIFT [10001607] History: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 KONSTRUKTION ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PRODUKTENTWICKLUNG UND INGENIEUR WERKSTOFFE [10018473] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 KONTEKSTY. POLSKA SZTUKA LUDOWA: ANTROPOLOGIA KULTURY, ETNOGRAFIA, SZTUKA [10027276] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 KOOMESH [10037675] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KOREA-AUSTRALIA RHEOLOGY JOURNAL [10001283] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 KOREA JOURNAL [10001608] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL [10036125] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q2 KOREAN ECONOMIC REVIEW [10028529] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 KOREAN JOURNAL FOR FOOD SCIENCE OF ANIMAL RESOURCES [10011698] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Food Science: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF ADULT NURSING [10047237] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 KOREAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY [10031535] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [3000] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 KOREAN JOURNAL OF DEFENSE ANALYSIS [39016] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Safety Research: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 KOREAN JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY [10043029] Dermatology: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF FAMILY MEDICINE [10038258] Family Practice: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10021831] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q2 KOREAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [10042192] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [10037994] Internal Medicine: Q2 Korean Journal of Materials Research [10039039] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 KOREAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL HISTORY [10057986] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Korean Journal of Medical Mycology [10062193] Infectious Diseases: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS [10011639] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 Korean Journal of Microbiology [10047461] Microbiology: Q4 KOREAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [10021809] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 KOREAN JOURNAL OF OPHTALMOLOGY [10035711] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS [10015812] Orthodontics: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF PAIN [10023799] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY [10015813] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Parasitology: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS [10039171] Pediatrics: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOGNOSY [10040149] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY [10015814] Pharmacology: Q3 Physiology: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY [10001284] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 KOREAN JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY [10032558] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 KOREAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [10045949] Urology: Q2 Korean Journal of Veterinary Research [10042116] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 KOREA OBSERVER [10012062] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Korea: Politics, Economy and Society [10079991] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Koroze a Ochrana Materialu [10081259] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 KORRÓZIÓS FIGYELŐ [1072128] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 Kosmetische Medizin [10072248] Dermatology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 KOSMORAMA [10001609] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 KOS: RIVISTA DI MEDICINA, CULTURA E SCIENZE UMANE [10023665] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KOTUITUI: NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES ONLINE [10074886] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 KOVOVE MATERIALY / METALLIC MATERIALS [3001] Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 KÖLNER ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SOZIOLOGIE UND SOZIALPSYCHOLOGIE [10010586] Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 KRAGUJEVAC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10018576] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Kranion [10071796] Neurology (clinical): Q4 KRANKENHAUS-HYGIENE UND INFEKTIONSVERHÜTUNG [10079213] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 KRANKENHAUSPHARMAZIE [39783] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Krankenpflege. Soins infirmiers [10076782] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KRIMINALISTIK [5436] Law: Q3 KRIMINOLOGISCHES JOURNAL [10015247] Law: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 KRIOSFERA ZEMLI / EARTHS CRYOSPHERE [10087306] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 KRISIS: JOURNAL FOR CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY [10029495] Cultural Studies: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Kriterion [10079779] Philosophy: Q4 KRITERION: JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10058878] Philosophy: Q4 KRITIKA: EXPLORATIONS IN RUSSIAN AND EURASIAN HISTORY [10028816] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 KRITIKA KULTURA [10071004] Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 KRITISCHE BERICHTE [10020647] Cultural Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 KronoScope [10036517] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING [10013266] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10011702] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 KUANGWU YANSHI [10055489] Geology: Q4 Kukila [10080902] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Kulak burun bogaz ihtisas dergisi : KBB = Journal of ear, nose, and throat [10078893] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics [10037860] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Kunsthandwerk und Design [10079354] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 KUNSTITEADUSLIKKE UURIMUSI [10064110] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Kunststoffe International [10079556] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 KURUME MEDICAL JOURNAL [10046985] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Kuste [10076785] Ocean Engineering: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 KUWAIT JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & ENGINEERING [13880] Multidisciplinary: Q4 KUWAIT MEDICAL JOURNAL [10015815] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki [10053236] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 KWARTALNIK HISTORII ZYDOW [10036453] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 KYBERNETES [3005] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Information Systems: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 KYBERNETIKA [3006] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Information Systems: Q3 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 KYKLOS [5437] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Kyokai Joho Imeji Zasshi/Journal of the Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers [10066560] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q3 KYOTO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10019802] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 KYUNGPOOK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [41129] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 KYUNGSHANG / ADVANCED STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS [10028032] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 KYUSHU JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [2150473] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 L1 EDUCATIONAL STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE [10074872] Education: Q4 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 LAB ANIMALS [30316] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 LAB ON A CHIP [10007143] Biochemistry: Q1 Bioengineering: D1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 LABORATORIUMSMEDIZIN-JOURNAL OF LABORATORY MEDICINE [2147342] Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q4 LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE [3008] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 LABORATORY ANIMALS: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE AND WELFARE [3007] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 Laboratory Equipment [10079557] Assessment and Diagnosis: Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q4 LABORATORY HEMATOLOGY [10066430] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Hematology: Q3 LABORATORY INVESTIGATION [3009] Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 LABORATORY MEDICINE [3010] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 LABOR HISTORY [5439] History: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 LABOR STUDIES JOURNAL [10076790] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Labour, Capital and Society [10076792] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 LABOUR ECONOMICS [10001061] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 LABOUR HISTORY [10012064] History: Q1 Industrial Relations: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Labour History Review [10080214] History: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 LABOUR - LE TRAVAILLEUR [10001610] History: Q3 Industrial Relations: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 LABOUR: REVIEW OF LABOUR ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS [10018009] Demography: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 History: Q1 Industrial Relations: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Lace [10078185] History: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 LAEKNABLADID [10015816] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LAHIVORDLUSI. LAHIVERTAILUJA [10034764] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LAIT [3011] Biochemistry: Q3 Food Science: Q1 LAKARTIDNINGEN [10001611] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LAKE AND RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT [10001285] Aquatic Science: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 LAKES & RESERVOIRS - RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT [10001612] Water Science and Technology: Q2 LA MEDICINA DEL LAVORO [10005553] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 La Mer [10076788] Ocean Engineering: Q3 Oceanography: Q4 LANCET [3012] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10001286] Infectious Diseases: D1 LANCET NEUROLOGY [10000877] Neurology (clinical): D1 LANCET ONCOLOGY [10001287] Oncology: D1 LAND [10059470] Ecology: Q2 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 LANDBAUFORSCHUNG [3014] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 LAND CONTAMINATION AND RECLAMATION [1341895] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT [13890] Development: Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Soil Science: Q2 LAND ECONOMICS [5441] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 LANDFALL [10001613] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING [10015817] Ecology: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING [5442] Ecology: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE [10001614] Architecture: Q4 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY [3016] Ecology: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 LANDSCAPE HISTORY [10076794] History: Q2 Horticulture: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 LANDSCAPE JOURNAL: DESIGN, PLANNING, AND MANAGEMENT OF THE LAND [10080215] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 LANDSCAPE ONLINE [10068422] Ecology: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 LANDSCAPE RESEARCH [10011008] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 Landschap [10079356] Ecology: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 LANDSLIDES [10007144] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 LANDTECHNIK [2150108] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 LAND USE POLICY [39022] Forestry: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 LANGAGE ET L'HOMME [10022172] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 LANGAGE ET SOCIETE [10022171] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 LANGAGES [10005699] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LANGENBECKS ARCHIVES OF SURGERY [19163] Surgery: Q1 LANGMUIR [3018] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrochemistry: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Spectroscopy: D1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q1 LANGUAGE [5448] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LANGUAGE ACQUISITION [10015249] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LANGUAGE AND COMPUTERS : STUDIES IN PRACTICAL LINGUISTICS [10044800] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 LANGUAGE AND DIALOGUE [10030540] Cultural Studies: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 LANGUAGE AND EDUCATION [10022163] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LANGUAGE AND INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION [10015254] Communication: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS [10012065] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS COMPASS [10036522] Linguistics and Language: Q1 LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE [2148413] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 LANGUAGE AND SPEECH [5447] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q2 LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT QUARTERLY [10015250] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LANGUAGE AWARENESS [10015252] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LANGUAGE COGNITION AND NEUROSCIENCE [10038877] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LANGUAGE & COMMUNICATION [5444] Communication: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 LANGUAGE CULTURE AND CURRICULUM [10015253] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Language Dynamics and Change [10068391] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LANGUAGE & HISTORY [10028530] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 LANGUAGE IN SOCIETY [5446] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 LANGUAGE LEARNING [5445] Education: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LANGUAGE LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT [10047507] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LANGUAGE LEARNING JOURNAL [10012433] Education: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LANGUAGE LEARNING & TECHNOLOGY [10003369] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Education: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LANGUAGE MATTERS [10012066] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LANGUAGE POLICY [10022146] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 LANGUAGE PROBLEMS & LANGUAGE PLANNING [10015255] Communication: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Language related research [10060508] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 LANGUAGE RESOURCES AND EVALUATION [10003370] Education: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LANGUAGE SCIENCES [1151680] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LANGUAGES IN CONTRAST [10022143] Linguistics and Language: Q2 LANGUAGE SPEECH AND HEARING SERVICES IN SCHOOLS [39029] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Speech and Hearing: Q1 LANGUAGE TEACHING [10012887] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LANGUAGE TEACHING RESEARCH [10009462] Education: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LANGUAGE TESTING [10013542] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 LANGUAGE VARIATION AND CHANGE [10001615] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LANGUE FRANCAISE [10001616] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 L'ANNEE BALZACIENNE [10018625] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 L'ANNÉE SOCIOLOGIQUE [10013150] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 La Revue du MAUSS [10078631] Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 LARGE ANIMAL REVIEW [10015818] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 LA RICERCA FOLKLORICA [10060153] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 LA RIVISTA ITALIANA DELLA MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO / ITALIAN JOURNAL OF LABORATORY MEDICINE [10031270] Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q4 LARMBEKAMPFUNG [10079558] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q4 Pollution: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 LARYNGO-RHINO-OTOLOGIE [10029016] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 LARYNGOSCOPE [3020] Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS [3024] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 LASER CHEMISTRY [3021] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Biochemistry: Q4 Spectroscopy: Q4 LASER FOCUS WORLD [10007145] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Marketing: Q4 LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS [10009668] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 LASER PHYSICS [13901] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Instrumentation: Q2 LASER PHYSICS LETTERS [10003371] Instrumentation: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 LASERS IN ENGINEERING [19170] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 LASERS IN MEDICAL SCIENCE [3023] Dermatology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 LASERS IN SURGERY AND MEDICINE [3025] Dermatology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 LASER THERAPY [10018596] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Surgery: Q3 LATE ANTIQUE ARCHAEOLOGY [10029541] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Classics: Q1 LATE IMPERIAL CHINA [10001618] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 LATERALITY: ASYMMETRIES OF BODY BRAIN AND COGNITION [10001062] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Later Medieval Europe [10079780] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN ETHNIC STUDIES [10080456] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 LATIN AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [10001619] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 History: D1 LATIN AMERICAN APPLIED RESEARCH [36056] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 LATIN AMERICAN BUSINESS REVIEW [10031074] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 LATIN AMERICAN INDIAN LITERATURES JOURNAL [10001620] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH [10015819] Aquatic Science: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS [10079064] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Latin American journal of sedimentology and basin analysis [10070968] Geology: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 Stratigraphy: Q3 LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES [10011703] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Automotive Engineering: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES [5449] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 LATIN AMERICAN POLITICS AND SOCIETY [39032] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH REVIEW [5450] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 LATIN AMERICAN THEATRE REVIEW [10001622] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Latino Studies [10080216] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 LATOMUS [42402] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Classics: Q2 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences [10055016] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 LAVAL THEOLOGIQUE ET PHILOSOPHIQUE [10001625] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 LAVORO E DIRITTO [10013381] Law: Q3 LAW AND CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS [5451] Law: Q2 LAW AND CRITIQUE [10027983] Law: Q3 Law and Development Review [10057575] Development: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Law: Q3 Law and Economics Yearly Review [10080903] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Law: Q3 Law and Ethics of Human Rights [10080457] Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 LAW AND HISTORY REVIEW [10027979] History: Q1 Law: Q2 LAW AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR [5452] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Law: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 LAW AND HUMAN GENOME REVIEW [10027787] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LAW AND LITERATURE [10027981] Law: Q3 LAW AND PHILOSOPHY [5454] Law: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 LAW AND POLICY [10023156] Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 LAW AND PRACTICE OF INTERNATIONAL COURTS AND TRIBUNALS [10025792] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 LAW AND SOCIAL INQUIRY-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN BAR FOUNDATION [5456] Law: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 LAW CULTURE AND THE HUMANITIES [10027973] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Law: Q2 Law in Eastern Europe [10079782] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Law, Innovation and Technology [10067386] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Law: Q3 LAW LIBRARY JOURNAL [5453] Law: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 LAW PROBABILITY AND RISK [10027992] Law: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 Law, Science and Policy [10079559] Law: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 LAW & SOCIETY REVIEW [5455] Law: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 LAW TEACHER: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL EDUCATION [10027972] Education: Q3 Law: Q3 LAZAROA [10049959] Plant Science: Q3 LC GC EUROPE [1369800] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 LC GC NORTH AMERICA (1986-1999) [1285126] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 LC GC NORTH AMERICA: SOLUTION FOR SEPARATION SCIENTISTS [30339] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 LDA journal [10076799] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LDB Interior Textiles [10079214] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 LDI issue brief [10078187] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 LEADERSHIP [10015256] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING [10078632] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 LEADERSHIP AND POLICY IN SCHOOLS [10080458] Education: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 Leadership in Health Services [10050776] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Health Policy: Q3 LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL [10017629] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 LEADERSHIP QUARTERLY [39039] Applied Psychology: D1 Business and International Management: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Lean Construction Journal [10081414] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 LEARNED PUBLISHING [39044] Communication: Q1 LEARNING AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES: JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION [39041] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION [39042] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Education: D1 LEARNING AND MOTIVATION [5458] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Health (social science): Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 LEARNING AND PERCEPTION [10018587] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 LEARNING & BEHAVIOR [10001437] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 LEARNING CULTURE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION [10048840] Education: Q3 LEARNING DISABILITIES RESEARCH & PRACTICE [10033066] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 LEARNING DISABILITY QUARTERLY [5457] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Education: Q1 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q1 Learning Disability Today [10080217] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 Learning Environments Research [10079065] Communication: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Learning Imaging [10080459] Education: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 LEARNING MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY [10015257] Education: Q2 Media Technology: D1 LEARNING & MEMORY [13904] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: D1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: D1 LEARNING ORGANIZATION : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRITICAL STUDIES IN ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING [10032262] Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Leather and Footwear Journal [10080460] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 LEBENDE SPRACHEN: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR INTERLINGUALE UND INTERKULTURELLE KOMMUNIKATION [10018225] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 LECTURE NOTES IN APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS [10039946] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 LECTURE NOTES IN BUSINESS INFORMATION PROCESSING [10030116] Business and International Management: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10021661] Computational Mathematics: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTATIONAL VISION AND BIOMECHANICS [10060393] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE [3029] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 LECTURE NOTES IN CONTROL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES [1133219] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 LECTURE NOTES IN ECONOMICS AND MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS [2083675] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 LECTURE NOTES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING [10010988] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Lecture Notes in Energy [10062772] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 LECTURE NOTES IN GEOINFORMATION AND CARTOGRAPHY [10046309] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Computers in Earth Sciences: Q4 Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 LECTURE NOTES IN MATHEMATICS [3031] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 LECTURE NOTES IN PHYSICS [10003663] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 LECTURE NOTES OF THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES SOCIAL-INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING [10029834] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 LEGACY: A JOURNAL OF NINETEENTH-CENTURY AMERICAN WOMEN WRITERS [10001626] Gender Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 LEGAL AND CRIMINOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY [10003376] Applied Psychology: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 Legal Aspects of International Organization [10079561] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development [10080218] Law: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Legal History Library [10079992] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 LEGAL ISSUES OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION [10027885] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Law: Q1 LEGAL MEDICINE [10032011] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 LEGAL REFERENCE SERVICES QUARTERLY [10027879] Law: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 LEGAL STUDIES [10075190] Law: Q2 LEGAL THEORY [10027655] Law: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 LEGE ARTIS MEDICINAE [1216892] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LEGISLATIVE STUDIES QUARTERLY [5459] Sociology and Political Science: D1 LEGUME RESEARCH [10015820] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 Leibniz Review [10079993] Philosophy: Q3 LEIDEN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [10018384] Law: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Leiden Series in Comparative Historiography [10079784] History: Q3 LEISURE/LOISIR [10074895] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 LEISURE SCIENCES [5460] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: D1 LEISURE STUDIES [10017427] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 Lekar a Technika [10051251] Biophysics: Q4 LEKARSKY OBZOR [10004617] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Le Mali médical [10079560] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LE MUSÉON [10022603] History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Leo Baeck Institute Year Book [10062829] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 LEONARDO ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF PRACTICES AND TECHNOLOGIES [10034460] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 LEONARDO: JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ARTS SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY [1320814] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Music: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 LEONARDO MUSIC JOURNAL [10001627] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Music: Q3 LEPROSY REVIEW [3032] Dermatology: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ler Historia [10080677] History: Q4 Les Cahiers de l'Apliut [10080219] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Les cahiers naturalistes [10046059] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 LESNICKY CASOPIS - FORESTRY JOURNAL [40291] Forestry: Q4 LETHAIA [3033] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Paleontology: Q1 LETTERE ITALIANE [10001628] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 LETTERS IN APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY [3034] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 LETTERS IN DRUG DESIGN AND DISCOVERY [10004739] Drug Discovery: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [3035] Mathematical Physics: Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q1 LETTERS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [10001289] Biochemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 LETTERS IN PEPTIDE SCIENCE [19183] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q4 Bioengineering: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 LETTERS IN SPATIAL AND RESOURCE SCIENCES [10059998] Demography: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q3 LETTRE DE MEDECINE PHYSIQUE ET DE READAPTATION [10079785] Rehabilitation: Q4 Lettres Romanes [10078897] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 LEUKEMIA [3036] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 Cancer Research: D1 Hematology: D1 Oncology: D1 LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA [3037] Cancer Research: Q3 Hematology: Q2 Oncology: Q2 LEUKEMIA RESEARCH [3038] Cancer Research: Q3 Hematology: Q2 Oncology: Q2 LEUKEMIA RESEARCH REPORTS [10036253] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 LEUKOS [10003377] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 LEUVENSE BIJDRAGEN [10020507] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 LEVANT: THE JOURNAL OF THE COUNCIL FOR BRITISH RESEARCH IN THE LEVANT [10048308] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 History: Q1 Leviathan [10080220] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 LEXIA: RIVISTA DI SEMIOTICA [10033234] Philosophy: Q4 LEXIKOS [10009463] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Lexis (Peru) [10080904] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 LEXIS (SPAIN) [10044115] Classics: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 LEX LOCALIS: JOURNAL OF LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT [10023157] Law: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 L'HOMME ET LA SOCIÉTÉ [10002792] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 L' HOMME: REVUE FRANCAISE D'ANTHROPOLOGIE [5000] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 L' HOMME: ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR FEMINISTISCHE GESCHICHTSWISSENSCHAFT [10020114] Cultural Studies: Q4 Gender Studies: Q4 History: Q4 LIA Language, Interaction and Acquisition [10080678] Communication: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LIANYOU JISHU YU GONGCHENG / PETROLEUM REFINERY ENGINEERING [10077211] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 Liaoning Gongcheng Jishu Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science Edition) [10039574] Multidisciplinary: Q2 LIBER QUARTERLY [10026995] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 LIBERTE [10001630] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 LIBRARIES & THE CULTURAL RECORD [10015258] Conservation: Q4 History: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Library and Archival Security [10076802] Law: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Safety Research: Q4 LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE [5462] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 LIBRARY COLLECTIONS ACQUISITIONS & TECHNICAL SERVICES [39047] Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 LIBRARY HI TECH [10009464] Information Systems: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 Library Hi Tech News [10078190] Information Systems: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH [5463] Information Systems: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 LIBRARY JOURNAL [5464] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 LIBRARY LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT [10079357] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 LIBRARY MANAGEMENT [10044835] Library and Information Sciences: Q1 Library of Economic History [10080221] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q3 Library of the Written Word [10057703] Communication: Q4 History: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 LIBRARY PHILOSOPHY AND PRACTICE [10019805] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 LIBRARY QUARTERLY [5465] Library and Information Sciences: Q1 LIBRARY RESOURCES & TECHNICAL SERVICES [5466] Information Systems: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 LIBRARY REVIEW [10013913] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 LIBRARY: THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY [10001631] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 LIBRARY TRENDS [5467] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 LIBRES: LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE RESEARCH ELECTRONIC JOURNAL [10019873] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 LIBRI [5468] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 LIBRI ONCOLOGICI [1178911] Oncology: Q4 LIBYAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [10015821] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 LICHENOLOGIST [3040] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 LIDIL [10022134] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 LIED UND POPULARE KULTUR-SONG AND POPULAR CULTURE [10054493] Cultural Studies: Q4 Music: Q4 LIFE [10024487] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 Life Science Clusters [10080222] Biotechnology: Q4 Industrial Relations: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 LIFE SCIENCE JOURNAL [10015822] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 LIFE SCIENCES [3042] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 LIFE SPAN AND DISABILITY [10070107] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Health (social science): Q3 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q4 LIFETIME DATA ANALYSIS [30356] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Life Writing [10080461] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 LIGHT & ENGINEERING [10015823] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Lighting Design and Application: LD and A [10076806] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 LIGHTING RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY [10009669] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Light Metal Age [10076804] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS [10033067] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Lightwave [10076808] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 LIJECNICKI VJESNIK [43040] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Likarska sprava / Ministerstvo okhorony zdorovia Ukrainy [10076809] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LILI: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT UND LINGUISTIK [10008699] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 LIMNETICA [10004690] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 LIMNOLOGICA [10001290] Aquatic Science: Q2 LIMNOLOGY [10007148] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY [3043] Aquatic Science: D1 Oceanography: D1 LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY BULLETIN [10032387] Aquatic Science: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY METHODS [10007147] Ocean Engineering: Q1 Limosa [10053046] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 LINACRE QUARTERLY [10066763] Health Policy: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 LIN CHUANG ER BI YAN HOU KE ZA ZHI / JOURNAL OF CLINICAL OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY [10045963] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LINCHUANG SHENJINGBINGXUE ZAZHI / JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROLOGY [10063156] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 LINDBERGIA [2148026] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS [3044] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q1 Geometry and Topology: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q2 LINEAR AND MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA [41019] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 L' INFORMATION GRAMMATICALE [10017676] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 L INFORMATION PSYCHIATRIQUE [10024608] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 LINGUA [5469] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LINGUA E STILE [10001633] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 LINGUA NOSTRA [10001635] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 LINGUA POSNANIENSIS [2151308] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 LINGUE E LINGUAGGIO [10018227] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 LINGUISTICA [10022113] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 LINGUISTICA ANTVERPIENSIA NEW SERIES-THEMES IN TRANSLATION STUDIES [10022128] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 LINGUISTICA ESPANOLA ACTUAL [10017674] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 LINGUISTIC ANALYSIS [10022131] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 LINGUISTIC APPROACHES TO BILINGUALISM [10060030] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LINGUISTICA PRAGENSIA [10015259] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 LINGUISTICA SILESIANA [10022122] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 LINGUISTICA URALICA [10015260] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 LINGUISTIC INQUIRY [5470] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 LINGUISTIC INSIGHTS: STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION [10033294] Communication: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LINGUISTIC REVIEW [1303120] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LINGUISTIC TYPOLOGY [10022129] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LINGUISTICS [5471] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 LINGUISTICS AND EDUCATION [10022118] Education: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LINGUISTICS AND PHILOSOPHY [10001636] Linguistics and Language: D1 Philosophy: D1 LINGUISTICS IN THE NETHERLANDS [10050695] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Multidisciplinary: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 LINGUISTICS OF THE TIBETO-BURMAN AREA [10022116] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 LINGUISTIQUE [10022114] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 LINGVISTICAE INVESTIGATIONES [10022112] Linguistics and Language: Q4 Lino [10080905] History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 LION AND THE UNICORN [10001638] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Lipid Insights [10044582] Biochemistry: Q4 LIPIDS [3045] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 LIPIDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE [10009670] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 LIPID TECHNOLOGY [10048788] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Food Science: Q3 LIQUID CRYSTALS [3046] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 LIQUID CRYSTALS TODAY [40686] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 LISTY CUKROVARNICKE A REPARSKE [3047] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 LISTY FILOLOGICKE: FOLIA PHILOLOGICA [10022109] History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 LITERACY [10023158] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 LITERACY RESEARCH AND INSTRUCTION [10066730] Education: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Literacy Research, Practice and Evaluation [10080906] Education: Q4 LITERARY AND LINGUISTIC COMPUTING [10011204] Information Systems: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literary Imagination [10080224] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 LITERARY REVIEW [10001639] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Literatura y Linguistica [10079994] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 LITERATURE AND MEDICINE [10001642] Health (social science): Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 LITERATURE AND THEOLOGY [10034736] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 LITERATURE-FILM QUARTERLY [10001644] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 LITERATURE & HISTORY-THIRD SERIES [10001641] History: D1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 LITERATUR UND KRITIK [10001640] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 LITHOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES [10003379] Economic Geology: Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 LITHOS [3048] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 LITHOSPHERE [10015824] Geology: D1 LITHUANIAN FOREIGN POLICY REVIEW [10068177] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 LITHUANIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [10008420] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 LITHUANIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [10005667] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 LIT-LITERATURE INTERPRETATION THEORY [10074811] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 LITTERATURE [10001645] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 LITTERATURES [10001646] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Liturgy [10076814] Religious Studies: Q4 LIVER [3049] Hepatology: Q1 LIVER CANCER [10073198] Hepatology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 LIVER INTERNATIONAL [10007149] Hepatology: Q1 LIVERPOOL LAW REVIEW [10027962] Law: Q3 LIVER TRANSPLANTATION [30364] Hepatology: Q1 Surgery: D1 Transplantation: Q1 LIVER TRANSPLANTATION AND SURGERY (US) [10035643] Hepatology: Q1 Surgery: D1 Transplantation: Q1 LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION SCIENCE [3050] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 LIVESTOCK RESEARCH FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT [10021286] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 LIVESTOCK SCIENCE [10007150] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 LIVING REVIEWS IN EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE [10025793] Political Science and International Relations: D1 LIVING REVIEWS IN LANDSCAPE RESEARCH [10034749] Ecology: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 LIVING REVIEWS IN RELATIVITY [10011704] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 LIVING REVIEWS IN SOLAR PHYSICS [10017407] Astronomy and Astrophysics: D1 Space and Planetary Science: D1 LIXUE XUEBAO / CHINESE JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS [10054806] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mechanics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Lizi Jiaohuan Yu Xifu/Ion Exchange and Adsorption [10051100] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 LJETOPIS SOCIJALNOG RADA [10012067] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Social Work: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 LMS JOURNAL OF COMPUTATION AND MATHEMATICS [2148668] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 LOBACHEVSKII JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [39792] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Local and Regional Anesthesia [10073503] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 LOCAL ECONOMY [10021537] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 LOCAL ENVIRONMENT: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF JUSTICE AND SUSTAINABILITY [10017428] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 LOCAL GOVERNMENT STUDIES [5472] Development: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 LOCAL POPULATION STUDIES [2147891] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Demography: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 LOCI [10028939] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 LODZ PAPERS IN PRAGMATICS [10020340] Communication: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 LOG ANALYST: JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF PROFESIONAL WELL LOG ANALYSTS [10011142] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE [10011705] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 Logic and Logical Philosophy [10055402] Philosophy: Q2 Logica Universalis [10057148] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Logic: Q3 LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL [10001291] Philosophy: Q1 LOGIQUE ET ANALYSE [10024199] Philosophy: Q2 LOGISTICS JOURNAL [10018147] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Management Information Systems: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 LOGISTICS RESEARCH [10056563] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 LOGOPEDICS PHONIATRICS VOCOLOGY [10011706] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 LPN and LVN: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q3 LOGOS [41424] Communication: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Media Technology: Q2 LOGOS: A JOURNAL OF RELIGION, PHILOSOPHY, COMPARATIVE CULTURAL STUDIES AND ART [10074761] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 LOGOS: ANALES DEL SEMINARIO DE METAFISICA [10063572] Philosophy: Q4 Logos and Pneuma - Chinese Journal of Theology [10079995] Religious Studies: Q4 L.O.G.O.S. INTERDISZIPLINAR [10063571] Biological Psychiatry: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Logos - Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture [10078899] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 LOISIR & SOCIETE-SOCIETY AND LEISURE [39058] Metals and Alloys: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 London Business School Review [10087827] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 LONDON JOURNAL [10023159] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 London Journal of Primary Care [10079996] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 LONDON REVIEW OF EDUCATION [10066828] Education: Q2 Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth - Research Reports [10080462] Education: Q4 LONG RANGE PLANNING [5473] Finance: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 L ORTHODONTIE FRANCAISE [10061960] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LOTUS INTERNATIONAL [10001647] Architecture: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 LOUISIANA LAW REVIEW [5438] Law: Q3 LOUVAIN MEDICAL [10036152] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LOUVAIN STUDIES [10017932] Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Lowland Technology International [10078417] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS [13926] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política [10038749] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 LUBRICATION SCIENCE [10015825] Materials Chemistry: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 LUD [10027258] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 LUMINESCENCE [24724] Biophysics: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 LUNDQUA Thesis - Lund University, Department of Quarternary Geology [10087828] Geology: Q3 LUNG [3053] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 LUNG CANCER [13929] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 Lung Cancer: Targets and Therapy [10061948] Oncology: Q3 LUNG INDIA [10048701] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 LUPUS [3054] Rheumatology: Q1 Lurralde [10079563] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Lusitania Sacra [10043121] Religious Studies: Q4 LUSO-BRAZILIAN REVIEW [10078192] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 LUTS-LOWER URINARY TRACT SYMPTOMS [10023043] Neurology: Q3 Urology: Q2 LUZIFER-AMOR: ZEITSCHRIFT ZUR GESCHICHTE DER PSYCHOANALYSE [10028811] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [1288048] Food Science: D1 LYMPHATIC RESEARCH AND BIOLOGY [10028421] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 LYMPHOLOGIE IN FORSCHUNG UND PRAXIS [10043389] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 LYMPHOLOGY [3056] Hematology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 MABS [10011707] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 MACEDONIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [10011708] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 MacGregor News [10076826] Ocean Engineering: Q4 MACHINE DESIGN [10014395] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 MACHINE GRAPHICS AND VISION [10001648] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Software: Q4 MACHINE LEARNING [3059] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Software: Q1 Machinery and Production Engineering [10076828] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 MACHINE TRANSLATION [10022104] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Software: Q4 MACHINE VISION AND APPLICATIONS [13935] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q3 MACHINING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [24732] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 MACQUARIE JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW [10027400] Law: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS [39060] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies [10080463] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 MACROHETEROCYCLES [10042574] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 MACROMOLECULAR BIOSCIENCE [36096] Bioengineering: Q1 Biomaterials: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS [3060] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING [30379] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 MACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS [3061] Materials Chemistry: D1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 MACROMOLECULAR REACTION ENGINEERING [10007151] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH [10000880] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 MACROMOLECULAR SYMPOSIA [3062] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 MACROMOLECULAR THEORY AND SIMULATIONS [3063] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 MACROMOLECULES [3064] Inorganic Chemistry: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 Macro Review [10088126] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 MADERAS-CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA [10011709] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Forestry: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 MADERA Y BOSQUES [10015826] Forestry: Q4 MADRIDER MITTEILUNGEN [10060174] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 MAEJO INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10011710] Multidisciplinary: Q2 MAGALLANIA [10012068] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 MAGAZINE ANTIQUES [10001650] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH [3065] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 MAGAZINE OF EUROPEAN MEDICAL ONCOLOGY [10010914] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 MAGHREB MACHREK [10025795] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Law: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Magis [10079997] Education: Q4 MAGNESIUM RESEARCH [19219] Biochemistry: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING [3067] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Biophysics: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [10015827] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN CHEMISTRY [3066] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICAL SCIENCES [10016000] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN MEDICINE [3069] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 Magnetic Resonance in Solids [10080907] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 Spectroscopy: Q4 MAGNETIC RESONANCE MATERIALS IN PHYSICS BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [19218] Biophysics: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS [10011711] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 MAGYAR ÁLLATORVOSOK LAPJA [3070] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 MAGYAR FILOZÓFIAI SZEMLE [39795] Philosophy: Q2 MAGYAR GEOFIZIKA [1364074] Geology: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 MAGYAR NYELV [2005260] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 MAGYAR NYELVŐR [2006661] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 MAGYAR ONKOLÓGIA [1131031] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Oncology: Q4 MAGYAR PSZICHOLÓGIAI SZEMLE [1320119] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 MAGYAR SEBÉSZET [1054832] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MAIA-RIVISTA DI LETTERATURE CLASSICHE [10001653] Classics: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 MAIN GROUP CHEMISTRY [13949] Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q4 MAIN GROUP METAL CHEMISTRY [13950] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Mainzer Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen [10073538] Paleontology: Q4 Stratigraphy: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 MAJALLAH - I GHUDAD - I DARUNRIZ VA MITABULISM - I IRAN IRANIAN / JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM [10017825] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q3 MALACOLOGIA [3072] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 MALARIA JOURNAL [10003382] Infectious Diseases: D1 Parasitology: D1 Malawi Medical Journal [10023219] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MALAYAN NATURE JOURNAL [42919] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 MALAYSIAN APPLIED BIOLOGY [10051486] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Malaysian Construction Research Journal [10080679] Building and Construction: Q4 Malaysian Family Physician [10079786] Community and Home Care: Q4 Family Practice: Q3 Malaysian Forester [10079787] Forestry: Q3 MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL SCIENCES [10052362] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE [10015828] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics [10079788] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC STUDIES [10021542] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction [10080908] Education: Q4 MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE [10012069] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences [10048640] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10059723] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences [10061077] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [10030530] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Malaysian Journal of Microscopy [10060844] Histology: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION [10044261] Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY [10020200] Cell Biology: Q4 Histology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine [10060401] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Malaysian Journal of Science [10056591] Multidisciplinary: Q3 Malaysian Journal of Soil Science [10080225] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 MALTA MEDICAL JOURNAL [10024819] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MAMMALIA [3075] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 MAMMALIAN BIOLOGY [36114] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 MAMMALIAN GENOME [3073] Genetics: Q1 MAMMALIAN SPECIES [10035041] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 MAMMAL RESEARCH [10035852] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 MAMMAL REVIEW [3074] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 MAMMAL STUDY [10023044] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 MANA-ESTUDOS DE ANTROPOLOGIA SOCIAL [10012070] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Managed care (Langhorne, Pa.) [10076835] Health Policy: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING RESEARCH [10015261] Accounting: Q2 Finance: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q2 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY [10063127] Business and International Management: Q2 History: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q2 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION REVIEW [10015263] Business and International Management: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 MANAGEMENT AND PRODUCTION ENGINEERING REVIEW [10031037] Business and International Management: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY [10012071] Communication: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 MANAGEMENT DECISION [10012072] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION [10076839] Education: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL REVIEW [10015262] Business and International Management: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 MANAGEMENT: JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY MANAGEMENT ISSUES [10032308] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 MANAGEMENT LEARNING [39062] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 MANAGEMENT OF BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS [10051125] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY [10017597] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 MANAGEMENT RESEARCH REVIEW [10027497] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 MANAGEMENT RESEARCH-THE JOURNAL OF THE IBEROAMERICAN ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT [10064206] Business and International Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 MANAGEMENT REVIEW QUARTERLY [10053558] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE [3076] Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 Manager [10079216] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND PROGRESS IN MANAGEMENT ECONOMICS [10018438] Business and International Management: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 MANAGERIAL AUDITING JOURNAL [10017430] Accounting: Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 MANAGERIAL FINANCE [10070027] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Finance: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 Managing Automation [10078419] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Managing Sport and Leisure [10076840] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 MANCHESTER SCHOOL [39064] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 M and M - Metalurgia and Materiais [10076823] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 MAN IN INDIA [5475] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 MANKIND QUARTERLY [5478] Anthropology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 MAN-MADE TEXTILES IN INDIA [10061059] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 Manuals and Reports on Engineering Practice, American Society of Civil Engineers [10076843] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 MANUELLE MEDIZIN [10055367] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 MANUFACTURING CHEMIST [3077] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING [3078] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY [10016419] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 MANUSCRIPTA MATHEMATICA [1417133] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 MAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA [10011712] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Mapping and Image Science [10079358] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Marburger Schriften zur Medizingeschichte [10076852] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Marine and Coastal Fisheries [10023045] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 MARINE AND FRESHWATER BEHAVIOUR AND PHYSIOLOGY [13965] Aquatic Science: Q3 Oceanography: Q2 Physiology: Q3 MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH [13966] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Oceanography: Q1 MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY [3090] Economic Geology: Q1 Geology: Q1 Geophysics: Q2 Oceanography: Q1 Stratigraphy: Q1 MARINE BIODIVERSITY: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE [10032364] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 Marine Biodiversity Records [10071560] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Oceanography: Q3 MARINE BIOLOGY [3081] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH [10003383] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 MARINE BIOTECHNOLOGY [24760] Aquatic Science: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 MARINE CHEMISTRY [3082] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Oceanography: D1 Water Science and Technology: D1 MARINE DRUGS [10007152] Drug Discovery: Q2 MARINE ECOLOGY [10007153] Aquatic Science: D1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES [3083] Aquatic Science: D1 Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH [3084] Aquatic Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oceanography: Q2 Pollution: Q1 Marine Fisheries Review [10076854] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q4 MARINE GENOMICS [10011713] Aquatic Science: Q2 Genetics: Q3 MARINE GEODESY [10011714] Oceanography: Q1 MARINE GEOLOGY [3085] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geology: Q1 Oceanography: Q1 MARINE GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH [3086] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geophysics: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 MARINE GEORESOURCES & GEOTECHNOLOGY [3087] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q2 Oceanography: Q3 MARINE MAMMAL SCIENCE [3088] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 MARINE MICROPALEONTOLOGY [3089] Oceanography: Q1 Paleontology: D1 Marine Ornithology [10061462] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 MARINE POLICY [5479] Aquatic Science: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Law: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN [3091] Aquatic Science: Q1 Oceanography: Q1 Pollution: Q1 MARINE RESOURCE ECONOMICS [10011715] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 MARINERS MIRROR [10001658] History: Q2 Oceanography: Q4 MARINE STRUCTURES [10001292] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Ocean Engineering: D1 MARINE TECHNOLOGY AND SNAME NEWS [3092] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 MARINE TECHNOLOGY SOCIETY JOURNAL [3093] Ocean Engineering: Q2 Oceanography: Q3 Mari Papel y Corrugado [10078193] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Maritime by Holland [10080680] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 MARITIME ECONOMICS & LOGISTICS [10021547] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Transportation: Q2 MARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT [10021548] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Ocean Engineering: Q1 Transportation: Q2 MARITIME STUDIES [10060832] Aquatic Science: Q4 Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 MARKETING HEALTH SERVICES [10001659] Health Policy: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MARKETING INTELLIGENCE AND PLANNING [10017695] Marketing: Q2 MARKETING LETTERS [10001438] Business and International Management: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Marketing: Q1 MARKETING MANAGEMENT [39802] Business and International Management: Q4 Marketing: Q4 MARKETING RESEARCH [39803] Business and International Management: Q4 Marketing: Q4 MARKETING SCIENCE: THE MARKETING JOURNAL OF INFORMS [5480] Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Marketing: D1 MARKETING THEORY [10015264] Marketing: Q1 MARMARA ECZACILIK DERGISI / MARMARA PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL [10035966] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 MARMARA MEDICAL JOURNAL [10037344] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY REVIEW [39068] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Maryland medicine : MM : a publication of MEDCHI, the Maryland State Medical Society [10078422] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MASCULINITIES AND SOCIAL CHANGE / MASCULINIDAD Y CAMBIO SOCIAL [10069799] Gender Studies: Q3 Masonry International [10080909] Building and Construction: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 MASSACHUSETTS REVIEW [10001660] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 MASS COMMUNICATION AND SOCIETY [10015265] Communication: Q1 Mass Communication Research [10046989] Communication: Q4 MASS SPECTROMETRY LETTERS [10069425] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Spectroscopy: Q4 MASS SPECTROMETRY REVIEWS [3094] Analytical Chemistry: D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Spectroscopy: D1 MASTER DRAWINGS [10001661] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 MASTOZOOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL [10068366] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 MASUI/JAPANESE JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY [10047417] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Matatu [10080681] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MATCH-COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL AND IN COMPUTER CHEMISTRY [24781] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 MATEMATICA NELLA SOCIETA E NELLA CULTURA : RIVISTA DELL'UNIONE MATEMATICA ITALIANA [10039121] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 MATEMATICHESKAYA BIOLOGIYA I BIOINFORMATIKA [10036662] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 MATEMATICKI VESNIK [2151060] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MATERIALE PLASTICE [19268] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION [19259] Building and Construction: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MATERIALI E DISCUSSIONI PER L ANALISI DEI TESTI CLASSICI [10032345] Classics: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 MATERIALI IN TEHNOLOGIJE [10011717] Metals and Alloys: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 Material Religion [10079359] Religious Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 MATERIALS [10012997] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 MATERIALS AND CORROSION [10029190] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 MATERIALS AND DESIGN [10074503] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES [19265] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES [3110] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 MATERIALS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES [3104] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q1 MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION [3100] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS [3101] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 MATERIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY=CAILIAO KEXUE YU GONGYI [2149260] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 MATERIALS EVALUATION [3102] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 MATERIALS EXPRESS [10028423] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 MATERIALS FORUM [3103] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 MATERIALS LETTERS [3105] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Materials management in health care [10076860] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MATERIALS PERFORMANCE [3107] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 MATERIALS PERFORMANCE AND CHARACTERIZATION [10023274] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 Materials Physics and Mechanics [10056199] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN [3108] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MATERIALS RESEARCH INNOVATIONS [19270] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 MATERIALS RESEARCH-REVISTA IBERIO-AMERICANA DE MATERIALS [10015829] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 MATERIALS SCIENCE [10000883] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING [1137403] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B - SOLID STATE MATERIALS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY [1374686] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [3109] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS [24779] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING R-REPORTS [3098] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM [24796] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING [1313659] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MATERIALS SCIENCE-MEDZIAGOTYRA [10011716] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 MATERIALS SCIENCE-POLAND [10033069] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY [36167] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 MATERIALS TESTING [30446] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 MATERIALS TODAY [10009671] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS (2001-) [10001099] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS - JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS [3111] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MATERIALS WORLD [19274] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 MATERIALWISSENSCHAFT UND WERKSTOFFTECHNIK [3112] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 MATERIA-RIO DE JANEIRO [10010138] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Materiaux et Techniques [10055577] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH JOURNAL [10007384] Epidemiology: Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 MATERNAL AND CHILD NUTRITION [10007154] Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 MATHEMATICA [10028569] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 MATHEMATICA BOHEMICA [10005371] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL APPLICATIONS [10054159] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL FORESTRY AND NATURAL-RESOURCE SCIENCES [10025450] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q3 Forestry: Q2 MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING [3116] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS [36174] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Software: Q3 MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES [3114] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING [10003390] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 MATHEMATICAL COMMUNICATIONS [10015830] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Geometry and Topology: Q3 MATHEMATICAL CONTROL AND RELATED FIELDS [10033070] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q1 Mathematical Engineering [10044945] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 MATHEMATICAL FINANCE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS AND FINANCIAL ECONOMICS [24810] Accounting: Q1 Applied Mathematics: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 MATHEMATICAL GEOLOGY (NETHERLANDS) [3119] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 MATHEMATICAL GEOSCIENCES [10008770] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 MATHEMATICAL INEQUALITIES & APPLICATIONS [24812] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER [3120] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 MATHEMATICAL LOGIC QUARTERLY [3121] Logic: Q4 MATHEMATICAL MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY-A JOURNAL OF THE IMA [10001293] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES [3122] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH [24817] Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Software: Q3 MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF STATISTICS [10004745] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING AND ANALYSIS [10011718] Analysis: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF NATURAL PHENOMENA [10015831] Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations [10056883] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 MATHEMATICAL MODELS & METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES [9130] Applied Mathematics: D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 MATHEMATICAL NOTES [3124] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY [10001294] Geometry and Topology: Q2 Mathematical Physics: Q2 MATHEMATICAL POPULATION STUDIES [10009466] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Demography: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING [14007] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MATHEMATICAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY [3126] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING [3127] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Software: D1 MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING COMPUTATION [10020287] Software: D1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 MATHEMATICAL REPORTS [10015832] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH LETTERS [24825] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Mathematical Sciences Research Journal [10079998] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 MATHEMATICAL SCIENTIST [10017434] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 MATHEMATICAL SOCIAL SCIENCES [3129] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE [10007155] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MATHEMATICAL THINKING AND LEARNING [10023160] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 MATHEMATICA SCANDINAVICA [1417134] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MATHEMATICA SLOVACA [2150401] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTERS IN SIMULATION [3117] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 MATHEMATICS AND FINANCIAL ECONOMICS [10054068] Finance: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS OF SOLIDS [14001] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MATHEMATICS AND VISUALIZATION [10046313] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 MATHEMATICS EDUCATION RESEARCH JOURNAL [10076862] Education: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MATHEMATICS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE [10029317] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 MATHEMATICS MAGAZINE [10008232] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION [3115] Algebra and Number Theory: D1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Mathematics: D1 MATHEMATICS OF CONTROL SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS [3118] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Control and Optimization: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Signal Processing: D1 MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH [3125] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 MATHEMATIKA [3134] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN [3113] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN [3123] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 MATHEMATISCHE SEMESTERBERICHTE [10010276] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [3133] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 MATRIX BIOLOGY [3135] Molecular Biology: Q2 Matronas Profesion [10070707] Maternity and Midwifery: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 MATURITAS [3136] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 MAUSAM [10011719] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 MAYDICA: A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO MAIZE AND ALLIED SPECIES [3137] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Genetics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 Mayo Clinic health letter (English ed.) [10076863] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MAYO CLINIC PROCEEDINGS [3138] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Mayo Clinic women's healthsource [10079067] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MBIO [10015833] Microbiology: D1 Virology: D1 MCGILL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [2147529] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MCKINSEY QUARTERLY [10017435] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 MCN-THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERNAL-CHILD NURSING [10009467] Maternity and Midwifery: Q2 Pharmacology (nursing): Q1 MD advisor : a journal for New Jersey medical community [10079999] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEANJIN [10001662] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MEASUREMENT [1373098] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Education: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 MEASUREMENT AND EVALUATION IN COUNSELING AND DEVELOPMENT [5483] Applied Psychology: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 MEASUREMENT & CONTROL [19305] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Control and Optimization: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 MEASUREMENT IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND EXERCISE SCIENCE [10068588] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW [40635] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 MEASUREMENT SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [3139] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Instrumentation: Q2 MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES [3140] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Instrumentation: Q3 MEASURING BUSINESS EXCELLENCE [10018031] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 MEAT SCIENCE [3141] Food Science: D1 MECANIQUE & INDUSTRIES [10011720] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 MECCANICA [14022] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [3145] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING [3150] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Signal Processing: D1 MECHANICS AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING LODZ TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. WORKING PAPERS [10029183] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 MECHANICS BASED DESIGN OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES [10001295] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Automotive Engineering: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q2 MECHANICS & INDUSTRY [10028425] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES [10007156] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MECHANICS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS [3143] Biomaterials: Q3 Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 MECHANICS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES [24844] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 MECHANICS OF MATERIALS [3147] Instrumentation: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS [10011721] Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES AND MACHINES [3149] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Automotive Engineering: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q2 MECHANICS OF TIME-DEPENDENT MATERIALS [10000886] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS [3148] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 MECHANIKA [10011722] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 MECHANISM AND MACHINE THEORY [3146] Bioengineering: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 MECHANISMS OF AGEING AND DEVELOPMENT [3142] Aging: Q1 Developmental Biology: Q1 MECHANISMS OF DEVELOPMENT [3144] Developmental Biology: Q2 Embryology: Q2 MECHATRONICS [3151] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechatronik [10079068] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mecosan [10080000] Health Policy: Q4 MEDCHEMCOMM [10015838] Biochemistry: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Meddelanden fran Lunds Universitets Geografiska Institutioner, Avhandlingar [10076865] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 MEDECINE BUCCALE CHIRURGIE BUCCALE [10065682] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Oral Surgery: Q4 Periodontics: Q4 MEDECINE DES MALADIES METABOLIQUES [10037965] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 MEDECINE DU SOMMEIL [10043736] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 MEDECINE ET CHIRURGIE DU PIED [10011723] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 MEDECINE ET DROIT [10053409] Law: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Medecine et Longevite [10063749] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 MEDECINE ET MALADIES INFECTIEUSES [3165] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medecine et Sante Tropicales [10043857] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 MEDECINE NUCLEAIRE-IMAGERIE FONCTIONNELLE ET METABOLIQUE [19338] Biophysics: Q4 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 MEDECINE PALLIATIVE [10019791] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Oncology: Q3 Oncology (nursing): Q4 MEDECINE THERAPEUTIQUE [10036314] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Medecine Therapeutique Endocrinologie et Reproduction [10087835] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 Medecine Therapeutique Medecine de la Reproduction [10079564] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 MEDECINE THERAPEUTIQUE PEDIATRIE [10044322] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 MEDECINE TROPICALE [10071909] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Parasitology: Q4 Medecins - Le Magazine Ordre National Des Medecins [10079565] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDIA CULTURE AND SOCIETY [5487] Communication: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 MEDIAEVAL STUDIES [10033470] History: Q3 Media History [10078635] Communication: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 MEDIA INTERNATIONAL AUSTRALIA INCORPORATING CULTURE AND POLICY [10012073] Communication: Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 MEDIA PSYCHOLOGY [10001063] Applied Psychology: Q1 Communication: D1 Social Psychology: Q1 MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION [9185] Cell Biology: Q2 Immunology: Q2 MEDIA WAR AND CONFLICT [10025796] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Communication: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 MEDICA JADERTINA [10044307] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE [10016310] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTING [3152] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 MEDICAL AND PEDIATRIC ONCOLOGY [3168] Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 MEDICAL AND VETERINARY ENTOMOLOGY [3175] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Insect Science: Q1 Parasitology: Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY [10009468] Anthropology: D1 Health (social science): Q1 MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY QUARTERLY [5484] Anthropology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 MEDICAL CARE [3153] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 MEDICAL CARE RESEARCH AND REVIEW [39074] Health Policy: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 MEDICAL CHANNEL JOURNAL [10054044] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICAL CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [3154] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 MEDICAL DECISION MAKING [3156] Health Policy: D1 Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry [10076872] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICAL DEVICES: EVIDENCE AND RESEARCH [10051444] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICAL DOSIMETRY [10007157] Oncology: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Medical economics [10076873] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICAL EDUCATION [3157] Education: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 MEDICAL EDUCATION ONLINE [10011212] Education: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 MEDICAL ENGINEERING & PHYSICS [3158] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 MEDICAL FORUM MONTHLY: A JOURNAL FOR ALL SPECIALISTS [10048520] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Medical Gas Research [10047484] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICAL HISTORY [3159] History: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 Medical history. Supplement [10076876] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICAL HUMANITIES [10066841] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Philosophy: Q1 MEDICAL HYPOTHESES [3160] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS [10000887] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: D1 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: D1 Health Informatics: D1 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 MEDICAL JOURNAL ARMED FORCES INDIA [10040285] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA [3162] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 MEDICAL JOURNAL OF BAKIRKOY [10065099] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICAL JOURNAL OF INDONESIA [10024820] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICAL JOURNAL OF MALAYSIA [10028661] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Medical Journal of Minami Osaka Hospital [10057511] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICAL JOURNAL OF THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN [10050541] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICAL JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY [10044652] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICAL LABORATORY OBSERVER [10027955] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICAL LAW INTERNATIONAL [10026967] Law: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICAL LAW REVIEW [10023046] Law: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 MEDICAL LETTER ON DRUGS AND THERAPEUTICS [19334] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY [3166] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 MEDICAL MOLECULAR MORPHOLOGY [10007158] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 MEDICAL MYCOLOGY [19337] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 MEDICAL MYCOLOGY CASE REPORTS [10027295] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 MEDICAL MYCOLOGY JOURNAL [10065476] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICAL ONCOLOGY [3167] Cancer Research: Q3 Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q2 Medical Photonics [10068174] Dermatology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 MEDICAL PHYSICS [3169] Biophysics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 MEDICAL PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE [19342] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICAL PROBLEMS OF PERFORMING ARTISTS [19343] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICAL RADIOLOGY [10059917] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Medical Reference Services Quarterly [10067848] Health Informatics: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR [1035677] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 MEDICAL TEACHER [3174] Education: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 MEDICAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY [10028792] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 MedicaMundi [10040483] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 MEDICARE & MEDICAID RESEARCH REVIEW [10065644] Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 MEDICC REVIEW [10015267] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicina (Brazil) [10054495] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICINA-BUENOS AIRES [3177] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICINA CLINICA [3155] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicina Cutanea Ibero-Latino-Americana [10039748] Dermatology: Q4 MEDICINA DE FAMILIA : SEMERGEN [10038027] Family Practice: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 MEDICINA DELLO SPORT [19349] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 Medicina e Chirurgia Della Caviglia e Del Piede [10087837] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Medicina e historia [10076884] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICINA FLUMINENSIS [10049190] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICINA INTENSIVA [10015835] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 MEDICINA INTERNA DE MEXICO [10004351] Internal Medicine: Q4 MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10005315] Drug Discovery: Q3 MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY RESEARCH [14035] Organic Chemistry: Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 MEDICINA-LITHUANIA [10011725] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICINAL PLANTS [10054783] Drug Discovery: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 MEDICINAL RESEARCH REVIEWS [3171] Drug Discovery: D1 Molecular Medicine: D1 Pharmacology: D1 MEDICINA NATURISTA [10045831] Chiropractics: Q4 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Medicina nei secoli [10076885] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICINA ORAL PATOLOGIA ORAL Y CIRUGIA BUCAL [10015836] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 MEDICINA PALIATIVA [10023047] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicina Preventiva [10079360] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 MEDICINA VETERINARIA-RECIFE [10051868] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICINE [3178] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 MEDICINE AND LAW: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10020038] Health Policy: Q4 Law: Q4 MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE [3173] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: D1 MEDICINE AND SPORT SCIENCE [10064809] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 Medicine, Conflict and Survival [10039629] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 MEDICINE (ESP) [10036169] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICINE HEALTH CARE AND PHILOSOPHY [10015266] Education: Q3 Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 MEDICINE SCIENCE AND THE LAW [3172] Health Policy: Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q2 Law: Q2 Medicine Studies [10080227] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine Today [10037991] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICINE (UNITED KINGDOM) [10036878] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICINSKI ARHIV [10076886] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICINSKI CASOPIS [10037650] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICINSKI GLASNIK: OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION OF ZENICA-DOBOJ CANTON, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA [10011724] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDICINSKI PREGLED [10009966] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDICO E BAMBINO [10018972] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Medico-Legal Journal [10076887] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Medico-Legal Update [10065643] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 MEDICUS [10037547] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Medieval and Early Modern Iberian World [10079790] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Medieval and Renaissance Authors and Texts [10080001] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 MEDIEVAL ARCHAEOLOGY [10078900] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 History: D1 MEDIEVAL ENCOUNTERS: JEWISH, CHRISTIAN AND MUSLIM CULTURE IN CONFLUENCE AND DIALOGUE [10028081] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 MEDIEVALES: LANGUE TEXTES HISTOIRE [10028918] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDIEVALIA ET HUMANISTICA: STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE CULTURE [10078901] History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Medieval Law and Its Practice [10080002] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q4 Law: Q4 Medieval Mediterranean [10079792] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 MEDIJSKA ISTRAZIVANJA [10031604] Communication: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MEDIOEVO ROMANZO [10021272] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Meditari Accountancy Research [10071742] Accounting: Q4 MEDITERRANEAN ARCHAEOLOGY AND ARCHAEOMETRY [10032718] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 MEDITERRANEAN HISTORICAL REVIEW [10012074] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10020925] Hematology: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10007159] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL [10007791] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM [10028818] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF PACING AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY [10010230] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES [10029377] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 MEDITERRANEAN MARINE SCIENCE [10015839] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 MEDITERRANEAN POLITICS [10012075] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 Mediterranean Quarterly [10076890] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES [10032621] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Mediterranea. Ricerche Storiche [10058521] History: Q4 MÉDITERRANÉE MÉDICALE [10029476] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDITERRANEE: REVUE GEOGRAPHIQUE DES PAYS MEDITERRANEENS [10063608] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 MEDITERRANEO ANTICO [10080910] Classics: Q3 History: Q4 Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia [10076891] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Meditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarnye Bolezni [10076892] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Parasitology: Q4 MEDIUM AEVUM [10001664] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 MEDIZIN GESELLSCHAFT UND GESCHICHTE: JAHRBUCH DES INSTITUTS FUR GESCHICHTE DER MEDIZIN DER ROBERT BOSCH STIFTUNG [10029491] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDIZINHISTORISCHES JOURNAL [10032529] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDIZINISCHE GENETIK [10015834] Genetics: Q4 Genetics (clinical): Q4 MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK-INTENSIVMEDIZIN UND NOTFALLMEDIZIN [10028426] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Emergency Medicine: Q3 Emergency Nursing: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 MEDIZINISCHE MONATSSCHRIFT FUR PHARMAZEUTEN [10036168] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 MEDIZINISCHE WELT [3176] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDIZINRECHT [10035807] Health Policy: Q4 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q4 Medizintechnik [10040383] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MedSurg Nursing [10061518] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q3 MEDYCYNA DOSWIADCZALNA I MIKROBIOLOGIA / EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND MICROBIOLOGY [10048053] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 MEDYCYNA PALIATYWNA W PRAKTYCE [10023952] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MEDYCYNA PRACY [10015837] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 MEDYCYNA WETERYNARYJNA-VETERINARY MEDICINE-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE [19353] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 Medycyna wieku rozwojowego [10078197] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Meitan Xuebao/Journal of the China Coal Society [10037795] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 MELANGES (CAIRO) [10022348] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q3 Melanges de la Casa de Velazquez [10080004] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 MELANGES DE L’ECOLE FRANCAISE DE ROME - Antiquité [10072482] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q4 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 MELANOMA RESEARCH [3179] Cancer Research: Q2 Dermatology: Q1 Oncology: Q2 MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [10012076] Law: Q2 MELLIAND INTERNATIONAL [10076894] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 MELLIAND TEXTILBERICHTE / INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE REPORTS [10076896] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 MELUS [10080682] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 MEMBRANES [10041705] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Filtration and Separation: Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 Membrane Technology [10076899] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 MEMBRANE WATER TREATMENT [10028428] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q3 Meme Sagligi Dergisi / Journal of Breast Health [10040561] Internal Medicine: Q4 Oncology: Q4 MEMETIC COMPUTING [10017021] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Control and Optimization: Q3 Memoir of the Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum [10079361] Paleontology: Q3 Memoirs of Museum Victoria [10080228] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Oceanography: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 MEMOIRS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [3180] Applied Mathematics: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 MEMOIRS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIEN PALAEONTOLOGISTS [10016969] Paleontology: Q2 MEMOIRS OF THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, KYUSHU UNIVERSITY [10071022] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 MEMOIRS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON [10037087] Geology: Q2 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM [10047987] Ecology: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Cultural Heritage Series [10080464] Conservation: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 MEMORANDA SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA [10019476] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 MEMORIAS DO INSTITUTO OSWALDO CRUZ [3183] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 MEMORY [39080] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 MEMORY & COGNITION [5488] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q1 MEMORY STUDIES [10023161] Cultural Studies: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q3 MEN AND MASCULINITIES [10009469] Gender Studies: Q1 History: D1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 MENDEL [10045533] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 MENDELEEV COMMUNICATIONS [3185] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 MENOPAUSE-THE JOURNAL OF THE NORTH AMERICAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETY [3186] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Mens Sana Monographs [10069257] Health (social science): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Mental and physical disability law reporter [10076906] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MENTAL HEALTH AND LEARNING DISABILITIES CARE [10022663] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MENTAL HEALTH AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY [10039657] Applied Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Mental Health and Social Inclusion [10076907] Health (social science): Q3 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Mental Health and Substance Use: Dual Diagnosis [10048985] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 MENTAL HEALTH IN FAMILY MEDICINE [10057855] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 MENTAL HEALTH, RELIGION & CULTURE [10011046] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 MENTAL HEALTH REVIEW JOURNAL [10064039] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 MENTÁLHIGIÉNÉ ÉS PSZICHOSZOMATIKA [10004685] Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 MENTAL ILLNESS [10066885] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 MENTAL LEXICON [10021905] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 MENTORING AND TUTORING: PARTNERSHIP IN LEARNING [10044823] Education: Q2 Mercian Geologist [10058497] Geology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 MeReC Bulletin [10057453] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 MERIDIAN [10071067] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q4 MERKUR: DEUTSCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR EUROPAISCHES DENKEN [10001665] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MER-MARINE ENGINEERS REVIEW [10003395] Ocean Engineering: Q4 MERRILL-PALMER QUARTERLY-JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY [5490] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Meta: Avaliacao [10080229] Education: Q4 METABOLIC BRAIN DISEASE [3189] Biochemistry: Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q2 METABOLIC ENGINEERING [10001296] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: D1 Bioengineering: D1 Biotechnology: D1 METABOLIC SYNDROME AND RELATED DISORDERS [10023048] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q1 METABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL [1405615] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 METABOLITES [10029262] Biochemistry: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 METABOLOMICS [10009672] Biochemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 METACOGNITION AND LEARNING [10015269] Education: D1 METAL BASED DRUGS [10001669] Drug Discovery: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 Metal Finishing [10071207] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Pollution: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 METAL IONS IN LIFE SCIENCES [10043795] Biochemistry: Q3 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 METALL [3191] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 METALLOFIZIKA I NOVEISHIE TEKHNOLOGII [19371] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis [10060938] Metals and Alloys: Q3 METALLOMICS [10011727] Biochemistry: Q2 Biomaterials: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 METALLURGIA ITALIANA [10015666] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE [3192] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B-PROCESS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS PROCESSIG SCIENCE [3193] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 Metallurgical & Mining Industry [10056244] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 METALLURGICAL RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY [10051830] Computational Mechanics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 METALLURGIST [3196] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 METAL POWDER REPORT [10076910] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Automotive Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 METALS [10022718] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL [36261] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q1 METAL SCIENCE AND HEAT TREATMENT [3188] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 METALURGIA INTERNATIONAL (BUCUREST) [10009979] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 METALURGIJA (ZAGREB) [19373] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Metamaterials [10079793] Biomaterials: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 METAPHILOSOPHY [10001670] Philosophy: Q1 METAPHOR AND SYMBOL [2148396] Communication: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q1 METAPHOR AND THE SOCIAL WORLD [10070161] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 METASCIENCE [10023822] History: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 META: TRANSLATORS JOURNAL [10001668] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE [14075] Geophysics: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS [36272] Atmospheric Science: Q2 METEOROLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [24908] Atmospheric Science: Q2 METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS [3198] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Methexis [10080911] Philosophy: Q3 METHODIST DEBAKEY CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL [10029525] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 METHODOLOGY AND COMPUTING IN APPLIED PROBABILITY [2148428] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 METHODOLOGY-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH METHODS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES [10009368] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 METHODS [24914] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 METHODS AND FINDINGS IN EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY [3202] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 METHODS IN CELL BIOLOGY [3200] Cell Biology: Q2 METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION [10023049] Ecological Modeling: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY [3201] Biochemistry: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics [10044444] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 METHODS IN MICROBIOLOGY [19380] Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [1394737] Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Methods in Oceanography [10080912] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 METHODS IN PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY [10035324] Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 METHODS OF BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS [10001671] Biochemistry: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE [3203] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q1 Health Informatics: Q2 Health Information Management: Q2 METHOD & THEORY IN THE STUDY OF RELIGION [10020927] Religious Studies: D1 Metiers de la Petite Enfance [10060404] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Pharmacology (nursing): Q3 METODOLOSKI ZVEZKI [42194] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 METRIKA [19382] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 METROECONOMICA: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ECONOMICS [10012833] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 METROLOGIA [3204] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS [10015667] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 METRON: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STATISTICS [10012226] Statistics and Probability: Q2 METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART BULLETIN [10001673] Museology: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 M et T2 [10079215] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 METU JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE [10046736] Architecture: Q2 MEXICAN STUDIES-ESTUDIOS MEXICANOS [10001674] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 MGMA connexion / Medical group Management Association [10076915] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MICHIGAN HISTORICAL REVIEW [10001675] History: Q2 MICHIGAN LAW REVIEW [5492] Law: D1 MICHIGAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [3205] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Michigan medicine [10076918] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MICHIGAN QUARTERLY REVIEW [10001676] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 MICRO AND NANO LETTERS [10007160] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 MICRO AND NANOSYSTEMS [10023345] Building and Construction: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 MICROBE [10066575] Microbiology: Q4 MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS [10011728] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Plant Science: Q1 Soil Science: Q1 MICROBES AND INFECTION [24921] Immunology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Microbiology: Q1 MICROBIAL BIOTECHNOLOGY [10019610] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Biochemistry: Q2 Bioengineering: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 MICROBIAL CELL FACTORIES [10007161] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: D1 Bioengineering: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 MICROBIAL DRUG RESISTANCE [14084] Immunology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 MICROBIAL ECOLOGY [3207] Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Soil Science: Q1 MICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS [3206] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 MICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH [3209] Microbiology: Q3 MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY [3208] Immunology: Q3 Microbiology: Q3 Virology: Q3 MICROBIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REVIEWS [14090] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: D1 MICROBIOLOGY (ENG) [10000893] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Microbiology: Q4 MICROBIOLOGYOPEN [10036743] Microbiology: Q3 MICROBIOLOGY-SGM [1190301] Microbiology: Q1 MICROBIOLOGY TODAY [10011003] Microbiology: Q4 MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL [3215] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 MICROCHIMICA ACTA [3232] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 MICROCIRCULATION [24931] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 MICROELECTRONIC ENGINEERING [1401475] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 MICROELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL [1401529] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 MICROELECTRONICS JOURNAL [1313645] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY [1401484] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS [10003401] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Microform and Imaging Review [10080230] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 MICROGRAVITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [19402] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 MICROMACHINES [10033071] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 MICRON [3218] Cell Biology: Q3 Structural Biology: Q3 MICROPALEONTOLOGY [3220] Paleontology: Q3 MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS [19405] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS [3223] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 MICRORNA [10020324] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 MICROSCOPY [2440] Instrumentation: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS [24941] Instrumentation: Q3 MICROSCOPY RESEARCH AND TECHNIQUE [1316491] Anatomy: Q2 Histology: Q3 Instrumentation: Q2 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q2 MICROSURGERY [3226] Surgery: D1 MICROSYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES [24946] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 MICROVASCULAR RESEARCH [3227] Biochemistry: Q2 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Cell Biology: Q3 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS [3228] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Microwave Engineering Europe [10076921] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 MICROWAVE JOURNAL [3229] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 MICROWAVE REVIEW [10018780] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Law: Q4 MICROWAVES & RF [3230] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 MIDDLE EAST AFRICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [10019952] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 MIDDLE EAST BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC REVIEW [10021559] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Middle East Critique [10080465] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Middle East Current Psychiatry [10050310] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 MIDDLE EASTERN LITERATURES [10029215] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES [5494] Cultural Studies: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Middle East Fertility Society Journal [10050041] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL [5493] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY [10073696] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MIDDLE EAST JOURNAL OF CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION [10025819] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Communication: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 MIDDLE-EAST JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH [10040565] Multidisciplinary: Q3 MIDDLE EAST LAW AND GOVERNANCE: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL [10068279] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 MIDDLE EAST POLICY [39085] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 MIDDLE EAST QUARTERLY [10025820] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 MIDDLE EAST REPORT [10025845] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 MIDWEST QUARTERLY - A JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT [10001678] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 MIDWEST STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY [10001679] Philosophy: Q3 MIDWIFERY [39087] Maternity and Midwifery: D1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Midwifery today with international midwife [10076922] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Migraciones [10080231] Cultural Studies: Q4 Demography: Q4 MIGRACIONES INTERNATIONALES [10061160] Demography: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 MIGRATION LETTERS [10017206] Demography: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 MIKOLOGIA LEKARSKA [10013749] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 MIKOLOGIYA I FITOPATOLOGIYA [3231] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Mikrobiolohichnyi zhurnal (Kiev, Ukraine : 1993) [10076924] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MIKROBIYOLOJI BULTENI [10007165] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 Mikrokosmos [10079219] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Instrumentation: Q4 MILAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10011729] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 MILBANK QUARTERLY [5496] Health Policy: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 MILCHWISSENSCHAFT-MILK SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL [3234] Food Science: Q4 MILESTONES IN DRUG THERAPY [10036205] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 MILITARGESCHICHTLICHE ZEITSCHRIFT [39806] History: Q4 MILITARY ENGINEER [10020797] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 MILITARY LAW REVIEW [5495] Law: Q3 MILITARY MEDICINE [3233] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 MILITARY OPERATIONS RESEARCH [2148429] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 MILITARY PSYCHOLOGY [39089] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 MILLENNIUM FILM JOURNAL [10001680] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 MILLENNIUM: JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES [5497] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Milli Egitim [10079567] Education: Q4 MILLI FOLKLOR: ULUSLARARASI KULTUR ARASTIRMALARI DERGISI [10078902] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 MILTON QUARTERLY [10001681] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 MILTON STUDIES [10001682] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 MIND [10001683] Philosophy: D1 Mind and Matter [10038675] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 MIND BRAIN AND EDUCATION [10015270] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 MIND CULTURE AND ACTIVITY [10023162] Anthropology: Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Cultural Studies: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 MINDFULNESS [10043752] Applied Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Health (social science): Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 MIND & LANGUAGE [39092] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Philosophy: D1 MINDS AND MACHINES [19420] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Philosophy: Q1 MIND & SOCIETY [10021561] Cultural Studies: D1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 History: D1 Philosophy: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Mineral Economics [10080684] Economic Geology: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 MINERALIUM DEPOSITA [3235] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 MINERALOGIA (MINERALOGIA POLONICA) [10011077] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geology: Q4 MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE [3239] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 MINERALOGY AND PETROLOGY [3238] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 MINERAL PROCESSING AND EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY REVIEW [10007166] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Economic Geology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 MINERALS [10044113] Geology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 MINERALS ENGINEERING [3237] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 MINERALS & METALLURGICAL PROCESSING [14121] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 MINERVA [5498] Education: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA [10009673] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 MINERVA BIOTECNOLOGICA [19427] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Bioengineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 MINERVA CARDIOANGIOLOGICA [10013473] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 MINERVA CHIRURGICA [10001684] Surgery: Q3 MINERVA ENDOCRINOLOGICA [10006077] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 MINERVA GASTROENTEROLOGICA E DIETOLOGICA: A JOURNAL ON GASTROENTEROLOGY, NUTRITION AND DIETETICS [10047660] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Gastroenterology: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 MINERVA GINECOLOGICA [10023350] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 MINERVA MEDICA [2149529] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MINERVA ORTOPEDICA E TRAUMATOLOGICA [10015670] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 MINERVA PEDIATRICA [10005585] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 MINERVA PNEUMOLOGICA [10016336] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 MINERVA PSICHIATRICA [10038909] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 MINERVA STOMATOLOGICA [10058871] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Oral Surgery: Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 MINERVA UROLOGICA E NEFROLOGICA [10014012] Nephrology: Q3 Urology: Q2 MINE WATER AND THE ENVIRONMENT [10015668] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 MINIMALLY INVASIVE NEUROSURGERY [9248] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q2 MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY [10037987] Surgery: Q2 MINIMALLY INVASIVE THERAPY [10003404] Surgery: Q2 MINIMALLY INVASIVE THERAPY & ALLIED TECHNOLOGIES [14125] Surgery: Q2 MINING ENGINEERING [10000894] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Mining History [10076928] Economic Geology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 History: Q3 Mining Magazine [10076929] Economic Geology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 MINING SCIENCE [10034684] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [2149574] Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 MINI-REVIEWS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [10001297] Organic Chemistry: Q3 MINNESOTA LAW REVIEW [5499] Law: D1 MINNESOTA MEDICINE [10036068] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MINNESOTA REVIEW [10001685] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 MISCELANEA: A JOURNAL OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PHILOLOGY [10022090] Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 MISCELLANEA GEOGRAPHICA (WARSZAWA) [10010859] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 MISKOLC MATHEMATICAL NOTES [10009762] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Analysis: Q4 Control and Optimization: Q4 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 Numerical Analysis: Q4 MIS QUARTERLY [3241] Computer Science Applications: D1 Information Systems: D1 Information Systems and Management: D1 Management Information Systems: D1 MIS QUARTERLY EXECUTIVE [10015272] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Missionalia [10078904] Religious Studies: Q2 MISSION STUDIES [10012328] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 MISSISSIPPI QUARTERLY [10001687] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Mississippi RN [10076936] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences [10053816] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Missouri Medicine [10076938] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change [10023050] Ecology: Q1 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 MITOCHONDRIAL DNA [10009674] Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 MITOCHONDRION [10000896] Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW [39096] Business and International Management: D1 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ADVANCE [19431] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Software: Q4 Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte [10068043] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 MITTEILUNGEN DER OSTERREICHISCHEN GEOGRAPHISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT [5502] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 MITTEILUNGEN DES DEUTSCHEN ARCHAOLOGISCHEN INSTITUTS ABTEILUNG ISTANBUL [10078905] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 MITTEILUNGEN DES DEUTSCHEN ARCHAOLOGISCHEN INSTITUTS ABTEILUNG KAIRO [10022184] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 MITTEILUNGEN DES DEUTSCHEN ARCHAOLOGISCHEN INSTITUTS ATHENISCHE ABTEILUNG [42696] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 MITTEILUNGEN DES DEUTSCHEN ARCHAOLOGISCHEN INSTITUTS - ROMISCHE ABTEILUNG [10079071] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 MITTEILUNGEN DES KUNSTHISTORISCHEN INSTITUTES IN FLORENZ [10001688] History: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 MITTEILUNGEN DES VERBANDES DER DEUTSCHEN HOHLEN-UND KARSTFORSCHER [10031856] Atmospheric Science: Q4 MITTEILUNGEN KLOSTERNEUBURG [40332] Horticulture: Q4 MITTEILUNGEN ZUR CHRISTLICHEN ARCHAEOLOGIE [10028127] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Mittellateinische Studien und Texte [10079795] History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 MLJEKARSTVO [10011730] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 MLN-MODERN LANGUAGE NOTES [10001689] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 MLTJ MUSCLES LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS JOURNAL [10069255] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 MMW-FORTSCHRITTE DER MEDIZIN [10001690] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MMWR RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS [10037056] Epidemiology: D1 Health Information Management: D1 Health (social science): D1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 MMWR. Surveillance summaries : Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Surveillance summaries / CDC [10076943] Epidemiology: D1 Health Information Management: Q1 Health (social science): D1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: D1 MNEMOSYNE: A JOURNAL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES [10001691] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Classics: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Mnemosyne, Supplements [10069635] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 MOBILE DNA [10019611] Molecular Biology: Q2 MOBILE INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10011731] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS [36330] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 MOBILITIES [10015274] Demography: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 MOBILIZATION: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10007385] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Transportation: Q2 Mocaxue Xuebao/Tribology [10048545] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 Model Assisted Statistics and Applications [10049965] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 MODELING IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL [3243] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Software: Q2 Modeling, Simulation and Applications [10057345] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Modelling and Simulation in Engineering [10067461] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 MODELLING AND SIMULATION IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [3244] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Modelling, Measurement and Control B [10070711] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Modelling, Measurement and Control C [10076947] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 MODELLING, MEASUREMENT & CONTROL. A: GENERAL PHYSICS, ELECTRONICS, ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (1984 - 1992) [10031072] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY FRANCE [10025821] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MODERN APPLIED SCIENCE [10049963] Multidisciplinary: Q2 MODERN ASIAN STUDIES [5503] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 MODERNA SPRAK [10001702] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 MODERN AUSTRIAN LITERATURE [10001692] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 MODERN CHINA [5504] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture [10023163] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 MODERN DRAMA [10001693] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 MODERN FICTION STUDIES [10001694] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Modern Healthcare [10076953] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MODERN INTELLECTUAL HISTORY [10020449] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Philosophy: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 MODERNISM - MODERNITY [10001703] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Music: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 MODERN ITALY [10042693] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 MODERN JUDAISM [10001696] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MODERN LANGUAGE JOURNAL [5505] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 MODERN LANGUAGE QUARTERLY [10001697] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 MODERN LANGUAGE REVIEW [10001698] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 MODERN LAW REVIEW [10015276] Law: Q1 MODERN PATHOLOGY [3245] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 MODERN PHILOLOGY [10001699] Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A [3242] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B [14128] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q4 Modern Plastics Worldwide [10079362] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 MODERN RHEUMATOLOGY [10015673] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Rheumatology: Q2 MODERN SCHOOLMAN [10001701] Philosophy: Q3 MODERN THEOLOGY [10024111] Religious Studies: Q1 Modern Trends in Pharmacopsychiatry [10056691] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 MOKUZAI GAKKAISHI [3246] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 MOLBANK [10011116] Biochemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 MOLECULAR AND BIOCHEMICAL PARASITOLOGY [3248] Molecular Biology: Q2 Parasitology: Q1 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY [3256] Cell Biology: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY [3257] Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOMECHANICS [10044141] Biophysics: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY [3258] Biochemistry: Q1 Endocrinology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR NEUROSCIENCE [3259] Cell Biology: Q1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR PHARMACOLOGY [10047689] Molecular Biology: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR PROBES [3260] Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 MOLECULAR ASPECTS OF MEDICINE [3247] Biochemistry: D1 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Molecular Medicine: D1 MOLECULAR AUTISM [10016975] Developmental Biology: Q1 Developmental Neuroscience: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10000897] Biophysics: Q4 Structural Biology: Q4 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION [3250] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL [3249] Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS [3251] Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS [10003405] Biotechnology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY [19446] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Biochemistry: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 MOLECULAR BRAIN [10028429] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 MOLECULAR BREEDING [9263] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Plant Science: Q1 MOLECULAR CANCER [10007167] Cancer Research: Q1 Molecular Medicine: D1 Oncology: D1 MOLECULAR CANCER RESEARCH [10001298] Cancer Research: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Oncology: D1 MOLECULAR CANCER THERAPEUTICS [10000898] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: D1 MOLECULAR CARCINOGENESIS [3255] Cancer Research: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 MOLECULAR CATALYSIS [10072719] Catalysis: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q1 MOLECULAR CELL [19450] Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS [10001299] Analytical Chemistry: D1 Biochemistry: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 MOLECULAR & CELLULAR TOXICOLOGY [10007168] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Toxicology: Q4 MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS (2002-) [10007169] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SECTION A-MOLECULAR CRYSTALS AND LIQUID CRYSTALS (1992-2001) [3262] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 MOLECULAR CYTOGENETICS [10028430] Biochemistry: Q3 Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Genetics: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q3 MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS & THERAPY [10004697] Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 MOLECULAR DIVERSITY [14151] Catalysis: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 MOLECULAR ECOLOGY [9273] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: Q1 MOLECULAR ECOLOGY NOTES [10001300] Biotechnology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: D1 MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES [10009675] Biotechnology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: D1 MOLECULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY [3264] Endocrinology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 MOLECULAR & GENERAL GENETICS [3265] Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS [36361] Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 MOLECULAR GENETICS AND METABOLISM [19465] Biochemistry: Q1 Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology [10062691] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MOLECULAR GENETICS MICROBIOLOGY AND VIROLOGY [10015674] Genetics: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Virology: Q4 MOLECULAR HUMAN REPRODUCTION [24998] Cell Biology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q1 Embryology: D1 Genetics: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Reproductive Medicine: D1 MOLECULAR IMAGING [10009676] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 MOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY [10007170] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY [3266] Immunology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 MOLECULAR INFORMATICS [10015675] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 MOLECULAR INTERVENTIONS [2117679] Molecular Medicine: Q1 MOLECULAR MEDICINE [9277] Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Molecular Medicine: D1 MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS [10009677] Biochemistry: Q3 Cancer Research: Q3 Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Oncology: Q3 MOLECULAR MEDICINE TODAY [9278] Molecular Biology: D1 Molecular Medicine: D1 MOLECULAR MEMBRANE BIOLOGY [3267] Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 MOLECULAR METABOLISM [10038168] Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY [3268] Microbiology: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY [3269] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Neurology: Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 MOLECULAR NEURODEGENERATION [10011732] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): D1 MOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH [10001301] Biotechnology: Q1 Food Science: D1 MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY [10011733] Cancer Research: D1 Genetics: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Medicine: D1 MOLECULAR ORAL MICROBIOLOGY [10015676] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 MOLECULAR PAIN [10007171] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS [10007172] Drug Discovery: D1 Molecular Medicine: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY [3270] Molecular Medicine: Q1 Pharmacology: D1 MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION [14163] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 MOLECULAR PHYSICS [3271] Biophysics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 MOLECULAR PLANT [10009678] Molecular Biology: Q1 Plant Science: D1 MOLECULAR PLANT-MICROBE INTERACTIONS [3272] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Physiology: Q1 MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY [10001302] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Plant Science: D1 Soil Science: D1 MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY [14166] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT [3273] Cell Biology: Q3 Developmental Biology: Q3 Genetics: Q2 MOLECULAR SIMULATION [3274] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Information Systems: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 MOLECULAR SYNDROMOLOGY [10025743] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 MOLECULAR SYSTEMS BIOLOGY [10007173] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Applied Mathematics: D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: D1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): D1 Information Systems: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 MOLECULAR THERAPY [30657] Drug Discovery: D1 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Molecular Medicine: D1 Pharmacology: D1 MOLECULAR THERAPY-NUCLEIC ACIDS [10036561] Drug Discovery: Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 MOLECULAR VISION [36380] Ophthalmology: Q1 MOLECULES [25013] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Drug Discovery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 MOLECULES AND CELLS [14148] Cell Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 MOLEKULYARNAYA BIOLOGIYA - MOSZKVA [3252] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 MOLLUSCAN RESEARCH [10007174] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Genetics: Q4 MONALDI ARCHIVES FOR CHEST DISEASE / ARCHIVIO MONALDI PER LE MALATTIE DEL TORACE [10040490] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Monash bioethics review [10076961] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 MONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE [3277] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 MONATSHEFTE FUR MATHEMATIK [3278] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 MONATSSCHRIFT FUR KRIMINOLOGIE UND STRAFRECHTSREFORM [10011195] Law: Q2 MONATSSCHRIFT KINDERHEILKUNDE [3281] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Surgery: Q4 MONDES EN DEVELOPPEMENT [10020690] Development: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 MONDO DIGITALE [10043228] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Media Technology: Q3 MONDO ORTODONTICO [10068386] Orthodontics: Q4 Monies, Markets, and Finance in East Asia 1600-1900 [10080467] Cultural Studies: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES IN IMMUNODIAGNOSIS AND IMMUNOTHERAPY [10044594] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Monografies de la Societat d'Historia Natural de les Balears [10079363] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Monografies del Museu de Ciencies Naturals [10087844] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 MONOGRAPHS IN CLINICAL CYTOLOGY [10001710] Histology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 MONOGRAPHS IN HUMAN GENETICS [39815] Genetics (clinical): Q4 MONOGRAPHS IN ORAL SCIENCE [39816] Dentistry (miscellaneous): D1 MONOGRAPHS IN VIROLOGY [10001711] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Virology: Q4 MONOGRAPHS OF THE SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT [5508] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 MONTANA - THE MAGAZINE OF WESTERN HISTORY [10001712] History: Q3 MONTE CARLO METHODS AND APPLICATIONS [40569] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 MONTHLY LABOR REVIEW [5506] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY [3275] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY: LETTERS [10038622] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 MONTHLY REVIEW-AN INDEPENDENT SOCIALIST MAGAZINE [5507] Gender Studies: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW [3276] Atmospheric Science: D1 Monumenta Graeca et Romana [10080005] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Classics: Q2 Museology: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 MONUMENTA NIPPONICA [10001713] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 MORAVIAN GEOGRAPHICAL REPORTS [10001715] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 MORBIDITY AND MORTALITY WEEKLY REPORT [10048784] Epidemiology: D1 Health Information Management: D1 Health (social science): D1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 MOREANA [10001716] History: Q4 Law: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 MORFOLOGIIA (Saint Petersburg, Russia) [10055110] Histology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 MORPHOLOGIE [10048485] Anatomy: Q4 MORPHOLOGY [10018151] Language and Linguistics: Q1 MORTALITY [42656] Health (social science): Q3 Philosophy: Q1 Religious Studies: D1 MOSAIC: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY CRITICAL JOURNAL [10001717] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 MOSCOW MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [10011734] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 MOSCOW UNIVERSITY BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES BULLETIN [10048921] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 MOSCOW UNIVERSITY CHEMISTRY BULLETIN [10009242] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 MOSCOW UNIVERSITY COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND CYBERNETICS [10023587] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Control and Optimization: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Moscow University Geology Bulletin [10073147] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 MOSCOW UNIVERSITY MATHEMATICS BULLETIN [10029689] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 MOSCOW UNIVERSITY PHYSICS BULLETIN [10015677] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Moscow Univ Mech Bull [10079798] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 MOSHI SHIBIE YU RENGONG ZHINENG / PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [10039075] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Software: Q4 MOTIVATION AND EMOTION [5509] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q1 MOTOR CONTROL [36389] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q3 Sports Science: Q3 Motor Ship [10076963] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 MOTRICIDADE [10074901] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Motricite Cerebrale Readaptation Neurologie du Developpement [10079221] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 MOTRIZ: REVISTA DE EDUCACAO FISICA [10056812] Health (social science): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Sports Science: Q4 Mountain Geologist [10076964] Geology: Q4 MOUNTAIN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT [3285] Development: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 MOUVEMENT SOCIAL [5510] History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MOVEMENT DISORDERS [3283] Neurology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité [10064924] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 MOVIMENTO [10015278] Education: Q3 MOYEN AGE [10001718] History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 MOYEN FRANCAIS [10016473] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 M@ppemonde [10076824] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 MPT Metallurgical Plant and Technology International [10076967] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 MRS BULLETIN [3284] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 MRS COMMUNICATIONS [10028181] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 M S MEDECINE SCIENCE [3058] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MSMR [10080685] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 M&SOM-MANUFACTURING & SERVICE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT [10009465] Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 MSW Management [10079799] Pollution: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 MUCOSAL IMMUNOLOGY [10009679] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 Muelleria [10076969] Plant Science: Q3 MULTIAGENT AND GRID SYSTEMS [10015016] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS [36396] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Optimization: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION [10069123] Cultural Studies: Q2 Education: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q3 MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION AND TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL [10019848] Education: Q3 E-learning: Q3 MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION REVIEW [10032494] Anthropology: Q3 Education: Q4 Multicultural Perspectives [10080468] Cultural Studies: Q2 Multicultural Shakespeare [10043332] Cultural Studies: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 MULTIDIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING [3287] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 Software: Q1 MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESPIRATORY MEDICINE [10011735] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 MULTIDISCIPLINE MODELING IN MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES [40695] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 MULTILINGUA-JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL AND INTERLANGUAGE COMMUNICATION [10001720] Communication: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS [14181] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Information Systems: Q3 Media Technology: Q1 Software: Q3 MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [19492] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Media Technology: Q1 Software: Q3 MULTINATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW [10017436] Business and International Management: Q2 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Multiphase Science and Technology [10042138] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND RELATED DISORDERS [10036989] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL [25025] Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 MULTISCALE MODELING & SIMULATION [10001303] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Ecological Modeling: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 MULTISENSORY RESEARCH [10033072] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Ophthalmology: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q3 Multitudes [10065102] Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MULTIVARIATE BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH [3288] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 MUNDO AGRARIO [10071622] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Industrial Relations: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 MUQARNAS [10020932] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 MUSCLE & NERVE [3289] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 MUSCULOSKELETAL CARE [10063627] Chiropractics: Q1 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Rehabilitation: Q1 Rheumatology: Q2 MUSCULOSKELETAL SCIENCE AND PRACTICE [10083934] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 MUSCULOSKELETAL SURGERY [10051024] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 MUSEUM ANTHROPOLOGY [10018806] Anthropology: Q3 Museology: Q2 MUSEUM HELVETICUM [10027690] Classics: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 MUSEUM INTERNATIONAL [10001721] Conservation: Q3 Museology: Q2 MUSEUM MANAGEMENT AND CURATORSHIP [10062396] Business and International Management: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 MUSEUM NEWS [10001722] Conservation: Q3 Museology: Q3 MUSEUM STUDIES [10078907] Conservation: Q3 Museology: Q3 MUSICAE SCIENTIAE - THE JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR THE COGNITIVE SCIENCES OF MUSIC JOURNAL [10007386] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Music: Q1 MUSICA HODIE [10046016] Music: Q2 MUSICAL QUARTERLY [10001726] Music: Q4 MUSICAL TIMES [10001727] Music: Q3 MUSIC ANALYSIS [10001724] Music: Q2 MUSIC EDUCATION RESEARCH [10015280] Education: Q1 Music: D1 MUSIC & LETTERS [10001723] Music: Q3 Musicology Australia [10076973] Music: Q3 MUSIC PERCEPTION [5512] Music: D1 Music Reference Services Quarterly [10079568] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Music: Q2 MUSIC THEORY SPECTRUM [10001725] Music: Q2 Music Therapy Perspectives [10049115] Applied Psychology: Q4 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Music: Q1 MUSIKFORSCHUNG [10001730] Music: Q3 MUSIK IN BAYERN [10001728] Music: Q3 MUSIKTHEORIE [10001731] Music: Q3 Musik und Asthetik [10078908] Cultural Studies: Q4 Music: Q4 MUSIK UND KIRCHE [10001729] Music: Q4 Muslim Minorities [10080006] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 MUSLIM WORLD [10001732] History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Religious Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 MUSLIM WORLD JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS [10025822] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 MUTAGENESIS [3290] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Toxicology: Q1 MUTATION RESEARCH-FUNDAMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MECHANISMS OF MUTAGENESIS [30680] Genetics: Q4 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 MUTATION RESEARCH-GENETIC TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MUTAGENESIS [30681] Genetics: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Mutation Research Letters [10050159] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 MUTATION RESEARCH-REVIEWS IN MUTATION RESEARCH [30683] Genetics: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: D1 MUTTERSPRACHE: VIERTELJAHRESSCHRIFT FUR DEUTSCHE SPRACHE [10001733] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 MUZIKI : JOURNAL OF MUSIC RESEARCH IN AFRICA [10059622] Music: Q2 Muzikoloski Zbornik [10080007] Music: Q4 MŰVÉSZETTÖRTÉNETI ÉRTESÍTŐ [39822] History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 MYCOBIOLOGY [10024324] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 MYCOLOGIA [3293] Cell Biology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 Physiology: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 MYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS [10007175] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 MYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH [3292] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 MYCOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON FUNGAL BIOLOGY [10050801] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 MYCOPATHOLOGIA [3294] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 MYCORRHIZA [9306] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 MYCOSCIENCE [10006350] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 MYCOSES [3295] Dermatology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 MYCOTAXON [3296] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 MYCOTOXIN RESEARCH [1309862] Biotechnology: Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Toxicology: Q2 Mymensingh medical journal : MMJ [10078909] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 MYRMECOLOGICAL NEWS [10010405] Insect Science: Q1 NACE - International Corrosion Conference Series [10052415] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 NACHRICHTEN AUS CHEMIE TECHNIK UND LABORATORIUM [19505] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 NACHRICHTEN AUS DER CHEMIE [36415] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 NAFO Scientific Council Studies [10076976] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies [10079569] Classics: Q1 History: Q2 Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 NAGOYA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE [10028432] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 NAGOYA MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [3298] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 NAHRUNG-FOOD [3299] Biotechnology: Q1 Food Science: D1 Naihuo Cailiao/Refractories [10076977] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 NAMES-A JOURNAL OF ONOMASTICS [10017521] Demography: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 NAMI JISHU YU JINGMI GONGCHENG / NANOTECHNOLOGY AND PRECISION ENGINEERING [10050781] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Instrumentation: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 Nanjing Hangkong Hangtian Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics [10052750] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 NANJING YOUDIAN DAXUE XUEBAO (ZIRAN KEXUE BAN)/JOURNAL OF NANJING UNIVERSITY OF POSTS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS (NATURAL SCIENCE) [10053539] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 NANKAI BUSINESS REVIEW INTERNATIONAL [10027850] Business and International Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 NAN NU: Men, Women and Gender in Early and Imperial China [10078204] Cultural Studies: Q3 Gender Studies: Q3 History: Q2 NANO [10011736] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Nano Biomedicine [10080232] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Nano Biomedicine and Engineering [10069989] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 NANO COMMUNICATION NETWORKS [10023376] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 NANO ENERGY [10033073] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 NANOETHICS: STUDIES OF NEW AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES [10052308] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 Philosophy: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 NANO LETTERS [10000899] Bioengineering: D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: D1 NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY [10033074] Biotechnology: Q3 Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 NANOMEDICINE [10007177] Bioengineering: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Development: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 NANOMEDICINE: NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [10011738] Bioengineering: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Medicine: Q1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 NANO-MICRO LETTERS [10028433] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 NANOPAGES [10004730] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 NANOPHOTONICS [10043464] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 NANO RESEARCH [10011737] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: D1 NANOSCALE [10012979] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 NANOSCALE AND MICROSCALE THERMOPHYSICAL ENGINEERING [10003777] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS [10007178] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY - ASIA [10051811] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS [10012681] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 NANOSCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10036071] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 NANOTECHNOLOGIES IN RUSSIA [10037643] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 NANOTECHNOLOGY [14196] Bioengineering: Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 NANOTECHNOLOGY LAW & BUSINESS [10052043] Bioengineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Law: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 NANOTECHNOLOGY PERCEPTIONS [40885] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 NANOTECHNOLOGY REVIEWS [10037307] Biomaterials: Q3 Biotechnology: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 NANOTECHNOLOGY, SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS [10012238] Bioengineering: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 NANO TODAY [10007176] Bioengineering: D1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: D1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 NANOTOXICOLOGY [10009680] Biomedical Engineering: D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 Toxicology: D1 NARODNA UMJETNOST / CROATIAN JOURNAL OF ETHNOLOGY AND FOLKLORE RESEARCH [2152009] Anthropology: Q4 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 NARRATIVE [10001734] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 NARRATIVE INQUIRY [39108] Education: Q3 History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Narrative inquiry in bioethics [10080686] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NASE MORE / OUR SEA [10061218] Ocean Engineering: Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 Transportation: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 NASN school nurse (Print) [10076982] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NASPA JOURNAL ABOUT WOMEN IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10080913] Education: Q4 Gender Studies: Q4 NASSP Bulletin [10076983] Education: Q3 NATION [5517] Cultural Studies: Q3 NATIONAL ACADEMY SCIENCE LETTERS-INDIA [3307] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 National Cultivation of Culture [10080469] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 National health statistics reports [10076987] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 NATIONAL IDENTITIES [10024842] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q2 NATIONAL INSTITUTE ECONOMIC REVIEW [10021576] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 NATIONAL INTEREST [10025823] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 NATIONALISM AND ETHNIC POLITICS [10025824] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 NATIONALITIES PAPERS [10004405] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 NATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY [10065289] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q4 NATIONAL MEDICAL JORNAL OF CHINA/CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL [10024443] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NATIONAL MEDICAL JOURNAL OF INDIA [19522] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 National Petroleum News [10076991] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 NATIONAL TAX JOURNAL [5519] Accounting: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 National Toxicology Program genetically modified model report [10079365] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 National Toxicology Program technical report series [10078429] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 National vital statistics reports : from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System [10076993] Life-span and Life-course Studies: D1 NATIONS AND NATIONALISM [10015286] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 NATO SCIENCE FOR PEACE AND SECURITY SERIES A: CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY [10035610] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 NATO SCIENCE FOR PEACE AND SECURITY SERIES B: PHYSICS AND BIOPHYSICS [10007968] Biophysics: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 NATO SCIENCE FOR PEACE AND SECURITY SERIES C ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY [10029729] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 NATURA CROATICA: PERIODICUM MUSEI HISTORIAE NATURALIS CROATICI [10012709] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 NATURAL AREAS JOURNAL [3301] Ecology: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 NATURAL COMPUTING [10004159] Computer Science Applications: Q2 NATURAL COMPUTING SERIES [10045348] Software: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 Natural Gas Industry [10036203] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 NATURAL HAZARDS [14200] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES [10007186] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 NATURAL HAZARDS REVIEW [10022778] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 NATURAL HISTORY [3303] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING [10017351] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Software: Q3 NATURAL LANGUAGE & LINGUISTIC THEORY [1303109] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 NATURAL LANGUAGE SEMANTICS [10009726] Linguistics and Language: D1 Philosophy: D1 NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS [10005646] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 NATURAL PRODUCT LETTERS [19518] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 NATURAL PRODUCT REPORTS [3305] Biochemistry: D1 Drug Discovery: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH [10001307] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 Natural Product Sciences [10036761] Drug Discovery: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 NATURAL PRODUCTS JOURNAL [10057195] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q4 NATURAL RESOURCE MODELING [10007189] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 NATURAL RESOURCES FORUM [5515] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 NATURAL RESOURCES JOURNAL [5516] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q2 NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH [10005113] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Natural Solutions [10076997] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 NATURE [3308] Multidisciplinary: D1 Nature and Human Activities [10076998] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Nature and Science of Sleep [10049745] Applied Psychology: Q3 Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY [14198] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: D1 Bioengineering: D1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Molecular Medicine: D1 NATURE CELL BIOLOGY [25047] Cell Biology: D1 NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY [10003408] Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 NATURE CHEMISTRY [10011739] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE [10022777] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE CLINICAL PRACTICE NEPHROLOGY [10007182] Nephrology: D1 NATURE CLINICAL PRACTICE NEUROLOGY [10007183] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 NATURE CLINICAL PRACTICE ONCOLOGY [10007184] Oncology: D1 NATURE CLINICAL PRACTICE RHEUMATOLOGY [10006378] Rheumatology: Q1 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS [10015678] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE CONSERVATION-BULGARIA [10019402] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 NATURE + CULTURE [10015284] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 NATURE ENVIRONMENT AND POLLUTION TECHNOLOGY [10042151] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 NATURE GENETICS [3302] Genetics: D1 NATURE GEOSCIENCE [10009681] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE IMMUNOLOGY [30703] Immunology: D1 NATURE MATERIALS [10001305] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 NATURE MEDICINE [9317] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE METHODS [10001306] Biochemistry: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY [10007187] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Bioengineering: D1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: D1 NATURE NEUROSCIENCE [19517] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE PHOTONICS [10007188] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 NATURE PHYSICS [10003410] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE PROTOCOLS [10009104] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE REVIEWS CANCER [10000900] Cancer Research: D1 Oncology: D1 NATURE REVIEWS CARDIOLOGY [10011741] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 NATURE REVIEWS CLINICAL ONCOLOGY [10011742] Oncology: D1 NATURE REVIEWS DRUG DISCOVERY [10000901] Drug Discovery: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology: D1 NATURE REVIEWS ENDOCRINOLOGY [10011743] Endocrinology: D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 NATURE REVIEWS GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY [10011744] Gastroenterology: D1 Hepatology: D1 NATURE REVIEWS GENETICS [30708] Genetics: D1 Genetics (clinical): D1 Molecular Biology: D1 NATURE REVIEWS IMMUNOLOGY [10000902] Immunology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE REVIEWS MICROBIOLOGY [10001308] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE REVIEWS MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY [1190299] Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 NATURE REVIEWS NEPHROLOGY [10011745] Nephrology: D1 NATURE REVIEWS NEUROLOGY [10011746] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 NATURE REVIEWS NEUROSCIENCE [30710] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 NATURE REVIEWS RHEUMATOLOGY [10010336] Rheumatology: Q1 NATURE REVIEWS UROLOGY [10011748] Urology: Q1 Natures Sciences Societes [10076999] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 NATURE STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY [3306] Molecular Biology: D1 Structural Biology: D1 NATURE STRUCTURAL & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10001309] Molecular Biology: D1 Structural Biology: D1 NATURSCHUTZ UND LANDSCHAFTSPLANUNG [10039411] Ecology: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 NATUR UND LANDSCHAFT [10020771] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 NATUR UND RECHT: ZEITSCHRIFT FŰR DAS GESAMTE RECHT ZUM SCHUTZE DER NATŰRLICHEN LEBENSGRUNDLAGEN UND DER UMWELT [10070865] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN [3309] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 NAUKOVYI VISNYK NATSIONALNOHO HIRNYCHOHO UNIVERSYTETU / GEOTECHNICAL AND MINING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, MACHINE BUILDING [10087570] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Nau Literaria [10080914] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 NAUNYN-SCHMIEDEBERGS ARCHIVES OF PHARMACOLOGY [3297] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 NAUTILUS [3312] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 NAVAL ARCHITECT [3313] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 NAVAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL [3314] Ocean Engineering: Q4 NAVAL RESEARCH LOGISTICS [3315] Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Ocean Engineering: Q1 NAVIGATION-JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF NAVIGATION [10052294] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 NBER MACROECONOMICS ANNUAL [39113] Economics and Econometrics: D1 NCASI TECHNICAL BULLETIN [10078205] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Media Technology: Q3 NCHS data brief [10079801] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 NCSL legisbrief [10078430] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NDT & E INTERNATIONAL [3316] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 NEAR EASTERN ARCHAEOLOGY [10001735] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 History: D1 NEAR SURFACE GEOPHYSICS [2148567] Geophysics: Q2 Nebraska nurse [10077004] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NEBRASKA SYMPOSIUM ON MOTIVATION [10001064] Social Psychology: Q2 NEC TECHNICAL JOURNAL [10007190] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 NEDERLANDSE GEOGRAFISCHE STUDIES [10045027] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Nederlandse Letterkunde [10080233] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 NEDERLANDS KUNSTHISTORISCH JAARBOEK [10078911] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 NEDERLANDS TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR DERMATOLOGIE EN VENEREOLOGIE [10039740] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 NEDERLANDS TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GENEESKUNDE [10001736] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Keel- Neus- Oorheelkunde [10050798] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 NEDERLANDS TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR KLINISCHE CHEMIE EN LABORATORIUMGENEESKUNDE [2151339] Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde [10065629] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Urologie [10070273] Urology: Q4 NEFROLOGIA [3318] Nephrology: Q3 NEFTYANOE KHOZYAYSTVO - OIL INDUSTRY [3319] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 NEGENTIENDE EEUW [10078912] History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 NEGOTIATION AND CONFLICT MANAGEMENT RESEARCH [10033076] Communication: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 NEGOTIATION JOURNAL [5523] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 Neiranji Gongcheng/Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering [10042178] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Neiranji Xuebao [10036060] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 NEMATOL MONOGR PERSP [10043462] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 NEMATOLOGY [25070] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 NEMATROPICA [3321] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 NEOHELICON [1134078] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Law: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Neonatal Network [10058850] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Critical Care Nursing: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Neonatal, Paediatric and Child Health Nursing [10079570] Pediatrics: Q3 NEONATOLOGY: FETAL AND NEONATAL RESEARCH [10007191] Developmental Biology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 NEOPHILOLOGUS [10001737] Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 NEOPLASIA [10000903] Cancer Research: D1 NEOPLASMA [3322] Cancer Research: Q3 NEOREVIEWS [10012169] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Neotestamentica [10078648] Religious Studies: Q2 NEOTROPICAL BIOLOGY AND CONSERVATION [10042160] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 NEOTROPICAL ENTOMOLOGY [10007192] Insect Science: Q2 NEOTROPICAL ICHTHYOLOGY [10007193] Aquatic Science: Q2 Nepalese journal of ophthalmology : a biannual peer-reviewed academic journal of the Nepal Ophthalmic Society : NEPJOPH [10080234] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NEPHROLOGE [10036877] Nephrology: Q4 NEPHROLOGIE [3324] Nephrology: Q3 NEPHROLOGIE & THERAPEUTIQUE [10010257] Nephrology: Q3 NEPHROLOGY [19539] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nephrology: Q2 Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation [10045582] Nephrology: Q4 Transplantation: Q4 NEPHROLOGY DIALYSIS TRANSPLANTATION [3323] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nephrology: Q1 Transplantation: D1 NEPHROLOGY NEWS AND ISSUES [10028618] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NEPHROLOGY NURSING JOURNAL [10033077] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nephrology: Q3 NEPHRON CLINICAL PRACTICE [10001310] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nephrology: Q2 NEPHRON EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY [10001311] Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nephrology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 NEPHRON PHYSIOLOGY [10005150] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nephrology: Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 NEPHRO-UROLOGY MONTHLY [10025316] Urology: Q4 NERVENARZT [3326] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 NERVENHEILKUNDE [3327] Family Practice: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 NESTLE NUTRITION INSTITUTE WORKSHOP SERIES [10045853] Food Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 NETHERLANDS HEART JOURNAL [10005326] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 NETHERLANDS INTERNATIONAL LAW REVIEW [10018330] Law: Q3 NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE [3328] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Development: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE [10062685] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES-GEOLOGIE EN MIJNBOUW [28585] Geology: Q2 NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF HOUSING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT [10002808] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [3329] Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [3332] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 NETHERLANDS QUARTERLY OF HUMAN RIGHTS [10009470] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 NETHERLANDS YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [10027142] Law: Q3 NETNOMICS [10021582] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Information Systems: Q2 NETWORK BIOLOGY [10030870] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 NETWORK-COMPUTATION IN NEURAL SYSTEMS [3334] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 NETWORKS AND HETEROGENEOUS MEDIA [10007194] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q3 NETWORKS AND SPATIAL ECONOMICS: A JOURNAL OF INFRASTRUCTURE MODELING AND COMPUTATION [2148430] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Software: Q1 NETWORKS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [3335] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: D1 Information Systems: Q1 Software: Q1 Network Security [10077006] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Information Systems and Management: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 Neuere Medizin- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte [10079074] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NEUE RUNDSCHAU [10001738] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 NEUES JAHRBUCH FUR MINERALOGIE-ABHANDLUNGEN [3337] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 NEUES JAHRBUCH FÜR GEOLOGIE UND PALAONTOLOGIE-ABHANDLUNGEN [36461] Paleontology: Q3 NEUE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR MUSIK [10001739] Music: Q4 NEUE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SYSTEMATISCHE THEOLOGIE UND RELIGIONSPHILOSOPHIE [10001740] Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 NEUPHILOLOGISCHE MITTEILUNGEN [10001741] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 NEURAL COMPUTATION [3339] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS [14234] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Software: Q3 NEURAL DEVELOPMENT [10011749] Developmental Neuroscience: Q1 NEURAL NETWORKS [3340] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 NEURAL NETWORK WORLD [10002715] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Software: Q4 Neural Parallel Sci. Comput. [10036416] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Software: Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 NEURAL PLASTICITY [19554] Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): D1 NEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS [9351] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Software: Q2 NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH [10012890] Developmental Neuroscience: Q4 NEUROANATOMY: AN ANNUAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NEUROANATOMY [10074449] Anatomy: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neurobehavioral HIV Medicine [10061760] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Dermatology: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING: AGE-RELATED PHENOMENA NEURODEGENERATION AND NEUROPATHOLOGY [3342] Aging: D1 Developmental Biology: Q1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 NEUROBIOLOGY OF DISEASE [14239] Neurology: D1 NEUROBIOLOGY OF LEARNING AND MEMORY [9354] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 NEUROCASE [19560] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 NEUROCHEMICAL JOURNAL [10011750] Biochemistry: Q4 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH [3344] Biochemistry: Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 NEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL [3343] Cell Biology: Q3 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 NEUROCHIRURGIE [3346] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 NEUROCIRUGIA [19564] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 NEUROCOMPUTING [3347] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 NEUROCRITICAL CARE [10003413] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES [10009682] Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 NEURODIAGNOSTIC JOURNAL [10059941] Medical Laboratory Technology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY [3350] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q2 Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY LETTERS [3349] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q4 Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 NEUROEPIDEMIOLOGY [3351] Epidemiology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 NEUROETHICS [10015288] Health Policy: Q2 Neurology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 NEUROFORUM [10015680] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY [9364] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q1 Gastroenterology: Q1 Physiology: Q1 NEUROGENETICS [19570] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Genetics: Q1 Genetics (clinical): Q2 NEUROIMAGE [3352] Cognitive Neuroscience: D1 Neurology: D1 NEUROIMAGE-CLINICAL [10032722] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 NEUROIMAGING CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [19571] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 NEUROIMMUNE BIOLOGY [10025541] Immunology: Q4 Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 NEUROIMMUNOMODULATION [19573] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q2 Endocrinology: Q3 Immunology: Q3 Neurology: Q3 NEUROINFORMATICS [10001312] Information Systems: Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Software: Q1 NEUROLOGIA [10001313] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neurologia Argentina [10038568] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 NEUROLOGIA CROATICA [19575] Neurology (clinical): Q4 NEUROLOGIA I NEUROCHIRURGIA POLSKA [10011751] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 NEUROLOGIA MEDICO-CHIRURGICA [30765] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q2 Neurologia-Neurocirugia Psiquiatria [10080008] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 NEUROLOGICAL RESEARCH [3354] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES [30768] Dermatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY [10000904] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 NEUROLOGIC CLINICS [3353] Neurology (clinical): Q2 NEUROLOGIE - PSYCHIATRIE - GERIATRIE (NPG) [10018403] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 NEUROLOGIE UND REHABILITATION [10060484] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 NEUROLOGIST [19580] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 NEUROLOGY [3355] Neurology (clinical): D1 NEUROLOGY AND THERAPY [10032890] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 NEUROLOGY ASIA [10015681] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 NEUROLOGY: CLINICAL PRACTICE [10041768] Neurology (clinical): Q3 NEUROLOGY INDIA [19576] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neurology International [10051056] Neurology (clinical): Q3 NEUROLOGY PSYCHIATRY AND BRAIN RESEARCH [1188119] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 NEUROLOGY RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [10032368] Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 NEUROMETHODS [10030968] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 NEUROMODULATION [19582] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 NEUROMOLECULAR MEDICINE [10000905] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 Neurology: Q1 NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS [3356] Genetics (clinical): Q2 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 NEURON [3357] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 NEURON GLIA BIOLOGY [10009683] Cell Biology: Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 NEURO-ONCOLOGY [10000906] Cancer Research: Q1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Oncology: D1 NEURO-OPHTHALMOLOGY [3341] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 Neuro-Ophthalmology Japan [10073148] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Ophthalmology: Q4 NEUROPATHOLOGY [19586] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 NEUROPATHOLOGY AND APPLIED NEUROBIOLOGY [3358] Histology: D1 Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 Physiology (medical): Q1 NEUROPEDIATRICS [3359] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 NEUROPEPTIDES [3360] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q2 Endocrinology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 NEUROPHARMACOLOGY [3361] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q1 Pharmacology: D1 NEUROPHYSIOLOGIE CLINIQUE-CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY [3362] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Physiology (medical): Q2 NEUROPHYSIOLOGIE-LABOR [10039992] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 NEUROPHYSIOLOGY [19591] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Physiology: Q4 NEUROPSYCHIATRIA I NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA [10039164] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISEASE AND TREATMENT [10009197] Biological Psychiatry: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 NEUROPSYCHIATRIE [19593] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 NEUROPSYCHIATRIE DE L ENFANCE ET DE L ADOLESCENCE [10038905] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 NEUROPSYCHIATRY [10024094] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Neuropsychoanalysis [10048727] Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOGY [3364] Biological Psychiatry: Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA [3365] Behavioral Neuroscience: D1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL REHABILITATION [19595] Applied Psychology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 Rehabilitation: Q1 NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TRENDS [10066888] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY [19598] Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q1 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY REVIEW [19596] Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: D1 NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGIA HUNGARICA [2148638] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [3366] Pharmacology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 NEUROQUANTOLOGY [40973] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Developmental Neuroscience: Q4 NEURORADIOLOGY [3367] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 NEURORADIOLOGY JOURNAL [10016162] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 NEUROREHABILITATION [39119] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Rehabilitation: Q1 NEUROREHABILITATION AND NEURAL REPAIR [30793] Neurology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Rehabilitation: D1 NEUROREPORT [3368] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 NEUROSCIENCE [3373] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 NEUROSCIENCE AND BEHAVIORAL PHYSIOLOGY [1222507] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 NEUROSCIENCE AND BIOBEHAVIORAL REVIEWS [3369] Behavioral Neuroscience: D1 Cognitive Neuroscience: D1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: D1 NEUROSCIENCE BULLETIN [10022780] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q2 NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS [3370] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH [3371] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 NEUROSCIENCES [10009684] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 NEUROSCIENTIST [19607] Neurology (clinical): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 NEUROSIGNALS [10000909] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Developmental Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology: Q2 NEUROSURGERY [3375] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Surgery: D1 NEUROSURGERY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [14272] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q2 NEUROSURGERY QUARTERLY [19609] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Surgery: Q4 NEUROSURGICAL FOCUS [10005584] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Surgery: Q1 NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW [3374] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q1 NEUROTHERAPEUTICS [10011752] Neurology (clinical): D1 Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 NEUROTOXICITY RESEARCH [10003419] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Toxicology: Q1 NEUROTOXICOLOGY [3377] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Toxicology: Q2 NEUROTOXICOLOGY AND TERATOLOGY [3376] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Developmental Neuroscience: Q3 Toxicology: Q2 NEUROUROLOGY AND URODYNAMICS [3378] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Urology: D1 NEUTRON NEWS [40668] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 NÉVTANI ÉRTESÍTŐ [2152132] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 NEW ARMENIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [10037468] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NEW ASTRONOMY [10009174] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Instrumentation: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 NEW ASTRONOMY REVIEWS [10000910] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY [10009685] Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 NEWBORN AND INFANT NURSING REVIEWS [10058852] Pediatrics: Q3 NEW CARBON MATERIALS [10001314] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 New Cinemas [10080915] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 NEW CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW [10027350] Law: Q2 New Design [10079368] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 NEW DIRECTIONS FOR CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT [10023164] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 NEW DIRECTIONS FOR EVALUATION [10018002] Education: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 New Directions for Teaching and Learning [10079369] Education: Q3 New directions for youth development [10078650] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NEW ECONOMIC WINDOWS [10034793] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 NEW ELECTRONICS [39829] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [1394667] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 NEW ENGLAND QUARTERLY - A HISTORICAL REVIEW OF NEW ENGLAND LIFE AND LETTERS [10001743] History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 NEW ENGLAND REVIEW - MIDDLEBURY SERIES [10001744] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 NEW FORESTS [19617] Forestry: Q1 NEW GENERATION COMPUTING [3381] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 NEW GENETICS AND SOCIETY [30813] Genetics: Q4 Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q3 NEW GERMAN CRITIQUE [10001745] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 NEW HORIZONS IN EDUCATION: THE JOURNAL OF EDUCATION HONG KONG TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION (HKTA) [10081544] Education: Q4 NEW IDEAS IN PSYCHOLOGY [5527] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 New Iraqi Journal of Medicine [10040516] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 New Jersey nurse [10077015] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [3382] Catalysis: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [10000911] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 NEW LEFT REVIEW [5528] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 NEW LITERARY HISTORY [10028831] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 NEW MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL COMPUTATION [10022019] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY [10001439] Communication: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 NEW MEDICINE [10011137] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NEW MEDIT [10015684] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 New Mexico Geology [10077017] Geology: Q4 NEW MEXICO HISTORICAL REVIEW [10001747] History: Q2 NEW MICROBIOLOGICA [10006353] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 NEW ORLEANS REVIEW [10001748] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 NEW PERSPECTIVES [10080470] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 NEW PERSPECTIVES ON TURKEY [10015289] Cultural Studies: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 NEW PHYTOLOGIST [3383] Physiology: D1 Plant Science: D1 NEW POLITICAL ECONOMY [10003421] Development: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 NEW POLITICAL SCIENCE: A JOURNAL OF POLITICS AND CULTURE [10025826] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 NEW REPUBLIC [5529] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 New Review of Academic Librarianship [10065045] E-learning: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 NEW REVIEW OF FILM AND TELEVISION STUDIES [10018537] Communication: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 NEW REVIEW OF HYPERMEDIA AND MULTIMEDIA [10015685] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Media Technology: Q2 NEW REVIEW OF INFORMATION NETWORKING [10057940] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Education: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 News and Tech [10077033] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q4 NEW SCIENTIST [3385] Multidisciplinary: Q4 NEWS IN PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [3396] Physiology: D1 NEWSLETTERS ON STRATIGRAPHY [19632] Geology: Q1 Stratigraphy: Q1 NEW SOLUTIONS - A JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH POLICY [10013013] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NEW TECHNOLOGY-BASED FIRMS IN THE NEW MILLENIUM [10017866] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 NEW TECHNOLOGY WORK AND EMPLOYMENT [39124] Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 NEW TESTAMENT STUDIES [10001749] History: Q1 Religious Studies: D1 New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents [10080009] Classics: Q2 History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 NEW THEATRE QUARTERLY [10001750] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 NEW VOICES IN TRANSLATION STUDIES [10022064] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 New Writing [10079223] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 NEW YORKER [10077023] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NEW YORK JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10018920] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS [10001753] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 NEW YORK STATE DENTAL JOURNAL [10051029] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [5531] Law: D1 New Zealand Dental Journal [10070435] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NEW ZEALAND ECONOMIC PAPERS [10021591] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 NEW ZEALAND ENTOMOLOGIST [10028436] Insect Science: Q3 NEW ZEALAND GEOGRAPHER [10009471] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH [3387] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF BOTANY [3388] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF CROP AND HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE [3389] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Horticulture: Q3 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [3390] Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES [5532] Education: Q4 New Zealand Journal of Forestry [10078208] Forestry: Q3 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF FORESTRY SCIENCE [10043451] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Ecology: Q2 Forestry: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS [3391] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Geology: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF HISTORY [10001755] History: Q2 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF MARINE AND FRESHWATER RESEARCH [3392] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE [10062421] Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [5533] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [3393] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 NEW ZEALAND MEDICAL JOURNAL [3394] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NEW ZEALAND PLANT PROTECTION [10020298] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Horticulture: Q2 Insect Science: Q3 NEW ZEALAND PUBLIC HEALTH SURVEILLANCE REPORT [10079370] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 New Zealand Sociology [10080471] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 NEW ZEALAND VETERINARY JOURNAL [3395] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 NEXUS NETWORK JOURNAL [10015687] Architecture: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 NFD INFORMATION-WISSENSCHAFT UND PRAXIS [39127] Information Systems: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 NGLI Spokesman [10077039] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 NHSA Dialog [10080472] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 NICOTINE AND TOBACCO RESEARCH [10042797] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 NIEREN- UND HOCHDRUCKKRANKHEITEN [3397] Internal Medicine: Q4 Nephrology: Q4 NIETZSCHE-STUDIEN: INTERNATIONALES JAHRBUCH FUER DIE NIETZSCHE-FORSCHUNG [10038781] Philosophy: Q3 NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE [10015688] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nigerian journal of medicine : journal of the National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria [10078651] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nigerian Journal of Parasitology [10080473] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Parasitology: Q4 NIGERIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10028997] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 Nigerian quarterly journal of hospital medicine [10079802] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NIH consensus and state-of-the-science statements [10078914] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 NIH guide for grants and contracts (Online) [10077043] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nihon Enerugi Gakkaishi/Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy [10037797] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Nihon ishigaku zasshi. [Journal of Japanese history of medicine] [10077044] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NIHON KIKAI GAKKAI RONBUNSHU, A HEN: TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, PART A [10032110] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 NIHON KIKAI GAKKAI RONBUNSHU, B HEN/TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, PART B [10054515] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 NIHON KIKAI GAKKAI RONBUNSHU, C HEN/TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, PART C [10067969] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 NIHON REOROJI GAKKAISHI / JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF RHEOLOGY JAPAN [25169] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 NIHON RINGAKKAI SHI / JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE FORESTRY SOCIETY [10050898] Forestry: Q4 NIHON SHINKEI SEISHIN YAKURIGAKU ZASSHI / JAPANESE JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [10047586] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 NIHON SHOKAKIBYO GAKKAI ZASSHI / THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF GASTRO-ENTEROLOGY [10039396] Gastroenterology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NIHON SHOKAKI GEKA GAKKAI ZASSHI/JAPANESE JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGICAL SURGERY [10019859] Gastroenterology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 NII Technical Reports [10079076] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Nijhoff International Trade Law Series [10080474] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Nijhoff Law Specials [10079572] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Nijhoff Studies in European Union Law [10080916] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 NIKEPHOROS: ZEITSCHRIFT FŰR SPORT UND KULTUR IM ALTERTUM [10020713] Classics: Q3 History: Q3 NINETEENTH-CENTURY CONTEXTS [10077046] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 NINETEENTH CENTURY FRENCH STUDIES [10032919] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 NINETEENTH-CENTURY LITERATURE [10001760] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 NINETEENTH CENTURY MUSIC [10001756] Music: Q1 Nineteenth-Century Music Review [10081125] Music: Q3 NINETEENTH CENTURY PROSE [10001757] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 NINETEENTH-CENTURY STUDIES [10078915] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Gender Studies: Q4 Nippon Hoshasen Gijutsu Gakkai zasshi [10078916] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NIPPON JINZO GAKKAI SHI / JAPANESE JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY [10038020] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nephrology: Q4 Nippon koshu eisei zasshi/Japanese journal of public health [10077048] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nippon rinsho. Japanese journal of clinical medicine [10077049] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nippon Saikingaku Zasshi [10058185] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Microbiology: Q4 Nippon seirigaku zasshi. Journal of the Physiological Society of Japan [10077050] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Physiology: Q4 NIPPON SHOKUHIN KAGAKU KOGAKU KAISHI / JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [2593] Food Science: Q4 Nippon Steel Technical Report [10048219] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI [3401] Aquatic Science: Q4 NISHINIHON JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY [10043248] Dermatology: Q4 Nishinihon Journal of Urology [10057424] Urology: Q4 NISPACEE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY [10020894] Public Administration: Q3 NITRIC OXIDE-BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY [19638] Biochemistry: Q2 Cancer Research: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Physiology: Q2 NIWA Biodiversity Memoirs [10077052] Aquatic Science: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 NJAS-WAGENINGEN JOURNAL OF LIFE SCIENCES [10001315] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Development: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 NJES: NORDIC JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES [10022063] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 NMR IN BIOMEDICINE [3402] Molecular Medicine: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 Spectroscopy: D1 NOBEL MEDICUS [10011753] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NODEA-NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS [10009765] Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Noise and Vibration Worldwide [10077055] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 NOISE CONTROL ENGINEERING JOURNAL [3403] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Automotive Engineering: Q2 Building and Construction: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 NOISE & HEALTH [10015689] Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q2 NOMADIC PEOPLES [10027273] Demography: Q2 NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING AND EVALUATION [10007196] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 NONGYE JIXIE XUEBAO/TRANSACTIONS OF THE CHINESE SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY [10040147] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-HYBRID SYSTEMS [10028435] Analysis: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-MODELLING AND CONTROL [10015692] Analysis: Q3 Applied Mathematics: Q3 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS [10001316] Analysis: D1 Applied Mathematics: D1 Computational Mathematics: D1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS [1220879] Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Nonlinear Biomedical Physics [10067835] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biophysics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Optimization: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NONLINEAR DYNAMICS [14303] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Ocean Engineering: D1 Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory [10040142] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mathematical Physics: Q3 NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, PSYCHOLOGY, AND LIFE SCIENCES [10021595] Applied Mathematics: Q3 NONLINEARITY [3406] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Mathematical Physics: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: D1 NONLINEAR OPTICS QUANTUM OPTICS: CONCEPTS IN MODERN OPTICS [10043159] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q4 NONLINEAR OSCILLATIONS [10015693] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 NONLINEAR PHENOMENA IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS [10018898] Mathematical Physics: Q4 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q4 NONLINEAR PROCESSES IN GEOPHYSICS [10000913] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q3 NONLINEAR STUDIES [10009821] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 NONPROFIT AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR QUARTERLY [10001065] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP [10017439] Strategy and Management: Q2 NONPROLIFERATION REVIEW: PROGRAM FOR NONPROLIFERATION STUDIES [10025827] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Nonwovens Industry [10077057] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 NORA - NORDIC JOURNAL OF FEMINIST AND GENDER RESEARCH [10010581] Gender Studies: Q2 Nordia Geographical Publications [10052587] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 NORDIC HYDROLOGY [3407] Water Science and Technology: Q1 NORDIC JOURNAL OF AESTHETICS [10031572] Philosophy: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 NORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY [3408] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy [10080917] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 NORDIC JOURNAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS [41749] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 NORDIC JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [10025828] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 NORDIC JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS [2147349] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 NORDIC JOURNAL OF MUSIC THERAPY [10033078] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [39129] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Nordic Journal of Religion and Society [10080687] Religious Studies: Q1 NORDICOM REVIEW [10033295] Communication: Q2 NORDIC PSYCHOLOGY [10007387] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 NORDIC PULP & PAPER RESEARCH JOURNAL [36562] Forestry: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 NORDIC STUDIES IN EDUCATION [10080918] Education: Q4 Nordic Theatre Studies [10080688] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 NORDISK ALKOHOL- OCH NARKOTIKATIDSKRIFT [10033079] Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 NOROPSIKIYATRI ARSIVI-ARCHIVES OF NEUROPSYCHIATRY [10012920] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift [10080689] Anthropology: Q3 NORSK EPIDEMIOLOGI [10035246] Epidemiology: Q4 NORSK GEOGRAFISK TIDSSKRIFT-NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY [10012078] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 NORSK GEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT [10007197] Geology: Q2 NORSK TEOLOGISK TIDSSKRIFT [10080690] Religious Studies: Q3 NORTH AMERICAN ACTUARIAL JOURNAL [10021597] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 NORTH AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGIST [10001761] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 NORTH AMERICAN FUNGI [10050797] Plant Science: Q3 NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUACULTURE [30690] Aquatic Science: Q3 NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE [10010243] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES MANAGEMENT [10001304] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10036395] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [10043339] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW [10001762] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 NORTH CAROLINA MEDICAL JOURNAL (NCMJ) [10027574] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Northeast African Studies [10078210] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 NORTHEASTERN NATURALIST [10001318] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 NORTHERN HISTORY [10001763] History: D1 NORTHERN JOURNAL OF APPLIED FORESTRY [10001317] Forestry: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Plant Science: Q2 Northern Lights [10080919] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Northern Logger and Timber Processor [10077068] Forestry: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Northern Territory Naturalist [10080691] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Northern World [10079803] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 NORTH KOREAN REVIEW [10015283] Cultural Studies: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Northwest dentistry [10077069] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NORTHWESTERN GEOLOGY [10053005] Geology: Q4 NORTH-WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [10006309] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW [5535] Law: D1 NORTHWEST SCIENCE [3411] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 NORWEGIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL REVIEW [10047878] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY [10061115] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q3 NOSILEFTIKI [10018838] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 NOTA LEPIDOPTEROLOGICA [2147546] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 NOTARZT [10011755] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Emergency Medicine: Q3 NOTE DI MATEMATICA [10005230] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 NOTES AND QUERIES [10001765] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 NOTES AND RECORDS-THE ROYAL SOCIETY JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE [19648] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 NOTES ON NUMERICAL FLUID MECHANICS AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY DESIGN [10047646] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 NOTES: QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE MUSIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION [10001764] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Music: Q2 NOTFALL & RETTUNGSMEDIZIN [10011756] Emergency Medicine: Q3 NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [10004030] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 NO TO HATTATSU [10005050] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 NOTORNIS [10020110] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 NOTRE DAME JOURNAL OF FORMAL LOGIC [10010871] Logic: Q3 NOTRE DAME LAW REVIEW [5536] Law: Q1 NOTTINGHAM FRENCH STUDIES [10001766] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 NOTULAE BOTANICAE HORTI AGROBOTANICI CLUJ-NAPOCA [10013011] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Horticulture: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 NOUS [10001767] Philosophy: D1 NOUVELLE REVUE D'ONOMASTIQUE [10022054] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 NOUVELLE REVUE FRANCAISE [10001769] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 NOUVELLES DERMATOLOGIQUES [10016778] Dermatology: Q4 NOUVELLES QUESTIONS FEMINISTES [39133] Gender Studies: Q4 Nova acta Paracelsica : . Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Paracelsus-Gesellschaft [10077074] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NOVA BIOTECHNOLOGICA ET CHIMICA [10057302] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 NOVA ECONOMIA: THE JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT AT UFMG [10018439] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Nova Mehanizacija Sumarstva [10079372] Forestry: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 NOVA PRISUTNOST [10033332] Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 NOVA RELIGIO [10022873] Religious Studies: Q1 NOVEL: A FORUM ON FICTION [10001770] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 NOVI SAD JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10008278] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 NOVON [25186] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 NOVOS ESTUDOS CEBRAP [10017623] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 NOVUM TESTAMENTUM [10001771] Classics: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Religious Studies: Q2 Novum Testamentum, Supplements [10079573] Classics: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Religious Studies: Q2 Novyj Istoriceskij Vestnik [10080920] History: Q4 NOWELE: NORTH WESTERN EUROPEAN LANGUAGE EVOLUTION [10022053] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 NOWOTWORY [10005486] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 NPG ASIA MATERIALS [10022781] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 NTM JOURNAL OF HISTORY OF SCIENCES, TECHNOLOGY, AND MEDICINE [10019216] History: Q2 NTP CERHR Monograph [10079373] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NTP monograph [10080921] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NTT Technical Review [10052224] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 NTU Management Review [10080922] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management [10080923] Business and International Management: Q4 Law: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 NTZ, Telekommunikation und Informationstechnik [10077080] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS [10048647] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 Nuclear and Radiation Safety [10075147] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 NUCLEAR DATA SHEETS [10003429] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q1 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN [3417] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY [10009317] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 NUCLEAR ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL [3418] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 NUCLEAR FUSION [3419] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q1 Nuclear Future [10079374] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT [3421] Instrumentation: Q1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS [3422] Instrumentation: Q1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE [10038016] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Biochemistry: Q4 Spectroscopy: Q4 NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY [3423] Cancer Research: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING [10047536] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 NUCLEAR MEDICINE COMMUNICATIONS [3424] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 NUCLEAR MEDICINE REVIEW: CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE [10020960] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 NUCLEAR PHYSICS A [3425] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q1 NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND ATOMIC ENERGY [10041997] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 NUCLEAR PHYSICS B [3426] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: D1 NUCLEAR PHYSICS NEWS [10005019] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 NUCLEAR PLANT JOURNAL [19662] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 NUCLEAR RECEPTOR SIGNALING [10061237] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [3428] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q1 NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES [10011757] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY [3429] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY & RADIATION PROTECTION [10015694] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH [3431] Genetics: D1 NUCLEIC ACID THERAPEUTICS [10017950] Biochemistry: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q2 NUCLEOSIDES AND NUCLEOTIDES [3432] Biochemistry: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 NUCLEOSIDES NUCLEOTIDES & NUCLEIC ACIDS [30867] Biochemistry: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 NUCLEUS [10033080] Cell Biology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 NUCLEUS (CALCUTTA): AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CYTOLOGY AND ALLIED TOPICS [10011058] Cell Biology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 NUEVA REVISTA DE FILOLOGIA HISPANICA [10017671] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 NUKLEARMEDIZIN-NUCLEAR MEDICINE [30868] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 NUKLEONIKA [36587] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Instrumentation: Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 NUMEN-INTERNATIONAL REVIEW FOR THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS [10001775] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 NUMERICAL ALGEBRA CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION [10032010] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 Control and Optimization: Q4 NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS [19670] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Numerical Analysis and Applications [10080237] Numerical Analysis: Q4 NUMERICAL FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION [3434] Analysis: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART A-APPLICATIONS [3435] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q2 NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART B-FUNDAMENTALS [3436] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q2 NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA WITH APPLICATIONS [14333] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS-THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS [10011758] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mathematics: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 NUMERICAL METHODS FOR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [30875] Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computational Mathematics: Q1 Numerical Analysis: Q1 NUMERISCHE MATHEMATIK [3437] Applied Mathematics: D1 Computational Mathematics: D1 NUMISMATIC CHRONICLE [10057710] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 NUNCIUS-JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE [10009472] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 NUOVA RIVISTA MUSICALE ITALIANA [10001776] Music: Q4 NUOVA RIVISTA STORICA [10001777] History: Q4 NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA B [10045862] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA C-GEOPHYSICS AND SPACE PHYSICS [3440] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 NURSE EDUCATION IN PRACTICE [10047132] Education: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 NURSE EDUCATION TODAY [39136] Education: Q1 Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 NURSE EDUCATOR [10009473] Education: Q2 Fundamentals and Skills: Q1 LPN and LVN: Q2 Review and Exam Preparation: Q2 Nurse Leader [10079080] Leadership and Management: Q3 NURSE PRACTITIONER [10051534] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 NURSE RESEARCHER [10066669] Research and Theory: Q1 NURSING [10058348] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Assessment and Diagnosis: Q3 Critical Care Nursing: Q3 Emergency Nursing: Q3 LPN and LVN: Q3 Nursing Administration Quarterly [10077086] Leadership and Management: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing children and young people [10077088] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 NURSING CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [5537] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 NURSING CRITICAL CARE [10050462] Critical Care Nursing: Q4 NURSING ECONOMICS [39135] Leadership and Management: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 NURSING EDUCATION PERSPECTIVES [10057924] Education: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 NURSING ETHICS [39137] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q1 Nursing Forum [10057875] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 Nursing for Women's Health [10042943] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES [10011759] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 NURSING HISTORY REVIEW [5538] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 NURSING IN CRITICAL CARE [10022782] Critical Care Nursing: Q1 NURSING INQUIRY [10009474] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing law's Regan report [10078436] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nursing leadership (Toronto, Ont.) [10077089] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NURSING MADE INCREDIBLY EASY [10061928] Assessment and Diagnosis: Q4 Fundamentals and Skills: Q4 LPN and LVN: Q4 Nurse Assisting: Q3 Nursing Management [10045119] Leadership and Management: Q3 Nursing management (Harrow, London, England : 1994) [10077091] Leadership and Management: Q3 Nursing New Zealand (Wellington, N.Z. : 1995) [10077092] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 Nursing Older People [10075222] Gerontology: Q4 NURSING OUTLOOK [5539] Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 NURSING PHILOSOPHY [10015292] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Research and Theory: Q2 Nursing praxis in New Zealand inc [10077093] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 NURSING RESEARCH [3442] Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 NURSING SCIENCE QUARTERLY [39143] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 NURSING TIMES [10013495] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 Nurture [10080924] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Education: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 NUTRICION CLINICA Y DIETETICA HOSPITALARIA [10063691] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 NUTRICION HOSPITALARIA [10009686] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS [14340] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Soil Science: Q2 NUTRIENTS [10016563] Food Science: D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 NUTRITION [3446] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 NUTRITIONAL NEUROSCIENCE [10000916] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 Nutritional Sciences Journal [10044282] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 NUTRITIONAL THERAPY AND METABOLISM [10039111] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 Nutrition and Aging [10081756] Food Science: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q3 NUTRITION AND CANCER : AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [3443] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 Oncology: Q2 NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE [10056361] Food Science: Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 NUTRITION AND HEALTH [10019540] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 NUTRITION BULLETIN [10012665] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 NUTRITION CLINIQUE ET METABOLISME [10011760] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 NUTRITION & DIABETES [10025392] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 NUTRITION & DIETETICS [10011762] Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 NUTRITION IN CLINICAL PRACTICE [10011761] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 NUTRITION JOURNAL [10015697] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 NUTRITION & METABOLISM [10009687] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES [9455] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 NUTRITION RESEARCH [3444] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 NUTRITION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10022783] Food Science: Q2 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 NUTRITION RESEARCH REVIEWS [19685] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 NUTRITION REVIEWS [3445] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 Nutrition Today [10040194] Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 NUYTSIA [10063900] Plant Science: Q4 NYS: SPROGVIDENSKABELIGE FORSKNINGSTRADITIONER [10022051] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 OAH Magazine of History [10080692] Education: Q4 History: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Oase [10080925] Architecture: Q4 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Obere Extremitat [10060700] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 OBESITE [10055399] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 OBESITY [10006184] Endocrinology: D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 OBESITY AND METABOLISM-MILAN [10011763] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 OBESITY FACTS [10011765] Health (social science): Q2 Physiology (medical): Q3 OBESITY RESEARCH [14345] Endocrinology: D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 OBESITY RESEARCH & CLINICAL PRACTICE [10011764] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 OBESITY REVIEWS [10007199] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 OBESITY SURGERY [3447] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: D1 Surgery: D1 OBNOVLJENI ZIVOT: CASOPIS ZA RELIGIOZNU KULTURU [10072613] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Obradoiro de Historia Moderna [10080926] History: Q3 OBSERVATORIO (OBS*) [10026634] Communication: Q4 Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 OBSERVATORY [3448] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL SURVEY [10000917] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Obstetrica si Ginecologie [10056887] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY FORUM [10024584] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [3450] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [3449] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine [10066486] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 Occasional Paper of the Canadian Wildlife Service [10077102] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Occasional paper (Royal College of General Practitioners) [10077101] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE [3451] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Occupational Ergonomics [10077105] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 Occupational Health [10077106] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Occupational health & safety (Waco, Tex.) [10077107] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Safety Research: Q4 OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE-OXFORD [3453] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Occupational Therapy in Health Care [10077109] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Occupational Therapy: Q3 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY INTERNATIONAL [10022784] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Occupational Therapy: Q3 Occupational Therapy Now [10069088] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 Occup. Ther. Ment. Health [10057386] Applied Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Ocean and Polar Research [10044520] Aquatic Science: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 Geology: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT [19697] Aquatic Science: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Oceanography: Q2 OCEAN DEVELOPMENT AND INTERNATIONAL LAW [5542] Development: Q1 Law: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 OCEAN DYNAMICS [10007200] Oceanography: Q1 OCEAN ENGINEERING [3454] Environmental Engineering: Q1 Ocean Engineering: Q1 OCEANIA [5543] Anthropology: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 OCEANIC LINGUISTICS [10022045] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 OCEAN MODELLING [10003432] Atmospheric Science: Q1 Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 Oceanography: D1 OCEANOGRAPHY [10011767] Oceanography: Q1 OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE BIOLOGY [3455] Aquatic Science: D1 Oceanography: D1 OCEANOLOGIA [10001319] Aquatic Science: Q2 Atmospheric Science: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q1 Oceanography: Q2 OCEANOLOGICAL AND HYDROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES [10011768] Oceanography: Q3 OCEANOLOGY [10000918] Oceanography: Q3 OCEAN SCIENCE [10011766] Oceanography: Q1 Paleontology: D1 Ocean Science Journal [10038758] Oceanography: Q3 OCEANUS [3457] Oceanography: Q4 OCHRONA SRODOWISKA [10011769] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 OCHSNER JOURNAL [10081804] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 OCL - Oilseeds and fats, crops and lipids [10040026] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Biochemistry: Q4 Food Science: Q4 OCNOS-REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS SOBRE LA LECTURA [10074870] Education: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Social Psychology: Q4 OCTOBER [10001780] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Music: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 OCULAR IMMUNOLOGY AND INFLAMMATION [19702] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Ophthalmology: Q2 OCULAR SURFACE [10007201] Ophthalmology: Q1 ODGOJNE ZNANOSTI-EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES [10012079] Education: Q3 ODONATOLOGICA [30903] Insect Science: Q4 ODONTOLOGY [10009688] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Odonto-stomatologie tropicale = Tropical dental journal [10077114] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 OECD JOURNAL: ECONOMIC STUDIES [10035974] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 OECD Observer [10077115] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 OECOLOGIA [3458] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 OECOLOGIA AUSTRALIS [10053080] Ecology: Q4 OEIL: MAGAZINE INTERNATIONAL D ART [10001781] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Offshore [10077118] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 Offshore Engineering [10077119] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 OFIOLITI [30905] Geology: Q1 Ohio history / Ohio Historical Society [10078919] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 OHIO JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [3459] Multidisciplinary: Q3 OHIO NURSES REVIEW [10005474] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 OIKOS [3460] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Oilfield Chemistry [10042886] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Oilfield Review [10077122] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 OIL GAS-EUROPEAN MAGAZINE [19707] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 OIL & GAS JOURNAL [3461] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 OIL & GAS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-REVUE DE L INSTITUT FRANCAIS DU PETROLE [30909] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q2 OIL SHALE [14362] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica [10037414] Anatomy: Q3 Olba [10080238] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Olhydraulik und Penumatik [10077124] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 OLIGONUCLEOTIDES [10001320] Biochemistry: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q2 OMAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [10039417] Ophthalmology: Q3 OMAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [10038577] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE [3464] Information Systems and Management: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 OMEGA-JOURNAL OF DEATH AND DYING [5545] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q2 OMICS-A JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY [10007202] Biochemistry: Q2 Biotechnology: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q2 ONCOGENE [3465] Cancer Research: D1 Genetics: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 ONCOGENESIS [10037236] Cancer Research: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 ONCOIMMUNOLOGY [10028817] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Oncology: Q2 ONCOLOGIE [10011770] Oncology: Q4 ONCOLOGIST [10001321] Cancer Research: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Oncology: Q1 ONCOLOGY [14368] Cancer Research: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q1 ONCOLOGY LETTERS [10015698] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q3 ONCOLOGY-NEW YORK [30917] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q3 ONCOLOGY NURSING FORUM [10007203] Oncology (nursing): Q2 Oncology Report [10079375] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 ONCOLOGY REPORTS [3466] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q2 ONCOLOGY RESEARCH [3467] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q3 ONCOLOGY RESEARCH AND TREATMENT [10032155] Cancer Research: Q4 Hematology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 ONCOLOGY REVIEWS [10041940] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 ONCOTARGET [10022516] Oncology: D1 ONCOTARGETS AND THERAPY [10015700] Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 ONDERSTEPOORT JOURNAL OF VETERINARY RESEARCH [3470] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 ONDOKUZ MAYIS ÜNIVERSITESI TIP DERGISI / UNIVERSITY OF ONDOKUZ MAYIS JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [10044283] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ONdrugDelivery [10060424] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 ONKOLOGE [10011771] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 ONKOLOGIA I RADIOTERAPIA [10066960] Oncology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 ONKOLOGIA POLSKA [10016293] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 ONKOLOGIE (CZECH REPUBLIC) [10055669] Cancer Research: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Oncology: Q4 ONKOLOGIE (SVÁJC) [3471] Cancer Research: Q4 Hematology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 ONLINE [3472] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing [10067312] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 ONLINE INFORMATION REVIEW [30921] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences [10062483] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences [10045625] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Online Journal of Issues in Nursing [10057857] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q2 Online Journal of Nursing Informatics [10077128] Health Informatics: Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 Online Learning Journal [10087855] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Education: Q3 ONOMA [10010657] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ONOMAZEIN [10015294] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 ONS connect [10077129] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ONS GEESTELIJK ERF [10034954] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 ONTARIO HEALTH TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT SERIES [10061172] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ON THE HORIZON [10050359] Education: Q2 ONTOGENEZ [10005514] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 O Papel (Brazil) [10063323] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q2 OPCION [10080010] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 OPEC Bulletin [10077131] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Open Access Emergency Medicine [10038106] Emergency Medicine: Q3 Emergency Nursing: Q3 Open Access Journal of Clinical Trials [10045508] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants [10068483] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q3 OPEN ACCESS MACEDONIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10082061] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 OPEN ACCESS RHEUMATOLOGY: RESEARCH AND REVIEWS [10036444] Rheumatology: Q3 OPEN AGRICULTURE JOURNAL [10034635] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 Open Andrology Journal [10067183] Reproductive Medicine: Q4 Open Applied Mathematics Journal [10080693] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Open Arthritis Journal [10080694] Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Rheumatology: Q1 OPEN ASTRONOMY [10084678] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 Open Bioactive Compounds Journal [10080240] Biochemistry: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 OPEN BIOLOGY [10025168] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Immunology: D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 OPEN BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL [10015025] Biochemistry: Q4 Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Open Cancer Immunology Journal [10080475] Cancer Research: Q4 Immunology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Open Cardiovascular Imaging Journal [10080695] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 OPEN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE JOURNAL [10041124] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 OPEN CATALYSIS JOURNAL [10029167] Catalysis: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 OPEN CHEMICAL AND BIOMEDICAL METHODS JOURNAL [10012998] Biochemistry: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electrochemistry: Q4 Open Clinical Trials Journal [10037961] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Open Complementary Medicine Journal [10080696] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Open Conservation Biology Journal [10062202] Ecology: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 OPEN CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL [10041132] Building and Construction: Q2 Open Critical Care Medicine Journal [10059407] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Critical Care Nursing: Q4 OPEN CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMICS JOURNAL [10035242] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Open Drug Delivery Journal [10080241] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 OPEN DRUG DISCOVERY JOURNAL [10054587] Drug Discovery: Q3 OPEN ECONOMIES REVIEW [39153] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Open Engineering [10069753] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 OPEN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES [10041071] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Open Enzyme Inhibition Journal [10080476] Biochemistry: Q3 Cell Biology: Q4 OPEN GENOMICS JOURNAL [10032099] Genetics: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 OPEN GEOSCIENCES [10034929] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 OPEN HOUSE INTERNATIONAL [10009475] Architecture: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 OPEN LEARNING: THE JOURNAL OF OPEN DISTANCE AND E-LEARNING [10042267] Education: Q2 E-learning: Q1 OPEN LIFE SCIENCES [10037371] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 OPEN LONGEVITY SCIENCE [10042491] Aging: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 OPEN MATHEMATICS [10053173] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 OPEN MATHEMATICS JOURNAL [10030407] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Open Mechanics Journal [10079804] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Open Medical Devices Journal [10080698] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 OPEN MEDICINE (CANADA) [10039336] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 OPEN MICROBIOLOGY JOURNAL [10027592] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 OPEN NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY JOURNAL [10020824] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 OPEN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY JOURNAL [10066150] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 OPEN ORNITHOLOGY JOURNAL [10041181] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 OPEN PAIN JOURNAL [10029369] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Open Parasitology Journal [10080477] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Parasitology: Q3 Open Pharmacoeconomics and Health Economics Journal [10080699] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 Open Pharmacology Journal [10067170] Drug Discovery: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 OPEN PHYSICS [10039001] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 OPEN POLITICAL SCIENCE JOURNAL [10041189] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 OPEN PROTEOMICS JOURNAL [10006391] Biochemistry: Q4 Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 OPEN PSYCHOLOGY JOURNAL [10035229] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Open Signal Processing Journal [10080700] Signal Processing: Q4 Open Spine Journal [10080701] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Open Surgical Oncology Journal [10080702] Oncology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 OPEN SYSTEMS & INFORMATION DYNAMICS [10001322] Computational Mechanics: Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Mathematical Physics: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Open Toxicology Journal [10045917] Toxicology: Q4 OPEN TOXINOLOGY JOURNAL [10015017] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Toxicology: Q3 Open Transport Phenomena Journal [10080242] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 OPEN UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY JOURNAL [10028850] Nephrology: Q4 Urology: Q4 Open Vaccine Journal [10044564] Drug Discovery: Q3 Immunology: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 OPERA [10001782] Music: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 OPERA QUARTERLY [10001784] Music: Q2 OPERATIONAL RESEARCH [10015035] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Numerical Analysis: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q2 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT RESEARCH [10028532] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 OPERATIONS RESEARCH [3476] Computer Science Applications: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 OPERATIONS RESEARCH : COMPUTER SCIENCE INTERFACES [10045473] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 OPERATIONS RESEARCH FOR HEALTH CARE [10069432] Oral Surgery: Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Surgery: Q2 OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS [3477] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Software: Q1 OPERATIVE DENTISTRY [3475] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 OPERATIVE NEUROSURGERY [10058972] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q2 OPERATIVE ORTHOPAEDIE UND TRAUMATOLOGIE [10015701] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 OPERATIVE TECHNIQUES IN ORTHOPAEDICS [10012490] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 OPERATIVE TECHNIQUES IN OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY [10061559] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 OPERATIVE TECHNIQUES IN SPORTS MEDICINE [19721] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 Surgery: Q3 Operative Techniques in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery [10060525] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 OPERATORS AND MATRICES [10010670] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Analysis: Q3 OPERATOR THEORY: ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS [10005362] Analysis: Q3 OPHTHALMIC AND PHYSIOLOGICAL OPTICS [3479] Ophthalmology: Q2 Optometry: Q1 Sensory Systems: Q3 OPHTHALMIC EPIDEMIOLOGY [10001323] Epidemiology: Q2 Ophthalmology: Q1 OPHTHALMIC GENETICS [14377] Genetics (clinical): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 OPHTHALMIC PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY [3481] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Ophthalmology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 OPHTHALMIC RESEARCH [3482] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q3 OPHTHALMIC SURGERY LASERS & IMAGING RETINA [10042362] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Ophthalmology: Q2 Surgery: Q1 OPHTHALMOLOGE [25260] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 OPHTHALMOLOGICA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPHTHALOLOGY [3484] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q1 Sensory Systems: Q2 OPHTHALMOLOGY [3485] Ophthalmology: D1 Ophthalmology in China [10053391] Ophthalmology: Q4 OPINIAO PUBLICA [10073796] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 OPSEARCH [10042759] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 OPTICA APPLICATA [3486] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS [3493] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 OPTICAL ENGINEERING [3488] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY [25266] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 OPTICAL MATERIALS [1313564] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS [10022785] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Optical Memory and Neural Networks [10036979] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 OPTICAL NANOSCOPY [10025299] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 OPTICAL REVIEW [14391] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 OPTICAL SWITCHING AND NETWORKING [10015702] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 OPTICA PURA Y APLICADA [10021192] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING [3489] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY [3490] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY [14392] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS [3487] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 OPTICS EXPRESS [30937] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 OPTICS LETTERS [3491] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 OPTICS & PHOTONICS NEWS [10001785] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 OPTIK: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR LIGHT AND ELECTRON OPTICS [3495] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 OPTIMAL CONTROL APPLICATIONS & METHODS [3496] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Software: Q2 OPTIMIZATION: A JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH [10001325] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Control and Optimization: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 OPTIMIZATION AND ENGINEERING [10007205] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Software: Q2 OPTIMIZATION LETTERS [10009689] Control and Optimization: Q2 OPTIMIZATION METHODS & SOFTWARE [14395] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q2 Software: Q2 Option/Bio [10039346] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS–RAPID COMMUNICATIONS [10007206] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing [10048621] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 OPTOELECTRONICS LETTERS [10050937] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW [10000920] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Radiation: Q2 OPTOMETRY AND VISION SCIENCE [3497] Ophthalmology: Q1 Optometry: Q1 OPTOMETRY - JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OPTOMETRIC ASSOCIATION [10022786] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Optometry: Q3 OPUSCULA MATHEMATICA [10015582] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 ORAL and Implantology [10080927] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY [10019699] Oral Surgery: Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [10022788] Oral Surgery: Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Surgery: Q2 ORAL DISEASES [36668] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 ORAL HEALTH AND DENTAL MANAGEMENT [10030383] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ORAL HEALTH & PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY [10022787] Dental Hygiene: D1 ORAL HISTORY REVIEW [10052175] History: Q2 Oralia [10061716] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 ORAL MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY [3499] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Immunology: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 ORAL ONCOLOGY [3500] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q1 Oral Surgery: Q1 ORALPROPHYLAXE UND KINDERZAHNHEILKUNDE [10012756] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 ORAL RADIOLOGY [10015281] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 ORAL SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL [10065558] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Oral Surgery [10064256] Oral Surgery: Q3 Surgery: Q3 ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY [10024866] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Oral Surgery: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Surgery: Q2 ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS [3501] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Oral Surgery: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Surgery: Q2 ORAL THERAPEUTICS AND PHARMACOLOGY [10044650] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 ORBIS-A JOURNAL OF WORLD AFFAIRS [5550] Safety Research: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ORBIS LITTERARUM [10001786] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ORBIT [1088349] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 ORDER-A JOURNAL ON THE THEORY OF ORDERED SETS AND ITS APPLICATIONS [3502] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q2 ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS [9514] Economic Geology: Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Geology: Q1 OREGON HISTORICAL QUARTERLY [10001787] History: Q2 ORGANIC AGRICULTURE [10036602] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY [1413472] Biochemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Organic Communications [10040190] Organic Chemistry: Q4 ORGANIC ELECTRONICS [10001326] Biomaterials: Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Materials Chemistry: D1 ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY [3503] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 ORGANIC LETTERS [25284] Biochemistry: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 ORGANIC PREPARATIONS AND PROCEDURES INTERNATIONAL [3505] Organic Chemistry: Q3 ORGANIC PROCESS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT [14406] Organic Chemistry: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 ORGANIC REACTIONS [10037103] Organic Chemistry: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 ORGANIC SYNTHESES [14407] Organic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 ORGANISED SOUND [10042825] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Music: Q2 ORGANISMS DIVERSITY & EVOLUTION [36674] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES [5551] Applied Psychology: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 ORGANIZATIONAL DYNAMICS [5552] Applied Psychology: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH METHODS [10001441] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 ORGANIZATION AND ENVIRONMENT [10001440] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL [10050214] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10050578] Business and International Management: Q2 Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 ORGANIZATION SCIENCE [5553] Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 ORGANIZATION STUDIES [5554] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Strategy and Management: D1 ORGANIZATION: THE CRITICAL JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATION, THEORY AND SOCIETY [39158] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: D1 ORGANOGENESIS [10023052] Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Developmental Biology: Q2 Embryology: Q2 Transplantation: Q1 ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY [10040206] Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 ORGANOMETALLICS [3506] Inorganic Chemistry: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 ORGANON [10073635] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ORGANON F [10029768] Philosophy: Q2 ORGANOPHOSPHORUS CHEMISTRY [10037170] Biochemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 ORIENS [10022041] Cultural Studies: Q2 Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 ORIENTAL ART: DEVOTED TO THE STUDY OF ALL FORMS OF ORIENTAL ART [10001788] Cultural Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Orientalia Christiana Periodica [10078921] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 ORIENTAL INSECTS [3507] Insect Science: Q4 ORIENTAL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE & APPLIED CHEMISTRY [10057364] Biochemistry: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 Environmental Chemistry: Q4 ORIENTAL PHARMACY AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE [10054822] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle [10080704] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 Orient - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik und Wirtschaft des Orients [10077137] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 ORIGINS OF LIFE AND EVOLUTION OF BIOSPHERES [3508] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 ORL-head and neck nursing : official journal of the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses [10077140] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ORL-JOURNAL FOR OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGY AND ITS RELATED SPECIALTIES [3509] Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 OR manager [10077134] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ORNAC journal [10077141] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ORNIS FENNICA [3510] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 ORNIS NORVEGICA [10051050] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 ORNIS SVECICA [10014069] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ornithological Monographs [10042114] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ORNITHOLOGICAL SCIENCE [10008746] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 ORNITHOLOGISCHE BEOBACHTER [10036194] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ornitologia Colombiana [10080243] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 ORNITOLOGIA NEOTROPICAL [10007207] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ORPHANET JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES [10007208] Genetics (clinical): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 OR SPECTRUM: QUANTITATIVE APPROACHES IN MANAGEMENT [3498] Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Orthodontic Waves [10065213] Orthodontics: Q4 ORTHODONTICS & CRANIOFACIAL RESEARCH [10011772] Oral Surgery: Q1 Orthodontics: Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Surgery: Q1 Orthodontics : the art and practice of dentofacial enhancement [10080705] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ortho Magazine [10079575] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 ORTHOPADE [3513] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 ORTHOPAEDIC NURSING [10007209] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY [10059149] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA [10038705] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 ORTHOPAEDICS & TRAUMATOLOGY-SURGERY & RESEARCH [10015291] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Surgery: Q1 ORTHOPEDIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [3512] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 ORTHOPEDICS [3514] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 ORTOPEDIA, TRAUMATOLOGIA, REHABILITACJA / ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY REHABILITATION [10034675] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 ORVOSI HETILAP [1035675] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ORVOSKÉPZÉS [1035670] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ORVOSTÖRTÉNETI KÖZLEMÉNYEK [1188157] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ORYX [25295] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 Osaka City Medical Journal [10077144] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [3515] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 OSIRIS [14417] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 Osler Library newsletter [10077145] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 OSONG PUBLIC HEALTH AND RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES [10039511] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Osservatorio del Diritto Civile e Commerciale [10080928] Law: Q4 OSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE [14418] Biomedical Engineering: D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Rheumatology: D1 Osteologicky Bulletin [10036493] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 OSTEOLOGIE [10005897] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 OSTEOPATHIC FAMILY PHYSICIAN [10036271] Family Practice: Q4 Osteopathic Medicine and Primary Care [10037989] Complementary and Manual Therapy: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Osteopathische Medizin [10079225] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Osteopatia Cientifica [10080011] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 OSTEOPOROSIS INTERNATIONAL [3516] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Osteoporoz Dunyasindan [10080244] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 OSTERREICHISCHE MUSIKZEITSCHRIFT [42805] Music: Q4 OSTERREICHISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GESCHICHTSWISSENSCHAFTEN [10012530] History: Q3 OSTERREICHISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR POLITIKWISSENSCHAFT [10028533] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 OSTERREICHISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SOZIOLOGIE [10021617] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 OSTEUROPA [5556] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 OSTOMY WOUND MANAGEMENT [10007210] Gastroenterology: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 OSTRICH [3517] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 OTECHESTVENNAYA ISTORIYA (1992-2008) [10001791] History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 OTJR-OCCUPATION PARTICIPATION AND HEALTH [10001066] Occupational Therapy: Q1 Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. [10036632] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 OTOLARYNGOLOGIA POLSKA [10016990] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 OTOLARYNGOLOGIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [3518] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q2 OTOLARYNGOLOGY-HEAD AND NECK SURGERY [3519] Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 OTOLOGY & NEUROTOLOGY [36694] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: D1 Sensory Systems: Q2 Otorhinolaryngologist [10069860] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International Journal [10052624] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Tokyo [10077149] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 OTORINOLARINGOLOGIA [10026757] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Otorinolaryngologie a Foniatrie [10046415] Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 OT Practice [10079576] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND ITS HERITAGE [10048037] History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 OUD HOLLAND [10001792] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Oudtestamentische Studien, Old Testament Studies [10079806] History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 OUTLOOK ON AGRICULTURE [3520] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology: Q3 OUTLOOKS ON PEST MANAGEMENT [10052263] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 OVERLAND [10001793] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 OXFORD ART JOURNAL [10001794] History: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS [3521] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 OXFORD DEVELOPMENT STUDIES [10018351] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 OXFORD ECONOMIC PAPERS-NEW SERIES [5558] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 OXFORD GERMAN STUDIES [10001795] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 OXFORD JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY [40812] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Oxford Journal of Law and Religion [10087859] Law: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 OXFORD JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES [10023166] Law: Q1 OXFORD LITERARY REVIEW [10001796] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 OXFORD REVIEW OF ECONOMIC POLICY [5559] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 OXFORD REVIEW OF EDUCATION [5560] Education: Q2 OXFORD STUDIES IN ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY [10013359] Classics: Q1 Philosophy: Q2 OXIDATION COMMUNICATIONS [19769] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 OXIDATION OF METALS [3522] Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY [10011773] Aging: Q2 Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oxymag [10060526] Emergency Medicine: Q4 Emergency Nursing: Q4 OYO YAKURI / PHARMACOMETRICS [10037343] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 OZONE SCIENCE & ENGINEERING [10020957] Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q2 ÖSTERREICHISCHES ARCHIV FÜR RECHT UND RELIGION [10004212] Law: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 ÖSTERREICHISCHE WASSER UND ABFALLWIRTSCHAFT [10004251] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 ÖSTERREICHISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR VOLKSKUNDE [10001790] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 PACE-PACING AND CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY [3555] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 PACHYDERM [10011776] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 PACIFIC AFFAIRS [5562] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 PACIFIC-BASIN FINANCE JOURNAL [10021623] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 Pacific Conservation Biology [10050420] Ecology: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 PACIFIC ECONOMIC BULLETIN [10015296] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 PACIFIC ECONOMIC REVIEW [10007388] Aerospace Engineering: Q1 Development: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 PACIFIC FOCUS [10009476] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Pacific health dialog : a publication of the Pacific Basin Officers Training Program and the Fiji School of Medicine [10078439] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PACIFIC HISTORICAL REVIEW [10001798] History: Q2 Pacific Journalism Review [10079376] Communication: Q3 PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [3554] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION [10009733] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Control and Optimization: Q3 PACIFIC NORTHWEST QUARTERLY [10001799] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 PACIFIC PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY [10001800] Philosophy: D1 PACIFIC REVIEW [39167] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 PACIFIC RIM PROPERTY RESEARCH JOURNAL [10043299] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 PACIFIC SCIENCE [10007213] Multidisciplinary: D1 Package Printing [10079377] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Packaging Digest [10077157] Marketing: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Packaging News [10079577] Marketing: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 PACKAGING TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE [36743] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material [10080929] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 PADDY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT [10022791] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 PÄDIATRISCHE PRAXIS [2147882] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications [10068000] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 PAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA [10007389] Education: Q3 History: Q1 PAEDIATRIA CROATICA [10011778] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PAEDIATRIA CROATICA SUPPLEMENT [10044341] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PAEDIATRIC ANAESTHESIA [14467] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 PAEDIATRIC AND PERINATAL EPIDEMIOLOGY [14468] Epidemiology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 PAEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY REVIEWS [10009690] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH [10042950] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PAEDIATRICS AND INTERNATIONAL CHILD HEALTH [10028437] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PAEDIATRICS & CHILD HEALTH: THE JOURNAL OF THE CANADIAN PAEDIATRIC SOCIETY [10011777] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 PAIDÉIA (RIBEIRAO PRETO) [10049145] Education: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 PAIDEUMA: A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO EZRA POUND SCHOLARSHIP [10001801] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Paiguan Jixie Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering [10044764] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 PAIN [3556] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 Neurology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Pharmacology: D1 PAIN FORUM [19815] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 PAIN MANAGEMENT NURSING [10009477] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: D1 PAIN MEDICINE [36749] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 PAIN PHYSICIAN [10015523] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 PAIN PRACTICE [10022792] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Pain Research and Treatment [10061203] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 PAIN RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT [10015525] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q1 Neurology: Q3 Paint and Coatings Industry [10077160] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Marketing: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 Paint and Resin Times [10078661] Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 PAJ-A JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE AND ART [10001802] Music: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 PAKISTAN DEVELOPMENT REVIEW [10021523] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES [10028438] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10016316] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology [10046315] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [3557] Plant Science: Q2 Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries [10080478] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences [10080930] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES [10030983] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10011779] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION [10020799] Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10011780] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH [10039305] Multidisciplinary: Q4 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH SERIES A: PHYSICAL SCIENCES [10060706] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematical Physics: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH SERIES B: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10065956] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS [10015527] Statistics and Probability: Q3 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS AND OPERATION RESEARCH [10057205] Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [10007214] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 PAKISTAN PAEDIATRIC JOURNAL [10079807] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Pakistan Textile Journal [10077161] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Business and International Management: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 PAKISTAN VETERINARY JOURNAL [10015528] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 Palabra Clave [10080931] Communication: Q4 PALAEOBIODIVERSITY AND PALAEOENVIRONMENTS [10031927] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Geology: Q2 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Paleontology: Q2 PALAEOGEOGRAPHY PALAEOCLIMATOLOGY PALAEOECOLOGY [3558] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Oceanography: Q1 Paleontology: D1 PALAEONTOGRAPHICA ABTEILUNG A-PALAOZOOLOGIE-STRATIGRAPHIE [10001331] Paleontology: Q2 Stratigraphy: Q2 Palaeontographica Abteilung B-Palaeophytologie Palaeobotany-Palaeophytology [10001332] Paleontology: Q4 Palaeontographica Canadiana [10077162] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Palaeontologia Africana : annals of the Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research [10070983] Paleontology: Q4 PALAEONTOLOGIA ELECTRONICA [10022793] Oceanography: Q2 PALAEONTOLOGIA POLONICA [10068118] Paleontology: Q1 PALAEONTOLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [10004470] Paleontology: Q2 PALAEONTOLOGY [3559] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Paleontology: Q1 PALAEOWORLD [10027390] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Paleontology: Q2 Stratigraphy: Q2 PALAIOS [9572] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Paleontology: Q1 PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology [10080932] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 History: D1 PALARCH'S JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY [10070505] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Museology: Q1 Paleontology: Q3 PALEOBIOLOGY [3560] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Paleontology: D1 PALEONTOLOGICAL JOURNAL [10003450] Paleontology: Q3 PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10015529] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Paleontology: Q2 PALESTINE EXPLORATION QUARTERLY [10054950] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q1 Religious Studies: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 PALIMPSESTES [10022039] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 PALLAS: REVUE D ETUDES ANTIQUES [10012364] Classics: Q4 PALLIATIVE CARE [10080933] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PALLIATIVE MEDICINE [14476] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 PALLIATIVE & SUPPORTIVE CARE [10028534] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Palpu Chongi Gisul/Journal of Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry [10070593] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Media Technology: Q2 PALYNOLOGY [1277210] Paleontology: Q2 PAMÁTKY ARCHEOLOGICKÉ [39841] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 PAMIETNIK LITERACKI [10031120] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Panace.Revista de Medicina, Lenguaje y Traducción [10052622] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 PAN AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [10019290] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences [10073961] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 PANAMERICAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [10039577] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 PAN ARAB JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY [10020244] Neurology (clinical): Q4 PANCREAS [3562] Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Hepatology: Q1 Internal Medicine: D1 PANCREATOLOGY [36760] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Gastroenterology: Q1 Hepatology: Q2 PANMINERVA MEDICA [3563] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 PANOECONOMICUS [10015298] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 PAN-PACIFIC ENTOMOLOGIST [3561] Insect Science: Q4 Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) [10053508] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 PAPELES DEL PSICÓLOGO [10020677] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 PAPELES DE POBLACION [10012081] Demography: Q3 Paper360 [10079579] Forestry: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Paper Asia [10077166] Marketing: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q4 Paperboard Packaging [10077179] Marketing: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Paper, Film and Foil Converter [10077178] Marketing: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 PAPERI JA PUU-PAPER AND TIMBER [3564] Forestry: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Media Technology: Q2 Paper Making and Distribution [10079378] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q3 PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS - ROYAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA [10048890] Multidisciplinary: Q4 PAPERS IN METEOROLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS [10032022] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE: THE JOURNAL OF THE REGIONAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL [39168] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 PAPERS OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA [10001804] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 PAPERS OF THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ROME [10044491] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 PAPERS ON FRENCH SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE [10078923] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 PAPERS ON GLOBAL CHANGE IGBP [10062357] Ecology: Q4 Geology: Q4 Geophysics: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 PAPERS ON LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE [10001806] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 PAPERS REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGIA (BARCELONA 1973) [10035255] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Paper Technology [10077176] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q4 Papier Und Druck [10078924] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q3 PAPUA NEW GUINEA MEDICAL JOURNAL [3566] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PARABOLA-MYTH TRADITION AND THE SEARCH FOR MEANING [10001807] Cultural Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 PARAGRAPH [10001808] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 PARALLAX [10023167] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Philosophy: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 PARALLEL COMPUTING [3567] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q1 Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Software: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 PARALLEL PROCESSING LETTERS (PPL) [10009389] Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q3 PARASITE IMMUNOLOGY [3570] Immunology: Q2 Parasitology: Q2 PARASITE-JOURNAL DE LA SOCIETE FRANCAISE DE PARASITOLOGIE [3569] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 Parasitology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 PARASITES AND VECTORS [10011781] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Parasitology: Q1 PARASITOLOGY [3573] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Parasitology: Q2 PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [10000927] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Parasitology: Q2 PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH [3571] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Insect Science: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Parasitology: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 PARASSITOLOGIA (ROMA) [10012769] Parasitology: Q4 PARAZITOLOGIYA [3574] Parasitology: Q4 PARENTING-SCIENCE AND PRACTICE [10009478] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 PARERGON [10001809] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 PARIS REVIEW [10001810] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 PARKINSONISM AND RELATED DISORDERS [36770] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q1 PARKINSONS DISEASE [10032869] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Park Science [10077183] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 PARLEMENTS: REVUE D'HISTOIRE POLITIQUE [10068295] History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS [5563] Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 PARLIAMENTARY HISTORY [10025230] History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 PARLIAMENTS, ESTATES AND REPRESENTATION [10022411] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 PARNASSUS: POETRY IN REVIEW [10001811] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Parola del Passato [10080246] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 PAROLE DE L ORIENT [10031128] Religious Studies: Q4 PARTIAL ANSWERS: JOURNAL OF LITERATURE AND THE HISTORY OF IDEAS [10024917] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 PARTICLE AND FIBRE TOXICOLOGY [10015530] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Toxicology: D1 PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION [3575] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 PARTICULATE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [14491] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 PARTICUOLOGY [10009691] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 PARTY POLITICS [39170] Sociology and Political Science: D1 PASSATO PRESENTE [10028580] History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 PAST AND PRESENT [5564] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 PASTORAL CARE IN EDUCATION [10066206] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Pastoralism [10072803] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Pastoral Psychology [10050053] Applied Psychology: Q4 Religious Studies: Q1 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 PATHOBIOLOGY [3576] Cell Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 PATHOGENS [10027708] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 PATHOGENS AND DISEASE [10027548] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 PATHOGENS AND GLOBAL HEALTH [10028439] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Parasitology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 PATHOLOGE [3581] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 PATHOLOGICA [10019318] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 PATHOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPY [10019753] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PATHOLOGY [14498] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 PATHOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY RESEARCH [1035680] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 PATHOLOGY CASE REVIEWS [10053926] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 PATHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [3579] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 PATHOLOGY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [3580] Cell Biology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 PATHOLOGY RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [10026848] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY [1054859] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HAEMOSTASIS AND THROMBOSIS [10001333] Hematology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 PATIENT EDUCATION AND COUNSELING: THE LEADING INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR COMMUNICATION IN HEALTHCARE [5565] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 PATIENT-PATIENT CENTERED OUTCOMES RESEARCH [10022795] Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 PATIENT PREFERENCE AND ADHERENCE [10022796] Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 PATIENT SAFETY IN SURGERY [10061837] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q2 PATTERN ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS [25384] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 PATTERN RECOGNITION [3582] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: D1 Signal Processing: D1 Software: Q1 PATTERN RECOGNITION AND IMAGE ANALYSIS [10031836] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q3 PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS [3583] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 Software: Q1 PATTERNS OF PREJUDICE [39173] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Pauline Studies [10080013] Classics: D1 History: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 PCI JOURNAL [19848] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 PC World (San Francisco, CA) [10077188] Hardware and Architecture: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 PDA JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [19849] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 PEABODY JOURNAL OF EDUCATION [10057742] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 PEACE AND CONFLICT: JOURNAL OF PEACE PSYCHOLOGY [10039889] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Peace and Conflict Studies [10080014] Safety Research: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 PEACE ECONOMICS, PEACE SCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY [10021539] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 PEACE REVIEW: A JOURNAL OF SOCIAL JUSTICE [10024460] Safety Research: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 PEDAGOGICKY CASOPIS / JOURNAL OF PEDAGOGY [10069140] Education: Q3 PEDAGOGIES: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10066381] Education: Q2 PEDAGOGIKA / PEDAGOGY STUDIES [10027927] Education: Q4 PEDAGOGISCHE STUDIEN [10023168] Education: Q3 PEDAGOGY CULTURE & SOCIETY [10008340] Cultural Studies: D1 Education: Q2 PEDIATRIA CATALANA: BUTTLEIT D ELA SOCETAT CATALANA DE PEDIATRIA [10059962] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PEDIATRIA I MEDYCYNA RODZINNA [10037465] Family Practice: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PEDIATRIA INTEGRAL [10077189] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica [10074728] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Surgery: Q4 PEDIATRIA POLSKA [10005110] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PEDIATRIA WSPÓLCZESNA. GASTROENTEROLOGIA, HEPATOLOGIA I ZYVIENIE DZIECKA [10013236] Gastroenterology: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY [14504] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 PEDIATRIC ALLERGY IMMUNOLOGY AND PULMONOLOGY [10015531] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 PEDIATRIC AND ADOLESCENT MEDICINE [10001815] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PEDIATRIC AND DEVELOPMENTAL PATHOLOGY [19857] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PEDIATRIC ANNALS [3586] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 PEDIATRIC ASTHMA ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY [3587] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER [10001334] Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY [3588] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PEDIATRIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [3589] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PEDIATRIC CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE [10009692] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 PEDIATRIC DENTAL JOURNAL (JAPAN) [10041652] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY [10007216] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 PEDIATRIC DERMATOLOGY [3590] Dermatology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PEDIATRIC DIABETES [10007217] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Internal Medicine: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 PEDIATRIC DRUGS [10013511] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY CARE [3591] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY DIABETES AND METABOLISM [10088538] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PEDIATRIC ENDOCRINOLOGY REVIEWS: DIABETES, NUTRITION, METABOLISM [10018848] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 PEDIATRIC EXERCISE SCIENCE [19859] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 PEDIATRIC GASTROENTEROLOGY HEPATOLOGY AND NUTRITION [10062428] Gastroenterology: Q4 Hepatology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PEDIATRIC HEALTH [10019339] Pediatrics: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY [3592] Hematology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL [3593] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY [3594] Nephrology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY [3595] Developmental Neuroscience: Q3 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PEDIATRIC NEUROSURGERY [3596] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Surgery: Q3 PEDIATRIC NURSING [10057837] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics: Q3 PEDIATRIC OBESITY [10023476] Health Policy: D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 PEDIATRIC PATHOLOGY & MOLECULAR MEDICINE [31074] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Pediatric Physical Therapy [10023212] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY [3598] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 PEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY [3599] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Pediatric Reports [10054074] Pediatrics: Q3 PEDIATRIC RESEARCH [3600] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 PEDIATRIC RHEUMATOLOGY [10022797] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Rheumatology: Q2 PEDIATRIC SURGERY INTERNATIONAL [3601] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Surgery: Q2 PEDIATRIC TRANSPLANTATION [10001335] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Transplantation: Q2 PEDIATRICS [3602] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 PEDIATRICS AND NEONATOLOGY [10015532] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PEDIATRICS IN REVIEW [10003453] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 PEDIATRICS INTERNATIONAL [25401] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PEDIATRIE PRO PRAXI [10043869] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PEDIATRIYA [10044340] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PEDOBIOLOGIA [3604] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 PEDOSPHERE [10003454] Soil Science: Q2 PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS [10015533] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Software: Q4 PELVI-PERINEOLOGIE [10011782] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 PENN STATE ENVIRONMENTAL LAW REVIEW [10025231] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Law: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Pennsylvania dental journal [10077195] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pennsylvania history [10078442] History: Q4 PENNSYLVANIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY [10001816] History: Q2 PENSAMIENTO [10001817] Philosophy: Q2 PENSEE [39174] Philosophy: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Pensee Plurielle [10078664] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Pensions [10080247] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 PEOPLE AND PLACE [10025906] Demography: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 PEPTIDES [3606] Biochemistry: Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 Endocrinology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 PERCEPTION [10029392] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Ophthalmology: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q3 PERCEPTION & PSYCHOPHYSICS [5567] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Sensory Systems: Q1 PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS [5566] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Sensory Systems: Q4 Perfect Beat [10077198] Music: Q3 Perfiles educativos [10057918] Education: Q3 PERFILES LATINOAMERICANOS [10015300] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Performance Apparel Markets [10078926] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT AND HEALTH [10029274] Health (social science): Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION [3607] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Software: Q2 PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT QUARTERLY [10013512] Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND METRICS [10018768] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 PERFORMANCE RESEARCH [10001818] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 PERFUSION-GERMANY [31085] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PERFUSION-LONDON [3608] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q1 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Safety Research: Q1 Pergamon Materials Series [10057215] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 PERICHORESIS THE THEOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF EMANUEL UNIVERSITY [10075315] Religious Studies: Q4 PERINATOLOGY [10054192] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Perinola [10080706] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 PERIODICA MATHEMATICA HUNGARICA [2000464] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [1219714] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-CIVIL ENGINEERING [1355209] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING [1028699] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 Software: Q4 PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE [10031791] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 Software: Q4 PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [1028708] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-SOCIAL AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES [2150657] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING [1219845] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Automotive Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 PERIODICO DI MINERALOGIA [10005770] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geology: Q2 Geophysics: Q3 PERIODICO TCHE QUIMICA [10040022] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 PERIODICUM BIOLOGORUM [31086] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PERIODONTOLOGY 2000 [14527] Periodontics: Q1 PERIOPERATIVE MEDIZIN: ZEITSCHRIFT FŰR FORT- UND WEITERBILDUNG [10038045] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Surgery: Q4 Perioperative Nursing Clinics [10079583] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 PERITIA [10074312] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 PERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL [3609] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nephrology: Q1 PERMAFROST AND PERIGLACIAL PROCESSES [14529] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Per Musi [10080934] Music: Q4 PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING [10009694] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES [5569] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 PERSONALITY AND MENTAL HEALTH [10015301] Health Policy: Q2 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY BULLETIN [5573] Social Psychology: D1 PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW [10001069] Social Psychology: D1 PERSONALITY DISORDERS-THEORY RESEARCH AND TREATMENT [10028535] Clinical Psychology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 PERSONALIZED MEDICINE [10009693] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology: Q3 PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS [39180] Anthropology: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies [10038916] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 PERSONNEL PSYCHOLOGY [5571] Applied Psychology: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 PERSONNEL REVIEW [5572] Applied Psychology: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 PERSOONIA [3610] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Plant Science: D1 PERSPECTIVAS EM CIENCIA DA INFORMACAO [10015304] Communication: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Museology: Q2 Perspective infirmiere : revue officielle de l'Ordre des infirmieres et infirmiers du Quebec [10077202] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PERSPECTIVE: LA REVUE DE L'INHA [10021789] History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Perspectives (Gerontological Nursing Association (Canada)) [10077203] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PERSPECTIVES IN ANALYSIS, GEOMETRY, AND TOPOLOGY: ON THE OCCASION OF THE 60TH BIRTHDAY OF OLEG VIRO [10052823] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Analysis: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q4 PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [3611] Health Policy: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION [10073779] Ecology: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 PERSPECTIVES IN EDUCATION [10003457] Education: Q3 PERSPECTIVES IN HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT [10073138] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 PERSPECTIVES IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10041766] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 PERSPECTIVES IN MEDICINE [10022633] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PERSPECTIVES IN PLANT ECOLOGY EVOLUTION AND SYSTEMATICS [10001336] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Plant Science: D1 PERSPECTIVES IN PSYCHIATRIC CARE [39183] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q2 PERSPECTIVES IN PUBLIC HEALTH [10012083] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Perspectives in Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy [10038022] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 PERSPECTIVES ON GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY [10025907] Development: Q3 Education: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 PERSPECTIVES ON LABOUR AND INCOME [10021551] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICAL SCIENCE [10025909] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 PERSPECTIVES ON POLITICS [10015305] Political Science and International Relations: D1 PERSPECTIVES ON PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE [10012082] Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 PERSPECTIVES ON SCIENCE: HISTORICAL, PHILOSOPHICAL, SOCIAL [10016271] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Multidisciplinary: Q1 PERSPECTIVES ON SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH [10001070] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education [10077205] Education: Q3 PERSPECTIVES: STUDIES IN TRANSLATION THEORY AND PRACTICE [10001823] Linguistics and Language: Q3 PERSPEKTIVEN DER WIRTSCHAFTSPOLITIK [10017442] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 PERTANIKA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10061107] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science [10041698] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 PERTANIKA SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES [10043518] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 PERVASIVE AND MOBILE COMPUTING [10023204] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 PESQUISA AGROPECUARIA BRASILEIRA [3612] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Pesquisa Agropecuaria Tropical [10039276] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 PESQUISA BRASILEIRA EM ODONTOPEDIATRIA E CLINICA INTEGRADA [10049894] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 PESQUISA ODONTOLOGICA BRASILEIRA [10056714] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 PESQUISA OPERACIONAL [10061768] Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Pesquisas em Geociencias [10061198] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 PESQUISA VETERINARIA BRASILEIRA [19886] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 PESTICIDE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY [3613] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 PESTICIDE SCIENCE [3614] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Insect Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE [31095] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Insect Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pestology [10077207] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 PET CLINICS [10016313] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiation: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 PETROLEUM AND COAL [10008741] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 PETROLEUM CHEMISTRY [3615] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Petroleum Economist [10078219] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Marketing: Q4 PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT [10049218] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Geology: D1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 PETROLEUM GEOSCIENCE [19891] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Economic Geology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geology: Q2 PETROLEUM PROCESSING AND PETROCHEMICALS [10063205] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q3 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 Petroleum Review [10077212] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Marketing: Q4 PETROLEUM SCIENCE [10011783] Economic Geology: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geology: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [31100] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Petroleum Technology Quarterly [10078221] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 PETROLOGY [14538] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 PetroMin [10077213] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 PETROPHYSICS [10007218] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 PEUCE [10061758] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 PFERDEHEILKUNDE [14539] Equine: Q3 PFLEGE [10015307] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 PFLEGEZEITSCHRIFT [10012991] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PFLUGERS ARCHIV-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY [1152493] Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 PHAINOMENA: JOURNAL OF PHENOMENOLOGY AND HERMENEUTICS [10027180] Philosophy: Q3 PHARMACA : CASOPIS ZA FARMAKOTERPIJU [10039029] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY [19895] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q1 Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmaceutical Care and Research [10036884] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmaceutical Care Espana [10078666] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacy: Q3 PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY JOURNAL [10022798] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 PHARMACEUTICAL DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY [36832] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING [10077216] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmaceutical Formulation and Quality [10080479] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmaceutical historian [10077217] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL [10001825] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Packing Sourcer [10080248] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICINE [10014233] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmaceutical Outsourcing [10062206] Health Policy: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 PHARMACEUTICAL PATENT ANALYST [10047116] Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmaceutical Processing [10080249] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH [3619] Biotechnology: Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q1 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Pharmacology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Pharmaceutical Reviews [10067665] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 PHARMACEUTICALS [10024432] Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law [10073439] Health Policy: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 PHARMACEUTICAL STATISTICS [10003461] Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY [10037099] Biophysics: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY EUROPE [10038590] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 PHARMACEUTICS [10022148] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 PHARMACEUTISCH WEEKBLAD [10036248] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacien Hospitalier et Clinicien [10061926] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 PHARMACOECONOMICS [14543] Health Policy: D1 Pharmacology: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 PharmacoEconomics - German Research Articles [10080480] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 PharmacoEconomics - Italian Research Articles [10039363] Health Policy: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacoeconomics - Spanish Research Articles [10036914] Health Policy: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 PHARMACOEPIDEMIOLOGY AND DRUG SAFETY [25439] Epidemiology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): D1 PHARMACOGENETICS [3620] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 PHARMACOGENETICS AND GENOMICS [10003463] Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 PHARMACOGENOMICS [10001337] Genetics: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 PHARMACOGENOMICS AND PERSONALIZED MEDICINE [10019778] Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 PHARMACOGENOMICS JOURNAL [10003464] Genetics: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 PHARMACOGNOSY JOURNAL [10036690] Drug Discovery: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 PHARMACOGNOSY MAGAZINE [10015537] Drug Discovery: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 PHARMACOGNOSY RESEARCH [10053902] Drug Discovery: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 PHARMACOGNOSY REVIEWS [10032374] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: D1 Drug Discovery: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 PHARMACOLOGICAL REPORTS [10006352] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH [3622] Pharmacology: Q1 PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEWS [3623] Molecular Medicine: D1 Pharmacology: D1 PHARMACOLOGY [3626] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 PHARMACOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND BEHAVIOR [3621] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Biochemistry: Q2 Biological Psychiatry: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Pharmacology: Q1 Toxicology: Q1 PHARMACOLOGYONLINE [10037635] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmacology: Q3 PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS [3624] Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY [3625] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 PHARMACOPEIAL FORUM [3627] Drug Guides: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacy: Q3 PHARMACOPSYCHIATRY [3628] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PHARMACOTHERAPY [3629] Pharmacology (medical): Q2 PharmacoVigilance Review [10080481] Health Policy: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 PHARMACY EDUCATION [10031351] Education: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacy: Q3 PHARMACY IN HISTORY [10034743] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacy News [10079585] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology (nursing): Q4 PHARMACY PRACTICE [10065172] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacy: Q2 Pharmacy Times [10038532] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacy: Q4 PHARMACY WORLD & SCIENCE [3618] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Pharmacy: D1 Toxicology: Q3 Pharmakeftiki [10051250] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharma-Kritik [10037976] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharma Research [10071286] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharma times [10050739] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 PHARMAZEUTISCHE INDUSTRIE [19896] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 PHARMAZEUTISCHE ZEITUNG [1369799] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 PHARMAZIE [3630] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 PHARMAZIE IN UNSERER ZEIT [10037543] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmeuropa bio & scientific notes [10079381] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PHASE TRANSITIONS [3631] Instrumentation: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 PHENOMENOLOGY AND THE COGNITIVE SCIENCES [10038911] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Philosophy: D1 PHI DELTA KAPPAN [5574] Education: Q3 PHILIPPINE AGRICULTURAL SCIENTIST [10001338] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF NURSING [10079586] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [10044241] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 PHILIPPINE JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE [10011785] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 PHILIPPINE POLITICAL SCIENCE JOURNAL [10012084] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints [10078669] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Phillippine Journal of Internal Medicine [10039371] Internal Medicine: Q4 PHILOBIBLON (ROMANIA) [2150834] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 PHILOLOGICAL QUARTERLY [10001826] History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 PHILOLOGUS [10001827] Classics: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series [10080707] Classics: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Philosophers Imprint [10080935] Philosophy: Q1 Philosophia Africana [10079226] Philosophy: Q3 Philosophia Antiqua [10079809] Classics: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Philosophia Christi [10080708] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 PHILOSOPHIA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10072494] Philosophy: Q4 PHILOSOPHIA MATHEMATICA [10016754] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Philosophy: D1 Philosophia Naturalis [10080482] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 PHILOSOPHIA (RAMAT GAN) [10001828] Philosophy: Q1 PHILOSOPHIA REFORMATA [10028043] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 PHILOSOPHIA SCIENTIAE [10029964] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 PHILOSOPHICA [10012645] Philosophy: Q2 PHILOSOPHICAL EXPLORATIONS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY OF MIND AND ACTION [10016624] Philosophy: D1 PHILOSOPHICAL FORUM [10001829] Philosophy: Q3 PHILOSOPHICAL INVESTIGATIONS [10001830] Philosophy: Q2 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES [10029492] Philosophy: D1 PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE [10007219] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS [1374704] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Philosophical Papers [10077226] Philosophy: Q2 PHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY [5575] Applied Psychology: Q2 Philosophy: D1 PHILOSOPHICAL QUARTERLY [10001831] Philosophy: D1 PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW [10001832] Philosophy: D1 PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES-DORDRECHT [10001833] Philosophy: D1 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS [10037730] Philosophy: Q4 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A - MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL & ENGINEERING SCIENCES [10007220] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [3637] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Philosophie [10080709] Philosophy: Q4 Philosophie Antique [10080936] Classics: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 PHILOSOPHISCHE RUNDSCHAU [10001834] Philosophy: Q3 PHILOSOPHISCHES JAHRBUCH [10001835] Philosophy: Q4 PHILOSOPHY [10001836] Philosophy: Q3 PHILOSOPHY AND LITERATURE [10001837] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 PHILOSOPHY AND PHENOMENOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10001838] History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Philosophy: D1 PHILOSOPHY AND RHETORIC [10001839] Philosophy: Q1 PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL CRITICISM: INTERNATIONAL, INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL [10026855] Philosophy: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 PHILOSOPHY AND TECHNOLOGY [10055232] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 PHILOSOPHY COMPASS [10029573] Philosophy: Q2 PHILOSOPHY EAST & WEST [10001840] Philosophy: Q2 Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine [10079588] Health Policy: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Philosophy of History and Culture [10079810] Philosophy: Q4 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE [5577] History: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Philosophy: D1 PHILOSOPHY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES [5578] Philosophy: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 PHILOSOPHY PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY [10043611] Ecology: Q4 Philosophy: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PHILOSOPHY & PUBLIC AFFAIRS [10025911] History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 PHILOSOPHY TODAY [10001841] Philosophy: Q3 PHLEBOLOGIE [36855] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 PHLEBOLOGY [3638] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 PHLEBOLYMPHOLOGY [10036966] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 PHLEOBOLOGIE: ANNALES VASCULAIRES [10033081] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 PHOENIX-THE JOURNAL OF THE CLASSICAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA [10001842] Classics: Q1 PHONETICA: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHONETIC SCIENCE [5579] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 PHONOLOGY [10013319] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 PHOSPHORUS SULFUR AND SILICON AND THE RELATED ELEMENTS [3639] Biochemistry: Q4 Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10000934] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 PHOTOCHEMISTRY [10070175] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY [3640] Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 PHOTODERMATOLOGY PHOTOIMMUNOLOGY & PHOTOMEDICINE [9654] Dermatology: Q2 Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 PHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY [10015538] Biophysics: Q2 Dermatology: Q1 Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING [3641] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q1 PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RECORD [3642] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Computers in Earth Sciences: Q2 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 PHOTOGRAMMETRIE FERNERKUNDUNG GEOINFORMATION [10015539] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Instrumentation: Q2 Photographies [10080015] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Photography & Culture [10080484] Cultural Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 PHOTOMEDICINE AND LASER SURGERY [2147772] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 PHOTONIC NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS [31134] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q3 Photonic Sensors [10058669] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 PHOTONICS AND LASERS IN MEDICINE [10040578] Dermatology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 PHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES [10007221] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND [10055377] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 PHOTONICS SPECTRA [3643] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 PHOTONIRVACHAK / JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING [10007222] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 PHOTOSYNTHESIS RESEARCH [3644] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Plant Science: Q1 PHOTOSYNTHETICA [3645] Physiology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 PHRONESIS: A JOURNAL FOR ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY [10001844] History: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin [10080710] Aquatic Science: Q4 Oceanography: Q3 PHYCOLOGIA [3646] Aquatic Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10007223] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Physiology: Q4 PHYLLOMEDUSA [10066722] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 PHYSICA A - STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS [3674] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER [3675] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 PHYSICA C - SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS [3676] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 PHYSICA D: NONLINEAR PHENOMENA [3677] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q1 PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES [31174] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL NEWS [10012460] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Mathematical Physics: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics [10077229] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q4 Occupational Therapy: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q3 PHYSICAL BIOLOGY [10007224] Biophysics: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Structural Biology: Q2 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS [25468] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 PHYSICAL COMMUNICATION [10052347] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT PEDAGOGY [10028537] Education: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY [14577] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [10015540] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 PHYSICAL MESOMECHANICS [10011786] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 PHYSICAL & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY IN PEDIATRICS [10022801] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Occupational Therapy: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 Physical Oceanography [10077230] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 PHYSICAL REVIEW C [3664] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: D1 PHYSICAL REVIEW D [10005548] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 PHYSICAL REVIEW E: COVERING STATISTICAL NONLINEAR BIOLOGICAL AND SOFT MATTER PHYSICS (2016-) [10069825] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 PHYSICAL REVIEW E - STATISTICAL, NONLINEAR AND SOFT MATTER PHYSICS (2001-2015) [3666] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 PHYSICAL REVIEW E - STATISTICAL PHYSICS, PLASMAS, FLUIDS AND RELATED INTERDISCIPLINARY TOPICS (1993-2000) [10006361] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q2 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS [3667] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS ACCELERATORS AND BEAMS [10001340] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q1 PHYSICAL REVIEW SPECIAL TOPICS-PHYSICS EDUCATION RESEARCH [10011787] Education: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 PHYSICAL REVIEW X [10024143] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 Physical Separation in Science and Engineering [10079086] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Filtration and Separation: Q3 PHYSICAL THERAPY [3671] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 PHYSICAL THERAPY IN SPORT [10001341] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 Physical Therapy Reviews [10049464] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q2 PHYSICA MEDICA-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS [19939] Biophysics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 PHYSICA SCRIPTA [3668] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Mathematical Physics: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE [10007933] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH [3669] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC RESEARCH [3670] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI C-CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS [10008382] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI - RAPID RESEARCH LETTERS [10007226] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE [3678] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 Physician leadership journal [10077232] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Physicist [10078224] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF GLASSES - EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GLASS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART B [10007225] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS [3650] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF MINERALS [3651] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH (1956-1999) [10088577] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH (2002-) [10000937] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geophysics: Q2 PHYSICS EDUCATION [10013020] Education: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 PHYSICS ESSAYS [3653] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY [3659] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 PHYSICS IN PERSPECTIVE [10001442] History: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PHYSICS LETTERS A [3657] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 PHYSICS LETTERS B [3658] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: D1 PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI [3648] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 PHYSICS OF FLUIDS [3654] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 PHYSICS OF LIFE REVIEWS [10006006] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 PHYSICS OF METALS AND METALLOGRAPHY [10000938] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI [25482] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 PHYSICS OF PARTICLES AND NUCLEI LETTERS [10018642] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 Radiation: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 PHYSICS OF PLASMAS [3660] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE [10032902] Astronomy and Astrophysics: D1 Space and Planetary Science: D1 PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS [3652] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 PHYSICS OF THE SOLID STATE [14590] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 PHYSICS OF WAVE PHENOMENA [10015541] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PHYSICS REPORTS-REVIEW SECTION OF PHYSICS LETTERS [3661] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 PHYSICS RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [10020359] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PHYSICS TODAY [3672] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 PHYSICS-USPEKHI [10001343] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 PHYSICS WORLD [3673] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PHYSIKALISCHE MEDIZIN REHABILITATIONSMEDIZIN KURORTMEDIZIN [19938] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM [3684] Cell Biology: Q2 Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Physiology: Q2 Plant Science: D1 PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ZOOLOGY [25504] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Biochemistry: Q2 Physiology: Q2 PHYSIOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR PLANT PATHOLOGY [3683] Genetics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS AND MEDICAL NMR [3680] Biochemistry: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Physiology: Q4 Spectroscopy: Q4 PHYSIOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY [3681] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Insect Science: Q2 Physiology: Q3 PHYSIOLOGICAL GENOMICS [31179] Genetics: Q2 Physiology: Q1 PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT [3682] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biophysics: Q2 Physiology: Q3 Physiology (medical): Q2 PHYSIOLOGICAL RESEARCH [3685] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 PHYSIOLOGICAL REVIEWS [3686] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: D1 Physiology: D1 Physiology (medical): D1 PHYSIOLOGY [10007716] Physiology: D1 PHYSIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF PLANTS [2152655] Molecular Biology: Q4 Physiology: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY (IRAN) [10081947] Pharmacology: Q3 Physiology: Q4 PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR [3679] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Philosophy: D1 PHYSIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [10066103] Physiology (medical): Q3 PHYSIOTHERAPY [10007227] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 PHYSIOTHERAPY CANADA [10022803] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Physiotherapy Practice and Research [10058870] Occupational Therapy: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q4 PHYSIOTHERAPY RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [10071603] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Physiotherapy Singapore [10078225] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 PHYSIOTHERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE [10042284] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 PHYSIS: REVISTA DE SAUDE COLETIVA [10062049] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 PHYSIS: RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI STORIA DELLA SCIENZA [10077236] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS [3688] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Biochemistry: Q2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: D1 Drug Discovery: Q2 Food Science: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Plant Science: Q1 PHYTOCHEMISTRY [3689] Biochemistry: Q2 Horticulture: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 Plant Science: Q1 PHYTOCHEMISTRY LETTERS [10009695] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Biotechnology: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 PHYTOCHEMISTRY REVIEWS [10022804] Biotechnology: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 PHYTOCOENOLOGIA [25514] Plant Science: Q2 PHYTOMEDICINE: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHYTOTHERAPY AND PHYTOPHARMACOLOGY [19971] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: D1 Drug Discovery: Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 PHYTOMORPHOLOGY [10069797] Plant Science: Q4 PHYTON-ANNALES REI BOTANICAE [3690] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 Physiology: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 PHYTON-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY [3691] Biochemistry: Q4 Physiology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 PHYTOPARASITICA [3692] Insect Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 PHYTOPATHOLOGIA MEDITERRANEA [10007228] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q1 Plant Science: Q2 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [3693] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Plant Science: Q1 PHYTOPROTECTION [3694] Plant Science: Q4 PHYTOTAXA [10013678] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 PHYTOTHÉRAPIE [10055279] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 Phytotherapie Europeenne [10079811] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH [3695] Pharmacology: Q2 PIDE Working Papers [10078443] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 PIEL [10039923] Dermatology: Q4 Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics [10061467] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 PIGMENT AND RESIN TECHNOLOGY [10007229] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 PIGMENT CELL & MELANOMA RESEARCH [10009696] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Dermatology: D1 Oncology: Q1 PIGMENT CELL RESEARCH [3696] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Dermatology: D1 Oncology: Q1 PIK REPORT [10022690] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 PIPELINE & GAS JOURNAL [19979] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Pirineos [10066683] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 PITUITARY [10007652] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 PLACE BRANDING AND PUBLIC DIPLOMACY [10016472] Marketing: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 PLACENTA [3698] Developmental Biology: Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 PLAINS ANTHROPOLOGIST [5580] Anthropology: Q3 PLAINSONG AND MEDIEVAL MUSIC [10058882] Music: Q3 Plan Canada [10077242] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 PLANETARY AND SPACE SCIENCE [3699] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 Planet Earth [10077243] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 PLANKTON AND BENTHOS RESEARCH [10046913] Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 Planning [10077245] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Planning Advisory Service Memo [10077247] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Planning and Environmental Law [10080485] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Law: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Planning Malaysia [10067591] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 PLANNING PERSPECTIVES [10017911] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 PLANNING PRACTICE AND RESEARCH [10028155] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 PLANNING THEORY [10015309] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 PLANNING THEORY AND PRACTICE [10060136] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 PLANTA [3717] Genetics: Q2 Plant Science: D1 PLANTA DANINHA [10011791] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Physiology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 PLANTA MEDICA: NATURAL PRODUCTS AND MEDICINAL PLANT RESEARCH [3718] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: D1 Drug Discovery: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Pharmacology: Q2 PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY [3703] Cell Biology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Physiology: D1 Plant Science: D1 PLANT AND SOIL [3715] Plant Science: D1 Soil Science: Q1 PLANT ARCHIVES [10031265] Plant Science: Q4 PLANT BIOLOGY [25526] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Plant Science: Q1 PLANT BIOSYSTEMS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL DEALING WITH ALL ASPECTS OF PLANT BIOLOGY: OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETA BOTANICA ITALIANA [10001344] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY [10012155] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL [10001345] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Plant Science: D1 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY REPORTS [10009697] Biotechnology: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT BREEDING [3700] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT CELL [3701] Cell Biology: D1 Plant Science: D1 PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT [3702] Physiology: D1 Plant Science: D1 Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology [10057478] Biotechnology: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 PLANT CELL REPORTS [3704] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Plant Science: Q1 PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE [1128890] Horticulture: D1 PLANT DISEASE [3706] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 PLANT ECOLOGY [14628] Ecology: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 PLANT ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION [10015544] Plant Science: Q2 PLANT ECOLOGY & DIVERSITY [10015542] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT ENGINEERING [10001847] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Plant Engineer (London) [10077249] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 PLANT FOODS FOR HUMAN NUTRITION [3707] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Food Science: Q1 PLANT GENETIC RESOURCES-CHARACTERIZATION AND UTILIZATION [1220375] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Genetics: Q4 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT GENOME [10013284] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Genetics: Q2 Plant Science: D1 PLANT GROWTH REGULATION [3708] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Physiology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT JOURNAL [3709] Cell Biology: D1 Genetics: D1 Plant Science: D1 PLANT METHODS [10010125] Biotechnology: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Plant Science: D1 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [3710] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Plant Science: D1 PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTER [19994] Molecular Biology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT OMICS [10011789] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 PLANT PATHOLOGY [3711] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Genetics: Q2 Horticulture: D1 Plant Science: Q1 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY [3712] Genetics: D1 Physiology: D1 Plant Science: D1 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY [3713] Genetics: Q2 Physiology: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY JOURNAL [10037195] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 PLANT PLASMA MEMBRANE [10052988] Cell Biology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 PLANT PRODUCTION SCIENCE [10001346] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Plant Protection Bulletin [10080016] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 PLANT PROTECTION QUARTERLY [10033538] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 PLANT PROTECTION SCIENCE-OCHRANA ROSTLIN [1128916] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 PLANT REPRODUCTION [10033082] Cell Biology: Q3 Plant Science: Q1 PLANT ROOT [10074754] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Plant Science: Q3 PLANTS [10024485] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 PLANT SCIENCE [3714] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Plant Science: D1 PLANT SIGNALING AND BEHAVIOR [40807] Plant Science: Q1 PLANT SOCIOLOGY [10048049] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Forestry: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT [10001347] Soil Science: Q2 PLANT SPECIES BIOLOGY [10007230] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION [3716] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 PLANT TISSUE CULTURE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY [10005891] Biotechnology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Plasma and Fusion Research [10051774] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING [3719] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 Plasma Medicine [10073464] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION [3720] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q1 PLASMA PHYSICS REPORTS [3721] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS [10003475] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 PLASMA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10037432] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [14645] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 PLASMID [3722] Molecular Biology: Q3 PLASMONICS [10007231] Biochemistry: Q2 Biophysics: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY [3723] Surgery: D1 PLASTIC SURGICAL NURSING [10043387] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q4 PLASTICS ENGINEERING [14647] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 PLASTICS RUBBER AND COMPOSITES [25556] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 Plastics Technology [10077251] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 PLATELETS [9739] Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Platform [10080250] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 PLATING AND SURFACE FINISHING [3725] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 PLOS BIOLOGY [10001349] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY [10003477] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: D1 Computational Theory and Mathematics: D1 Ecology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 PLOS CURRENTS [10028204] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 PLOS GENETICS [10003478] Cancer Research: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: D1 Genetics (clinical): D1 Molecular Biology: D1 PLOS MEDICINE [10003479] Biochemistry: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Cell Biology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: D1 PLOS NEGLECTED TROPICAL DISEASES [10009698] Infectious Diseases: D1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 PLOS ONE [10007440] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 PLOS PATHOGENS [10007233] Genetics: D1 Immunology: D1 Microbiology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 Parasitology: D1 Virology: D1 PLOUGHSHARES [10001848] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Pluralist [10080486] Philosophy: Q2 PMLA: PUBLICATIONS OF THE MODERN LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA [10001849] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 PMM JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS [3726] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 PM & R: THE JOURNAL OF INJURY, FUNCTION AND REHABILITATION [10028446] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 Pneuma [10077252] Religious Studies: Q4 PNEUMOLOGE [10039155] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 PNEUMOLOGIA [10055400] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 PNEUMOLOGIE [10017514] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 PNEUMON [10042187] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 PODRAVINA: CASOPIS ZA MULTIDISCIPLINARNA ISTRAZIVANJA [10025748] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 POE STUDIES-DARK ROMANTICISM [10001850] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 POETICA: ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SPRACH-UND LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT [10001851] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 POETICS [1320068] Communication: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 POETICS TODAY [10001852] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Poetique [10078929] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 POETRY [10001853] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 POETRY REVIEW [10001854] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 POETRY WALES: CYLCHGRAWN CENEDLAETHOL O FARDDONIAETH NEWYDD [10001855] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 POIESIS UND PRAXIS [10079227] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Point of Care [10079589] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 POINT VETERINAIRE [20015] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 POLAR BIOLOGY [3727] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Polarforschung [10077255] Oceanography: Q3 POLAR GEOGRAPHY [10057730] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 POLAR JOURNAL [10074006] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 POLAR-POLITICAL AND LEGAL ANTHROPOLOGY REVIEW [10028538] Anthropology: Q2 Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 POLAR RECORD [10007235] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Ecology: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 POLAR RESEARCH [3728] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Oceanography: Q2 POLAR SCIENCE [10024779] Aquatic Science: Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Police Practice and Research [10080251] Law: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 POLICE QUARTERLY [10015313] Law: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 POLICING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLICE STRATEGIES & MANAGEMENT [39191] Law: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 POLICING & SOCIETY [10015311] Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Policlin. Sez. Med. [10036308] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 POLICY AND INTERNET [10050409] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Public Administration: Q4 POLICY AND POLITICS [5582] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 POLICY AND SOCIETY [10025913] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 POLICY FUTURES IN EDUCATION [10069149] Education: Q2 Policy, Politics, and Nursing Practice [10057881] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q1 Leadership and Management: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 POLICY REVIEW [5583] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 POLICY SCIENCES [5584] Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 POLICY STUDIES [10021609] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 POLICY STUDIES JOURNAL [5585] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 Public Administration: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Polimeri (Zagreb) [10042117] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 POLIMEROS-CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA [10011793] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q4 POLIMERY [1142742] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 POLISH ANNALS OF MEDICINE [10042948] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 POLISH BOTANICAL JOURNAL [10007661] Plant Science: Q4 Polish Botanical Studies [10042424] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Polish Geological Institute Special Papers [10073127] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Geology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 POLISH JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY [10015548] Biotechnology: Q3 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 POLISH JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [10001350] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES [10000941] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 POLISH JOURNAL OF FOOD AND NUTRITION SCIENCES [10005834] Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 POLISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES [10016010] Business and International Management: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 POLISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING [10043303] Biophysics: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 POLISH JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [10015550] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 POLISH JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCES [10022530] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Ecology: Q4 POLISH JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY [10015551] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 POLISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY [20017] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 POLISH JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY [10040340] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 POLISH JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE [39855] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 POLISH JOURNAL OF VETERINARY SCIENCES [10007234] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH [10011792] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 POLISH POLAR RESEARCH [10012867] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 POLISH PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN [10026462] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 POLISH SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW [10007390] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Polis (Italy) [10059694] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 POLIS: THE JOURNAL FOR ANCIENT GREEK POLITICAL THOUGHT [42132] Classics: Q4 History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Politica Criminal [10080711] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 POLITICA ECONOMICA [10021612] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 POLITICAL ANALYSIS [10003481] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 POLITICAL BEHAVIOR [39196] Sociology and Political Science: D1 POLITICAL COMMUNICATION [39197] Communication: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY [5587] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 POLITICAL POWER AND SOCIAL THEORY [10056347] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY [5589] Clinical Psychology: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Philosophy: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 Social Psychology: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 POLITICAL QUARTERLY [5590] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLITICAL RESEARCH QUARTERLY [5591] Sociology and Political Science: D1 POLITICAL SCIENCE [5592] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLITICAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY [5593] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLITICAL STUDIES [5595] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 POLITICAL STUDIES REVIEW [10015319] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLITICAL THEORY [5596] History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 POLITICA Y GOBIERNO [10003482] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Politica y sociedad [10050057] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 POLITICKA EKONOMIE [5586] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 POLITICS AND GENDER [10015315] Gender Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLITICS AND POLICY [10025919] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLITICS AND RELIGION [10028539] Religious Studies: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLITICS AND THE LIFE SCIENCES [5588] Public Administration: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 POLITICS (OXFORD) [10023169] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 POLITICS PHILOSOPHY & ECONOMICS [10015316] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLITICS & SOCIETY [5594] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 POLITIKON [10007391] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 POLITISCHE VIERTELJAHRESSCHRIFT [5597] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLITIX [10015203] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Politologija [10052917] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 POLITY [5598] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 POLJOPRIVREDA (OSIJEK) [10009122] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 POLLACK PERIODICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR ENGINEERING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES [10008144] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Software: Q3 POLLUTION ATMOSPHERIQUE [10006226] Atmospheric Science: Q4 Pollution: Q3 POLLUTION ENGINEERING [20021] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Pollution: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 Pollution Research [10050813] Pollution: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 POLNOHOSPODARSTVO-AGRICULTURE [1283743] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 Poloznictwo Ginekologia i Medycyna Rozrodu [10080252] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 POLSKIE ARCHIWUM MEDYCYNY WEWNETRZNEJ-POLISH ARCHIVES OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [10022805] Internal Medicine: Q2 POLSKI MERKURIUSZ LEKARSKI [10016315] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 POLSKI PRZEGLAD CHIRURGICZNY [10040475] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q3 POLSKI PRZEGLAD KARDIOLOGICZNY [10004908] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC COMPOUNDS [14655] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 POLYHEDRON [3729] Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 POLYMER [3738] Organic Chemistry: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 POLYMER BULLETIN [3730] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 POLYMER CHEMISTRY [10015554] Biochemistry: Q1 Bioengineering: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 POLYMER COMPOSITES [3731] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY [3732] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE [3733] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 POLYMER INTERNATIONAL [3734] Polymers and Plastics: Q1 POLYMER JOURNAL [3735] Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 POLYMER-KOREA [20036] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 POLYMER-PLASTICS TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING [3737] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 POLYMER REVIEWS [10007236] Biomedical Engineering: D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 POLYMERS [10028447] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 POLYMER SCIENCE SERIES C [10007237] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 POLYMER SCIENCE - SERIES D [10068314] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES [14657] Polymers and Plastics: Q1 Polymers from Renewable Resources [10056309] Polymers and Plastics: Q3 POLYMERS IN MEDICINE [10009996] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers Paint Colour Journal [10077263] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 POLYMERS & POLYMER COMPOSITES [20033] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 POLYMER TESTING [3736] Organic Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 POLYTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST. SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN. SERIES D: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [10017086] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 POMEGRANATE - THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PAGAN STUDIES [10016986] Cultural Studies: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 POMORSKA AKADEMIA MEDYCZNA W SZCZECINIE ROCZNIKI [20065812] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PONTE (FLORENCE) [10001857] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Popular Communication [10066455] Communication: Q1 POPULAR MUSIC [10051922] Cultural Studies: Q2 Music: Q1 POPULAR MUSIC AND SOCIETY [10001859] Cultural Studies: Q1 Music: Q1 POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW [5601] Demography: D1 Development: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENT [5602] Demography: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 POPULATION AND SOCIETIES / POPULATION ET SOCIETES [10077266] Cultural Studies: Q1 Demography: Q2 Health (social science): Q3 POPULATION BULLETIN [5600] Demography: Q3 POPULATION ECOLOGY [31258] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 POPULATION (FRENCH EDITION) [5605] Demography: Q2 POPULATION HEALTH MANAGEMENT [10011794] Health Policy: Q1 Leadership and Management: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 POPULATION HEALTH METRICS [10028540] Epidemiology: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 POPULATION RESEARCH AND POLICY REVIEW [5604] Demography: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 POPULATION REVIEW [10018708] Demography: Q2 POPULATION SPACE AND PLACE [10007392] Demography: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 POPULATION STUDIES-A JOURNAL OF DEMOGRAPHY [5599] Demography: Q1 History: D1 POPULATION TRENDS [10032192] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 PORADNIK JEZYKOWY [10016559] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 PORTA LINGUARUM [10015207] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 PORTAL-LIBRARIES AND THE ACADEMY [10001443] Development: D1 Ports and Dredging [10077278] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 PORTUGALIAE ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA [10030148] Electrochemistry: Q3 PORTUGALIAE MATHEMATICA [10019642] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 PORTUGUESE ECONOMIC JOURNAL [2147881] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Portuguese Journal of Social Science [10078930] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 PORTUGUESE STUDIES [10001860] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 POSITIF [10001861] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 POSITIONS-EAST ASIA CULTURES CRITIQUE [10001862] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Positively aware : the monthly journal of the Test Positive Aware Network [10077282] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 POSITIVITY [20039] Analysis: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 POSTCOLONIAL STUDIES [10025921] History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES [39216] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 POSTEPY BIOCHEMII [10008464] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 POSTEPY DERMATOLOGII I ALERGOLOGII [10011795] Dermatology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 POSTEPY HIGIENY I MEDYCYNY DOSWIADCZALNEJ [10008442] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 POSTEPY MIKROBIOLOGII [10011797] Microbiology: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 POSTEPY PSYCHIATRII I NEUROLOGII [10044605] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 POSTEPY W KARDIOLOGII INTERWENCYJNEJ [10011796] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 POSTGRADUATE MEDICAL JOURNAL [3740] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 POSTGRADUATE MEDICINE [3739] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY [14672] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Food Science: D1 Horticulture: D1 POSTMEDIEVAL: A JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL CULTURAL STUDIES [10028541] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 POST-MEDIEVAL ARCHAEOLOGY [10045784] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q2 POSTMODERN CULTURE: AN ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY CRITICISM [10001863] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Post reproductive health [10081268] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 POST-SOVIET AFFAIRS [5606] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 POST-SOVIET GEOGRAPHY AND ECONOMICS [39218] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Potato Journal [10080253] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 POTATO RESEARCH [3741] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 POTENTIAL ANALYSIS [14674] Analysis: Q1 POULTRY SCIENCE [3742] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 POUVOIRS: REVUE FRANCAISE D ETUDES CONSTITUTIONNELLES ET POLITIQUES [10025924] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 POWDER DIFFRACTION [25593] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Instrumentation: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Radiation: Q3 POWDER METALLURGY [3743] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 POWDER METALLURGY AND METAL CERAMICS [3745] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 POWDER TECHNOLOGY [3746] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 POWER [14679] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Power Electronics Technology [10079228] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 POWER ENGINEERING [3747] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Power Systems [10066589] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Power System Technology [10079229] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Power Technology and Engineering [10077284] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 POZNAN STUDIES IN CONTEMPORARY LINGUISTICS [10007770] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 PPAR RESEARCH [10015561] Drug Discovery: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 PPI, Pulp & Paper International [10077287] Marketing: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 Prace i Studia Geograficzne [10077289] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Budownictwa Politechniki Wroclawskiej [10077290] Building and Construction: Q4 PRACE NAUKOWE INSTYTUTU GORNICTWA POLITECHNIKI WROCLAWSKIEJ / SCIENTIFIC PAPERS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MINING OF THE WROCłAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY [10006368] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Prace Naukowe Instytutu Inzynierii Ochrony Srodowiska, Politechniki Wroclawskiej [10077292] Environmental Engineering: Q4 PRACE PANSTWOWEGO INSTYTUTU GEOLOGICZNEGO [10027523] Geology: Q4 PRACOVNI LEKARSTVI [10025843] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Practical Assessment, Research and Evaluation [10077298] Education: Q1 PRACTICAL DIABETES [10036170] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 Practical gastroenterology [10049179] Gastroenterology: Q3 PRACTICAL NEUROLOGY [10031692] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 PRACTICAL RADIATION ONCOLOGY [10040457] Oncology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 PRACTICA OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGICA [10042680] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 PRACTICA OTO-RHINO-LARYNGOLOGICA SUPPL [10075216] Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 PRACTICE [10023753] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Practice Nurse [10036250] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction [10077301] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 PRACTITIONER [3748] Family Practice: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PRAEHISTORISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT [10009339] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 PRAGMALINGUISTICA [10022029] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 PRAGMATICS [10015218] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Philosophy: Q1 PRAGMATICS AND COGNITION [10022028] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 PRAGMATICS AND SOCIETY [10033083] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 PRAGUE ECONOMIC PAPERS [10015220] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 PRAGUE MEDICAL REPORT [2147774] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Prairie Forum [10077302] Ecology: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Prakseologia [10080937] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Philosophy: Q4 PRAKTICKY LEKAR [10038537] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PRAKTISCHE METALLOGRAPHIE-PRACTICAL METALLOGRAPHY [31274] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 PRAKTISCHE TIERARZT [3749] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 PRAMANA-JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [3750] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Praticien en Anesthesie Reanimation [10038056] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Emergency Medicine: Q4 Emergency Nursing: Q4 Pratique Neurologique - FMC [10039345] Neurology (clinical): Q4 PRATIQUES EN NUTRITION [10044831] Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 PRATIQUES PSYCHOLOGIQUES [10015223] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Pratique Vet [10079230] Small Animals: Q4 PRAVARA MEDICAL REVIEW [10050450] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PRAVENTION UND GESUNDHEITSFORDERUNG [10048021] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Pravention und Rehabilitation [10048423] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 PRAXIS [10049341] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PRAXIS DER KINDERPSYCHOLOGIE UND KINDERPSYCHIATRIE [5608] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 PRECAMBRIAN RESEARCH [3751] Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 Geology: D1 PRECISION AGRICULTURE [10007238] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 PRECISION ENGINEERING-JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING AND NANOTECHNOLOGY [3752] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 PREGNANCY HYPERTENSION [10020063] Internal Medicine: Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 PREHOSPITAL AND DISASTER MEDICINE [10049851] Emergency Medicine: Q1 Emergency Nursing: Q1 PREHOSPITAL EMERGENCY CARE [10009699] Emergency Medicine: D1 Emergency Nursing: D1 Preistoria Alpina [10080938] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS [3753] Genetics (clinical): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 PRENSA MEDICA ARGENTINA [10005528] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PREPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY & BIOTECHNOLOGY [14687] Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PRESCRIRE INTERNATIONAL [39858] Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 PRESENCE-TELEOPERATORS AND VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS [14688] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Software: Q2 Presenting the Past [10080017] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 PRESERVATION: THE MAGAZINE OF THE NATIONAL TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION [10001865] Conservation: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 PRESLIA [10003486] Ecology: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 PRESSE MEDICALE [3755] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PREVENTING CHRONIC DISEASE [10022806] Health Policy: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 PREVENTION SCIENCE [10007393] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Preventive Cardiology [10036312] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE [3756] Epidemiology: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 PREVENTIVE NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE [10048456] Food Science: Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 PREVENTIVE VETERINARY MEDICINE [3757] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Food Animals: D1 PREVENZIONE & ASSISTENZA DENTALE [10056462] Dental Assisting: D1 Dental Hygiene: Q2 PRIKLADNAYA BIOKHIMIYA I MIKROBIOLOGIYA [10031921] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PRIKLADNAYA FIZIKA / APPLIED PHYSICS [10063464] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PRILOZI / CONTRIBUTIONS [42370] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju [10065257] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q2 PRIMARY CARE [3758] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 PRIMARY CARE CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL [10036243] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 PRIMARY CARE COMPANION TO THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHIATRY [10017051] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PRIMARY CARE DIABETES [10019505] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 PRIMARY CARE RESPIRATORY JOURNAL [10028448] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 Primary dental care : journal of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK) [10077307] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Primary dental journal [10080939] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT [10064014] Care Planning: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 PRIMARY PSYCHIATRY [10006198] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Primate Conservation [10080255] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 PRIMATES [3759] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 PRIMERJALNA KNJIZEVNOST [42425] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 PRIMUS: PROBLEMS RESOURCES AND ISSUES IN MATHEMATICS UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES [10020137] Education: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 PRINCIPIA: REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE EPISTEMOLOGIA [10030800] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Print and Promo [10080940] Media Technology: Q3 Printed Circuit Design and Fab [10080018] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Industrial Relations: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Printing Impressions [10077310] Marketing: Q4 Media Technology: Q4 Print Professional [10079813] Media Technology: Q4 PRINT QUARTERLY [10001866] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Printwear [10078672] Marketing: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 PRION [10009700] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q2 PRISON JOURNAL [10001444] Law: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 PRIVREDNA KRETANJA I EKONOMSKA POLITIKA / ECONOMIC TRENDS AND ECONOMIC POLICY [10035909] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 PROBABILISTIC ENGINEERING MECHANICS [14695] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: D1 Ocean Engineering: D1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q1 PROBABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS-POLAND [2148629] Statistics and Probability: Q4 PROBABILITY IN THE ENGINEERING AND INFORMATIONAL SCIENCES [20067] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 PROBABILITY SURVEYS [41188] Statistics and Probability: Q1 PROBABILITY THEORY AND RELATED FIELDS [3760] Analysis: D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 PROBATION JOURNAL: THE JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE [10013176] Law: Q2 PROBIOTICS AND ANTIMICROBIAL PROTEINS [10016609] Microbiology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q3 PROBLEMAS DEL DESARROLLO: REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE ECONOMIA [10021659] Development: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Probleme der Agyptologie [10079814] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 PROBLEMOS [10047881] Philosophy: Q2 PROBLEMS AND PERSPECTIVES IN MANAGEMENT [41815] Business and International Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 PROBLEMS OF ATOMIC SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10011799] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 Radiation: Q4 PROBLEMS OF INFECTIOUS AND PARASITIC DISEASES [10032729] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 PROBLEMS OF INFORMATION TRANSMISSION [10005633] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 PROBLEMS OF POST-COMMUNISM [39220] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 PROBLEMY EKOROZWOJU [10015225] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 Problemy Sotsial Noi Gigieny I Istoriia Meditsiny NII Sotsial Noi Gigieny Ekonomiki I Upravleniia Zdravookhraneniem Im N A Semashko RAMN AO Assotsiatsiia Meditsinskaia Literatura [10077316] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PROBUS: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LATIN AND ROMANCE LINGUISTICS [10009480] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Procedia in Vaccinology [10064578] Drug Discovery: Q4 Immunology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials [10055425] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF SINGAPORE HEALTHCARE [10037218] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA [3524] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [2050612] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY [10001869] Cultural Studies: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ASIST ANNUAL MEETING [10000923] Information Systems: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON [3528] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy [10079816] Classics: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRITISH ACADEMY [2006824] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Classics: Q1 History: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMBUSTION INSTITUTE [10007211] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE EDINBURGH MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [1417135] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON [3530] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ESTONIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [10009152] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGISTS ASSOCIATION [14435] Geology: Q2 Paleontology: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ICE - MANAGEMENT, PROCUREMENT AND LAW [10051066] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE [3539] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-CHEMICAL SCIENCES [3540] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES [3542] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INDIAN NATIONAL SCIENCE ACADEMY [2151937] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS: BRIDGE ENGINEERING [10079232] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-CIVIL ENGINEERING [3531] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS: ENERGY [10052305] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-ENGINEERING AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS [10012556] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-ENGINEERING SUSTAINABILITY [10015516] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING [14437] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Ground Improvement [10077325] Building and Construction: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-MARITIME ENGINEERING [10001328] Ocean Engineering: Q1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-MUNICIPAL ENGINEER [3532] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-STRUCTURES AND BUILDINGS [3533] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-TRANSPORT [3534] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Transportation: Q3 Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Urban Design and Planning [10068285] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-WATER MANAGEMENT [10001329] Water Science and Technology: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART A-JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY [3536] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE [3537] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART C-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE [3538] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING [14445] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E-JOURNAL OF PROCESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [14446] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART F-JOURNAL OF RAIL AND RAPID TRANSIT [14447] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING [14448] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART H-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE [14449] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART I-JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND CONTROL ENGINEERING [19794] Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART J-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRIBOLOGY [25332] Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART K-JOURNAL OF MULTI-BODY DYNAMICS [10001330] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART L-JOURNAL OF MATERIALS DESIGN AND APPLICATIONS [10000924] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART M-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR THE MARITIME ENVIRONMENT [10015518] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q2 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems [10038358] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART O-JOURNAL OF RISK AND RELIABILITY [10022789] Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION [40975] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society [10037448] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES [3543] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF THE JAPAN ACADEMY SERIES B-PHYSICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [3544] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Multidisciplinary: D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE LATVIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES SECTION B: NATURAL EXACT AND APPLIED SCIENCES [10009085] Multidisciplinary: Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES [10000925] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Ecology: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [2011543] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INDIA SECTION A-PHYSICAL SCIENCES [10011774] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INDIA SECTION B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10015521] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA [3547] Multidisciplinary: D1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NUTRITION SOCIETY [3548] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q1 Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences [10053915] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY SECTION C: ARCHAEOLOGY CELTIC STUDIES HISTORY LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE [10078674] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A: MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES [10003447] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10007212] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): D1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): D1 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH SECTION A-MATHEMATICS [3549] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland [10080256] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria [10068827] Ecology: Q4 Geology: Q4 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY FOR EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [3553] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE STEKLOV INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS [10004223] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE YORKSHIRE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY [31019] Geology: Q2 PROCEEDINGS OF WESTERN PHARMACOLOGICAL SOCIETY [10019606] Pharmacology: Q4 PROCESAMIENTO DEL LENGUAJE NATURAL [10056614] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY [10007240] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Biochemistry: Q2 Bioengineering: Q2 Process Engineering [10077329] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION [3762] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 PROCESS SAFETY PROGRESS [14699] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 PRODUCAO [10035876] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT [37026] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 PRODUCTION ENGINEERING: RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT [10018732] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL [20075] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 PRODUCTIONS ANIMALES [10037998] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Productivity Management [10075155] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION [10009481] Communication: Q2 Information Systems: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 PROFESORADO: REVISTA DE CURRÍCULUM Y FORMACIÓN DEL PROFESORADO [10065702] Education: Q4 PROFESSIONAL ANIMAL SCIENTIST [10021806] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Professional Case Management [10061205] Assessment and Diagnosis: Q2 Care Planning: Q2 Health Policy: Q3 Leadership and Management: Q2 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN EDUCATION [10035859] Education: Q1 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING [20076] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER [5612] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Professional Papermaking [10079388] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q3 PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY-RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [5613] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 Professioni infermieristiche [10077334] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Profiles of Drug Substances, Excipients and Related Methodology [10073562] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 PROGRAM-ELECTRONIC LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS [14730] Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 PROGRAMMING AND COMPUTER SOFTWARE [9807] Software: Q2 PROGRES EN UROLOGIE [37060] Urology: Q3 Progres en Urologie- FMC [10063274] Urology: Q4 PROGRESOS EN OBSTETRICIA Y GINECOLOGIA [10036523] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 PROGRESS IN AEROSPACE SCIENCES [14700] Aerospace Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 PROGRESS IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES [2150110] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 PROGRESS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS [20078] Biochemistry: Q4 Biophysics: Q4 PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [3763] Biophysics: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 PROGRESS IN BRAIN RESEARCH [3764] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 PROGRESS IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES [3765] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY [10001352] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 PROGRESS IN COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE [2034531] Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 PROGRESS IN COMMUNITY HEALTH PARTNERSHIPS-RESEARCH EDUCATION AND ACTION [10052303] Education: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 PROGRESS IN COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS [10007241] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 PROGRESS IN CRYSTAL GROWTH AND CHARACTERIZATION OF MATERIALS [3766] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 PROGRESS IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES [10023170] Development: Q2 PROGRESS IN DRUG RESEARCH [2149572] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Medicine: Q1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETIC RESEARCH LETTERS [10055196] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH B [10016433] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH C [10052208] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH M [10059110] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 PROGRESS IN ELECTROMAGNETICS RESEARCH-PIER [10007242] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Radiation: Q1 PROGRESS IN ENERGY AND COMBUSTION SCIENCE [3767] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: D1 Fuel Technology: D1 PROGRESS IN HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY [10042248] Organic Chemistry: Q3 PROGRESS IN HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CYTOCHEMISTRY [3770] Cell Biology: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q1 Histology: Q1 PROGRESS IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY [5614] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 PROGRESS IN INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10024007] Development: Q2 Ecology: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 PROGRESS IN INFORMATICS [10030246] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 PROGRESS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY [14708] Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 Progress in International Business Research [10055477] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 PROGRESS IN LIPID RESEARCH [3771] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: D1 PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE [3772] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 PROGRESS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10037384] Molecular Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology: Q2 Progress in Molecular and Subcellular Biology [10058413] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 PROGRESS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE [10015564] Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE [20090] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Multidisciplinary: D1 PROGRESS IN NEUROBIOLOGY: AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW JOURNAL [3775] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 PROGRESS IN NEUROLOGICAL SURGERY [39864] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry [10051674] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY [3774] Biological Psychiatry: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY [31313] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY [3777] Analytical Chemistry: D1 Biochemistry: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: D1 Spectroscopy: D1 PROGRESS IN NUCLEIC ACID RESEARCH AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [3778] Molecular Biology: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q1 PROGRESS IN NUTRITION [10011800] Food Science: Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY [3779] Aquatic Science: D1 Geology: D1 PROGRESS IN OPTICS [3780] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q1 PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS [3781] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 PROGRESS IN ORTHODONTICS [10070055] Orthodontics: Q2 PROGRESS IN PALLIATIVE CARE: SCIENCE AND THE ART OF CARING [10020009] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 Progress in Paper Recycling [10077338] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 PROGRESS IN PARTICLE AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS [3782] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q1 PROGRESS IN PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY [14717] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 PROGRESS IN PHOTOVOLTAICS: RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [14718] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY [3783] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 PROGRESS IN PLANNING [5615] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 PROGRESS IN POLYMER SCIENCE [3784] Ceramics and Composites: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 Polymers and Plastics: D1 Surfaces and Interfaces: D1 PROGRESS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS [3785] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: D1 PROGRESS IN REACTION KINETICS AND MECHANISM [25651] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 PROGRESS IN RESPIRATORY RESEARCH [10001875] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 PROGRESS IN RETINAL AND EYE RESEARCH [3786] Ophthalmology: D1 Sensory Systems: D1 PROGRESS IN RUBBER PLASTICS AND RECYCLING TECHNOLOGY [40098] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 PROGRESS IN SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY [3787] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 PROGRESS IN SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND CRYOGENICS (PSAC) [10070813] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 PROGRESS IN SURFACE SCIENCE [3788] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Surfaces and Interfaces: D1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: D1 PROGRESS IN THE CHEMISTRY OF ORGANIC NATURAL PRODUCTS [10048017] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 PROGRESS IN TRANSPLANTATION [10013333] Transplantation: Q3 PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICS [10030492] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS [3789] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 PROGRESS OF THEORETICAL PHYSICS SUPPLEMENT [3790] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 PROGRESS ON CHEMISTRY AND APPLICATION OF CHITIN AND ITS DERIVATIVES [10053660] Biochemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Project Inform perspective [10077340] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PROJECTIONS [10033181] Cultural Studies: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10021676] Business and International Management: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 PROLEGOMENA: JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10023946] Philosophy: Q2 PROLOGUE-QUARTERLY OF THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES [10001877] History: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 PROMETHEUS: CRITICAL STUDIES IN INNOVATION [10056409] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Prometheus (Italy) [10080712] Classics: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 PROMET-TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION [2148632] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q2 PROMOTION AND EDUCATION [10020790] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 PROOFTEXTS-A JOURNAL OF JEWISH LITERARY HISTORY [10001878] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Religious Studies: Q4 PROPAGATION OF ORNAMENTAL PLANTS [10007244] Forestry: Q3 Plant Science: Q4 Propane Canada [10078450] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q4 PROPELLANTS EXPLOSIVES PYROTECHNICS [31332] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT [10020697] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Finance: Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 Propulsion and Power Research [10068674] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Automotive Engineering: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 PROSE STUDIES : HISTORY, THEORY, CRITICISM [10073479] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 PROSPECTS [1295648] Education: Q2 PROSPETTIVA: RIVISTA DI STORIA DELL ARTE ANTICA E MODERNA [10001879] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 PROSTAGLANDINS LEUKOTRIENES AND ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS [3793] Cell Biology: Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 PROSTAGLANDINS & OTHER LIPID MEDIATORS [25660] Biochemistry: Q2 Cell Biology: Q3 Pharmacology: Q1 Physiology: Q2 PROSTATE [3795] Oncology: Q1 Urology: D1 PROSTATE CANCER AND PROSTATIC DISEASES [20116] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q1 Urology: D1 PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS INTERNATIONAL [3796] Health Professions (miscellaneous): D1 Rehabilitation: D1 PROSTOR (ZAGREB) [10044351] Architecture: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 PROTECTION OF METALS AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF SURFACES [10011801] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 PROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS [20121] Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 PROTEIN & CELL [10028449] Biochemistry: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Drug Discovery: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 PROTEIN ENGINEERING [3798] Biochemistry: Q2 Bioengineering: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 PROTEIN ENGINEERING DESIGN & SELECTION [10001355] Biochemistry: Q2 Bioengineering: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION [3799] Biotechnology: Q2 PROTEIN JOURNAL [10001356] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Bioengineering: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 PROTEIN REVIEWS [10044874] Biochemistry: Q4 PROTEIN SCIENCE [3801] Biochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Biology: Q2 PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS [3802] Biochemistry: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Structural Biology: Q2 PROTEOME SCIENCE [10009701] Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 PROTEOMICS [37075] Biochemistry: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 PROTEOMICS CLINICAL APPLICATIONS [10007246] Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Proteomics Insights [10039980] Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 PROTEOMICS RESEARCH JOURNAL [10058023] Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 Structural Biology: Q4 PROTIST [20124] Microbiology: Q1 PROTOPLASMA [3803] Cell Biology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Plant Science: D1 Provider (Washington, D.C.) [10077343] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PROYECCIONES JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10028803] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 PRZEGLAD DERMATOLOGICZNY [10039575] Dermatology: Q4 PRZEGLAD ELEKTROTECHNICZNY [10011802] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 PRZEGLAD EPIDEMIOLOGICZNY / EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REVIEW [10061428] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PRZEGLAD GASTROENTEROLOGICZNY [10011803] Gastroenterology: Q3 PRZEGLAD GEOFIZYCZNY [10028976] Atmospheric Science: Q4 PRZEGLAD GEOGRAFICZNY [10012284] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 PRZEGLAD GEOLOGICZNY [10009131] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Geology: Q3 Przeglad Kardiodiabetologinczny [10037515] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 PRZEGLAD LEKARSKI [1394706] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 PRZEGLAD MENOPAUZALNY/ MENOPAUSAL REVIEW [10011804] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 PRZEGLAD ORIENTALISTYCZNY [10022024] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Przeglad Papierniczy [10078238] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Media Technology: Q2 PRZEGLAD PEDIATRYCZNY [10042947] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 PRZEGLAD WLOKIENNICZY-WLOKNO ODZIEZ SKORA [10051451] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 PRZEMYSL CHEMICZNY [3804] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Psicologia Clinica [10079821] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSICOLOGIA CLINICA DELLO SVILUPPO [10052277] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 PSICOLOGIA CONDUCTUAL [10011970] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 PSICOLOGIA EM ESTUDO [10049326] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Psicologia Escolar e Educacional [10074026] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 PSICOLOGIA-REFLEXAO E CRITICA [10012085] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE [10011048] Social Psychology: Q4 Psicologia & Sociedade [10061842] Social Psychology: Q3 PSICOLOGIA: TEORIA E PESQUISA [10049144] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Psicologia USP [10049324] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 PSICOLOGICA [10007394] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Psicooncologia [10043753] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Oncology: Q3 Psicoperspectivas [10079591] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 PSICOTERAPIA COGNITIVA E COMPORTAMENTALE [10016518] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane [10038912] Clinical Psychology: Q3 PSICOTHEMA [39227] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 PSIHOFARMAKOLOGIA I BIOLOGICESKAA NARKOLOGIA [10030293] Pharmacology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSIHOLOGIJA [10012086] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 PSIHOLOGIJSKE TEME / PSYCHOLOGICAL TOPICS [10028020] Applied Psychology: Q4 Clinical Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 PSIKHOLOGICHESKII ZHURNAL [5618] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 PSIQUIATRIA BIOLOGICA [10023366] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSN-PSYCHIATRIE SCIENCES HUMAINES NEUROSCIENCES [10015566] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PS - POLITICAL SCIENCE AND POLITICS [10060983] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 PSYCHE: A JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY [10022719] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Insect Science: Q3 PSYCHE: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON CONSCIOUSNESS [2147752] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 PSYCHE-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PSYCHOANALYSE UND IHRE ANWENDUNGEN [5619] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 PSYCHIATRIA [10043862] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHIATRIA DANUBINA [1187243] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica - Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi [10077345] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 PSYCHIATRIA HUNGARICA [1314503] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHIATRIA I PSYCHOLOGIA KLINICZNA [10039467] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHIATRIA POLSKA [10011805] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 PSYCHIATRIC ANNALS [5620] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 PSYCHIATRIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [5621] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 PSYCHIATRIC GENETICS [20130] Biological Psychiatry: Q3 Genetics: Q2 Genetics (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 PSYCHIATRIC QUARTERLY [39234] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHIATRIC REHABILITATION JOURNAL [39236] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES [9824] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 PSYCHIATRIC TIMES [10029225] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHIATRIE [10007719] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHIATRIE DE L ENFANT [5622] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHIATRIKI [10028109] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PSYCHIATRISCHE PRAXIS [5623] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatrist [10050608] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES [9821] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHIATRY-INTERPERSONAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES [3807] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION [10015569] Biological Psychiatry: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHIATRY PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW [10012087] Law: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH [3805] Biological Psychiatry: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH JOURNAL [10007896] Biological Psychiatry: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH-NEUROIMAGING [3806] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 PSYCHNOLOGY JOURNAL [10017045] Applied Psychology: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Psychoanal. Perspect. [10036390] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 PSYCHOANALYSIS AND HISTORY [10028542] Applied Psychology: Q4 History: Q3 PSYCHOANALYTIC DIALOGUES [10001073] Clinical Psychology: Q1 PSYCHOANALYTIC INQUIRY [5625] Clinical Psychology: Q2 PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOLOGY [39241] Clinical Psychology: Q2 PSYCHOANALYTIC PSYCHOTHERAPY [10022645] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 PSYCHOANALYTIC QUARTERLY [5626] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Clinical Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHOANALYTIC REVIEW [5627] Clinical Psychology: Q3 PSYCHOANALYTIC SOCIAL WORK [10019365] Social Psychology: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Work: Q4 PSYCHOANALYTIC STUDY OF THE CHILD [10001882] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Psychodynamic Practice [10077346] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychodynamic Psychiatry [10049343] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Psychogeriatria Polska [10040158] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHOGERIATRICS [10011807] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Gerontology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHOLOGIA [10019024] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 PSYCHOLOGICA BELGICA [5629] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT [39246] Clinical Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN [3809] History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 PSYCHOLOGICAL INJURY AND LAW [10080257] Ecology: Q3 Law: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 PSYCHOLOGICAL INQUIRY [39252] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE [3810] Applied Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS [39256] History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 Psychological Perspectives [10077348] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 PSYCHOLOGICAL RECORD [5635] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS [5636] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH-PSYCHOLOGISCHE FORSCHUNG [5637] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW [3811] History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE [5641] Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST [10033084] Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES [10023173] Applied Psychology: Q2 Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychological Trauma-Theory Research Practice and Policy [10023174] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 PSYCHOLOGIE DU TRAVAIL ET DES ORGANISATIONS [10007395] Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 PSYCHOLOGIE FRANCAISE [10015234] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 PSYCHOLOGIE & GEZONDHEID [10011808] Health (social science): Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 PSYCHOLOGIE IN ERZIEHUNG UND UNTERRICHT [5631] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 PSYCHOLOGIE & NEUROPSYCHIATRIE DU VIEILLISSEMENT [10011809] Biological Psychiatry: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 PSYCHOLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU [5639] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 PSYCHOLOGIST [39267] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychologist-Manager Journal [10080487] Applied Psychology: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 PSYCHOLOGY [5644] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 PSYCHOLOGY AND AGING [5628] Aging: Q1 Geriatrics and Gerontology: D1 Social Psychology: D1 Psychology and Developing Societies [10072732] Social Psychology: Q4 PSYCHOLOGY AND HEALTH [5632] Applied Psychology: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 PSYCHOLOGY AND MARKETING [39254] Applied Psychology: Q1 Marketing: Q1 PSYCHOLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE [10049323] Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY: THEORY RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10001074] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Clinical Psychology: Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 PSYCHOLOGY AND SEXUALITY [10061204] Applied Psychology: Q3 Gender Studies: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 PSYCHOLOGY CRIME & LAW [39249] Law: Q1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 PSYCHOLOGY HEALTH & MEDICINE [10016305] Applied Psychology: Q2 Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHOLOGY IN RUSSIA: STATE OF THE ART [10044861] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 PSYCHOLOGY IN THE SCHOOLS [5640] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 Psychology Learning and Teaching [10080713] Education: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 PSYCHOLOGY OF ADDICTIVE BEHAVIORS [39244] Clinical Psychology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 PSYCHOLOGY OF AESTHETICS CREATIVITY AND THE ARTS [10018851] Applied Psychology: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 PSYCHOLOGY OF LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION [10012912] Communication: Q4 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING AND MOTIVATION-ADVANCES IN RESEARCH AND THEORY [5633] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 PSYCHOLOGY OF MEN AND MASCULINITY [10023171] Applied Psychology: Q1 Gender Studies: D1 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 PSYCHOLOGY OF MUSIC [10015236] Music: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality [10023172] Applied Psychology: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 Social Psychology: Q1 PSYCHOLOGY OF SPORT AND EXERCISE [10001357] Applied Psychology: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 PSYCHOLOGY OF VIOLENCE [10028543] Applied Psychology: Q2 Health (social science): Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN QUARTERLY [5642] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Gender Studies: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 PSYCHOLOGY PUBLIC POLICY AND LAW [39257] Law: D1 Social Psychology: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT [10037306] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 PSYCHOMETRIKA [3812] Applied Mathematics: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY [3813] Biological Psychiatry: Q1 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q1 Endocrinology: D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW [5646] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 PSYCHO-ONCOLOGIE [10011806] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Oncology (nursing): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY [37085] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Oncology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY [3814] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY [3816] Pharmacology: D1 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY BULLETIN [3815] Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHOPHARMAKOTHERAPIE [25688] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHOPHARM REVIEW [10049946] Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY [3817] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q1 Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 PSYCHOSIS: PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIAL AND INTEGRATIVE APPROACHES [10028544] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHOSOCIAL INTERVENTION [10057574] Applied Psychology: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 PSYCHOSOMATIC MEDICINE [3818] Applied Psychology: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 PSYCHOSOMATICS [3819] Applied Psychology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 PSYCHOTERAPIA (KRAKOW) [10010751] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHOTHERAPEUT [5654] Clinical Psychology: Q3 PSYCHOTHERAPIE PSYCHOSOMATIK MEDIZINISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE [5652] Applied Psychology: Q3 Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Psychotherapies [10068996] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 PSYCHOTHERAPY [39278] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS [3820] Applied Psychology: D1 Clinical Psychology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 PSYCHOTHERAPY RESEARCH [39276] Clinical Psychology: Q1 PSYCHOTROPES: REVUE INTERNATIONALE DES TOXICOMANIES ET DES ADDICTIONS [10019739] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Psyecology [10054018] Applied Psychology: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Psykhe [10059696] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 P T [10036246] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 PTB-MITTEILUNGEN [3822] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 PTERIDINES [20147] Biochemistry: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Publicaciones de la Facultad de Educacion y Humanidades del Campus de Melilla [10087879] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 PUBLICACIONS MATEMATIQUES [10000953] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION [5655] Public Administration: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT [5656] Development: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 Public Administration and Management [10077351] Public Administration: Q3 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW [5657] Marketing: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Public Archaeology [10080714] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 PUBLICATIONES MATHEMATICAE DEBRECEN [2011573] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 PUBLICATIONS DE L INSTITUT MATHEMATIQUE-BEOGRAD [39868] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 PUBLICATIONS MATHEMATIQUES DE L IHES [10001358] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA [9841] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN [3823] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 PUBLICATIONS OF THE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY OF THE PACIFIC [3824] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 Publications of the English Goethe Society [10068632] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 PUBLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES [3826] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Publications on Ocean Development [10079592] Law: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 PUBLIC BUDGETING AND FINANCE [10021678] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 PUBLIC CHOICE [5658] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 PUBLIC CULTURE [39283] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Communication: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 PUBLIC FINANCE REVIEW [10001885] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 Public Administration: Q2 PUBLIC HEALTH [3827] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 PUBLIC HEALTH ETHICS [10022807] Health Policy: Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q1 Public Health Forum [10057144] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 PUBLIC HEALTH GENOMICS [10011810] Genetics (clinical): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING [5662] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION [10001359] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 PUBLIC HEALTH REPORTS [3828] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10071339] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 PUBLIC HEALTH REVIEWS [1131047] Community and Home Care: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 PUBLIC HISTORIAN [10001886] Conservation: Q2 History: Q2 Museology: Q2 Public Library Quarterly [10078453] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 PUBLIC MANAGEMENT REVIEW [10007396] Management Information Systems: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 PUBLIC MONEY AND MANAGEMENT [39288] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Administration: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 PUBLIC OPINION QUARTERLY [5665] Communication: D1 History: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 PUBLIC ORGANIZATION REVIEW: A GLOBAL JOURNAL [10021679] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q2 PUBLIC PERFORMANCE & MANAGEMENT REVIEW [10023175] Public Administration: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 PUBLIC PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT [5666] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION [10023776] Public Administration: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH [10021680] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 PUBLIC REASON: JOURNAL OF POLITICAL AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY [10068267] Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 PUBLIC RELATIONS REVIEW [5667] Communication: Q1 Marketing: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Public Roads [10077352] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Transportation: Q4 PUBLIC SERVICES QUARTERLY [10067460] Accounting: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 PUBLIC TRANSPORT [10080258] Information Systems: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Transportation: Q2 PUBLIC TRANSPORT INTERNATIONAL (MULTILINGUAL EDITION) [10031835] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Transportation: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 PUBLIC UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE [39292] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Communication: D1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 PUBLIC WORKS MANAGEMENT AND POLICY [10077355] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Administration: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Publishing Executive [10080020] Marketing: Q4 Media Technology: Q4 PUBLISHING HISTORY [10001887] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 PUBLISHING RESEARCH QUARTERLY [39293] Business and International Management: Q1 Communication: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Marketing: Q2 Media Technology: Q1 PUBLIUS-THE JOURNAL OF FEDERALISM [5669] Public Administration: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 PUB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN SERIES C: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE [10023957] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 PUERTO RICO HEALTH SCIENCES JOURNAL [2149640] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 PULMONARY CIRCULATION [10050313] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 PULMONARY MEDICINE [10044932] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 PULMONARY PHARMACOLOGY & THERAPEUTICS [20155] Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 PULP & PAPER-CANADA [3830] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Pump Industry Analyst [10079233] Marketing: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 PUNISHMENT & SOCIETY-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PENOLOGY [10003498] Law: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 PURE AND APPLIED CHEMISTRY [3831] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS [1364036] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS QUARTERLY [10007247] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 PURINERGIC SIGNALLING [10010205] Cell Biology: Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 Purushartha: a journal of management ethics and spirituality [10080715] Philosophy: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 PVRI Review [10080716] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Pythagoras [10080941] Education: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 PZ Prisma [10039394] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 QATAR MEDICAL JOURNAL [10045364] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 QIANGJIGUANG YU LIZISHU / HIGH POWER LASER AND PARTICLE BEAMS [10026750] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Qiche Gongcheng/Automotive Engineering [10042179] Automotive Engineering: Q3 QINGHUA DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY [10040150] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 QJM-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [10000954] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 QME: QUANTITATIVE MARKETING AND ECONOMICS [10009482] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Marketing: D1 QSAR & COMBINATORIAL SCIENCE [10001361] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 QUADERNI ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE PEDIATRI [10042938] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 QUADERNI DI GEOFISICA [1364071] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q3 Geology: Q3 Geophysics: Q4 QUADERNI D'ITALIANISTICA: OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR ITALIAN STUDIES [10026095] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Quaderni Italiani di Psichiatria [10038067] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 QUADERNI STORICI [10001890] History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 QUADERNI URBINATI DI CULTURA CLASSICA [10053672] Classics: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Quaderns de l'Institut Catala d'Antropologia [10080717] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 QUADERNS: REVISTA DE TRADUCCIO [10022017] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Quadrature [10070465] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 QUAERENDO: A JOURNAL DEVOTED TO MANUSCRIPTS AND PRINTED BOOKS [10031295] History: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 QUAESTIONES GEOGRAPHICAE [10031193] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 QUAESTIONES MATHEMATICAE [10011811] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH [39299] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 QUALITATIVE INQUIRY [10003499] Anthropology: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 QUALITATIVE MARKET RESEARCH: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10018023] Marketing: Q3 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH [10015240] History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT [10030323] Accounting: Q3 Business and International Management: Q2 Qualitative Research in Financial Markets [10080259] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN ORGANIZATIONS AND MANAGEMENT [10057871] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN PSYCHOLOGY [10037494] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN SPORT EXERCISE AND HEALTH [10073221] Health (social science): Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Sports Science: Q2 QUALITATIVE RESEARCH JOURNAL [10073222] Education: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Qualitative Research Reports in Communication [10087882] Communication: Q3 QUALITATIVE SOCIAL WORK [10033085] Health (social science): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q2 QUALITATIVE SOCIOLOGY [10015242] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 QUALITATIVE SOCIOLOGY REVIEW [10038789] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS [10019900] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 QUALITY AND QUANTITY: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF METHODOLOGY [3844] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q4 QUALITY AND RELIABILITY ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL [14785] Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND SAFETY OF CROPS & FOODS [10021511] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Food Science: Q3 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION [10028935] Education: Q2 Quality Assurance Journal [10077378] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 QUALITY ENGINEERING [10022809] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 QUALITY IN AGEING AND OLDER ADULTS [10069481] Care Planning: Q3 Community and Home Care: Q3 Gerontology: Q3 QUALITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10029013] Education: D1 QUALITY INNOVATION PROSPERITY [10072577] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 QUALITY IN PRIMARY CARE [10019506] Health Policy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN HEALTH CARE [10066696] Care Planning: D1 Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q1 Leadership and Management: Q1 QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH [14783] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 QUALITY PROGRESS [3843] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 QUALITY TECHNOLOGY AND QUANTITATIVE MANAGEMENT [10020075] Business and International Management: Q3 Industrial Relations: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q4 QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS [10033086] Economics and Econometrics: D1 QUANTITATIVE FINANCE [10003500] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Finance: Q2 QUANTITATIVE INFRA RED THERMOGRAPHY JOURNAL [10015573] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Instrumentation: Q3 QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS [3845] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Structural Biology: Q3 QUANTUM ELECTRONICS [14787] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q3 QUANTUM INFORMATION & COMPUTATION [10001362] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Mathematical Physics: Q2 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING [10007248] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q1 Quartär [10071412] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS [10019077] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS [5670] Economics and Econometrics: D1 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY [3834] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY [31382] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY [10004107] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 Physiology (medical): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURE [10006214] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [3836] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MECHANICS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS [3837] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE [31387] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING [10001360] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE [10007397] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF SPEECH [5673] Communication: Q1 Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN WELDING SOCIETY [10084019] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY [3840] Atmospheric Science: D1 QUARTERLY OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS [3833] Applied Mathematics: Q2 QUARTERLY REPORT OF RTRI (RAILWAY TECHNICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE) [10055290] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 QUARTERLY REVIEW OF BIOLOGY [3841] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 QUARTERLY REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE [5674] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 QUARTERLY REVIEW OF FILM AND VIDEO [10073477] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 QUARTERLY REVIEWS OF BIOPHYSICS [3842] Biophysics: D1 QUASIGROUPS AND RELATED SYSTEMS [10006169] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q4 QUATERNAIRE [10011812] Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Geology: Q2 QUATERNAIRE HORS-SÉRIE [10012799] Geology: Q4 QUATERNARY GEOCHRONOLOGY [10007249] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Geology: D1 Stratigraphy: D1 QUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL [14789] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 QUATERNARY RESEARCH [3847] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): D1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS [3848] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Geology: D1 Global and Planetary Change: Q1 QUEBEC JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW / REVUE QUEBECOISE DE DROIT INTERNATIONAL [10025273] Law: Q4 QUEEN MARY JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY [10033087] Law: Q3 Queen Mary Studies in International Law [10080489] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Queensland Review [10080942] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 QUEENS QUARTERLY [10001891] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 QUEESTE: TIJDSCHRIFT OVER MIDDELEEUWSE LETTERKUNDE IN DE NEDERLANDEN = JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL LITERATURE IN THE LOW COUNTRIES [10031561] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 QUEST [5676] Education: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 QUESTIONS LITURGIQUES/STUDIES IN LITURGY [10067494] Religious Studies: Q1 Queue [10056450] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 QUEUEING SYSTEMS [14792] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 QUIMICA NOVA [20184] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 QUINTANA: REVISTA DO DEPARTAMENTO DE HISTORIA DA ARTE [10080718] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 QUINTESSENCE INTERNATIONAL [31407] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Quinto Sol [10080943] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 QUINZAINE LITTERAIRE [10001892] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Race and Justice [10087885] Anthropology: Q1 Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 RACE AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS [10046956] Anthropology: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 RACE & CLASS [5678] Anthropology: Q2 Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Cultural Studies: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 RACE ETHNICITY AND EDUCATION [10015244] Cultural Studies: D1 Demography: Q1 Education: Q1 RADIATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL BIOPHYSICS [3851] Biophysics: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiation: Q2 RADIATION EFFECTS AND DEFECTS IN SOLIDS [3850] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 Radiation: Q3 RADIATION MEASUREMENTS [9873] Instrumentation: Q2 Radiation: Q2 RADIATION ONCOLOGY [10011814] Oncology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 Radiation Oncology Journal [10055226] Oncology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY: THE JOURNAL FOR RADIATION PHYSICS RADIATION CHEMISTRY AND RADIATION PROCESSING [3852] Radiation: Q2 RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY [3853] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Radiation: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 RADIATION RESEARCH [3854] Biophysics: Q1 Radiation: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 RADIATSIONNAIA BIOLOGIIA, RADIOECOLOGIIA [10047698] Biophysics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Radiation: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 RADICAL HISTORY REVIEW [10001893] History: Q2 RADICAL PHILOSOPHY [39304] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Philosophy: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Radioactivity in the Environment [10042134] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 RADIOCARBON [3857] Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 RADIOCHEMISTRY [3858] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 RADIOCHIMICA ACTA [3859] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Radioelectronics and Communications Systems [10070764] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 RADIOENGINEERING [10011815] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 RADIOGRAPHICS [3860] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 RADIOGRAPHY [10040372] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Radio Journal [10080944] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Media Technology: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 RADIOLOGE [1405625] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 RADIOLOGIA [10037514] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 RADIOLOGIA BRASILEIRA [10040303] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 RADIOLOGIA MEDICA [2152288] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 RADIOLOGICAL PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY [10043825] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Radiation: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 RADIOLOGIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [3861] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 Radiologic Technology [10055131] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 RADIOLOGY [3863] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 RADIOLOGY AND ONCOLOGY [10013541] Oncology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Radiology Case Reports [10072911] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Radiology management [10077387] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 RADIOPHYSICS AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS [10015576] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q4 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q4 RADIOPROTECTION [10004798] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 RADIO SCIENCE [3855] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Radiosurgery [10064252] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Surgery: Q4 RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY [3865] Hematology: D1 Oncology: D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 Radix [10080719] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 RADOVI: ZAVODA ZA POVIJESNE ZNANOSTI HAZU U ZADRU / RADOVI/INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL SCIENCES OF THE CROATIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS IN ZADAR : INSTITUTE FOR HISTORICAL SCIENCES OF THE CROATIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AND ARTS IN ZADAR [10080260] History: Q4 Radwaste Solutions [10079094] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 RA'E GA - O Espaco Geografico em Analise [10078934] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 RAE-REVISTA DE ADMINISTRACAO DE EMPRESAS [10021690] Development: Q3 Education: Q3 Industrial Relations: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY [9888] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH [3868] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 RAIRO-THEORETICAL INFORMATICS AND APPLICATIONS [3866] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Software: Q3 RAISONS POLITIQUES: ETUDES DE PENSEE POLITIQUE [10025923] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 RAMANUJAN JOURNAL [31427] Algebra and Number Theory: Q2 RAMUS-CRITICAL STUDIES IN GREEK AND ROMAN LITERATURE [10001894] Classics: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 R and D: Research and Development Kobe Steel Engineering Reports [10068358] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS [5679] Economics and Econometrics: D1 RANDOM OPERATORS AND STOCHASTIC EQUATIONS [41147] Analysis: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q3 RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS [2050642] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Software: Q1 RANGELAND ECOLOGY & MANAGEMENT [10003504] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 RANGELAND JOURNAL [37158] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Rangelands [10068654] Ecology: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 RANGE MANAGEMENT AND AGROFORESTRY [10015577] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Forestry: Q4 RANLIAO HUAXUE XUEBAO /JOURNAL OF FUEL CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY [10019645] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Ranshao Kexue Yu Jishu [10036061] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY [3870] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q1 RAPID PROTOTYPING JOURNAL [10001363] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING [25754] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 RARE METALS [37161] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Rare Tumors [10046414] Histology: Q3 Oncology: Q3 RA Revista de Arquitectura [10080021] Architecture: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 RARITAN-A QUARTERLY REVIEW [10001895] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Rasayan Journal of Chemistry [10042166] Biochemistry: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 RASPRAVE INSTITUTA ZA HRVATSKI JEZIK I JEZIKOSLOVLJE-ZAGREB [2005748] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 RASSEGNA DELLA LETTERATURA ITALIANA [10001896] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 RASSEGNA DI PATOLOGIA DELL'APPARATO RESPIRATORIO [10044637] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI SOCIOLOGIA [10021306] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 RASSEGNA STORICA DEL RISORGIMENTO [10001897] History: Q4 RATIO JURIS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF JURISPRUDENCE AND PHILOSOPHY OF LAW [10020254] Law: Q2 RATIONALITY AND SOCIETY [39306] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 RATIONAL PHARMACOTHERAPY IN CARDIOLOGY / RATSIONAL'NAYA FARMAKOTERAPIYA V KARDIOLOGII [10058266] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 RATIO-NEW SERIES [10001898] Philosophy: Q1 RAWAL MEDICAL JOURNAL [10043755] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 RBGN-REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE GESTAO DE NEGOCIOS / REVIEW OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT [10023176] Business and International Management: Q4 Industrial Relations: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 RCM midwives : the official journal of the Royal College of Midwives. [10077393] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 R&D MAGAZINE [3849] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q4 R & D MANAGEMENT [5677] Business and International Management: D1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 REACTION KINETICS AND CATALYSIS LETTERS [2095091] Catalysis: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 REACTION KINETICS MECHANISMS AND CATALYSIS [10012933] Catalysis: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS [14815] Biochemistry: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 READING AND WRITING [5682] Education: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Speech and Hearing: D1 READING PSYCHOLOGY [10071026] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q1 READING RESEARCH QUARTERLY [5680] Developmental and Educational Psychology: D1 Education: D1 READING TEACHER [5681] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Pharmacology: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 READING & WRITING QUARTERLY: OVERCOMING LEARNING DIFFICULTIES [10028545] Education: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q1 REAL ANALYSIS EXCHANGE [39871] Analysis: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q3 REALES SITIOS [10078936] Conservation: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 REAL ESTATE ECONOMICS [39310] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: D1 REAL-TIME SYSTEMS [3873] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Optimization: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 REANIMATION [10036921] Emergency Medicine: Q4 Emergency Nursing: Q3 RECALL [43083] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Recent Advances in DNA and Gene Sequences [10074396] Biotechnology: Q3 Genetics (clinical): Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 RECENT ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING [10063021] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 RECENTI PROGRESSI IN MEDICINA [10016240] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 RECENT PATENTS ON ANTI-CANCER DRUG DISCOVERY [10007251] Cancer Research: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 RECENT PATENTS ON ANTI-INFECITVE DRUG DISCOVERY [10019616] Drug Discovery: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering [10037455] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 RECENT PATENTS ON BIOTECHNOLOGY [10024075] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Bioengineering: Q3 Biotechnology: Q2 RECENT PATENTS ON CARDIOVASCULAR DRUG DISCOVERY [10009350] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering [10058499] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 RECENT PATENTS ON CNS DRUG DISCOVERY [10014363] Drug Discovery: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 RECENT PATENTS ON COMPUTER SCIENCE [10031531] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 RECENT PATENTS ON DRUG DELIVERY & FORMULATION [10056984] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Recent Patents on Electrical Engineering [10067797] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 RECENT PATENTS ON ENDOCRINE METABOLIC & IMMUNE DRUG DISCOVERY [10031104] Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Drug Discovery: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 RECENT PATENTS ON ENGINEERING [10055578] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 RECENT PATENTS ON FOOD, NUTRITION AND AGRICULTURE [10030728] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 RECENT PATENTS ON INFLAMMATION & ALLERGY DRUG DISCOVERY [10016335] Drug Discovery: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 RECENT PATENTS ON MATERIALS SCIENCE [40054] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering [10074243] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 RECENT PATENTS ON MEDICAL IMAGING [10040580] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 RECENT PATENTS ON NANOTECHNOLOGY [10015578] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q3 RECENT RESULTS IN CANCER RESEARCH [10001899] Cancer Research: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Oncology: Q2 Recherche en soins infirmiers [10077398] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 RECHERCHE ET FORMATION [10080720] Education: Q4 RECHERCHE ET PRATIQUES PEDAGOGIQUES EN LANGUES DE SPECIALITE - CAHIERS DE L'APLIUT [10042042] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 RECHERCHES DE SCIENCE RELIGIEUSE [10023658] Religious Studies: Q2 Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Medievales [10077399] History: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 RECHERCHES ECONOMIQUES DE LOUVAIN-LOUVAIN ECONOMIC REVIEW [10015246] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Recherches en Didactiques des Sciences et des Technologies [10080721] Education: Q4 RECHERCHES GERMANIQUES [10022008] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 RECHERCHES LINGUISTIQUES DE VINCENNES [10022006] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 RECHERCHES SUR DIDEROT ET SUR L'ENCYCLOPEDIE [10022249] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Philosophy: Q3 Recherche - Transports - Securite [10077397] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Transportation: Q4 RECHT & PSYCHIATRIE [10011817] Health Policy: Q3 Law: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 RECHTSGESCHICHTE [10025206] History: Q3 Law: Q4 RECHTSMEDIZIN [10004340] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 ReCollections [10080261] Museology: Q4 RECORDS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [10077400] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 RECORDS OF NATURAL PRODUCTS [10011816] Drug Discovery: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 RECORDS OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM [10007250] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 History: D1 Museology: Q1 Red Cedar Review [10080722] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 REDIA [10007801] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 REDOX REPORT [9903] Biochemistry: Q3 Biochemistry (medical): Q2 Cell Biology: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Physiology: Q3 REDVET: REVISTA ELECTRÓNICA DE VETERINARIA [10020764] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 Reference Services Review [10071100] E-learning: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 REFERENCE & USER SERVICES QUARTERLY [39311] Information Systems: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 Reflective Practice [10071720] Philosophy: Q1 REFLETS ET PERSPECTIVES DE LA VIE ECONOMIQUE [10063790] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 REFRACTORIES AND INDUSTRIAL CERAMICS [31439] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Refuat ha-peh veha-shinayim (1993) [10078681] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REFUGE (ENGLISH EDITION): CANADA'S PERIODICAL ON REFUGEES [10061937] Cultural Studies: Q3 Demography: Q4 REFUGEE SURVEY QUARTERLY [10012357] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 REGENERATIVE MEDICINE [10007252] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Embryology: Q3 REGIONAL AND FEDERAL STUDIES [10003911] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 REGIONAL AND SECTORAL ECONOMIC STUDIES [10019093] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE [20219] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT DIALOGUE [10010111] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE [10009483] Global and Planetary Change: Q2 REGIONAL RESEARCH OF RUSSIA [10032509] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS [5684] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Urban Studies: D1 REGIONAL SCIENCE INQUIRY JOURNAL [10019148] Development: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REGIONAL STUDIES [5685] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 REGION: REGIONAL STUDIES OF RUSSIA, EASTERN EUROPE, AND CENTRAL ASIA [10022739] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REGULAR & CHAOTIC DYNAMICS [10003508] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 REGULATION AND GOVERNANCE [10009484] Law: D1 Public Administration: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 REGULATORY PEPTIDES [1316500] Biochemistry: Q2 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Endocrinology: Q2 Physiology: Q3 Regulatory Rapporteur [10050499] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacy: Q3 REGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY [3883] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Toxicology: Q2 REHABILITACE A FYZIKALNI LEKARSTVI [10025841] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 REHABILITACIA [10025840] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitacion [10045169] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitacion Psicosocial [10039485] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitacja Medyczna [10068353] Rehabilitation: Q3 REHABILITATION [10015581] Rehabilitation: Q2 REHABILITATION COUNSELING BULLETIN [5686] Applied Psychology: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q2 REHABILITATION NURSING [10009485] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation Oncology [10080022] Oncology: Q3 Oncology (nursing): Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 REHABILITATION PSYCHOLOGY [5687] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q1 Rehab management [10077408] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Reinardus [10080723] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Reinforced Plastics [10077409] Polymers and Plastics: Q3 REJUVENATION RESEARCH [10001364] Aging: Q3 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 RELATIONS INDUSTRIELLES-INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS [5688] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 RELC JOURNAL: A JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH [10022004] Education: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 RELIABILITY ENGINEERING & SYSTEM SAFETY [3884] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 RELIABLE COMPUTING [10008428] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q4 Software: Q4 RELIEVE [10059943] Education: Q2 RELIGIO [10019017] Religious Studies: Q2 RELIGION [10001901] History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 RELIGION AND AMERICAN CULTURE-A JOURNAL OF INTERPRETATION [10001903] Cultural Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 RELIGION AND EDUCATION [10069243] Education: Q4 Religious Studies: Q2 RELIGION AND HUMAN RIGHTS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10025126] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 RELIGION AND THEOLOGY [10065985] Religious Studies: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Religion and the Social Order [10073416] Religious Studies: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Religion Brain and Behaviour [10057085] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Religion in Chinese Societies [10080724] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Religion in the Americas Series [10079827] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 RELIGION & LITERATURE [10001902] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Religious Studies: Q3 RELIGIONS [10046610] Religious Studies: D1 Religions in the Graeco-Roman World [10079389] Classics: Q1 History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 RELIGIONSPAEDAGOGISCHE BEITRAEGE [10017365] Education: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 RELIGION STATE AND SOCIETY [10032114] Religious Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift [10080725] Religious Studies: Q3 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION [10001904] Education: Q2 Religious Studies: D1 RELIGIOUS HUMANISM [10001905] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 RELIGIOUS STUDIES [10001906] Philosophy: Q1 Religious Studies: D1 RELIGIOUS STUDIES AND THEOLOGY [10012999] Religious Studies: Q2 RELIGIOUS STUDIES REVIEW [10032742] Religious Studies: Q3 REMEDIAL AND SPECIAL EDUCATION [5689] Education: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Remediation [10072066] Environmental Engineering: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 REMOTE SENSING [10020564] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 REMOTE SENSING LETTERS [10022810] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT [3885] Computers in Earth Sciences: D1 Geology: D1 Soil Science: D1 REM-REVISTA ESCOLA DE MINAS [10011818] Economic Geology: Q3 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geology: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION [10001907] History: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Music: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Renaissance Drama [10078937] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 RENAISSANCE QUARTERLY [10001908] History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 RENAISSANCE STUDIES [10019998] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Religious Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 RENAL FAILURE [3886] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nephrology: Q3 Renal Society of Australasia Journal [10060432] Nephrology: Q3 Urology: Q3 RENASCENCE-ESSAYS ON VALUES IN LITERATURE [10001909] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 RENDICONTI DEL CIRCOLO MATEMATICO DI PALERMO [39872] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 RENDICONTI DELL ISTITUTO DI MATEMATICA DELL'UNIVERSITA DI TRIESTE [10029294] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 RENDICONTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO DELLA UNIVERSITA DI PADOVA [10003509] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Analysis: Q4 Geometry and Topology: Q3 Mathematical Physics: Q4 RENDICONTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO UNIVERSITÀ E POLITECNICO DI TORINO [10016317] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 RENDICONTI LINCEI-MATEMATICA E APPLICAZIONI [41024] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 RENDICONTI LINCEI-SCIENZE FISICHE E NATURALI [10015585] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETA GEOLOGICA ITALIANA [10020346] Geology: Q4 RENENG DONGLI GONGCHENG / JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR THERMAL ENERGY AND POWER [10060500] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 RENEWABLE AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SYSTEMS [10003510] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 RENEWABLE ENERGY [14834] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 Renewable Energy Focus [10078682] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 Renewable Energy for Development [10078683] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 Renewable Resources Journal [10077410] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS [37178] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 RENGONG JINGTI XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS [40684] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Report on carcinogens background document for [substance name] [10080023] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Report on carcinogens : carcinogen profiles / U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Toxicology Program [10078938] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Reports in Medical Imaging [10039370] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 REPORTS OF PRACTICAL ONCOLOGY AND RADIOTHERAPY [10004858] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL LOGIC [10010868] Logic: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 REPORTS ON MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [31448] Mathematical Physics: Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q3 REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS [3888] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 REPRESENTATION [41576] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 REPRESENTATIONS [10001910] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 Gender Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REPRESENTATION THEORY [10033088] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 REPRODUCAO E CLIMATERIO [10051988] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 REPRODUCTION [37185] Cell Biology: Q2 Embryology: Q1 Endocrinology: Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Reproductive Medicine: D1 REPRODUCTION FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT [3890] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Biotechnology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q3 Endocrinology: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 Reproduction Humaine et Hormones [10040352] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS [3889] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Biotechnology: Q2 Endocrinology: Q3 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY [40846] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q4 Endocrinology: Q3 REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY AND ENDOCRINOLOGY [10007253] Developmental Biology: Q3 Endocrinology: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 Reproductive Biology Insights [10057211] Reproductive Medicine: Q3 REPRODUCTIVE BIOMEDICINE ONLINE: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL DEVOTED TO BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH ON HUMAN CONCEPTION AND THE WELFARE OF THE HUMAN EMBRYO [10007254] Developmental Biology: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH [10028451] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MATTERS [10001075] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q2 REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY [10016610] Cell Biology: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES [10007255] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY [3892] Toxicology: Q2 REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING [2148439] Information Systems: Q1 Software: Q2 RES: ANTHROPOLOGY AND AESTHETICS [10059129] Anthropology: Q4 Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 RESEARCH AND PERSPECTIVES IN ENDOCRINE INTERACTIONS [10041855] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 RESEARCH AND PRACTICE FOR PERSONS WITH SEVERE DISABILITIES [10003511] Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Social Psychology: Q3 Research and Practice in Human Resource Management [10080726] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 RESEARCH AND REPORTS IN UROLOGY [10073157] Urology: Q4 RESEARCH AND THEORY FOR NURSING PRACTICE [10028452] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Research and Theory: Q3 RESEARCH EVALUATION [10001076] Education: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q1 Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies [10080025] Accounting: Q4 Development: Q4 Finance: Q4 RESEARCH IN ACCOUNTING REGULATION [10079097] Accounting: Q3 Finance: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 RESEARCH IN AFRICAN LITERATURES [10001912] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING [10016443] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Research in Architectural Engineering Series [10079828] Architecture: Q3 Building and Construction: Q4 RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS [10011820] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 RESEARCH IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS [10012088] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 RESEARCH IN BIOPOLITICS [10062326] Law: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 RESEARCH IN COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION [10066334] Education: Q3 Research in Competence-Based Management [10080026] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Research in Consumer Behavior [10079829] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Marketing: Q3 Research in Contemporary World Literature/ Pazhuhesh-e Zabanha-ye Khareji [10080027] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 RESEARCH IN DANCE EDUCATION [10066293] Education: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Research in Design Series [10079830] Architecture: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES [5691] Clinical Psychology: Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 RESEARCH IN ECONOMIC ANTHROPOLOGY [10012900] Anthropology: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Research in Economic History [10078686] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS [10021668] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 RESEARCH IN EDUCATION [10017443] Education: Q4 RESEARCH IN ENGINEERING DESIGN [14842] Architecture: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations [10074074] Cultural Studies: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Research in Experimental Economics [10078687] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Research in Finance [10078688] Finance: Q4 RESEARCH IN GERONTOLOGICAL NURSING [10022811] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q2 Gerontology: Q2 Health Policy: Q2 Research in Global Strategic Management [10077427] Business and International Management: Q3 RESEARCH IN HIGHER EDUCATION [5692] Education: D1 RESEARCH IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT [10015248] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q2 RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE [10021669] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Finance: Q2 RESEARCH IN LABOR ECONOMICS [10022359] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Industrial Relations: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 RESEARCH IN LANGUAGE [10020509] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 RESEARCH IN LAW AND ECONOMICS [10021670] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Law: Q3 RESEARCH IN LEARNING TECHNOLOGY [10051227] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q3 RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION [10035276] Education: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 RESEARCH IN MICROBIOLOGY [3901] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 RESEARCH IN NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION [14847] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 RESEARCH IN NURSING & HEALTH [5693] Nursing (miscellaneous): D1 Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being [10051548] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 RESEARCH IN ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR [5694] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 Social Psychology: D1 Research in Organizational Change and Development [10043156] Business and International Management: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 RESEARCH IN PERSONNEL AND HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT [10017857] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 RESEARCH IN PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10038842] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q2 RESEARCH IN PHENOMENOLOGY [10001913] Philosophy: Q3 RESEARCH IN POLITICAL ECONOMY [10017633] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 RESEARCH IN POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY [10038870] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Research in Post-Compulsory Education [10079594] Education: Q3 RESEARCH IN PSYCHOTHERAPY: PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, PROCESS AND OUTCOME [10051871] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 RESEARCH IN PUBLIC POLICY ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT [10067970] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Development: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Research in Race and Ethnic Relations [10080028] Anthropology: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Research in Rural Sociology and Development [10077430] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 RESEARCH IN SCIENCE EDUCATION [10001445] Education: D1 RESEARCH IN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION [10028546] Education: Q2 Multidisciplinary: Q1 RESEARCH IN SOCIAL & ADMINISTRATIVE PHARMACY [10012089] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacy: Q1 RESEARCH IN SOCIAL MOVEMENTS CONFLICTS AND CHANGE [10067963] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Research in Social Problems and Public Policy [10078691] Rehabilitation: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Research in Social Psychology [10070895] Social Psychology: Q4 Research in Social Science and Disability [10078460] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 RESEARCH IN SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND MOBILITY [10016135] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE [10022812] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology [10078461] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion [10079831] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Research in the Sociology of Education [10049342] Education: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Research in the Sociology of Health Care [10065668] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 RESEARCH IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF ORGANIZATIONS [10017853] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Research in the Sociology of Sport [10080947] Social Psychology: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 RESEARCH IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF WORK [10017704] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 RESEARCH IN THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH [5698] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT [10056423] Business and International Management: Q1 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 Transportation: Q2 RESEARCH IN TRANSPORTATION ECONOMICS [10046284] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Transportation: Q1 Research in Urbanism Series [10080029] Urban Studies: Q3 Research in Urban Sociology [10078463] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 RESEARCH IN VETERINARY SCIENCE [3904] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES [10029048] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Multidisciplinary: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES, ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY [10036218] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY [10011821] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Bioengineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF BOTANY [10034503] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT [10034504] Business and International Management: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q3 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [10034505] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENT [10011822] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY [10034509] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Pollution: Q3 Toxicology: Q4 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY [10041088] Immunology: Q4 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [10034512] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10036977] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL PLANT [10034513] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY [10034515] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology: Q4 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [10041090] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY [10034516] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Parasitology: Q4 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL SCIENCES [10049999] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY [10063961] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND TECHNOLOGY [10042576] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHYTOCHEMISTRY [10034518] Biochemistry: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF SEED SCIENCE [10034521] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Horticulture: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Research Methodology in Strategy and Management [10044813] Strategy and Management: Q1 RESEARCH ON AGING [5690] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q1 Health (social science): Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES [3893] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 RESEARCH ON CROPS [10015592] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 Research on Economic Inequality [10079098] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Research on Emotion in Organizations [10079595] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 RESEARCH ON LANGUAGE AND COMPUTATION [10022187] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q2 RESEARCH ON LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION [39321] Communication: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Social Psychology: D1 Research on Managing Groups and Teams [10078464] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting [10079832] Accounting: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE [5697] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Work: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 RESEARCH PAPERS IN EDUCATION [10015251] Education: Q2 RESEARCH POLICY [5695] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 RESEARCH QUARTERLY FOR EXERCISE AND SPORT [5696] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nephrology: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 Research Report ARR [10077435] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Transportation: Q4 Research Report (Health Effects Institute) [10048933] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Research Report of the International Food Policy Research Institute [10077436] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University [10077438] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 RESEARCH REPORT - UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING [10073149] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 RESEARCH STUDIES IN MUSIC EDUCATION [10069252] Education: Q3 Music: Q1 RESEARCH SYNTHESIS METHODS [10039997] Education: D1 RESEARCH-TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT [3903] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 Reseaux [10056653] Communication: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Residential Treatment for Children and Youth [10057915] Law: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 RESONANCE [10038866] Education: Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q3 RESOURCE [2147034] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 RESOURCE AND ENERGY ECONOMICS [5700] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 RESOURCE GEOLOGY [31469] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geology: Q2 Resource Recycling [10079596] Pollution: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 RESOURCES [10069161] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING [3906] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 RESOURCES FOR AMERICAN LITERARY STUDY [10001914] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 RESOURCES POLICY [5701] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Law: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 RESPIRATION [3909] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 RESPIRATION AND CIRCULATION [10044632] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 RESPIRATION PHYSIOLOGY [3908] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Physiology: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 RESPIRATORY CARE [10009702] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 RESPIRATORY INVESTIGATION [10061356] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 RESPIRATORY MEDICINE [3907] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 RESPIRATORY MEDICINE CASE REPORTS [10048066] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY AND NEUROBIOLOGY [10000959] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Physiology: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 RESPIRATORY RESEARCH [10007256] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 RESPIROLOGY [10001367] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 RES PUBLICA: A JOURNAL OF MORAL, LEGAL AND SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY [10035830] Law: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 Restaurant Business [10079391] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 RESTAURATOR-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIBRARY AND ARCHIVAL MATERIAL [39331] Conservation: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Media Technology: Q2 RESTORATION ECOLOGY [14856] Ecology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 RESTORATIVE NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSCIENCE [3910] Developmental Neuroscience: Q1 Neurology: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q1 RESULTS AND PROBLEMS IN CELL DIFFERENTIATION [10051549] Cell Biology: Q3 Developmental Biology: Q3 RESULTS IN IMMUNOLOGY [10057607] Immunology: Q4 RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS [1362049] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 RESULTS IN PHARMA SCIENCES [10033355] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 RESULTS IN PHYSICS [10047913] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 RESUSCITATION [3911] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Emergency Medicine: D1 Emergency Nursing: D1 RETHINKING HISTORY [10001915] History: Q1 RETHINKING MARXISM: A JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, CULTURE & SOCIETY [10062356] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Reti Medievali Rivista [10080728] History: Q1 RETINAL CASES & BRIEF REPORTS [10027374] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Ophthalmology: Q3 RETINA-THE JOURNAL OF RETINAL AND VITREOUS DISEASES [3912] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Ophthalmology: D1 RETINA TODAY [10039420] Ophthalmology: Q4 RETINA-VITREUS [10044237] Ophthalmology: Q4 Retraite et société [10054028] Industrial Relations: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 RETROTRANSPOSITION, DIVERSITY AND THE BRAIN [10041927] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 RETROVIROLOGY [10007257] Infectious Diseases: D1 Virology: Q1 REUMATISMO [10036103] Rheumatology: Q3 REUMATIZAM [10019456] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REUMATOLOGÍA CLÍNICA [10020862] Rheumatology: Q3 Reumatologia Clinica Suplementos [10079597] Rheumatology: Q4 REUMATOLOGIA-WARSZAWA [10005895] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Rheumatology: Q4 Rev. Argent. Cardiol. [10036166] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Revenue-cycle strategist [10077442] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVIEW: A JOURNAL OF THE FERNAND BRAUDEL CENTER [10026082] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 REVIEW - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF ST LOUIS [10006878] Business and International Management: Q1 Review - Literature and Arts of the Americas [10077443] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE [10021684] Accounting: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Finance: Q4 REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING STUDIES [10003512] Accounting: D1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 REVIEW OF AFRICAN POLITICAL ECONOMY [10017444] Development: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 REVIEW OF AUSTRIAN ECONOMICS [10017888] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Review of Automotive Engineering [10059344] Automotive Engineering: Q4 REVIEW OF BEHAVIORAL FINANCE [10085875] Accounting: Q4 Finance: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 REVIEW OF BLACK POLITICAL ECONOMY [5702] Cultural Studies: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 REVIEW OF CENTRAL AND EAST EUROPEAN LAW [10012091] Classics: Q2 History: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 REVIEW OF COGNITIVE LINGUISTICS [10018878] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Review of Communication [10080491] Communication: Q3 REVIEW OF DERIVATIVES RESEARCH [10015373] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Finance: Q2 REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS [10007399] Development: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENT FINANCE [10080729] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 REVIEW OF DIABETIC STUDIES [10037469] Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN ITALY [10021729] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DESIGN [10015372] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS [10001446] Economics and Econometrics: D1 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES/ NÁRODOHOSPODÁRSKY OBZOR: THE JOURNAL OF MASARYK UNIVERSITY [41307] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 REVIEW OF ECONOMIC STUDIES [5707] Economics and Econometrics: D1 REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS [5706] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 REVIEW OF ECONOMICS OF THE HOUSEHOLD [10015371] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH [5708] Education: D1 REVIEW OF EDUCATION PEDAGOGY AND CULTURAL STUDIES [10069502] Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q3 REVIEW OF ENGLISH STUDIES: THE LEADING JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE [10001916] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 REVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS AND POLICY [10012096] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 REVIEW OF EUROPEAN COMMUNITY AND INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW [10013390] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Law: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 REVIEW OF EUROPEAN STUDIES [10031703] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Review of Faith and International Affairs [10080263] Religious Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 REVIEW OF FINANCE [10015365] Finance: D1 REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS [10017445] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIES [5710] Accounting: D1 Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 REVIEW OF GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY [10001447] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 REVIEW OF HIGHER EDUCATION [39340] Education: D1 Review of High Pressure Science and Technology/Koatsuryoku No Kagaku To Gijutsu [10055331] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 REVIEW OF INCOME AND WEALTH [5713] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 REVIEW OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION [39342] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND STRATEGY [10068447] Business and International Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS [10015363] Development: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS [10015362] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY [39343] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES [39344] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 REVIEW OF KEYNESIAN ECONOMICS [10052313] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 REVIEW OF LAW AND ECONOMICS [10019158] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Law: Q2 REVIEW OF LAW AND SOCIAL CHANGE [10025219] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE [10021707] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Review of Marketing Research [10079833] Marketing: Q2 REVIEW OF MARKETING SCIENCE [10021706] Marketing: Q4 REVIEW OF METAPHYSICS [10001917] Philosophy: Q2 REVIEW OF MIDDLE EAST STUDIES [10028951] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVIEW OF NETWORK ECONOMICS [10015358] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 REVIEW OF PACIFIC BASIN FINANCIAL MARKETS AND POLICIES [10021695] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 REVIEW OF PALAEOBOTANY AND PALYNOLOGY [3948] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Paleontology: Q1 REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY [10041673] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Philosophy: D1 REVIEW OF POLICY RESEARCH [10015357] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 REVIEW OF POLITICAL ECONOMY [10017446] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 REVIEW OF POLITICS [10025925] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 REVIEW OF PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION [10015355] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 REVIEW OF QUANTITATIVE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING [10017447] Accounting: Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Finance: Q2 Review of Rabbinic Judaism [10077445] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 REVIEW OF RADICAL POLITICAL ECONOMICS [10017448] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Philosophy: Q1 REVIEW OF REGIONAL STUDIES [10017881] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 REVIEW OF RELIGIOUS RESEARCH [5715] Philosophy: Q1 Religious Studies: D1 REVIEW OF RESEARCH IN EDUCATION [5716] Education: D1 REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS [3952] Instrumentation: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 REVIEW OF SCOTTISH CULTURE [10013554] Anthropology: Q4 Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 REVIEW OF SOCIAL ECONOMY [5718] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 REVIEW OF SYMBOLIC LOGIC [10011854] Logic: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Philosophy: D1 REVIEW OF URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES [10017869] Development: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 REVIEW OF WORLD ECONOMICS [10001448] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 REVIEWS IN AMERICAN HISTORY [10001919] History: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVIEWS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [20254] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 REVIEWS IN ANTHROPOLOGY [10027279] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 REVIEWS IN AQUACULTURE [10015593] Aquatic Science: Q1 Ecology: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 REVIEWS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE [10009703] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVIEWS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [3916] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Reviews in Clinical Gerontology [10038560] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q3 REVIEWS IN ENDOCRINE & METABOLIC DISORDERS [10003515] Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 REVIEWS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND BIO-TECHNOLOGY [10013762] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q1 Pollution: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 REVIEWS IN FISH BIOLOGY AND FISHERIES [3927] Aquatic Science: Q1 REVIEWS IN FISHERIES SCIENCE & AQUACULTURE [10045284] Aquatic Science: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: D1 REVIEWS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY [20274] Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 REVIEWS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [9962] Mathematical Physics: Q2 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q2 REVIEWS IN MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY [25828] Microbiology (medical): Q3 REVIEWS IN MEDICAL VIROLOGY [10007265] Infectious Diseases: D1 Virology: D1 REVIEWS IN MINERALOGY & GEOCHEMISTRY [10000960] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q1 Reviews in Neurological Diseases [10038671] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 REVIEWS IN THE NEUROSCIENCES [20292] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 REVIEWS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY [3922] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pollution: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS [3932] Geophysics: D1 Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics [10080730] Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS [3946] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 REVIEWS OF PHYSIOLOGY BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHARMACOLOGY [3949] Biochemistry: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology: Q1 Physiology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q1 REVIEWS ON ADVANCED MATERIALS SCIENCE [10007258] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 REVIEWS ON ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH [10030966] Health (social science): Q2 Pollution: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 REVIEWS ON RECENT CLINICAL TRIALS [10012428] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 REVIJA ZA KRIMINALISTIKO IN KRIMINOLOGIJO [10015361] Law: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 REVIJA ZA SOCIJALNU POLITIKU [10005467] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 REVIJA ZA SOCIOLOGIJU / SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW [10027803] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVISIONES EN CANCER [10016308] Oncology: Q4 Revista 180 [10079392] Architecture: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 REVISTA ALERGIA MEXICO [10043871] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 REVISTA ANDALUZA DE MEDICINA DEL DEPORTE [10035660] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 Sports Science: Q4 REVISTA ARGENTINA DE CLINICA PSICOLOGICA [10011823] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 REVISTA ARGENTINA DE DERMATOLOGIA [10043021] Dermatology: Q4 REVISTA ARGENTINA DE ENDOCRINOLOGIA Y METABOLISMO [10016314] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 REVISTA ARGENTINA DE MICROBIOLOGIA [10015597] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q3 REVISTA ARVORE [10015598] Forestry: Q2 Revista Austral de Ciencias Sociales [10056655] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA CRESCIMENTO DESENVOLVIMENTO HUMANO / JOURNAL OF HUMAN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT [10066207] Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q3 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ANESTESIOLOGIA [10033089] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Revista Brasileira de Cardiologia Invasiva [10036464] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIA DO SOLO [10003514] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Soil Science: Q1 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS AGRARIAS / BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES [10034637] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIAS SOCIAIS [41389] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CINEANTROPOMETRIA AND DESEMPENHO HUMANO [10051026] Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIRURGIA CARDIOVASCULAR [10015600] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Surgery: Q3 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ECONOMIA [10021686] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Revista Brasileira de Educacao [10079834] Education: Q3 Revista Brasileira de Educacao Especial [10079835] Education: Q3 Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem [10074054] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ENGENHARIA AGRICOLA E AMBIENTAL [10028453] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q2 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ENGENHARIA BIOMEDICA [10017544] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ENSINO DE FISICA [10011825] Education: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ENTOMOLOGIA [10007260] Insect Science: Q2 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE EPIDEMIOLOGIA [10040391] Epidemiology: Q3 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ESTUDOS DE POPULACAO [10062249] Demography: Q3 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FARMACOGNOSIA-BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOGNOSY [10011826] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FISIOTERAPIA [10011827] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FRUTICULTURA [10011828] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 Revista Brasileira de Geofísica [10042309] Geophysics: Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE GESTAO E DESENVOLVIMENTO REGIONAL [10068472] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE GINECOLOGIA E OBSTETRICIA [10037319] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE HEMATOLOGIA E HEMOTERAPIA [10037674] Hematology: Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE HISTORIA [10078248] Cultural Studies: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE MEDICINA [10036138] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE MEDICINA DO ESPORTE [10015603] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Trabalho [10080731] Physiology (medical): Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA [10011829] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE NEUROLOGIA E PSIQUIATRIA [10074294] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE OFTALMOLOGIA [10015606] Ophthalmology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 Revista Brasileira de Orientacao Profissional [10074878] Applied Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ORNITOLOGIA [10023214] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ORTOPEDIA [10036727] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PALEONTOLOGIA [10022814] Paleontology: Q2 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PARASITOLOGIA VETERINARIA [10011830] Parasitology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais [10051880] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE POLITICA INTERNACIONAL [10012090] History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PSIQUIATRIA [10007398] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE REUMATOLOGIA [10028455] Rheumatology: Q3 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE SAUDE E PRODUCAO ANIMAL [10051015] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Revista Brasileira de Saude Materno Infantil [10067142] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE TERAPIA INTENSIVA [10018808] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Revista Brasileira de Toxicologia [10078466] Toxicology: Q4 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ZOOLOGIA [10007261] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA-BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [20256] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 REVISTA CAATINGA [10022815] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos [10078940] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Revista Catalana d’Ornitologia [10053972] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 REVISTA CERES [10050005] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA CHAPINGO SERIE CIENCIAS FORESTALES Y DEL AMBIENTE [10015607] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Revista Chapingo, Serie Horticultura [10048774] Horticulture: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Revista Chilena de Anestesia [10054577] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 REVISTA CHILENA DE CIRUGIA [10022816] Surgery: Q4 REVISTA CHILENA DE DERECHO [10033091] Law: Q1 REVISTA CHILENA DE ENFERMEDADES RESPIRATORIAS [10051994] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 REVISTA CHILENA DE HISTORIA NATURAL [3917] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA CHILENA DE INFECTOLOGIA [10011831] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 REVISTA CHILENA DE LITERATURA [10001921] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 REVISTA CHILENA DE NEURO-PSIQUIATRIA [10007717] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Surgery: Q4 REVISTA CHILENA DE NUTRICION [10040162] Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 REVISTA CHILENA DE OBSTETRICIA Y GINECOLOGÍA [10036431] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 REVISTA CHILENA DE PEDIATRIA [10050877] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Revista Chilena de Radiologia [10040345] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 REVISTA CIENCIA AGRONOMICA [10033092] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Horticulture: Q1 Soil Science: Q2 REVISTA CIENCIAS DE LA SALUD [10056809] Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Revista Cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Enfermeria Neurologica [10080492] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA CIENTIFICA-FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS VETERINARIAS [20261] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA CLINICA ESPANOLA [3920] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Revista Colombiana de Anestesiologia [10065695] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Revista Colombiana de Antropologia [10080732] Anthropology: Q4 REVISTA COLOMBIANA DE CARDIOLOGÍA [10045275] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 REVISTA COLOMBIANA DE CIENCIAS PECUARIAS [10010548] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA COLOMBIANA DE ENTOMOLOGIA [10007262] Insect Science: Q4 REVISTA COLOMBIANA DE ESTADISTICA [10015608] Statistics and Probability: Q4 REVISTA COLOMBIANA DE GASTROENTEROLOGÍA [10029434] Gastroenterology: Q3 Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia [10054086] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 REVISTA COLOMBIANA DE PSICOLOGÍA [10037380] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Revista Colombiana de Quimica [10047668] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA COLOMBIANA DE REUMATOLOGÍA [10036730] Rheumatology: Q4 REVISTA COMPLUTENSE DE EDUCACION [10066255] Education: Q3 REVISTA COMPLUTENSE DE HISTORIA DE AMERICA [10077451] History: Q4 REVISTA CUBANA DE CIRUGIA [10057635] Surgery: Q4 Revista Cubana de Educacion Medica Superior [10049848] Education: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Revista Cubana de Enfermeria [10057879] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA CUBANA DE ESTOMATOLOGIA [10005902] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Revista Cubana de Farmacia [10044152] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacy: Q2 Revista Cubana de Fisica [10080733] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA CUBANA DE HEMATOLOGIA INMUNOLOGIA Y HEMOTERAPIA [10047097] Hematology: Q4 Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Revista Cubana de Higiene y Epidemiologia [10077452] Epidemiology: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Revista Cubana de Informacion en Ciencias de la Salud [10077453] Health Information Management: Q4 Health Policy: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 REVISTA CUBANA DE INVESTIGACIONES BIOMÉDICAS [10003867] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA CUBANA DE MEDICINA [10036316] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral [10073744] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA CUBANA DE MEDICINA MILITAR [10049619] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA CUBANA DE MEDICINA TROPICAL [10005915] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Parasitology: Q4 Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecologia [10036086] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 REVISTA CUBANA DE PEDIATRÍA [1318598] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales [10036252] Drug Discovery: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Revista Cubana de Salud Publica [10045330] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 REVISTA CUBANA ORTOPEDIA Y TRAUMATOLOGIA [10067195] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 Surgery: Q4 Revista da Abordagem Gestaltica [10080949] Social Psychology: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVISTA DA ASSOCIACAO MEDICA BRASILEIRA [10011824] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DA ESCOLA DE ENFERMAGEM DA USP [10011834] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE MEDICINA TROPICAL [10007268] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Parasitology: Q3 REVISTA DE ADMINISTRACAO PUBLICA [10027831] Public Administration: Q3 Revista de Administracion Sanitaria [10079600] Health Policy: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Revista de Alimentacao Humana [10079836] Food Science: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 REVISTA DE ANALISIS ECONOMICO [10021691] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGIA [10066165] Anthropology: Q3 Revista de Antropologia Social [10078693] Anthropology: Q4 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA MARINA Y OCEANOGRAFIA [10007259] Aquatic Science: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 REVISTA DE BIOLOGIA TROPICAL [3914] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA DE CALIDAD ASISTENCIAL [10041807] Health Policy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA [10015285] Health (social science): Q1 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 REVISTA DE CHIMIE [3918] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DE CIENCIA POLITICA [10012092] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 REVISTA DE CIENCIAS FARMACEUTICAS BASICA E APLICADA [10052291] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 REVISTA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES (VENEZUELA) [10012093] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DE CONTABILIDAD [10037022] Accounting: Q3 REVISTA DE CRITICA LITERARIA LATINOAMERICANA [10001922] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 REVISTA DE DERECHO COMUNITARIO EUROPEO [10012094] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 REVISTA DE DERECHO (VALDIVIA) [10079601] Law: Q2 Revista de derecho y genoma humano = Law and the human genome review [10080493] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA DE DIALECTOLOGIA Y TRADICIONES POPULARES [10001923] Cultural Studies: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 REVISTA DE ECONOMIA APLICADA [10009486] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DE ECONOMIA CONTEMPORÂNEA [10018442] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DE ECONOMIA DEL ROSARIO [10021698] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA DE ECONOMIA E SOCIOLOGIA RURAL [10016794] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Forestry: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DE ECONOMIA INSTITUCIONAL: REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE ECONOMIA [10021702] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA DE ECONOMIA MUNDIAL [10012095] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Transportation: Q4 REVISTA DE ECONOMIA POLITICA/BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY [41584] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 REVISTA DE EDUCACION [10015370] Education: Q2 Revista de enfermeria (Barcelona, Spain) [10005907] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS COOPERATIVOS [10021705] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS HISPANICOS [10001924] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS HISTÓRICO-JURÍDICOS [10009757] History: Q4 Law: Q4 Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos [10080950] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS ORTEGUIANOS [10019494] Philosophy: Q4 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS POLITICOS [10015366] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 REVISTA DE ESTUDIOS REGIONALES [10024889] Development: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Revista de Estudios Sociales [10023177] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Gender Studies: Q4 History: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVISTA DE FILOLOGIA ALEMANA [10023241] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 REVISTA DE FILOLOGIA ESPANOLA [10001925] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 REVISTA DE FILOLOGIA ROMANICA [10021993] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 REVISTA DE FILOSOFÍA [10010153] Philosophy: Q3 REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA: AURORA [10080494] Philosophy: Q4 Revista de Filosofia (Spain) [10080734] Philosophy: Q4 REVISTA DE FITOTERAPIA [10013556] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 REVISTA DE GASTROENTEROLOGIA DEL PERU [10070597] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA DE GASTROENTEROLOGIA DE MEXICO [10045282] Gastroenterology: Q3 REVISTA DE GEOGRAFIA NORTE GRANDE [10022822] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 REVISTA DE HISTÓRIA DAS IDEIAS [10028088] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 REVISTA DE HISTORIA ECONOMICA [10015364] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 History: D1 REVISTA DE HISTORIA INDUSTRIAL [10021715] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Revista de Historia Regional [10080735] History: Q4 Revista de Historiografia [10080951] History: Q4 Revista de Humanidades [10080736] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA DE IBEROAMERICANA DE PSICOLOGÍA DEL EJERCICIO Y EL DEPORTE [10020679] Applied Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 REVISTA DE INDIAS [10001926] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION CLINICA: THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH OF MEXICO [3935] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION EN LOGOPEDIA [10070987] Speech and Hearing: Q4 REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES VETERINARIAS DEL PERU [10025425] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Especialistas en Medicina del Trabajo [10078251] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 REVISTA DE LA ASOCIACION GEOLÓGICA ARGENTINA [40784] Geology: Q3 Revista de la Ciencia del Suelo y Nutricion Vegetal [10080031] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q2 Plant Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 REVISTA DE LA CONSTRUCCION [10011833] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE AGRONOMIA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA [10023462] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS AGRARIAS [10007263] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria [10067875] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA DE LA FACULTAD DE MEDICINA UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA [10036799] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DE LA FEDERACION ARGENTINA DE CARDIOLOGIA [10038578] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 REVISTA DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS FISICAS Y NATURALES SERIE A-MATEMATICAS [10011813] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Geometry and Topology: Q3 REVISTA DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DEL DOLOR [10016777] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 REVISTA DE LA UNION MATEMATICA ARGENTINA [10015629] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA DEL CLAD REFORMA Y DEMOCRACIA [10015306] Public Administration: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 REVISTA DE LETRAS [10058406] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 REVISTA DEL HOSPITAL PSIQUIATRICO DE LA HABANA [10067262] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 REVISTA DEL INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ENFERMEDADES RESPIRATORIAS [10039393] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 REVISTA DE LITERATURA [10001927] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Revista de Literatura Medieval [10078941] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Revista del Laboratorio Clinico [10074794] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 REVISTA DE LLENGUA I DRET [10021989] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Law: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q2 REVISTA DEL MUSEO ARGENTINO DE CIENCIAS NATURALES NUEVA SERIE [10077448] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Paleontology: Q3 REVISTA DE LOGOPEDIA FONIATRIA Y AUDIOLOGIA [10007772] LPN and LVN: Q3 Speech and Hearing: Q4 REVISTA DE METALURGIA [14887] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Revista de Metodos Cuantitativos para la Economia y la Empresa [10079602] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA DE NEFROLOGIA DIALISIS Y TRASPLANTE [10011847] Nephrology: Q4 Transplantation: Q4 REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA [25839] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 REVISTA DE NUTRICAO-BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION [10011848] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 Revista de Obras Publicas [10077461] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Revista de Obstetricia y Ginecología de Venezuela [10054063] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 REVISTA DE OCCIDENTE [10001928] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Revista de Patologia Respiratoria [10045126] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 Revista de Pedagogia [10079837] Education: Q4 REVISTA DE PSICODIDACTICA [10012103] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA DEL DEPORTE [10012104] Applied Psychology: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones [10060396] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL [10015356] Social Psychology: Q3 REVISTA DE PSICOPATOLOGIA Y PSICOLOGIA CLINICA [10048876] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Revista de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul [10039486] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 REVISTA DE PSIQUIATRIA Y SALUD MENTAL [10023178] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Revista de Quimica e Industria Textil [10087903] Business and International Management: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 REVISTA DE SALUD PUBLICA (BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA) [10005923] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 REVISTA DE SAUDE PUBLICA [5717] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 REVISTA DE SENOLOGIA Y PATOLOGIA MAMARIA [10040554] Oncology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICA [10079603] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Revista d'Estudis Autonomics i Federals [10080948] Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 REVISTA DE TELEDETECCION [10012885] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Revista de Toxicologia [10038968] Toxicology: Q4 REVISTA DE UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE CORDOBA. FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS MEDICAS [10030390] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA DO COLEGIO BRASILEIRO DE CIRURGIOES [10040282] Surgery: Q3 REVISTA DO INSTITUTO DE MEDICINA TROPICAL DE SAO PAULO [10004619] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA ECUATORIANA DE NEUROLOGIA [20264] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 REVISTA ELECTRONICA COMPLUTENSE DE INVESTIGACION MUSICAL [10079234] Music: Q3 REVISTA ELECTRÓNICA DE COMUNICACIONES Y TRABAJOS DE ASEPUMA [10023584] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA [10057917] Education: Q4 REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA Y PSICOPEDAGOGICA / ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY [10024904] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q3 REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE LINGUISTICA APLICADA [10020191] E-learning: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 REVISTA EM AGRONEGOCIOS E MEIO AMBIENTE [10035037] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Revista Enfermagem [10053186] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE ANESTESIOLOGIA Y REANIMACION [10036636] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE ANTROPOLOGIA AMERICANA [10065556] Anthropology: Q3 Revista Espanola de Antropologia Fisica [10080952] Anthropology: Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CARDIOLOGIA [25812] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CARDIOLOGÍA (ENGLISH EDITION) [10073209] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CARDIOLOGIA SUPLEMENTOS [10036147] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CIENCIA POLITICA [10030471] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CIRUGIA ORAL Y MAXILOFACIAL [10054568] Oral Surgery: Q4 Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CIRUGIA ORTOPEDICA Y TRAUMATOLOGIA [10016780] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DERECHO CONSTITUCIONAL [10012097] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA [10015369] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DROGODEPENDENCIAS [10049474] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE ENFERMEDADES DIGESTIVAS [3925] Gastroenterology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE GERIATRIA Y GERONTOLOGIA [10045118] Aging: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE INVESTIGACIONES SOCIOLOGICAS [10015367] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE LINGUISTICA APLICADA [10012098] E-learning: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Revista Espanola de Medicina Legal [10051657] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE MEDICINA NUCLEAR E IMAGEN MOLECULAR [10028458] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE NUTRICION COMUNITARIA [10015611] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE NUTRICION HUMANA Y DIETETICA [10040192] Food Science: Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 Revista Espanola de Obesidad [10067299] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE ORIENTACION Y PSICOPEDAGIA [10066312] Applied Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE PALEONTOLOGIA [10020020] Paleontology: Q4 Revista Espanola de Patologia [10047160] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE PEDAGOGIA [10007401] Education: Q3 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE PEDIATRIA [10037541] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE QUIMIOTERAPIA / SPANISH JOURNAL OF CHEMOTHERAPY [10011836] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SALUD PUBLICA [10009487] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Revista Española de Sanidad Penitenciaria [10063081] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA ESPANOLA DE SOCIOLOGIA [10056325] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVISTA FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA-UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA [10011837] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA FITOTECNIA MEXICANA [10007264] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Horticulture: Q3 Plant Science: Q4 REVISTA GALEGA DE ECONOMIA [10019081] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Revista gaucha de enfermagem / EENFUFRGS [10077467] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Revista General de Derecho Administrativo [10080953] Law: Q4 REVISTA GENERAL DE INFORMACION Y DOCUMENTACION [10019882] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 REVISTA GEOGRAFICA VENEZOLANA [10071455] Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 REVISTA GERENCIA Y POLÍTICAS DE SALUD [10031816] Health Policy: Q3 REVISTA HABANERA DE CIENCIAS MEDICAS [10027948] Health Policy: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 REVISTA IBERICA DE SISTEMAS E TECNOLOGIAS DE INFORMACAO [10067114] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA [10001930] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE AUTOMATICA E INFORMATICA INDUSTRIAL [10011839] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE DIAGNOSTICO Y EVALUACION-E AVALIACAO PSICOLOGICA [10012100] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE FERTILIDAD Y REPRODUCCION HUMANA [10055419] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 Revista Iberoamericana de Fisioterapia y Kinesiologia [10079393] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE MICOLOGIA [10015615] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology: Q3 Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje [10058515] Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA INGENIERIA DE CONSTRUCCION [10080954] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 REVISTA INTERAMERICANA DE PSICOLOGÍA / INTERAMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [10031363] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Revista Internacional de Acupuntura [10054847] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE ANDROLOGIA [10022823] Reproductive Medicine: Q3 Urology: Q3 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE CONTAMINACION AMBIENTAL [10015621] Pollution: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE LINGUISTICA IBEROAMERICANA [10021985] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE MEDICINA Y CIENCIAS DE LA ACTIVIDAD FISICA Y DEL DEPORTE [10015623] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE METODOS NUMERICOS PARA CALCULO Y DISENO EN INGENIERIA [10011840] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE SOCIOLOGIA [10012101] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA INVESTIGACIÓN OPERACIONA / REVISTA INVESTIGATION OPERATIONAL [10017691] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Numerical Analysis: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Revista INVI [10080032] Architecture: Q2 Urban Studies: Q3 REVISTA LASALLISTA DE INVESTIGACION [10080737] Multidisciplinary: Q4 REVISTA LATINA DE COMUNICACION SOCIAL [10074058] Communication: Q3 REVISTA LATINO-AMERICANA DE ENFERMAGEM [10011841] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE HIPERTENSION [10011842] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE INVESTIGACION EN MATEMATICA EDUCATIVA-RELIME [10015360] Education: Q4 REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE METALURGIA Y MATERIALES [10020278] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE PSICOLOGIA [5714] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE PSICOPATOLOGIA FUNDAMENTAL [10015359] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Revista Latinoamericana de Quimica [10080955] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA LUSOFONA DE EDUCACAO [10012102] Education: Q4 REVISTA MATEMATICA COMPLUTENSE [10011843] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 REVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA [20277] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 REVISTA MEDICA DE CHILE [3937] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Revista Medica de Homeopatia [10080033] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Revista médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social [10067185] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Revista Medica de Rosario [10038039] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA MEDICO-CHIRURGICALA A SOCIETATII DE MEDICI SI NATURALISTI DIN IASI [10006435] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Revista Mexicana de Analisis de la Conducta [10071420] Applied Psychology: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Revista Mexicana de Anestesiologia [10037459] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 REVISTA MEXICANA DE ANGIOLOGIA [10016098] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 REVISTA MEXICANA DE ASTRONOMIA Y ASTROFISICA [3942] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 REVISTA MEXICANA DE BIODIVERSIDAD [10007266] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 REVISTA MEXICANA DE CARDIOLOGIA [10037974] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 REVISTA MEXICANA DE CIENCIAS FARMACEUTICAS [10051500] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 REVISTA MEXICANA DE CIENCIAS GEOLÓGICAS [10007267] Geology: Q2 REVISTA MEXICANA DE CIENCIAS PECUARIAS [10015624] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 Revista Mexicana de Enfermeria Cardiologica [10080034] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 REVISTA MEXICANA DE FISICA [3943] Education: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Biomedica [10066573] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 REVISTA MEXICANA DE INGENIERIA QUIMICA [10011845] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Revista Mexicana de Investigacion Educativa [10057920] Education: Q4 REVISTA MEXICANA DE NEUROCIENCIA [10042679] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Revista Mexicana de Oftalmologia [10051290] Ophthalmology: Q4 REVISTA MEXICANA DE PEDIATRIA [10080495] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 REVISTA MEXICANA DE PSICOLOGIA [39346] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA MEXICANA DE SOCIOLOGÍA [10038266] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVISTA MEXICANA DE TRASTORNOS ALIMENTARIOS-MEXICAN JOURNAL OF EATING DISORDERS [10019327] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 REVISTA MULTIDISCIPLINAR DE GERONTOLOGIA [10062905] Aging: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Revista Musical Chilena [10079838] Cultural Studies: Q4 Music: Q4 REVISTA MVZ CORDOBA [10011846] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Aquatic Science: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA NEUROCIENCIAS [10039395] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Revista Odonto Ciencia [10080738] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA O MUNDO DA SAÚDE [10067502] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 REVISTA PANAMERICANA DE SALUD PUBLICA-PAN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH [10007403] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 REVISTA PAULISTA DE PEDIATRIA [10049381] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 REVISTA PEDIATRIA DE ATENCION PRIMARIA [10039120] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Revista Peruana de Biologia [10061513] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA PERUANA DE MEDICINA EXPERIMENTAL Y SALUD PÚBLICA [10020187] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE CARDIOLOGIA - PORTUGUESE JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [10012446] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Revista portuguesa de cirurgia cardio-toracica e vascular : orgao oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardio-Toracica e Vascular [10079100] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial [10056461] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Surgery: Q4 REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE ESTUDOS REGIONAIS [10018712] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia [10050543] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE PNEUMOLOGIA [10015626] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 REVISTA PORTUGUESA DE SAUDE PUBLICA [10044562] Health Policy: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Revista Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura [10080496] Architecture: Q4 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 REVISTA ROMANA DE BIOETICA [10011850] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q2 REVISTA ROMANA DE MATERIALE-ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS [10011851] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 REVISTA ROMANA DE MEDICINA DE LABORATOR [10015628] Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q4 REVISTA ROMANA DE NEUROLOGIE / ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY [10039366] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 REVISTA SIGNOS [10009489] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 REVISTA TECNICA DE LA FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA [10011855] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA TRANSILVANIA [10027636] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 REVISTA VENEZOLANA DE GERENCIA [10012105] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 REVISTA VENEZOLANA DE ONCOLOGIA [10038094] Oncology: Q4 Revista Veterinaria [10055092] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 REVISTA VIRTUAL DE QUÍMICA [10039778] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 REVMATOLOGIIA (BULGARIA) [10039116] Rheumatology: Q4 Revolutionary Russia [10078468] History: Q4 REVSTAT-STATISTICAL JOURNAL [10015630] Statistics and Probability: Q3 REVUE ARCHEOLOGIQUE [10030130] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 REVUE ARCHEOLOGIQUE DE L EST [10028972] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 REVUE ARCHEOLOGIQUE DE NARBONNAISE [10020561] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Revue Archeologique de Picardie [10080739] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Revue belge de medecine dentaire. Belgisch tijdschrift voor tandheelkunde [10077472] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE BELGE DE PHILOLOGIE ET D HISTOIRE [10001931] History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Revue Benedictine [10038519] Religious Studies: Q3 REVUE BIBLIQUE [10001932] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 Revue d'Anthropologie des Connaissances [10037430] Anthropology: Q2 Education: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 REVUE D'ASSYRIOLOGIE ET D'ARCHEOLOGIE ORIENTALE [10021982] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 REVUE DE CHIRURGIE ORTHOPEDIQUE ET REPARATRICE DE L APPAREIL MOTEUR [3919] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 REVUE DE CHIRURGIE ORTHOPEDIQUE ET TRAUMATOLOGIQUE [10039356] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 REVUE D ECOLOGIE-LA TERRE ET LA VIE [3921] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 REVUE D'ECONOMIE DU DEVELOPPEMENT [10021709] Development: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 REVUE D'ECONOMIE INDUSTRIELLE [10021703] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Industrial Relations: Q3 REVUE D ECONOMIE POLITIQUE [10021701] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 REVUE DE GEOGRAPHIE ALPINE-JOURNAL OF ALPINE RESEARCH [10007402] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 REVUE DE GERIATRIE [10036933] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 REVUE D'EGYPTOLOGIE [10027233] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 REVUE DE L ART [10001939] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 REVUE DE LARYNGOLOGIE OTOLOGIE RHINOLOGIE [10057997] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 REVUE DE LA SOCIETE FRANCAISE D HISTOIRE DES HOPITAUX [10029450] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Revue de L'Energie [10077476] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE DE L HISTOIRE DES RELIGIONS [10001940] Religious Studies: Q4 Revue de l'Infirmiere [10077477] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 REVUE DE LINGUISTIQUE ROMANE [10001941] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 REVUE DE L'OFCE [10021719] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 REVUE DE MEDECINE INTERNE [3938] Gastroenterology: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 REVUE DE MEDECINE LEGALE [10042247] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 REVUE DE MEDECINE VETERINAIRE [3939] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 REVUE DE METALLURGIE-CAHIERS D INFORMATIONS TECHNIQUES [1374734] Computational Mechanics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 REVUE DE METAPHYSIQUE ET DE MORALE [10001942] Philosophy: Q3 REVUE DE MICROPALEONTOLOGIE [10013057] Paleontology: Q1 REVUE DE MUSICOLOGIE [10001943] Music: Q4 REVUE DE PALEOBIOLOGIE [2149585] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Paleontology: Q3 REVUE DE PHILOLOGIE DE LITTERATURE ET D HISTOIRE ANCIENNES [10001944] Classics: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 REVUE DE PHILOSOPHIE ANCIENNE [10031081] Philosophy: Q4 REVUE D EPIDEMIOLOGIE ET DE SANTE PUBLIQUE [3923] Epidemiology: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 REVUE DE PNEUMOLOGIE CLINIQUE [10011849] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Revue de Psychotherapie Psychanalytique de Groupe [10078695] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 REVUE DE QUMRAN [10014751] Religious Studies: Q1 Revue des Composites et des Materiaux Avances [10053607] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Revue des Etudes Anciennes [10078944] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Classics: Q1 History: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Revue des Etudes Armeniennes [10080740] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 REVUE DES ETUDES AUGUSTINIENNES ET PATRISTIQUES [10061932] Religious Studies: Q2 Revue des Études Grecques [10046950] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q3 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 REVUE DES ETUDES ITALIENNES [10001945] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 REVUE DES ETUDES JUIVES [10001946] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 REVUE DES ETUDES SLAVES [10020725] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 REVUE DES LANGUES ROMANES [10001948] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 REVUE DES MALADIES RESPIRATOIRES [3936] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualites [10050834] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 REVUE DES MUSEES DE FRANCE-REVUE DU LOUVRE [10012583] Conservation: Q4 Museology: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 REVUE DES SCIENCES DE L'EAU [10030370] Water Science and Technology: Q3 Revue des Sciences Humaines [10078945] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE DES SCIENCES PHILOSOPHIQUES ET THEOLOGIQUES [10001949] Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 REVUE DE STOMATOLOGIE ET DE CHIRURGIE MAXILLO-FACIALE [20068780] Oral Surgery: Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 Revue de synthese / Centre international de synthese [10077479] Philosophy: Q3 REVUE DE THEOLOGIE ET DE PHILOSOPHIE [10030545] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 REVUE D ETUDES COMPARATIVES EST-OUEST [10001101] Finance: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 REVUE D HISTOIRE DE L AMERIQUE FRANCAISE [10001934] History: Q4 Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie [10077474] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE D HISTOIRE DES MATHEMATIQUES [10028461] History: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE D HISTOIRE DES SCIENCES HUMAINES [41320] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE D HISTOIRE DES TEXTES [10071496] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 REVUE D HISTOIRE DU THEATRE [10001935] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 REVUE D’HISTOIRE DU XIXE SIèCLE [10018632] History: Q2 REVUE D'HISTOIRE ECCLESIASTIQUE [10001936] Religious Studies: Q3 REVUE D'HISTOIRE LITTÉRAIRE DE LA FRANCE [10014716] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 REVUE D'HISTOIRE MODERNE ET CONTEMPORAINE [10028993] History: Q2 Revue d'Homeopathie [10080497] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 REVUE D INTELLIGENCE ARTIFICIELLE [10026337] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Software: Q4 REVUE DROIT ET SOCIETE [10021848] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 REVUE DU MARCHE COMMUN ET DE L UNION EUROPEENNE [10007875] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 REVUE DU MONDE MUSULMAN DE LA MEDITERRANEE [10021978] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVUE DU NORD: ARCHEOLOGIE [10001951] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q3 Revue du Podologue [10079839] Podiatry: Q3 REVUE DU PRATICIEN [10001952] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE DU RHUMATISME (EDITION FRANCAISE) [3950] Rheumatology: Q4 REVUE DU RHUMATISME MONOGRAPHIES [10051018] Rheumatology: Q4 REVUE ECONOMIQUE [5705] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 REVUE FORESTIERE FRANCAISE [10052572] Forestry: Q3 REVUE FRANCAISE D'ADMINISTRATION PUBLIQUE [10013155] Public Administration: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 REVUE FRANCAISE D ALLERGOLOGIE [10011838] Immunology and Allergy: Q4 REVUE FRANCAISE DE GESTION [10021696] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 REVUE FRANCAISE DE LINGUISTIQUE APPLIQUEE [10012099] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 REVUE FRANCAISE DE PEDAGOGIE: RECHERCHES EN EDUCATION [41438] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Education: Q3 Revue Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection [10079236] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 REVUE FRANCAISE DE PSYCHANALYSE [5711] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Revue Francaise de Psychosomatique [10078697] Applied Psychology: Q4 Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 REVUE FRANCAISE DE SCIENCE POLITIQUE [10025926] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 REVUE FRANCAISE DE SOCIOLOGIE [5712] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 REVUE FRANCAISE D ETUDES AMERICAINES [10001953] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 REVUE FRANCOPHONE DE LABORATOIRES [10036957] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Medical Laboratory Technology: Q3 Revue Francophone d'Orthoptie [10080035] Ophthalmology: Q4 Optometry: Q4 REVUE HISTORIQUE [10001954] History: Q3 REVUE HISTORIQUE DE DROIT FRANCAIS ET ETRANGER [10024234] History: Q4 Law: Q4 REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE CRIMINOLOGIE ET DE POLICE TECHNIQUE ET SCIENTIFIQUE [10082420] Law: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE DROIT ECONOMIQUE [2151153] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Law: Q3 REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE PHILOSOPHIE [10001956] Philosophy: Q4 REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE POLITIQUE COMPAREE [41449] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Revue Internationale de Soins Palliatifs [10088127] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Fundamentals and Skills: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE INTERNATIONALE ET STRATÉGIQUE [10025927] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 REVUE MEDICALE DE BRUXELLES [10036119] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE MÉDICALE DE LIEGE: JOURNAL DU PRATICIEN [10034882] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 REVUE MEDICALE SUISSE [10002324] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 REVUE NEUROLOGIQUE [3947] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Revue Numismatique [10078946] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE DE LA FRANCE ET DE L ETRANGER [10001957] Philosophy: Q4 REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE DE LOUVAIN [10001958] Philosophy: Q3 REVUE ROMANE [10001959] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 REVUE ROUMAINE DE CHIMIE [3951] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 REVUE ROUMAINE DE LINGUISTIQUE-ROMANIAN REVIEW OF LINGUISTICS [10017560] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 REVUE ROUMAINE DES SCIENCES TECHNIQUES-SERIE ELECTROTECHNIQUE ET ENERGETIQUE [10011852] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 REVUE SAGE - FEMME [10070708] Maternity and Midwifery: Q4 REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE-OFFICE INTERNATIONAL DES EPIZOOTIES [9979] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 REVUE SUISSE DE ZOOLOGIE [3953] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 REVUE THEOLOGIQUE DE LOUVAIN [10001961] Religious Studies: Q3 Revue Thomiste [10080741] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 REVUE VETERINAIRE CLINIQUE: L'ANIMAL DE COMPAGNIE [10042403] Small Animals: Q3 Rheedea [10079605] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 RHEINISCHES MUSEUM FÜR PHILOLOGIE [10012365] Classics: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 RHEOLOGICA ACTA [3954] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 RHETORICA: A JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF RHETORIC [10001962] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 RHETORIC AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS [10022283] Communication: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 RHETORIC REVIEW [10066910] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 RHETORIC SOCIETY QUARTERLY [10015354] Communication: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q1 RHEUMATIC DISEASE CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [3955] Rheumatology: Q2 RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [3956] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Rheumatology: Q3 Rheumatology Reports [10080498] Immunology: Q4 Rheumatology: Q3 RHEUMATOLOGY (UNITED KINGDOM) [25853] Pharmacology (medical): D1 Rheumatology: Q1 RHINOLOGY [10000961] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 Rhinology. Supplement [10078252] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Rhode Island medical journal (2013) [10077490] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Rhodes Cook Letter [10080264] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 RHODORA [3957] Horticulture: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 RICE [10015632] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 Soil Science: Q1 Ricerca e Pratica [10057445] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Ricerca in Psicoterapia [10039471] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 RICERCHE DI MATEMATICA [10019919] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 RICERCHE DI STORIA DELL ARTE [10001963] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 RICERCHE DI STORIA POLITICA [10051345] History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Rice Science [10044264] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Plant Science: Q4 RICYDE: REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE CIENCIAS DEL DEPORTE [10072858] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 RIDE-THE JOURNAL OF APPLIED THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE [10023179] Education: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 RIE-REVISTA DE INVESTIGACION EDUCATIVA [10059853] Education: Q3 RIGAKURYOHO KAGAKU [10053726] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 RIG KULTURHISTORISK TIDSKRIFT [10080742] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 RIHA JOURNAL : JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSO­CIATION OF RESEARCH INSTITUTES IN THE HISTORY OF ART [10032156] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 RIJKSMUSEUM BULLETIN [10080743] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 RILCE-REVISTA DE FILOLOGIA HISPANICA [10015353] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 RILEM Bookseries [10055559] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 RIMA: REVIEW OF INDONESIAN AND MALAYSIAN AFFAIRS [10067971] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 RINASCIMENTO [10001964] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 RINGING AND MIGRATION [10010786] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Rinsan Shikenj Oha/Journal of the Hokkaido Forest Products Research Institute [10078253] Forestry: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Rinsho Biseibutsu Jinsoku Shindan Kenkyukai shi = JARMAM : Journal of the Association for Rapid Method and Automation in Microbiology [10077492] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Rinsho byori. The Japanese journal of clinical pathology [10077493] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 RINSHO HOSHASEN / JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL RADIOLOGY [10046997] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 RINSHO KETSUEKI / JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY [10063214] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 RISK ANALYSIS [5719] Physiology (medical): Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 RISK AND DECISION ANALYSIS [10051676] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 RISK GOVERNANCE & CONTROL: FINANCIAL MARKETS & INSTITUTIONS [10074188] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 Risk Management and Healthcare Policy [10065694] Health Policy: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE REVIEW [10018003] Accounting: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 RISK MANAGEMENT-JOURNAL OF RISK CRISIS AND DISASTER [10015352] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 RIVER RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [10000962] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 RIVISTA DEGLI STUDI ORIENTALI [10021971] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 RIVISTA DEL NUOVO CIMENTO [3960] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 RIVISTA DI CULTURA CLASSICA E MEDIOEVALE [10035455] Classics: Q3 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 RIVISTA DI FILOLOGIA E DI ISTRUZIONE CLASSICA [10044443] Classics: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 RIVISTA DI FILOSOFIA NEO-SCOLASTICA [10001966] Philosophy: Q4 RIVISTA DI LETTERATURE MODERNE E COMPARATE [10001967] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 RIVISTA DI LINGUISTICA [10005695] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 RIVISTA DI NEURORADIOLOGIA [20307] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 RIVISTA DI PSICHIATRIA [10011856] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Rivista di Psicoanalis [10023180] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 RIVISTA DI STORIA DEL CRISTIANESIMO [10028915] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Rivista di storia della Chiesa in Italia [10062960] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 RIVISTA DI STORIA DELLA FILOSOFIA [10001968] Philosophy: Q4 RIVISTA DI STORIA E LETTERATURA RELIGIOSA [10001969] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Religious Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 RIVISTA DI STUDI SULLA SOSTENIBILITA [10030778] Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 Rivista Giurdica dell'Ambiente [10077496] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI SCIENZE SOCIALI [10012804] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 RIVISTA ITALIANA DELLA SALDATURA [10054625] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 RIVISTA ITALIANA DELLE SOSTANZE GRASSE [10007269] Organic Chemistry: Q4 Rivista Italiana di Geotecnica [10080956] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 RIVISTA ITALIANA DI MEDICINA DELL'ADOLESCENZA [10049624] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 RIVISTA ITALIANA DI PALEONTOLOGIA E STRATIGRAFIA [25856] Geology: Q2 Paleontology: Q2 Stratigraphy: Q2 Rivista Storica dell'Antichita [10080744] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q3 History: Q4 RIVISTA STORICA ITALIANA [10001971] History: Q3 R JOURNAL [10020409] Numerical Analysis: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 RLA-REVISTA DE LINGUISTICA TEORICA Y APLICADA [10015351] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 RLC: REVUE DE LITTERATURE COMPAREE [10001972] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 RNA-A PUBLICATION OF THE RNA SOCIETY [9988] Molecular Biology: D1 RNA BIOLOGY [10011857] Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 ROAD MATERIALS AND PAVEMENT DESIGN [10007270] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty [10079396] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH [10012106] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 ROBOTICA [3963] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Software: Q2 ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS [20310] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Software: Q1 ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING [3961] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Software: Q1 ROCK ART RESEARCH [10054948] Anthropology: Q2 Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 ROCK MECHANICS AND ROCK ENGINEERING [3964] Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Geology: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 ROCKS AND MINERALS [10022376] Economic Geology: Q3 Geology: Q3 Stratigraphy: Q3 Rocky Mountain Geology [10079841] Geology: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 Stratigraphy: Q3 ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [3965] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ROCZNIKI PANSTWOWEGO ZAKLADU HIGIENY / ANNALS OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HYGIENE [10077505] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ROCZNIK OCHRONA SRODOWISKA [10015635] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 RODRIGUÉSIA [10040552] Horticulture: Q2 Plant Science: Q3 ROENTGENOLOGIA AND RADIOLOGIA [10025034] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 ROEPER REVIEW-A JOURNAL ON GIFTED EDUCATION [10065077] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q3 ROFO-FORTSCHRITTE AUF DEM GEBIET DER RONTGENSTRAHLEN UND DER BILDGEBENDEN VERFAHREN [14914] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 ROMANCE NOTES [10001973] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ROMANCE PHILOLOGY [10001974] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ROMANCE QUARTERLY [10001975] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Romance Studies [10080499] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ROMANIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH [10011858] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS [10012908] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Biotechnology: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Romanian Journal of Acoustics and Vibration [10058760] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Romanian Journal of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care [10062918] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Emergency Medicine: Q3 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF DIABETES, NUTRITION AND METABOLIC DISEASES [10028755] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC FORECASTING [10012107] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN AFFAIRS [41513] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [39877] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [10009208] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE [10011859] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRIOLOGY [10009080] Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 Embryology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [10066459] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [10005005] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF POLITICAL SCIENCE / REVISTA ROMANA DE STIINTE POLITICE [10015350] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ROMANIAN REPORTS IN PHYSICS [10005172] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 ROMANIAN REVIEW PRECISION MECHANICS, OPTICS AND MECHATRONICS [10060061] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Romanic Review [10078947] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 ROMANISCHE FORSCHUNGEN [10001976] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ROMANISTISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR LITERATURGESCHICHTE-CAHIERS D HISTOIRE DES LITTERATURES ROMANES [10001977] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ROMANI STUDIES [41733] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Romanticism on the Net [10078948] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ROMANTISME: REVUE DU DIX-NEUVIèME SIèCLE [10001978] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Rorschachiana [10079237] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 ROSSIISKAIA ISTORIA [10033165] History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 ROSTLINNA VYROBA [3967] Soil Science: Q2 ROUMANIAN ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY [10012969] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q3 ROUND TABLE: THE COMMONWEALTH JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [10026060] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 ROYAL SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES. JOURNAL AND PROCEEDINGS [10049349] Multidisciplinary: Q3 Rozhledy v Chirurgii [10077511] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 RÖMISCHE QUARTALSCHRIFT FÜR CHRISTLICHE ALTERTUMSKUNDE UND KIRCHENGESCHICHTE [10022466] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 RPF MAD [10079843] Building and Construction: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Marketing: Q4 RSC ADVANCES [10018912] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 RSC Analytical Spectroscopy Series [10060579] Spectroscopy: Q4 RSC Biomolecular Sciences [10051646] Biochemistry: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 RSC CATALYSIS SERIES [10040167] Catalysis: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 RSC Chromatography Monographs [10070476] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Biochemistry: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 RSC DRUG DISCOVERY SERIES [10038167] Drug Discovery: Q4 RSC ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT SERIES [10047562] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 RSC GREEN CHEMISTRY [10038589] Biochemistry: Q4 Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Pollution: Q4 RSC NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY [10048435] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Bioengineering: Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 RSC POLYMER CHEMISTRY SERIES [10051364] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomaterials: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 RSC THEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRY SERIES [10036081] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 RUAN JIAN XUE BAO / JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE [10038794] Software: Q3 RUBBER CHEMISTRY AND TECHNOLOGY [3969] Materials Chemistry: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 RUBBER WORLD [10054726] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 RUDARSKO GEOLOSKO NAFTNI ZBORNIK - MINING GELOLOGICAL PETROLEUM ENGINEERING BULLETIN [10006422] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Geology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 Rulers and Elites [10080745] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 RUPKATHA JOURNAL ON INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES IN HUMANITIES [10066951] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 RURAL AND REMOTE HEALTH [10015348] Emergency Medical Services: D1 Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 RURAL HISTORY: ECONOMY SOCIETY CULTURE [10015349] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 History: Q2 Urban Studies: Q3 Rural policy brief [10079104] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 RURAL SOCIETY [10054563] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 RURAL SOCIOLOGY [5721] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 RUSI JOURNAL [10025276] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 RUSIN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HISTORY [10061812] Anthropology: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 RUSSELL-THE JOURNAL OF THE BERTRAND RUSSELL ARCHIVES [10001979] Philosophy: Q3 Russian Aeronautics [10079397] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 RUSSIAN AND EAST EUROPEAN FINANCE AND TRADE [5722] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Finance: Q3 RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN [1320804] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 RUSSIAN CHEMICAL REVIEWS [10011861] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 RUSSIAN EDUCATION AND SOCIETY [5723] Education: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 RUSSIAN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING [10070791] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Russian Engineering Research [10065661] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 RUSSIAN GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS [10006386] Geology: Q2 Geophysics: Q2 Russian History and Culture [10080265] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 RUSSIAN HISTORY-HISTOIRE RUSSE - PITTSBURGH [10001980] History: Q2 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY [3973] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY [10001369] Biochemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF BIOPHARMACEUTICALS [10044634] Bioengineering: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY [10015638] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION [10042704] Communication: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF COORDINATION CHEMISTRY [14922] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY [10015640] Developmental Biology: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [3974] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY [3975] Electrochemistry: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL CHEMISTRY [37278] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS [37279] Genetics: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS: APPLIED RESEARCH [10049934] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Genetics: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY [10000969] Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MARINE BIOLOGY [10011862] Aquatic Science: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [14925] Mathematical Physics: Q1 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q1 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NEMATOLOGY [31553] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING [3976] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NON-FERROUS METALS [10015641] Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND MATHEMATICAL MODELLING [20326] Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Numerical Analysis: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY [10000971] Organic Chemistry: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PACIFIC GEOLOGY [10011863] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geology: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 Stratigraphy: Q3 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A [37284] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B [10007271] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY [3977] Plant Science: Q3 Russian Journal of Theriology [10049704] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 RUSSIAN LINGUISTICS [10001981] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 RUSSIAN LITERATURE (AMSTERDAM) [10001982] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 RUSSIAN MATHEMATICAL SURVEYS [3978] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 RUSSIAN MATHEMATICS [10058464] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 RUSSIAN METALLURGY [3979] Metals and Alloys: Q3 RUSSIAN METEOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY [10015643] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q3 RUSSIAN MICROELECTRONICS [39879] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 RUSSIAN PHYSICS JOURNAL [10015644] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 RUSSIAN POLITICS AND LAW [39354] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 RUSSIAN REVIEW [10001983] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 RUSSIAN STUDIES IN LITERATURE [10001984] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 RUSSIAN STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY [39355] Philosophy: Q4 RUTGERS LAW REVIEW [39356] Law: Q3 RYNEK ENERGII [10011864] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 SAAD digest [10077524] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SABRAO JOURNAL OF BREEDING AND GENETICS [10011866] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q3 Genetics: Q4 Horticulture: Q3 SACRED MUSIC [10001986] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Sacris Erudiri [10078949] Religious Studies: Q2 SADHANA-ACADEMY PROCEEDINGS IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES [3991] Multidisciplinary: Q2 SAECULUM [10001987] History: Q4 SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE [10069889] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE POWERTRAINS [10080957] Automotive Engineering: Q2 SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES [10039832] Automotive Engineering: Q2 SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINES [10042223] Automotive Engineering: D1 Fuel Technology: D1 SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FUELS AND LUBRICANTS [10046879] Fuel Technology: Q1 Pollution: Q1 SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING [10054283] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PASSENGER CARS - ELECTRONIC AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS [10078069] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 SAE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PASSENGER CARS-MECHANICAL SYSTEMS [10071497] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 SAE TECHNICAL PAPERS [10008110] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Pollution: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 Safer Communities [10078950] Community and Home Care: Q2 Law: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Safety Research: Q2 Safety and Health [10079606] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Safety Research: Q4 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q4 SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK [10051409] Chemical Health and Safety: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Safety Research: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 SAFETY SCIENCE [3992] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Safety Research: D1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 SAFUNDI [10025929] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 SAGE OPEN [10027810] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SAHARA J-JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ASPECTS OF HIV-AIDS [10015347] Health (social science): Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 SAINS MALAYSIANA [10013270] Multidisciplinary: Q2 SAJCH South African Journal of Child Health [10057143] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 SAJOG-SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY [10011867] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 SA JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY [10066351] Applied Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 SALAMANDRA [10008765] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 SALES & MARKETING MANAGEMENT [39881] Business and International Management: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Saline Systems [10079607] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Microbiology: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q2 SALMAGUNDI-A QUARTERLY OF THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES [10001988] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 SALUD COLECTIVA [10012112] Health Policy: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 SALUDICIENCIA [10013465] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SALUD MENTAL [5725] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 SALUD PUBLICA DE MEXICO [39360] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 SALUD UNINORTE [10042681] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SALUD Y DROGAS [10053213] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Salus [10078951] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [3989] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 SAMPE JOURNAL [3993] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 SAMPLING THEORY IN SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING [10022462] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Analysis: Q4 Computational Mathematics: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 Samuel Beckett Today - Aujourd hui [10078952] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 SANG THROMBOSE VAISSEAUX [10011869] Hematology: Q4 Sangyo eiseigaku zasshi = Journal of occupational health [10077532] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 SANKHYA: INDIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS [10034989] Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 SANKHYA-SERIES A-MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY [10066850] Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 SANKHYA SERIES B (2008) [20069680] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 SANKHYA-THE INDIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS SERIES B (1961-2003) [10005681] Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 Sante Mentale au Quebec [10038908] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 SANTE PUBLIQUE [10015646] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 SAO PAULO MEDICAL JOURNAL [10011870] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SA PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL INCORPORATING PHARMACY MANAGEMENT [10069662] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Sapiens [10080036] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 Sapporo Medical Journal [10069582] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SAR AND QSAR IN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH [31572] Bioengineering: Q3 Drug Discovery: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Medicine: Q3 SARCOIDOSIS VASCULITIS AND DIFFUSE LUNG DISEASES [14942] Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Internal Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 SARCOMA [10029439] Oncology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 SATS: NORTHERN EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10058092] Philosophy: Q4 SAUDE E SOCIEDADE [10015346] Health (social science): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Saudi Aramco Journal of Technology [10078257] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 SAUDI DENTAL JOURNAL [10057982] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 SAUDI JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA [10038058] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 SAUDI JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10031652] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SAUDI JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [10033097] Gastroenterology: Q3 SAUDI JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES AND TRANSPLANTATION [10036859] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology [10037216] Ophthalmology: Q3 SAUDI MEDICAL JOURNAL [3996] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SAUDI PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL [10015654] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology: Q3 SAVINGS AND DEVELOPMENT [10016405] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Savoirs et Clinique [10078955] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Sbornik Geologickych Ved - Antropozoikum [10078258] Geology: Q4 SBORNIK MATHEMATICS [14945] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 SCALABLE COMPUTING: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE [10008842] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 SCANDIA [10012115] History: Q3 SCANDINAVIAN ACTUARIAL JOURNAL [10015345] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN CARDIOVASCULAR JOURNAL [14947] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal, Supplement [10074209] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SCANDINAVIAN ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW [10017790] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 History: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF CARING SCIENCES [39361] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL & LABORATORY INVESTIGATION [3998] Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF DISABILITY RESEARCH [10073160] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS [5726] Economics and Econometrics: Q1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH [10005160] Education: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH [10028] Forestry: Q1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [1323606] Gastroenterology: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY SUPPLEMENT [1323623] Gastroenterology: Q4 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF HISTORY [10001989] History: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM [10012113] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY [4001] Immunology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES [4002] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS [10018278] Information Systems: Q4 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE [20356] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT [10012114] Applied Psychology: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS [10032] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: Q1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY [10015344] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PAIN [10050259] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q3 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY AND HAND SURGERY [4004] Surgery: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE [14956] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [5727] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH [25908] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY [4006] Immunology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Rheumatology: Q1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY SUPPLEMENT [1088300] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS [4008] Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY [10006222] Surgery: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF THE OLD TESTAMENT [10054951] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Religious Studies: Q1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA RESUSCITATION AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10015726] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Emergency Medicine: Q1 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [10033098] Nephrology: Q3 Urology: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF UROLOGY AND NEPHROLOGY [4010] Nephrology: Q3 Urology: Q2 Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Supplement [10079400] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF WORK ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH [4011] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 SCANDINAVIAN POLITICAL STUDIES [39365] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review [10038898] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 SCANDINAVIAN STUDIES [10001990] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 SCANDINAVICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCANDINAVIAN STUDIES [10001991] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 SCANDO-SLAVICA [10017450] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 SCANNING [4012] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN [4015] Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 SCHIZOPHRENIA RESEARCH [4014] Biological Psychiatry: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 SCHMERZ [20371] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Scholarly Communication [10080500] Communication: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 SCHOLE: FILOSOFSKOE ANTIKOVEDENIE I KLASSICHESKAJA TRADICIJA [10069189] Classics: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 SCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT [39366] Education: D1 SCHOOL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT [10044817] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Education: Q1 Strategy and Management: Q1 School Library Media Research [10078470] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Media Technology: Q4 SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH [10048253] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 School nurse news [10078471] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [39369] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY QUARTERLY [39370] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Education: Q1 SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY REVIEW [5731] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Education: D1 SCHWEIZER ARCHIV FÜR NEUROLOGIE UND PSYCHIATRIE [20068754] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 SCHWEIZER ARCHIV FUR TIERHEILKUNDE [4016] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 SCHWEIZERISCHES ARCHIV FUR VOLKSKUNDE [10010222] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 SCHWEIZERISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR FORSTWESEN [10052344] Forestry: Q2 SCHWEIZERISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GANZHEITSMEDIZIN [10040225] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 SCHWEIZERISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR RELIGIONS- UND KULTURTESCHICHTE [10039490] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 SCHWEIZERISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SPORTMEDIZIN UND SPORTTRAUMATOLOGIE [10046262] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 SCIENCE [4028] History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Multidisciplinary: D1 SCIENCE AND EDUCATION: CONTRIBUTIONS FROM HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS [41698] Education: Q1 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS [31613] Health Policy: Q2 Health (social science): Q2 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING JOURNAL / CIENCIA Y ENGENHARIA [10062271] Multidisciplinary: Q4 SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS [20384] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 SCIENCE AND GLOBAL SECURITY [10059785] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENCE AND PUBLIC POLICY [39884] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Public Administration: Q1 SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: A JOURNAL OF MARXIST THOUGHT AND ANALYSIS [5735] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT [10053260] Building and Construction: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q1 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS [10007275] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Science and Technology of Atomic, Molecular, Condensed Matter and Biological Systems [10056594] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS [10011875] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS [40586] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF WELDING AND JOINING [25938] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY STUDIES [10035761] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 SCIENCE AS CULTURE [10023182] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 Health (social science): Q2 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SCIENCEASIA [10015758] Multidisciplinary: Q2 SCIENCE BULLETIN [10043907] Multidisciplinary: Q1 SCIENCE CHINA CHEMISTRY [10015728] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENCE CHINA EARTH SCIENCES [10015729] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENCE CHINA INFORMATION SCIENCES [10015730] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENCE CHINA LIFE SCIENCES [10015731] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENCE CHINA MATHEMATICS [10014358] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY [10015732] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES [10015756] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENCE COMMUNICATION [5733] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SCIENCE EDUCATION [5734] Education: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Science et Motricite [10079238] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 SCIENCE FICTION STUDIES [10001997] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Science for Conservation [10078260] Ecology: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES C-LIFE SCIENCES [14974] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES [14975] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENCE IN CONTEXT [20383] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SCIENCE & JUSTICE [10055] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 SCIENCE OF ADVANCED MATERIALS [10015727] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q2 SCIENCE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING [4022] Software: Q2 SCIENCE OF GYMNASTICS JOURNAL [10035667] Education: Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 SCIENCE OF SINTERING [10003541] Ceramics and Composites: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT [4027] Environmental Chemistry: Q1 Environmental Engineering: D1 Pollution: Q1 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 Science of Tsunami Hazards [10079844] Geology: Q3 Oceanography: Q3 SCIENCE PROGRESS [4024] Multidisciplinary: Q1 Science Reports of the Tohoku University, Series 7: Geography [10077556] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SCIENCES DE L EDUCATION POUR L ERE NOUVELLE [10069525] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 SCIENCES DES ALIMENTS [4018] Food Science: Q4 SCIENCE SIGNALING [10023535] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 SCIENCE & SPORTS [20389] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 SCIENCES SOCIALES ET SANTE [39377] Health Policy: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 SCIENCE'S STKE: SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION KNOWLEDGE ENVIRONMENT [10007604] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN VALUES [5736] Anthropology: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 Philosophy: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIETY [10018443] Multidisciplinary: Q2 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES - NEW YORK [10001994] Library and Information Sciences: Q2 SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE [10015757] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Scientia Agraria [10075108] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 SCIENTIA AGRICOLA [10007274] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 SCIENTIA AGRICULTURAE BOHEMICA [10019045] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SCIENTIA AGRICULTURA SINICA [10023491] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Scientia canadensis [10077558] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SCIENTIA FORESTALIS [10033099] Forestry: Q2 SCIENTIA GEOLOGICA SINICA [10052349] Geology: Q4 SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE [4023] Horticulture: Q1 SCIENTIA IRANICA [10011871] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENTIA MARINA [14980] Aquatic Science: Q2 Oceanography: Q2 SCIENTIA MEDICA [10043489] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SCIENTIA PHARMACEUTICA [1381346] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN [4019] Multidisciplinary: Q2 SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION PROCESSING [10071441] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 SCIENTIFIC ANNALS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE [10061825] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Scientific Computing and Instrumentation [10077560] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 SCIENTIFIC DRILLING [10031371] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Scientific Journal of King Faisal University [10080266] Multidisciplinary: Q4 SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF KURDISTAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10058441] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF MARITIME RESEARCH / PROMORSTVO [10063402] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University Environmental and Climate Technologies [10047688] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING [10011873] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Software: Q2 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS [10019966] Multidisciplinary: D1 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND ESSAYS [10011874] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 SCIENTIFIC STUDIES OF READING [10003542] Education: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 SCIENTIFIC STUDY AND RESEARCH-CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING BIOTECHNOLOGY FOOD INDUSTRY [10059249] Biotechnology: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Food Science: Q4 SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL [10005791] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 SCIENTIST [4030] Multidisciplinary: Q4 SCIENTOMETRICS [4031] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 SCIENZE REGIONALI: SR / ITALIAN JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE [10017876] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Food Animals: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Public Administration: Q4 Urban Studies: Q3 Scire [10080746] Communication: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 SCOLIOSIS AND SPINAL DISORDERS [10071758] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 SCOPE [10054665] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Scopus [10080267] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Scottish Gaelic Studies [10079106] Cultural Studies: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL [39381] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 SCOTTISH HISTORICAL REVIEW [10001998] History: D1 SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY [4032] Geology: Q3 SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF POLITICAL ECONOMY [5739] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SCOTTISH JOURNAL OF THEOLOGY [10001999] Religious Studies: Q4 SCOTTISH LITERARY REVIEW [10032707] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 SCOTTISH MEDICAL JOURNAL [4033] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SCREEN [10002001] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Screen Printing [10077563] Marketing: Q4 Media Technology: Q4 SCRINIUM JOURNAL OF PATROLOGY CRITICAL HAGIOGRAPHY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY [10045277] Classics: Q3 History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Scripta Botanica Belgica [10060011] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 SCRIPTA CLASSICA ISRAELICA [10014856] Classics: D1 History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 SCRIPTA GEOLOGICA [10027282] Geology: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 Stratigraphy: Q3 SCRIPTA MATERIALIA [14989] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 SCRIPTA MEDICA [10010403] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Script and Print [10080037] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 SCRIPTA NOVA-REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE GEOGRAFIA Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES [10009492] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Scripta Theologica [10080747] Religious Studies: Q4 SCRIPTORIUM: INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF MANUSCRIPT STUDIES AND BULLETIN CODICOLOGIQUE (BOOK REVIEWS) [10002003] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Scrutiny2 [10065256] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 SCULPTURE JOURNAL [10012582] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 SCULPTURE REVIEW [10002004] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 SDHM Structural Durability and Health Monitoring [10079609] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 SD Revista Medica Internacional sobre el Sindrome de Down [10078261] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 SEAISI Quarterly (South East Asia Iron and Steel Institute) [10077564] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Sealing Technology [10077565] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 SEARCH (Malaysia) [10080958] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 SEA TECHNOLOGY [20400] Ocean Engineering: Q3 SÉCHERESSE: SCIENCE ET CHANGEMENTS PLANÉTAIRES / SÉCHERESSE [10046908] Ecology: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING AND TEACHING [10067851] Education: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 SECOND LANGUAGE RESEARCH [10003544] Education: Q1 Linguistics and Language: D1 SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS [10015759] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 SECURITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS [10023559] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 SECURITY DIALOGUE [5740] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 SECURITY JOURNAL [10015343] Law: Q2 Safety Research: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 SECURITY STUDIES [39385] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY [4037] Geology: Q1 Stratigraphy: Q1 SEDIMENTOLOGY [4038] Geology: Q1 Stratigraphy: D1 SEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [4039] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 SEED SCIENCE RESEARCH [14994] Plant Science: Q1 SEEING AND PERCEIVING [10015342] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Ophthalmology: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q3 SEFARAD [10002006] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 SEIBUTSU-KOGAKU KAISHI [4040] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Food Science: Q4 SEIKAGAKU [20406] Biochemistry: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SEIMITSU KOGAKU KAISHI / JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR PRECISION ENGINEERING [10025002] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS [10007276] Geophysics: Q1 SEISMOLOGY AND GEOLOGY / DHIZEN DIZHI [10005751] Geology: Q3 SEI Technical Review [10077568] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Seizieme Siecle [10080268] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY [20407] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Seksuologia Polska [10079402] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 Urology: Q2 SELECTA MATHEMATICA - NEW SERIES [10007277] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): D1 Selezione Tessile [10079610] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 SELF AND IDENTITY [10009493] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 SELF NONSELF: IMMUNE RECOGNITION AND SIGNALING [10047478] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q3 SEL STUDIES IN ENGLISH LITERATURE 1500-1900 [10034734] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Selvedge [10079611] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 SEMANTIC WEB [10059295] Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Information Systems: D1 Semeia Studies [10079107] Religious Studies: Q4 SEMICONDUCTOR INTERNATIONAL [10029725] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Microbiology: Q4 SEMICONDUCTORS [4045] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 SEMICONDUCTORS AND SEMIMETALS [4044] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [4043] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 SEMIGROUP FORUM [1417136] Algebra and Number Theory: Q3 SEMINA-CIENCIAS AGRARIAS [10011876] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SEMINAR-A JOURNAL OF GERMANIC STUDIES [10002008] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 SEMINARIOS DE LA FUNDACION ESPANOLA DE REUMATOLOGIA [10016783] Rheumatology: Q4 SEMINARS IN ARTHRITIS AND RHEUMATISM [4047] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: D1 Rheumatology: Q1 SEMINARS IN ARTHROPLASTY [10054305] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q3 SEMINARS IN CANCER BIOLOGY [10077] Cancer Research: D1 SEMINARS IN CARDIOTHORACIC AND VASCULAR ANESTHESIA [10041803] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q2 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 SEMINARS IN CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY [15007] Cell Biology: D1 Developmental Biology: D1 SEMINARS IN COLON AND RECTAL SURGERY [10041701] Gastroenterology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 SEMINARS IN CUTANEOUS MEDICINE AND SURGERY [15008] Dermatology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Surgery: D1 SEMINARS IN DIAGNOSTIC PATHOLOGY [4049] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 SEMINARS IN DIALYSIS [4050] Nephrology: Q1 SEMINARS IN FETAL & NEONATAL MEDICINE [10007278] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 SEMINARS IN HEARING [10058560] Speech and Hearing: Q3 SEMINARS IN HEMATOLOGY [4051] Hematology: Q1 SEMINARS IN IMMUNOLOGY [31649] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 SEMINARS IN IMMUNOPATHOLOGY [10007279] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 SEMINARS IN INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY [4052] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 SEMINARS IN LIVER DISEASE [4053] Hepatology: D1 SEMINARS IN MUSCULOSKELETAL RADIOLOGY [10007280] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 SEMINARS IN NEPHROLOGY [4054] Nephrology: Q1 SEMINARS IN NEUROLOGY [4055] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 SEMINARS IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE [4057] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 SEMINARS IN ONCOLOGY [4058] Hematology: D1 Oncology: Q1 SEMINARS IN ONCOLOGY NURSING [10016480] Oncology (nursing): Q2 SEMINARS IN OPHTHALMOLOGY [10022824] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q1 SEMINARS IN ORTHODONTICS [10053070] Orthodontics: Q2 SEMINARS IN PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY [10015760] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 SEMINARS IN PEDIATRIC SURGERY [10015761] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Surgery: Q1 SEMINARS IN PERINATOLOGY [4059] Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 SEMINARS IN PLASTIC SURGERY [10023479] Surgery: Q3 SEMINARS IN RADIATION ONCOLOGY [20431] Cancer Research: Q1 Oncology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 SEMINARS IN REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE [37385] Endocrinology: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Physiology (medical): Q2 Reproductive Medicine: Q1 SEMINARS IN RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE [4042] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 SEMINARS IN ROENTGENOLOGY [4061] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 SEMINARS IN SPEECH AND LANGUAGE [10039470] LPN and LVN: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q3 SEMINARS IN SPINE SURGERY [10052887] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 SEMINARS IN THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY [10020533] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 Seminars in Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery: Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Annual [10048724] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Surgery: Q1 SEMINARS IN THROMBOSIS AND HEMOSTASIS [4063] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Hematology: Q1 SEMINARS IN ULTRASOUND CT AND MRI [4064] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 SEMINARS IN VASCULAR SURGERY [10009706] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q1 SEMIOTICA: REVUE PUBLIÉE PAR L'ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DES SEMIOTIQUE = JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR SEMIOTIC STUDIES [2083673] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 SENDEBAR: BOLETIN DE LA FACULTAD DE TRADUCCION E INTERPRETACION DE GRANADA [10021951] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 sendrom [10037349] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SEN-I GAKKAISHI [20437] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 Senses and Society [10080269] Communication: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Sensing and Imaging [10070487] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Instrumentation: Q4 SENSING AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY [10038159] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 SENSOR LETTERS [10003548] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 SENSOR REVIEW [1072127] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 SENSORS [10001371] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Biochemistry: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL [1313573] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Instrumentation: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL [1285134] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Instrumentation: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 SENSORS AND MATERIALS [1313652] Instrumentation: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS [10036209] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 SENSORS (PETERBOROUGH, NH) [10077574] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION REVIEWS [10001372] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Filtration and Separation: Q2 SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY [20441] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Filtration and Separation: Q1 SEPARATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [4069] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Filtration and Separation: Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 SEPU / CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY [10049630] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Biochemistry: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Electrochemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 SEQUENTIAL ANALYSIS [10017451] Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 SERBIAN ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL [40961] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 SERBIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL RESEARCH [10043786] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SERIALS LIBRARIAN [5742] Library and Information Sciences: Q1 SERIALS REVIEW [39888] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 SERIES-JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION [10035243] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 SERVICE BUSINESS [10015339] Business and International Management: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 SERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL [39386] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 SERVICE ORIENTED COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS [10059744] Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Information Systems: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q3 SERVICES MARKETING QUARTERLY [10017452] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 SESHA Journal: Semiconductor Environmental Safety and Health Association [10079240] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Sestrinski Glasnik [10087917] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 SETON HALL LAW REVIEW [10025332] Law: Q4 SET-VALUED ANALYSIS [15033] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 SET-VALUED AND VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS [10015762] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q2 Numerical Analysis: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [10002010] Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 SEWANEE REVIEW [10002011] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 SEX EDUCATION-SEXUALITY SOCIETY AND LEARNING [10052236] Education: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SEXOLOGIES [10050039] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 SEX ROLES: A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH [5743] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Gender Studies: D1 Social Psychology: Q1 SEXUAL ABUSE - A RESEARCH OF RESEARCH AND TREATMENT [10007404] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 SEXUAL ADDICTION AND COMPULSIVITY [10062845] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Sexual and Relationship Therapy [10023183] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT [10007281] Developmental Biology: Q3 Embryology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 SEXUAL HEALTH [10011877] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 SEXUALITIES [10015338] Anthropology: Q1 Gender Studies: Q1 SEXUALITY AND DISABILITY [39387] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 Sexuality & Culture [10060772] Cultural Studies: Q1 Gender Studies: Q2 Sexuality, Reproduction and Menopause [10071811] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 Urology: Q4 SEXUALITY RESEARCH AND SOCIAL POLICY [10023184] Gender Studies: Q1 Health (social science): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SEXUAL PLANT REPRODUCTION [4070] Cell Biology: Q3 Plant Science: Q1 SEXUAL & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHCARE [10028550] Maternity and Midwifery: Q1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES [4071] Dermatology: D1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS [20448] Dermatology: D1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 SEXUOLOGIE-STUTTGART- [10049173] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 SHAKESPEARE [10028666] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 SHAKESPEARE QUARTERLY [10002013] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 SHAKESPEARE STUDIES [10072656] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 SHAMAN: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR SHAMANISTIC RESEARCH [2151767] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry (ISSN: 1002-0829)Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry [10038052] Neurology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 SHANGHAI DIER YIKE DAXUE XUEBAO / ACTA UNIVERSITATIS MEDICINALIS SECONDAE SHANGHAI [10086287] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University [10058486] Multidisciplinary: Q2 SHANGHAI KOU QIANG YI XUE / SHANGHAI JOURNAL OF STOMATOLOGY [10068695] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SHANGHAI LIGONG DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF UNIVERSITY OF SHANGHAI FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10039780] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 SHARP TECHNICAL JOURNAL [4072] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 SHAW [10080502] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 SHENANDOAH [10002014] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Sheng Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan : Progress in physiological sciences [10047713] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SHENGTAI XUEBAO / ACTA ECOLOGICA SINICA [10007520] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 SHENG TAI XUE ZA ZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY [10028991] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 SHENGWU GONGCHENG XUEBAO / CHINESE JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY [10062112] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 SHENGWU YIXUE GONGCHENGXUE ZAZHI / JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [10048481] Bioengineering: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Shenzhen Daxue Xuebao (Ligong Ban)/Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering [10038374] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 SHENYANG GONGYE DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF SHENYANG UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY [10054564] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 SHENYANG JIANZHU DAXUE XUEBAO (ZIRAN KEXUE BAN) / JOURNAL OF SHENYANG JIANZHU UNIVERSITY (NATURAL SCIENCE) [10079913] Multidisciplinary: Q1 SHIDI KEXUE / WETLAND SCIENCE [10051494] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 SHILAP-REVISTA DE LEPIDOPTEROLOGÍA [10015763] Insect Science: Q3 Shiprepair and Conversion Technology [10077590] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES [10022825] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Ocean Engineering: Q1 Ship Technology Research [10077589] Ocean Engineering: Q2 SHIRAZ E-MEDICAL JOURNAL [10062579] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SHIYAN LIUTI LIXUE / JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTS IN FLUID MECHANICS [10070647] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 SHIYONG ZHONGLIU ZAZHI / JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL ONCOLOGY [10060377] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 SHIYOU DIQIU WULI KANTAN (ZHUOZHOU - CHINA)- OIL GEOPHYSICAL PROSPECTING [2148641] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Geology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Shiyou Huagong Gaodeng Xuexiao Xuebao/Journal of Petrochemical Universities [10063197] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 SHIYOU HUAGONG / PETROCHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY [10043379] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Fuel Technology: Q3 Shiyou Huagong Shebei/ Petro-Chemical Equipment [10077592] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Fuel Technology: Q3 Shiyou Xuebao/Acta Petrolei Sinica [10042888] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 SHOCK [4073] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q1 Emergency Medicine: D1 SHOCK AND VIBRATION [15038] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 SHOCK WAVES [15039] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 Shomei Gakkai Shi [10079241] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 SHOULEI XUEBAO / ACTA THERIOLOGICA SINICA [10021409] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 SHP News [10077593] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science [10045514] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SHUILI XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING [10045513] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 SHU JU CAI JI YU CHU LI/JOURNAL OF DATA ACQUISITION AND PROCESSING [10052331] Signal Processing: Q3 Software: Q3 SHUXUE XUEBAO / ACTA MATHEMATICA SINICA CHINESE SERIES [10029228] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS [2148440] Analysis: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS [4074] Applied Mathematics: Q2 SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING [4075] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 SIAM JOURNAL ON CONTROL AND OPTIMIZATION [4076] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Control and Optimization: D1 SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS [4077] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 SIAM JOURNAL ON FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS [10029052] Applied Mathematics: D1 Finance: Q1 Numerical Analysis: D1 SIAM JOURNAL ON IMAGING SCIENCES [10015764] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 SIAM JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS [4078] Analysis: Q1 Applied Mathematics: D1 Computational Mathematics: D1 SIAM JOURNAL ON MATRIX ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS [4079] Analysis: Q1 SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS [4080] Numerical Analysis: D1 SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION [1362026] Software: D1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING [4081] Applied Mathematics: D1 Computational Mathematics: D1 SIAM REVIEW [4082] Applied Mathematics: D1 Computational Mathematics: D1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 SIBERIAN ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS [40985] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 SIBERIAN ELECTRONIC MATHEMATICAL REPORTS [10029616] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 SIBERIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [4083] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 SIBIRICA: JOURNAL OF SIBERIAN STUDIES [10024206] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SICHUAN DAXUE XUEBAO GONGCHENG KEXUE BAN / JOURNAL OF SICHUAN UNIVERSITY-ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE EDITION [10006027] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 SIDE EFFECTS OF DRUGS ANNUAL [10036932] Drug Guides: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 SIGHT AND SOUND [10002016] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Siglo Cero [10080959] Psychiatric Mental Health: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 SIGMETRICS PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REVIEW [10029816] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q3 SIGMOD RECORD [10000981] Information Systems: Q1 Software: Q1 Signa [10080503] Communication: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING [10031986] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Signal Processing: Q3 SIGNAL PROCESSING [4086] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 Software: Q1 SIGNAL PROCESSING-IMAGE COMMUNICATION [20466] Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 Software: Q3 SIGNA VITAE [10009707] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Emergency Medicine: Q3 Significance [10040582] Statistics and Probability: Q4 SIGN LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS [10021950] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 SIGN LANGUAGE STUDIES [10021949] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Signos Filosoficos [10080960] Philosophy: Q4 SIGNS [5744] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Gender Studies: Q1 SIGN SYSTEMS STUDIES [2152514] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 SIGURNOST / SAFETY [10061923] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Safety Research: Q4 SIKH FORMATIONS: RELIGION CULTURE THEORY [10033299] Cultural Studies: Q1 Religious Studies: D1 SILENCE : A JOURNAL OF RNA REGULATION [10060196] Biotechnology: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 SILICON [10028462] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 SILVA BALCANICA [10019326] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q3 SILVAE GENETICA [4088] Forestry: Q3 Genetics: Q4 SILVA FENNICA [37418] Ecological Modeling: Q2 Forestry: Q1 SIMIOLUS: NETHERLANDS QUARTERLY FOR THE HISTORY OF ART [10002017] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 SIMULATION & GAMING [5745] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 SIMULATION IN HEALTHCARE [10015766] Education: Q1 Epidemiology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY [10001373] Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Software: Q2 SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR COMPUTER SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL [4089] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Software: Q3 SINAPSE [10062384] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Singapore Dental Journal [10077599] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 SINGAPORE ECONOMIC REVIEW [10012116] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 SINGAPORE JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES [10025338] Law: Q4 SINGAPORE JOURNAL OF TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY [5746] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 SINGAPORE MANAGEMENT REVIEW [10050217] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 SINGAPORE MEDICAL JOURNAL [10015767] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Sinica Leidensia [10079847] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SINN UND FORM [1348876] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 SINTAGMA REVISTA DE LINGŰÍSTICA [10045341] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series [10080038] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 SISTEMI INTELLIGENTI: RIVISTA QUADRIMESTRALE DI SCIENZE COGNITIVE E DI INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE [10030809] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 SIXTEENTH CENTURY JOURNAL [10002019] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 SKANDINAVISTIK: ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SPRACHE LITERATUR UND KULTUR DER NORDISCHEN LANDER [10002020] Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 SKASE JOURNAL OF TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION [10021948] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 SKELETAL MUSCLE [10030910] Cell Biology: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 SKELETAL RADIOLOGY [4090] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 Skin Cancer [10062030] Dermatology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 SKINMED [10014250] Dermatology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SKIN PHARMACOLOGY AND APPLIED SKIN PHYSIOLOGY [20471] Dermatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Physiology: Q3 SKIN PHARMACOLOGY & PHYSIOLOGY [10001375] Dermatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Physiology: Q3 SKIN RESEARCH [2150074] Dermatology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 SKIN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY [10000983] Dermatology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 SKIN THERAPY LETTER [10045254] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 SKY JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS [10017394] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Slavery and Abolition [10078268] History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SLAVIA: CASOPIS PRO SLOVANSKOU FILOLOGII [10014630] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 SLAVIA ORIENTALIS [10017563] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 SLAVIC AND EAST EUROPEAN INFORMATION RESOURCES [10029553] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q3 SLAVIC AND EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL [10002021] Cultural Studies: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 SLAVICA SLOVACA (BRATISLAVA) [2151320] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 SLAVIC REVIEW: INTERDISCIPLINARY QUARTERLY OF RUSSIAN, EURASIAN, AND EAST EUROPEAN STUDIES [10001449] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: D1 SLAVISTICNA REVIJA [2151325] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 SLAVONICA [10019613] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 SLAVONIC AND EAST EUROPEAN REVIEW [10004398] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SLEEP [4093] Neurology (clinical): D1 Physiology (medical): D1 SLEEP AND BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS [10007468] Neurology: Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q3 Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q3 SLEEP AND BREATHING [10009708] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 SLEEP AND HYPNOSIS [10021098] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 SLEEP MEDICINE [10007282] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 SLEEP MEDICINE CLINICS [10046168] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 SLEEP MEDICINE REVIEWS [37425] Neurology: D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Physiology (medical): D1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 SLEEP SCIENCE [10053096] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 SLOVAK RAPTOR JOURNAL [10011051] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 SLOVENIAN VETERINARY RESEARCH [10014459] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 SLOVENSKA REC: CASOPIS PRE VYSKUM A KULTURU SLOVENSKEHO JAZYKA [10021946] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 SLOVO A SLOVESNOST [10025903] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 SLOVO: JOURNAL OF OLD CHURCH SLAVONIC INSTITUTE [10021944] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 SLOVO (UK) [10012554] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SMALL [10007283] Biomaterials: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: D1 SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS [5748] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 SMALL GROUP RESEARCH [5749] Applied Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q1 SMALL GTPASES [10021980] Biochemistry: Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH [4094] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Food Animals: Q2 SMALL-SCALE FORESTRY [10016628] Forestry: Q2 SMALL WARS AND INSURGENCIES [10025931] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Smart and Sustainable Built Environment [10080961] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 Urban Studies: Q3 SMART INNOVATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES [10044884] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES [20475] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Signal Processing: Q1 SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS [10003557] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 SMITH COLLEGE STUDIES IN SOCIAL WORK [10022658] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SMITHSONIAN [10002022] Anthropology: Q4 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q4 SMPTE JOURNAL [4095] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q2 SMPTE MOTION IMAGING JOURNAL [10003558] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q2 SMT Surface Mount Technology Magazine [10077600] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 SOA GAM YEOM / KOREAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASES [10044587] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 SOBORNOST INCORPORATING EASTERN CHURCHES REVIEW [10002023] Religious Studies: Q3 SOCCER AND SOCIETY [10020912] Cultural Studies: D1 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Social Analysis [10052707] Anthropology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Social and Critical Theory [10079848] Philosophy: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC STUDIES [10024895] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Social and Personality Psychology Compass [10039932] Social Psychology: Q1 SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGY [42599] Anthropology: Q1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY [5751] Social Psychology: Q3 Social Care and Neurodisability [10080504] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q3 Community and Home Care: Q3 Health (social science): Q4 Rehabilitation: Q3 SOCIAL CHOICE AND WELFARE [5753] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 SOCIAL COGNITION [5754] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Social Psychology: Q1 SOCIAL COGNITIVE AND AFFECTIVE NEUROSCIENCE [10011878] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 SOCIAL COMPASS [5755] Anthropology: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIAL & CULTURAL GEOGRAPHY [10003559] Cultural Studies: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT [39401] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIAL DYNAMICS-A JOURNAL OF AFRICAN STUDIES [5756] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East and Asia [10079614] Anthropology: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY [10052072] Philosophy: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOCIAL EVOLUTION AND HISTORY [10027312] Anthropology: Q4 History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SOCIAL FORCES [5758] Anthropology: D1 History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY [10016348] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOCIAL HISTORY [10002024] History: D1 SOCIAL HISTORY OF MEDICINE [5759] History: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 SOCIAL IDENTITIES: JOURNAL FOR THE STUDY OF RACE NATION AND CULTURE [10017453] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH [5760] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIAL INFLUENCE [10015337] Social Psychology: Q2 SOCIALISM AND DEMOCRACY [10068301] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIAL ISSUES AND POLICY REVIEW [10033101] Applied Psychology: Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIAL JUSTICE RESEARCH [10015336] Anthropology: Q1 Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOCIAL & LEGAL STUDIES [39406] Law: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIAL MARKETING QUARTERLY [10036946] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Social Medicine [10080962] Health (social science): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Social Movement Studies [10037329] Cultural Studies: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS AND MINING [10053602] Communication: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Media Technology: Q1 SOCIAL NETWORKS [5762] Anthropology: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE [10007284] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Development: D1 Social Psychology: D1 SOCIÁLNÍ STUDIA [10016482] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY & POLICY [5763] Philosophy: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SOCIAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION [10010112] Development: Q1 Public Administration: Q1 Social Work: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIAL POLICY JOURNAL OF NEW ZEALAND [10015335] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q2 SOCIAL POLITICS [39411] Gender Studies: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 SOCIAL PROBLEMS [5765] Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY [5766] Epidemiology: Q2 Health (social science): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 Social Psychology: Q1 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PERSONALITY SCIENCE [10036800] Clinical Psychology: D1 Social Psychology: D1 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY [10009494] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION [10028551] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY QUARTERLY [5767] Social Psychology: Q1 SOCIAL RESEARCH [5768] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY JOURNAL [10028715] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW [15063] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Law: D1 Library and Information Sciences: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 SOCIAL SCIENCE HISTORY [5769] History: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SOCIAL SCIENCE INFORMATION [10017887] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SOCIAL SCIENCE JAPAN JOURNAL [10012118] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOCIAL SCIENCE JOURNAL [5771] Social Psychology: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE [5772] Health (social science): D1 History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 SOCIAL SCIENCE QUARTERLY [5773] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH [5774] Education: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIAL SCIENCES [10029122] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences and Missions [10080963] Cultural Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Social Sciences in Asia [10079849] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SOCIAL SCIENCES IN CHINA [10071204] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SOCIAL SCIENCES (PAKISTAN) [10068141] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Scientific Studies in Reform Era China [10057704] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SOCIAL SECURITY BULLETIN [5775] Public Administration: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 SOCIAL SEMIOTICS [10033102] Communication: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 SOCIAL SERVICE REVIEW [5776] Social Work: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOCIAL STUDIES OF SCIENCE [4097] History: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Social Theory and Health [10023186] Health (social science): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIAL WORK [5778] Social Work: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Social Work and Society [10072369] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SOCIAL WORK EDUCATION [10042113] Education: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Work: Q2 SOCIAL WORK IN HEALTH CARE [5779] Community and Home Care: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Social Work: Q2 SOCIAL WORK IN MENTAL HEALTH [10022649] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Work: Q4 Social Work in Public Health [10023187] Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Social Work: Q3 SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH [5780] Social Work: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Social work & social sciences review [10077605] Health (social science): Q4 Social Work: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIAL WORK -STELLENBOSCH- [10061398] Social Work: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Social Work with Groups [10049734] Education: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Work: Q3 Sociedade e Cultura [10023185] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociedade e Estado [10052684] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIETE DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES DE ROUMANIE. BULLETIN MATHEMATIQUE [10011340] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 SOCIETES [10043015] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Demography: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SOCIETES CONTEMPORAINES [10086652] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOCIETY [5783] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIETY AND ANIMALS [20478] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 SOCIETY AND ECONOMY [1319454] Business and International Management: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial Relations: Q3 Public Administration: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 SOCIETY AND MENTAL HEALTH [10052097] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 SOCIETY FOR SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY SPECIAL PUBLICATION [10046640] Geology: Q2 Stratigraphy: Q3 SOCIETY & NATURAL RESOURCES [5761] Development: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIETY OF REPRODUCTION AND FERTILITY SUPPLEMENT [10027681] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 SOCIJALNA EKOLOGIJA / JOURNAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL THOUGHT AND SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH [10068868] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 SOCIJALNA PSIHIJATRIJA [10013733] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 SOCIOBIOLOGY [4098] Insect Science: Q3 SOCIO-ECONOMIC PLANNING SCIENCES [5784] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 SOCIO-ECONOMIC REVIEW [10007834] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIOLINGUISTIC STUDIES [10022281] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIOLOGIA [39449] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIOLOGIA PROBLEMAS E PRATICAS [10033273] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIOLOGIA RURALIS [5797] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Sociologias [10048332] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociological Focus [10077608] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOCIOLOGICAL FORUM [5789] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIOLOGICAL INQUIRY [5791] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIOLOGICAL METHODOLOGY [39437] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIOLOGICAL METHODS & RESEARCH [5792] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES [5793] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIOLOGICAL QUARTERLY [5794] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH ONLINE [39441] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW [5796] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOCIOLOGICAL SPECTRUM [5799] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOCIOLOGICAL STUDIES OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH [10018843] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY [39446] Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND METHODS [39447] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SOCIOLOGICKY CASOPIS / CZECH SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW [5786] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOCIOLOGIE DU TRAVAIL [5801] Industrial Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOCIOLOGIJA [10012911] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOCIOLOGIJA I PROSTOR [10012119] Education: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 SOCIOLOGISK FORSKNING [5788] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SOCIOLOGUS [10012120] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOCIOLOGY [5802] Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIOLOGY COMPASS [10052962] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology of Crime, Law, and Deviance [10080039] Cultural Studies: Q2 Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION [5787] Education: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 SOCIOLOGY OF HEALTH & ILLNESS [5790] Health Policy: Q1 Health (social science): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION [5795] Religious Studies: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT JOURNAL [5800] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Sports Science: Q1 SOFT COMPUTING [10001376] Geometry and Topology: Q2 Software: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 SOFT MATERIALS [10001377] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 SOFT MATTER [10003560] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Condensed Matter Physics: D1 SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING [10010298] Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Software: Q1 SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE [4100] Software: Q2 SOFTWARE QUALITY JOURNAL [4101] Media Technology: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 Software: Q2 SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY [10000985] Media Technology: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 Software: Q2 SOIL AND WATER RESEARCH [10008863] Aquatic Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY [4102] Microbiology: Q1 Soil Science: D1 SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING [15072] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Soil Science: Q1 SOIL & ENVIRONMENT [10008330] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Soil Science: Q3 SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERING [10015768] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 Soil Science: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 SOIL RESEARCH [10022826] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Soil Science: Q1 SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS [10001378] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: D1 Soils and Rocks [10072272] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 SOIL SCIENCE [4104] Soil Science: Q2 SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION [4105] Plant Science: Q2 Soil Science: Q2 SOIL SCIENCE ANNUAL [10032259] Soil Science: Q4 SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL [4106] Soil Science: Q1 SOIL & SEDIMENT CONTAMINATION [37444] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH [4108] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Soil Science: D1 SOIL USE AND MANAGEMENT [4109] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Pollution: Q1 Soil Science: Q1 Soins Aides - Soignantes [10079406] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 Soins Cadres [10077612] Health Policy: Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 Soins Gerontologie [10075218] Gerontology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SOINS: LA REVUE DE REFERENCE INFIRMIERE [10019793] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 Soins. Pediatrie, puericulture [10077614] Pediatrics: Q4 Soins Psychiatrie [10062766] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q3 Sojourn [10077615] Anthropology: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Sokendai Review of Cultural and Social Studies [10079615] Cultural Studies: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SOLA [10011879] Atmospheric Science: Q2 SOLAR ENERGY [4111] Materials Science (miscellaneous): D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS [1313583] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: D1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: D1 SOLAR PHYSICS [4112] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q2 SOLAR SYSTEM RESEARCH [10000986] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 SOLDAGEM & INSPECAO [10011880] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 SOLDERING & SURFACE MOUNT TECHNOLOGY [31722] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 SOLID EARTH (SE) [10028463] Earth-Surface Processes: Q1 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q2 Geology: Q1 Geophysics: Q1 Paleontology: Q1 Soil Science: Q1 Stratigraphy: Q1 SOLID FUEL CHEMISTRY [10015769] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Fuel Technology: Q3 SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS [4113] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 SOLID-STATE ELECTRONICS [1313592] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 SOLID STATE IONICS [4115] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 SOLID STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE [10148] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Instrumentation: D1 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q2 Radiation: Q1 SOLID STATE PHENOMENA [26047] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 SOLID STATE PHYSICS-ADVANCES IN RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [10149] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 SOLID STATE SCIENCES [26049] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 SOLID STATE TECHNOLOGY [4116] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 SOLVENT EXTRACTION AND ION EXCHANGE [4117] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 SOLVENT EXTRACTION RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT-JAPAN [37460] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 SOMATOSENSORY AND MOTOR RESEARCH [4119] Physiology: Q3 Sensory Systems: Q3 SOMNOLOGIE : SCHLAFFORSCHUNG UND SCHLAFMEDIZIN [10044793] Physiology (medical): Q4 SONGKLANAKARIN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10012667] Multidisciplinary: Q2 Sophia [10074044] Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 SORT-STATISTICS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH TRANSACTIONS [10011881] Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 SOTSIOLOGICHESKIE ISSLEDOVANIYA [5803] Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Soudni Lekarstvi [10077617] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Souls [10023188] Cultural Studies: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOUND AND VIBRATION [20508] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 SOUNDINGS [10002025] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SOURCE CODE FOR BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [10064028] Computer Science Applications: Q2 Health Informatics: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q2 SOURCE: NOTES IN THE HISTORY OF ART [10002026] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 South [10087921] Cultural Studies: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 SOUTH AFRICAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL BULLETIN [10002027] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 SOUTH AFRICAN FAMILY PRACTICE [10036164] Family Practice: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 South African Gastroenterology Review [10044537] Gastroenterology: Q4 Hepatology: Q4 SOUTH AFRICAN GEOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL [10012108] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORICAL JOURNAL [10002028] History: Q1 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL FOR ENOLOGY AND VITICULTURE [10007272] Food Science: Q2 Horticulture: Q1 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH IN SPORT PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND RECREATION [10023181] Education: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF AFRICAN LANGUAGES [10069176] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE [3981] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [3982] Plant Science: Q2 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT [10012109] Business and International Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q4 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY-SUID-AFRIKAANSE TYDSKRIF VIR CHEMIE [10052805] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION [10055143] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES [10009490] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS [5724] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION [10009491] Education: Q2 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY [10007273] Geology: Q2 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING [10011865] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [10025934] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10002029] Philosophy: Q2 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PLANT AND SOIL [10019765] Ecology: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [10011868] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [39358] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [3985] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY [3986] Surgery: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH-SUID-AFRIKAANSE TYDSKRIF VIR NAT [3987] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS [10012110] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY [10057284] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOUTH AFRICAN STATISTICAL JOURNAL / SUID-AFRIKAANSE STATISTIESE TYDSKRIF [3990] Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 SOUTH ASIA ECONOMIC JOURNAL [10021345] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 SOUTH ASIA - JOURNAL OF SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES [10002030] Cultural Studies: Q2 Development: Q3 History: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 South Asian Diaspora [10080271] Anthropology: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOUTH ASIAN HISTORY AND CULTURE [10035374] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases [10087922] Business and International Management: Q4 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 SOUTH ASIAN JOURNAL OF CANCER [10065080] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 South Asian Popular Culture [10079112] Cultural Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES [10033498] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 SOUTH ASIAN SURVEY [10025935] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 SOUTH ASIA RESEARCH [10062411] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOUTH ATLANTIC QUARTERLY [10002031] Cultural Studies: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 South Australian Ornithologist [10080505] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 SOUTH CENTRAL REVIEW [10057191] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 South Dakota medicine : the journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association [10077619] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SOUTH DAKOTA REVIEW [10002032] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 SOUTHEAST ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE [10060262] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES [10032738] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 SOUTH EAST ASIA RESEARCH [10017878] Development: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 SOUTHEASTERN ARCHAEOLOGY [10051242] Archeology: Q2 SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE [10025443] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SOUTHEASTERN GEOGRAPHER [10027637] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Southeastern Geology [10077621] Geology: Q3 SOUTHEASTERN NATURALIST [10001380] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 SOUTHEAST EUROPEAN AND BLACK SEA STUDIES [10014254] History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS [10021344] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 SOUTHERN AFRICAN HUMANITIES [10049230] Anthropology: Q1 Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 SOUTHERN AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA [10012503] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Southern African Journal of Critical Care [10078706] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 SOUTHERN AFRICAN JOURNAL OF HIV MEDICINE [10009705] Infectious Diseases: Q2 SOUTHERN AFRICAN LINGUISTICS AND APPLIED LANGUAGE STUDIES [10012117] Linguistics and Language: Q2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LAW REVIEW [10001078] Law: Q1 SOUTHERN CULTURES [10002034] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL [5805] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 SOUTHERN FORESTS [10011882] Forestry: Q2 SOUTHERN HUMANITIES REVIEW [10002035] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF APPLIED FORESTRY [10001379] Forestry: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 SOUTHERN JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10002036] Philosophy: Q1 SOUTHERN MEDICAL JOURNAL [4120] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 SOUTH EUROPEAN SOCIETY AND POLITICS [10012111] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SOUTHWESTERN ENTOMOLOGIST [4121] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Ecology: Q2 Insect Science: Q2 SOUTHWESTERN HISTORICAL QUARTERLY [10002038] History: Q3 SOUTHWESTERN NATURALIST [10020035] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Soviet and Post Soviet Review [10077623] History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 SOVIET APPLIED MECHANICS [10008376] Computational Mechanics: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 SOVIET ATOMIC ENERGY [4124] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q4 SOVIET PHYSICS JOURNAL [10051126] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 SOVREMENNYE TEHNOLOGII V MEDICINE [10040387] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SOZIALE WELT-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SOZIALWISSENSCHAFTLICHE FORSCHUNG UND PRAXIS [39454] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SOZIAL- UND PRAVENTIVMEDIZIN SPM [4137] Health (social science): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Sp2 [10080272] Drug Discovery: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 space [10038581] Architecture: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 SPACE AND CULTURE [10023189] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 SPACE AND POLITY [10028145] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 SPACE POLICY [5810] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 SPACE RESEARCH JOURNAL [10034533] Space and Planetary Science: Q4 Space Research Today [10079850] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS [4139] Astronomy and Astrophysics: Q1 Space and Planetary Science: Q1 SPACE WEATHER: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [10007285] Atmospheric Science: Q2 SPANISH IN CONTEXT [10015334] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 SPANISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH [10007286] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING-REVISTA ESPANOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDA [10015368] Accounting: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 SPANISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [10007405] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 SPANISH JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE [10055533] Soil Science: Q4 Spanish Review of Financial Economics [10080748] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology [10070468] Epidemiology: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 SPATIAL COGNITION AND COMPUTATION [10010401] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Earth-Surface Processes: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 SPATIAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS [10015333] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 SPATIAL STATISTICS [10045744] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 SPATIUM [10021310] Architecture: Q2 Urban Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 SPECIAL CARE IN DENTISTRY [10043377] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 SPECIALITY PETROCHEMICALS [10048116] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 Special Paper of the Geological Survey of Finland [10061215] Economic Geology: Q3 Geology: Q4 SPECIAL PAPERS - GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA [10007431] Geology: Q2 SPECIAL PAPERS IN PALAEONTOLOGY SERIES [10001381] Paleontology: Q2 Special Publications of IAVCEI [10080274] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Special Report - National Research Council, Transportation Research Board [10077626] Transportation: Q4 SPECIAL TOPICS AND REVIEWS IN POROUS MEDIA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10065017] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Specialty Fabrics Review [10077627] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Specialusis Ugdymas [10080964] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY [4141] Analytical Chemistry: Q2 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART B-ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY [4142] Analytical Chemistry: Q1 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Instrumentation: D1 Spectroscopy: Q1 SPECTROSCOPIC PROPERTIES OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS [10038494] Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS [37476] Instrumentation: Q3 Spectroscopy: Q4 SPECTROSCOPY AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [20524] Spectroscopy: Q3 SPECTROSCOPY EUROPE [10010783] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Spectroscopy: Q4 SPECTROSCOPY LETTERS [4144] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Spectroscopy: Q4 SPECTROSCOPY (SANTA MONICA) [20525] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Spectroscopy: Q4 SPECULUM: A JOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL STUDIES [10002039] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 SPE DRILLING & COMPLETION [15098] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 SPEECH COMMUNICATION [5813] Communication: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Software: Q2 SPE ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT [10080273] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 SPE JOURNAL [10000988] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 SPEKTRUM DER AUGENHEILKUNDE [10011883] Ophthalmology: Q4 Spenser Studies [10078958] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 SPE PRODUCTION & FACILITIES [15100] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q2 SPE PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS [10007287] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Fuel Technology: Q2 SPE Projects, Facilities and Construction [10079616] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 SPE RESERVOIR EVALUATION & ENGINEERING [20519] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Energy (miscellaneous): Q1 Fuel Technology: Q1 Geology: Q2 Spermatogenesis [10067774] Reproductive Medicine: D1 SPIEGEL DER LETTEREN [10002040] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 SPIE Rev. [10063850] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 SPINAL CORD [15107] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 SPINE [4145] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Sports Science: Q1 SPINE JOURNAL [10011884] Neurology (clinical): Q1 Surgery: D1 Spirale [10038921] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Education: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 SPIRITUS: A JOURNAL OF CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY [10030756] History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 SPIXIANA [10007792] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Spore [10077631] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Development: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 SPORT EDUCATION AND SOCIETY [37483] Education: D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 Sport en Geneeskunde [10079851] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 SPORT ETHICS AND PHILOSOPHY [10071921] Philosophy: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 Sport History Review [10078272] History: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 Sport in History [10079113] History: D1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 SPORT IN SOCIETY: CULTURES COMMERCE MEDIA POLITICS [10019447] Cultural Studies: D1 Sports Science: Q2 SPORT MANAGEMENT REVIEW [10048678] Business and International Management: Q1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Marketing: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 SPORTORTHOPÄDIE SPORTTRAUMATOLOGIE DES GESELLSCHAFT FÜR ORTHOPÄDISCH-TRAUMATOLOGISCHE SPORTMEDIZIN [10012513] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 SPORT PSYCHOLOGIST [20530] Applied Psychology: Q2 Sports Science: Q2 SPORTS BIOMECHANICS [10009709] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 Sports, Business and Management [10080749] Business and International Management: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 SPORT SCIENCE [10035708] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH [10037189] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Sports Science: Q4 SPORTS ENGINEERING [2152947] Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sports Science: Q3 SPORTS HEALTH [10044287] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 SPORTS MEDICINE [4146] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: D1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: D1 Sports Science: D1 SPORTS MEDICINE AND ARTHROSCOPY REVIEW [20534] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q1 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q1 Sports Science: Q2 Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy and Technology [10080506] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q1 SPORTS MEDICINE STANDARDS AND MALPRACTICE REPORTER [20535] Law: Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Sports Technology [10064978] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Sportswear International [10079243] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 SPORTVERLETZUNG-SPORTSCHADEN [37488] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Sports Science: Q4 SPRAAK OCH STIL: TIDSKRIFT FOER SVENSK SPRAAKFORSKNING [10021938] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 SPRACHE-STIMME-GEHOR [10011885] Applied Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Speech and Hearing: Q4 SPRACHTYPOLOGIE UND UNIVERSALIENFORSCHUNG: STUF [10021863] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT [10002042] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology [10052926] Biotechnology: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Springer Monographs in Mathematics [10052771] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 SPRINGERPLUS [10027326] Multidisciplinary: Q3 SPRINGER SEMINARS IN IMMUNOPATHOLOGY [4147] Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics [10071645] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 SPRINGER SERIES IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS [10020959] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering [10064042] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 SPRINGER SERIES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE [10023637] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 SPRINGER SERIES IN OPTICAL SCIENCES [10028216] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 SPRINGER SERIES IN OPTIMIZATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS [10046248] Control and Optimization: Q4 Springer Series in Surface Sciences [10042181] Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 SPRINGER TRACTS IN ADVANCED ROBOTICS [10048381] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 SPRINGER TRACTS IN MODERN PHYSICS [20537] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 Sri Lanka Journalof Child Health [10049680] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Sri Lanka journal of social sciences [10079617] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology [10080507] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 SRPSKI ARHIV ZA CELOKUPNO LEKARSTVO [10015770] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Stability [10080965] Law: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Stadsgeschiedenis [10080750] History: Q3 Urban Studies: Q4 STAHLBAU [10011886] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 STAHL UND EISEN [4148] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 STAMFORD JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10070052] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 STAND [10002043] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Standardization News [10077634] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 STANDARDS IN GENOMIC SCIENCES [10013058] Genetics: Q2 STANDORT [10018320] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 STANFORD JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW [5815] Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 STANFORD LAW REVIEW [5816] Law: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 STANOVNISTVO [10060350] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Stapp car crash journal [10077635] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 STAPS [10066528] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 STARCH-STARKE [2106035] Food Science: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q3 Stat [10060758] Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 STATA JOURNAL [10007289] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 State legislatures [10078273] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 STATE POLITICS AND POLICY QUARTERLY [10007406] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS AND DATA MINING [10040407] Analysis: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 STATISTICAL AND SOCIAL INQUIRY SOCIETY OF IRELAND: JOURNAL [10021509] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 STATISTICAL APPLICATIONS IN GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY [10007288] Computational Mathematics: Q2 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q2 STATISTICAL INFERENCE FOR STOCHASTIC PROCESSES [10006370] Statistics and Probability: Q2 STATISTICAL JOURNAL OF THE IAOS [10054014] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Management Information Systems: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 STATISTICAL METHODOLOGY [10011183] Statistics and Probability: Q3 STATISTICAL METHODS AND APPLICATIONS [10011887] Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH [37495] Epidemiology: Q2 Health Information Management: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 STATISTICAL MODELLING [10003581] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 STATISTICAL PAPERS [10178] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 STATISTICAL SCIENCE [10180] Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 STATISTICA NEERLANDICA [26087] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 STATISTICA SINICA [4152] Statistics and Probability: D1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: D1 STATISTICS [15119] Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 STATISTICS AND COMPUTING: SC [10176] Computational Theory and Mathematics: D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: D1 STATISTICS AND ITS INTERFACE [10015772] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q3 STATISTICS AND RISK MODELING [10030748] Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 STATISTICS & DECISIONS [10005747] Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 STATISTICS EDUCATION RESEARCH JOURNAL [10069561] Education: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 STATISTICS IN BIOPHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH [10022828] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q3 STATISTICS IN BIOSCIENCES: JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL CHINESE STATISTICAL ASSOCIATION [10070630] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 STATISTICS IN MEDICINE [4150] Epidemiology: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS [4151] Statistics and Probability: Q2 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 STATISTICS SURVEYS [10038509] Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q1 STATO E MERCATO [41385] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 STATUTE LAW REVIEW [10025413] Law: Q4 STEEL AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES [10001382] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q1 STEEL IN TRANSLATION [4156] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 STEEL RESEARCH [4155] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [10003582] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Steel Times International [10077641] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 STEM CELL [10035658] Biotechnology: Q3 Plant Science: Q4 STEM CELL RESEARCH [10015773] Cell Biology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 STEM CELL RESEARCH JOURNAL [10071087] Developmental Biology: Q4 Developmental Neuroscience: Q4 STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY [10014334] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Cell Biology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 STEM CELL REVIEWS AND REPORTS [10007290] Cancer Research: Q2 Cell Biology: Q2 STEM CELLS [4157] Cell Biology: Q1 Developmental Biology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Molecular Medicine: D1 STEM CELLS AND CLONING: ADVANCES AND APPLICATIONS [10048696] Cell Biology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 STEM CELLS AND DEVELOPMENT [10001383] Cell Biology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q2 Hematology: Q1 STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL [10022422] Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 STEM CELLS TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE [10028465] Cell Biology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 STEM- SPRAAK- EN TAALPATHOLOGIE [10007610] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 Speech and Hearing: Q4 STEREOTACTIC AND FUNCTIONAL NEUROSURGERY [20550] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q1 STEROIDS [4158] Biochemistry: Q2 Clinical Biochemistry: Q2 Endocrinology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 STEWART POSTHARVEST REVIEW [10009200] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Stilt [10067586] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 STOCHASTIC ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS [4159] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT [26098] Environmental Chemistry: Q2 Environmental Engineering: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 STOCHASTIC MODELS [10001384] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS [4161] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: Q1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 STOCHASTICS [10015774] Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 STOCHASTICS AND DYNAMICS [10007291] Modeling and Simulation: Q2 STOMATOLOGIJA: BALTIC DENTAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL JOURNAL [10035678] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 STOMATOLOGIYA [10066087] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 STORIA DELL ARTE [10002044] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Storytelling, Self, Society [10080508] Anthropology: Q3 Archeology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ST PETERSBURG MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [10015771] Algebra and Number Theory: Q4 Analysis: Q4 Applied Mathematics: Q4 S.T.P. Pharma Pratiques [10077523] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 STP PHARMA SCIENCES [15128] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Strabismus [10038572] Ophthalmology: Q2 STRAD [10002045] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 STRAHLENTHERAPIE UND ONKOLOGIE [31780] Oncology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 STRAIN [10003584] Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Strategic Analysis [10066239] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Safety Research: Q2 STRATEGIC COMMENTS [10068251] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 STRATEGIC DIRECTION [10078959] Strategy and Management: Q4 STRATEGIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP JOURNAL [10015332] Business and International Management: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Strategy and Management: D1 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL [5817] Business and International Management: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 STRATEGIC ORGANIZATION [10012121] Business and International Management: D1 Education: D1 Industrial Relations: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT [10077646] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 Strategies and Tactics in Organic Synthesis [10079244] Drug Discovery: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Strategies in Trauma and Limb Reconstruction [10051037] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 STRATEGY AND LEADERSHIP [10024319] Strategy and Management: Q3 STRATIGRAPHY [10010305] Paleontology: Q2 STRATIGRAPHY AND GEOLOGICAL CORRELATION [15129] Geology: Q2 Paleontology: Q2 Stratigraphy: Q2 STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING [20557] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING JOURNAL [26103] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 STRENGTH FRACTURE AND COMPLEXITY [10063117] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS [10007563] Mechanics of Materials: Q3 STRESS AND HEALTH [37513] Applied Psychology: Q2 Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 STRESS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON THE BIOLOGY OF STRESS [10005745] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q2 Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q2 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 STROJARSTVO: JOURNAL FOR THEORY AND APPLICATION IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [4163] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 STROJNISKI VESTNIK-JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [20559] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 STROKE [4164] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: D1 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Neurology (clinical): D1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q1 STROKE RESEARCH AND TREATMENT [10038582] Neurology (clinical): Q2 STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION [1312101] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Control and Optimization: D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Software: D1 STRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC DYNAMICS [10012832] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 STRUCTURAL CHEMISTRY [4166] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 STRUCTURAL CONCRETE [10022829] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 STRUCTURAL CONTROL AND HEALTH MONITORING [10007292] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF TALL AND SPECIAL BUILDINGS [10001385] Architecture: D1 Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER [10073167] Architecture: Q1 Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS [15135] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Structural Engineering/Earthquake Engineering [10054654] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL [10028467] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING-A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL [10001450] Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10007293] Biophysics: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION [4167] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q2 STRUCTURAL SAFETY [4169] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: D1 STRUCTURE [4170] Molecular Biology: D1 Structural Biology: Q1 STRUCTURE AND BONDING [4165] Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 Spectroscopy: Q2 STRUCTURE AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING - MAINTENANCE, MANAGEMENT, LIFE-CYCLE DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE [10007294] Building and Construction: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Ocean Engineering: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 STRUMENTI CRITICI [10010165] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 STUDIA ANGLICA POSNANIENSIA [10017616] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 STUDIA ANTIQUA ET ARCHAEOLOGICA [10058636] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 Classics: Q3 STUDIA CANONICA [2150948] Religious Studies: Q4 STUDIA CELTICA [10063495] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 STUDIA GEOLOGICA POLONICA [40754] Geology: Q4 STUDIA GEOPHYSICA ET GEODAETICA [4172] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geophysics: Q3 Studia Historica, Historia Medieval [10080751] History: Q2 Studia Historica, Historia Moderna [10080752] History: Q4 STUDIA HISTORICA SLOVENICA [10019680] History: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 STUDIA IRANICA [10021932] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Studia Judaeoslavica [10080275] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 STUDIA LEIBNITIANA [10002055] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 STUDIA LINGUISTICA: A JOURNAL OF GENERAL LINGUISTICS [10002056] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Studia Liturgica [10078962] Religious Studies: Q4 STUDIA LOGICA [10006228] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Logic: Q3 STUDIA MATHEMATICA [4173] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Studia Missionalia [10078963] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 STUDIA MONASTICA [10002057] Religious Studies: Q4 STUDIA MUSICOLOGICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MUSICOLOGY OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES [10059858] Music: Q3 STUDIA NEOPHILOLOGICA [10002059] Philosophy: Q4 STUDIA PHAENOMENOLOGICA [10004521] Philosophy: Q3 Studia Pneumologica et Phthiseologica [10046981] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA [5824] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 STUDIA QUATERNARIA [10027454] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geology: Q4 STUDIA ROMANICA POSNANIENSIA [10018322] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 STUDIA ROSENTHALIANA: TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR JOODSE WETENSCHAP EN GESCHIEDENIS IN NEDERLAND [10002061] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 STUDIA SCIENTIARUM MATHEMATICARUM HUNGARICA [31801] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Studia Semitica Neerlandica [10080041] History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 STUDIA SLAVICA ACADEMIAE SCIENTIARUM HUNGARICAE [1404667] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 STUDIA SOCJOLOGICZNE [2150820] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 STUDIA THEOLOGICA [10014499] Religious Studies: Q2 Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology [10080509] Religious Studies: Q3 STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABES-BOLYAI CHEMIA [10009385] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS VASILE GOLDIS ARAD – SERIA STIINTELE VIETII (LIFE SCIENCES SERIES) [10012746] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 STUDIA Z FILOLOGII POLSKIEJ I SLOWIANSKIEJ [10021924] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Studi Danteschi [10078960] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 STUDI EMIGRAZIONE [10077649] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Demography: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters [10079853] History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 STUDI E PROBLEMI DI CRITICA TESTUALE [10002047] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 STUDIES IN AFRICAN LINGUISTICS [10021923] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 STUDIES IN AMERICAN FICTION [10002062] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Studies in American Indian Literatures [10078964] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 STUDIES IN AMERICAN POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT [39463] History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Studies in ancient medicine [10077651] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 STUDIES IN APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS [10008461] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 STUDIES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS [4171] Applied Mathematics: Q2 STUDIES IN AUSTRALASIAN CINEMA [10067347] Communication: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 STUDIES IN CANADIAN LITERATURE - ETUDES EN LITTERATURE CANADIENNE [10002064] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Studies in Central European Histories [10079855] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Studies in Christian Mission [10079856] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Studies in Communication Sciences [10070763] Communication: Q4 STUDIES IN COMPARATIVE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT [5820] Development: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 STUDIES IN COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE [10013921] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 STUDIES IN CONFLICT & TERRORISM [10009496] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Safety Research: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 STUDIES IN CONSERVATION [10001387] Conservation: Q1 Studies in Contemporary Phenomenology [10080042] Philosophy: Q4 STUDIES IN CONTINUING EDUCATION [10015331] Education: Q2 Studies in Critical Social Sciences [10057702] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Studies in Documentary Film [10080966] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 STUDIES IN EAST EUROPEAN THOUGHT [39465] Law: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 STUDIES IN ECONOMICS AND FINANCE [10021847] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Finance: Q4 STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL EVALUATION [1295649] Education: Q2 STUDIES IN EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY CULTURE [10002065] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 STUDIES IN ETHICS, LAW, AND TECHNOLOGY [10031991] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Studies in EU External Relations [10080043] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 STUDIES IN EUROPEAN CINEMA [10069292] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 STUDIES IN FAMILY PLANNING [5821] Demography: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Studies in French Cinema [10078713] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 STUDIES IN FUZZINESS AND SOFT COMPUTING [10043024] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Studies in Gender and Sexuality [10079408] Gender Studies: Q2 Studies in Global Social History [10064665] Cultural Studies: Q3 Demography: Q4 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS [10005088] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Health Informatics: Q3 Health Information Management: Q3 STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION [5822] Education: D1 Studies in History [10070152] History: Q3 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN PHYSICS [31796] History: D1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE PART C: STUDIES IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES [10032530] History: Q1 History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 STUDIES IN ICONOGRAPHY [10078965] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 STUDIES IN INFORMATICS AND CONTROL [1290263] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Studies in Intercultural Human Rights [10080276] Law: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Studies in Interface Science [10042231] Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Studies in International Minority and Group Rights [10080510] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Studies in Interreligious Dialogue [10080753] Religious Studies: Q3 Studies in Jewish History and Culture [10079858] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE [2005274] Communication: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 STUDIES IN LATIN AMERICAN POPULAR CULTURE [10002067] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 STUDIES IN LOGIC GRAMMAR AND RHETORIC [10032392] Philosophy: Q2 Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting [10064071] Accounting: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions [10079859] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Studies in Moral Philosophy [10080754] Philosophy: Q4 STUDIES IN MYCOLOGY [4174] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Plant Science: D1 STUDIES IN NATURAL PRODUCTS CHEMISTRY [10036381] Drug Discovery: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q4 STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS [39469] Analysis: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 STUDIES IN PHILOLOGY [10002068] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Studies in Philo of Alexandria [10080044] Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHY AND EDUCATION [10015330] Education: Q2 Philosophy: Q1 Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, and the Platonic Tradition [10079860] Classics: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 STUDIES IN POLITICAL ECONOMY [10079246] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Studies in Qualitative Methodology [10078480] Education: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Studies in Reformed Theology [10079861] Religious Studies: Q4 STUDIES IN REGIONAL SCIENCE [10018354] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Studies in Religion and the Arts [10080277] Religious Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 STUDIES IN RELIGION - SCIENCES RELIGIEUSES [10002069] Religious Studies: Q2 Studies in Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights [10079618] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 STUDIES IN ROMANTICISM [10002070] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 STUDIES IN RUSSIAN & SOVIET CINEMA [10028704] Communication: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 STUDIES IN SCIENCE EDUCATION [10015329] Education: D1 STUDIES IN SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION [10007407] Education: D1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics [10079862] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 STUDIES IN SLAVIC AND GENERAL LINGUISTICS [10021921] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 STUDIES IN SOCIAL JUSTICE [10068278] Gender Studies: Q2 Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Studies in South Asian Film and Media [10080969] Communication: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Studies in Space Law [10079619] Law: Q4 Studies in Spanish and Latin American Cinemas [10087931] Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 STUDIES IN SURFACE SCIENCE AND CATALYSIS [15144] Catalysis: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 STUDIES IN SYMBOLIC INTERACTION [39471] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Studies in Systematic Theology [10080278] Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 Studies in Territorial and Cultural Diversity Governance [10080970] Law: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Studies in the Age of Chaucer [10078966] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Studies in Theatre and Performance [10078482] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Studies in the History and Society of the Maghrib [10080971] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Studies in the History of Chinese Texts [10080972] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Studies in the History of Christian Traditions [10079863] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF GARDENS & DESIGNED LANDSCAPES [10002073] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 Studies in the History of Political Thought [10080279] History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 STUDIES IN THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS [10074043] History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 STUDIES IN THE LITERARY IMAGINATION [10002074] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 STUDIES IN THE NOVEL [10002075] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Studies in Theology and Religion [10080511] Religious Studies: Q3 STUDIES IN TRAVEL WRITING [10028943] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Studies in World Christianity [10080280] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 Studies of Religion in Africa [10079864] Religious Studies: Q3 STUDIES OF TRANSITION STATES AND SOCIETIES [10016132] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 STUDIES ON ETHNO-MEDICINE [10009497] Anthropology: Q2 Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 STUDIES ON NEOTROPICAL FAUNA AND ENVIRONMENT [4175] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Studies on Russian Economic Development [10063022] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Studies on the Children of Abraham [10080512] History: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 Studies on the Interaction of Art, Thought and Power [10080513] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Studies on the Law of Treaties [10079620] Law: Q4 Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah [10054941] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 STUDI FRANCESI [10002048] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 STUDII SI CERCETARI LINGVISTICE [10017569] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 STUDI MEDIEVALI - SPOLETO [10002049] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 STUDI PIEMONTESI [10002051] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 STUDI ROMANI [10002052] History: Q4 STUDI SECENTESCHI [10002053] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 STUDI STORICI [10002054] History: Q2 Studium (Rotterdam, Netherlands) [10080046] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 STUDYING TEACHER EDUCATION: A JOURNAL OF SELF-STUDY OF TEACHER EDUCATION PRACTICES [10069564] Education: Q2 Study of Time [10080514] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 STYLE (DEKALB) [10002076] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 SUB-CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY [15145] Biochemistry: Q1 Cancer Research: Q2 Cell Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 SUB-STANCE [10002077] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 SUBSTANCE ABUSE [10015328] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment [10042352] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT PREVENTION AND POLICY [40558] Health Policy: Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE [15146] Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 SUBTERRANEAN BIOLOGY [10066476] Soil Science: Q3 SUCHTMEDIZIN IN FORSCHUNG UND PRAXIS [10058546] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 SUCHTTHERAPIE [10011888] Applied Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 SUCHT: ZEITSCHRIFT FŰR WISSENSCHAFT UND PRAXIS [10020119] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Sudebno-Meditsinskaya Ekspertisa [10077659] Anatomy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 SUDHOFFS ARCHIV: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR WISSENSCHAFTSGESCHICHTE [10019215] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SUD-OUEST EUROPEEN [10012123] Demography: Q4 Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 SUGAR INDUSTRY-ZUCKERINDUSTRIE [4513] Food Science: Q4 SUGAR TECH: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUGAR CROPS AND RELATED INDUSTRIES [10033105] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 SUICIDE AND LIFE-THREATENING BEHAVIOR [10001080] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal [10052039] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Sulzer Technical Review [10077661] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 SUMA PSICOLOGICA [10037132] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 SUMARSKI LIST [10015846] Forestry: Q3 SUMMA PHYTOPATHOLOGICA [10052246] Plant Science: Q3 SUNGKYUN JOURNAL OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES [10023516] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SUO [10023309] Ecology: Q3 Geology: Q4 Soil Science: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 SUOMALAINEN LÄÄKÄRISEURA DUODECIM [10058579] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 SUOMEN ANTROPOLOGI [10010128] Anthropology: Q4 SUPERCONDUCTOR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [4178] Ceramics and Composites: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 Supercritical Fluid Science and Technology [10080755] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 SUPERFICIES Y VACIOS [10070492] Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES [4179] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism [10079621] History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 Supplements to The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy [10079865] Philosophy: Q4 Supplements to Vetus Testamentum [10054940] Religious Studies: Q3 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [2147474] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): D1 Strategy and Management: Q1 SUPPORT FOR LEARNING [10074871] Education: Q3 SUPPORTIVE CARE IN CANCER [4180] Oncology: Q2 SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY [10209] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 SUPREME COURT REVIEW [39474] Law: D1 SURFACE AND COATINGS TECHNOLOGY [4181] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS [4182] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 Surface Design Journal [10077666] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 SURFACE ENGINEERING [10000991] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Conservation: D1 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 SURFACE ENGINEERING AND APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY [10015848] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS [15154] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 SURFACE SCIENCE [1313604] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 SURFACE SCIENCE REPORTS [4184] Condensed Matter Physics: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Metals and Alloys: D1 Surfaces and Interfaces: D1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: D1 SURFACE SCIENCE SPECTRA [10005006] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 SURGEON [10001388] Surgery: Q1 SURGERY [4191] Surgery: D1 SURGERY FOR OBESITY AND RELATED DISEASES [10011889] Surgery: D1 SURGERY TODAY [4190] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 SURGERY (UK) [10027874] Surgery: Q4 SURGICAL AND COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY [10059018] Dermatology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 SURGICAL AND RADIOLOGIC ANATOMY [10011891] Anatomy: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Surgery: Q2 SURGICAL CHRONICLES [10022740] Surgery: Q4 SURGICAL CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [4185] Surgery: Q1 SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES [4186] Surgery: D1 SURGICAL INFECTIONS [10017228] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Surgery: Q1 SURGICAL INNOVATION [10009710] Surgery: Q2 SURGICAL LAPAROSCOPY ENDOSCOPY & PERCUTANEOUS TECHNIQUES [26135] Surgery: Q2 SURGICAL NEUROLOGY [4188] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q2 SURGICAL NEUROLOGY INTERNATIONAL [10039917] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 SURGICAL ONCOLOGY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [10009711] Oncology: Q3 Surgery: Q2 SURGICAL ONCOLOGY-OXFORD [10219] Oncology: Q2 Surgery: Q1 SURGICAL PATHOLOGY CLINICS [10037734] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q3 SURGICAL PRACTICE [10011890] Surgery: Q4 Surgical Products [10079623] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q4 Surgery: Q4 SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [10012790] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SUR - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON HUMAN RIGHTS [10025418] Law: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 SURVEILLANCE AND SOCIETY [10029894] Safety Research: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 Surveying and Land Information Science [10057233] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SURVEY METHODOLOGY [10011892] Modeling and Simulation: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 SURVEY OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [4193] Ophthalmology: D1 SURVEY RESEARCH METHODS: JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN SURVEY RESEARCH ASSOCIATION [10033106] Education: Q1 SURVEY REVIEW [10000993] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Computers in Earth Sciences: Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SURVEYS IN GEOPHYSICS [4192] Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 Geophysics: D1 Surveys in Operations Research and Management Science [10041651] Computer Science Applications: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 Information Systems: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 SURVIVAL [10001081] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 SUSTAINABILITY [10015182] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 SUSTAINABILITY ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT AND POLICY JOURNAL [10035187] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE [10011893] Ecology: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Health (social science): Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Sustainability Science and Engineering [10079624] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 SUSTAINABILITY: SCIENCE, PRACTICE & POLICY [10028003] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 SUSTAINABILITY: THE JOURNAL OF RECORD [10035378] Education: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 Sustainable Business [10080047] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY [10037906] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Transportation: Q2 SUSTAINABLE COMPUTING: INFORMATICS AND SYSTEMS [10031931] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [39475] Development: Q1 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH [10042236] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Pollution: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 Sustainable Humanosphere [10079409] Forestry: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 SUT JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [41153] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 SUVREMENA LINGVISTIKA-ZAGREB [2005749] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 SUVREMENA PSIHOLOGIJA [10012124] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Suxing Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Plasticity Engineering [10057642] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 SVENSK BOTANISK TIDSKRIFT [10060149] Plant Science: Q4 Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift [10080756] Religious Studies: Q4 Svetsaren [10079248] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 SWARM AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION [10047936] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 SWARM INTELLIGENCE [10028468] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 SWEDISH DENTAL JOURNAL [4195] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Swedish Dental Journal Supplement [10063403] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SWE Magazine [10074883] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 SWISS ARCHIVES OF NEUROLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY [10022702] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Swiss Bulletin for Applied Geology [10087935] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geology: Q4 SWISS DENTAL JOURNAL SSO [10067857] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 SWISS JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES [10007296] Geology: Q1 SWISS JOURNAL OF PALAEONTOLOGY [10083985] Paleontology: Q1 SWISS JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY [39476] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 SWISS MEDICAL WEEKLY [10000994] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 SWISS POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW: SPSR [10007408] Political Science and International Relations: Q2 SWS-RUNDSCHAU [10009498] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 SYDOWIA [37558] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 SYLVIA [10005379] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 SYLWAN [10011894] Forestry: Q4 SYMBIOSIS [4197] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 SYMBOLAE OSLOENSES: NORWEGIAN JOURNAL OF GREEK AND LATIN STUDIE [10009361] Classics: Q2 SYMBOLIC INTERACTION [5827] Communication: Q2 Education: Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 SYMMETRY [10013326] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 SYMMETRY INTEGRABILITY AND GEOMETRY-METHODS AND APPLICATIONS [10011895] Analysis: Q2 Geometry and Topology: Q2 Mathematical Physics: Q2 SYMPOSIUM - A QUARTERLY JOURNAL IN MODERN FOREIGN LITERATURES [10002079] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 SYNAPSE [4199] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q3 SYNCHROTRON RADIATION NEWS [10043182] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 SYNERGIES ESPAGNE [10031274] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 SYNLETT [4200] Organic Chemistry: Q2 SYNTAX [10009960] Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: D1 SYNTHESE [5829] Philosophy: D1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Synthesiology [10050470] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 SYNTHESIS (ARGENTINA) [10063189] Classics: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Synthesis Lectures on Antennas [10079625] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Instrumentation: Q4 Radiation: Q4 SYNTHESIS LECTURES ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING [10034889] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 SYNTHESIS LECTURES ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING [10040373] Biochemistry: Q4 Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Synthesis Lectures on Communications [10079410] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 Synthesis Lectures on Computational Electromagnetics [10079411] Computational Mathematics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Radiation: Q4 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture [10079626] Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Graphics and Animation [10060615] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science [10079627] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems [10071462] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Synthesis Lectures on Electrical Engineering [10079628] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Synthesis Lectures on Image, Video, and Multimedia Processing [10070471] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 Synthesis Lectures on Mobile and Pervasive Computing [10079630] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q3 Software: Q4 Synthesis Lectures on Network Simulation [10079631] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 Software: Q2 Synthesis Lectures on Power Electronics [10079412] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing [10079413] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 Synthesis Lectures on Speech and Audio Processing [10079414] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Signal Processing: Q2 SYNTHESIS PHILOSOPHICA [41712] Philosophy: Q3 SYNTHESIS-STUTTGART [1010749] Catalysis: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q1 SYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS [4202] Organic Chemistry: Q3 SYNTHETIC METALS [4203] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q2 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q1 SYRIA: ARCHÉOLOGIE, ART ET HISTOIRE [10070419] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 SYSTEM [10012432] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 SYSTEMATIC AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY [10033107] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Insect Science: Q2 SYSTEMATIC AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY [4204] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Microbiology: Q2 SYSTEMATIC BIOLOGY [4205] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Genetics: D1 SYSTEMATIC BOTANY [4206] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Genetics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 SYSTEMATIC ENTOMOLOGY [4208] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Insect Science: D1 SYSTEMATIC PARASITOLOGY [4210] Parasitology: Q3 SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS [10052818] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy [10045631] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 SYSTEMATICS AND BIODIVERSITY [10007297] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 SYSTEM DYNAMICS REVIEW [5830] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 SYSTEMIC PRACTICE AND ACTION RESEARCH [39482] Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 SYSTEMS AND SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY [10046439] Bioengineering: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 SYSTEMS BIOLOGY IN REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE [10011896] Reproductive Medicine: Q2 Urology: Q1 SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS [4207] Computer Science (miscellaneous): D1 Control and Systems Engineering: D1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING [10011897] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q2 SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE [39483] Information Systems and Management: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q3 SYSTEMS RESEARCH FORUM [10049828] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 SYSTEMS SCIENCE [41049] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 SZOCIOLÓGIAI SZEMLE [1061813] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Tabularia [10080281] History: Q3 TAF PREVENTIVE MEDICINE BULLETIN [10030665] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 TAGLICHE PRAXIS: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ALLGEMEINMEDIZIN [10028612] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY AND FOOD SCIENCE [10052936] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Food Science: Q4 TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [31859] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [10015849] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 TAIWAN GONG GONG WEI SHENG ZA ZHI / TAIWAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. [10057422] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 TAIWANIA [10013923] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies [10061345] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q3 Taiwan Journal of Forest Science [10067509] Forestry: Q3 TAIWAN JOURNAL OF LINGUISTICS [10048722] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Taiwan Journal of Ophthalmology [10060864] Ophthalmology: Q4 Taiwan Review [10078715] Multidisciplinary: Q4 TAIWAN WATER CONSERVANCY [10062099] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 TAIYANGNENG XUEBAO/ACTA ENERGIAE SOLARIS SINICA [10037804] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK / JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY [10004496] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 TALENT DEVELOPMENT AND EXCELLENCE [10020969] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Taller de Letras [10080757] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 TAMKANG JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS [10025939] Business and International Management: Q4 Education: Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 TAMKANG JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10019593] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 TAMKANG JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10030023] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Multidisciplinary: Q4 Tamkang Review [10079416] History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences [10065047] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 TANAFFOS [10042067] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 T AND D [10066519] Industrial Relations: Q4 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Tanpakushitsu kakusan koso. Protein, nucleic acid, enzyme [10077680] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Tanz [10080517] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Tanzania Journal of Health Research [10064934] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TAPPI JOURNAL [4228] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Media Technology: Q1 TARGETED ONCOLOGY [10010269] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 TARGET-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSLATION STUDIES [1134074] Communication: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 TARGETS [10019602] Drug Discovery: D1 Pharmacology: D1 Targets in Heterocyclic Systems [10086096] Analytical Chemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q3 Tar heel nurse [10077681] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TARIM BILIMLERI DERGISI-JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES [10015850] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 TÁRSADALOMKUTATÁS [39903] Development: Q3 Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Tasforests [10080282] Forestry: Q3 TATRA MOUNTAINS MATHEMATICAL PUBLICATIONS [2151608] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Taurus [10067182] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 TAXON [4229] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 Tax Policy and the Economy [10068199] Economics and Econometrics: D1 Finance: D1 TDR/THE DRAMA REVIEW (1988-) [10078969] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 Teacher Development [10077683] Education: Q3 TEACHER EDUCATOR [10068147] Education: Q3 TEACHERS AND TEACHING [10023190] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Education: Q1 TEACHERS COLLEGE RECORD [5834] Education: D1 TEACHING AND LEARNING IN MEDICINE [20636] Education: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Teaching and Learning in Nursing [10079632] Fundamentals and Skills: Q2 Leadership and Management: Q2 Research and Theory: Q2 TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION [5838] Education: D1 Teaching Artist Journal [10080518] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Education: Q4 TEACHING EDUCATION [10069569] Education: Q3 TEACHING GEOGRAPHY [10069570] Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q4 TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION [10007409] Education: Q1 Teaching Mathematics and its Applications [10067373] Education: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 TEACHING OF PSYCHOLOGY [5836] Education: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Teaching Philosophy [10063196] Education: Q4 Philosophy: Q2 TEACHING PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION [10031200] Education: Q4 Public Administration: Q4 TEACHING SOCIOLOGY [5837] Education: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 TEACHING STATISTICS [10017456] Education: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Teaching Theology and Religion [10080283] Education: Q4 Religious Studies: Q2 TEAM PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10044781] Management Information Systems: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 TECHNE: RESEARCH IN PHILOSOPHY AND TECHNOLOGY [42256] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION [39489] Communication: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY [10048516] Communication: Q2 Education: Q2 TECHNICAL PHYSICS [15204] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 TECHNICAL PHYSICS LETTERS [15203] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Technical Report - University of Texas at Austin, Center for Research in Water Resources [10078276] Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 Technical Services Quarterly [10077693] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Technical Textiles International [10077695] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 TECHNICS TECHNOLOGIES EDUCATION MANAGEMENT [10015852] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Techniques and Instrumentation in Analytical Chemistry [10037788] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 TECHNIQUES IN COLOPROCTOLOGY [10015851] Gastroenterology: Q2 Surgery: Q2 TECHNIQUES IN FOOT AND ANKLE SURGERY [10059539] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q2 TECHNIQUES IN GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY [10037732] Gastroenterology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 TECHNIQUES IN HAND AND UPPER EXTREMITY SURGERY [10063613] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 TECHNIQUES IN KNEE SURGERY [10012512] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Techniques in Ophthalmology [10053392] Ophthalmology: Q4 TECHNIQUES IN ORTHOPAEDICS [10042367] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management [10057276] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 techniques in shoulder and elbow surgery [10068867] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 TECHNIQUES IN VASCULAR AND INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY [10040337] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 TECHNIQUES SCIENCES MÉTHODES [10014018] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 TECHNISCHE MECHANIK (MAGDEBURG) [10009391] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 TECHNISCHE TEXTILIEN [10077698] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 TECHNISCHE UBERWACHUNG [10078718] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Technoetic Arts [10065867] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 TECHNOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY [10028552] Finance: Q1 TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE [5840] Applied Psychology: Q1 Business and International Management: Q1 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q1 TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT [20640] Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE [5839] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 History: Q1 TECHNOLOGY AND DISABILITY [10018572] Health Informatics: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q2 TECHNOLOGY AND HEALTH CARE [10028469] Bioengineering: Q3 Biomaterials: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Biophysics: Q4 Health Informatics: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TECHNOLOGY IN CANCER RESEARCH & TREATMENT [10003598] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q2 TECHNOLOGY IN SOCIETY [5841] Business and International Management: Q2 Education: Q3 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 TECHNOLOGY KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING [10050334] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Education: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Human-Computer Interaction: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Theoretical Computer Science: Q4 TECHNOLOGY PEDAGOGY AND EDUCATION [10023191] Communication: Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q2 Education: Q1 Information Systems: Q1 Technology Reports of Kansai University [10077699] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 TECHNOLOGY REVIEW [4231] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 TECHNOMETRICS [4232] Applied Mathematics: Q1 Modeling and Simulation: D1 Statistics and Probability: Q1 TECHNOVATION [4233] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Management of Technology and Innovation: D1 TECHTRENDS [10050567] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Education: Q3 TeCLa [10080519] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 TECNICA PECUARIA EN MEXICO [10011900] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 Tecnologia del Agua [10037857] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 TECNOLOGIA Y CIENCIAS DEL AGUA [10015853] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 TECTONICS [4234] Geochemistry and Petrology: D1 Geophysics: D1 TECTONOPHYSICS [4235] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Geophysics: Q1 TEHNICKI VJESNIK-TECHNICAL GAZETTE [10010959] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 TEHRAN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL JOURNAL [10050780] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Teikyo Medical Journal [10052205] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TEKNIK DERGI [10011901] Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 TEKSTIL [20647] Business and International Management: Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 TEKSTILEC: GLASILO SLOVENSKIH TEKSTILCEV [10060847] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 Tekstil i Obleklo [10077705] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 TEKSTIL VE KONFEKSIYON [10011902] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 TEKSTIL VE MÜHENDIS / JOURNAL OF TEXTILES AND ENGINEER [10047985] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Teksty Drugie [10080049] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Tel Aviv [10080758] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 TELECOMMUNICATION JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA [10025525] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND RADIO ENGINEERING [4236] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY [4238] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS [15211] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS [10027376] Communication: Q2 Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Law: Q2 TELEMEDICINE JOURNAL AND E-HEALTH [31878] Health Informatics: Q2 Health Information Management: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 TELEVISION & NEW MEDIA [10015326] Cultural Studies: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 TELKOMNIKA [10050614] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 TELLUS SERIES A-DYNAMIC METEOROLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY [4239] Atmospheric Science: Q1 Oceanography: D1 TELLUS SERIES B-CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY [4240] Atmospheric Science: Q1 TELMA [10030532] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 TELOPEA: A PLANT SYSTEMATICS JOURNAL [10015854] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 TELOS [10015325] Cultural Studies: Q2 Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Temas Americanistas [10080973] History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Temas medievales [10072458] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 TEMPLE LAW REVIEW [10025529] Law: Q3 TEMPO [10002088] Music: Q3 Tempo (Brazil) [10078277] History: Q4 Tempo e Argumento [10080284] History: Q4 Tempo Psicanalitico [10023192] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 TEMPO SOCIAL [10012125] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Temps des Medias [10063194] Communication: Q4 History: Q3 TEMPS MODERNES, LES (PARIS) [10002089] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Tennessee medicine : journal of the Tennessee Medical Association [10077712] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Tennessee nurse / Tennessee Nurses Association [10077713] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TENSIDE SURFACTANTS DETERGENTS [15214] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Teologia y Vida [10079871] Religious Studies: Q4 TEOLOGINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA [10016770] Religious Studies: Q2 TEOREMA: REVISTA INTERNACIONAL DE FILOSOFIA [10019491] Philosophy: Q3 TEORIA DE LA EDUCACION [10012126] Education: Q3 TEORIA: RIVISTA DI FILOSOFIA FONDATA DA VITTORIO SAINATI [10050408] Philosophy: Q4 TEORIA Y REALIDAD CONSTITUCIONAL [10032870] Law: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 TEORIJA IN PRAKSA [10018170] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury [10080974] Education: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 TEORIYA SLUCHAINYKH PROTSESSOV [2151817] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 TERAPEVTICHESKII ARKHIV [4242] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TERAPIA PSICOLOGICA [10028553] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 TERATOGENESIS CARCINOGENESIS AND MUTAGENESIS [4243] Developmental Biology: Q4 Embryology: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Toxicology: Q3 TERATOLOGY [4244] Developmental Biology: Q2 Embryology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: D1 TERMINOLOGY [10012127] Communication: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 TERRA: MAANTIETEELLINEN AIKAKAUSKIRJA [10033422] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 TERRA NOVA [4245] Geology: Q1 TERRA SEBUS. ACTA MUSEI SABESIENSIS [10033117] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Conservation: Q1 History: Q2 Museology: Q2 TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES [31885] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Oceanography: Q2 Terrestrial Ecology [10079872] Ecology: Q4 Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 TERRITOIRE EN MOUVEMENT [10035264] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 TERRITORIO [10028136] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 TERRORISM AND POLITICAL VIOLENCE [10001451] Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Safety Research: D1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 TERTIARY EDUCATION AND MANAGEMENT [10018029] Education: Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 TESOL QUARTERLY [5843] Education: Q1 Language and Linguistics: D1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 TEST [26203] Statistics and Probability: Q1 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q2 Test Engineering and Management [10077717] Instrumentation: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Tethys [10080975] Atmospheric Science: Q4 TETRAHEDRON [4246] Biochemistry: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q1 TETRAHEDRON-ASYMMETRY [1010761] Catalysis: Q3 Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 Organic Chemistry: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 TETRAHEDRON LETTERS [4247] Biochemistry: Q2 Drug Discovery: Q2 Organic Chemistry: Q2 TETSU TO HAGANE-JOURNAL OF THE IRON AND STEEL INSTITUTE OF JAPAN [4249] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Texas dental journal [10077719] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TEXAS HEART INSTITUTE JOURNAL [4250] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TEXAS JOURNAL OF SCIENCE [4251] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 TEXAS LAW REVIEW [5844] Law: D1 TEXAS MEDICINE [10005527] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Texas nursing [10077720] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Texas Transportation Researcher [10078722] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 TEXT AND PERFORMANCE QUARTERLY [10032237] Communication: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 TEXT AND TALK [10007410] Communication: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Philosophy: Q1 Textile Asia [10077721] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 TEXTILEFORUM [GERMAN EDITION] [10013039] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 TEXTILE HISTORY [10077723] Business and International Management: Q3 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Textile Horizons [10077724] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Textile Magazine [10078723] Business and International Management: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Textile Month [10077728] Business and International Management: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Textile Network [10079119] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Textile Outlook International [10077730] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Textile Progress [10038417] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Textile Rental [10079418] Polymers and Plastics: Q4 TEXTILE RESEARCH JOURNAL [4253] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Polymers and Plastics: Q1 Textiles Eastern Europe [10077735] Business and International Management: Q4 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Textiles Panamericanos [10077737] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Textiles South East Asia [10079420] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 TEXTILE: THE JOURNAL OF CLOTH AND CULTURE [10030177] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Textile Trends [10063673] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 Textile View2 Magazine [10079635] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q4 Textile View Magazine [10079419] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q4 Textile World [10077734] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Textil-Revue [10079634] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 TextilWirtschaft [10079250] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 TEXT & KRITIK [10002091] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 TEXTO AND CONTEXTO ENFERMAGEM [10023217] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 Texts and Editions for New Testament Study [10079874] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 Texts and Studies on the Qur'an [10079875] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 TEXTUAL PRACTICE [10002093] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 TEZHONG ZHUAZAO JI YOUSE HEJIN / SPECIAL CASTING & NONFERROUS ALLOYS [10065916] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q4 Thai Journal of Agricultural Science [10058057] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 THAI JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10028940] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences [10052999] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q4 THAI JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE [10011903] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 THAISZIA: JOURNAL OF BOTANY (KOSICE) [2149040] Plant Science: Q4 THALASSAS [10015855] Aquatic Science: Q3 Oceanography: Q2 The ABNF journal : official journal of the Association of Black Nursing Faculty in Higher Education, Inc [10077739] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 The Alabama nurse [10078724] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Alpha omegan [10077741] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 The American nurse [10077742] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGIST [10019916] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 THE AMERICAS: A QUARTERLY REVIEW OF LATIN AMERICAN HISTORY [10000063] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. Supplement [10077743] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 THEATER [10002095] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 THEATER HEUTE [10002096] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 Theatre, Dance and Performance Training [10080523] Education: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 THEATRE HISTORY STUDIES [10002097] Cultural Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 THEATRE JOURNAL [10002098] Literature and Literary Theory: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 THEATRE NOTEBOOK [10002099] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 THEATRE RESEARCH IN CANADA-RECHERCHES THEATRALES AU CANADA [10002100] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 THEATRE RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL [10002101] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 THEATRE SURVEY [10002103] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 THE BIOCHEMIST [1035697] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 THE BULLETIN OF TOKYO DENTAL COLLEGE [10020224] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 The Canadian journal of critical care nursing [10077750] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 The Canadian journal of infection control [10077751] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Canadian nurse [10077752] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 THE CHINESE ECONOMY: TRANSLATION AND STUDIES [10025492] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 The Clinical Supervisor [10079421] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 THE CURRICULUM JOURNAL [10007993] Education: Q2 The Eastern Anthropologist [10080760] Anthropology: Q4 THE ECONOMISTS' VOICE [10020589] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 THE EGYPTIAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH [10044719] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science [10043554] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries [10066102] E-learning: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 THE ENTREPRENEURIAL EXECUTIVE [10019546] Business and International Management: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 THE EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW [10009416] Accounting: Q2 THE FAMILY JOURNAL: COUNSELING AND THERAPY FOR COUPLES AND FAMILIES [10081896] Social Psychology: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 The Florida nurse [10077758] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE FUTURIST: A JOURNAL OF FORECASTS, TRENDS, AND IDEAS ABOUT THE FUTURE [4945] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 The gulf journal of oncology [10079877] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Harvard mental health letter / from Harvard Medical School [10077761] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Indian journal of chest diseases & allied sciences [10077766] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 THE INNOVATION JOURNAL [10030396] Public Administration: Q3 The International journal of orofacial myology : official publication of the International Association of Orofacial Myology [10077769] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE JAPANESE JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [10073662] Urology: Q4 The Johns Hopkins medical letter health after 50 [10077772] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE JOURNAL OF ADULT PROTECTION [10061938] Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies [10078974] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 THE JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENT & DEVELOPMENT: A REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL POLICY [10021433] Development: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 The journal of ethics [10077776] Philosophy: Q1 THE JOURNAL OF HIGH TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT RESEARCH [1290262] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 THE JOURNAL OF K-THEORY [10009640] Algebra and Number Theory: Q1 Geometry and Topology: Q1 The Journal of Nietzsche Studies [10060392] Philosophy: Q3 The journal of pastoral care & counseling : JPCC [10077781] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE JOURNAL OF PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT EDUCATION [10049465] Education: Q3 Medical Assisting and Transcription: D1 The Journal of Practical Nursing [10060929] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE JOURNAL OF SERVICES MARKETING [10017272] Marketing: Q1 The Journal of the American College of Dentists [10077782] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society [10077783] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE JOURNAL OF THE CHAMBER OF MINING ENGINEERS OF TURKEY [10059398] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [10066883] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Journal of the Michigan Dental Association [10077787] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Journal of the South Carolina Medical Association [10077789] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Journal of the Tennessee Dental Association [10077790] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Journal of the Western Society of Periodontology/Periodontal abstracts [10077791] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE LEADING EDGE [10010333] Geology: Q1 Geophysics: Q2 THE MEDIEVAL HISTORY JOURNAL [10028833] History: Q2 Themes in Biblical Narrative [10080050] Religious Studies: Q4 The Michigan nurse [10077799] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Military Balance [10080761] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 THE MINERALOGICAL RECORD [10013467] Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 THE NEW BIOETHICS [10073543] Genetics (clinical): Q4 Health Policy: Q4 Reproductive Medicine: Q4 THE NEW EDUCATIONAL REVIEW [10005153] Education: Q3 The Nigerian postgraduate medical journal [10078485] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 The Nursing journal of India [10077806] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Oklahoma nurse [10077807] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THEOLOGICAL STUDIES [10002104] Religious Studies: D1 Theologische Beitrage [10080762] Religious Studies: Q4 THEOLOGISCHE LITERATURZEITUNG: MONATSSCHRIFT FUR DAS GESAMTE GEBIET DER THEOLOGIE UND RELIGIONSWISSENSCHAFT [10007918] Religious Studies: Q3 Theologische Quartalschrift [10080763] Religious Studies: Q2 THEOLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU [10078976] Religious Studies: Q3 Theology [10077828] Religious Studies: Q4 THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE [10055214] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Multidisciplinary: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 THEOLOGY TODAY [10002105] Religious Studies: Q4 THE OPEN AIDS JOURNAL [10041106] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Virology: Q3 THE OPEN ALLERGY JOURNAL [10041107] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 THE OPEN ANESTHESIOLOGY JOURNAL [10041109] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 THE OPEN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE JOURNAL [10041111] Atmospheric Science: Q3 The Open Autoimmunity Journal [10057567] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q4 THE OPEN AUTOMATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS JOURNAL [10041112] Control and Systems Engineering: Q4 THE OPEN BIOCHEMISTRY JOURNAL [10041114] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 THE OPEN BIOINFORMATICS JOURNAL [10041115] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Health Informatics: Q3 THE OPEN BIOLOGY JOURNAL [10071234] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 THE OPEN BIOMARKERS JOURNAL [10041116] Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE OPEN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10041117] Bioengineering: Q4 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 THE OPEN BONE JOURNAL [10041120] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 THE OPEN BREAST CANCER JOURNAL [10041121] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 THE OPEN CANCER JOURNAL [10041122] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q3 THE OPEN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10041126] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 THE OPEN CIVIL ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10041127] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 THE OPEN CLINICAL CHEMISTRY JOURNAL [10041128] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 THE OPEN COLORECTAL CANCER JOURNAL [10041129] Gastroenterology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 THE OPEN COMMUNICATION JOURNAL [10041130] Communication: Q4 THE OPEN DENTISTRY JOURNAL [10041134] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q3 THE OPEN DERMATOLOGY JOURNAL [10041135] Dermatology: Q3 THE OPEN DIABETES JOURNAL [10041136] Endocrinology: Q4 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 THE OPEN DRUG SAFETY JOURNAL [10016965] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 THE OPEN ECOLOGY JOURNAL [10041137] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 THE OPEN ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10041138] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 THE OPEN EPIDEMIOLOGY JOURNAL [10041143] Epidemiology: Q4 THE OPEN FUELS & ENERGY SCIENCE JOURNAL [10041149] Energy (miscellaneous): Q2 The Open Gene Therapy Journa [10062777] Genetics: Q4 Genetics (clinical): Q4 THE OPEN GEOGRAPHY JOURNAL [10041150] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 THE OPEN HYPERTENSION JOURNAL [10041153] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 THE OPEN IMMUNOLOGY JOURNAL [10041154] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 THE OPEN INFECTIOUS DISEASES JOURNAL [10041155] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Microbiology: Q4 Parasitology: Q3 THE OPEN MATERIALS SCIENCE JOURNAL [10041157] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 THE OPEN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10041159] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 THE OPEN MEDICAL IMAGING JOURNAL [10041160] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 THE OPEN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY JOURNAL [10007639] Drug Discovery: Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmaceutical Science: D1 Pharmacology: Q1 THE OPEN NATURAL PRODUCTS JOURNAL [10041166] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Drug Discovery: Q4 THE OPEN NEUROLOGY JOURNAL [10041168] Neurology: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 THE OPEN NEUROSCIENCE JOURNAL [10041169] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 THE OPEN NEUROSURGERY JOURNAL [10041170] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Surgery: Q4 THE OPEN NUCLEAR MEDICINE JOURNAL [10041171] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 THE OPEN NURSING JOURNAL [10041172] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 THE OPEN NUTRACEUTICALS JOURNAL [10041173] Food Science: Q2 THE OPEN OBESITY JOURNAL [10041175] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 THE OPEN OPHTHALMOLOGY JOURNAL [10041178] Ophthalmology: Q2 THE OPEN PETROLEUM ENGINEERING JOURNAL [10041186] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 THE OPEN PROSTATE CANCER JOURNAL [10041190] Oncology: Q3 Urology: Q3 THE OPEN PUBLIC HEALTH JOURNAL [10041193] Community and Home Care: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 THE OPEN RESPIRATORY MEDICINE JOURNAL [10041197] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 THE OPEN RHEUMATOLOGY JOURNAL [10041198] Rheumatology: Q2 THE OPEN SPORTS SCIENCES JOURNAL [10041201] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 The Open Stem Cell Journal [10057887] Biochemistry: Q4 Cell Biology: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 The Open Structural Biology Journal [10049189] Biochemistry: Q4 Organic Chemistry: Q4 Structural Biology: Q4 THE OPEN TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE JOURNAL [10007771] Developmental Biology: Q3 Developmental Neuroscience: Q4 THE OPEN TRANSPLANTATION JOURNAL [10041205] Transplantation: Q4 THE OPEN TRANSPORTATION JOURNAL [10041206] Modeling and Simulation: Q4 Transportation: Q4 THE OPEN TROPICAL MEDICINE JOURNAL [10041207] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Microbiology: Q4 Parasitology: Q4 The Oregon nurse [10077809] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY [10032023] Atmospheric Science: Q2 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED FRACTURE MECHANICS [4257] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS [4258] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Biotechnology: Q1 Genetics: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan [10060537] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS LETTERS [10024956] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Computational Mechanics: Q4 Environmental Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 THEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS [15235] Computational Mechanics: Q1 Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: D1 THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL RESEARCHES IN URBAN MANAGEMENT [10022576] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY [10015856] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [4261] Mathematical Physics: Q3 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics: Q3 THEORETICAL AND MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS [10042530] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Mathematical Physics: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 THEORETICAL BIOLOGY FORUM [3958] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THEORETICAL BIOLOGY & MEDICAL MODELLING [10010510] Health Informatics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS [15233] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE [4260] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 THEORETICAL CRIMINOLOGY [10001082] Law: D1 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 THEORETICAL ECOLOGY [10011904] Ecological Modeling: Q1 Ecology: Q1 THEORETICAL ECONOMICS [10021199] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): D1 THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING [15237] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 THEORETICAL INQUIRIES IN LAW [10025886] Law: Q2 THEORETICAL ISSUES IN ERGONOMICS SCIENCE [10071301] Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q1 THEORETICAL LINGUISTICS [10002106] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 THEORETICAL MEDICINE AND BIOETHICS [39497] Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 THEORETICAL POPULATION BIOLOGY [4262] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 THEORIA-A SWEDISH JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY [10059210] Philosophy: Q2 THEORIA: REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA, TEORIA, HISTORIA Y FUNDAMENTOS DE LA CIENCIA [10020705] History and Philosophy of Science: Q3 Philosophy: Q2 THEORY AND APPLICATIONS OF CATEGORIES [10019357] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 THEORY AND DECISION: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR MULTIDISCIPLINARY ADVANCES IN DECISION SCIENCE [5846] Applied Psychology: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Computer Science Applications: Q1 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 THEORY AND PRACTICE IN LANGUAGE STUDIES [10033298] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LEGISLATION [10049926] Law: Q2 THEORY AND PRACTICE OF LOGIC PROGRAMMING [10001389] Artificial Intelligence: Q2 Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Software: Q1 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 THEORY AND RESEARCH IN EDUCATION [10026856] Education: Q3 THEORY AND RESEARCH IN SOCIAL EDUCATION [10069577] Education: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 THEORY AND SOCIETY [5849] History: D1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 THEORY CULTURE AND SOCIETY [5845] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 THEORY IN BIOSCIENCES [15232] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Theory in biosciences = Theorie in den Biowissenschaften [10087943] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 THEORY INTO PRACTICE [39498] Education: Q2 THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS [20675] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q2 Theoretical Computer Science: Q2 THEORY OF PROBABILITY AND ITS APPLICATIONS [2008564] Statistics and Probability: Q3 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q3 THEORY OF PROBABILITY AND MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS [10006369] Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 THEORY & PSYCHOLOGY [5848] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 The Penn dental journal [10077810] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE PENNSYLVANIA GEOGRAPHER [10011186] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 The Pennsylvania nurse [10077811] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Permanente Journal [10071928] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha [10077812] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE PHYSIOLOGIST [10011182] Physiology: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 The practising midwife [10071687] Maternity and Midwifery: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 The Prairie rose [10077813] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE QUALITATIVE REPORT [10022619] Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 The Queensland nurse [10077818] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THERANOSTICS [10023055] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): D1 Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease [10037959] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN CHRONIC DISEASE [10038678] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN DRUG SAFETY [10016967] Pharmacology (medical): Q2 THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN GASTROENTEROLOGY [10036399] Gastroenterology: Q1 THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN MEDICAL ONCOLOGY [10044613] Oncology: Q1 THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN MUSCULOSKELETAL DISEASE [10036437] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q2 THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN NEUROLOGICAL DISORDERS [10030174] Neurology: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES IN RESPIRATORY DISEASE [10037054] Pharmacology (medical): Q1 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q1 Therapeutic Advances in Urology [10050042] Urology: Q1 THERAPEUTIC ADVENCES IN ENDOCRYNOLOGY AND METABOLISM [10042896] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q3 THERAPEUTIC APHERESIS AND DIALYSIS [10001390] Hematology: Q2 Nephrology: Q2 THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES [10022661] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Health Professions (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 THERAPEUTIC DELIVERY [10022416] Pharmaceutical Science: Q1 THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING [4265] Pharmacology: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 THERAPEUTIC INNOVATION & REGULATORY SCIENCE [10033108] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH [10036165] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THERAPEUTICS AND CLINICAL RISK MANAGEMENT [10032474] Chemical Health and Safety: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q1 Safety Research: Q1 THERAPEUTICS PHARMACOLOGY AND CLINICAL TOXICOLOGY [10035840] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 THERAPEUTISCHE UMSCHAU [10002107] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THERAPIE [4266] Pharmacology (medical): Q3 THERAPIE FAMILIALE [10015324] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 THERAPY [10020028] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 The Reference Librarian [10072774] Library and Information Sciences: Q1 Theriaca [10077833] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THERIOGENOLOGY [4267] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Equine: Q1 Food Animals: D1 Small Animals: D1 Thermal analysis in the geosciences [10041860] Computers in Earth Sciences: Q3 Earth-Surface Processes: Q3 THERMAL ENGINEERING: ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF TEPLOENERGETIKA [10042235] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 THERMAL SCIENCE [10011905] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 THERMOCHIMICA ACTA [4268] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q2 THERMOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [10036188] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 THERMOPHYSICS AND AEROMECHANICS [10015857] Nuclear and High Energy Physics: Q3 Radiation: Q3 THESIS ELEVEN [42895] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 The Sixties [10080522] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 The South African journal of communication disorders. Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir Kommunikasieafwykings [10077822] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 The South Carolina nurse / South Carolina Nurses' Association [10077823] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 THE SOUTHEAST ASIAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH [10005596] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 The Southern Communication Journal [10077824] Communication: Q2 THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT [10002114] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE KOREAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS [10031987] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 The Urban Review [10077826] Urban Studies: Q2 THE YALE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [4453] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 THINKING & REASONING [10003606] Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q3 Philosophy: D1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 THINKING SKILLS AND CREATIVITY [10015323] Education: Q1 THIN SOLID FILMS [1313615] Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES [4270] Building and Construction: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Mechanical Engineering: D1 Thirdspace [10080285] Gender Studies: Q3 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 THIRD TEXT [42590] Cultural Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY [39502] Development: Q1 THOMAS WOLFE REVIEW [10002108] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 THOMIST [10002109] Philosophy: Q2 Religious Studies: Q2 THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGEON [4271] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon, Supplement [10073653] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 THORACIC CANCER [10023056] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Oncology: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 THORACIC SURGERY CLINICS [10017806] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 THORAX [4272] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: D1 Thought [10087944] Philosophy: Q2 THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS [4273] Hematology: D1 THROMBOSIS JOURNAL [10019122] Hematology: Q2 THROMBOSIS RESEARCH [4274] Hematology: Q2 THUNDERBIRD INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEW [10005992] Business and International Management: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q2 THYROID [4276] Endocrinology: Q1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Thyroid Research [10055142] Endocrine and Autonomic Systems: Q3 Endocrinology: Q3 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 ThyssenKrupp techforum [10079121] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 TIANJIN DAXUE XUEBAO (ZIRAN KEXUE YU GONGCHENG JISHU BAN)/JOURNAL OF TIANJIN UNIVERSITY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10039578] Multidisciplinary: Q1 TIANJIN GONGYE DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF TIANJIN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY [10041955] Polymers and Plastics: Q4 TICKS AND TICK-BORNE DISEASES [10019893] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Insect Science: Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Parasitology: Q2 TIDEE (Teri Information Digest on Energy and Environment) [10078977] Energy (miscellaneous): Q4 TIDSSKRIFTET ANTROPOLOGI [10025039] Anthropology: Q4 Tidsskriftet FoU i Praksis [10080765] Education: Q4 TIDSSKRIFT FOR DEN NORSKE LEGEFORENING [10030738] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TIDSSKRIFT FOR SAMFUNNSFORSKNING [5851] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Tidsskrift for Teologi og Kirke [10080764] Religious Studies: Q3 TIEDAO XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF THE CHINA RAILWAY SOCIETY [10056562] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 TIEN TZU HSUEH PAO/ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA [10039071] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 TIERAERZTLICHE UMSCHAU [4277] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 TIERARZTLICHE PRAXIS AUSGABE GROSSTIERE NUTZTIERE [37650] Food Animals: Q4 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 TIERARZTLICHE PRAXIS AUSGABE KLEINTIERE HEIMTIERE [26238] Small Animals: Q3 TIJDSCHRIFT VAN DE KONINKLIJKE VERENIGING VOOR NEDERLANDSE MUZIEKGESCHIEDENIS [10002110] Music: Q4 Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde [10064752] Health Information Management: Q4 Health Policy: Q3 Health (social science): Q4 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR COMMUNICATIEWETENSCHAP [10012128] Communication: Q3 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR DIERGENEESKUNDE [4278] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR ECONOMISCHE EN SOCIALE GEOGRAFIE / JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY [5852] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR ENTOMOLOGIE [10007518] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR FILOSOFIE [10002111] Philosophy: Q3 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GENEESKUNDE [10016337] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GERONTOLOGIE EN GERIATRIE [10030952] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Gerontology: Q4 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR GESCHIEDENIS [10002112] History: Q2 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR KINDERGENEESKUNDE [10052569] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR NEDERLANDSE TAAL-EN LETTERKUNDE [10002113] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Tijdschrift voor Ouderengeneeskunde [10039338] Community and Home Care: Q4 Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Gerontology: Q4 Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie [10038923] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR RECHTSGESCHIEDENIS-REVUE D HISTOIRE DU DROIT-THE LEGAL HISTORY REVIEW [10013691] History: Q2 Law: Q4 TIJDSCHRIFT VOOR SOCIALE EN ECONOMISCHE GESCHIEDENIS [10031669] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 History: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Tijdschrift voor Theologie [10080766] Religious Studies: Q3 Tijdschrift voor Urologie [10051529] Urology: Q4 TILBURG LAW REVIEW [10026827] Law: Q3 Timber Bulletin [10078487] Forestry: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Timber Producer [10077839] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Forestry: Q4 Time [10077840] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Time and Mind [10080286] Anthropology: Q3 Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 TIME AND SOCIETY [39505] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 TIMISOARA MEDICAL JOURNAL [40851] Dentistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TIRE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [43012] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 TISSUE & CELL [4280] Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE [10011906] Biomedical Engineering: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A [10007989] Biochemistry: Q1 Bioengineering: Q1 Biomaterials: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 TISSUE ENGINEERING PART B REVIEWS [10033521] Biochemistry: D1 Bioengineering: D1 Biomaterials: D1 Biomedical Engineering: D1 TISSUE ENGINEERING PART C METHODS [10028706] Bioengineering: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Tizard Learning Disability Review [10070332] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Psychiatric Mental Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 TMA - Tijdschrift voor Milieuschade en Aansprakelijkheidsrecht [10078286] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 TM-TECHNISCHES MESSEN [4230] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Instrumentation: Q4 TOBACCO CONTROL [31926] Health (social science): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES [10033109] Health (social science): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 TOCQUEVILLE REVIEW [10068277] History: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Todays FDA : official monthly journal of the Florida Dental Association [10078288] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TOHOKU JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE [4281] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 TOHOKU MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [4282] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 TOKAI JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL MEDICINE [1178881] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Tokyo Jikeikai Medical Journal [10037538] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TOKYO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10019635] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 TONGJI DAXUE XUEBAO (ZIRAN KEXUE BAN) / JOURNAL OF TONGJI UNIVERSITY (NATURAL SCIENCE) [10047728] Multidisciplinary: Q1 TONGXIN XUEBAO/JOURNAL ON COMMUNICATIONS [10038803] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Information Systems: Q4 Signal Processing: Q3 TONOS DIGITAL: REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE ESTUDIOS FILOLOGICOS [10021892] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 TOP: AN OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH SOCIETY OF STATISTICS AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH [10008429] Discrete Mathematics and Combinatorics: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q2 Topicos [10080052] Philosophy: Q4 Topics in Advanced Practice Nursing [10079254] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Topics in antiviral medicine [10061239] Infectious Diseases: D1 Pharmacology: D1 Pharmacology (medical): D1 Virology: Q1 TOPICS IN APPLIED PHYSICS [4283] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 TOPICS IN CATALYSIS [15259] Catalysis: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 TOPICS IN CLINICAL NUTRITION [10041776] Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 TOPICS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCE [10015322] Artificial Intelligence: Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q2 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 Linguistics and Language: D1 TOPICS IN COMPANION ANIMAL MEDICINE [10011907] Small Animals: Q2 TOPICS IN CURRENT CHEMISTRY (1973-2015) [4284] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 Topics in Current Genetics [10053249] Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 Genetics: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 TOPICS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION [5853] Education: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 TOPICS IN GERIATRIC REHABILITATION [39508] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 TOPICS IN LANGUAGE DISORDERS [5854] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Speech and Hearing: Q3 TOPICS IN MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING [10003609] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 TOPICS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY [10037895] Drug Discovery: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q4 TOPICS IN ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY [10028471] Catalysis: Q1 Inorganic Chemistry: D1 Organic Chemistry: D1 TOPICS IN SPINAL CORD INJURY REHABILITATION [10050085] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 TOPICS IN STEREOCHEMISTRY [4285] Chemistry (miscellaneous): D1 TOPICS IN STROKE REHABILITATION [10009713] Community and Home Care: Q1 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Rehabilitation: Q2 Topique [10078728] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 TOPOI-AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY [10002115] Philosophy: Q2 TOPOLOGICAL METHODS IN NONLINEAR ANALYSIS [10006838] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q1 TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS [4286] Geometry and Topology: Q3 TORONTO JOURNAL OF THEOLOGY [10074325] Religious Studies: Q3 TORTURE [10016452] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT [39510] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS EXCELLENCE [10009499] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Total Telecom [10079122] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Touchpoint [10080767] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 T'OUNG PAO: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE STUDIES [10002117] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 TOURISM ANALYSIS [10017991] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY RESEARCH [10032311] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 TOURISM: AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL [41247] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 TOURISM CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION [10030680] Communication: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 TOURISM ECONOMICS [10005328] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 TOURISM GEOGRAPHIES: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM SPACE PLACE AND ENVIRONMENT [10006448] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 TOURISM IN MARINE ENVIRONMENTS [10054427] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 TOURISM MANAGEMENT [39511] Development: D1 Strategy and Management: D1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: D1 Transportation: D1 TOURISM MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES [10033537] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 TOURISMOS [10010525] Business and International Management: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 TOURISM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT [10029328] Business and International Management: Q1 Development: Q2 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 TOURISM REVIEW [10024943] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q2 TOURISM SOCIAL SCIENCE SERIES [10056359] Anthropology: Q4 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 TOURIST STUDIES [10031797] Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q1 TOWN PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE [10017921] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 TOWN PLANNING REVIEW [10028133] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 Toxicity report series [10077849] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TOXICOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY [4289] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Pollution: Q3 Toxicological Research [10050867] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES [20711] Toxicology: D1 TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY [4293] Cell Biology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q3 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 TOXICOLOGIE ANALYTIQUE ET CLINIQUE [10044308] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 TOXICOLOGY [4294] Toxicology: Q1 TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY [4288] Pharmacology: Q1 Toxicology: Q1 Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences [10051019] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 TOXICOLOGY AND INDUSTRIAL HEALTH [4291] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Toxicology: Q3 TOXICOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [10051679] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Toxicology: Q4 TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO [4290] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Toxicology: Q2 TOXICOLOGY LETTERS [4292] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Toxicology: Q1 TOXICOLOGY MECHANISMS AND METHODS [10001001] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q3 Toxicology: Q3 TOXICOLOGY RESEARCH [10033110] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Toxicology: Q3 TOXICON [4295] Toxicology: Q2 TOXIN REVIEWS [10007301] Toxicology: Q3 TOXINS [10028472] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q1 Toxicology: Q1 TPM : TESTING PSYCHOMETRICS METHODOLOGY IN APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY [10071590] Applied Psychology: Q4 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 TQM JOURNAL [10029014] Business and International Management: Q1 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q1 Decision Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 TRABAJOS DE PREHISTORIA [10012129] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 TRACE ELEMENTS AND ELECTROLYTES [4297] Biochemistry: Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Trace Metals and other Contaminants in the Environment [10068621] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Tracking report [electronic resource] / Center for Studying Health System Change [10078978] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY [1285143] Analytical Chemistry: D1 Environmental Chemistry: D1 Spectroscopy: D1 TRADITIONES [2152361] Anthropology: Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 Music: Q1 Tradition (Rabbinical Council of America) [10077851] Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 TRADITIO - STUDIES IN ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL HISTORY THOUGHT AND RELIGION [10002119] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Philosophy: Q3 Religious Studies: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 TRADUCTION TERMINOLOGIE REDACTION: TTR [10017741] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 TRAFFIC [31945] Biochemistry: D1 Cell Biology: Q1 Genetics: D1 Molecular Biology: Q1 Structural Biology: Q1 Traffic Engineering and Control [10077852] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Control and Optimization: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Transportation: Q4 TRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION [10015321] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Safety Research: Q1 TRAINING AND EDUCATION IN PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGY [10023194] Education: Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 TRAITEMENT AUTOMATIQUE DES LANGUES: TAL [10021888] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 TRAITEMENT DU SIGNAL [10011908] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 TRAMES: JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES [10012130] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 TRANSACTION OF THE ATOMIC ENERGY SOCIETY OF JAPAN [10036069] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q2 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q3 TRANSACTIONS HONG KONG INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS [10077858] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 TRANSACTIONS IN GIS [10016219] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology [10052325] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF FAMENA [10011898] Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Transactions of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering [10050115] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 TRANSACTIONS OF MATERIALS AND HEAT TREATMENT = CAILIAO RECHULI XUEBAO [2149256] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q3 Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics [10042922] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA [20628] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Materials Chemistry: Q1 Metals and Alloys: Q1 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN CLINICAL AND CLIMATOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION [10071233] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY [4212] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY [4213] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY [4214] Applied Mathematics: D1 Mathematics (miscellaneous): D1 Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society [10043242] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Ophthalmology: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION [10002120] Classics: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY [10002121] Philosophy: Q4 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ANCIENT MONUMENTS SOCIETY [10002122] Architecture: Q4 Conservation: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASABE [10023054] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Forestry: Q1 Soil Science: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASAE [4216] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 Biomedical Engineering: Q2 Food Science: Q2 Forestry: Q1 Soil Science: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE CAMBRIDGE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY [10078979] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 TRANSACTIONS OF THE CANADIAN SOCIETY FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING [4217] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 TRANSACTIONS OF THE CHARLES S PEIRCE SOCIETY [10002123] Philosophy: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE CHINESE SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING / NONGYE GONGCHENG XUEBAO [10019097] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY [10011899] Ceramics and Composites: Q4 TRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS [4222] Metals and Alloys: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF BRITISH GEOGRAPHERS [5833] Earth-Surface Processes: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Transactions of the Institute of Indian Geographers [10077859] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q4 TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL [20620] Instrumentation: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF METAL FINISHING [4218] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MINING AND METALLURGY SECTION A-MINING TECHNOLOGY [10043688] Geology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MINING AND METALLURGY SECTION B-APPLIED EARTH SCIENCES [4220] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MINING AND METALLURGY SECTION C-MINERAL PROCESSING AND EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY [4221] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q2 Geochemistry and Petrology: Q3 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE [10054990] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Software: Q4 TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES [4223] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Space and Planetary Science: Q4 Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science [10080768] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, A, Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers [10050500] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Transactions of the Medical Society of London [10077864] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society [10067201] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 TRANSACTIONS OF THE PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY [10002125] Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY [10002126] History: Q2 Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part B: InternationalJournal of Small Craft Technology [10079638] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q3 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA [4225] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Multidisciplinary: Q2 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA [10006836] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Anthropology: Q2 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Paleontology: Q3 TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE [4226] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Parasitology: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Transactions of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers [10079124] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Transactions of Tianjin University [10037815] Multidisciplinary: Q2 TRANSACTIONS ON DATA PRIVACY [10035287] Software: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials [10057548] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES [10030555] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Transactions - Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers [10077854] Ocean Engineering: Q3 TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES [10009714] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 TRANSCRIPTION [10031400] Biochemistry: Q1 Biotechnology: D1 Genetics: Q1 TRANSCULTURAL PSYCHIATRY [10015320] Health (social science): Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 TRANSFER-EUROPEAN REVIEW OF LABOUR AND RESEARCH [10007867] Industrial Relations: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q2 TRANS - FORM - ACAO: REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA [10030769] Philosophy: Q3 TRANSFORMATION [10022744] Religious Studies: Q2 TRANSFORMATION GROUPS [37677] Algebra and Number Theory: D1 Geometry and Topology: Q1 TRANSFORMATIONS IN BUSINESS & ECONOMICS [10007412] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Marketing: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Transforming Anthropology [10080524] Anthropology: Q3 TRANSFORMING GOVERNMENT: PEOPLE PROCESS AND POLICY [10035231] Computer Science Applications: Q2 E-learning: Q2 Information Systems and Management: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 TRANSFUSION [4300] Hematology: Q1 Immunology: Q1 Immunology and Allergy: Q1 Transfusion Alternatives in Transfusion Medicine [10066428] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Hematology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q2 TRANSFUSION AND APHERESIS SCIENCE [37678] Hematology: Q3 TRANSFUSION CLINIQUE ET BIOLOGIQUE [4298] Biochemistry (medical): Q3 Clinical Biochemistry: Q3 Hematology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TRANSFUSION MEDICINE [4301] Hematology: Q2 TRANSFUSION MEDICINE AND HEMOTHERAPY [10001391] Hematology: Q2 Immunology and Allergy: Q2 TRANSFUSION MEDICINE REVIEWS [15272] Biochemistry (medical): D1 Clinical Biochemistry: D1 Hematology: Q1 TRANSFUSION SCIENCE [4299] Hematology: Q3 Transfuze a Hematologie Dnes [10052365] Hematology: Q4 TRANSGENIC RESEARCH [4302] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Biotechnology: Q2 Genetics: Q3 TRANSINFORMACAO [10015318] Communication: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Museology: Q2 Transitional Waters Bulletin [10054578] Ecology: Q4 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q3 TRANSITION METAL CHEMISTRY [4303] Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 TRANSITION STUDIES REVIEW [10006148] Development: Q3 TRANSLATIONAL ANDROLOGY AND UROLOGY [10023809] Reproductive Medicine: Q4 Urology: Q4 TRANSLATIONAL BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE [10053108] Applied Psychology: Q3 Behavioral Neuroscience: Q4 TRANSLATIONAL BIOIMEDICINE [10062081] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TRANSLATIONAL CANCER RESEARCH [10054263] Cancer Research: Q3 Oncology: Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 TRANSLATIONAL LUNG CANCER RESEARCH [10033252] Oncology: Q3 TRANSLATIONAL NEURODEGENERATION [10051083] Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q2 TRANSLATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE [10020901] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 TRANSLATIONAL ONCOGENOMICS [10011114] Cancer Research: Q4 Genetics: Q4 Oncology: Q3 TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY [10015859] Cancer Research: Q2 Oncology: Q1 TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY [10033111] Biological Psychiatry: Q1 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH [10018892] Biochemistry (medical): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 TRANSLATIONAL STROKE RESEARCH [10028474] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Neurology (clinical): Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 Translation and Interpreting Studies [10023195] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING RESEARCH [10029483] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 TRANSLATION AND LITERATURE [2151418] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 TRANSLATION REVIEW [10002127] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 TRANSLATION STUDIES [10023196] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 TRANSLATOR [10015317] Communication: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS [10007463] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 TRANSNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL LAW [10052312] Law: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 TRANSPLANTATION [4306] Transplantation: Q1 TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS [4305] Surgery: Q2 Transplantation: Q2 TRANSPLANTATION RESEARCH [10007303] Immunology: Q3 Transplantation: Q2 TRANSPLANTATION REVIEWS [10028476] Transplantation: Q2 TRANSPLANTATIONSMEDIZIN [10018899] Transplantation: Q4 TRANSPLANT IMMUNOLOGY [26270] Immunology: Q3 Immunology and Allergy: Q3 Transplantation: Q2 TRANSPLANT INFECTIOUS DISEASE [10007304] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Transplantation: Q2 TRANSPLANT INTERNATIONAL [4304] Transplantation: Q2 Transplant Nurses Journal [10073423] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q4 Transplantation: Q4 TRANSPLANT RESEARCH AND RISK MANAGEMENT [10060292] Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 Transplantation: Q4 TRANSPORT AND TELECOMMUNICATION [10024020] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 TRANSPORTATION [4311] Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Development: D1 Transportation: Q1 TRANSPORTATION JOURNAL [5856] Transportation: Q3 TRANSPORTATION LETTERS: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH [10028475] Transportation: Q3 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY [15281] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Transportation: Q3 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE [4308] Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Transportation: D1 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL [4309] Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Transportation: D1 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES [15285] Automotive Engineering: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Transportation: Q1 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT [39517] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Transportation: Q1 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW [15286] Business and International Management: D1 Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: Q1 Transportation: D1 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART F - TRAFFIC PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR [10007414] Applied Psychology: Q2 Automotive Engineering: Q1 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Transportation: Q2 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD [26280] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 TRANSPORTATION SCIENCE [4310] Civil and Structural Engineering: D1 Transportation: D1 TRANSPORT IN POROUS MEDIA [4307] Catalysis: Q2 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 TRANSPORTMETRICA A-TRANSPORT SCIENCE [10033112] Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Transportation: D1 TRANSPORT POLICY [10007413] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Law: D1 Transportation: Q1 TRANSPORT PROBLEMS / PROBLEMY TRANSPORTU: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL [10020838] Automotive Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Transportation: Q4 TRANSPORT REVIEWS [5860] Transportation: Q1 TRANSPORT (VILNIUS) [1054031] Automotive Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 TRANS: REVISTA DE TRADUCTOLOGIA [10021887] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q4 TRANSYLVANIAN REVIEW [10015314] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 TRANSYLVANIAN REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES [10015312] Public Administration: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 Trastornos Adictivos [10049320] Pharmacology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 TRAUMA [10028673] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 Emergency Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q4 TRAUMA MONTHLY [10068629] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Trauma (Spain) [10070275] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q4 Traumatology [10058176] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 TRAUMA UND BERUFSKRANKHEIT [10035929] Emergency Medicine: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 TRAUMA VIOLENCE & ABUSE [10007415] Applied Psychology: Q1 Health (social science): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Social Work: D1 TRAVAIL ET EMPLOI [10021842] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q2 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q3 TRAVAIL GENRE ET SOCIETES [10012131] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Gender Studies: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 TRAVAIL HUMAIN [4312] Applied Psychology: Q4 Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q4 Industrial Relations: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Travailler [10078730] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Health (social science): Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 TRAVAUX DE LINGUISTIQUE: REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE LINGUISTIQUE FRANCAISE [10021886] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 TRAVAUX DE LITTERATURE [10063693] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Travaux et Memoires [10078981] History: Q3 TRAVEL MEDICINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASE [10023057] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Treatment guidelines from the Medical Letter [10078982] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TREE GENETICS & GENOMES [10007306] Forestry: D1 Genetics: Q3 Horticulture: Q1 Molecular Biology: Q3 TREE PHYSIOLOGY [4313] Physiology: Q1 Plant Science: D1 TREE-RING RESEARCH [10003614] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Forestry: Q1 Geology: Q2 Paleontology: Q2 TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION [4314] Ecology: Q2 Forestry: Q1 Physiology: Q2 Plant Science: Q1 Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice [10080769] Law: Q3 Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care [10060412] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 TRENDS IN BIOCHEMICAL SCIENCES [4315] Biochemistry: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 TRENDS IN BIOINFORMATICS [10041212] Computational Theory and Mathematics: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Trends in Biomaterials and Artificial Organs [10070411] Biotechnology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY [4316] Bioengineering: D1 Biotechnology: D1 Trends in Carbohydrate Research [10043532] Organic Chemistry: Q4 TRENDS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE [4317] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY [10344] Cell Biology: D1 TRENDS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCES [37708] Cognitive Neuroscience: D1 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: D1 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: D1 TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION [4318] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 TRENDS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM [4319] Endocrinology: D1 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: D1 TRENDS IN EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY [10061472] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 TRENDS IN FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY [10347] Biotechnology: D1 Food Science: D1 TRENDS IN GENETICS [4320] Genetics: D1 TRENDS IN GLYCOSCIENCE AND GLYCOTECHNOLOGY [20746] Biochemistry: Q3 Organic Chemistry: Q3 TRENDS IN HEARING [10046041] Otorhinolaryngology: Q1 Speech and Hearing: Q1 TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY [37714] Immunology: D1 Immunology and Allergy: D1 TRENDS IN MATHEMATICS [10045428] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 TRENDS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH [10034545] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 Trends in Medicine [10037984] Internal Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology (medical): Q4 TRENDS IN MICROBIOLOGY [20747] Infectious Diseases: D1 Microbiology: D1 Microbiology (medical): D1 Virology: D1 TRENDS IN MOLECULAR MEDICINE [37716] Molecular Biology: D1 Molecular Medicine: D1 TRENDS IN NEUROSCIENCE AND EDUCATION [10051658] Behavioral Neuroscience: Q3 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Education: Q2 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q3 TRENDS IN NEUROSCIENCES [4321] Neuroscience (miscellaneous): D1 Trends in Organized Crime [10052576] Law: Q1 TRENDS IN PARASITOLOGY [37718] Infectious Diseases: D1 Parasitology: D1 TRENDS IN PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES [4322] Pharmacology: D1 Toxicology: D1 TRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE [15302] Plant Science: D1 TRENDS IN PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY [10086239] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 TRIALS [10007307] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Pharmacology (medical): Q1 TRIBIOLOGIE UND SCHMIERUNGSTECHNIK [10016620] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 TRIBOLOGIA - FINNISH JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY [40645] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 TRIBOLOGY IN INDUSTRY [10037920] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 TRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL [4323] Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: D1 TRIBOLOGY LETTERS [31984] Mechanical Engineering: D1 Mechanics of Materials: D1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: D1 TRIBOLOGY & LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGY [10007308] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces [10048653] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 TRIBOLOGY TRANSACTIONS [4324] Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q1 Tribunes de la Sante [10079125] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TRIMESTRE ECONOMICO [10020598] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 TRIPLEC: COGNITION COMMUNICATIO CO-OPERATION [10020631] Communication: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 TRIQUARTERLY [10002128] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 TRIVIUM [10002129] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 TR News [10077850] Automotive Engineering: Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 TROPICAL AGRICULTURE [4325] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Development: Q4 TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL AGROECOSYSTEMS [10020706] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 TROPICAL ANIMAL HEALTH AND PRODUCTION [4326] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Food Animals: Q2 TROPICAL BIOMEDICINE [10009715] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Parasitology: Q3 TROPICAL CONSERVATION SCIENCE [10021407] Ecology: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 TROPICAL DOCTOR [4327] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 TROPICAL ECOLOGY [10010255] Ecology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 TROPICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY : OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE DIGESTIVE DISEASES FOUNDATION [10077878] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TROPICAL GRASSLANDS [4329] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Soil Science: Q3 TROPICAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH [10011910] Pharmaceutical Science: Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HEALTH [10044319] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 TROPICAL MEDICINE & INTERNATIONAL HEALTH [15310] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Parasitology: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 TROPICAL PLANT BIOLOGY [10020795] Genetics: Q3 Plant Science: Q2 TROPICAL PLANT PATHOLOGY [10015860] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 TROPICAL ZOOLOGY [15312] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Trop. Life Sci. Res. [10061893] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Trustee : the journal for hospital governing boards [10077880] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TRZISTE / MARKET [10020891] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Marketing: Q4 TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10035016] Multidisciplinary: Q3 TUBERCLE AND LUNG DISEASE [4333] Immunology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Microbiology: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 TUBERCULOSIS [37731] Immunology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Microbiology: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 TUBERCULOSIS AND RESPIRATORY DISEASES [10044619] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 TUBERKULEZ I BOLEZNI LEGKIKH [10063439] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Tuberkuloz ve Toraks [10039316] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q2 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 TUEXENIA [10013367] Ecology: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 Plant Science: Q2 Tuijin Jishu/Journal of Propulsion Technology [10049687] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 TULSA STUDIES IN WOMENS LITERATURE [10002130] Gender Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 TUMOR [10040288] Cancer Research: Q4 Epidemiology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 TUMOR BIOLOGY [4334] Cancer Research: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 TUMORDIAGNOSTIK UND THERAPIE [4335] Oncology: Q4 TUMORI [4336] Cancer Research: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Oncology: Q3 Tumu Gongcheng Xuebao/China Civil Engineering Journal [10066787] Architecture: D1 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 TUMU JIANZHU YU HUANJING GONGCHENG / JOURNAL OF CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING [10070427] Architecture: Q2 Building and Construction: Q3 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Tuna: Ajalookultuuri ajakiri [10072865] History: Q4 Library and Information Sciences: Q4 TUNISIE MEDICALE [10038764] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY [4337] Building and Construction: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 TUNNELS AND TUNNELLING INTERNATIONAL [10073017] Building and Construction: Q4 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q4 Turk Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon [10044903] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Emergency Medicine: Q4 TURKBILIG: TURKOLOJI ARASTIRMALARI [10012289] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 TURK BIYOKIMYA DERGISI / TURKISH JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY [10011911] Biochemistry: Q4 Biochemistry (medical): Q4 Clinical Biochemistry: Q4 Molecular Biology: Q4 TURKDERM-ARCHIVES OF THE TURKISH DERMATOLOGY AND VENEROLOGY [10015865] Dermatology: Q4 TURK DERMATOLOJI DERGISI [10058739] Dermatology: Q4 Turk hijiyen ve deneysel biyoloji dergisi. Turkish bulletin of hygiene and experimental biology [10080978] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 TURKISH HISTORICAL REVIEW [10054087] History: Q4 TURKISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY [10007309] Ecology: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Forestry: Q2 TURKISH JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY [10015861] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Cell Biology: Q4 Genetics: Q3 Microbiology: Q3 Molecular Biology: Q4 Physiology: Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF BOTANY [10019691] Plant Science: Q2 TURKISH JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY [10007310] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES [10007311] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 TURKISH JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCES [10015862] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM [10031713] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Internal Medicine: Q4 Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences [10048239] Environmental Engineering: Q4 Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q3 Water Science and Technology: Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF FIELD CROPS [10015863] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES [10015864] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [10011912] Gastroenterology: Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF GERIATRICS-TURK GERIATRI DERGISI [10015310] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q4 TURKISH JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY [10013633] Hematology: Q4 TURKISH JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY [40797] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS [10010742] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10007934] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS [4338] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10045145] Molecular Medicine: Q4 Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION [20068781] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 TURKISH JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [10006268] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 TURKISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY [10075316] Surgery: Q4 TURKISH JOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY [10023059] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 TURKISH JOURNAL OF VETERINARY & ANIMAL SCIENCES [20766] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 TURKISH JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY [10010808] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 TURKISH NEPHROLOGY, DIALYSIS AND TRANSPLANTATION JOURNAL = TURK NEFROLOJI DIYALIZ VE TRANSPLANTASYON DERGISI [10037281] Surgery: Q4 Urology: Q4 TURKISH NEUROSURGERY [10011915] Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 TURKISH ONLINE JOURNAL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION [10051936] Education: Q4 TURKISH ONLINE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY [10015308] Education: Q2 E-learning: Q2 TURKISH STUDIES [10015303] History: D1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Turkiye Acil Tip Dergisi [10080770] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q4 Emergency Medicine: Q4 TURKIYE ENTOMOLOJI DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY [40364] Insect Science: Q3 TURKIYE FIZIKSEL TIP VE REHABILITASYON DERGISI [10023058] Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q4 Rehabilitation: Q4 TURKIYE KLINIKERI / JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [10037661] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 TURKIYE KLINIKLERI CARDIOVASCULAR SCIENCES [10036883] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 TURKIYE KLINIKLERIi DERMATOLOJIi [10043260] Dermatology: Q4 Turkiye Klinikleri Jinekoloji Obstetrik [10053318] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 TURKIYE KLINIKLERI PEDIATRI [10016295] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 TURKIYE PARAZITOLOJII DERGISI [10012812] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Turk Jinekolojik Onkoloji Dergisi [10080287] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 Oncology: Q4 Turk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Dernegi Dergisi [10063042] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q4 TURK KARDIYOLOJI DERNEGI ARSIVI / ARCHIVES OF THE TURKISH SOCIETY OF CARDIOLOGY [10036890] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 TURK KULTURU VE HACI BEKTAS VELI - ARASTIRMA DERGISI [10019633] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 TURK NOROLOJI DERGISI [10041786] Neurology (clinical): Q4 TURK OFTALMOLOJI DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [10073151] Ophthalmology: Q4 TURK ONKOLOJI DERGISI [10062207] Oncology: Q4 TURK OSTEOPOROZ DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF OSTEOPOROSIS [10066932] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 TURK PATOLOJI DERGISI [10052130] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 TURK PEDIATRI ARSIVI-TURKISH ARCHIVES OF PEDIATRICS [10023060] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 Turk Plastik, Rekonstruktif ve Estetik Cerrahi Dergisi [10052827] Surgery: Q4 TURK PSIKIYATRI DERGISI / TURKISH JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY [10007416] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 TURK PSIKOLOJI DERGISI [39525] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 Turk Serebrovaskuler Hastaliklar Dergisi [10038670] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Turk Toraks Dergisi [10051410] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 TURK UROLOJI DERGISI [10049985] Urology: Q4 TUT Textiles a Usages Techniques [10077886] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 TÜBA-AR [10039603] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Twentieth Century British History [10077888] History: D1 Twentieth-Century China [10078983] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 TWENTIETH CENTURY LITERATURE [10002132] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Twentieth-Century Music [10079257] Music: Q4 Twenty-First Century Society [10079639] History: Q1 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 TWIN RESEARCH [10001392] Genetics (clinical): Q3 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 TWIN RESEARCH AND HUMAN GENETICS [10003616] Genetics (clinical): Q3 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q1 Twist [10080053] Business and International Management: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 TZINTZUN [10019020] History: Q3 TZU CHI MEDICAL JOURNAL [10049626] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 TYCHE: BEITRAGE ZUR ALTEN GESCHICHTE UND EPIGRAPHIK [10020714] Archeology: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Tydskrif Vir Geesteswetenskappe [10023197] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Tydskrif vir Letterkunde [10080054] Cultural Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 TYNDALE BULLETIN [10080055] Religious Studies: Q2 Ubiquitous Learning [10074880] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Education: Q4 E-learning: Q4 UCLA LAW REVIEW [5871] Law: D1 Udar Mozgu - Problemy Interdyscyplinarne [10065687] Neurology (clinical): Q4 UDO AGRICOLA REVISTA CIENTIFICA [10029428] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 UGESKRIFT FOR LAEGER [10002133] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 UHOD-ULUSLARARASI HEMATOLOJI-ONKOLOJI DERGISI [10015867] Hematology: Q4 Oncology: Q3 UIRUSU [10069048] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 UKRAINIAN BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL [10063838] Biochemistry: Q4 UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OPTICS [10015868] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q4 UKRAINIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS [10032292] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 UKRAINIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL [10009761] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 ULSTER FOLKLIFE [10002134] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ULSTER MEDICAL JOURNAL [4340] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ULTRAMICROSCOPY [4341] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: D1 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: D1 Instrumentation: D1 Ultrapure Water [10077890] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 ULTRASCHALL IN DER MEDIZIN [4342] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 ULTRASONIC IMAGING [4343] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 ULTRASONICS [4344] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q1 ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY [10370] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: D1 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): D1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 Ultrasound [10062055] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 ULTRASOUND CLINICS [10018511] Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q3 ULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY [4345] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q1 Biophysics: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [10035728] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: D1 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: D1 Reproductive Medicine: D1 ULTRASOUND QUARTERLY [10020816] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 ULTRASTRUCTURAL PATHOLOGY [4347] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 Structural Biology: Q4 ULUM-I DARUYI/PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES [10057318] Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 ULUSAL CERRAHI DERGISI / TURKISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY [10040309] Surgery: Q4 ULUSAL TRAVMA VE ACIL CERRAHI DERGISI-TURKISH JOURNAL OF TRAUMA & EMERGENCY SURGERY [10011916] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q3 Emergency Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 ULUSLARARASI ILISKILER-INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS [10015299] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 UMENI: ART [42988] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 UMWELTMEDIZIN IN FORSCHUNG UND PRAXIS [10016997] Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Unasylva [10062199] Ecology: Q3 Forestry: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 UNDERSEA & HYPERBARIC MEDICINE [4348] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Physiology (medical): Q3 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q3 UNDERSTANDING COMPLEX SYSTEMS [10020830] Artificial Intelligence: Q4 Computational Mechanics: Q4 Software: Q4 UNDERWATER TECHNOLOGY - JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR UNDERWATER TECHNOLOGY [20778] Ocean Engineering: Q2 UNFALLCHIRURG [4349] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 UNISCI Discussion Papers [10080979] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 UNITEXT - LA MATEMATICA PER IL 3 PIU 2 [10043832] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY [10023061] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Human-Computer Interaction: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q2 UNIVERSIA BUSINESS REVIEW [10015295] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 UNIVERSITAS (ENGLISH EDITION): INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES [10089139] Philosophy: Q4 UNIVERSITAS PSYCHOLOGICA [10015297] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Social Psychology: Q3 UNIVERSITAS SCIENTIARUM [10030408] Multidisciplinary: Q4 UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY RAJSHAHI UNIVERSITY [10080288] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Aquatic Science: Q4 Insect Science: Q4 University of Bucharest Review Series Literary and Cultural Studies [10044976] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW REVIEW [5865] Law: D1 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW [39527] Law: Q3 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LAW REVIEW [5866] Law: Q2 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW [39529] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Law: Q3 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW [5869] Law: D1 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH LAW REVIEW [5870] Law: Q2 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LAW JOURNAL [10026894] Law: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MEDICAL JOURNAL [10055424] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO QUARTERLY [10002136] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN-SERIES A-APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS [10015866] Applied Mathematics: Q4 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 UNIVERSUM: REVISTA DE HUMANIDADES Y CIENCIAS SOCIALES [10080056] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Unterrichtswissenschaft [10080980] Education: Q3 UPB SCIENTIFIC BULLETIN, SERIES B: CHEMISTRY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE [10019361] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Update in Anaesthesia [10077900] Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine: Q4 Updates in Surgery [10042341] Surgery: Q2 UPSALA JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES [20780] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 URBAN AFFAIRS REVIEW [39533] Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Urban Studies: D1 URBAN ANTHROPOLOGY AND STUDIES OF CULTURAL SYSTEMS AND WORLD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT [10074481] Anthropology: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Urban Studies: Q4 URBAN CLIMATE [10031706] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 URBAN DESIGN INTERNATIONAL [10028555] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 URBAN ECOSYSTEMS [10011044] Ecology: Q2 Urban Studies: Q1 URBAN EDUCATION [5872] Education: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING [10023062] Ecology: Q1 Forestry: D1 Soil Science: Q1 Urban Forum [10077903] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 URBAN GEOGRAPHY [5873] Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Urban Studies: D1 Urban Habitats [10080771] Ecology: Q3 History: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 URBAN HISTORY [10046588] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 History: D1 Urban Studies: Q1 URBAN HISTORY REVIEW / REVUE D HISTOIRE URBAINE [10002137] History: Q2 Urban Studies: Q3 URBANI IZZIV [10021763] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Urban Studies: Q2 URBAN LAWYER [5874] Law: Q3 Urban Studies: Q3 URBAN MORPHOLOGY [10043916] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Urban Studies: Q3 URBAN POLICY AND RESEARCH [10015293] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Urban Studies: Q1 URBAN RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10010267] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Urban Studies: Q2 URBAN STUDIES [5876] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Urban Studies: D1 URBAN WATER JOURNAL [10015869] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 URISA JOURNAL [10017979] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Urogynaecologia International Journal [10077908] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Urology: Q3 UROLITHIASIS [10033114] Urology: Q2 UROLOGE-AUSGABE A [4354] Urology: Q3 UROLOGIA INTERNATIONALIS [4351] Urology: Q2 UROLOGIA: RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI CULTURA UROLOGICA [10020853] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 UROLOGICAL RESEARCH [4353] Urology: Q2 Urological Science [10036897] Urology: Q3 UROLOGIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA [4350] Urology: Q1 UROLOGIC ONCOLOGY: SEMINARS AND ORIGINAL INVESTIGATIONS [10001003] Oncology: Q2 Urology: Q1 UROLOGIYA [10032394] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 UROLOGY [4355] Urology: Q1 Urology Annals [10051470] Urology: Q3 UROLOGY JOURNAL [10023063] Urology: Q2 Urology Nursing [10073394] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Urology Times [10080057] Advanced and Specialized Nursing: Q4 Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q4 Urology: Q4 UROTODAY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL [10065519] Urology: Q4 URSUS [10007313] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 U.S. Army Medical Department journal [10079879] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 US CARDIOLOGY [10037970] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 USDA FOREST SERVICE - GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW [10060087] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 USDA Forest Service - General Technical Report RMRS-GTR [10070455] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q3 Plant Science: Q4 USDA FOREST SERVICE PACIFIC NORTHWEST RESEARCH STATION RESEARCH PAPER [4358] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 USDA Forest Service - Research Note PNW-RN [10077911] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 USDA Forest Service - Research Note RMRS-RN [10077912] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q3 Plant Science: Q4 USDA Forest Service - Resource Bulletin PNW-RB [10077913] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 USDA FOREST SERVICE ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOREST AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION RESE [10003620] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service - Resource Bulletin [10077909] Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 US ENDOCRINOLOGY [10042452] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 USER MODELING AND USER-ADAPTED INTERACTION [15336] Computer Science Applications: Q1 Education: D1 Human-Computer Interaction: Q1 US Geological Survey Profesional Paper [10077910] Geology: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 US Obstetrics and Gynecology [10069859] Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 USPEKHI FIZIOLOGICHESKIKH NAUK [10055764] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Physiology: Q4 USPEKHI GERONTOLOGII /ADVANCES IN GERONTOLOGY [10066232] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 U.S. Pharmacist [10038531] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Pharmacy: Q4 US RESPIRATORY DISEASE [10024041] Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 Usuteaduslik Ajakiri [10059935] Religious Studies: Q3 UTILITAS [10026888] Philosophy: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 UTILITAS MATHEMATICA [4362] Applied Mathematics: Q3 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty: Q4 UTILITIES POLICY [10020176] Business and International Management: Q2 Development: Q2 Law: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 UTOPIAN STUDIES [10015037] Philosophy: Q3 UTOPÍA Y PRAXIS LATINOAMERICANA [10025941] History and Philosophy of Science: Q4 Philosophy: Q3 Political Science and International Relations: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 UTRECHT LAW REVIEW [10023737] Law: Q2 VACCIMONITOR [10033172] Drug Discovery: Q4 Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 VACCINE [4363] Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q1 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Molecular Medicine: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 Vacunas [10062040] Immunology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 VACUUM [1313626] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q2 VADOSE ZONE JOURNAL [10007314] Soil Science: Q1 vakcinologie [10051295] Immunology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Parasitology: Q4 VAKUUM IN FORSCHUNG UND PRAXIS [10069475] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 VALUE IN HEALTH [10001453] Health Policy: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 VALUE IN HEALTH REGIONAL ISSUES [10028933] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Health Policy: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 VANDERBILT LAW REVIEW [5878] Law: Q1 VASA: ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GEFAESSKRANKHEITEN / JOURNAL OF VASCULAR DISEASES [4365] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 VASCULAR [10009716] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q2 Surgery: Q2 VASCULAR AND ENDOVASCULAR SURGERY [10015870] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 VASCULAR CELL [10052524] Cell Biology: Q2 Computer Networks and Communications: D1 Developmental Neuroscience: Q2 Neurology: Q2 Vascular Disease Management [10041799] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 VASCULAR HEALTH AND RISK MANAGEMENT [10013596] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q2 Hematology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology (medical): Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 VASCULAR MEDICINE [37763] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 VASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY [10001004] Molecular Medicine: Q2 Pharmacology: Q1 Physiology: Q2 VASCULAR SURGERY [4366] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Surgery: Q2 VASOMED [10012791] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 VDE Fachberichte [10077920] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 VDI-Z Integrierte Produktion [10079424] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 VECTOR-BORNE AND ZOONOTIC DISEASES [10003624] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Virology: Q2 VEGETABLE CROPS RESEARCH BULLETIN [40421] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Horticulture: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Soil Science: Q4 VEGETATION HISTORY AND ARCHAEOBOTANY [15344] Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Paleontology: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 VEGETOS [10011917] Plant Science: Q4 VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS [4368] Automotive Engineering: Q1 Mechanical Engineering: Q1 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality: Q2 VELIGER [4369] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 VENTURE CAPITAL [10012272] Finance: Q3 Verdauungskrankheiten [10042958] Gastroenterology: Q4 VERHALTENSTHERAPIE [20798] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 Verhaltenstherapie und Verhaltensmedizin [10048838] Clinical Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 Verhandelingen - Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van Belgie [10077923] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE [10080772] Architecture: Q3 Conservation: Q3 History: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Versicherungsmedizin / herausgegeben von Verband der Lebensversicherungs-Unternehmen e.V. und Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V [10077927] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Verslagen en Mededelingen van de Koninklije Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde [10078986] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY [10028478] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 VERTEX: REVISTA ARGENTINA DE PSIQUIATRIA [10031569] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Vertiflite [10077928] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 VESALIUS: ACTA INTERNATIONALIA HISTORIAE MEDICINAE [10023485] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 VESTNIK KHIRURGII IMENI I I GREKOVA [10074124] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Surgery: Q4 Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 5: Geografiya [10063453] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 VESTNIK OFTALMOLOGII [4375] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Ophthalmology: Q4 VESTNIK OTORINOLARINGOLOGII [10027658] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Otorhinolaryngology: Q4 VESTNIK RENTGENOLOGII I RADIOLOGII [10022423] Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 VESTNIK ROSSIISKOI AKADEMII MEDITSINSKIKH NAUK [4376] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 VESTNIK SANKT-PETERBURGSKOGO UNIVERSITETA [10032437] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Geology: Q4 VESTNIK ST PETERSBURG UNIVERSITY: MATHEMATICS [10032896] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 VESTNIK ZOOLOGII [10004867] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Vetera Christianorum [10080773] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Religious Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 VETERINARIA [10011920] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 VETERINARIA ITALIANA [10023064] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 VETERINARIA MEXICO [10015871] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 VETERINARIJA IR ZOOTECHNIKA [10011919] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 VETERINARNI MEDICINA [4383] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 VETERINARSKI ARHIV [20801] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 VETERINARY ANAESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA [10001394] Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 VETERINARY AND COMPARATIVE ONCOLOGY [10009717] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 VETERINARY AND COMPARATIVE ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY [10400] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 VETERINARY CLINICAL PATHOLOGY [20805] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 VETERINARY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA-EQUINE PRACTICE [4378] Equine: Q2 VETERINARY CLINICS OF NORTH-AMERICA: EXOTIC ANIMAL PRACTICE [10004621] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Small Animals: Q2 VETERINARY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA-FOOD ANIMAL PRACTICE [4379] Food Animals: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 VETERINARY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA-SMALL ANIMAL PRACTICE [4380] Small Animals: Q1 VETERINARY DERMATOLOGY [15355] Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 VETERINARY ECONOMICS [26356] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Small Animals: Q4 Veterinary heritage : bulletin of the American Veterinary History Society [10077931] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 VETERINARY IMMUNOLOGY AND IMMUNOPATHOLOGY [4382] Immunology: Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 VETERINARY JOURNAL [15358] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 VETERINARY MEDICINE INTERNATIONAL [10022750] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 VETERINARY MEDICINE & SMALL ANIMAL CLINICIAN [4384] Small Animals: Q3 VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY [4385] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Microbiology: Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 VETERINARY OPHTHALMOLOGY [10001395] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 VETERINARY PARASITOLOGY [4386] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Parasitology: Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 VETERINARY PATHOLOGY [4387] Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 VETERINARY PRACTITIONER [10011918] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q4 VETERINARY QUARTERLY [4388] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 VETERINARY RADIOLOGY & ULTRASOUND [4389] Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 VETERINARY RECORD [4390] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 VETERINARY RESEARCH [4391] Veterinary (miscellaneous): D1 VETERINARY RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS [4392] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 VETERINARY SURGERY [4393] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 VETERINARY TECHNICIAN [32050] Small Animals: Q4 VETERINARY THERAPEUTICS [10003631] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q2 VETERINARY WORLD [10036808] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 VETUS TESTAMENTUM [10002146] History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Religious Studies: Q1 VGB POWERTECH [10008410] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 VIAL-VIGO INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED LINGUISTICS [10015290] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 VIATOR: MEDIEVAL AND RENAISSANCE STUDIES [10002147] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY [4394] Spectroscopy: Q3 VICTIMS AND OFFENDERS [10054797] Applied Psychology: Q3 Health (social science): Q2 Law: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q3 VICTORIAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE [10002148] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 VICTORIAN NATURALIST [10054345] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Victorian Periodicals Review [10078293] History and Philosophy of Science: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 VICTORIAN POETRY [10002150] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Victorians [10078987] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 VICTORIAN STUDIES [10002151] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Philosophy: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 VIDEOSURGERY AND OTHER MINIINVASIVE TECHNIQUES / WIDEOCHIRURGIA I INNE TECHNIKI MALO INWAZYJNE [10011924] Gastroenterology: Q3 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Surgery: Q3 Urology: Q3 VIE ET MILIEU-LIFE AND ENVIRONMENT [32053] Aquatic Science: Q4 Ecology: Q3 VIENNA YEARBOOK OF POPULATION RESEARCH [10032193] Demography: Q2 VIERTELJAHRSHEFTE FÜR ZEITGESCHICHTE [10002152] History: Q2 VIESOJI POLITIKA IR ADMINISTRAVIMAS / PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION [10057914] Public Administration: Q3 VIGILIAE CHRISTIANAE [10002153] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements [10079881] Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 Vinculos de Historia [10080981] History: Q4 VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems [10087959] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Information Systems: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Management of Technology and Innovation: Q2 VINGTIEME SIECLE: REVUE D'HISTOIRE [10018397] History: Q3 VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN [10001454] Gender Studies: Q1 Law: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 VIOLENCE AND VICTIMS [10023198] Health (social science): Q2 Law: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q2 VIRAL IMMUNOLOGY [15372] Immunology: Q3 Molecular Medicine: Q3 Virology: Q3 VIRCHOWS ARCHIV [4396] Cell Biology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Molecular Biology: Q2 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q1 VIRGINIA LAW REVIEW [5877] Law: D1 VIRGINIA QUARTERLY REVIEW: A NATIONAL JOURNAL OF LITERATURE & DISCUSSION [10002154] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 VIRITTÄJÄ [2005278] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 VIROLOGICA SINICA [10023489] Immunology: Q4 Molecular Medicine: Q4 Virology: Q3 VIROLOGIE [10015872] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Virology: Q4 VIROLOGY [4399] Virology: Q1 VIROLOGY JOURNAL [10009718] Infectious Diseases: Q2 Virology: Q2 VIROLOGY RESEARCH AND TREATMENT [10074265] Immunology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q4 Virology: Q4 VIRTUAL AND PHYSICAL PROTOTYPING [10074816] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 Signal Processing: Q3 VIRULENCE [10012967] Immunology: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Microbiology: Q2 Microbiology (medical): Q2 Parasitology: Q1 VIRUS ADAPTATION AND TREATMENT [10056176] Immunology: Q4 Infectious Diseases: Q3 Virology: Q4 VIRUSDISEASE [10033182] Infectious Diseases: Q3 Virology: Q4 VIRUSES [10015873] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Virology: Q2 VIRUS GENES [4400] Genetics: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Molecular Biology: Q3 Virology: Q3 VIRUS RESEARCH [4401] Cancer Research: Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q1 Virology: Q2 VISCERAL MEDICINE [10069308] Gastroenterology: Q4 Surgery: Q4 VISION RESEARCH [4402] Ophthalmology: Q1 Sensory Systems: Q2 VISITOR STUDIES [10080289] Communication: Q2 Education: Q2 Museology: Q1 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY [10023379] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 VISUAL ANTHROPOLOGY REVIEW [10023410] Anthropology: Q3 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 VISUAL COGNITION [39542] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Cognitive Neuroscience: Q3 Experimental and Cognitive Psychology: Q2 VISUAL COMMUNICATION [10015287] Communication: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Visual Communication Quarterly [10080526] Communication: Q3 Education: Q4 VISUAL COMPUTER [15379] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q2 Software: Q2 VISUAL ETHNOGRAPHY [10069612] Anthropology: Q4 Communication: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Visualising the Middle Ages [10079882] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 VISUAL NEUROSCIENCE [4403] Physiology: Q2 Sensory Systems: Q2 VISUAL RESOURCES [42587] Museology: Q2 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 VISUAL STUDIES [10022842] Anthropology: Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: D1 VITAE-COLUMBIA [10015875] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q4 Bioengineering: Q4 Biotechnology: Q4 Food Science: Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 Vital and health statistics. Ser. 1: Programs and collection procedures [10077937] Health Information Management: Q2 Statistics and Probability: Q3 Vital and health statistics. Series 10, Data from the National Health Survey [10077939] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 Vital and health statistics. Series 11, Data from the National Health Survey [10077940] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Vital and health statistics. Series 13, Data from the National Health Survey [10077941] Health Policy: D1 Management Science and Operations Research: D1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 Vital and health statistics. Series 23, Data from the National Survey of Family Growth [10077944] Family Practice: D1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: D1 Vital and health statistics. Series 2, Data evaluation and methods research [10077942] Health Information Management: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Statistics and Probability: D1 Vital & health statistics. Series 3, Analytical and epidemiological studies / [U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Center for Health Statistics] [10077936] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 VITAMINS AND HORMONES-ADVANCES IN RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS [4404] Endocrinology: Q2 Physiology: Q2 VITIS [4405] Genetics: Q4 Horticulture: Q2 VIVARIUM: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE PHILOSOPHY AND INTELLECTUAL LIFE OF THE MIDDLE AGES AND RENAISSANCE [10002155] History: Q3 Philosophy: Q3 Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske [10068687] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 VJESNIK ZA ARHEOLOGIJU I POVIJEST DALMATINSKU [10029798] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 VLAAMS DIERGENEESKUNDIG TIJDSCHRIFT [4406] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 VLAKNA A TEXTIL / FIBRES AND TEXTILES [10008506] Business and International Management: Q4 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q3 VLDB JOURNAL [32066] Hardware and Architecture: D1 Information Systems: D1 VLSI DESIGN [15384] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q4 Hardware and Architecture: Q4 VNITRNI LEKARSTVI [10022866] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Internal Medicine: Q3 Vniversitas [10080982] Law: Q4 VOCATIONS AND LEARNING: STUDIES IN VOCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION [10015282] Education: Q1 VOEB-MITTEILUNGEN : MITTEILUNGEN DER VEREINIGUNG OESTERREICHISCHER BIBLIOTHEKARINNEN UND BIBLIOTHEKARE [10080290] Library and Information Sciences: Q4 Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal [10065196] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 VOGELWARTE [10005377] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 VOICES: THE JOURNAL OF NEW YORK FOLKLORE [10067252] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Music: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 VOIX & IMAGES [10002156] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 VOJNOSANITETSKI PREGLED [10015876] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 VOLKSKUNDE [10002157] Anthropology: Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 VOLTA REVIEW [5879] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Cultural Studies: Q2 Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 VOLUNTAS [10017942] Business and International Management: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Public Administration: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Strategy and Management: Q2 VOPROSY FILOSOFII [10002158] Philosophy: Q4 VOPROSY JAZYKOZNANIJA [10013591] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 VOPROSY KURORTOLOGII, FIZIOTERAPII, I LECHEBNOĬ FIZICHESKOĬ KULTURY [10049623] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 VOPROSY MEDITSINSKOI KHIMII [20838] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 VOPROSY OBRAZOVANIYA [10066356] Education: Q4 VOPROSY ONKOLOGII [10004804] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 VOPROSY PITANIIA [10030981] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q4 VOPROSY PSIKHOLOGII [39544] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 VOPROSY VIRUSOLOGII [4407] Infectious Diseases: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Virology: Q4 VOX ROMANICA [10010164] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 VOX SANGUINIS [4408] Hematology: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 VSWG - VIERTELJAHRSCHRIFT FUR SOZIAL- UND WIRTSCHAFTSGESCHICHTE [10017721] Cultural Studies: Q4 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 History: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 VTT PUBLICATIONS [10042234] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 VTT Tiedotteita - Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuskeskus [10042233] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 VULNERABLE CHILDREN AND YOUTH STUDIES [10057868] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Health (social science): Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 VYSOKOMOLEKULYARNYE SOEDINENIYA SERIYA A - POLYMER SCIENCE A [4411] Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 VYSOKOMOLEKULYARNYE SOEDINENIYA SERIYA B - POLYMER SCIENCE B [4412] Ceramics and Composites: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Polymers and Plastics: Q2 Wacana Seni [10080774] Cultural Studies: Q4 Music: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 Wader Study [10067594] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Aquatic Science: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 WAFFEN- UND KOSTÜMKUNDE [10002161] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 WALAILAK JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10052591] Multidisciplinary: Q3 WALDOKOLOGIE LANDSCHAFTSFORSCHUNG UND NATURSCHUTZ [10058843] Ecological Modeling: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Forestry: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Wallace Stevens Journal [10078988] Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 WALT WHITMAN QUARTERLY REVIEW [10002162] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 WAR IN HISTORY [10002163] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Wasafiri [10080291] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 WASHINGTON LAW REVIEW [5880] Law: Q2 WASHINGTON QUARTERLY [5881] Law: D1 Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Wasser und Abfall [10079126] Pollution: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 WASSERWIRTSCHAFT [10015877] Water Science and Technology: Q3 WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION [10041700] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q1 WASTE AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT-PROCEEDINGS OF INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS: [10034820] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 WASTE MANAGEMENT [15388] Waste Management and Disposal: D1 WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH [4415] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Pollution: Q2 Water ................ [10087184] Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 WATER [10028479] Aquatic Science: Q3 Biochemistry: Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q3 WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION [4416] Ecological Modeling: Q3 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Engineering: Q2 Pollution: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q1 WATER ALTERNATIVES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL ON WATER, POLITICS AND DEVELOPMENT [10025942] Geography, Planning and Development: Q1 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 Water Science and Technology: Q1 WATER AND ENERGY INTERNATIONAL [2148671] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 WATER AND ENVIRONMENT JOURNAL [10003636] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Pollution: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 Water and Environment Magazine [10079425] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 Water and Wastes Digest [10078733] Pollution: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 Water and Wastewater International [10077960] Pollution: Q4 Waste Management and Disposal: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 WATERBIRDS [26400] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH [4418] Ecological Modeling: Q3 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Pollution: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 WATER HISTORY [10030641] Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 History: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q3 WATER INTERNATIONAL [26395] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 Waterlines [10077966] Water Science and Technology: Q3 Watermark (Archivists and Librarians in the History of the Health Sciences) [10077967] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 WATER POLICY [10011922] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 WATER PRACTICE AND TECHNOLOGY [42857] Water Science and Technology: Q3 WATER QUALITY RESEARCH JOURNAL OF CANADA [37816] Water Science and Technology: Q3 WATER RESEARCH [4419] Ecological Modeling: D1 Pollution: D1 Waste Management and Disposal: D1 Water Science and Technology: D1 WATER RESOURCES [10011923] Water Science and Technology: Q3 WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT [37818] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Water Science and Technology: D1 WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH [4421] Water Science and Technology: D1 Water Resources Research Institute News of the University of North Carolina [10078296] Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Pollution: Q4 Water Science and Technology: Q4 WATER SA [4422] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Waste Management and Disposal: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 Water Science and Engineering [10061354] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [4423] Environmental Engineering: Q2 Water Science and Technology: Q2 WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-WATER SUPPLY [10039257] Water Science and Technology: Q2 Water, Sewage and Effluent [10077965] Water Science and Technology: Q4 Water Wheel [10078734] Water Science and Technology: Q4 WAVE MOTION [4424] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 WAVES IN RANDOM AND COMPLEX MEDIA [10003637] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 WEAR [4426] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Mechanics of Materials: Q1 Surfaces and Interfaces: Q1 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: D1 WEATHER AND FORECASTING [4427] Atmospheric Science: Q1 WEATHER, CLIMATE, AND SOCIETY [10028480] Atmospheric Science: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q2 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 WEATHER-ROYAL METEOROLOGIAL SOCIETY [10015878] Atmospheric Science: Q2 Webbia [10043527] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q3 WEB ECOLOGY [2147468] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Web Intelligence [10071311] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Software: Q3 WEBOLOGY [10016365] Human-Computer Interaction: Q3 Information Systems and Management: Q3 Library and Information Sciences: Q3 Software: Q3 WEED BIOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT [10007315] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q2 WEED RESEARCH [4428] Agronomy and Crop Science: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 WEED SCIENCE [4429] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Plant Science: Q1 WEED TECHNOLOGY [4430] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q1 Plant Science: Q2 Weekly epidemiological record. Releve epidemiologique hebdomadaire. World Health Organization [10077970] Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 WEICHANGBINGXUE / CHINESE JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [10030986] Gastroenterology: Q4 WEIMARER BEITRAGE [10002164] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 WEISHENGWU XUEBAO / ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA SINICA [10031227] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Welding and Cutting [10077973] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 WELDING INTERNATIONAL [10057200] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q3 WELDING IN THE WORLD [1312109] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 WELDING JOURNAL [4431] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Well Testing [10079259] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 WELSH HISTORY REVIEW [10002165] History: Q1 WELT DER SLAVEN: INTERNATIONALE HALBJAHRESSCHRIFT FUR SLAVISTIK [10002166] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 WELT DES ISLAMS [10022261] Cultural Studies: Q2 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Religious Studies: Q2 WELTWIRTSCHAFTLICHES ARCHIV [41488] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 WEST AFRICAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY [10052789] Ecology: Q4 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 West African Journal of Medicine [10065239] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 WESTERLY [10002167] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 WESTERN AMERICAN LITERATURE [10002168] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Western Birds [10080292] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Western Criminology Review [10078989] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 WESTERN FOLKLORE [10002169] Anthropology: Q3 Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 WESTERN HISTORICAL QUARTERLY [10002170] History: Q2 WESTERN HUMANITIES REVIEW [10002171] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 WESTERN JOURNAL OF APPLIED FORESTRY [10001396] Forestry: Q1 Plant Science: Q2 Western Journal of Black Studies [10077992] Cultural Studies: Q2 WESTERN JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION [39548] Communication: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 WESTERN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10036115] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 WESTERN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH [39549] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q2 WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [32090] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS [10001083] Political Science and International Relations: D1 WEST INDIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [4413] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 West Virginia Medical Journal [10077982] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 WETLANDS [4434] Ecology: Q2 Environmental Chemistry: Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q1 WETLANDS ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT [10005302] Aquatic Science: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q2 Whitehall Papers [10087962] Archeology: Q4 Safety Research: Q4 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 WHO DRUG INF. [10036247] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 WHO TECHNICAL REPORT SERIES [4435] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 WIADOMOSCI LEKARSKIE [10060903] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Wiadomosci Psychiatryczne [10047652] Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 WIENER KLINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT: MIDDLE EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE [4436] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 WIENER MEDIZINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT [10002333] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 WIENER MEDIZINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT SUPPLEMENT [10005531] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 WIENER STUDIEN ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR KLASSISCHE PHILOLOGIE UND PATRISTIK [10004890] Classics: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 WIENER TIERARZTLICHE MONATSSCHRIFT [4437] Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q3 WILDERNESS & ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE [15412] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Sports Science: Q3 WILDFOWL [10024167] Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 WILDLIFE BIOLOGY [37837] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 WILDLIFE BIOLOGY IN PRACTICE [10014961] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Ecology: Q3 WILDLIFE MONOGRAPHS [4438] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: D1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: D1 WILDLIFE RESEARCH [4439] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 WILDLIFE SOCIETY BULLETIN [4440] Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-CLIMATE CHANGE [10023065] Atmospheric Science: D1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Global and Planetary Change: Q1 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-COGNITIVE SCIENCE [10023199] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q1 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-COMPUTATIONAL MOLECULAR SCIENCE [10016013] Biochemistry: D1 Computational Mathematics: D1 Computer Science Applications: D1 Materials Chemistry: D1 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: D1 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS: COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS [10062491] Statistics and Probability: Q3 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY [10028481] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q1 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY [10033115] Cell Biology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT [10039153] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS: MEMBRANE TRANSPORT AND SIGNALING [10038090] Biophysics: Q3 Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience: Q4 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-NANOMEDICINE AND NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY [10009847] Bioengineering: Q1 Biomedical Engineering: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Q1 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-RNA [10028482] Biochemistry: D1 Molecular Biology: D1 WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-SYSTEMS BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE [10015879] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 WILLDENOWIA - ANNALS OF THE BOTANIC GARDEN AND BOTANICAL MUSEUM BERLIN-DAHLEM [10010744] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 Plant Science: Q3 WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY [10002173] Cultural Studies: Q1 History: Q1 WILSON JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY [10007316] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 WIND AND STRUCTURES [10001006] Building and Construction: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q2 WIND ENERGY [10003638] Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q1 Wind Engineering [10053471] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 WINE ECONOMICS AND POLICY [10037390] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q1 WINTERTHUR PORTFOLIO: A JOURNAL OF AMERICAN MATERIAL CULTURE [10002174] History: Q4 Museology: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 WIRE JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL [10077996] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Marketing: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING [10001397] Computer Networks and Communications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Information Systems: Q3 WIRELESS NETWORKS [32101] Computer Networks and Communications: Q2 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS [10001007] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 WIRTSCHAFTSDIENST [10083619] Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q3 WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK [4442] Information Systems: Q3 WISCONSIN LAW REVIEW [5885] Law: Q2 WISCONSIN MEDICAL JOURNAL [10058893] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs [10078990] Human Factors and Ergonomics: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Ocean Engineering: Q2 Safety Research: Q2 Transportation: Q3 WOCHENBLATT FUR PAPIERFABRIKATION [20873] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Media Technology: Q3 WOMANS ART JOURNAL [10002175] Gender Studies: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 WOMEN: A CULTURAL REVIEW [10080530] Cultural Studies: Q3 Gender Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 WOMEN AND BIRTH [10033116] Maternity and Midwifery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q2 WOMEN AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE [10027039] Gender Studies: Q3 Law: Q3 Women and Gender in China Studies [10080529] Cultural Studies: Q4 Gender Studies: Q4 Women and Gender: The Middle East and the Islamic World [10079884] Cultural Studies: Q3 Gender Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q3 WOMEN & HEALTH [5886] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory [10080528] Gender Studies: Q3 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 WOMENS HEALTH ISSUES [39552] Health (social science): D1 Maternity and Midwifery: D1 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 WOMEN'S HEALTH (LONDON) [10018842] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 WOMENS HISTORY REVIEW [10002176] Gender Studies: Q1 History: D1 WOMEN'S STUDIES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL [10025055] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Gender Studies: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Women's Studies in Communication [10080531] Communication: Q2 Gender Studies: Q2 WOMENS STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM [5888] Development: Q2 Education: Q2 Law: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Women's Writing [10078301] Gender Studies: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 WOMEN & THERAPY [39555] Gender Studies: Q3 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q4 WOOD AND FIBER SCIENCE [4443] Forestry: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 WOOD MATERIAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING [10031583] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 WOOD RESEARCH [10003640] Forestry: Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 WOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [4444] Forestry: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 Plant Science: Q1 Wool Textile Journal [10079642] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 WORD AND TEXT. A JOURNAL OF LITERARY STUDIES AND LINGUISTICS [10018995] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 WORD & IMAGE: A JOURNAL OF VERBAL/VISUAL ENQUIRY [10002177] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q1 Word of Mouth [10079426] Education: Q4 WORDSWORTH CIRCLE [10002178] Cultural Studies: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 WORK-A JOURNAL OF PREVENTION ASSESSMENT & REHABILITATION [10015279] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 Rehabilitation: Q3 WORK AND OCCUPATIONS [5890] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 WORK AND STRESS [5891] Applied Psychology: D1 WORK EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIETY [5889] Accounting: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 Working Paper - Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment [10078009] Aerospace Engineering: Q4 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 Global and Planetary Change: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Working Paper - Chr. Michelsen Institute [10036389] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Working Paper of the Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies [10078010] Development: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Working with Older People [10078496] Community and Home Care: Q4 Gerontology: Q4 WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY [10028483] Nursing (miscellaneous): Q3 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY [10023544] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 WORLD AFFAIRS [10005993] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 WORLD ALLERGY ORGANIZATION JOURNAL (WAO) [10022315] Immunology and Allergy: Q3 WORLD APPLIED SCIENCES JOURNAL [10023505] Multidisciplinary: Q2 WORLD ARCHAEOLOGY [5892] Archeology: D1 Archeology (arts and humanities): D1 Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW [5893] Accounting: Q1 Development: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Finance: Q1 WORLD BANK RESEARCH OBSERVER [39561] Development: Q1 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 WORLD CHINESE JOURNAL OF DIGESTOLOGY [10037059] Gastroenterology: Q4 WORLD CUSTOMS JOURNAL [10079886] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q4 Safety Research: Q4 WORLD DEVELOPMENT: THE MULTI-DISCIPLINARY INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE STUDY AND PROMOTION OF WORLD DEVELOPMENT [5894] Development: D1 Economics and Econometrics: Q1 Geography, Planning and Development: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 World Dredging, Mining and Constructions [10078016] Building and Construction: Q4 Ocean Engineering: Q4 Oceanography: Q4 Stratigraphy: Q4 WORLD ECONOMY [5895] Accounting: Q2 Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Finance: Q2 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 World Electric Vehicle Journal [10079887] Automotive Engineering: Q4 WORLD ENGLISHES [10010667] Anthropology: Q1 Language and Linguistics: Q1 Linguistics and Language: Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 WORLD FUTURES [2083681] Philosophy: Q3 World health & population [10079888] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 WORLD HEART JOURNAL [10036902] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 WORLD HOSPITAL HEALTH AND SERVICES - THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL FEDERATION [10013689] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 World Information on Earthquake Engineering [10072343] Geology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 WORLD JOURNAL FOR PEDIATRIC AND CONGENITAL HEART SURGERY [10069279] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Surgery: Q3 WORLD JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY [10003641] Biological Psychiatry: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q1 WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY SURGERY [10024494] Emergency Medicine: Q2 Surgery: Q2 World Journal of Endocrine Surgery [10080775] Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 Surgery: Q4 WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY [32109] Gastroenterology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 WORLD JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY [10020005] Hepatology: Q2 World Journal of Laparoscopic Surgery [10080776] Surgery: Q4 World Journal of Medical Sciences [10038786] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 WORLD JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGY [4446] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q2 Biotechnology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Physiology: Q3 WORLD JOURNAL OF MODELLING AND SIMULATION (WJMS) [10022863] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 WORLD JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS [10013252] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 WORLD JOURNAL OF ORTHOPEDICS [10032818] Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 WORLD JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS [10011925] Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q2 WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGERY [4447] Surgery: Q1 WORLD JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY [10015880] Oncology: Q3 Surgery: Q2 WORLD JOURNAL OF UROLOGY [4448] Urology: D1 WORLD LEISURE JOURNAL [10012464] Cultural Studies: Q1 Social Psychology: Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q3 WORLD LITERATURE STUDIES [42464] Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 WORLD LITERATURE TODAY [1134071] Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 WORLD MEDICAL & HEALTH POLICY [10065108] Health Policy: Q4 WORLD MYCOTOXIN JOURNAL [10012740] Food Science: Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 WORLD NEUROSURGERY [10023066] Neurology (clinical): Q2 Surgery: Q2 World of Metallurgy - ERZMETALL [10079261] Environmental Chemistry: Q4 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q3 Waste Management and Disposal: Q3 WORLD OF MINING - SURFACE AND UNDERGROUND [10078019] Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 WORLD OF MUSIC [10002180] Music: Q4 WORLD OIL [10002181] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q4 Fuel Technology: Q4 WORLD PATENT INFORMATION [10018356] Bioengineering: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Library and Information Sciences: Q2 Process Chemistry and Technology: Q2 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q3 WORLD POLICY JOURNAL [5896] Political Science and International Relations: Q3 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 WORLD POLITICAL SCIENCE [10083541] Political Science and International Relations: Q4 WORLD POLITICS [5897] Political Science and International Relations: D1 Sociology and Political Science: D1 WORLD PSYCHIATRY [10009500] Psychiatric Mental Health: D1 Psychiatry and Mental Health: D1 World Pumps [10078022] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE [10005032] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 WORLD REVIEW OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT [10019086] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment: Q4 World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research [10079644] Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 Transportation: Q3 WORLD REVIEW OF NUTRITION AND DIETETICS [15425] Food Science: Q3 Nutrition and Dietetics: Q3 WORLD REVIEW OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: WRSTSD [10021825] Multidisciplinary: Q4 World Sports Activewear [10078024] Business and International Management: Q4 Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous): Q4 Polymers and Plastics: Q4 WORLDS POULTRY SCIENCE JOURNAL [4449] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 WORLD TRADE REVIEW [10015277] Economics and Econometrics: Q2 Law: Q1 Political Science and International Relations: Q1 WORLD TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION [10056791] Education: Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology [10058713] Cultural Studies: Q4 Ecology: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING [10007317] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q1 World Watch [10078027] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Worldwatch Paper [10078030] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 WORLDWIDE HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM THEMES [10027747] Development: Q3 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q3 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management: Q4 WORLD WIDE WEB-INTERNET AND WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS [2148443] Computer Networks and Communications: Q1 Hardware and Architecture: Q1 Software: Q2 WormBook : the online review of C. elegans biology [10079427] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 WOUND REPAIR AND REGENERATION [37854] Dermatology: Q1 Surgery: Q1 WOUNDS-A COMPENDIUM OF CLINICAL RESEARCH AND PRACTICE [10467] Medical and Surgical Nursing: Q1 Surgery: Q3 Wounds UK [10037230] Dermatology: Q3 WRITING SYSTEMS RESEARCH [10051920] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION [5899] Communication: D1 Literature and Literary Theory: D1 WRITTEN LANGUAGE AND LITERACY [10021867] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED AND THEORETICAL MECHANICS [10022285] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q4 Mechanics of Materials: Q4 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE [10056857] Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC [10052829] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS [10029870] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS [10007789] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Science Applications: Q4 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS [10004912] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT [10032341] Energy (miscellaneous): Q3 Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON FLUID MECHANICS [10020928] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER [10021240] Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q4 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SCIENCE AND APPLICATION [10004913] Computer Science Applications: Q4 Information Systems: Q4 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICS [10014305] Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING [10029872] Computer Networks and Communications: Q4 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Q4 Signal Processing: Q4 Software: Q4 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS [10005282] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS AND CONTROL [10005330] Artificial Intelligence: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q3 WSPOLCZESNA ONKOLOGIA [10011926] Oncology: Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 WT Werkstattstechnik [10075240] Automotive Engineering: Q1 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University [10042793] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Earth-Surface Processes: Q4 WUHAN LIGONG DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY [10078498] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 WUHAN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF NATURAL SCIENCES [10029447] Multidisciplinary: Q3 WULFENIA [10011927] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Plant Science: Q4 Wurzburger medizinhistorische Mitteilungen / im Auftrage der Wurzburger medizinhistorischen Gesellschaft und in Verbindung mit dem Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Universitat Wurzburg [10078034] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu [10070420] Geology: Q4 XENOBIOTICA: THE FATE OF FOREIGN COMPOUNDS IN BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS [4451] Biochemistry: Q3 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 Pharmacology: Q2 Toxicology: Q2 XENOTRANSPLANTATION [10028194] Immunology: Q3 Transplantation: Q2 XIANDAI HUAGONG/MODERN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY [10037803] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q4 XI'AN DIANZI KEJI DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF XIDIAN UNIVERSITY [10043844] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 XIANGGANG SHEN KE YI XUE ZA ZHI / HONG KONG JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY [10037204] Nephrology: Q4 XI'AN JIANZHU KEJI DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF XI'AN UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND TECHNOLOGY [10056415] Architecture: Q2 Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q3 Building and Construction: Q3 Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition [10066535] Multidisciplinary: D1 XIBAO YU FENZI MIANYIXUE ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY [10036617] Immunology: Q4 Immunology and Allergy: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 XIBEI GONGYE DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNICAL UNIVERSITY [10039090] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Xinan Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University [10049829] Multidisciplinary: Q1 Xinan Shiyou Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Southwestern Petroleum Institute [10087968] Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q1 Geology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 XITONG FANGZHEN XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF SYSTEM SIMULATION [10046083] Aerospace Engineering: Q3 Computer Science Applications: Q3 Modeling and Simulation: Q4 XITONG GONGCHENG LILUN YU SHIJIAN/SYSTEM ENGINEERING THEORY AND PRACTICE [10039481] Computer Science Applications: Q3 Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Economic Geology: Q2 Modeling and Simulation: Q3 XI TONG GONG CHENG YU DIAN ZI JI SHU / SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AND ELECTRONICS [10042157] Control and Systems Engineering: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 XIYOU JINSHU / CHINESE JOURNAL OF RARE METALS [10060995] Metals and Alloys: Q2 XLINGUAE.EU: A TRIMESTRIAL EUROPEAN SCIENTIFIC LANGUAGE REVIEW [10033383] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Philosophy: Q2 X-Ray Optics and Instrumentation [10080532] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 Instrumentation: Q2 X-RAY SPECTROMETRY [4450] Spectroscopy: Q3 X-ray Structure Analysis Online [10065234] Analytical Chemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 XVIIE SIECLE / DIX-SEPTIEME SIECLE [10000364] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 YAKUGAKU ZASSHI-JOURNAL OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN [4452] Pharmaceutical Science: Q3 Pharmacology: Q3 Yakushigaku zasshi. The Journal of Japanese history of pharmacy [10078039] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 YALE FRENCH STUDIES [10002183] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 YALE JOURNAL OF HEALTH POLICY LAW AND ETHICS [10027044] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 YALE LAW JOURNAL [5900] Law: D1 YALE REVIEW [10080293] Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 YANTU LIXUE / ROCK AND SOIL MECHANICS [10045147] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q1 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q1 Soil Science: Q2 YC YOUNG CHILDREN [10069629] Education: Q3 YEARBOOK FOR TRADITIONAL MUSIC [10002185] Music: Q2 YEARBOOK OF COMPARATIVE AND GENERAL LITERATURE [42450] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Yearbook of Comparative Literature [10087969] Cultural Studies: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 YEARBOOK OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW [10027052] Law: Q3 Yearbook of medical informatics [10054538] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 YEARBOOK OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY [4454] Anthropology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory [10078041] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Philosophy: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 YEARS WORK IN ENGLISH STUDIES [41896] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 YEAST [4455] Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: Q1 Biochemistry: Q2 Bioengineering: Q1 Biotechnology: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q1 YEJIN FENXI-METALLURGICAL ANALYSIS [10031465] Materials Chemistry: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 YENI SYMPOSIUM [10039646] Biological Psychiatry: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 YERBILIMLERI : EARTH SCIENCES [10052806] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Geology: Q4 Paleontology: Q4 Stratigraphy: Q4 YICHUAN / HEREDITAS (BEIJING) [10037238] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 YIDDISH [10002186] Cultural Studies: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 YINGXIANG KEXUE YU GUANGHUAXUE/IMAGING SCIENCE AND PHOTOCHEMISTRY [10065169] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q4 Media Technology: Q2 Yingyong Jichu yu Gongcheng Kexue Xuebao/Journal of Basic Science and Engineering [10053013] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 YINGYONG KEXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES [10060668] Computer Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q4 Yingyong Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics [10057647] Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Yiyong Shengwu Lixue/Journal of Medical Biomechanics [10042224] Biomedical Engineering: Q4 YMER [10067836] Geography, Planning and Development: Q4 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q4 Yokohama Medical Journal [10044638] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 YONAGO ACTA MEDICA [10015882] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL [32121] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 YOUNG [10015275] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Health (social science): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 YOUNG CHILDREN [5902] Education: Q3 YOUNG CONSUMERS [10065731] Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous): Q3 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q4 YOUNG EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN [10078047] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q3 YOUTH AND SOCIETY [5903] Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q1 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 Youth Justice [10078742] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 Law: Q1 YOUTH STUDIES AUSTRALIA [10035278] Education: Q2 Life-span and Life-course Studies: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 Youth Theatre Journal [10080533] Education: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q2 YOUTH VIOLENCE AND JUVENILE JUSTICE [10015273] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q1 Health (social science): D1 Law: D1 YUANZINENG KEXUE JISHU / ATOMIC ENERGY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10037331] Nuclear Energy and Engineering: Q3 YUGOSLAV JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH [10013448] Management Science and Operations Research: Q2 Yuhang Xuebao/Journal of Astronautics [10052498] Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Space and Planetary Science: Q3 ZAIRYO [10029578] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q3 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Zairyo-to-Kankyo [10037496] Electrochemistry: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q3 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q3 ZAMM-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND MECHANIK [4456] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Computational Mechanics: Q2 ZASSHI TOKYO IKA DAIGAKU / JOURNAL OF TOKYO MEDICAL COLLEGE [10039385] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZBORNIK INSTITUTA ZA PEDAGOSKA ISTRAZIVANJA [10059624] Education: Q4 ZBORNIK PRAVNOG FAKULTETA U ZAGREBU [10023704] Law: Q4 ZBORNIK RADOVA EKONOMSKOG FAKULTETA U RIJECI-PROCEEDINGS OF RIJEKA FACULTY OF ECONOMICS [10012135] Business and International Management: Q3 Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Finance: Q3 ZBORNIK ZA UMETNOSTNO ZGODOVINO [10012581] History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ZDM - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON MATHEMATICS EDUCATION [10016432] Education: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ZDRAVNISKI VESTNIK - SLOVENIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL [10005792] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZDRAVSTVENO VARSTVO [10023201] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 ZEBRAFISH [10015884] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Developmental Biology: Q3 ZEITGESCHICHTE [5915] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT DER DEUTSCHEN GESELLSCHAFT FÜR GEOWISSENSCHAFTEN [10011929] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT DER DEUTSCHEN MORGENLANDISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT [10002187] Cultural Studies: Q3 History: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT DER SAVIGNY-STIFTUNG FÜR RECHTSGESCHICHTE. GERMANISTISCHE ABTEILUNG [10021855] History: Q4 Law: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT DER SAVIGNY-STIFTUNG FÜR RECHTSGESCHICHTE. KANONISTISCHE ABTEILUNG [2150896] History: Q3 Law: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT DER SAVIGNY-STIFTUNG FÜR RECHTSGESCHICHTE. ROMANISTISCHE ABTEILUNG [2073614] History: Q2 Law: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT DES DEUTSCHEN PALASTINA-VEREINS [10002188] Archeology: Q1 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q1 Cultural Studies: D1 History: D1 Religious Studies: D1 ZEITSCHRIFT DES DEUTSCHEN VEREINS FÜR KUNSTWISSENSCHAFT [10002189] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ANGLISTIK UND AMERIKANISTIK: A QUARTERLY OF LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND CULTURE [10002190] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ÄGYPTISCHE SPRACHE UND ALTERTUMSKUNDE [2006819] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 History: Q2 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK UND PHYSIK [4457] Applied Mathematics: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q1 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q1 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANORGANISCHE UND ALLGEMEINE CHEMIE [4458] Inorganic Chemistry: Q3 Zeitschrift fur Antikes Christentum [10078049] Classics: Q3 History: Q3 Religious Studies: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ARBEITSMARKTFORSCHUNG / JOURNAL FOR LABOUR MARKET RESEARCH [10011087] Economics and Econometrics: Q3 Industrial Relations: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ARBEITS-UND ORGANISATIONSPSYCHOLOGIE [39572] Applied Psychology: Q3 Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ARZNEI- & GEWURZPFLANZEN [10011928] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Food Science: Q3 Plant Science: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ASSYRIOLOGIE UND VORDERASIATISCHE ARCHAOLOGIE [10004723] Archeology: Q3 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR BIBLIOTHEKSWESEN UND BIBLIOGRAPHIE [5904] Library and Information Sciences: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR CELTISCHE PHILOLOGIE [10002192] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DEUTSCHE PHILOLOGIE [10002193] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIALEKTOLOGIE UND LINGUISTIK [10001084] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE GESAMTE VERSICHERUNGSWISSENSCHAFT [10017593] Accounting: Q4 Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Finance: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE NEUTESTAMENTLICHE WISSENSCHAFT UND DIE KUNDE DER ALTEREN KIRCHE [10002196] History: Q2 Religious Studies: Q1 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR EPILEPTOLOGIE [10047790] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ERZIEHUNGSWISSENSCHAFT [10009501] Education: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ETHNOLOGIE [10007417] Cultural Studies: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR EVANGELISCHE ETHIK [10002197] Religious Studies: Q1 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR EVIDENZ, FORTBILDUNG UND QUALITAET IM GESUNDHEITSWESEN [10031467] Education: Q3 Health Policy: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR FAMILIENFORSCHUNG [10015271] Social Psychology: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR FRANZOSISCHE SPRACHE UND LITERATUR [10002198] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 Zeitschrift fur Gefassmedizin [10036938] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERMANISTIK [10002199] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERMANISTISCHE LINGUISTIK [10002200] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GESCHICHTSWISSENSCHAFT [10002201] History: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GESUNDHEITSPSYCHOLOGIE [10015268] Applied Psychology: Q4 Health (social science): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 Social Psychology: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GESUNDHEITSWISSENSCHAFTEN / JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH-HEIDELBERG [10068810] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KATALANISTIK [10021865] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KATHOLISCHE THEOLOGIE [10019480] Religious Studies: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KINDER-UND JUGENDPSYCHIATRIE UND PSYCHOTHERAPIE [5908] Clinical Psychology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KLINISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE UND PSYCHOTHERAPIE: FORSCHUNG UND PRAXIS [39578] Clinical Psychology: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KRISTALLOGRAPHIE [4467] Condensed Matter Physics: Q2 Inorganic Chemistry: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KRISTALLOGRAPHIE-CRYSTALLINE MATERIALS [10042529] Condensed Matter Physics: Q1 Inorganic Chemistry: Q1 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q1 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KRISTALLOGRAPHIE-NEW CRYSTAL STRUCTURES [10001009] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Inorganic Chemistry: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR KUNSTGESCHICHTE [10002204] Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR MEDIZINISCHE PHYSIK [10011930] Biophysics: Q2 Radiological and Ultrasound Technology: Q1 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q1 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR METALLKUNDE / MATERIALS RESEARCH AND ADVANCED TECHNIQUES [1374749] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q2 Metals and Alloys: Q2 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES [4471] Mathematical Physics: Q3 Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous): Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION B-A JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES [4472] Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NEUERE THEOLOGIEGESCHICHTE / JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF MODERN THEOLOGY [10060619] History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NEUROPSYCHOLOGIE [10015883] Cognitive Neuroscience: Q4 Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology: Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PADAGOGIK [5910] Education: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PADAGOGISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE [39580] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PERSONALFORSCHUNG [10009502] Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHILOSOPHISCHE FORSCHUNG [10002205] Philosophy: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY & CHEMICAL PHYSICS [4480] Physical and Theoretical Chemistry: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PSYCHIATRIE PSYCHOLOGIE UND PSYCHOTHERAPIE [10007426] Clinical Psychology: Q2 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR RELIGIONSWISSENSCHAFT [10080983] Religious Studies: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR RHEUMATOLOGIE [4483] Rheumatology: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ROMANISCHE PHILOLOGIE [10002207] Language and Linguistics: Q2 Linguistics and Language: Q2 Literature and Literary Theory: Q1 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SEXUALFORSCHUNG [10012132] Psychology (miscellaneous): Q3 Reproductive Medicine: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SLAVISCHE PHILOLOGIE [10002209] Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SLAWISTIK [10002210] Cultural Studies: Q3 Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SOZIALPSYCHOLOGIE: ZFSP [5913] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q1 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 Social Psychology: Q2 Sociology and Political Science: Q1 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SOZIOLOGIE [5914] Sociology and Political Science: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SOZIOLOGIE DER ERZIEHUNG UND SOZIALISATION [10017829] Education: Q3 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SPORTPSYCHOLOGIE [10012133] Applied Psychology: Q4 Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation: Q3 Social Psychology: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT [10012134] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR VOLKSKUNDE [10002212] Anthropology: Q3 Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 Cultural Studies: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR WIRTSCHAFTLICHEN FABRIKBETRIEB [10017928] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Management Science and Operations Research: Q3 Strategy and Management: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR WIRTSCHAFTSGEOGRAPHIE [10012635] Economics and Econometrics: Q4 Geography, Planning and Development: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ZAHNARZTLICHE IMPLANTOLOGIE [10054569] Oral Surgery: Q4 Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin [10087970] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ANALYSIS UND IHRE ANWENDUNGEN [10001008] Analysis: Q2 Applied Mathematics: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR DEUTSCHES ALTERTUM UND DEUTSCHE LITERATUR [10002194] Language and Linguistics: Q3 Linguistics and Language: Q3 Literature and Literary Theory: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR DIE ALTTESTAMENTLICHE WISSENSCHAFT [10002195] History: Q1 Religious Studies: D1 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ENTWICKLUNGSPSYCHOLOGIE UND PADAGOGISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE [5905] Developmental and Educational Psychology: Q3 Education: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FŰR EVALUATION [10007418] Applied Psychology: Q4 Communication: Q4 Education: Q4 Social Sciences (miscellaneous): Q4 Statistics and Probability: Q4 Strategy and Management: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR FELDHERPETOLOGIE [40302] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR GASTROENTEROLOGIE [4461] Gastroenterology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR GEBURTSHILFE UND NEONATOLOGIE [10479] Maternity and Midwifery: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Obstetrics and Gynecology: Q3 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR GEOMORPHOLOGIE [10035084] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q2 Geography, Planning and Development: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE [10482] Geriatrics and Gerontology: Q3 Gerontology: Q2 Health (social science): Q3 Issues, Ethics and Legal Aspects: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR HAUTKRANKHEITEN [1277207] Dermatology: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR HERZ- THORAX- UND GEFASSCHIRURGIE [10033432] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 Surgery: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR HISTORISCHE FORSCHUNG [10002202] History: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR JAGDWISSENSCHAFT [4465] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law: Q1 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR KARDIOLOGIE [4466] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR KIRCHENGESCHICHTE [10002203] Religious Studies: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR LEBENSMITTEL-UNTERSUCHUNG UND-FORSCHUNG [4468] Biochemistry: Q3 Biotechnology: Q2 Chemistry (miscellaneous): Q1 Food Science: Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q1 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR MEDIZINISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE [10057393] Clinical Psychology: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR NATURFORSCHUNG C-A JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES [4473] Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous): Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ORTHOPADIE UND IHRE GRENZGEBIETE [4474] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR ORTHOPÄDIE UND UNFALLCHIRURGIE [10009719] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Orthopedics and Sports Medicine: Q3 Surgery: Q3 Zeitschrift für Padagogik (Beiheft) [10078991] Education: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PHYTOTHERAPIE [10025677] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PSYCHOLOGIE [10035917] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q2 Psychology (miscellaneous): Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PSYCHOSOMATISCHE MEDIZIN UND PSYCHOTHERAPIE [4482] Applied Psychology: Q3 Clinical Psychology: Q3 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q3 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR RELIGIONS- UND GEISTESGESCHICHTE [10002206] History: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR SAUGETIERKUNDE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MAMMALIAN BIOLOGY [4484] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FŰR SEMIOTIK [10002208] Cultural Studies: Q4 Language and Linguistics: Q4 Linguistics and Language: Q4 Literature and Literary Theory: Q4 Philosophy: Q4 ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR THEOLOGIE UND KIRCHE [10002211] Religious Studies: Q2 ZEITSCHRIFT FŰR VERGLEICHENDE POLITIKWISSENSCHAFT [10037614] Sociology and Political Science: Q3 Zeitschrift für Wundheilung [10079429] Dermatology: Q4 Nursing (miscellaneous): Q4 Surgery: Q4 Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik [10079430] Polymers and Plastics: Q3 ZEMDIRBYSTE [10015885] Agronomy and Crop Science: Q3 Zentralblatt fur Arbeitsmedizin Arbeitsschutz und Ergonomie [10057152] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ZENTRALBLATT FUR CHIRURGIE [4487] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Surgery: Q4 ZENTRALBLATT FÜR BAKTERIOLOGIE-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY, VIROLOGY, PARASITOLOGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES [1304810] Infectious Diseases: Q1 Medicine (miscellaneous): D1 Microbiology: Q1 Microbiology (medical): Q1 Zentralblatt für Chirurgie, Supplement [10087972] Surgery: Q3 ZENTRALBLATT FÜR DIDAKTIK DER MATHEMATIK [10013414] Education: Q2 Mathematics (miscellaneous): Q2 ZENTRALBLATT FÜR HYGIENE UND UMWELTMEDIZIN [4488] Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 ZENTRALBLATT FÜR NEUROCHIRURGIE [20923] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Neurology (clinical): Q3 Surgery: Q3 Zentralsterilisation - Central Service [10078502] Medical Laboratory Technology: Q3 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Zephyrus [10080777] Archeology: Q2 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q2 History: Q1 ZEVENTIENDE EEUW [10078992] Cultural Studies: Q4 History: Q4 ZEVRAIL: ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR DAS GESAMTE SYSTEM BAHN [10071316] Mechanical Engineering: Q4 ZFV : ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GEODASIE GEOINFORMATION UND LANDMANAGEMENT [10063928] Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous): Q3 ZGODOVINSKI CASOPIS [10023628] History: Q4 ZHEJIANG DAXUE XUEBAO (GONGXUE BAN)/JOURNAL OF ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY (ENGINEERING SCIENCE) [10037798] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Zhendong Ceshi Yu Zhenduan/Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis [10038651] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 Instrumentation: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 Zhendong Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Vibration Engineering [10058647] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 Aerospace Engineering: Q2 Civil and Structural Engineering: Q3 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q3 ZHENGDONG YU CHONGJI/JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND SHOCK [10036186] Acoustics and Ultrasonics: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Mechanics of Materials: Q2 ZHENKONG KEXUE YU JISHU XUEBAO/VACUUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY [10060477] Condensed Matter Physics: Q4 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 Surfaces, Coatings and Films: Q4 ZHONGGUO DANGDAI ERKE ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY PEDIATRICS [10037325] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health: Q4 ZHONGGUO DIANJI GONGCHENG XUEBAO / PROCEEDINGS OF THE CHINESE SOCIETY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING [10037834] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q1 ZHONGGUO DIZHI / GEOLOGY IN CHINA [10024088] Geology: Q3 ZHONGGUO FUSHI YU FANGHU XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE SOCIETY OF CORROSION AND PROTECTION [10023724] Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport [10054743] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 Transportation: Q3 ZHONGGUO GUANGXUE / CHINESE OPTICS [10048575] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q2 ZHONGGUO HUANJING KEXUE/CHINA ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE [10044640] Environmental Science (miscellaneous): Q4 ZHONGGUO JIGUANG/CHINESE JOURNAL OF LASERS [10037163] Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3 Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q2 Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials: Q3 Zhongguo ji hua mian yi = Chinese journal of vaccines and immunization [10080294] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng / China Mechanical Engineering [10040153] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ZHONGGUO KUANGYE DAXUE XUEBAO/JOURNAL OF CHINA UNIVERSITY OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY [10046917] Civil and Structural Engineering: Q2 Geology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ZHONGGUO NAN KE XUE ZA ZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY [10039993] Anatomy: Q4 Physiology (medical): Q4 Urology: Q4 ZHONGGUO NAO XUE GUAN BING ZA ZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE [10038057] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 ZHONGGUO SHIYAN XUEYEXUE ZAZHI / JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL HEMATOLOGY [10034742] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Zhongguo Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban) [10063139] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q2 Fuel Technology: Q2 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology: Q2 Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ZHONGGUO TIEDAO KEXUE/CHINA RAILWAY SCIENCE [10056333] Mechanical Engineering: Q2 ZHONGGUO WEIZHONGBING JIJIU YIXUE / CHINESE CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE [10042070] Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine: Q3 ZHONGGUO XIANDAI SHENJING JIBING ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY [10036790] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 ZHONGGUO XINYAO ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF NEW DRUGS [10025852] Pharmacology (medical): Q4 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q4 Zhongguo Xitu Xuebao/Journal of the Chinese Rare Earth Society [10046496] Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q2 ZHONGGUO XUN ZHENG YI XUE ZA ZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE [10038046] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZHONGGUO YAOKE DAXUE XUEBAO / JOURNAL OF CHINA PHARMACEUTICAL UNIVERSITY [10036432] Pharmaceutical Science: Q4 Pharmacology: Q4 Zhongguo yi liao qi xie za zhi = Chinese journal of medical instrumentation [10078058] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZHONGGUO YIXUE YINGXIANG JISHU / CHINESE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY [10035634] Physiology (medical): Q4 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 ZHONGGUO YOUSE JINSHU XUEBAO / CHINESE JOURNAL OF NONFERROUS METALS [10036724] Condensed Matter Physics: Q3 Materials Chemistry: Q3 Metals and Alloys: Q2 ZHONGGUO ZAOZHI /CHINA PULP AND PAPER [10067634] Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Media Technology: Q2 Zhongguo Zaozhi Xuebao/Transactions of China Pulp and Paper [10037792] Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 Media Technology: Q2 ZHONGGUO ZHONGLIU LINCHUANG / CHINESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY [10060379] Cancer Research: Q4 Oncology: Q4 ZHONGGUO ZHONGYAO ZAZHI - CHINA JOURNAL OF CHINESE MATERIA MEDICA [10007729] Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Q3 Pharmacology (medical): Q3 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous): Q3 ZHONGHUA BINGLIXUE ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY [10025266] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 ZHONGHUA FANGSHEXUE ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY [10035637] Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging: Q4 ZHONGHUA FUCHANKE ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY [10068024] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZHONGHUA GANZANGBING ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY [10038607] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZHONGHUA JIEHE HE HUXI ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF TUBERCULOSIS AND RESPIRATIORY DISEASES [10045843] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine: Q4 ZHONGHUA JIZHEN YIXUE ZAZHI/CHINESE JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE [10037442] Emergency Medicine: Q4 Emergency Nursing: Q4 ZHONGHUA NANKEXUE / NATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY [10037010] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZHONGHUA NEIKE ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE [10036630] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZHONGHUA SHEN JING KE ZA ZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY [10041719] Neurology: Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 ZHONGHUA SHIYAN YANKE ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL OPHTALMOLOGY [10038385] Ophthalmology: Q4 Zhonghua wei chang wai ke za zhi = Chinese journal of gastrointestinal surgery [10079431] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 ZHONGHUA XUEYEXUE ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF HEMATOLGY [10036631] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZHONGHUA YAN KE ZA ZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY [10047681] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Ophthalmology: Q4 Zhonghua yi shi za zhi (Beijing, China : 1980) [10078059] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZHONGHUA YIXUE YICHUANXUE ZAZHI / CHINESE JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS [10036545] Genetics (clinical): Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3 Zhonghua zheng xing wai ke za zhi = Zhonghua zhengxing waike zazhi = Chinese journal of plastic surgery [10078504] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Zhongshan Daxue Xuebao/Acta Scientiarum Natralium Universitatis Sunyatseni [10037933] Multidisciplinary: Q4 ZHURNAL EVOLYUTSIONNOI BIOKHIMII I FIZIOLOGII [10078063] Biochemistry: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Physiology: Q4 ZHURNAL MIKROBIOLOGII EPIDEMIOLOGII I IMMUNOBIOLOGII [10039226] Immunology: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Microbiology (medical): Q4 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q4 ZHURNAL NEVROLOGII I PSIKHIATRII IMENI S S KORSAKOVA [10011931] Neurology (clinical): Q4 Psychiatry and Mental Health: Q4 ZHURNAL OBSHCHEI BIOLOGII [4497] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 ZHURNAL VOPROSY NEIROKHIRURGII IMENI N. N. BURDENKO [10005582] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Neurology (clinical): Q4 ZHURNAL VYSSHEI NERVNOI DEYATELNOSTI IMENI I P PAVLOVA [4501] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q4 Neuroscience (miscellaneous): Q4 Zhuzao/Foundry [10066644] Instrumentation: Q4 Materials Chemistry: Q4 Metals and Alloys: Q4 ZIDONGHUA XUEBAO / ACTA AUTOMATICA SINICA [10036999] Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design: Q2 Control and Systems Engineering: Q2 Information Systems: Q2 Software: Q3 Zitteliana Reihe A: Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Palaontologie und Geologie [10079130] Geology: Q3 Paleontology: Q3 ZIVOT UMJETNOSTI [10025489] Museology: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q4 ZI, Ziegelindustrie International/Brick and Tile Industry International [10059318] Building and Construction: Q4 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q4 ZKG INTERNATIONAL [15476] Building and Construction: Q3 Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous): Q3 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Materials Science (miscellaneous): Q3 ZOGRAF [10063350] Archeology: Q4 Archeology (arts and humanities): Q4 History: Q4 Visual Arts and Performing Arts: Q3 ZOO BIOLOGY [4503] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Medicine (miscellaneous): Q2 ZOOKEYS [10012891] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ZOOLOGIA (CURITIBA): AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR ZOOLOGY [10011932] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY [4505] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE [4507] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 ZOOLOGICAL STUDIES [4509] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 ZOOLOGICA SCRIPTA [4508] Animal Science and Zoology: D1 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q1 Genetics: Q2 Molecular Biology: Q2 ZOOLOGICHESKY ZHURNAL [4510] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q4 Zoologische Mededelingen [10080984] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 ZOOLOGISCHER ANZEIGER [4504] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 ZOOLOGY-ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS [10528] Animal Science and Zoology: Q1 ZOOLOGY AND ECOLOGY [10023890] Animal Science and Zoology: Q4 Ecology: Q3 ZOOLOGY IN THE MIDDLE EAST [10005122] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 ZOOMORPHOLOGY [4511] Animal Science and Zoology: Q2 Developmental Biology: Q4 ZOONOSES AND PUBLIC HEALTH [10007318] Epidemiology: Q3 Immunology and Microbiology (miscellaneous): Q2 Infectious Diseases: Q2 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health: Q1 Veterinary (miscellaneous): Q1 ZOOSYSTEMA [10003658] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ZOOSYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION [10008947] Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ZOOTAXA [10004871] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics: Q3 ZOOTECNICA TROPICAL [10066499] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Aquatic Science: Q4 ZPRAVY LESNICKEHO VYZKUMU [10051733] Forestry: Q3 Nature and Landscape Conservation: Q3 ZUCHTUNGSKUNDE [4512] Animal Science and Zoology: Q3 Food Animals: Q3 Zutot [10078747] Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous): Q4 Cultural Studies: Q4 Religious Studies: Q4 ZYGON: JOURNAL OF RELIGION AND SCIENCE [39587] Cultural Studies: Q1 Education: Q3 Religious Studies: D1 ZYGOTE [20946] Cell Biology: Q4 Developmental Biology: Q4 ZYWNOSC TECHNOLOGIA JAKOSC [2106067] Food Science: Q4 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering: Q2 Z ZAGADNIEN NAUK SADOWYCH [10049472] Pathology and Forensic Medicine: Q4 Технічна електродинаміка [10056869] Electrical and Electronic Engineering: Q3 Energy Engineering and Power Technology: Q3 针刺研究 [10074906] Medicine (miscellaneous): Q3